TY - JOUR A1 - Zuo, Yurong T1 - Fromm's Personality Theory and Contemporary Ethical Education [弗罗姆性格理论与当代伦理教育] JF - Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院], No. 5 (2010), pp. 20-23. N2 - 埃里希.弗罗姆性格理论是其对弗洛伊德性格理论与马克思历史唯物主义思想综合发展的结果。尤其是他通过建构一种社会性格理论,并将其作为社会批判、诊断社会缺陷的思想武器,从而能够为人类提供一种社会改造方案,是弗罗姆独特的贡献与最终目标。虽然弗罗姆性格理论的基石——人性论内含着不可调和的矛盾,导致其性格理论同样不能脱离唯心主义的篱藩,但其性格理论对于当代的伦理教育仍然有着重要的价值。 N2 - Erich Fromm’s personality theory is the one of Freud’s personality theory of historical materialism and Marxist thinking on development results. In particular, his character through the construction of a social theory and social criticism, the diagnosis of the ideological weapon of social deficiencies, which can provide humanity with a kind of social transformation program, is a unique contribution to Fromm and the ultimate goal. Although the cornerstone of Fromm’s personality theory – the theory of human nature within the irreconcilable contradictions, resulting in the character theory of the same idealism, cannot be divorced from the Lei-fan idealism, but the character of the ethical theory for contemporary education remains an important value. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2010 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zuo, Danhua T1 - To Have or to Be – Fromm’s Critical Society Theory [占有还是存在 – 弗洛姆社会批判理论研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2012. N2 - >占有还是存在<这是一个现代生活中的重要问题,也是弗洛姆社会批判理论和实践中一条隐含的线索。本文首先对重占有和重存在两种生存方式进行了剖析,从中挖掘出了弗洛姆这一生存理论的前提,即人道主义原则、异化理论和社会性格理论。在此基础之上指出他这一理论的主旨:社会批判基础之上的社会拯救——构建>新人<和>新社会<。弗洛姆整个生存方式理论是以他对人性的分析作为基础的,人性中所固有的矛盾性是出现两种生存方式对立的根本原因,而人性中的主动和创造性本质又是消除这种对立,使得人类最终扬弃>重占有<的生存方式,建立>重存在<的生存方式的可能性所在。整篇文章的主要目的是对弗洛姆生存方式理论做一个较为全面的整理工作,同时站在马克思主义的哲学立场上对他的这种理论进行了分析。他这一生存方式理论主要涉及了三个方面:第一,对人的本性、人的生存状况作出的分析说明;第二,对社会状况、特别是社会病态进行了批判剖析;第三,为医治社会、拯救人类提供方案。这三方面也是他整个社会哲学所主要进行的工作。尽管弗洛姆的理论有偏颇之处,但是他为综合马克思的历史唯物主义和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所做的努力是不容忽视的,正是他的这种努力为我们打开了一个应用马克思主义哲学分析当下社会问题的新视角。 N2 - >To have or to be?< is an important question in modern life, as well as an implicit clue in Fromm's social-critical theory and practice. This paper first analyzes the two modes of existence, namely, possession and existence, and finds out the premises of Fromm's theory of existence, namely, the humanitarian principle, the theory of alienation and the theory of social character. On this basis, he points out the main theme of his theory: social salvation on the basis of social criticism - the construction of a >new man< and a >new society<. The contradiction inherent in human nature is the fundamental reason for the emergence of two opposing ways of living, while the active and creative nature of human nature is the key to eliminate this opposition and make human beings finally abandon the >possession-oriented< way of living and establish a >new society<. The possibility of a >re-existential< way of being. The main purpose of the whole article is to make a comprehensive arrangement of Fromm's theory of ways of life, and at the same time analyze his theory from a Marxist philosophical standpoint. This way of life theory mainly involves three aspects: firstly, the analysis and explanation of human nature and human existence; secondly, the critical analysis of social conditions, especially social pathologies; thirdly, providing solutions for healing society and saving mankind. These three aspects are also the main work of his entire social philosophy. Despite the bias of Fromm's theory, his efforts to synthesize Marx's historical materialism and Freud's psychoanalysis should not be overlooked, and it is his efforts that have opened up a new perspective on the application of Marxist philosophy to the analysis of current social problems. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zou, Zhikun A1 - Zhang, Yang T1 - Fromm’s Consumption Alienation Theory and Its Implications [弗洛姆的异化消费思想及启示] JF - Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Sciences) [内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2016), pp. 17-20. N2 - 弗洛姆认为,异化消费是20世纪西方资本主义社会的典型症状,现代资本主义社会是一个消费异化的社会。消费由手段变成了目的,人被消费所统治,失去了主动性和创造性。人们在异化消费中失去本真。弗洛姆对消费社会进行了批判性反思,对于我们当代人的存在以及社会的和谐发展无疑具有深刻的现实意义。 N2 - According to Fromm, alienated consumption is a typical symptom of Western capitalist society in the 20th century, and modern capitalist society is a society of alienated consumption. Consumption has changed from a means to an end, and people are ruled by consumption and have lost their initiative and creativity. People lose their true nature in the alienation of consumption. Fromm's critical reflection on consumer society is undoubtedly of profound relevance to our contemporary existence and to the harmonious development of society. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zou, Juan T1 - A Humanistic Exploration of Urban Violence in Margaret Drabble’s the Radiant Way and A Natural Curiosity 玛格丽特•德拉布尔《金光大道》和《天生好奇》中都市暴力的人文主义推求], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 玛格丽特•德拉布尔(1939-)是二战后英国文坛颇负盛誉的女作家之一。她的三部曲《金光大道》、《天生好奇》和《象牙门》自1989年发表以来,备受评论界关注。以暴力为代表的都市哥特元素成为这三部作品的一个核心特点。尽管近年来国内外研究德拉布尔的学者日渐增多,却鲜少有评论家对《金光大道》和《天生好奇》这两部作品中的都市暴力问题展开系统性研究。本论文选取埃里希•弗洛姆在《逃避自由》和《爱的艺术》中所阐释的人文主义哲学为支撑,试析德拉布尔两部作品中以都市暴力为核心的哥特元素,旨在为探弋作品中所蕴藉的人性深度,并为其道德维度提供新的研究视角。埃里希•弗洛姆的人文主义哲学囊括了对于异化、自由和爱的探讨,它掘入人的情感内里,将极权主义、破坏性和机械趋同等消极自由所导致的牵绊展露得纤悉无遗。相反,积极自由意味着通过爱和生产性劳作而与世界自发产生联系,保持人格的整一性。虐待与受虐消解主体;成熟的爱却带来自我的救赎与合一。论文引言追述了德拉布尔两部小说发表以来批评家的观点,提出来进一步探索的空间和可能性,并阐述了弗洛姆哲学思想的要点和论文的框架结构。结语部分总结了论文的基本观点。论文主体分为两章。第一章是>《金光大道》中都市暴力的引发与扩散<,探讨了家庭环境中的性格偏差如何刺激暴力倾向以及社会大环境对异常行为的传播而导致的都市暴力,目的是为了逃避异化,寻得自由。从微观上看,小说中连环杀手保尔的犯罪行为可以追溯至其母亲的虐待癖。从宏观上说,社会也是始作俑者,因为在20世纪80年代的英国,撒切尔政府推行个人主义和商业自由化,加剧了社会异化。同时,以电视为主导的大众媒体所起的刺激和传播作用都使得社会弊病以都市暴力的形式交相呈现。第二章是>《天生好奇》中都市暴力的对抗与救赎<,挖掘了三位女性主人公通过成熟的爱和生产性工作寻找自我和拯救暴力的努力。尽管莉茨和艾利克斯直面了美杜莎的哥特形象,她们却没有被石化,反而重新认识自我,颠覆了传统的神话原型。通过其对连环杀手保尔无私的爱和慷慨帮助,艾利克斯成功平抚了暴力所留下的创伤。另外,三位女主人公之间的深厚友谊为她们重塑自我和追寻积极自由铺就了道路。论文借助弗洛姆的人本主义思想探究了德拉布尔两部作品中的暴力主题和哥特元素。小说中所彰显的城市暴力从微观层面可以归结为人性中的虐待癖和受虐性,从宏观层面来看,则肇始于由外部社会政治因素所滋养和传播的普遍异化现象。诚然,玛格丽特•德拉布尔将笔锋转向人文主义,字里行间涵射出成熟的爱是拯救都市暴力与实现积极自由的有效方式。 N2 - Margaret Drabble (1939 – ) is regarded as one of the most important postwar British women writers. Her trilogy >The Radiant Way< , >A Natural Curiosity< , >The Gates of Ivory< , published since 1989, have been frequented by literary critics with multiple views since their inception. One core characteristic of the trilogy is its Gothic elements featured by urban violence. Admittedly, the Drabble scholarship has expanded with growing momentum both home and abroad. However, they have not touched upon the issue of urban violence in either The Radiant Way or A Natural Curiosity with systematic research. - By vehicle of Erich Fromm’s humanistic philosophy crystallized in his Escape from Freedom and The Art of Loving, a tentative analysis of these two novels’ urban Gothic elements is carried out in this thesis, thus presenting a new dimension to the interpretation of the depth of human nature and morality veiled in >The Radiant Way< and >A Natural Curiosity<. - Erich Fromm’s humanistic philosophy of alienation, freedom and love penetrates into the profundity of human character and thoroughly elucidates various thwarting impacts of negative freedom wrought by authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity. On the contrary, positive freedom equates with the spontaneous activity of the integrated personality in relation to the world through love and productive work. In truth, sadistic or masochistic strivings result in the disintegration of the subject, while mature love brings forth redemption and reunion of the self. The introduction gives a succinct review of the critical history related to Drabble’s two works, puts forward the possibility for further study, and elucidates Erich Fromm’s philosophy and argumentative structure of the whole thesis. The conclusion makes a brief summary of the arguments. The main body of the thesis is composed of two chapters. - Chapter 1 >The Instigation and Diffusion of Urban Violence in ‘The Radiant Way’< discusses how the familial infusion of deviancy and the social dissemination of abnormality have contributed to the urban vi¬olence as a means of escaping from alienation for the sake of freedom. On the microscopic level, it is the maternal sadism that caused the serial killer Paul’s criminal deeds. On the macroscopic level, it turns out that the society hould also be held accountable. Individualism and privatization preached by the Thatcher Government in the 1980s aggravates social alienation. Coupled with the instigating and propagating role of mass media typified by television, social malaise keeps cropping up in the form of urban violence. - Chapter 2 >The Confrontation and Salvation of Urban Violence in ‘A Natural Curiosity’< explores the three female protagonists’ endeavor of rediscovering themselves and salvage violence through mature love and productive work. Although Liz and Alix have confronted the Gothic image of Medusa, they are not petrified and they have reaffirmed their selfhood, thus, subverting the traditional myth. Through her unconditional love and generous help for the serial killer Paul, Alix has managed to salvage violence. In addition, the sisterhood among the three female protagonists paves the way for reintegration of self and realization of positive freedom. In summary, this thesis conducts a research into the urban Gothic elements featured by violence in Drabble’s two novels on strength of Fromm’s humanistic philosophy. - The conclusion can be drawn that urban violence on a micro level could be attributed to the innate human nature of sadism and masochism; while on a macro level, it is catalyzed and cemented by external social and political forces that breeds and disseminates alienation. Margaret Drabble has wielded her pen in the direction of humanism, implying that the moral way to salvage urban violence and attain positive freedom is through mature love. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zou, Jianbo T1 - Fromm's Marxist Religious View – Reading Fromm's >Love< 弗洛姆的马克思主义宗教观—读弗洛姆的《说爱》 JF - Theory Research 学理论, No. 9 (2016), pp. 31-33. N2 - 宗教是人民的鸦片,它象征着现实社会的种种苦难、压抑和无奈,因而宗教是应该而且必须被消灭的,正如现实中的一切苦难、压抑和无奈都应该而且必须被消灭。弗洛姆却认为,还存在一种特殊的宗教,一种即使生活富足、内心幸福也可能存在的宗教。这种宗教是关于社会进步和人的解放的大爱,也是马克思著作的核心。 N2 - Religion is the opium of the people, which symbolizes the suffering, depression and helplessness of the real world, and therefore it should and must be eliminated, just as all suffering, depression and helplessness in the real world should and must be eliminated. Fromm, on the other hand, believes that there is a special kind of religion, one that can exist even in the midst of a rich life and inner happiness. This religion is the great love of social progress and human emancipation that is at the heart of Marx's writings. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zou, Hong T1 - An Interpretation of Fromm's Sound Social Philosophy [弗洛姆的健全社会哲学思想解读] JF - Northern Literature [北方文学], No. 32 (2019), pp. 162-163. N2 - 弗洛姆通过剖析西方现代人异化的生存状态,批判了资本主义制度下重占有的生存方式。同时,弗洛姆提出构建重生存的健全社会以帮助现代人实现积极自由的生存状态。 N2 - Fromm analyzes the alienated living conditions of modern western people, and criticizes the survival mode of heavy possession under the capitalist system. At the same time, Fromm proposed to build a healthy society that re-exists to help modern people achieve a positive and free existence. [Automatic translation Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Zhijin T1 - From Fromm’s Thought of >Escape From Freedom< to Talk about the Phenomenon of Mobile Phone Dependence of College Students [从弗洛姆>逃避自由<谈大学生手机依赖现象] JF - Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Social Sciences) [成都理工大学学报(社会科学版], No. 3 (2016), pp. 40-44. N2 - 大学生在享用智能手机带来便利的同时,手机依赖问题也随即产生。弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中提出的>逃避自由<理论有助于揭示大学生手机依赖现象产生的心理原因,同时弗洛姆提出确立>积极自由<的状态,也为解决大学生手机依赖现象提供了理论指导。 N2 - While college students enjoy the convenience of smart phones, the problem of mobile phone dependence is then generated. The thought of >Escape from Freedom< of Fromm can helps to reveal the psychological causes of college students’ dependence on mobile phone. Meanwhile, Fromm proposed to establish the state of >positive freedom< as well as provide a theoretical guidance for solving the phenomenon of mobile phone dependence of college students.] [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Zhiguo T1 - Self-reflection in Education and Teaching [坚守对教育教学的自我思考] JF - Jiangsu Education [江苏教育], No. 35 (2017), p. 1. N2 - 弗洛姆在《健全的社会》中这样说过,我们并不需要如何使生活健全的新知识,而是急切需要认真地对待我们所相信的、所倡导的东西。我们心灵的革命并不需要新智慧,而是需要新的严肃的态度与献身精神。的确如此,生活和工作总是在平淡与简单中周而复始地延展,往往是信仰、责任、对待事物的精神和坚定的实践在推动着我们在这样的轨迹上创造与改变,而可能不是所谓的创意、灵感或者智慧。 N2 - Fromm said in the >Sound Society< that we do not need new knowledge of how to make life sound, but we urgently need to take seriously what we believe and advocate. The revolution of our soul does not require new wisdom, but requires a new serious attitude and dedication. Indeed, life and work are always extended in a dull and simple manner. The beliefs, responsibilities, the spirit of treating things and the firm practice are driving us to create and change on such a trajectory. It may not be a so-called idea. Inspiration or wisdom. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Yu A1 - Lai, Xionglin T1 - The Experience and Struggle of Loneliness — A Probe into Fromm's Theory of Loneliness [孤独的体验与挣扎——弗洛姆的孤独理论探微] JF - Seeker [求索], No. 7 (2014), pp. 63-68. N2 - 弗洛姆认为自由与孤独、生与死、潜能的实现与生命的有限性之间的矛盾是孤独产生的原因,因此,孤独是基于人本性之上的哲学范畴。传统社会中孤独意识处于被遮蔽的状态,随着宗教改革和文艺复兴的兴起,现代社会人的孤独意识被激发,而孤独是人不能忍受之痛,现代人开始了放弃自由、逃避孤独之旅。孤独成了自由不能摆脱的阴影和噩梦。实际上,孤独是自由的必经阶段,真正的自由是对孤独的超越和扬弃。 N2 - According to Fromm, the contradiction between freedom and solitude, life and death, the realization of potential and the finiteness of life is the cause of loneliness, therefore, loneliness is a philosophical category based on human nature. With the rise of the Reformation and Renaissance, the sense of loneliness in modern society has been stimulated, and loneliness is an unbearable pain. Loneliness has become the shadow of freedom and nightmare cannot get rid of. In fact, loneliness is a necessary stage of freedom, the real freedom is the transcendence and abandonment of loneliness. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Yu T1 - Self-love: The Highest Value of Humanistic Ethics [自爱:人道主义伦理学的最高价值] JF - Jiangxi Social Sciences [江西社会科学], No. 6 (2013), pp. 42-46. N2 - 弗洛姆作为20世纪西方著名的新人道主义伦理学家,一直热切关注着同时代人的生存处境。这种困境肇始于自我意识的觉醒,却因自我的丧失而导致一个不完美的结局。真正的自我既不是孤立的个体,也不是普遍的、抽象意义的类我,而是>个我<与>类我<的统一。爱是对人生存困境的解决,从为人为己的向度展现为爱人与爱己的统一。自爱是对自我的肯定,是自我的创造性活动,是自由与安全的并存。 N2 - Fromm, as a famous Western neo-humanist ethicist of the 20th century, has always been keenly concerned with the existential situation of his contemporaries. This dilemma begins with the awakening of self-consciousness, but the loss of the self leads to an imperfect end. The real self is neither an isolated individual, nor a universal or abstract self, but the unity of the individual self and the self-like self. Love is the solution to the dilemma of human existence, which is the unification of loving others and loving oneself from the direction of selfishness. Self-love is the affirmation of the self, the creative activity of the self, the coexistence of freedom and security. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2013 ER -