TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Душевно здравото общество (Dushevno zdravoto obshtestvo), Sofya (Isdatelstvo Zaharii Stoyanov) 2004. Y1 - 1955 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - За неподчинението и други есета (On Disobedience and Other Essays) T3 - E. Fromm, Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 7, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<, Bulgarian) 2020, pp. .9-177. Y1 - 1981 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - За неподчинението и други есета (On Disobedience and Other Essays, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<, Bulgarian) 2020, 246 pp. Y1 - 1981 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Забравеният език (Sabrawenijat esik), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 2, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<) 2008, pp. 17-254. Y1 - 1951 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Изкуството да бъдеш (Izkustvoto da badesh), Sofya (Izdatelstvo Kibea) 1999. Y1 - 1989 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Изкуството да обичаш (Izkustvoto da obichash), Sofiya (Izd. Hristo Botev) 1992, 112 pp. Y1 - 1956 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Изкуството да слушаш (Izkustvoto da slushash), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zaharii Stoyanov<) 2004 Y1 - 1991 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Кризата на психоанализата (Krisata na Psichoanalisata), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 4, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 283-489. Y1 - 1970 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Любов, сексуалност и матриархат: За половете (Liubow, seksyalnost i matriarchat: sa polwete), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 2, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<) 2008, pp. 255-471. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhadanov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich T1 - ЛЮБОВЬ КАК ВАЖНЕЙШИЙ ЭЛЕМЕНТ МЕДИЦИНСКОЙ КОРПОРАТИВНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ [Love as the Most Essential Element of Medical Corporate Culture] JF - Bulletin of Tomsk State University, No. 395 (2015), pp. 46-50. N2 - Проводится философско-культурологический анализ медицинской корпоративной культуры через призму одного из главных ее элементов любви. Автор отмечает процесс дегуманизации в современной системе оказания медицинской помощи и деонтологический кризис медицинской корпорации. Один из способов выхода из кризиса возвращение к этике любви врача к своему пациенту на новом уровне. Автором использован методологический подход Эриха Фромма, представляющий любовь как искусство, в котором необходимо совершенствоваться. N2 - The article contains a philosophic and cultural analysis of medical corporate culture in terms of one of its main elements love. An extremely contradictory situation is currently formed in the sphere of healthcare. On the one hand, it is expressed in the fact that the government is trying to reinforce the existing healthcare system financially and materially, on the other hand, it is hard to detect any activity on the part of the government as the basic subject of realization of the state social policy in the field of health protection which would contribute to the convergence of such an important tandem as doctor and patient. The article marks the process of de-humanization in the modern system of medical aid and deontological crisis of medical corporation. One of the reasons of the crisis is the existing deficiency of cultural research of medical professional culture. Besides, surviving a deep crisis of its profession, medical corporation is losing the basic principles of medical aid, unfortunately. Considering the relationships between doctor and patient, loss of trust and honesty is clearly seen. One of the ways out of the crisis is regaining the ethics of doctor's love to their patient on a new level. The given problem was examined with the use of Erich Fromm's methodological perspective that describes love as an art in which one should perfect oneself continuously. The article provides a number of examples which demonstrate how the love of health professionals to their patients encourages forming a mutual reaction to health professionals and raises patients to fight diseases. The given examples unconditionally prove the efficiency of the described approach in the system of medical aid. Moreover, some defects are also detected in the modern system of young professionals' training in medical universities and some steps are suggested on the improvement of the methods of teaching medical ethics and deontology which are supposed to be used for students as well as for specialists during their extension courses. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberleninka: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/lyubov-kak-vazhneyshiy-element-meditsinskoy-korporativnoy-kultury] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goncharuk, E. A. T1 - Мертволюбие [Love for Death] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 4 (2010), pp. 80-89. [ISSN: 2454-0722] N2 - Философы и психологи всегда проявляли и интерес к теме смерти. Они также обратили внимание на парадоксальный феномен – стремление человека к смерти. Автор анализирует концепции Фрейда, Фромма, Юнга. Особое внимание уделяет некрофилу как психологическому типажу. N2 - Philosophers and psychologists have always treated the topic of death with interest. They’ve also paid attention at a quite paradoxical phenomenon – human aspiration for death. The author of the article analyzed Freud, Fromm and Jung’s conceptions of death. Special attention is drawn at necrophilia as a psychological phenomenon. Y1 - 2010 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Мисията на Зигмунд Фройд (Misijata na Sigmund Froid), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 4, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 175-279.. Y1 - 1959 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Мисълта на Фройд — величие и ограничения (Miselta na Froid - Welitschie i ogranitschenija), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 4, Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<) 2012, pp. 9-172. Y1 - 1979 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurevich, Pavel S. T1 - Неодолимые соблазны лжи [Irresistible Temptations of Lies] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 84, No. 9 (2015), pp. 865-868. [ISSN: 2454-0722] N2 - Статья посвящена неукротимому человеческому искушению – лжи. И. Кант считал, что обман, заблуждение являются несомненным злом и учил правдивости Немецкий философ полагал, что увлечение ложью разрушает общество. Однако другие философы были не столь категоричны в этом вопросе. Ф. Ницше, к примеру, считал, что истина не может быть основой общественного бытия, равно как и ложь. Автор статьи обращает внимание на парадоксальную переплетённость обмана и правды в индивидуальной и социальной жизни. Он отмечает, в частности, что искусство, вскормленное иллюзией, нередко раскрывает истинные проблемы человеческого существования. В статье использована методология философской антропологии, которая позволяет видеть в каждом феномене его противоречивые стороны. Тяга к истине и лжи рассматриваются как трудно насыщаемые потребности человека. В статье впервые ставится вопрос о последствиях общего увлечения истиной и ложью, показывает опасность организации общественной жизни на массовой иллюзорности или обмане. С этой точки зрения, подвергнуты критическому разбору концепции И. Канта, Ф. Ницше и Э. Фромма. Американский мыслитель, трактуя позицию Фрейда, обратил внимание лишь на постижение истины в процессе терапевтической активности, игнорируя парадоксальное стремление людей к грёзе, галлюцинаторным и виртуальным аспектам жизни. N2 - The article is devoted to lying as an irresistible human temptation. Immanuel Kant believed deception and misbelief to be doubtlessly evil so he taught us to be honest. The German philosopher also believed that too much lying could destroy the society. However, other philosophers were not so categorical about that issue. For example, Friedrich Nietzsche believed that neither truth nor lie could be the basis for social existence. The author of the present article pays attention to the paradoxical perplexity of deception and truth in individual and social life. In particular, he notes that being raised by illusion, art often reveals the true problems of human existence. In his research Gurevich has used the philosophical anthropology methodology which allows to see contradictory sides of each phenomenon. Starvation for truth and deception is being viewed by the author as the human needs that are difficult to be satisfied. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article raises a question about consequences of the universal interest for truth and lie and demonstrates how dangerous it is to arrange social life based on illusions and deception. From this point of view, the author conducts a critical analysis of Immanuel Kant's, Friedrich Nietzsche's and Erich Fromm's concepts. Interpreting Freud's theory, American philosophers paid attention only to achieving the truth during psychotherapy but ignored paradoxical aspiration of humans for day-dreaming and delusional or virtual aspects of life. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Отвъд веригите на илюзиите (Otvad verigite na ilyusiite. Moyata sreshta s Marks i Froid), Sachineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1, Sofia (Isdatelstvo Zaharii Stoyanov), 2006, pp. 425-694. Y1 - 1962 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Отвъд веригите на илюзиите (Otvad verigite na ilyusiite. Moyata sreshta s Marks i Froid), Sofya (Isdatelstvo Zaharii Stoyanov) 2002. Y1 - 1962 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Azmi, D. M. T1 - Политико-правовые взгляды Э. Фромма.>Отчужденно-бюрократическии< и >гуманистическии< методы управления [Political and Legal Views of E. Fromm. >Alienated Bureaucratic< and >Humanistic< Methods of Governing] JF - Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 6 (2001), pp. pp. 129-130. [ISSN: 2454-0706] Y1 - 2001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yefimenko, Y. V. T1 - Проблема отчуждения в философии Э. Фромма [The Problem of Alienation in Philosophy of Erich Fromm] JF - News of the Ural State University, Series 3 Social Sciences, Vol. 4 (No. 83, 2010), pp. 144-148. N2 - Статья посвящена некоторым аспектам проблемы отчуждения в философии Э. Фромма. Рассматриваются возможные пути преодоления отчуждения, прослеживается взаимосвязь процессов снятия отчуждения и построения общества нового типа в творчестве Э. Фромма. N2 - Some aspects of the problem of alienation, the ways of overcoming of alienation from the point of view of Erich Fromm are discussed in this article. The overcoming of alienation and the building of the society of a new type are connected. [Taken from: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/18361] Y1 - 2010 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Революция на надеждата (The Revolution of Hope), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 7, Bulgarian), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<, Bulgarian) 2020, pp. 429-626. Y1 - 1968 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Minchev, Plamen T1 - Социалният характер. Теоретични и приложни аспекти (Social character. Aspects of theory and application), Sofia (Unipress) 2021, 294 pp. N2 - Table of Content: Plamen Minchev: Социалният характер. Теоретични и приложни аспекти Social character. Aspects of theory and application Sofia (Unipress) 2021, 294 pp. First chapter: Social character 1. History of the concept of social character 2. Psychological, social and personal prerequisites of Erich Fromm to develop the concept of social character 3. Social character theory 3.1 Social psychological function of religion and the connection between religion and social character 3.2 The family as agent of the society in transmission of the basic features of social character 3.3 Example of analysis of family structure 4. Definition and aspects of the social character 5. Erich Fromm`s characterology 5.1 Sigmund Freud characterology as basis for Erich Fromm characterology 5.2 Erich Fromm characterology 5.3 Connection between social and individual character 5.4 Social character and ‘lagging behind’ 5.5 The theory of love of Erich Fromm as basis for analysis of the different types of characters 6. The social character in the Bulgarian psychological literature Second chapter: Social psychological portrait of the Bulgarians and Turks 1 Social psychological view of Bulgarian population 1.1 History of development of the Bulgarian social character 1.2 Analaysis of the family structure of the Bulgarians in historical context 1.3 Structure of the Bulgarian education 2. Social psychological characteristics of the Turkish population in Bulgaria 2.1 Demographic development and social structure of the Turkish population in Bulgaria 2.2 Religious structure 2.3 Culture and language 2.4 Education 2.5 Social life 2.6 The Turkish family 3. Studies of the relationship between Bulgarian and Turks 3.1 Studies of the stereotypes between Bulgarians and Turks 3.2 Anthropological study of some villages with Turkish or predominantly Turkish population. 4. The common way of life as basis for developing common social character Third chapter: Studies of social character 1. Nonpsychodynamic studies of the concept of social character 2. Psychodynamic studies of the concept of social character 2.1 Study of the social character through children games in Mexican village 2.2 Study of the social character in the organizations 2.3 Study of the villagers`s social character in Mexican village 2.4 Study of the biophilia and necrophilia in American society 2.5 Mexican study of women social character in two villages Fourth chapter: Comparative study of social character of Bulgarian and Turkish teachers Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ivanov, Andrey Valerievich T1 - ФИЛОСОФИЯ ОТЧУЖДЕНИЯ И КОНФЛИКТА В ИСТОРИОСОФИИ М.О. ГЕРШЕНЗОНА [The Philosophy of Alienation and Conflict in Historiosophie of M. O. Gershenzon] JF - Scientific Notes (Khujand State University), Vol. 43 (No. 1, 2015), pp. 31-35. N2 - В статье рассматривается философия отчуждения и философия конфликта в историософской проблематике одного из участников сборника >Вехи< 1909 года Михаила Осиповича Гершензона, который был одним из первых критиков >массовой культуры<. Показано историко-философское осмысление феномена отчуждения в эпоху Модерна от Гегеля, Маркса до ключевой работы Гершензона >Тройственный образ совершенства<, где проблема отчуждения исследователем интерпретируется не через отчуждение трудом или религией, а через отчуждение культурой. Дилемма Гершензона >создавать или ощущать< как основной конфликт человечества предвосхитила дилемму Э.Фромма >иметь или быть<. В статье демонстрируется, что Гершензон М.О. опередил ряд положений, изложенных в работах Г.Маркузе, Э.Фромма, Х.Ортеги-и-Гассета в плане критики массовой культуры и отчуждения человеческого бытия. N2 - The paper discusses the philosophy of alienation and the philosophy of conflict in historiosophical issues of one of the participants of >Vekhi (Milestones)< collection of 1909 Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon, who was one of the first critics of >mass culture<. Historical and philosophical understanding of alienation phenomenon in modern era starting form Hegel and Marx to the key work of Gershenzon >Triple image of perfection< is shown in this paper where the researcher interprets the alienation problem not through the alienation of labor or religion, but through culture alienation. The dilemma of Gershenzon >to create or to feel< as the main conflict of mankind, forereached the dilemma of Erich Fromm >to have or to be.< The article shows that Gershenzon M.O., identified a number of provisions contained in the works of G.Markuze, Erich Fromm, H.Ortegi and Gasset in terms of criticism of mass culture and alienation of human existence. [Taken from Scientific Library Cyberleninka: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/filosofiya-otchuzhdeniya-i-konflikta-v-istoriosofii-m-o-gershenzona]. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Човекът за самия себе си, издателство (Chovekat za sebe si), Sofiya, University Press St. Kliment Ohridski, 1995, 199 pp. Y1 - 1947 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Човекът за самия себе си, издателство (Chovekat za sebe si); Sachineniya v 11 toma, Tom 1, Sofia (Isdatelstvo Zaharii Stoyanov) 2006, pp. 425-694. Y1 - 1947 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Ще бъдете като богове (You Shall Be as Gods), Setischinenija b 11 toma, Tom 5, Bulgarian), Sofia (Isdatelstvo >Zacharii Stoyanov<, Bulgarian) 2013, pp. 383-595. Y1 - 1966 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goncharuk, E. A. T1 - Э. Фромм и Ж.-П. Сартр о мазохизме: сравнительныи анализ [Erich Fromm and Jean-Paul Sartre about Masochism: Comparative Analysis] JF - Психолог [Psychologist], No. 4 (2014), pp. 74-95. N2 - В статье предпринят сравнительный анализ феномена мазохизма у неофрейдиста Э. Фромма и экзистенциалиста Ж.-П. Сартра. Показано, что Фрейд усматривал корни мазохизма в тайнах детского психосексуального развития. Фромм как представитель неофрейдизма предпринял попытку радикально изменить этот диагноз. Он пришёл к убеждению, что феномен садизма и мазохизма не столько психоаналитический, сколько социальный феномен. Люди становятся заложниками этого невротического состояния в результате воспитания, социализации и реализации межличностных отношений. Власть растлевает людей. Она заставляет многих стремиться к властолюбию, а других обрекает на унижение и подчиненность. Принципиально другой взгляд развивает Сартр. Он полагает, что мазохизм не столько социальный, сколько антропологический феномен. Власть не может принудить личность к жестокости или подчинению, если это не совпадает с ее экзистенциальным выбором. Сартр создает свою концепцию мазохизма в полемике с Симоной Бовуар, с которой его связывали любовные отношения. Автор использует методы исторической реконструкции проблемы. Это позволяет показать, что мазохизм имеет исторические аспекты. На разных этапах складывались разные версии истоков мазохизма. В статье применены также методы философского постижения человека. Таким образом, феноменология социальности замещается в статье экзистенциальным мышлением. Новизна статьи в том, что проблема мазохизма не сводится только к психологическому аспекту. Впервые в отечественной литературе в историческом аспекте сопоставляются взгляды Фрейд, Фромма и Сартра. В результате показано, что от этапа к этапу осмысление данного феномена становится все более развернутым, ясным и теоретически продуктивным. Экзистенциальная экспертиза характеризуется как наиболее состоятельная. N2 - In article the comparative analysis of a phenomenon of masochism at the neofreudian E. Fromm and the existentialist J.-P. Sartre is undertaken. It is shown that Freud saw masochism roots in secrets of children's psychosexual development. Fromm as the representative of a neofreydizm made an attempt considerably to change this diagnosis. He came to the conclusion that a phenomenon of a sadism and masochism not so much psychoanalytic, how many a social phenomenon. People become hostages of this neurotic state as a result of education, socialization and realization of the interpersonal relations. The power corrupts people. She forces many to seek for love of power, and others dooms to humiliation and subordination. Essentially other look is developed by Sartre. He believes that masochism not so much social, how many an anthropological phenomenon. The power can't force the personality to cruelty or submission if it doesn't coincide with its existential choice. Sartre creates the concept of masochism in polemic with Simona Beauvoir with whom it was connected by the love relations. The author uses methods of historical reconstruction of a problem. It allows to show that masochism has historical aspects. At different stages there were different versions of sources of masochism. In article also methods of philosophical comprehension of the person are applied. Thus, the phenomenology of a sociality is replaced in article with existential thinking. Novelty of article that the problem of masochism isn't reduced only to psychological aspect. For the first time in domestic literature in historical aspect views Freud, Fromm and Sartre are compared. It is as a result shown that from a stage to a stage the judgment of this phenomenon becomes more and more developed, clear and theoretically productive. Existential examination is characterized as the most well-founded. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zaks, V. A. T1 - Э. Фромм. Пути из больного общества [E. Fromm. Ways Out of the Ailing Society] JF - Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 113-116. [ISSN: 2454-0706] Y1 - 2001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zolotukhina-Abolina, Elena V. A1 - Ingerleib, Mikhail B. T1 - Экзистенциальный оптимизм: условия, плюсы, проблемы [Existential Optimism: Conditions, Advantages, Problems] JF - Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy], No. 3 (2021), pp. 18-28. [Print ISSN 0042-8744] [doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-3-18-28] N2 - Статья посвящена феномену экзистенциального оптимизма. Авторы трактуют его как душевную установку, присущую отдельной личности и вклю¬чающую в себя положительную оценку мира, умение радоваться и волю к жизни. Экзистенциальный оптимизм не сливается с социальным оптимиз¬мом, он связан с определением индивидуальной траектории судьбы и способен помогать человеку проходить через трудные социальные обстоятель¬ства, сохраняя позитивный настрой и реализуя свои цели. Его стержнем выступает ощущение и выбор личного жизненного проекта, который существует не только в юности, но может в разных вариантах актуализироваться в любых возрастах. Авторы квалифицируют фигуру экзистенциального оптимиста с помощью понятий >продуктивности< (Э. Фромм) и >самоактуа¬лизации< (А. Маслоу), а также образа >победителя< (Э. Берн). Жизненные препятствия видятся такому человеку не только как нормальная характеристика действительности, но и как поле для игры наших сил, что приносит ему бытийную радость. В становлении подобного мироотношения боль¬шую роль играет воспитание и личный пример старших. Авторы обращаются также к теме смерти и разочарования, с которыми сталкивается любой человек, и подчеркивают, что смерть не находится в центре внимания экзистенциального оптимиста. Последней обсуждаемой в статье темой выступает тема практик >позитивного мышления<. В выводах подчеркивается, что позиция оптимиста не может быть никому навязана, а может быть лишь принята самостоятельно. N2 - The article is devoted to the phenomenon of existential optimism. The authors interpret it as a mental attitude inherent in an individual and including a positive assessment of the world, the ability to enjoy and the will to live. Existential opti¬mism does not merge with social optimism, it is associated with determining the individual trajectory of fate and is able to help a person to go through some difficult social circumstances, maintaining a positive attitude and realizing their goals. Its core is the feeling and choice of a personal life project, which exists not only in youth, but can be actualized in different ways at any age. The authors define the figure of an existential optimist using the concepts of >productivity< (E. Fromm) and >self-actualization< (A. Maslow), as well as the image of a >winner< (E. Bern). Life’s obstacles are seen by such a person not only as a normal characteristic of reality, but also as a field for the game of our forces, which brings him the joy of being. In the formation of such a world relation, ed-ucation and personal example of the elders play a great role. The authors also consider the theme of death and frustration that any person faces, and emphasize that death is not the focus of an existential optimist. The last theme discussed in the article is >positive thinking< practices. The conclusions emphasize that the position of an optimist can’t be imposed on anyone, but can only be indepen¬dently accepted. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurevich, P. S. A1 - Haritonov, A. H. T1 - Эрик Фромм о феномене нарциссизма [Erich Fromm about the Phenomenon of Narcissism] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No: 8 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Статья посвящена анализу феномена нарциссизма в работах видного представителя гуманистической психологии Э. Фромма. Американский исследовал показывал вклад Фрейда в рассмотрение этого явления. Особое внимание в статье уделено групповому, социальному нарциссизму. N2 - The article is devoted to analyzing the phenomenon of narcissism in works by a well-known representative of humanistic psychology, Erich Fromm. That American scientist described Freud’s contribution to the study of the phenomenon. Special attention is given to group, or social, narcissism. Y1 - 2009 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Azmi, D. M. T1 - Эрих Фромм о нормативно-правовом регулировании межличностных и межгрупповых отношении с корпорациями и государством [Erich Fromm on Normative and Legal Regulation of Interpersons and Intergroups Relations with Corporations and the State] JF - Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 8 (2000), pp. 133-141. [ISSN: 2454-0706] Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Azmi, D. M. T1 - Эрих Фромм о политическом обществе на рубеже XX-XXI вв [Erich Fromm on Political Society at the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries] JF - Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 116-126. [ISSN: 2454-0706] Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zakharov, Alexandr Dimitrievich T1 - Этико-психологическая теория Эриха Фромма как инструмент социальнои трансформации [Ethical-Psychological Theory of Erich Fromm as a Tool of Social Transformation] JF - Философская мысль [Philosophical Thought], No. 11 (2022), pp. 12-21. [ISSN 2409-8728] N2 - Социальная трансформация – актуальная в текущих философских и общественных реалиях концепция, которая получила проблематизацию и начала рассматриваться вместе с появлением и развитием социальной философии несколько веков назад. Особенный вклад в этот вопрос был внесен в рамках улучшения качества знаний о человеке с развитием психологии как науки и методологии, в частности – психоанализа и неофрейдизма. Данная статья посвящена вопросу этической трансформации общества на примере радикального гуманистического психоанализа Эриха Фромма – неофрейдистской концепции, которая требует уточнения и пояснения несмотря на обилие материала по теме. В качестве методов исследования были использованы качественный анализ первичных эмпирических данных, обработка вторичных эмпирических данных, анализ различных взглядов по выбранной теме. В настоящей статье проводится рассмотрение основных понятий гуманистического психоанализа Фромма в рамках изучаемого вопроса, а также оценка концептуальной применимости его теории к вопросу социальной трансформации. В процессе исследования автор приходит к выводу, что теоретические построения Эриха Фромма изучаются недостаточно скрупулезно, содержат уникальную идиографическую точку зрения на процесс социальной трансформации, обладают практической применимостью для широкого круга пользователей предлагаемой информации – философов, психологов, социологов, историков, религиоведов. N2 - Social transformation is an up-to-date concept in current philosophical and social circumstances being considered with problematization and the creation and development of social philosophy several centuries ago. A specific contribution to this problem was made within the framework of improving the quality of human knowledge with the development of psychology as a science and methodology, psychoanalysis and neo–Freudianism in particular. This article is devoted to the problem of society’s ethical transformation using the example of Erich Fromm's radical humanistic psychoanalysis – a neo-Freudian concept that requires clarification and explanation despite the abundance of content covering the topic. Qualitative analysis of primary empirical data, processing of secondary empirical data, analysis of various views on the chosen topic were used as research methods. This article examines the basic concepts of Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis within the framework of the issue under study, as well as an assessment of the conceptual applicability of his theory to the problem of social transformation. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the theoretical constructions by Erich Fromm are not studied scrupulously enough, contain a unique idiographic point of view and have practical applicability for a wide range of users of the provided information – philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, historians, religious scholars. Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Freytag, Carl T1 - ›Alle Gehalte des Marxismus heideibergisch verfehlt...‹ Der Philosoph und Nationalökonom Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1899-1990) in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 321-332. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheidle, Ilona T1 - ›Eine Folge der gegen Frauen errichteten Schranken‹ Marie Baum (1874 – 1964) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 27-44. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tauschwitz, Marion T1 - ›Im Zaubermantel glücklich, der uns umhüllt‹ – Hilde Domin und Erwin Walter Palm JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 83-94. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Peter T1 - ›Mein Flügel ist zum Schwung bereit‹ – Walter Benjamin in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 45-58. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tharr, Jennifer T1 - ›Und wegen der Heidelberger Vergangenheit, die mich auf meinen Weg brachte.‹ Hannah Arendts Begegnungen in Heidelberg (1926-1929) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 15-26. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Fengcheng T1 - 人的全面發展如何可能:佛洛姆教育理論研究 [How Comprehensive Human Development is Possible: A Study of Fromm's Theory of Education], Doctoral dissertation, Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan 2005. N2 - 佛洛姆雖然沒有提出系統的教育理論,但其理論以人的全面發展、充分誕生為目標,以建立人本主義的社會主義社會為理想,冀望人人覺悟異化的實相,努力克服非理性的熱情與性格,發展生產性格,以解決生存的矛盾,而能夠健全的生活,實具有教育理論的內涵。本文所嘗試為其建立的教育理論,奠基於其人性論、異化論與歷史唯物論,既重視人本身人性力量的發揮,也重視社會整體結構對人發展的影響,有別於先前對其教育理論探討者之忽視社會結構的分析。其人性論承繼馬克思的人性論,以自由而有意識的活動的社會存有為人的本質,同時又根據其心理分析實踐的反思,以內在於人生存處境的矛盾為人的本質。人要獲得自由,必須擴大對自己無意識的覺察,從無意識的壓抑中解放出來。在最深的無意識中,人可以覺察到普遍的人性,而體驗到與所有人類為一體。一般人無法意識到如此深的無意識,但如能意識到其性格結構、社會性格、社會無意識、社會的意識形態等,則能覺察到諸種壓抑其自由發展的內、外在障礙。資本主義社會的生產方式,促使人發展非生產性的市場性格、接受性格等異化的性格,又發展出產業與人工頭腦時代的宗教,來強化這些性格。人由這些非生產性格發展出貪婪、自戀、亂倫固著、威權性格、破壞性等非理性熱情,又屈從於匿名權威,成為自動機器人,遂不得自由發展。人由生產性的工作、工作社群、產業民主、健全消費、全民參與式民主、集體藝術、人本主義的宗教與教育,可以發展生產性格結構,發展生產性的愛與理性的力量,以克服與自我、他人、自然異化的生存矛盾,而達到與世界合一的真我,真正得到自由的發展。生產性格者能夠帶動產生更多的生產性格者,一個社會若有許多生產性格者,就能逐漸轉變社會盛行的價值與觀念,進而逐漸轉變社會性格與社會的生產方式。佛洛姆以生產性的愛為基礎的認識論,和格物致知的修養功夫相似,必須格除私欲,克服自戀等非理性熱情,以無我的愛與世界關聯,心清淨無染,才能看清世界。在這個基礎上,才能發展愛與理性的能力,及其他的人性潛能。故學為聖人,放下自我,從自我的牢籠中脫離出來,乃人得以自由發展的重要關鍵。以「存有」情態學習人類導師與人本宗教的教誨,知行合一的實踐博愛,能夠克服自戀,發展生產性格。能相當程度的發展生產性格,解決生存矛盾之後,才能健全的生活,發展各種人性潛能。生產性格的教育者與領導人「作之君、作之親、作之師」,將家庭、學校、公司等小團體,建立成以愛生性為導向的學習社會,可以促進所有成員生產性格的發展。這種學習社會可以漸次擴大,而將整個社會、國家建立成以愛生性為導向的團體。經由教育者的愛與人格典範、童蒙養正、教勞結合、內在自我實現動機的啟發、落實所教內容、對受教者的信心,可以幫助人發展生產性格,克服異化。教育學的理論與實踐,應更重視整體社會結構與歷史對人的影響,應更重視德育對人整體發展的影響,避免將自私、異化的人視為常態,而應以幫助人發展成生產性格者為目標去進行研究與實踐。 N2 - Although Erich Fromm did not develop a systematic theory of education, his theories have profound implications for human education. In this dissertation I aim to construct a theory of education by exploiting Fromm’s theory of human nature, theory of alienation, and theory of historical materialism. It emphasizes the power of human nature, and at the same time takes into account the effects of social structure, which have so far been neglected in existing literatures. According to Fromm, a man’s full development can be achieved only if he has a productive character. The cultivation of a productive character is therefore an essential issue for education theory. Capitalistic mode of production tends to induce in man unproductive marketing, receptive, and other alienated characters, which are further enforced by the ensuing industrial and cybernetic religions. By means of work community, sane consumption, participant democracy, collective art, humanistic religion and education, Fromm wished to build a socialist society which can help its people develop a productive character: For instance, an educator or leader can establish a learning community orientated toward biophilia in his family, school, or company, and help its members develop productive character through his love for them. If such community could pervade the entire society, the growth in people with productive character would gradually transform the overwhelming social values and ideas, and make impacts to the social character and the mode of production. Fromm’s theory of knowledge based on productive love is akin to Wang young-ming’s philosophy of gewuzhizhi. It is only when man could get rid of irrational passions and associate with the world with selfless love, while possessing a pure, uninfected mind, that he could see the world clearly. He is then able to develop productive love and reason, and other human potentialities. Therefore, learning to become a saint, transcending the delusive reality of the solitary self, are keys to man’s free development. Learning the teachings of great teachers of humankind and humanistic religion with “being orientation”, practicing love without distinction, will help man do away with narcissism and cultivate a productive character. It is important to recognize that the theory and practice of education should pay more attention to the impacts of social structure and history upon man, and put more emphasis on the effects of moral education and character development. In particular, in both theory and practice, education should never take selfish and/or alienated individuals as usual, but should rather aim to cultivate in them a productive character. Y1 - 2005 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Chen, Xiurong T1 - 佛洛姆(Erich Fromm)的政治思想 [The Political Thought of Erich Fromm], Doctoral dissertation, Political Sciences, Institute of the Three Principles of the People National Chengchi University, Wenshan District, Taipei,Taiwan 1990. N2 - 本文的主旨是企圖對佛洛姆的政治思想從事一全面性的了解,並加以評價性的討論。關於了解部分,乃是先設定一個研究架構,就其思想背景、人性理論、個人與社會的調適論、自由與權威的並重論以及世界新秩序的建立途徑,分別加以說明,並進一步指出其政治思想的重心以及整個體系之所在。關於討論部分,則在每章陳述佛氏思想內容之後,列出專節根據當代重要政治思想家某些論點與佛氏思想作比較並加以評論,最後又在全文的結論中,列舉佛氏思想的創義,作較深入的討論,以突顯其思想的主要價值並指出與當代改革潮流的相關性。本文的具體處理共分九章,約三十餘萬字。每章的標題如後:第一章緒論;第二章思想背景;第三章自我肯定的人性論;第四章個人與社會的互動關係;第五章不完全的社會;第六章健全的個人與健全的社會;第七章自由與灌威的協調; 第八章世界新秩序的建立;第章結論--對佛洛姆思想的一個評價。 N2 - The main purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive understanding of Fromm's political thought and to discuss it in an evaluative manner. In the section on understanding, we first set up a research framework to explain the background of his thought, the theory of human nature, the theory of the accommodation of the individual and society, the theory of the coexistence of freedom and authority, and the way to establish a new world order, and further point out the focus of his political thought and where the whole system is located. In the discussion section, after each chapter presents the content of Fromm's thought, a special section is set out to compare and comment on Fromm's thought according to some of the arguments of important contemporary political thinkers, and finally, in the conclusion of the whole paper, the originality of Fromm's thought is listed and discussed in greater depth in order to highlight the main value of his thought and point out its relevance to contemporary reform trends. The specific treatment of this paper is divided into nine chapters of about 300,000 words. The titles of each chapter are as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Background of Ideas; Chapter 3: Self-Affirming Humanism; Chapter 4: Interaction between Individual and Society; Chapter 5: Incomplete Society; Chapter 6: Sound Individual and Sound Society; Chapter 7: Reconciliation of Freedom and Inculcation; Chapter 8: The Establishment of a New World Order; and Chapter 8: Conclusion - an Evaluation of Chapter 8: The Establishment of a New World Order; Chapter 9 The Conclusion: An Evaluation of Fromm's Thought. [www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 11/2022] Y1 - 1990 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Zhicheng T1 - 佛洛姆的人道心理分析學:兼述心性論與位格論的人道傳統 [Fromm's Humane Psychoanalysis: The Humane Tradition of Mind and Person] JF - 鵝湖 [Goose Lake], Vol. 10 (1984), pp.31-38. Y1 - 1984 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zheng, Shiyan A1 - Zheng, Xinxiong T1 - 弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)的人格理論及其診療學說 [Erich Fromm's Theory of Personality and His Theory of Therapy] JF - 思與言 [Thinking and Speaking], Vol. 11, No. 2 (1973). Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Qiu, Xuexian T1 - 弗洛姆的人生論及其在教育上的意義 [Fromm's Theory of Life and Its Significance in Education] JF - 臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134. N2 - 本研究旨在探討弗洛姆的人生論,並闡釋其在教育上的意義。本研究主 要採用理論分析法。 本文共分四部分,首先,探討人究竟是什麼;其次,分析當前的社會環境;再次, 指出人類的新希望;最後,詳述弗洛姆的人生論在教育上的意義。 N2 - The main purpose of this study is to expound Erich Fromm's life theory andits implication on pedagogy. There are roughly four parts in this paper: Firstly, to analyze the question-what is man? Secondly, to assess the sickness of the society; thirdly, to offer the wish of the human; And then to interpret some implications. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ou, Yangqian T1 - 弗洛姆的規範人本主義及其生命倫理學 – 兼評現代西方人本主義哲學 [Fromm's Normative Humanism and its Bioethics – A Review of Modern Western Humanist Philosophy] JF - 哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 23, No. 1 (1996), pp. 1233-1243. Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Qiuxian T1 - 從弗洛姆《愛的藝術The Art of Loving》析論《三國演義》的親情書寫 – 以蜀漢後主為中心 [From Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, an Analysis of the Affectionate Writing of >The Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, with the Latter Lord of Shu Han as the Center] JF - 問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129. N2 - 弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)愛的理論中認為,愛包括一些元素:照顧、責任、尊重及瞭解,其中母親與小孩的關係最密切,她代表著溫暖和安全的狀態,兒童從胚胎起便與母親相互依戀著,縱使日後脫離母體向世界探索,也是相當緊密的。值得注意的是,父親之愛與母愛最大的差別在於,母親是無條件的,而父愛是有條件的。《三國演義》對於劉禪親情的書寫,從三十四回出生到四十一回趙子龍單騎救主、四十二回摔阿斗、六十一回截江奪阿斗、甚至到後來八十五回的託孤事件、及後主登基之後劉禪與諸葛亮的關係等,在在都是於親情的軌跡上書寫。是故,本文欲從現代西方心裡學家弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)《愛的藝術 The Art of Loving》中對於親情剖析的觀點析論《三國演義》中劉禪為中心的敘述,期以重新理解作者在情節段落中的安排和更貼近真實人心的心理狀態,重要的是期盼能梳理出後主人格缺陷部分始是造成蜀國敗亡的真正原因,再從弗洛姆的父親之愛、母親之愛再推而影響人類成年後的父性良知和母性良知,以釐清日後造就出後主如此懦弱無能的主因,竟和童年的親情脈絡有著密不可分的關係。 N2 - According to Erich Fromm's theory of love, love consists of a number of elements: care, responsibility, respect and understanding, of which the mother has the closest relationship with the child, representing a state of warmth and security. It is important to note that the greatest difference between father's love and mother's love is that mother's love is unconditional, while father's love is conditional. In the >Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, Liu Chan's love for his father is written from his birth in the 34th chapter to his rescue by Zhao Zilong in the 41st chapter, the fall of Ah Dou in the 42nd chapter, the seizure of Ah Dou from the river in the 61st chapter, and even the trusting of the orphan in the 85th chapter, and the relationship between Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang after the latter's accession to the throne, all of which are written on the trajectory of love. Therefore, this paper would like to analyze the narrative of Liu Zen in Romance of the Three Kingdoms from the viewpoint of the modern Western psychologist Erich Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, in order to understand anew the author's arrangement of the love passages and the psychological state of the real human heart, and, importantly, to sort out the flawed part of the later lord's personality as the real cause of the defeat of Shu. It is important to clarify that the main reason for the defeat of the Later Master was the inseparable relationship between his childhood affection and the weakness of the Later Master. [DeepLcom/Translator, free version, 11/2022] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lu, Yuting T1 - 從心理學觀點看人及宗教 [Man and Religion from a Psychological Perspective] JF - 哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 26 (1999), pp. 1116-1130;1187-1189. N2 - 心理學普通不設宗教信仰這一問題,因為兩者的研究對象各有不同之故。但由於心理學所討論的人,是「整體性」的,生理與心理固然不能分離,肉體與精神現象也很難完全分開處理;因此自五十年代以來,某些研究「人之所以為人」之特徵的心理學家,已開始對宗教信仰這一問題發生了興趣。心理學家討論信仰問題,不管他們的背境是什麼,藉通不強調、更不執著某種特定的宗教系統,如佛教、基督教、或天主教,雖然這些心理學家也有他們自己的特定信仰。本文收集了五位較有代表性的心理學家,並計劃從他們不同的立場來討論人與宗教之問題:(一)從成熟的人格觀點來看人之宗教信仰對人之人格成熟有何關連。這裡介紹了兩位心理學家,即亞爾伯之人格理論及梵岡之信仰健康觀。(二)從人生意義之探索看信仰問題。並以意義治療學之創始人以弗蘭克為代言人。(三)從追求道德及靈魂之實有看宗教,以新精神分析學權威佛洛姆為主。(四)從人之自我實現論談宗教信仰,並以此理論之創始人馬斯洛為主要依據。輔大以全人教育為宗旨,並以真善美聖為師生共同追求的目標,但全人教育不設宗教這一問題又如何能成為「全人」。真善美聖的實際內涵又脫不了終極關懷的問題。我們不願以自己的信仰談宗教,雖然我們也有此權利及責任,但畢竟易引起誤會及反感。本各完全以人自己的立場來說信仰,似乎應該易於接受。 N2 -  Psychology does not usually involve itself with questions of religious faith; this is because the two have their distinct realms of investigation. Psychology does discuss the >whole person< however. It is certainly difficult to separate the physiological form the psychological; it is difficult to separate the body from the spirit. There have been some psychologists who have approached the problem of the >person as person< since the 1950's.They have already expressed interest in the question of religious faith from a psychological perspective. Despite their investigation of the question of religious faith, psychologists have been reluctant to emphasize, let alone implement, any systematic religious approach to psychological problems, even though a psychologist may have his own religious faith. This article presents five representative psychologists and would like to discuss their different approaches to the question of the person and religion. a.) A look at religious faith from the relationship between the person and the mature personality. b.) Faith from the question of the meaning of life. c.) A look at religion from the pursuit of morality and the phenomenon of the soul. This approach looks at Fromm's Neo-Psycho-analysis. d.) Religious faith from the perspective of self-actualization. Y1 - 1999 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hong, Yingfen T1 - 從道德向度談文化關懷 – 由弗洛姆的觀點談起 [Cultural Care from a Moral Perspective – From Fromm's Perspective] JF - 哲學與文化 [Philosophy and Culture], Vol. 27, No. 12 (2000), pp. 1147-1156, 1198. N2 - 文化是人類生活的所有表現,它包含了歷史洪流的縱向發展與社會型態的橫向延伸,它並非純物質世界的產物,而是精神內化於物質的展現,是精神生活的彰顯。每種文化都是人性的展現,在人性的自然情欲表現中,包含著喜、怒、哀、樂、愛、惡等種種情感,更簡單的區分,人有關懷、愛心與破壞、殘忍兩種相反的力量,它們雖然不是如食色等維生的基本欲望,但對人的影響卻常更甚之;因此,談道德不能抽離人性來討論,談文化不能脫離人性道德而論之。同樣,在今日我們要打造一個優質良善的環境,單從倫理道德本身來談是無法對症下藥,唯有通盤的把心理、社會文化等因素一併納入思考,方能窺探全貌。本文主要是從弗洛姆的觀點,以「人性需求與愛」以及「人性力量與文化進程」兩大角度切入,希望以此提醒人們開啟人性中道德力量對文化的強大影響力,並激發人們對文化永續課題的珍視。 N2 - Culture is the overall expression of human life, including the historical and social developments. It reflects and accentuates the spirit that is incarnated within the material world rather than the material world itself. Every culture is the expression of human nature and it is natural desires, which includes emotions like joy, anger, sadness, love and hatred. In simpler words, a man equipped with opposing powers like care and violence, love and cruelty. While these powers are not as essential as hunger and sexual desire, their impact on human nature is stronger. Therefore, morality cannot be separated from human nature, and culture cannot be independent of human morality. Today, ethics and morality alone cannot create a good environment, psychology and social culture are also factors be considered. This paper approaches culture from Fromm's two major points of view an appreciations for – >human needs and love< as well as >human power and cultural progress< – It tries to remind people of the powerful impact of human morality on culture and to evoke permanent cultural issues. Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hou, Zuozhen T1 - 暴力與謀殺的背後:論九把刀恐怖小說中的破壞性人格 [Behind the Violence and Murder: On the Destructive Personality in Jiuzhodao's Horror Novels] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - 中國現代文學 [Modern Chinese Literature], Vol. 22 (2012), pp. 215-233. N2 - 恐怖小說向來被視作通俗文學的範疇,較少受到學界的關注,其實在近代西方文學中,恐怖小說佔有重要的位置;在台灣,恐怖小說也有它發展的歷史,並具有特殊的社會文化意涵。本文以台灣網路作家九把刀的恐怖小說為探討對象,他的小說常出現荒謬的謀殺和暴力的場景,而人物往往充滿病態暴力的特質,揭示了現代社會的各種破壞性人格,並以血腥顫慄為惡趣。本文試圖探討這些破壞性人格的塑造,除了挑戰想像力和感官刺激的極限,背後是否具有人類生存困境的指涉,以及對現代工業文明社會的諷喻?本文主要借用佛洛姆的「破壞性人格三階段說」,來分析這些作品所隱藏的深層涵意,並思索破壞性人格的塑造與台灣的政經現狀之間,可能有怎樣的關聯性。 N2 - Horror fiction has long been viewed as one of the realms of popular literature and has rarely been the focus of academia; however, horror fiction plays an important role in modern Western literature. Also, horror fiction has its history and special social, cultural implications in Taiwan. This paper discusses the horror fictions of Internet novelist Giddens Ko. Ko's fictions are full of absurd murders and violent scenes, and the morbid violent qualities of his characters reveal the destructive personalities of modern society and their tacky interests in blood and fear. Furthermore, the paper attempts to study the creation of destructive personality and the possible implications of the dilemma of human survival and the sarcasm of modern industrial society. Fromm's theory of three stages of destructive personality is used in analyzing the implications of Ko's work. The possible connection between the creation of destructive personality and the current political and economic situations in Taiwan is also pondered in this paper. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yang, Huinan T1 - 論禪宗公案中的矛盾與不可說 [On the Contradiction and the Unspeakable in Zen Koans] JF - 國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153. N2 - There are three types of Ch’an kung-an that often bewilder Buddhologists; namely, (1) the contradictory, (2) the inexpressible, and (3) mixture of the two. D. T. Suzuki and the scholars influenced by him, for example, E. Fromm, think that these three types of kung-an imply the truth realized by Ch’an masters, the truth which goes beyond daily language and logic. However, as the author points out, there are two traditions in Ch’an School: (1) the >Buddha-nature< tradition based on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and (2) the prajna tradition based on the Diamond Sūtra. Suzuki and Fromm’s interpretation only emphasizes the first tradition and ignores the second one. According to the second tradition, the contradiction and inexpressibility of kung-an may seem to indicate the truth of non-existence-śūnyatā, not necessarily indicating the truly existing >Buddha-nature<. Y1 - 1986 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Mee Jin T1 - 노인자살 원인으로서의 소외에 대한 분석과 소외 극복을 위한 기독교 상담 [Christian Consultation for the Analysis and Overcoming of Alienation, Cause of Suicide in the Elderlys] JF - 한국기독교상담학회지 [Korean Journal of Christian Counseling (KJCC)], Vol. 25, No. 3 (2014), pp. 9-46. N2 - 본 연구는 노년기 자살에서 자살의 원인이 되는 소외에 관한 연구이다. 소외가 노인자살의 주요한 원인이 되는 것에 착안하여 노인자살의 원인으로서의 소외에 관한 연구를 시도하게 되었다. 아울러 소외에 관하여는 Irvin Yalom의 실존주의 심리학적 관점과 Erich Fromm의 사회심리학적 관점, Paul Tillich 실존신학적 관점에서 연구를 하였다. 그리고 이들의 소외 개념을 통합하여 노인자살 문제에 적용했으며 또한 양적 연구와 질적 연구를 통하여 임상적으로 입증하고자 시도하였다. 연구의 결과로 드러난 노인자살의 원인으로 소외현상은 네 가지로 나타났는데, 자기소외, 대인관계의 소외, 사회심리적 소외, 신과의 소외로 나타났다. 이러한 문제의 소외 극복을 위한 상담 방법적 결론은 상담자와의 참 만남을 통하여 소외에 직면할 힘을 가지게 됨의 중요성과, 죽음을 피하는 것이 아니라 오히려 죽음에 직면함으로 죽음 불안을 극복하는 방법임을 알 수 있었다. 노인자살의 원인으로 소외를 극복하기 위해 기독교 상담학적인 고찰을 통하여 얻어진 결론은 소외 극복을 위한 새로운 존재의 가능성을 제시하였고 노년기 자살의 수동적인 유형으로 죽음에 대해 소망하는 것을 궁극적 관심에 대한 소망으로의 전환과 전인적인 기독교 상담을 통한 소외 극복 방안의 필요성을 알 수 있었다. N2 - This research is on alienation, the cause of suicide in the elderly. This research has studied on alienation as cause of the suicide in aged people considering that fact that alienation is the main cause of the suicide for the elderly. In addition, the research has been done from Yalom’s existential psychological and Fromm’s socio–psychological and Tillich’s existential theology point of view. This research also has applied and proved clinically the creative concept that has been derived by integrating and applying these concept of alienation to the suicide of the elderly through quantitative study and qualitative study. The important conclusion showed 4 elements as the cause of suicide in the elderly; self–alienation, alienation in personal relationship, socio–psychological alienation and alienation from the God. The conclusion of the consultive method to overcome the alienation was that the participants could overcome the uneasiness about death by confronting death and they get the force to confront alienation through the truthful meeting with the consultant, and that confronting the alienation not evading it was the very overcoming of the alienation. The end result obtained through the christian consultive consideration in order to overcome the alienation, the cause of the suicide in the elderly, is the suggestion the new being for overcoming the alienation and the desire for death, as the passive type of suicide during old age, should be transformed into the desire for the ultimate interest. Also it is important to plan the way of overcoming the alienation by a wholesome consultation. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Park, Chan-Kook T1 - 목적론적 입장에서 본 행복: 아리스토텔레스와 프롬을 중심으로 [Happiness from a teleological perspective: Focusing on Aristotle and Fromm] JF - 동서사상 학술저널 [Academic Journal of East-West-Thought], Vol. 11 (2011a), pp. 1-28. [Print ISSN 1975-5279] N2 - 이 연구는 플라톤에서 아리스토텔레스, 그리고 토마스 아퀴나스와 헤겔에 이르는 서양철학의 고전적 전통을 지배했던 목적론에 입각하여 행복이라는 문제에 대해서 고찰하려고 한다. 이러한 목적론은 인간을 비롯한 모든 존재자들이 자신들에게 주어져 있는 본질적인 형상을 실현하는 것을 목표한다고 보는 본질실현의 목적론이다. 이러한 본질실현의 목적론은 근대에서 지배적인 영향력을 행사했던 자기보존의 목적론과는 달리 모든 존재자들은 단순한 자기보존이나 종족번식을 넘어서 자신에게 부여된 본질적인 형상을 구현하는 것을 목표한다고 본다. 본 연구는 인간의 행복은 이러한 본질실현의 목적론을 전제로 할 경우에만 제대로 구명될 수 있다고 보면서, 이러한 사실을 본질실현의 목적론에 입각하여 인간을 파악했던 가장 대표적인 사상가인 아리스토텔레스와 에리히 프롬의 행복관을 고찰함으로써 입증하고자 했다. N2 - This research aims to inquire into the issue of happiness on the basis of the teleology that dominated the history of the Western philosophy from Plato to Hegel. According to this teleology, all beings try to realize their essential forms given by the nature. I think that the happiness of the human beings can be brought to light well only if we presuppose the teleology. This research sought to prove this thought by considering the most representative thinkers, Aristotle and Erich Fromm that investigated the human beings on the basis of teleology. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Jong-sik T1 - 에리히 프롬 사상의 교육적 의미 – 『소유냐 존재냐』를 중심으로 [The Educational Meaning of Erich Fromm's Thought – Focusing on >Having or Being<] JF - The Journal of Education [교육논총] Vol. 36, No. 2 (2016), pp. 153-171. N2 - 자아 상실은 현대인의 내적 공허감이나 쉴새없이 무엇인가를 소유해야만 하는 욕구 등에서 잘 나타났다. 아무 것도 시작할 수 없게 만드는 고통스러운 권태, 내적인 무기력, 자기 추진력의 상실과 그에 따른 의기소침 등이 그런 현상에 속한다. 또 자기 자신과 홀로 대면하는 것을 몹시 꺼려하는 현대인의 두려움도 마찬가지로 존재 상실의 결과라 하겠다. 어떤 형태로 표출되든지 간에 존재의 결핍은 창조능력의 부재를 의미한다. 이 글의 목표는 프롬의 저서 『소유냐 존재냐』를 중심으로 소유와 존재의 개념을 밝히고, ‘소유적 실존 양식’과 ‘존재적 실존 양식’의 이해를 위해 두 실존양식을 비교하여 프롬이 말하는 ‘실존적 욕구’가 왜 교육의 기준점이 되어야 하는가를 이해하는 것이다. 이 글은 프롬의 저서 『소유냐 존재냐』를 교육적으로 해석하는 방법을 취할 것이다. 이 글에서 이용한 텍스트는 차경화(2015) 옮김, 『소유냐 존재냐』 임을 밝혀 둔다. N2 - The current research aims to understand Fromm’s >To Have or To Be< and to apply its implications to education. Employing the method of hermeneutics, two fundamental concepts, >To Have< and >To Be<, are explored in relation to education. It is claimed that >Being< mode, rather than >Having< mode, should be recognized as a basis of education, since education has to pursuit activeness rather than passiveness, which is the premiss of >To Be< and ultimately leads to an individual’s pursuit of happiness. Y1 - 2016 ER -