TY - JOUR A1 - Suh, Yusuk T1 - 한국 민주주의의 위기에 대한 철학적 성찰 [A Philosophical Consideration on the Crisis of Democracy in Korea] JF - 범한철학 [Pan-Korean Philosophy], Vol. 50, No. 3 (2008), pp. 1-20. N2 - 본고는 근자에 이슈가 되고 있는 >한국 민주주의의 위기<에 대한 철학적 반성으로서 다음 네 가지 점을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 첫째 본고는 >한국 민주주의 위기<의 근원을 다름 아닌 <개혁의 실패 내지는 지체>에서 찾고자 한다. 둘째로, 민주주의 위기론과 관련하여 제기되고 있는 >민주세력 무능론<을 비판적으로 검토한다. 여기서는 민주 세력의 중요한 실책으로 >시민적 동의획득의 실패<를 지적하고 그 의미를 탐색해 보겠다. 세 번째로 보수화의 군중심리에 나타나고 있는 >박정희 신드롬<의 위험에 대해서 그리고 참여민주주의의 당위적 과제가 갖는 의미에 대해서 살펴보겠다. 결론에서는 한국 민주주의의 위기를 극복하기 위한 진보 세력 일반의 과제로서 >대안적 사회모델의 정립<, >국민적 동의획득의 노력<, >참여와 연대 문화의 확산<을 지적하고 이러한 상황이 철학에 부과하는 과제는 무엇인지 살펴보겠다. N2 - This paper is a philosophical consideration on >the crisis of democracy in Korea<. Its investigation consists in the following 4 points. 1) The crisis of democracy in Korea has been caused by the failure or lag of reformation. 2) One of the main failures of >the Roh’s participatory government< exists in the failure to get the consensus from citizen, to obtain the >hegemony< in Gramsci’s sense of the term. 3) >Appeal to the Dictator Park’s leadership<, conscious or unconscious, is one of the social >diseases<, similar with the psychological regression as it already was analyzed by E. Fromm in his Escape from Freedom. 4) Philosophy-engagers should be in charge of enlightening the people for them to improve critical thinking and insight, along with the efforts to help them to gain an insight into a new vision of Korean society. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Ja-Seong T1 - 사회학적 관점에서 본 소외문학의 현실 인식(I) -카프카의 「변신」에 나타난 소외의식을 중심으로 [Untersuchung zur Entfremdung in der Literatur aus soziologischer Sicht (I) – In Bezug auf das Entfremdungsbewusstsein in >Die Verwandlung< Kafkas] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - 헤세연구 [Hesse-Forschung], Vol. 19 (2008), pp. 251-267. N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Bedeutung der Entfremdung und die Problematik der Identität in der modernen Industriegesellschaft. Es geht um die Entfremdung im Dasein des Menschen und den Verlust an der Beziehung zwischen >Ich< und >Welt<. Erstens sind nach Auffassung in diesem Beitrag die moderne Gesellschaft und die Entfremdung, Begriff und Ursache der Entfremdung, Erkenntnis der Entfremdungsstruktur sowie Verdinglichung, Konfliktstruktur und Zerstörung des Subjekts unserer Zeit eingeprägt. Im Hinblick auf theoretische Forschungen diskutieren wir Hegel und Marx vom philosophischen Gesichtspunkt, Melvin Seeman vom soziologischen Gesichtspunkt, und Erich Fromm vom psychologischen Gesichtspunkt aus. Im Allgemeinen lässt sich sagen, dass die in die industriellen Strukturen eingebundenen Menschen an den Leistungsanforderungen zerbrechen können. Die Leistungssteigerung in sämtlichen Facetten betrifft nicht nur den Arbeiter und Manager, sie betrifft auch den Autor, weil Umsatzsteigerung in jedem Betrieb Pflicht ist. In einer von Nützlichkeit und Gleichgültigkeit beherrschten Gesellschaft steht der Mensch im Gegensatz zur Welt und zu sich selbst. Zweitens werden in Bezug auf >Die Verwandlung< Kafkas die Entfremdung des Menschen und der Verlust der Identität im literarischen Sinnbild angesprochen. Für den heutigen Menschen ist die Zerrissenheit seines Lebens und seiner Welt charakteristisch. >Die Verwandlung< stellt die Gestalt des heutigen Menschen bloß, der an dem großen Mechanismus der heutigen industriellen Gesellschaft jämmerlich zu Grunde geht. Es läge zunächst nahe, die Verwandlung vom Menschen ins Tier als Identitätsverlust aufzufassen. Denn die Verwandlung ins Tierhafte bedeutet zwar den Verlust der Sprache, die auf tierische Laute reduziert ist, einen Wechsel in der Nahrungsaufnahme und in einem räumlichen Sichfortbewegen, also eine Reduktion der vitalen Organisation auf eine rein tierische Stufe; aber das Bewußtsein des Verwandelten ist ein rein menschliches, und er ist überdies durchaus imstande, menschliche Vorgänge und Gespräche aus seiner Umgebung aufzunehmen. Gregor ist zwar in ein widerwärtigrs Tier verwandelt, aber er hört darum nicht auf, Gregor zu sein. Mit der >Verwandlung< bleibt Kafka in der Ausweglosigkeit des mytischen Kreises gefangen, wo Opfer und Selbstopfer ununterscheidbar werden. Kafka sah sein >Ich< im Unheil und meinte zu erkennen, dass einzig im Leiden des Todes ein Zustand des Heils erreicht werden könne. So war es sein Bestreben, dichtend den Tod herbeizuführen, um auf diese Weise sein Seelenheil zu erringen. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jeong, Moun-Kwon A1 - Yun, Nam-Hui T1 - (性)을 통한 합일(合一)의 형상화- 1920-30년대 한국소설을 중심으로 [Consciousness of Unity through Sex – Focused on Korean Novels in the 1920's through the 1930's] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - 한국문예비평연구 [Journal of Korean Literary Criticism], No. 27 (2008), pp. 185-210. N2 - This study was to find out how the unity of will could be realized through sex in the Korean novels which were written in the special period of the 1920's through 1930's which were under Japanese colonial rule and modernization. Erich Fromm's philosophical speculation was a good criterion to clarify this kind of process. The right way to forward the truth of unity was the very matured love that Erich Fromm talked about. Matured love is to feel the unity in the circumstances the parties respect another's individuality. However, at that time, many people were exposed to poverty due to Japanese colonial policies. Under these circumstances, prostitution, one way of solution out of poverty, was mixed with the desire lay behind unconsciousness and this resulted in destruction in the end. Characters of Boknea in Gamja (Potato) and Chunho's wife in the novel of Sonagi (A sudden shower) were created at that time. Modern women and men could not be free from sex ideology deeply rooted in traditional Confucianism and predominance of men. Therefore, in the process of moving forward to the true unity, some people fell in love with in the novels. Some examples are that Yeonsil who fell in love in the novel of >Kim Yeonsil Jeon< and Young Chae who decided to commit suicide because of purity complex in the novel of >Mujeong<. Even, there appeared a character like Soonok in the novel who sanctify sex. However, they found their identity in the end and their actions were proved as transitional phenomenon taking place between the gap of unity and want by showing their will of true unity. Also, there is a character in the novel who agrees the process of unity based on respect for the other sex. Youngshin and Donghyuk in the novel of >Sangroksu< are those examples. It can be said that the love realized by them shows the truth of unity. Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Erich Fromms kleine Lebensschule – Koreanisch, Seoul (Woongjinthinkbig) 2008. Y1 - 2008 ER -