TY - JOUR A1 - Zawalska, Izabela T1 - Genderowa podmiotowość bohatera-mężczyzny w rosyjskiej kobiecej fantasy [Су бъективность гендер героя‑муж чины в русской женской фэнтези] [Gender Subjectivity of the Male Characters in Russian Women's Fantasy Novels] JF - Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze, Vol. 21 (2011), pp. 88-101. N2 - Настоящая статья является попыткой прочтения русской фэнтези авторов женщинписательниц Елены Хаецкой и Марии Семёновой, с точки зрения гендерных исследований. Автор статьи находит в мироощущении и субъективности героев черты матриархальной (в романе Семёновой Волкодав) и патриархальной (в цикле новелл Е. Хаецкой, под общим названием Мракобес) структур. В том, как герой реагирует на окружающиймир, происходящие события и женщину, воплощается его субъективность, отражающаяэти системы общественных отношений. Автор статьи показывает тоже, как образ женщины меняется под влиянием точки зрения героев‑мужчин(в зависимости от того, какойтип общественных отношений они представляют собой): от богини по проститутку, отпочитания по страх перед ее натуральностью и телесностью.Главные слова: гендер, герой фэнтези, женская фэнтези, патриархальное/матриархальноемироощущение. N2 - The article in question is an attempt to read Russian fantasy genre by female authors Jelena Chajecka and Maria Siemionowa from the perspective of gender studies. What the author of the article discovers in the worldviews and subjectivities of the analysed novel’s main characters, is the features of matriarchal (in the novel by Siemionowa Волкодав) and patriarchal (in the series of novels by Chajecka entitled Мракобес) structures. In the male character’s reactions to the surrounding world, its events, and a woman, his subjectivity, being a reflection of the above-mentioned social relations, is effectuated. The author also shows the picture of woman dynamically changing under masculine the male character’s interpretation: form a goddess to a prostitute, from reverence to fear of her of her naturalness and corporeality. Key words: gender, fantasy hero, female fantasy, patriarchal/matriarchal outlook. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Pucher, Christiane T1 - Erich Fromm – Religionssystem versus religiöses Denken, Magistra in Philosophie, Philosophy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2011, 132 pp. [doi.org/10.25365/thesis.15366] N2 - Mit meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich die Relevanz von Fromms Gedanken eines religiösen Denkens, das sich auf die Grundpfeiler des urchristlichen Glaubens stützt, näher analysiert. Der Reverenzrahmen meiner Arbeit umfasst dabei stets die westliche Denkweise über Religionssysteme, ebenso wie die Analysen der Gesellschaft sich auf westliche Verhältnisse beziehen. Fromms kritische Haltung gegenüber der später einsetzenden dogmatischen Glaubenserziehung soll dabei, wie ich zeigte, aus dem Blickwinkel der kritischen Theorie verstanden werden. Meine Arbeit veranschaulicht die Intention Fromms, aufbauend auf Freuds psychoanalytischer Erklärung eines religiösen Bedürfnisses des Menschen, eine humanistische Religiosität zu fördern. Doch im Gegensatz zu Freud erkennt Fromm in der Umsetzung einer lebendigen humanistischen Religion die Möglichkeit, die Natur des Menschen von den Tabus der Gesellschaft zu befreien. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt auch die religionsphilosophische Konzeption der Ursprünge der christlichen Religion eine bedeutende Rolle. In der ausführlichen Untersuchung der Fromm’schen Interpretation zum Religionsverständnis der jüdischen Propheten und der mosaischen Tradition, wird deutlich, dass das Fundament der christlichen Religion auf einer humanistischen Einstellung zum Menschen gründet. Auf der Suche nach einem, den Bedingungen und Erkenntnissen seiner Zeit entsprechenden humanistischen Menschenbildes, begegnet Erich Fromm Karl Marx. Dessen Visionen über einen im Sozialismus eingebetteten religiösen Menschen, deckt sich nach Ansicht Fromms mit seinem humanistischen Religionskonzept. Jenes Verständnis von einer Religiosität zeichnet das Bild eines selbstbewussten Menschen, der in seinem religiösen Selbstverständnis die Vernunft als Kriterium für ein Leben im Einklang mit der eigenen Natur heranzieht. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung ist es, meines Erachtens wichtig, der Frage nachzugehen, ob das Christentum einen humanistischen Kern besitzt, der aus seiner Geschichte abgeleitet werden kann. Meine Motivation zielte darauf ab dieser Frage affirmativ zu begegnen und die friedlichen, humanistischen Aspekte, die dem Christentum inhärent sind, zu betonen. Der aktuell im europäischen Raum vorherrschenden religionskritischen Bewegung, soll jenes humanistische Gedankenkonzept als Alternative zu einer institutionalisierten Religionszugehörigkeit dienen, um damit den religiösen Bedürfnissen der Menschen gerecht zu werden. Nicht zuletzt um als Mensch in der kapitalistischen Konsumgesellschaft seine wahren Bedürfnisse wiederzuentdecken und ihnen die Bedeutung zukommen zulassen, die sie tatsächlich verdienen. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Park, Chong Tai T1 - 자아실현의 관점에서 본 친생명교육 [Pro‐life Education from the Perspective of Self‐Realization] JF - 생명연구 [Studies on Life and Culture], Vol. 19 (2011), pp. 11-48. N2 - 이 논문은 대학생의 생명을 위한 교육을 자아실현의 관점과 연결하여 이론적으로 논구하고 그 실천적인 방법을 제안하려는데에 목적을 둔다. 나는 우선 삶의 목적, 자아실현, 행복개념등의 상호관련성을 살펴보려고 한다. 다음으로 전통적 및 현대적 덕목들이 자아실현을 위해 활용될 수 있는 구체적인 방법으로서 >긍정 심리학<과 >행복 심리학<의 응용가능성을 제시한다. >생명개념<에 관한 정의나 이해방식은 참으로 다양하다. 그러므로 학제적 연구를 통하여 통합적인 이해를 제공해야한다. >생명현상<은 생물학을 비롯한 자연과학과 의학등의 탐구대상이고 >생명의 본질<은 철학적 이론과 기타 인문과학의 연구대상이다. 물론 여러 고등 종교에서도 각기 경전과 교리에 토대를 두고 생명의 본질에 대한 질문에 해답을 제공한다. 오늘날 생명의 의의와 존엄성을 드높이려는 교육과 운동에서 내걸고 있는 >생명의 문화<는 >죽음의 문화<의 반대개념이다. 죽음의 문화는 모든 생명을 경시하는 의식과 풍조에서 싹트고 이기주의, 쾌락주의, 물질주의가 그 온상이다. 현대사회에서 만연된 죽음의 문화는 생명의 문화로 바뀌어야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 각자의 도덕적 자각과 제도의 개선을 통하여 생명문화의 건설에 박차를 가해야 할 것이다. 여기서 우리의 삶의 방식은 에리히 프롬이 말한대로 >소유의 삶<이 아니라 >존재의 삶<이어야 할 것이다. 생명을 위한 교육은 교양교육의 범위에서 모든 대학생들에게 실시하는 것이 바람직하다. N2 - This study is designed to theoretically discuss pro‐life education for college students from the perspective of self‐realization and to propose practical measures. First examined will be the relationship among objectives of life, self‐realization and the concept of happiness. Based on the examination, possibilities of applying >positive psychology< and >psychology of happiness< will be demonstrated as concrete measures to utilize conventional and modern virtues in achieving self‐realization. Considering that different studies have reached different definitions of the >concept of life<, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept through consilient research. The >phenomenon of life< is the subject on which natural science, including biology, and medicine fields have studied, and the >nature of life< has been that of philosophy and other humanities. Most advanced religions have also provided solutions to the question of the nature of life, based on their own scripture and theories. The >culture of life< that today’s education and movements proclaim to promote the importance and dignity of life stands at the opposite side of the spectrum from the >culture of death<, which is born by the attitude of devaluing life, and raised by egoism, hedonism and materialism. It is time that the >life culture< should replace the >death culture< that is prevalent in the modern society. To this end, it is required to spur to nourish the culture of life by morally enlightening ourselves and improving social institutions. As Erich Fromm said, the way of our life shall be a >life to be<, not a >life to possess<. It is desirable to provide pro‐life education to all college students as a general education. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Park, Chan-Kook T1 - 불교와 그리스도교에 대한 니체의 견해에 대한 비판적 고찰 - 에리히 프롬과의 비교를 통해서 [A Critical Examination of Nietzsche’s View on Buddhism and Christianity - through the Comparison with Erich Fromm’s View] JF - 현대유럽철학연구 [Researches in Contemporary European Philosophy], No. 27 (2011), pp. 101-138. N2 - 이 글은 니체가 『안티그리스도』에서 개진하고 있는 불교와 그리스도교에 대한 견해를 프롬의 견해와 대조하면서 비판적으로 검토하면서, 니체의 견해가 가지고 있는 긍정적인 의의와 한계를 살펴보고 있다. 니체는 불교와 그리스도교가 현실을 고통에 가득 찬 부정적인 것으로 보면서내면으로의 도피나 피안으로의 도피를 주창하고 있다는 점에서 허무주의적이라고 보며, 또한 양자가 모두 생명력의 약화와 퇴화에서 비롯되었으면서도생명력의 약화와 퇴화를 조장하고 있다는 점에서 데카당스적이라고 보고 있다. 이에 반해서 프롬은 종교를 크게 권위주의적인 종교와 인본주의적인 종교로 대별하면서 불교를 대표적인 인본주의적인 종교로 보는 반면에 그리스도교에는 두 가지 요소가 섞여 있다고 보고 있다. 프롬은 예수의 참된 정신과 그리스도교 신비주의는 인본주의적인 성격을 띠고 있는 반면에, 이른바전지전능한 신에 대한 무조건적인 복종을 요구하는 제도화된 교회의 교리는권위주의적인 성격을 띠고 있다고 보았다. 프롬이 이렇게 종교를 권위주의적 종교와 인본주의적인 종교로 구별하고 있는 것은 어떤 면에서는 니체가 종교를 힘에의 의지를 강건하게 만드는 종교와, 그것을 약화시키고 병들게 하는 종교로 구별하고 있는 것과 유사하다. 니체가 어떤 종교의 좋고 나쁨은 그 종교가 실재를 얼마나 반영하느냐가 아니라 인간을 얼마나 강건한 존재로 만드느냐에 달려 있다고 보는 것처럼, 프롬역시 어떤 종교의 좋고 나쁨은 그 종교가 인간을 얼마나 정신적으로 성숙한존재로 만드는지에 달려 있다고 보는 것이다. 그러나 프롬이 부처와 예수를 인류가 추구해야 할 이상적인 가치를 제시하고구현한 인류의 사표로 보는 반면에, 니체는 부처와 예수를 결국은 힘에의 의지가 약했던 데카당으로 본다는 점에서 양자는 사실상 입장을 전적으로 달리한다고 보아야 할 것이다. 양자 간의 차이는 궁극적으로는 『안티그리스도』에서의 니체가 사해동포주의적인 사랑을 주창하는 계몽주의적인 휴머니즘에 대해서 비판적인 입장을 취하고 있는 것에 반해 프롬이 그것을 적극적으로 받아들이고 있다는 데에서 비롯된다. 니체가 계몽주의뿐 아니라 불교나 그리스도교에 나타나고 있는 사해동포주의적인 사랑을 힘이 약한 자들의 자기기만정도로 보는 반면에, 프롬은 오히려 진정한 내적인 힘에서 비롯되는 사해동포주의적인 사랑이 존재하며 그러한 정신적인 능력을 구현하는 것이야말로우리 인간이 추구해야 할 가치라고 보고 있는 것이다. N2 - This article examines Nietzsche’s views on Buddhism and Christianity in >Anti-Christ< critically in contrast with Erich Fromm’s view and inquire into the positive significance and limitations of Nietzsches’ view. Nietzsche regards Buddhism and Christianity as nihilistic, because he thinks that they see this world as filled with pains and advocate the escape from this world. Moreover, he regards them as decadent, because he thinks that they came into being from weakening and degeneration of life and promotes weakening and degeneration of life. On the contrary, Fromm divides the religions into authoritarian and humanistic religions largely. He sees Buddhism as a representative humanistic religion, while he thinks that in Christianity two elements are mixed. Fromm sees Buddha and Jesus as the ideal men which presented and realized the values that the mankind should realize, while Nietzsche sees them as the decadent men whose will to power was weak and tired. The difference between Nietzsche and Fromm is grounded on the fact that Fromm accepts the enlightenment humanism that advocates the cosmopolitan love, while Nietzsche is critical against it. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Sam-hyung T1 - 생애교육으로서의 독서교육 [The Education of Reading as a Lifelong Education] JF - 국어교육학연구 [Korean Language Education Research], Vol. 41 (2011), pp. 29-52. N2 - 본고는 우리나라의 성인들의 독서율이 OECD 국가에서 최하위에 위치한다는 문제가 생애교육으로서의 독서교육이 최우선 과제로 삼아야 한다는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 본고는 생애교육으로서의 독서관을 에리히 프롬이 말하는 존재양식의 독서에 찾고 있다. 즉, 우리의 독서와 독서교육은 소유양식의 독서에 치중되어 있는 경향이 강하다. 이를 극복하기 위해서는 독서가 지식을 소유하는 수단으로서가 아니라 존재양식으로 승화되어야 한다. 또한 우리의 독서계는 문학 독서와 설명적 글의 독서를 전혀 다른 것으로 간주하는 경향이 있다. 문학 작품의 독서에서는 삶의 고양과 같은 목적을 명시하는데 반해 설명적 글의 독서에서는 단지 정보처리에 주된 관심을 둔다. 그러나 프롬의 설명대로 문학 작품의 독서나 설명적 글의 독서에 소유양식과 존재양식이 모두 가능하다면, 설명적 글의 독서라고 해서 정보처리라는 울타리에 가둘 필요가 없을 것이다. 생애교육으로서의 독서를 위해서 독서교육이 나아가야 할 방향으로는 먼저 체계적인 독서교육을 들 수 있다. 체계적인 독서교육이란 사실적 독해와 같은 기초적인 독해력을 충실히 양성하고 비판적 독해와 같은 고수준의 독서로 나아가야 한다고 하였다. 아울러 독서교육이 기존의 입시 위주의 독서교육에서 벗어나 독서 경험이 자신의 관심과 삶과 관련을 맺고, 독서가 끝이 없는 의미를 추구하는 과정이며 몰입하여 기쁨을 누리는 과정이라는 의미 있고 재미있는 독서 경험이 중심이 되는 독서교육을 실시해야 한다. N2 - Our country's reading rating of adult is the lowest in OECD. This article makes it a important task which the teaching of reading as a lifelong education settles matter. Our standpoint of reading is fixed at reading as a mode of >to be< of Fromm's term. In additionally, our reading and reading education have a tendency that concentrated on the model of >to have<. To conquest this matter, readers have to sublimate their attitude that the mode of >to have< in the mode of >to be<. We also have a tendency that literary reading and non-literary reading are very different. Reading of the literary text has a goal that enhancing the life, on the other hand, reading of non-literary concerns on information processing mainly. However, according to the Fromm's saying that all the things that reading of literary and non-literary could operate as both mode of >to be< and >to have<, non-literary reading does not limit the category of >information processing<. For the lifelong education of reading, teaching of reading has to be systemized. The systemized teaching of reading is that training a basic literacy like a literal reading substantially first, then, goes forward to the critical reading gradually. In additionally teaching of reading has to get out of preparing-centered for an entrance examination and pursuits that reading experience concerned with readers' life and interest. So teaching of reading has to make everyone who reads the books could get a pleasure, a meaning of life in the reading and realize that reading is the process that pursuing meaning infinitely. So teaching of reading has to make everyone who reads the books could get a pleasure, a meaning of life in the reading and realize that reading is the process that pursuing meaning infinitely. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Kyeong-Hwa T1 - 『주홍글씨』와 『와인즈버그, 오하이오』에 등장하는 패배자들에 관한 연구 [A Study of the Losers Who Appear in >The Scarlet Letter< and >Winesburg, Ohio<] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - 영어영문학연구 [The Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature], Vol. 53, No. 2 (2011), pp. 217 231. N2 - Back in the early twentieth century, Erich Fromm, a famous psychologist, claimed that human relations in modern society are based on trading economy, because modern people do not have faith in the moral principles by which life ought to be guided. However, according to Fromm, such business relations are not in harmony with human nature. As Fromm pointed out, today’s human relations are problematic, considering that they are based on trading economy rather than moral values. This thesis aims to study the problems of human relations in modern society, with its focus on the win-or-lose culture. And >The Scarlet Letter< and >Winesburg, Ohio< are examined to this end. Both of the novels were written during the transient period when America changed from a traditional society to a modern society. For this reason, these novels disclose the bad effects of modernization, especially the bad effects on human relations. Hester Prynne, the heroine of >The Scarlet Letter<, is a loser in the sense that she was outcast and despised by the surrounding people during her lifetime. The inhumane behaviors of the Puritans toward Hester are related to the individualistic anxiety caused by Calvinism. Similarly, modern people are suffering from individualistic anxiety, even though it is not in terms of religion. And the individualistic anxiety represses human nature that loves righteousness and morality. The immoral and inhumane behaviors done in the name of loser today can be understood in this context. >Winesburg, Ohio< criticizes that industrialization undermined the foundation of human relations. In the short story >Godliness<, Jesse Bentley is obsessed with the desire for success, which causes conflicts and alienation in his relationship with his daughter. Meanwhile, >Paper Pills< suggests that the experience of losing can be valuable, because it teaches us how to understand people with compassion. In conclusion, it seems that what improves the world eventually is love, not competition. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Jeong-shin T1 - 이성복 시에 나타난 소외 극복 과정 고찰 ―『뒹구는 돌은 언제 잠 깨는가』와 『남해금산』을 중심으로 [Investigating the Process of Overcoming Isolation Shown in Lee Sung-bok's Poems: Focusing on >Dwing-guneun dol-eun eonje jam kkaeneunga?< and >Namhaegeumsan<] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - 현대문학이론연구 [The Journal of Literary Theory], No. 44 (2011), pp. 179-200. N2 - 이성복은 한국의 1980년대를 대표하는 시인으로, 병든 시대 의식을 >정든 유곽<에 빗대어 파악한 빼어난 감수성을 보여준다. 유곽은 병원, 기차역, 시장과 함께 인생을 연구할 수 있는 대표적인 곳 중의 하나로, 시적 화자에게 병든 징후를 드러내는 공간이다. 본고는 이성복 시를 이해하는 데 있어서 기존의 평자나 논자들이 간과한 프롬의 소외론에 논의의 근거를 두었다. 프롬에 의하면, 소외의 근원이 자연으로부터, 사회로부터, 이웃이나 타자로부터, 심지어는 자기 자신이나 자아로부터 소외됐다는 것이다. 이런 면을 이성복 시에 적용하여 분석의 틀로 삼았다. 프롬에 의하면, 사랑이란 분리된 것을 결합하고, 소외를 극복하는 것이다. 이성복은 『뒹구는 돌은 언제 잠 깨는가』에서 당시의 고통스런 시대상을, 『남해금산』에서는 치욕적인 현실로부터 사랑에 이르는 과정을 잘 보여주고 있는데, 이는 고통 속에 내재된 치욕이야말로 사랑이라는 인식에 이른 결과이다. 즉 사랑은 아픔이며 그 아픔을 통과할 때만이 아픔 속에 내재된 소외를 극복할 수 있으며, 그런 아픔의 인식이야말로 치유의 가능성을 보여준다. 결국 이성복은 >뒹구는 돌<이라는 혼란스런 의식 내부의 공간에서 >남해금산<이라는 열린 공간으로의 끊임없는 자기 소외 극복 과정을 잘 보여주고 있다. N2 - Lee Sung-bok is a representative poet in the 1980s. He shows remarkable sensitivity by comparing the ill sense of the era to >Cared Yookwak<. In his poems, Yookwak is a representative place in which his life can be investigated along with hospital, train station, and market and also a place to show the symptom of illness. The present study investigated Sungbok Lee's poems with approach of Fromm's isolation theory which has been ignored by the previous researchers. According to Fromm, the isolation originates from nature, society, neighbor or the other, and even the self (himself/herself). I take Fromm's theory as a frame for the analysis in this paper and applied the theory to Sungbok Lee's poems. According to Fromm, love can make a harmony from the separated things and this is how to overcome the isolation. Sungbok Lee shows the painful situation in the era in the poem, >Dwing-guneun dol-eun eonje jam kkaeneunga?< [『뒹구는 돌은 언제 잠깨는가?』 >When does rolling stones wake up?>]. Also, he shows very well the process of reaching to the true love out of the shameful situation in >Namhae geumsan< [『남해금산』 >South Sea Gumsan<], which suggests that the internal bitter and painful shame resulted in realizing the true love. In other words, love can be obtained from the process of realizing a pain. Once you get through the pain, you can overcome the isolation. Also, realizing the pain implies the possibility of healing. As a result, Lee Sung-bok shows very well the continuous process of overcoming the self-isolation through >the rolling stone< which represents the confused inner space toward >South Sea Gumsan<, which represents an open space. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hong, Soon-Won T1 - 에리히 프롬의 정신분석학적 윤리 – >자기애< 개념을 중심으로 [Erich Fromm's Ethics of Psychoanalysis – Focusing on the Concept of Narcissism] JF - 한국기독교신학논총 [Korean Journal of Christian Studies] , No. 74 (2011), pp. 229-246. N2 - The doctrine that love for oneself is identical with selfishness and that it is an alternative to love for others has pervaded theology and the pattern of daily life. Fromm tries to distinguish the selfishness from self-love. He insisted that love for one person implies love for man as such. From this, it follows that my own self, in principle, is as much an object of my love as another person. Fromm finds the crisis of contemporary culture not in the egoism but in the lack of self-concern. According to his point of view, the self-love is the very ground of neighborly love, as the self-hatred causes the hatred to others. The selfish person falls in fact short of self-love. The selfish person has first of all to overcome his Narcissism in order to fulfill the self-love. The self-love includes the aspect of agape, since it identifies itself with the object of love. It has social dimension, while the Narcissism has a tendency to be controlled by the natural instinct. The characteristics of Fromm's idea on self-love lies in his attempt to distinguish it from narcissism as well as from selfishness. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hassani, Hassan T1 - Erich Fromm on Freedom JF - Projet From Pre Freedom to Ultimate Freedom, pp. 70-76. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322064405_ERICH_FROMM_ON_FREEDOM] N2 - In this paper the writer examines Fromm’s theory of freedom in three stages: pre-freedom, negative freedom and positive freedom in his works especially in >The Fear of Freedom< or >The Escape of Freedom<. The writer discusses Fromm's ideas about three concepts and the distinction between pre-freedom, negative freedom and positive freedom. It seems that Fromm’s conception of positive freedom as the rational pursuit of self-interest translates into an idea of independence or opposite pre-freedom in his social philosophy; moreover, Fromm's idea of negative freedom is not just the absence of constraints, since the word >negative< has a twofold aspect. However, his idea of positive freedom involves a certain degree of independence from other people as an individual; in other words, the maximization of everyone's independence from other people is the very important core of positive freedom for Fromm in his works. In short, it can be clearly seen in Fromm’s conception that positive freedom is, however, constructed independently from his doctrine: it is built on the assumption of the process of growth in human freedom. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Borda-Malo Echeverri, Santiago T1 - Hacia Un Nuevo Diálogo: Ciencia – Teología [Towards a New Dialogue: Science – Theology] [Vers Un Nouveaux Dialogue: Une Science – Théologie] JF - Revísta Quaestiones Disputatae – Temas en Debate, No. 9 (2011), pp. 45-62. [Online ISSN 2422-2186] [revistas.ustatunja.edu.co/index.php/qdisputatae/article/view/244] N2 - Este artículo de reflexión intenta entablar un diálogo crítico entre ciencia y religión (es major el término teología para evitar equívocos), dos instancias fundamentales de la vida humana, en algunos momentos de la historia polarizadas hasta la income patibilidad. Trata de recoger aportes de interesantes patibilidad. Trata de recoger aportes de interesantes diálogos al respecto: los realizados entre el famoso físico Albert Einstein y el poeta místico Rabindranath Tagore (Berlin, 14 de June de 1930) entre el filósofo Erich Fromm y el místico budista zen D. T. Suzuki (México, agosto de 1957); entre el escritor y semiólogo agnóstico Umberto Eco y el cardenal jesuita y biblista Carlo Maria Martini (marzo de 1995-enero de 1996); entre los filósofos ateos – el italeano Paolo Flores D’Arcais y el alemán Jurgen Habermas – con el teólogo alemán Joseph Ratzinger (hoy Papa Benedicto XVI / Roma, febrero de 2000 y 2004, respectivamente) y el encuentro entre el filósofo neotomista. Jean Guitton y los físicos rusos Grichka e Igor Bogdanov, con su propuesta del Metarrealismo (1991). Nuestro objetivo es mostrar más las convergencias que las divergencias en un tema que se vuelve nuevamente candente con el nuevo libro de Stephen Hawking, >The Grand Design< (2010). Iluminamos la discusión académica con los aportes de estudiosos del tema como Juan Luis Ruiz de la Peña, Mahatma del tema como Juan Luis Ruiz de la Peña, Mahatma Gandhi, Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto, Soren Kierkegaard, santa Edith Stein, Raimon Panikkar, Gaston Bachelard y un pensador latinoamericano como Ernesto Sabato. También vale la pena citar a Jean Luc Marion. N2 - This reflection article attempts to establish a critical dialogue between science and religion (it is better to coin the term >Theology< to avoid misunderstandings), these are two fundamental instances of human life which have been polarized until incompatibility at some moments of the history. It tries to recollect contributions from interesting dialogues related to: those between famous physic Albert Einstein and the mystical poet Rabindranath Tagore (Berlin, June 14th, 1930); the philosopher Erich Fromm and the mystical Buddhist Zen D. T. Suzuki (México, August 1957); between the writer and agnostic semanticist Umberto Eco and the Jesuit cardinal and biblical scholar Carlo Maria Martini (march 1995 – January 1996); between the atheist philosopher – Italian Paolo Flores D’Arcais and the German Jürgen Habermas – and the German theologist Joseph Ratzinger (today Pope Benedict XVI / Rome, February 2000 y 2004, respectively), and the meeting between the Neothomist philosophers Jean Guitton and the Russian physics Grichka and Igor Bogdanov with their proposal about Metarealism (1991). Or with their proposal about Metarealism (1991). Our goal is to show more convergences than divergences in a topic that becomes current again with the new book of Stephen Hawking, >The Grand Design< (2010). We illuminate the academic discussion with (2010). We illuminate the academic discussion with input from academic experts on the subject such as Juan Luis Ruiz de la Peña, Mahatma Gandhi, Joseph Jean Lanza del Vasto, Sören Kierkegaard, saint Edith Stein, Raimon Panikkar, Gaston Bachelard and Edith Stein, Raimon Panikkar, Gaston Bachelard and a Latin-American thinker Ernesto Sabato. Likewise, it is worth citing Jean Luc Marion. N2 - L’Est un article essaie de commencer un dialogue critique entre la Science et la théologie), deux instances fondamentales de la vie humaine, dans quelques moments de l’histoire polarisées jusqu’à l’incompatibilité. On essaie de reprendre des jusqu’à l’incompatibilité. On essaie de reprendre des apports de dialogues intéressants à ce sujet: les réalisés entre le fameux physique Albert Einstein et le poète mystique Rabindranath Tagore (Berlin, le 14 poète mystique Rabindranath Tagore (Berlin, le 14juin 1930); entre le philosophe Erich Fromm et le juin 1930); entre le philosophe Erich Fromm et le bouddhiste mystique zen D. T. Suzuki (le Mexique, bouddhiste mystique Zen D. T. Suzuki (le Mexique, un août 1957); entre l’écrivain et sémioticien un agnostique Umberto Eco et le cardinal un Jésuite et de la bible Carlo Marie Martini (un mars de 1995 - janvier de 1996); entre les philosophes athées – l’Italien Paolo Flores D'Arcais es l'Allemand Jürgen Habermas – avec le théologien allemand Joseph Ratzinger (aujourd'hui Papa Benedicto XVI / Rome un février 2000 et 2004, respectivement) et la rencontre entre le philosophe neotomista Jean Guitton et les Russes physiques Grichka et Igor Bogdanov, avec sa proposition du Metarréalisme (1991). Notre objectif est position du Metarréalisme (1991). Notre objectif est de montrer plus de convergences que les divergences dans un sujet qui devient nouvellement incandescent dans un sujet qui devient nouvellement incandescent avec le nouveau livre de Stephen Hawking, >The Grand le Design< (2010). Nous illuminons la discussion académique avec les apports de spécialistes du sion académique avec les apports de spécialistes du sujet comme Juan Luis Ruiz du Rocher, Mahatma sujet comme Juan Luis Ruiz du Rocher, Mahatma Gandhi, Joseph Jean Lanza du Vaste, de Sören Kierkegaard, sainte Edith Stein, Raimon Panikkar, Gaston Bachelard et un penseur latino-américain comme Ernesto Sabato. Vaut aussi la peine de citer Jean Luc Marion. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bilicki, Tomasz T1 - Krytyka autorytetu w pedagogice radykalnego humanizmu Ericha Fromma [Criticism of Authority in the Erich Fromm‘s Pedagogy of Radical Humanism] JF - Studia z Teorii Wychowania: półrocznik Zespołu Teorii Wychowania Komitetu Nauk Pedagogicznych Pan, Vol. 2, No. 1/2 (2011), pp. 73-79. N2 - Polish pedagogical studies, with a few exceptions, still discount contemporary trends in psychoanalysis. Erich Fromm was the critical followers of Freud. His thoughts are often called humanistic psychoanalysis or radical humanism. Fromm is calling into question the universal opinions and theories. Fromm does not limit the concept of authority only to the psychoanalytic category of the superego or authoritarian personality (sadomasochistic), examined by the Frankfurt School. Fromm’s category of authority is almost always used in the context of opposition to conformism of contemporary society. Although Fromm criticizes the authority, not all relations of authority – subordinate are pathological. For example good teacher does not HAVE authority, but his IS authority; this relation is free from the exploitation of people. The pedagogy of radical humanism criticizes conformity and demystifies lot of anti-humanistic ideologies. The understanding of Fromm’s authority concept is a clue to resolve many contemporary educational problems. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Banicki, Konrad T1 - Euthyphro and Socrates – a study of cases [Eutyfron i Sokrates – studium dwóch typów religijności] JF - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozofzny, No. 15 (2011), pp. 1-27. [ISSN 1689-4286] [doi.org/10.18778/1689-4286.15.01] N2 - The question of Socrates' piety as well as all the issues that it entails (including the problem of the sources' reliability) have been mainly addressed in the theological or philosophical context. In order to broaden such an approach it may be useful to refer to another, psychological perspective. Socrates, namely, together with one of his memorable interlocutors, Euthyphro can be very interestingly analysed and differentiated in the terms of the two modes of existence distinguished by Erich Fromm. The very self-confident piety of Euthyphro, in particular, turns out to be the one of the having mode: it focuses on the possession of literally understood gods' favours and ethical purity. The analysis of the Socrates' mode of existence is slightly more difficult but still possible. As soon as some forms of Socrates' rationality (including Socratic elenchus, irony, and ignorance as well as the references to daimonion) are investigated it is argued that the Socrates' piety can be classified as specific to the being mode. It is constituted by the constant process of rational inquiry, during which the philosopher neither resigns from the application of his rational faculties nor elevates his reason to the status of the sole and absolute principle. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bachryj-Krzywaźnia, Maciej T1 - Psychoanaliza kulturowa Fromma jako wariant podejścia interpretacjonistycznego [Fromm's Cultural Psychoanalysis as a Variant of the Interpretative Approach] JF - Transformacje [Transformation], No. 1-2 (2011), pp. 70-92. N2 - [Podsumowanie] Interpretacjonistyczna analiza stawiająca sobie za cel zrozumienie ludzkich działań jako zakorzenionych w przekonaniach, jako realizujących przypisany im przez aktora subiektywnie sens, może osiągnąć swój cel po-przez ukazanie funkcji jakie pełnią one względem nieświadomych potrzeb psychicznych oraz trwania i reprodukcji struktury społecznej, której emanację stanowią. W tej perspektywie narracje uczestników życia politycznego o pro-cesach i zjawiskach, których doświadczają, stają się zrozumiałe poprzez od-niesienie do warunków egzystencji, w których powstają. Owe narracje, na które składają się różnorakie powiązane ze sobą sądy o rzeczywistości – diag-nostyczne, prognostyczne, wartościujące czy jakiekolwiek inne – stanowią oczywiście rezultat świadomego namysłu jednostki. Jednak myślenie i jego rezultaty, w postaci mniej lub bardziej złożonych systemów przekonań – ta-kich jak ideologie i doktryny – nie mają tu charakteru czysto intelektualnej aktywności lecz z racji funkcji jakie wypełniają, zawsze zawierają pewien komponent emocjonalny o podłożu nieświadomym. Interpretacja opierająca się na psychoanalizie kulturowej Fromma powinna przebiegać następująco. W pierwszym etapie konieczne byłoby od-tworzenie na bazie empirycznie dostępnych świadectw, takich jak zwerbali-zowane sądy, preferencje i przekonania aktora, jego wyobrażeń czy narracji o danym fragmencie rzeczywistości. Następnie poprzez odniesienie do po-trzeb psychicznych człowieka przeanalizowanie ich pod kątem potencjału gra-tyfikacyjnego jak również możliwości symbolicznej reprezentacji poszczegól-nych form socjalizacji i asymilacji. Następnym krokiem byłaby próba okre-ślenia orientacji charakterologicznej aktora poprzez zidentyfikowanie, które z tych form znajdują najpełniejszy wyraz symboliczny w narracji aktora. Os-tatnim etapem – najtrudniejszym najbardziej pracochłonnym i najbardziej na-rażonym na błędy – będzie skonfrontowanie charakteru indywidualnego z do-minującym charakterem społecznym, w celu ukazania pozycji i stosunku akto-ra do struktury społeczno-ekonomicznej społeczeństwa, w którym żyje. N2 - The aim of this article is twofold. In the first section the author presents the short philosophical debate and the assumptions that the interpretivist approach stems from. The main subject of this dispute is the nature and scientific status of social science in comparison with natural science. Two paradigms are pre-sented: positivistic, concerned with explanation, assuming the unity of science as well as similar scientific rigour and methodological requirements for both natural and social sciences. The opposite, interpretive approach, is based on the assumption that ontology of social science is quite different if compared with natural science and requires fundamentally different procedures and methodology that focuses on understanding rather than casual explanation. Subsequent sections discuss the applicability of psychoanalysis as a theoretical background for the interpretivist approach. The author claims that phenomenological and hermeneutical elements, identified in psychoanalytic tradition by various scholars, renders it useful for the purposes of interpretive analysis. This is also the case of Fromm’s cultural approach. Several concepts are particularly relevant in this context: unconsciousness, individual and social character, psychological needs. The article ends with general clues on how such interpretive analysis, based on Fromm’s psychoanalysis, should proceed. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zdanow, Carla T1 - Investigating the Relationship Between the Social Phenomenon of Facebook and Narcissistic Socio-Cultural Tendencies. MA-Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 2011, 105 pp. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Werder, Lutz von T1 - Review Funk, R. (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut JF - Luzifer-Amor - Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, Vol. 24 (No. 47, 2011), pp. 188-190. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Moegle Stadel, Stefan T1 - Review Fromm, E.: You Shall Be as Gods. A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and Its Tradition (1966a, German) JF - Papa-Ya. Das Magazin für mehr Fairness im deutschen Familienrecht, Nr. 5, 2011, p. 25. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meier, Jürgen T1 - Review Funk, R.: Der entgrenzte Mensch. Ein Plädoyer für den >realen Menschen<. Das von der Ökonomie geforderte Ich JF - Unsere Zeit. Sozialistische Wochenzeitung, 6. Mai 2011. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuhn, Annette T1 - Matriarchale Gegenwart. Vergessene Gedanken von Erich Fromm zum Matriarchat JF - MatriaVal, Frankfurt No. 15, 2011, pp. 8-10. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krauß, Matthias T1 - In der Fall von Doublethink JF - Neues Deutschland, Feuilleton 15.10.2011, p. 22 Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Anonymus-2011_rk, T1 - Review Funk, R.: Ich und Wir. Abwehrmechanismus Postmoderne JF - Factum. Mensch, Natur, Glaube, Berneck 20.07.2011. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Anonymus-2011_fme, T1 - Review Funk, R.: Erich Fromm - Liebe zum Leben JF - General-Anzeiger Bonn, 30.8.2011. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Craiss, Mandus Immanuel T1 - Wunschmaschinen und Grundeinkommen. Eine Anwendung der >Wunschmaschinen<-Theorie von Gilles Deleuze und Felix Guattari auf die Diskussion um das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen (mit Schwerpunkt auf den dieser zugrunde liegenden Menschenbildern u.a. von Erich Fromm), Magisterarbeit, Politikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Leipzig, 2011, 80 p. . Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - R. M., Young T1 - Harold Searles, 2011, 11 pp. [http://human-nature.com/rmyoung/papers/pap129h.html] Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaefer, Annette T1 - >Dr. Freids< Respekt vor psychisch Kranken. [Über Frieda Fromm-Reichmann] JF - Psychologie heute, Vol. 38 (Januar 2011), S. 66-71. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rudnytsky, Peter T1 - Elogio a Nina Coltart. Typescript, 32 pp. JF - F. Borgogno e G. Cassullo (Eds.): Le molte facce des trauma, Roma (Borla) 2011, pp. 13-28. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodini, C. T1 - I risultati dell’Infant Research e la terapia psicoanalitica degli adulti. Atti del 1° Congresso OPIFER. 8 pp. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Philipson, Ilene T1 - Erich Fromm: A challenge to contemporary thinking about the traumatized other. Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, CA, 2011, 6 pp. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Palmitessa, Constanza T1 - A Case of Post-Traumatic Dissociation JF - Academy Forum, Vol. 55 (No. 2, 2011), pp. 27-29. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Migone, Paolo T1 - Sull’appartenenza alle società psicoanalitiche JF - Psychomedia Telematic Review. 7 pp. [http://www.psychomedia.it/pm/modther/probpsiter/ruoloter/rt118-11.htm] Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McLaughlin, Neil T1 - ¿Por qué fracasan las escuelas de pensamiento? El Neo-freudianismo como caso de estudio para la sociología del conocimiento [translation of McLaughlin_N_1998] JF - Apuntes. De investigación del CECYP, Vol. 14 (No. 19, 2011), pp. 11-43. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mansilla del Valle, Amado T1 - Las necesidades humanas en la teoria de Fromm, Osorno (Chile) 2011, 12 pp. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Longhin, Luigi T1 - Il processo mentale di identificazione proiettiva ed introiettiva JF - P. Fancini e L. Longhin: Il coniglio di Alice, Firenze (Arte Edizione) 2011. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kurz, Henning T1 - Erich Fromm - Ein fast vergessener Klassiker der Sozialpsychologie. Power-Point-Präsentation als PDF, Volkshochschule Grenzach, 2011. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Howard, R. A1 - et al., T1 - Late-Onset Schizophrenia and Very-Late-Onset Schizophrenia-Like Psychosis: An International Consensus JF - Amercan Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 157 (2011), pp. 172-178. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoffmann, S. O. T1 - Review R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut: >So etwas wie Höflichkeit kennt das Unbewusste nicht< JF - Psychotherapeut, Vol. 56 (No. 3, Mai 2011), p. 259f. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Glover, V. T1 - Annual Research Review: Prenatal stress and the origins of psychopathology: an evolutionary perspective JF - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. 52 (No. 4, 2011) pp. 356-367. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - La persistente relevancia de Erich Fromm; translation from English to Spanish by Prof. Amado Mansilla del Valle [cf. Funk_R_2000d] Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Finn, S. E. T1 - Implications of Recent Research in Neurobiology for Psychological Assessment JF - Journal of Personality Assessment, 2011 Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fava, Emilio A1 - et al., T1 - Relazione interpersonale e cambiamento terapeutico. AAPDP/OPIFER Joint Meeting, Roma. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ehrenberg, D. B. T1 - Play’s magic and play’s limits: On Laughter and Transformation and on the Power of going through >the eye of the storm<. IARPP-Members-List. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carolei, Stefania T1 - Laura: A clinical case. Typescript. 12 pp. and 5 pp. Aggiornamento in Italian and 7 pp. Update in English. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bonomi, Carlo T1 - The Future of the Irma Dream. The overwhelming task of standing trauma. International Ferenczi Center, Budapest. 13 pp. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Albasi, Cesare T1 - Il concetto di dissociazione nella psicoanalisi relazionale. JF - Psychomedia, 2011. [http://www.psychomedia.it/psich-asti/recenti/albasi2.htm] Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Agazzi, Evandro T1 - L’evoluzione: dai dati, ai fatti, alle spiegazioni, alle teorie e alle interpretazioni filosofiche JF - L’evoluzione biologica. Dialogo tra scienza, filosofia e teologia, edito da San Paolo (2011), pp. 78-105. Y1 - 2011 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Stoykov, Iliya T1 - Psihologya na lichnosta vav tvorchestvoto na Erih From (Personality psychology in the works of Erich Fromm), Sofia (Izd. Faber) 2011, 151 pp. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Lechhab, Hamid T1 - Arabische Jugend schreit nach Reformen. Interview mit Hamid Lechhab über die Proteste in Nordafrika T2 - in: Wann und Wo, Vorarlberg Dezember 2011, 1 p. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Held, Josef A1 - et al, T1 - Druck und Gesundheit aus der Sicht von Psychotherapeut/Innen JF - Josef Held et. al., Was bewegt junge Menschen? Lebensführung und solidarisches Handeln junger Beschäftiger im Dienstleistungbereich, Wiesbaden (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften) 2011, pp. 303-326. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - (Foreword, Arabic) T2 - E. Fromm, (The Art of Being, Arabic), Latakia (Dar al Hiwar) 2011, pp. 7-13. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Becker, Martina A1 - Miró, Alexander T1 - Mobbing in der Schule – Erscheinungsbild und Möglichkeiten der Intervention, typoscript vor publication, 2011, 7 pp. Y1 - 2011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - An Italian Commemoration of Jules Bemporad. Paper presented at the Thirteenth AAPDP-Opifer Joint Meeting: “Psychoanalytic Training Today. In the Footsteps of Silvano Arieti,< Honoring the Memory of Jules Bemporad, Rome, November 12-13, 2011, 2 pp. Y1 - 2011 ER -