TY - JOUR A1 - Zheng, Li T1 - The Human Struggle between Darkness and Light: A Study of Virtue Ethics in John John Steinbeck's >The Winter of Our Discontent< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Steinbeck Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2017), pp. 164-176. [Online ISSN 1754-6087] [doi.org/10.5325/steinbeckreview.14.2.0164 N2 - [Chinese abstract not available] With the American psychologist Erich Fromm's humanistic ethics as a point of reference, this article analyzes >The Winter of Our Discontent< (1961), John Steinbeck's final work of fiction. This novel focuses on protagonist Ethan Allen Hawley as he succumbs to the influence of corrupt social values and thereby fails to actualize his primary potentiality for goodness. At the novel's end, however, as he is on the verge of suicide, he thinks about the innocence of his daughter, Ellen, and experiences an epiphany of light that leads to a realization of love for self and others. Overcoming his sense of alienation from the good, he embarks on a course of active freedom that will enable him to go on with his life. Steinbeck's exquisite depiction of Ethan's moral development reflects his own ethical concerns about the well-being of his beloved America. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2023] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Yingyin T1 - Respect Others, Start from Yourself [尊重别人,从自己做起] JF - Middle School Student's Corner (Version B) [中学生天地(B版)], No. 6 (2017), pp. 30-31. N2 - 姚远同学:你好!你在来信中探讨了>尊重<这个严肃而又重要的话题。你的问题提得好,提得 尖锐。我觉得你是一个会思考的学生,同时,也为你的正直感动。心理学大师弗洛姆曾经这样说:>尊重生命、尊重他人、也尊重自己,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心理健康的条件。<可以说,人因尊 ... N2 - Yao Yuan: Hello! In your letter, you have discussed the serious and important topic of >respect<. Your question is good and You have raised good and sharp questions. I think you are a thinking student, and I am also touched by your integrity. The psychologist Fromm once said, >Respect for life, for others, and for oneself is a concomitant of the process of life and a condition of mental health.< It can be said that people are respected by ... [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 4/2023] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wójtowicz, Agniezska T1 - O samotności i miłości w >Pożądaniu w cieniu wiązów< Eugene'a O'Nilla [On Loneliness and Love in >Desire Under the Elms< by Eugene O'Neill] [Sur la solitude et l’amour dans >Desir sous les ormes< d’Eugene O’Neill], in: S. Caputa and A. Woźniakowska (Eds.): Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej. Vol. 7, Miłoś, Katowice (Publishing House of the University of Silesia) Poland 2017, pp. 45-55, Polish. [ISBN: 9788322631478] N2 - The authoress of this article has attempted to read the play by an American playwright Eugene O’Neill in the light of the concept of love as proposed by Erich Fromm in 1956. This German philosopher argued that the only way to escape loneliness, a feeling to which everybody is doomed, is to unite oneself with another person in love. In a popular publication, titled >The Art of Loving<, Fromm describes various forms of love. >Desire Under the Elms< – a play written more than three decades before Fromm’s publication – seems to illustrate these philosophical considerations. Such a view on O’Neill’s work allows to notice its human dimension, and perceive its protagonists as an embodiment of the universal human condition. N2 - L’auteure du present article a essaye d’interpreter une piece du dramaturge americain Eugene O’Neill a travers le prisme de la notion d’amour, selon la conception proposee par Erich Fromm en 1956. Ce philosophe allemand trouvait que l’union avec autrui dans l’amour est le seul moyen de s’evader de la solitude, a laquelle est condamne chaque homme. Dans la publication populaire intitulee L’art d’aimer, Fromm decrit differentes formes d’amour. Desir sous les ormes, piece redigee plus de trois decennies avant le livre de Fromm, semble etre l’illustration de ces reflexions philosophiques. Un tel regard sur la piece d’O’Neill permet de voir sa dimension humaine et, dans ses heros, l’incarnation de la condition universelle de l’homme. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wong, Muk-Yan T1 - The Ideal Love: Platonic or Frommian? JF - Dialogue and Universalism, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2017), pp. 137-146. [Online ISSN 1689-3816] [doi.org/10.5840/du201727470] N2 - In this paper, I compare two theories of ideal love, the Platonic and Frommian, and argue that they give opposite advices to lovers in practice. While Plato emphasizes >whom to love< and urges one to continuously look for a better beloved, Erich Fromm emphasizes >how to love< and urges one to grow and change with one’s imperfect lover. Using the movie >Her< as an example, I explain why an ideal love is extremely difficult to attain under the guidance of the Platonic and Frommian ideals. In an imperfect love, to leave or to stay seems to be a question with no simple answer. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Włodarczyk, Rafał T1 - Review Rafał Wlodarczyk: Ideologia, teoria, edukacja. Myśl Ericha Fromma jako inspiracja dla pedagogiki współczesnej, Kraków (Publishing House >Impuls<), Poland 2016. (Studium z filozofii Ericha Fromma, krytyki społecznej i teorii edukacji) Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vela Bueno, José Carlos T1 - >Reflexiones en torno a Tánatos a través de Las Hurdes, tierra sin pan de Luis Buñuel< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Cultura de la República. Revista de análisis crítico, No. 1 (2017): pp. 95-109. [Online ISSN 2530-8238] [doi.org/10.15366/crrac2017.1.008] N2 - En este artículo se trabaja con la pulsión de muerte, tan importante en el arte moderno, a través de Las Hurdes, tierra sin pan de Luis Buñuel. Se registran las formas más significativas en que dicha pulsión aparece en el mencionado documental y se tematizan en torno a la dualidad entre biofilia y necrofilia (entendida en sentido general, no sólo sexual) de Erich Fromm. Finalmente paso a una deconstrucción de dicha dualidad, o sea, a mostrar sus limitaciones como polaridad jerárquica. N2 - This article explores the death drive, a relevant concept in modern art, in Las Hurdes, tierra sin pan, by Luis Buñuel.The most significant forms in which this impulse appears in the mentioned documentary are analyzed and set around the duality between biophilia and necrophilia (understood in a general sense, not only sexual) from Erich Fromm. Finally, I will proceed to a deconstruction of that duality, what means, showing its limitations as a hierarchical polarity. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tetep, T1 - Menggali Nilai-Nilai Karakter Sosial dalam Meneguhkan Kembali Jati Diri Ke-Bhineka-an Bangsa Indonesia [Exploring Social Character Values in Reaffirming the Diversity of the Indonesian Nation] JF - Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Kewarganegaraan III, 11 November 2017, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2017, pp. 372-379. [Online ISSN 2599-008X] [eprints.uad.ac.id/9928/1/372-379%20Tetep.pdf} N2 - Tantangan terbesar Bangsa Indonesia ke depan adalah mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI ini ditengah-tengah bermunculannya gejolak disintegrasi bangsa. Perlu ditegaskan kembali bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang majemuk dan kemajemukan bangsa ini telah melahirkan kebesaran dan kekokohan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang lahir berdasarkan kesepakatan para founding father negeri ini yang kemudian diwariskan kepada kita. Nilai-nilai kebhinekaan yang tertuang dalam lambang dan dasar negara kita telah banyak mengajarkan bahwa Indonesia bangsa yang majemuk sehingga perlu dijaga nilai-nilai kemajemukan melalui ikatan sosial kebangsaan atau kesalehan sosial. Upaya meneguhkan kembali jati diri ke-Bhineka-an Indonesia di tengahtengah gejolak disintegrasi bangsa saat ini bisa digali berbagai dimensi salah satunya membangun ikatan sosial melalui perwujudan karakter sosial dengan menularkan doktrin karakter sosial antara lain: >love (kasih saying), justice (keadilan), equality (kesamaan), and sacrifice (sikap rela berkorban)<. Bahwa konsepsi karakter sosial sejalan dengan nilai-nilai Falsafah Pancasila mengisyaratkan upaya memperkuat jati diri kemanusiawian. Menebarkan doktrin kasih sayang, sikap adil, persamaan dan sikap rela berkorban dapat menjaga nilai-nilai >human relationship<. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut bahwa nilai-nilai karakter sosial dapat digali dan dimplementasikan melalui pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi untuk meneguhkan kembali jati diri ke-Bhineka-an bagi bangsa Indonesia khususnya generasi muda mahasiswa agar memiliki kemampuan untuk hidup bersama dalam lingkungan sebayanya, orang tua dan lingkungan masyarakatnya secara luas. N2 - The biggest challenge for the Indonesian nation in the future is to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia amidst the emerging turmoil of national disintegration. It needs to be reiterated that Indonesia is a pluralistic nation and the plurality of this nation has given birth to the greatness and strength of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which was born based on the agreement of the founding fathers of this country which was then passed on to us. The values of diversity contained in the symbol and foundation of our country have taught us a lot that Indonesia is a pluralistic nation, so it is necessary to maintain pluralistic values through national social ties or social piety. Efforts to reaffirm Indonesia's diversity of identity in the midst of the current turmoil of national disintegration can be explored in various dimensions, one of which is building social bonds through the embodiment of social character by transmitting social character doctrines, including: >love (love), justice (justice), equality (sameness), and sacrifice (an attitude of being willing to sacrifice)<. That the conception of social character is in line with the values of the Pancasila philosophy indicates an effort to strengthen human identity. Spreading the doctrine of compassion, fairness, equality and a willingness to sacrifice can maintain the values of >human relationships<. Based on this idea, social character values can be explored and implemented through learning in higher education to reaffirm the identity of diversity for the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation of students, so that they have the ability to live together in an environment of their peers, parents and community environment extensively. [English translation: www.google translator, 1/24] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smith, R. C. T1 - The Individual in Capitalistic Society JF - Society and Social Pathology. Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2017, pp. 169-248. [Online ISBN 978-3-319-50325-7] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50325-7_4] N2 - This chapter explores a fundamental alternative philosophy of the subject. Drawing inspiration from Adorno’s critical theory and from Fromm’s social psychology, Smith offers a contemporary, cross-disciplinary study of the subject, including the individual’s relation with society and social development. What emerges is a deeply insightful approach to understanding social interaction, developmental psychology and the problem of ego colonization. Enriching arguments laid out in early chapters, Smith employs a methodologically innovative conception of the development of the subject: from its (de)formation and early childhood development to more practical issues such as compassion fatigue, deficits of reason and empathy. Smith shows how negative social conditions foster emotionally overwhelmed individuals – a deeply repressed, closed, traumatized subject. This chapter also covers other important practical issues, such as the problem of economic coercion, pathological reproduction, cycles of domination and violence, and the everyday effects of >needless suffering< on the psyche. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sanders, Colin James T1 - Alan Watts and the re-visioning of psychotherapy JF - Self & Society, Vol. 45, No. 3-4 (2017), pp. 244-255. [Online ISSN 2374-5355] [doi.org/10.1080/03060497.2017.1356087] N2 - Alan Watts’ seminal text >Psychotherapy East and WestTo My Mother< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Lantern – Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature (Diponegoro University), Vol. 6, No. 3 (2017). N2 - Project analisis >Motherly Love in Edgar Allan Poe's 'To My Mother'< mengkaji unsur intrinsik dan konsep motherly love dalam puisi >To My Mother< karya Edgar Allan Poe. Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka sebagai metode pengumpulan data dan informasi tentang objek penelitian melalui buku dan internet. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra dengan teori cinta karya Erich Fromm untuk mengetahui cinta yang diberikan ibu kepada anak. Dari hasil analisis, penulis menemukan konsep cinta yang diberikan seorang ibu kepada anaknya,dalam puisi tersebut tidak semua anak mendapat kasih sayang seorang ibu dari ibu kandungnya, namun ada orang lain yang mampu menggantikan peran ibu dan memberikan kasih sayang kepada seorang anak meskipun anak itu bukan merupakan anak kandungnya. Konsep cinta yang penulis temukan tersebut sesuai dengan konsep motherly love, teori cinta Erich Fromm. N2 - The analysis project >Motherly Love in Edgar Allan Poe's 'To My Mother'< examines the intrinsic elements and the concept of motherly love in the poem >To My Mother< by Edgar Allan Poe. The author uses literature study as a method of collecting data and information about research objects through books and the internet. The author uses a literary psychology approach with Erich Fromm's theory of love to find out the love that a mother gives to her child. From the results of the analysis, the author found the concept of love given by a mother to her child, in this poem not all children get the love of a mother from their biological mother, but there are other people who are able to replace the mother's role and give love to a child even though the child is not is his biological child. The concept of love that the writer finds is in accordance with the concept of motherly love, Erich Fromm's theory of love. [Google translator, 1/2023] Y1 - 2017 ER -