TY - JOUR A1 - Śliwerski, Boguslaw T1 - The Idea of the Exclusion of Necrophilic Attitudes in Critical Psychology of Erich Fromm JF - Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2020), pp. 7-20. N2 - The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Erich Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm’s approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi A1 - Hayatullah, Imam Khomaeni T1 - Narrative for Terrorism and Transnationalism ISIS Theology through the Doctrine of Religion JF - Journal of Terrorism Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2020), pp. 20-31. [Online ISSN: 2722-1512] [doi.org/10.7454/jts.v2i1.1015] N2 - Acts of terrorism seem to never run out of Indonesia, from independence to the present day. Including the ideals of the establishment of an >Islamic State< that gave rise to a new wave of terrorism. The JAD group affiliated with ISIS clearly states that the Indonesian republic is thogut, so it is haram to be obedient to it, and they commit an act of terror some time ago. ISIS cleverly uses religious propositions to recruit new members. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet became his legitimacy. The concept of Hijra, Necrophilia and millenarism became the main doctrine of the ISIS. ISIS uses this narrative to facilitate and call for action in Indonesia. Suicide bombing, police station attack carried out by sympathizers, either JAD members or lone wolf. ISIS also utilizes social media well, this facilitates the idea of necrophilia, millenarism of ISIS is practiced by its sympathizers. Through qualitative and text analysis and the idea approach, necrophilia from Erich Fromm and millenarism from Norman Cohn, and other narrative this research is intended to make counter narrative of ISIS, so that the emergence is the concept of biophilia and optimism against the times and build a better future. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zibulla, Stefan A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Die Gesellschaft bestimmt viele unserer Wünsche. Wie Rainer Funk die Sozialpsychologie von Erich Fromm interpretiert und weiterentwickelt. Stefan Zibulla und Rainer Funk T2 - die kleine. Zeitschrift für die besten Lebensjahre, Tübingen (Schwäbisches Tagblatt) November / Dezember 2020, pp. 6 f. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zepf, Siegfried T1 - Psychoanalytic treatments and empirical research on their efficacy: A commentary JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 096-103. N2 - The author summarizes the problems inherent in nomological approaches examining the efficacy of psychoanalysis as a form of treatment. He argues that nomologically oriented research operates with assumptions lacking empirical foundation and, moreover, that studies of this type merely give the impression of the effectiveness of psychoanalytic therapies while overlooking the specificity of the psychoanalytic method. He suggests that research into psychoanalytic treatments should not be subjected to a nomological conception of science, and that structural analysis of treatment courses should be examined and systematized within the frame of psychoanalytic treatment theory relative to their outcome. Given this approach, and provided that the theory of treatment is based on conceptual common ground, such studies would enable a prognostic conclusion that psychoanalytic treatments are successful, providing that the sequences generalized in the treatment theory do actually take place in treatments that take patients’ individuality into account. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yerushalmi, Hanoch T1 - Supervisees’ paradoxical need for knowledge JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 224-233. N2 - Supervisors who wish to meet their supervisees’ needs to grow as clinicians will encounter two paradoxical knowledge-related needs of supervisees. On one pole of this paradox is their need to assimilate new knowledge into their existing clinical knowledge; on the other pole is their need for acknowledgement, validation, and formulation of their unique experiential and unarticulated knowledge. Meeting this need helps the supervisees to balance regressive states and painful gaps between their own and their supervisors’ knowledge, which might put the supervisory relationship at risk. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yerushalmi, Hanoch T1 - Achieving and dissolving closures in supervision JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 234-241. N2 - Therapists’ quest for constructing meaning systems of their patients’ experiences progresses in cycles. These cycles consist of: (1) efforts to achieve closures, propelled by the depressive position with its concomitant judgments, resolutions, and decisiveness, and (2) efforts to dissolve closures, propelled by the schizo-paranoid position, searching anxiously and excitedly for new ways to construct meaning. By struggling to facilitate their supervisees’ cycles of achieving and dissolving closures, supervisors help them to grow as clinicians. Supervisees usually welcome the supervisors’ help in constructing meaning systems and achieving closures. They become wary, however, when their supervisors suggest that they dismantle these systems and dissolve their closures because these suggestions undermine their self-assurance as well as their sense of morality, both nourished by the depressive position. Several approaches are suggested for supervisors to facilitate their supervisees’ efforts to dissolve closures. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Włodarczyk, Rafał T1 - Utopia szkoły, nieposłuszeństwo i przekład. Dwa biblijne mity w odczytaniach Ericha Fromma i George’a Steinera [Utopia of School, Disobedience, and Translation Two Biblical Myths in the Interpretation of Erich Fromm and George Steiner] JF - Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04] N2 - Można przyjąć, że dwa biblijne mity – o wyjściu Adama i Ewy z ogrodu Eden oraz o budowniczych wieży Babel – są interesującymi ekspresjami wyobraźni utopijnej, ponieważ opowiadają o dwóch miejscach, w których na dwa odmienne sposoby realizowano projekty wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Współcześnie jednym z takich miejsc, które możemy rozumieć jako niejednoznaczny efekt realizacji utopii epoki rewolucji przemysłowej, jest szkoła – przestrzeń edukacji zaplanowana jako ważna część projektu wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Dwa oryginalne odczytania – autorstwa Ericha Fromma i George’a Steinera – przywołanych biblijnych mitów posłużą wzbogaceniu o nowe wątki i podejścia dyskusji o kondycji współczesnej szkoły oraz dyskursów pedagogiki krytycznej czy pedagogiki oporu i pedagogiki hermeneutycznej. N2 - It can be assumed that two biblical myths – about Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden and about the builders from Babel – are interesting expression of the utopian imagination, because these myths narrate about two places where projects of sufficiently perfect social order were implemented in two different ways. At present, the school is one of the places that could be understood as the ambiguous effect of an implemented utopia of the industrial revolution era; the school is an education space designed as an important part of the project of a sufficiently perfect social order. Two original readings of the mentioned biblical myths – by Erich Fromm and George Steiner – shall contribute some new themes and outlooks to the discussion of the condition of the modern school and the discourses of critical pedagogy or the pedagogy of resistance and hermeneutic pedagogy. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wohlfahrt, Tom T1 - Keine Furcht mehr vor der Freiheit. Ein radikaler Humanist: Zum 120. Geburtstag von Erich Fromm JF - Neues Deutschland. Online 22. März 2020. Y1 - 2020 UR - https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1134615.fromm-keine-furcht-mehr-vor-der-freiheit.html ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, Carla T1 - The unknown and the horrific in the appearance of evil: On the borderline of presence and absence in transference and countertransference relationships JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 148-158. N2 - Psychotherapists currently find themselves considering the extent to which sociopolitical and economic issues in a globalized world can affect the evolutionary nature of the psychic organizations sustaining the individual. It seems we are mostly witnessing a weakening of the psychic structures that contain and maintain a sufficient and constant level of integration and unity of sense within the individual–world relationship. Patients frequently come into analysis with invalidating states of anxiety, panic attacks, and the explosion of sudden psychotic crises, accompanied by experiences of depersonalization and derealization. What I would like to examine in depth relates to the influence of the trans-subjective in us as psychotherapists, committed to dealing with psychic disorders that involve us as persons emotionally and intellectually present in our times, with a sense of awareness and responsibility. The quality of the treatment depends, among other things, on the effective elaboration of fullness and emptiness that one generates in the resonance emerging from the process of transference and countertransference. The word, the presence, and the absence, physically and mentally, of the psychoanalyst and the patient are recognized as those activators of potential transformation which are an appropriate form of medicine at an analyst’s disposal during the process of changing a pathogenic state. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ventimiglia, Giancarlo T1 - A psychoanalytic interpretation of bipolar disorder JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 074-086. N2 - The author proposes viewing mania as a form of defense against the state of depression resulting from >narcissistic overidentification with the depressive object< (i.e., the object in relation to which the depressive state developed), rather than as a periodic rebellion against such an internalized object. An account of the analytic psychotherapy of a clinical case of bipolar depression serves to illustrate this point of view, linked to the author’s specific conception of the dynamics of depression. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Varela Fregoso, Pablo Javier T1 - Es vigente el psicoanalisis en el mundo actual? Salud mental y globalizacion JF - Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020). Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vanni, Fabio T1 - The labor of fragility: Malaise in the natives of the new millennium JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 164-168. N2 - In this study we collocate adolescence within a broader and more present-day scenario than has been the case in psychological and psychoanalytic literature in recent years. Our analysis of this evolutionary passage and its malaise includes contextual and other aspects that condition its real development. We consider the features of contemporary Western society and naturally place them within an increasingly planetary vision of the subject, given that the culture pervading the Western world, although complex, appears to be sufficiently uniform with some specific aspects. We propose a contemporary interpretation of the developmental process of the second decade of life and the forms of malaise it can produce. In this respect, two adolescent conditions are emblematic: self-closure and anorexiform eating disorders. These conditions express paradigmatically some characteristics of subjective adolescent malaise. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Terranova, Rita T1 - Integrating the Stranger: Travelling across identity boundaries JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 142-147. N2 - In the present historical context, migratory flows have acquired a particular political and social relevance by showing a deep imbalance in the globalized world. Those who migrate to wealthy countries due to wars or extreme poverty do not have an identity that can be homogenized; they are aliens, strangers carrying destabilizing life experiences. The meeting between the new idea-content represented by the Stranger and the receiving group-container can therefore have catastrophic consequences. The author’s reflection aims to focus on the significance of the figure of the Stranger and on the condition that might support an integration process, starting from an analogy between the collective dynamics of the social environment and the individual psychical ones as experienced in the psychoanalytic setting. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sznajderski, Tadeusz T1 - Ericha Fromma koncepcja człowieka jako podmiotu miłości [Erich Fromm's Concept of Man as the Subject of Love] JF - Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980] N2 - The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stern, Stefan T1 - Review Maccoby, M., Fuchsman, K. (Eds.), The >madness< of King Donald Trump JF - https://medium.com/@stefanstern1/the-madness-of-king-donald-trump-b96d406ade9c Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silver, Catherine B. T1 - Fromm’s Socio-Psychoanalytic Conceptualization of the Clinical Encounter in Relation to the Social Third JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 115-134. N2 - Abstract: In this paper, I discuss Fromm’s theories of individual and social change within the therapeutic context. I don’t know of any psychoanalyst who was able to integrate so-ciological thinking with clinical practice and conceptualization the way Fromm did in the early part of the century. On the surface, these two approaches seem incompatible – at least in their methodologies – yet they complemented each other, as Erich Fromm (1929a; 1944a) and Rainer Funk (2018) have demonstrated so clearly. My presentation today is an exercise in microanalysis rather than a broad theoretical discussion about psychic and social change. I want to show how Fromm’s theoretical framework and clinical experience have shaped my own work. First, I explore Fromm’s originality and discuss ways in which he has been personally marginalized and intellectually isolated as a pseudo-psychoanalyst. Then, I examine the overlap of psychoanalytic approaches as they related to the concept of social Third. Finally, I present fragments of a case to show how Fromm’s theoretical and clinical ideas have influenced my own work. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - e24/2020e Y1 - 2020 VL - e24/2020e ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Selk, Veith T1 - Revolte von rechts. Der Aufstieg des Retropopulismus als Reaktion auf gegenwärtige Demokratieprobleme JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 124-140. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d24/2020j Y1 - 2020 VL - d24/2020j ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schramm, Benjamin T1 - Selbstverwirklichung und menschliche Reife – ein Vergleich von Erich Fromm und Abraham Maslow, Masterarbeit am Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität-Marburg, 2020, 211 pp. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmid Noerr, Gunzelin T1 - Warum wir so handeln wollen, wie wir handeln müssen. Erich Fromm und das Institut für Sozialforschung JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 041-057. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d24/2020c Y1 - 2020 VL - d24/2020c ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scharff, Jill Savege A1 - Sehon, Caroline M. T1 - The use of a simple writing task to enhance psychoanalytic education JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 215-223. N2 - The authors describe a simple recurrent writing task called the >Two Page Paper Exercise,< designed to enhance candidates’ learning of analytic theory and technique. They set this task in the context of other analytic institutes’ writing programs and show that this exercise is unique. Their educational philosophy is that, as candidates confront multiple perspectives in contemporary psychoanalysis, this writing task develops their ability to conceptualize, reflect on their learning, integrate affect and cognition, and express their ideas to others in written form and in discussion with peers. The candidate group develops cohesion that reduces writing anxiety. As individuals they develop a writing habit that supports the eventual duty to develop the field of psychoanalysis through publishing. The authors present raw data from candidates’ writing for readers to make their own assessment of the usefulness of the task as a measure of candidates’ integration of learning, development of analytic sensibility and synthetic capacity, and communication of experience and ideas to others. Y1 - 2020 ER -