TY - JOUR A1 - Tsonkov, Georgi T1 - Gumanism, antigumanism i technicheskaya revolyutsiya (Humanism, antihumanism and technical revolution) JF - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 3 (1974), pp. 293-296. Y1 - 1974 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tsonkov, G. T1 - Gumanism, antigumanism i technicheskaya revolyutsiya (Humanism, antihumanism and technical revolution). JF - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 3 (1974), pp. 293-296. Y1 - 1974 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhadanov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich T1 - ЛЮБОВЬ КАК ВАЖНЕЙШИЙ ЭЛЕМЕНТ МЕДИЦИНСКОЙ КОРПОРАТИВНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ [Love as the Most Essential Element of Medical Corporate Culture] JF - Bulletin of Tomsk State University, No. 395 (2015), pp. 46-50. N2 - Проводится философско-культурологический анализ медицинской корпоративной культуры через призму одного из главных ее элементов любви. Автор отмечает процесс дегуманизации в современной системе оказания медицинской помощи и деонтологический кризис медицинской корпорации. Один из способов выхода из кризиса возвращение к этике любви врача к своему пациенту на новом уровне. Автором использован методологический подход Эриха Фромма, представляющий любовь как искусство, в котором необходимо совершенствоваться. N2 - The article contains a philosophic and cultural analysis of medical corporate culture in terms of one of its main elements love. An extremely contradictory situation is currently formed in the sphere of healthcare. On the one hand, it is expressed in the fact that the government is trying to reinforce the existing healthcare system financially and materially, on the other hand, it is hard to detect any activity on the part of the government as the basic subject of realization of the state social policy in the field of health protection which would contribute to the convergence of such an important tandem as doctor and patient. The article marks the process of de-humanization in the modern system of medical aid and deontological crisis of medical corporation. One of the reasons of the crisis is the existing deficiency of cultural research of medical professional culture. Besides, surviving a deep crisis of its profession, medical corporation is losing the basic principles of medical aid, unfortunately. Considering the relationships between doctor and patient, loss of trust and honesty is clearly seen. One of the ways out of the crisis is regaining the ethics of doctor's love to their patient on a new level. The given problem was examined with the use of Erich Fromm's methodological perspective that describes love as an art in which one should perfect oneself continuously. The article provides a number of examples which demonstrate how the love of health professionals to their patients encourages forming a mutual reaction to health professionals and raises patients to fight diseases. The given examples unconditionally prove the efficiency of the described approach in the system of medical aid. Moreover, some defects are also detected in the modern system of young professionals' training in medical universities and some steps are suggested on the improvement of the methods of teaching medical ethics and deontology which are supposed to be used for students as well as for specialists during their extension courses. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberleninka: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/lyubov-kak-vazhneyshiy-element-meditsinskoy-korporativnoy-kultury] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zarubinski, O. A. T1 - K voprosu o sotsialʹno-psikhologicheskom fenomene A. Glitera. Na chem ostanovilsia i mimo chego proshel Erik Fromm JF - Voprosy germanskoĭ istorii, 1997, pp. 117-129. Y1 - 1997 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yefimenko, Y. V. T1 - Проблема отчуждения в философии Э. Фромма [The Problem of Alienation in Philosophy of Erich Fromm] JF - News of the Ural State University, Series 3 Social Sciences, Vol. 4 (No. 83, 2010), pp. 144-148. N2 - Статья посвящена некоторым аспектам проблемы отчуждения в философии Э. Фромма. Рассматриваются возможные пути преодоления отчуждения, прослеживается взаимосвязь процессов снятия отчуждения и построения общества нового типа в творчестве Э. Фромма. N2 - Some aspects of the problem of alienation, the ways of overcoming of alienation from the point of view of Erich Fromm are discussed in this article. The overcoming of alienation and the building of the society of a new type are connected. [Taken from: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/18361] Y1 - 2010 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Veniaminovna, Sorina Galina T1 - ДИАЛОГ СКВОЗЬ ВЕКА: ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО [Dialogue Through the Ages: Educational Communicative Space] JF - Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time, Vol. 8 (No. 1, 2015) [no page numbers]. N2 - Working with text suggests a kind of dialogue between readers and authors, which is especially important in the educational process. Regardless of when the text was written, each new reading can create its new life. Regardless of the form of representation (on paper or digital) every time in the process of education, classic text (under careful reading) raises questions and creates the conditions of dialogue through the centuries, which is the main feature of educational environment. Texts on the same issue could be written in different times and can express different points of view. So, the task for both students and skilled researchers is the ability to correlate various positions, to join with them in an equal dialogue considering features of the epoch text writing and the era to which the reader belongs. It is important not only to learn and remember the text. Researchers should be able to form their own position by comparing all this discordance. The subject of my article is essence and methodology of questioning the text as a special kind of text-based communication in educational process of critical thinking development. For this purpose, I use the technique of analytic questioning, as well as methods of system and discourse analysis, formal and modal logic. Applying these methods, on the examples of creative works of Immanuil Kant, Erich Fromm, Osip Mandelshtam, Alexander Pushkin, and Marina Tsvetaeva, I show how the authors of classical humanitarian texts used the practice of questioning to establish and strengthen their communication with the readers (current and future). In my article, I analyze Mandelshtam’s, Pushkin’s and Fromm’s approach to questioning and compare their way of questioning with the Kantian one. On the example of Marina Tsvetaeva’s essay >My Pushkin<, I also show the effect of poetic questioning (questioning of the author of poetic text to its reader) on the young reader in the process of forming his own worldview. As a possible tool for dialogue with the text in the educational process, I propose to use the methodology of expert work that was developed by me earlier. This methodology is a tool of modern educational communications, the way to dialogue with author regardless of the time of writing the analyzed text. Under this methodology, the student fixes the results of text analysis in his analytical report, which is an analytical table (such tables initially presuppose consistent dialogue with the text). Analytical report (analytical table) contains the following sections: (i) List of the basic concepts presented in the text, and their most important characteristics; (ii) Questions to the text; (iii) Reflections and comments; (iv) Possible associations and analogies related to the professional activities of the author of the report. In the process of expert work, formulating questions, engaging in dialogue with the text, students gain a new vision of the investigated text and studied disciplines. This vision is refined in the process of group discussion influenced by questions of other participants of practical training. I conclude that this methodology allows the creation of conditions for the formation of a consistent dialogue with the text on a regular basis. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberlenika: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dialog-skvoz-veka-obrazovatelnoe-kommunikativnoe-prostranstvo] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Teljatinkowa, E. M. T1 - Erich Fromm, biografitscheskaja sprawka JF - E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 434-437. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ivanov, Andrey Valerievich T1 - ФИЛОСОФИЯ ОТЧУЖДЕНИЯ И КОНФЛИКТА В ИСТОРИОСОФИИ М.О. ГЕРШЕНЗОНА [The Philosophy of Alienation and Conflict in Historiosophie of M. O. Gershenzon] JF - Scientific Notes (Khujand State University), Vol. 43 (No. 1, 2015), pp. 31-35. N2 - В статье рассматривается философия отчуждения и философия конфликта в историософской проблематике одного из участников сборника >Вехи< 1909 года Михаила Осиповича Гершензона, который был одним из первых критиков >массовой культуры<. Показано историко-философское осмысление феномена отчуждения в эпоху Модерна от Гегеля, Маркса до ключевой работы Гершензона >Тройственный образ совершенства<, где проблема отчуждения исследователем интерпретируется не через отчуждение трудом или религией, а через отчуждение культурой. Дилемма Гершензона >создавать или ощущать< как основной конфликт человечества предвосхитила дилемму Э.Фромма >иметь или быть<. В статье демонстрируется, что Гершензон М.О. опередил ряд положений, изложенных в работах Г.Маркузе, Э.Фромма, Х.Ортеги-и-Гассета в плане критики массовой культуры и отчуждения человеческого бытия. N2 - The paper discusses the philosophy of alienation and the philosophy of conflict in historiosophical issues of one of the participants of >Vekhi (Milestones)< collection of 1909 Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon, who was one of the first critics of >mass culture<. Historical and philosophical understanding of alienation phenomenon in modern era starting form Hegel and Marx to the key work of Gershenzon >Triple image of perfection< is shown in this paper where the researcher interprets the alienation problem not through the alienation of labor or religion, but through culture alienation. The dilemma of Gershenzon >to create or to feel< as the main conflict of mankind, forereached the dilemma of Erich Fromm >to have or to be.< The article shows that Gershenzon M.O., identified a number of provisions contained in the works of G.Markuze, Erich Fromm, H.Ortegi and Gasset in terms of criticism of mass culture and alienation of human existence. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberleninka: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/filosofiya-otchuzhdeniya-i-konflikta-v-istoriosofii-m-o-gershenzona]. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Volk, S. S. A1 - Rostovtseva, N. D. T1 - Krizis sotsiologii Frankfurtskoi shkoly [The Crisis of Sociology of the Frankfurt School, JF - Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147. N2 - A review of Sotsialnaia filosofiia Frankfurtskoi shkoly: kriticheskie ocherki ( The Social Philosophy of the Frankfurt School: The Critical Essays, Moskva-Mysl, Praga-Svoboda, 1975). This is the first fundamental attempt in Soviet philosophical literature to analyze one of the most influential schools in modern bourgeois philosophy. H. Marcuse, E. FROMM, T. Adorno, Horkheimer, Habermas, and K. Offe are the main representatives of this school. The chronological identification of the school, consisting of three phases in its development, is considered to be successful. Criticism of Czechoslovak and Jugoslav revisionists is praised. The criticism of left rebel H. Marcuse is overly simplified. His revolution, changes in his views, and the substantial contradiction in his last works should have played a more important part in the book. The main success of the book is in its ability to demonstrate the small bourgeois character of the Frankfurt school, the subjective and idealistic principles of its theories, and total bankruptcy of its guidelines. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rostovtseva, N. D. A1 - Volk, S. S. T1 - Krizis sotsiologii Frankfurtskoi shkoly [The Crisis of Sociology of the Frankfurt School, JF - Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Ekonomika-filosofiya-pravo Vol. 30 (No. 4 (23), 1975), pp. 144-147. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roschtschin, S. K. T1 - Dwa lizi Ericha Fromma (Two Faces of Erich Fromm), JF - Voprosy psichologii, Moskva No. 2 (1976), pp. 32-41 (English summary at the end). N2 - Presented is a critical analysis of E. FROMM's The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (London, 1974), with respect to his contradictory approach to the question of the biological foundation of psychology and his abuse of quotations of and references to Marx. In FROMM's own critical analysis of K. Lorenz, S. Freud, and B. F. Skinner, he presents persuasive arguments based on impressive data from different modern sciences, against the instinctive and mechanistic theories of human nature. But when establishing his own position, he draws the same biologically based conclusions as his opponents, although he expresses them in different terms. Furthermore, in attempting to make Marx an ally of his own views, he succeeds only in misquoting or misconstruing Marx: he quotes Marx only in order to compliment him or when the quote is neutral with respect to his own ideas, or when actually citing Marx in support of his own views, he gives his own, rather imprecise interpretation of Marx. Y1 - 1976 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rokityanskiy, V. R. T1 - Etika Freydisma. Psikhoanaliticheskiy Ideal Cheloveka v Izobrazheniy Sovremenih Amerikanskih Interpretatorov Naslediya Freyda [The Ethic of Freudianism. The Psychoanalytical Ideal of Man in Contemporary American Interpreters of Freud's Heritage, JF - Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 29 (No. 6, 1975), pp. 132-139. N2 - The teachings of S. Freud have penetrated, in their various versions, into every pore of American culture, though not all partisans of psychoanalysis recognize the validity of the >Freudian ethic.< However, the admission that psychoanalysis pays attention to human values was made by one of its greatest theoreticians, H. Hartman. Additional confirmations of the presumed moralistic character of psychoanalysis, in spite of the insistence of its founder or rigorous scientific premises, are made by P. Rieff in >The Mind of the Moralist,< and E. FROMM in >Sigmund Freud's Mission,< (no publication information available). These attempts to formulate an ethical content in Freud's work contradict his persistent refusal to make value judgments himself. The variations in the interpretation of Freud in America are a reflection of the pluralism born of the social contradictions of US society. At the same time, the broad influence exercised by psychoanalysis over the American intelligentsia is such that American social science attempts to solve many of its tasks using the language and concepts of psychoanalysis. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popova, M. A. T1 - S. Freud and his religious interpretation today (Russian), JF - Vestnik Moskowkogo Universitate – Filosofija, Moskva No. 2 (1975), pp. 62-73. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mitin, M. B. T1 - Problema >Gumanizatsii< Tekhniki i Sotsialny Progress [The Problem of the >Humanization< of Technology and Social Progress] JF - Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Apr 1973) pp. 79-93. N2 - An examination of the problem of the humanization of technological progress with an analysis of the main Western approaches to the problem and a presentation of the Marxist approach. The aspects of the problem considered include the role of technology in historical development, the positive and negative consequences of its utilization, changes brought about in living conditions by the scientific and technological revolution, limits and possibilities of revolutionary reforms of society on the basis of technological progress, the situation of the individual and the prospects for development of the personality in a technologized world. Ontological, epistemological and psychological difficulties arise when attempting to analyze the literature on the problem. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lejbin, V. M. T1 - Psikhoanaliticheskaia traktovka struktury lichnosti i neofreidistskaia kontsepsiia samosti [The Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Structure of Personality and the Neo-Freudian Concept of Self] JF - Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 31 (No. 6, 1977) pp. 148-158. N2 - Biancoli presents a case study illustrating an application of E. FROMM's theoretical concepts to clinical work. The case ...is of a young woman torn between an unstable, aggressive, and impulsive attitude and a desire to form lasting and loving relationships; the case history takes us through the difficult steps that gradually lead the patient to a better understanding of the origin of this conflict and the transferential testing of the analyst. Biancoli points out that FROMM saw the role of ...psychoanalysis as articulating >real possibilities< or progressive change. This discovery of alternatives in the consulting room requires from analyst and analysand alike a realistic assessment of internal or external contraints--inherent in any specific situation--and a willingness to forgo illusory or unrealistic plans for change. A commentary by Ana Maria Barroso follows this chapter. Y1 - 1977 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurjevitch, P. S. T1 - Rasryschitelnoe b tscheloveke kak tajny JF - E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 3-14. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fedulow, S. T1 - Sozialnej psichoanalis i situazija w obschtschestwe JF - Russkaja Misle, Moskau No. 3879 (17. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3880 (24. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3881 (31. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3882 (7. 6. 1991) pp. 11. Y1 - 1991 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fedoseyev, P. N. T1 - Kultura i Moral [Culture and Morals, JF - Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Spring 1973), pp. 23-41. N2 - An essay on the correlation of culture and morals, presented from the Marxist standpoint, with a critique of contemporary bourgeois philosophical theories; intuitivist ethics (G. E. Moore, C. D. Broad, E. S. Ewing, B. Blanchard, E. Hall); logical postivism and linguistic analysis (C. Stevenson, A. Ayer, P. G. Nowell-Smith); existentialism (J.-P. Sartre, K. Jaspers); abstract humanism (Erich FROMM and Charles Reich); neoprotestantism (K. Barth, R. Niebuhr, P. Tillich, and others). These theories take a nonhistorical, nonclass approach to culture and civilization. An awareness of the alienation of man in present-day capitalist society and of the pernicious effects of industrialization and scientific and technological advances on human beings and their environment has produced deep pessimism among many bourgeois philosophers. The most vivid negative concepts of culture and civilization have been set forth in the works of Y. Ellul and L. Mumford. While all of the above authors have produced excellent exposes of capitalist society, they have reached an impasse and see no way out except rejection of scientific and technological progress. The Marxist approach to the interrelation of culture and morals is a concrete-historical one. Marxism does not reject universal moral criteria in human relations. On the contrary, he stresses their significance, but objects to the blurring of the class nature of morals, and to regarding abstract moral principles as the magic solution to all problems. Considerable attention is given to the meaning and development of culture in socialist and communist societies, where the socioeconomic conditions foster the harmonious development of man. Assertions that communists believe in moral nihilism, that the end justifies the means, and that moral values are relative are vigorously denied, and Lenin, Marx, and Engels are quoted to prove that positive ends must be achieved by positive means. Maoist practice is termed as an example of the end justifies the means policy. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eross, C. T1 - The Ideas of Erich Fromm (russian) JF - Voprosy Filosofic (UdSSR), No. 6 (1970), pp. 86-95. Y1 - 1970 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Erjos, Rainer T1 - Ocherk kontseptsii E. Fromma [Essay on the conceptions of E. Fromm] JF - Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 24 (No. 6, 1970) pp. 86-95. Y1 - 1970 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zdravomyslova, E. A. T1 - Sotsiologicheskie podkhody k analizu obshchestvennykh dvizheniy [Sociological Approaches to the Analysis of Social Movements], JF - Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 17 (No. 7, 1990), pp. 88-94. N2 - A review of the main theoretical approaches to the study of social movements in Western societies. The predominant models of the 1960s were the theories of collective behavior and mass society as conceptualized by Erich FROMM, U. Kornhauser, Herbert Blumer, S. M. Lipset, etc, which assume the empirical framework of a democratic society based on the consensus of various group inter-ests, but also the instability of primary social groups and social isolation of individuals. Criticisms directed toward these theories are discussed. Resource mobilization theory emerged in the 1970s, conceptualized by I. McCarthy, M. Zald, A. Oberschall, etc, and assuming that social movements are based on existing institutions that facilitate social change. Social organization for change adopts the goals of the institutions of the dominant culture, but attributes different values to them and seeks different means for their implementation. Both external (level of legal state development, financial and social potential) and internal (groups involved, time spent on organization, money) factors determine the success of social movements. Western social movments of the 1980s are characterized by larger groups with varied interests, reflecting the globalization of the society itself, and calling for new structural theoretical models. Y1 - 1990 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wessonow, W. G. A1 - Garskij, I. S. A1 - Jakowlew, M. W. T1 - Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma JF - Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Wertschenow, L. H. T1 - Kritika sozialnoi teorii Erika Fromma [Kritik der Gesellschaftstheorie Erich Fromms, Moskau 1969. Y1 - 1969 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Vassin, V. T1 - 11. Sapowed [The Eleventh Commandment), Moskau (TOO >Kirilliza<) 1994, 160 p. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Tschepnenko, W. A. T1 - Polititscheskaja philosophija i ekonomitscheskije bsgljage Erika Fromma [Politische Philosophie und ökonomische Ansichten Erich Fromms, Moskau 1969. Y1 - 1969 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Telyatnikova, E. M. T1 - Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm JF - Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, No. 6, 1992, pp. 113-120. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Sokolov, E. T1 - Wedenje w Psichoanalis, St. Petersburg (Isdatelstwo >Lan<) 1999, 318 pp. – chapter on Fromm pp. 267-316. Y1 - 1999 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Slobodyanik, A. D. T1 - Psychotherapy, Suggestion, Hypnosis (russian), Kiew (Zdorovya) 1966. Y1 - 1966 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwarzman, K. A. T1 - Gymanistitscheskaja etika E. Fromma [Die humanistische Ethik Erich Fromms JF - Woprose Philosophii, No. 6 (1971), pp. 100ff. Y1 - 1971 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rumjanzewa, A. G. T1 - Das Problem der Aggressivität in der Philosophie des Neofreudismus JF - A. G. Rumjanzewa, Krititscheskij analis konzepzij >tschelowetscheskoi aggressivnosti,< Minsk 1982, pp. 79-121. Y1 - 1982 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popova, M. A. T1 - >Gumanisticheskaya religiya< Erikha Fromma i tupiki burzhuaznogo gumanizma [The >Humanistic Religion< of Erich Fromm and the Impasse of Bourgeois JF - Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Filosofiya, Vol. 31 (No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1976), pp. 82-93. N2 - Erich Fromm's fortuitous visit to México in 1949, and his meeting with a group of Mexican psychiatrists was the beginning of a working relationship that lasted for over 25 years. It left its mark on a number of community-oriented institutions, professional societies and publications, which are alive even today. This article describes some of the many activities in which researchers, psychoanalysts, medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, sociologists, anthropologists and re-ligious scholars were involved over those 25 years, and the continuing importance of those initial projects and institutions today. Y1 - 1976 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popov, V. D. T1 - Social Psychoanalysis af Subjects of the Russian Market JF - Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 15 (No. 4, Sept.-Oct. 1994), pp. 30-43. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Panok, W. G. T1 - Predislowie T2 - E. Fromm, Imet ili beth, Kiew (Serie >Posnanie<, Nika-Zentr) 1998, pp. 3-8. [Russian by N. Petrenko and O. Iwantschuk]. Y1 - 1998 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Omelchenko, Nikolay A1 - et al., T1 - Tschelowek w soühretennech philosophkich konzepzniach, Documentation of the lectures given at a philosophical congress in Wolgograd September 19-22, 2000, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradkowo) 2000, Vol. 1 (385 p.), Vol. 2 (359 p.) Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Omelchenko, Nikolay T1 - Perwije prinzipe philosophskoi anthropologii, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradskowo) 1997, 195 p. Y1 - 1997 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Omelchenko, Nikolay T1 - Opet philosopgskoj anthroplogii, Wolgograd (Isdatelstwo Wolgogradskowo Rosidarstwennowo Universiteta) 2005, 216 p. Y1 - 2005 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lejbin, V. M. T1 - Die >humanistische< Psychoanalyse Erich Fromms JF - V. M. Lejbin, Psychoanalis i filosofija neofrojdisma [= Psychoanalyse und Philosophie des Neofreudismus, Moskau 1977, pp. 217-228. Y1 - 1977 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Komarov, V. T1 - The Development of Associations and their Pecularities in one of the Poems of Vladimir Vysotsky (>From a Trvel Diary<) JF - D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and Pécs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 185-194. Y1 - 1988 N1 - Given to the Fromm Archives after Fromm's death ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Khasbulatov, R. Agafonov V. T1 - Ideologicheskie interpretatsii nauchno-tekhnicheskoy revolutsii [Ideological Interpretations of the Scientific-Technological Revolution, JF - Kommunist, Vol. 54 (No. 13 (1149), Sept. 1978), pp. 102-111. N2 - The successes of socialism are more notable when compared to the profound crisis of international capitalism and its spiritual degradation. The West is currently struggling with problems of implementing high technology, often capable of effecting substantial economic and social transformations. Special attention is given to the concept of technocracy. Many bourgeois social scientists, eg, Leslie White, have pointed toward the absolute role of science and technology in determining the social system. Both optimistic and pessimistic appraisals are offered by contemporary bourgeois scholars, including Ellul, Douglas, FROMM, Mamford, Toffler, Drucker, Wiener, and Bell. M. Meeks Y1 - 1978 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jakowlew, M. W. A1 - Wessonow, W. G. A1 - Garskij, I. S. T1 - Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma JF - Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ivanov, V. D. T1 - O Vidakh i Formakh Otchuzhdeniia [On Types and Forms of Alienation] JF - Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Filosofiya, Vol. 27 (No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1972), pp. 2-30. N2 - The concept of a >form of alienation< is used by current Soviet philosophers in 2 different senses: (1) as relating to various aspects of social activity (social, political, ideological, religious, etc), and (2) as relating to different historical stages. Alienation has existed under all class-antagonistic social orders, but alienation under capitalism possesses a number of distinctive characteristics. Under this social order, all other >forms of alienation< existing in particular spheres of social activity, arise from the alienation of labor. The mechanisms of alienation are analyzed in highly-developed capitalist society from the perspectives of such Western thinkers as E. FROMM, and from the views of Marx and Engels. Y1 - 1972 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hajdí, M. T1 - Secularisation and Dialogues JF - D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and Pécs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 119-130. Y1 - 1988 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurjevitch, P. S. T1 - Partitura bessosnatelowo i uroki istorii JF - E. Fromm, Dogmat o Christe, Moskau (Isdatelstwo) 1998, pp. 7-14. Y1 - 1998 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurjevitch, P. S. T1 - Zelostnost tscheloweka kak problema JF - E. Fromm, Krisis psichoanalisa, Moskau (Airis-Press) 2004, pp. 5-23. Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurjevitch, P. S. T1 - Tschelowek b awantjure samoraswitija JF - E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i etika (1947a-039), Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1993, pp. 5-16. Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurjevitch, A. T. T1 - Posleslowje JF - K. Horney and E. Fromm, Psichoanalis i kultura. Isbranne tryde Karen Chorni u Ericha Fromma, Moskwa (Iurist) 1995, pp. 597-610. Y1 - 1995 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Golobics, P. T1 - On Some Economic Aspects of the Soviet Mixed Company Law JF - D. Plecas (Ed.), Working Papers. Vol. 2, Osijek (Faculty of Education) and Pécs (Faculty of Education) 1988, pp. 145-160. Y1 - 1988 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Garskij, I. S. A1 - Wessonow, W. G. A1 - Jakowlew, M. W. T1 - Konzepzija tscheloweka w filosofii Ericha Fromma JF - Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975, pp. 209-229. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Garskij, I. S. A1 - Wessonow, W. G. A1 - Jakowlew, M. W. T1 - Socialnaja filosofija Frankfurtskoy schkole, Moskwa 1975. Y1 - 1975 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Erich Fromm, (Biographie in russischer Übersetzung), Moscow 1991. [= FUNK, R., 1983] Y1 - 1991 ER -