TY - JOUR A1 - Meissner, W. W. T1 - Vincent's Suicide JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 673-694. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Medri, G. T1 - Male and Female Destructiveness in the Psychoanalytic Process (Discussion) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 3, December 1992), pp. 151-154. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meares, R. T1 - Transference and the Play Space JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 32-49. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McLaughlin, Neil T1 - Review Burston, D. R.: The Legacy of Erich Fromm, Typescript 1992, 18 p. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McLaughlin, Neil T1 - Review Burston, D. R.: The Legacy of Erich Fromm JF - Society, Vol.29 (No. 5, 1992), pp. 92-94. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Marlinova, Olga T1 - Group Psychology in the Totalitarian System: A Psychoanalytic View JF - Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, Münster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 69-86. [= MARLIN, O, 1990. N2 - >Gruppenpsychologie im totalitären System aus psychoanalytischer Sicht<: Die Autorin diskutiert die Ideen, die drei bedeutende psychoanalytische Denker – Sigmund Freud, Wilfred Bion und Erich Fromm – zu Gruppenprozessen in sozialen Großgruppen entwickelt haben. Ihre Ideen werden im einzelnen dargelegt und auf die Analyse von Gruppenprozessen in totalitären Systemen, wie sie der Autorin von der Tschechoslowakei und der ehemaligen Sowjetunion her bekannt sind, angewandt. Im Anschluss daran werden Überlegungen zur therapeutischen Behandlung von Patienten, die unter diesen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen sind, angestellt und durch klinische Falldarstellungen erläutert. N2 - >La psicologia di gruppo nel sistema totalitario dal punto di vista psicoanalitico<: L’autrice esamina le idee di tre importanti pensatori psicoanalitici sui processi di gruppo nei grandi gruppi sociali Sigmund Freud, Wilfred Bion e Erich Fromm. Le loro idee vengono sviluppate ed applicate all’analisi dei processi di gruppo nei sistemi totalitari, quali l’autrice ha conosciuto in Cecoslovacchia e nell’Unione Sovietica. In conclusione, vengono sviluppate ed illustrate con casi clinici delle considerazioni terapeutiche sul trattamento di pazienti cresciuti in tali regimi. N2 - >Psicología de grupo en un sistema totalitario desde la perspectiva psicoanalítica< El autor discute las ideas de tres importantes pensadores psicoanalíticos: Sigmund Freud, Wilfred Bion y Erich Fromm, acerca de procesos grupales en grandes colectivos sociales. Sus ideas son desarrolladas y aplicadas en el análisis de procesos grupales en sistemas totalitarios, tal como el autor los conoció en Checoslovaquia y la Unión Soviética. Finalmente el autor reflexiona sobre los tratamientos aplicados a pacientes que crecieron bajo estos regímenes y los ilustra a través de casos clínicos. T3 - Yearbook / Jahrbuch (1990-1995) - w03/1992g Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Malina, Peter T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Das jüdische Gesetz. Zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums (1989b) JF - Aschkenas, Wien No. 1, 1992. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maccoby, Michael T1 - Die Methoden der Gesellschafts-Charakter-Forschung bei Erich Fromm JF - Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, Münster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 35-46. [= MACCOBY, M., 1990 N2 - >Methods of Social Character Research in Erich Fromm<: In the 60s team of cultural anthropologists from Mexico and the United States headed by Erich Fromm conducted a socio-psychological survey, the findings of which were published in 1970 under the title >Social Character in a Mexican Village. A Sociopsychoanalytic Study<. The author of the present essay, who closely collaborated with Fromm on this field project, reports both on the data collection methods and evaluational practices used and on the findings reached by the survey. This co-production with Fromm can certainly lay claim to exemplary status for a large part of the Mexican rural population, pointing to a narrow link between the various manifestations of the social character of the villagers, the role of tradition in the culture and family respectively, and the nexus of economic relationships. This research project resulted in the practical conclusion that the situational realities of the most strongly disadvantaged group in the rural population – young people – needed to be improved by educational programs and agricultural projects, so as to stem the growing polarization between rich and poor among the villagers. N2 - >I metodi della ricerca sul carattere sociale secondo Erich Fromm<: Negli anni sessanta Erich Fromm condusse, con un'équipe di antropologi culturali, psicologi e pedagogisti provenienti dal Mssico e dagli Stati Uniti, una ricerca sociopsicologica, i cui risultati, col titolo Social Character in a Mexican Village. A Sociopsychoanalytic Study, vennero pubblicati nel 1970. L'autore del presente scritto, stretto collaboratore di Fromm in questo progetto, riferisce sui metodi di indagine e di valutazione e sui risultati della ricerca. Nello studio pubblicato assieme a Fromm, che può pretendere di avere validità esemplare per la maggioranza della popolazione rurale messicana, viene dimostrato uno stretto collegamento tra le diverse manifestazioni del carattere sociale degli abitanti del villaggio, la tradizione culturale e familiare e le condizioni economiche. Dal progetto di ricerca derivò la conseguenza pratica di cercare di migliorare le condizioni di vita del gruppo più svantaggiato della popolazione, soprattutto dei giovani, attraverso iniziative educative e progetti agricoli, allo scopo di opporsi ad un'ulteriore polarizzazione tra poveri e ricchi nella popolazione del villaggio. N2 - >El método de investigación del carácter social en Erich Fromm<: En los años 60 Fromm llevó a cabo junto con un equipo de antropólogos culturales, psicólogos y pedagogos mexicanos y estadounidenses, una investigación socialpsicológica, cuyos resultados fueron publicados en el año 1970 bajo el título: Sociopsicoanálisis del campesino mexicano. Estudio de la economía y la psicología de una communidad rural. El autor del presente trabajo, estrecho colaborador de Fromm, hace un relato acerca de los métodos de investigación, de la práctica evaluativa y de los resultados de dicha investigación. En este estudio, publicado conjuntamente con Fromm y que puede reivindicar una ejemplar validez para una gran parte del campesinado mexicano, se pone en claro la estrecha relación entre los diferentes rasgos del carácter social de los habitantes del pueblo, las correspondientes tradiciones culturales y familiares y las condiciones económicas. La consecuencia práctica del proyecto de investigación fue la de mejorar la situación de vida del grupo más afectado en el pueblo, sobre todo la de la juventud a través de formación y de proyectos agrícolas, con el fin de contrarrestar la profundización de la polarización entre pobres y ricos en la población del pueblo investigado. T3 - Yearbook / Jahrbuch (1990-1995) - w03/1992d Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lo Monoca, Adriano T1 - Occhio a quei >sedici< JF - Avvenire, Vol. 2 (No. 40, 11. 3. 1992). Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lionells, M. T1 - The Analyst's Questions (Panel Presentation) JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 309-325. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Levenson, E. A. T1 - Harry Stack Sullivan JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 450-466. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Levenson, E. A. T1 - Mistakes, Errors and Oversights JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 555-571. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lesser, Ruth M. T1 - Frommian Therapeutic Practice: A Few Rich Hours JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 483-494. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lasswell, Harold D. T1 - Badania nad polityka JF - Saciuk, R. (Ed.): Nasza Epoka Absurdu, Wroclaw (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego) 1992, pp. 275-279. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lasswell, Harold D. T1 - Psychoanaliza a polityka JF - Saciuk, R. (Ed.): Nasza Epoka Absurdu, Wroclaw (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego) 1992, pp. 174-209. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Langs, R. T1 - Teaching Self-Processing JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 97-117. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lachmann, F. M. T1 - The Importance of Gender in the Psychoanalytic Relation (Discussion) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 1, June 1992), pp. 32-36 Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kächele, Horst T1 - La ricerca sulla terapia psicoanalitica 1930-1990. Società di Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica, 44 pp. Y1 - 1992 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krauss, Helmut T1 - Haben oder Sein? Plädoyer für einen achtsam geführten Dialog mit den Dingen JF - Eu. Ethik und Unterricht, Tuebingen (Attempto Verlag) Vol. 3 (No. 3, 1992), pp. 35-42. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kozicki, V. C. T1 - Are We Crazy? Social Sanity, Subjectivity and Interpretive Analysis in Social Theory. Master Thesis at Queen's University at Kingston (Canada) 1992, 167 pp. (Abstract in Vol. 31/04 of Masters Abstracts, pp. 1610. N2 - This thesis seeks to uncover the methodological ground-work necessary for the construction of an emancipatory theory of society. The theoretical work of Erich FROMM on the necessary valuative criteria of social sanity is explored first. This leads to a discussion on the subjective and speculative characteristics of social theories; it hopes to demonstrate the presence of an inherent psychological, internal debate that lies at the root of any political agency. This debate is properly located between our accepted social norms and our more deeply rooted, historically acquired beliefs and perspectives, between the public and the private realm. – This dichotomy leads to the more contemporary work of Nancy Chodorow, where this public-private debate is critiqued through the use of the interpretive analysis of object-relations theory, a theory of personality development firmly grounded in specific socially constructed patterns. Her work serves as an example of an interrelational theory of political agency which does not risk becoming self-justifying. This thesis concludes with observations on the fact that mainstream political theory seems to have failed to take into account the subconscious motivational factors as the birth-place of our complex, socio-political behaviour; what we will call the >pre-political,< private debate. It finally restates the possible contribution that psychoanalytic methodology can make to social theory and to the study of political behaviour. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kokoszka, Andrzej T1 - On the psychology of experiencing values: A supplement to the evolutionary level model of the main states of consciousness JF - Imagination, Cognition and Personality, Krakau (Poland) Vol. 11 (No. 1, 1991-92), pp. 75-84. N2 - Presents a general approach to a psychology of values and offers a model that integrates the work of M. Scheler (1913, 1916), A. H. Maslow (1970), and E. FROMM (1957). Psychological values are defined as (1) justification for a given way of behaving, thinking, or feeling and (2) the observable aspect of the internal experience of motive. Values are experienced as sensations on the biological levels, as feelings on the prelogical level, as recognized values on the logical level, and as direct experience of values on a supralogical level. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Koch, József T1 - Erich Fromms humanistisches Menschenbild und unsere geteilte Welt JF - Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik, Budapest (ELTE Germanistisches Institut) 1992, pp. 187-192. T3 - Yearbook / Jahrbuch (1990-1995) - 1 Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Knobloch, Ferdinand T1 - From psychotherapy to integrated psychotherapy. JF - The Bulletin. Official Newsletter of The International Academy of Eclectic Psychotherapists, No. 2, April 1992. Y1 - 1992 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Knobloch, F.HahnM. T1 - Letter to the Editor on the mind-body problem JF - American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 140 (No. 2, 1992). Y1 - 1992 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klein Landskron, Erich T1 - Max Horkheimer und Erich Fromm JF - M. Kessler and R. Funk (Eds.), Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule. Akten des internationalen, interdisziplinären Symposions Stuttgart-Hohenheim vom 31. 5. bis 2. 6. 1991, Tübingen (Francke Verlag) 1992, pp. 161-180. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - King, C. Richard T1 - To Have or Not to Have Sex in Critical Theory: Sexuality in the Early Writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm JF - Mid-American Review of Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1992), pp. 81-91. [Online ISSN 2469-8474] [doi.org/10.17161/STR.1808.5086] N2 - This paper explores the relationship between society and sexuality, which is overlooked in the later phases of Critical Theory. The author begins with a discussion of the role of sexuality in the writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm. Reich uniformly celebrates and strategically deploys sexuality to critique Western capitalistic society while Fromm lacks a clear and consistent utilization of sexuality. Reich uses Marx in his predominately Freudian framework of sexual repression in trying to' address the problem of repression and suppression in Western capitalism. Fromm, on the other hand puts Freud into his already Marxist approach 10 authority, the family, and ideology. Adorno, Marcuse, and Horkheimer largely ignored sexuality in their later writings, but instead used Freudian concepts in their theory of the authoritarian personality. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - King, C. R. T1 - To Have or Not to Have Sex in Critical Theory: Sexuality in the Early Writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm JF - Mid American Review of Sociology, Vol. 16 (No. 2, Spring 1992), pp. N2 - To explore the relationship between society and sexuality, which is overlooked in the later phases of critical theory, the role of sexuality in the writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich FROMM is explored. Reich uniformly celebrates and strategically deploys sexuality to critique Western capitalistic society while FROMM lacks a clear and consistent utilization of sexuality. Reich uses the theories of Karl Marx in his predominately Freudian framework of sexual repression in trying to address the problem of repression and suppression in Western capitalism. FROMM, on the other hand, puts the theories of Sigmund Freud into his Marxist approach to authority, the family, and ideology. Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Max Horkheimer largely ignored sexuality in their later writings, but instead used Freudian concepts in their theory of the authoritarian personality. 17 References. Adapted from the source document. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kessler, Michael A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Vorwort T2 - M. Kessler and R. Funk (Eds.), Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule. Akten des internationalen, interdisziplinären Symposions Stuttgart-Hohenheim vom 31. 5. bis 2. 6. 1991, Tübingen (Francke Verlag) 1992. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kessler, Michael T1 - Das Versprechen der Schlange. Religion und Religionskritik bei Erich Fromm und den Frankfurtern JF - M. Kessler and R. Funk (Eds.), Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule. Akten des internationalen, interdisziplinären Symposions Stuttgart-Hohenheim vom 31. 5. bis 2. 6. 1991, Tübingen (Francke Verlag) 1992, pp. 131-160. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Kernberg, Otto T1 - Aggression in Personality Disorders and Perversions. New Haven (Yale University Press) 1992. Y1 - 1992 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kemper, J. T1 - Brazil: Mental Health in Social Distress? The Dialectic Between Inner Psychic and External Social Reality JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 3, December 1992), pp. 129-134. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kavanagh, G. T1 - Love and The Beginning (Discussion) JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 442-449. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kattmann, U. T1 - Ist Fremdenhaß biologisch motiviert?, JF - M. Zimmer (Ed.), Fremdenhaß – Ursachen und Bewältgungskonzepte, Amsterdam 1992. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kardiner, Abram T1 - Jednostka i jej spoleczenstwo JF - Saciuk, R. (Ed.): Nasza Epoka Absurdu, Wroclaw (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego) 1992, pp. 269-274. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kardiner, Abram T1 - Pietno opresji JF - Saciuk, R. (Ed.): Nasza Epoka Absurdu, Wroclaw (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego) 1992, pp. 153-173. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kafka, H. T1 - To cure or to heal? a clinical and theoretical study of healing processes within psychoanalysis JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 2, October 1992), pp. 110-118 Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Johach, Helmut T1 - Systemsprengende Kraft der Utopie. Religiös-politische Perspektiven der Kritischen Theorie JF - M. Kessler and R. Funk (Eds.), Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule. Akten des internationalen, interdisziplinären Symposions Stuttgart-Hohenheim vom 31. 5. bis 2. 6. 1991, Tübingen (Francke Verlag) 1992, pp. 87-109. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Joas, Hans T1 - Die unterschätzte Alternative. Amerika und die Grenzen der >Kritischen Theorie< JF - H. Joas, Pragmatismus und Gesellschaftstheorie, Frankfurt (Suhrkamp stw) 1992, pp. 106-108. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jeggle, A. A1 - Guenther, A. T1 - Einige >Fallstricke des gewöhnlichen Rassismus<. Vortrag anläßlich der Tagung der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft zum Thema Fremdenhaß – Ursachen und Bewältigungskonzepte, die vom 6. bis 8. November 1992 in Tübingen stattfand. Tuebingen, Typoscri Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Issacharoff, A. T1 - John L. Schimel, Memorial Meeting (Eulogy) JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 397-400. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Igra, L. T1 - The Silent Kill. Male and Female Destructiveness in Psychoanalytic Practice1 JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 3, December 1992), pp. 139-147. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Hug, P. T1 - Individuum und Gesellschaft bei Freud und Fromm, Lizentiatsarbeit an der Philosophischen Fakultät I der Universität Zürich, Zürich 1992, 83 pp. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Honigmann, Peter T1 - Jüdische Studenten zwischen Orthodoxie und moderner Wissenschaft. Der Heidelberger Talmudistenkreis um Salman Baruch Rabinkow JF - Menora. Jahrbuch für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte, München (Piper) 1992, pp. 85-96. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Holt, Robert R. T1 - Freud’s parental identifications as a source of some contradictions within psychoanalysis. Typescript, 44 pp. References and Tables missing. JF - T. Gelfand and J. Kerr (Eds.): Freud and the History of Psychoanalysis, Hillsdale (The Analytic Press) 1992, Y1 - 1992 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoffmann, Klaus T1 - Selbstmorder in der Kalahari JF - Suizidprophylaxe. Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 19 (No. 92) pp. 173-180. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoffman, Louise E. T1 - Review Burston, D. R.: The Legacy of Erich Fromm JF - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 28)No. 2, 1992), pp. 169-171. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoffman, I. Z. T1 - Expressive Participation and Psychoanalytic Discipline JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 1-15. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hirsch, I. T1 - Extending Sullivan's Interpersonalism JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 732-747. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Helbig, Ludwig T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Das jüdische Gesetz. Zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums (1989b, German) JF - Literatur-Report Helbig, Prien No. 76, September 1992, 1 p. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Harmatta, J. T1 - Psychic Liberation under Political Tyranny JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis Oslo (Scandinavian University Press), Vol. 1 (No. 3, December 1992), pp. 135-138. Y1 - 1992 ER -