TY - GEN A1 - A, Weixing T1 - The Psychoanalytical Study of the Absence of Love in Toni Morrison's >Love< [对莫里森小说《爱》中爱的缺失的心理阐释], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Toni Morrison, the first black American Nobel Prize winner in American literature, has had a profound influence in the literary world. So far Morrison has published nine novels In her novel >Love<, published in 2003, Morrison continues to pay attention to the black women under the patriarchy, sexism and racism. In >Love<, Morrison focuses on the miserable life of the black women and explores the absence of love and its restoration in the black families and the black community. Based on Fromm's humanistic psychology, the present thesis intends to reveal the absence of love for the main protagonists in >Love< and interpret the causes of the absence of love in the black women by the psychoanalytic theory of transference, projection and repression.– Firstly, the author gives an account of Toni Morrison's literary career and critical reviews on her work, a summary of the main plot of Love, and some commentaries about it as well.– Secondly, by introducing Fromm's humanistic psychology, particularly Fromm's theory of love and the psychological mechanism in terms of transference, projection and repression, the author intends to reveal the absence of love in the black community: the loss of maternal love between May and Christine; the absence of friendship in the black women, focusing on the cold sisterhood between Heed and Christine. The psychoanalytic transference and projection are applied mainly to interpret the causes of their abnormal relationships.– Thirdly, the author aims to illustrate the absence of love in marriage, concentrating on Heed's and Christine's marriage lives and uses repression to interpret how the miserable marriage coming into being under the influence of patriarchy.– And then, the author tries to explore the restoration of love in terms of the sisterhood and the unity of black community to show that the communication and interdependence on black women will promise a healthy and normal future both for African American women and for the whole community.– Consequently, a conclusion is drawn that the absence of love leads to different tragedies in the black women; however, love can eventually be restored by the efforts of black women and the black community. It can be obviously seen that Morrison, as a writer who has exposed the absence of love in the black women in the novel Love, is also a psychoanalyst who provides a panacea for restoring it, that is to say, the union of the black community and the elimination of patriarchy. Through mutual communication, understanding and sympathy, love as the bond of the black people will be returned. N2 - 托妮•莫里森,是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家,在美国和世界文坛上起着重要的作用。迄今为止,莫里森共创作了九部长篇小说。在2003年出版的第八部小说《爱》中,她继续关注在父权制、性别歧视和种族歧视下生活的黑人女性。小说《爱》以>爱<的缺失和复原为线索,描述了黑人女性悲惨的命运和生存状况。本论文分析了小说中黑人女性生活中种种爱的缺失的具体表现—扭曲的母爱,缺失的姐妹情谊,错位的婚姻关系,并以心理学家弗洛姆人道主义心理理论为依据,应用弗洛姆心理分析中的转移、投射和压抑理论,阐释了这些缺失的爱产生的根源。作者首先介绍托妮•莫里森,包括她的生平、文学成就及其作品的学术研究成果,并且概述小说《爱》的故事脉络及其相关的评论。其次,通过阐述心理学家弗洛姆人道主义心理理论,特别是他有关爱和心理机制(移情、投射和压抑)的理论,作者力图揭示小说中黑人家庭中母爱缺失和黑人女性中友爱缺失的具体表现来看黑人社区中人与人之间的爱的缺失的具体表现,并且重点分析梅与克里斯廷之间扭曲的母女关系及探讨克里斯廷与希德间冷漠的姐妹情谊。将分别从心理理论上分析其爱的缺失的根源是家庭之爱缺失的移情与人性弱点的投射。作者旨在说明黑人女性无爱的婚姻,以及黑人家庭和黑人团体的父权主义的压抑是导致希德畸形的婚姻和克里斯廷失败的婚姻的原因。之后,作者探讨了在黑人女性和黑人社区的共同努力下,黑人女性间化解仇恨,使姐妹之间的爱得以回归。最后,作者得出结论:莫里森通过关注黑人家庭、黑人女性及黑人社区中爱的缺失,来反映黑人女性真实的生存状态和悲惨的人生经历,借此来唤醒黑人社区中爱的回归。莫里森在小说《爱》中揭示了黑人女性生活中爱的缺失,同时她也为黑人女性找回失去的爱指明了一条道路:即黑人社区内部的团结和父权主义的消除。爱作为黑人种族凝聚力的象征,在黑人种族相互交流,相互理解,相互同情的努力下最终会得以回归。 Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Achimovich, Lois T1 - Review Daniel Mackler and Matthey Morrisey (Eds.): A Way Out of Madness: Dealing with Your Family after You’ve been Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder Edited JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 681-682. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Adelson, Stewart A1 - et al., T1 - Toward a Definition of >Hypersexuality< in Children and Adolescents JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 481-504. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Alfonso, Cesar A. T1 - Evidence Base for the Molecular Underpinnings of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 533-536. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - Paradigms in Psychoanalysis. An Integration, London (Karnac Books) 2012, 296 pp. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Baum, Gerhart R. T1 - Meine Wut ist jung, Bilanz eines politischen Lebens – im Gespräch mit Matthias Franck, München (Kösel), 159 pp. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blumenfield, Michael T1 - Review Frederick J. Stoddard et al.: Hidden Impact: What You Need to Know for the Next Disaster: A Practical Mental Guide for Clinicians JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 691-692. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bonss, Wolfgang T1 - Teoría crítica e investigación social empírica. Notas sobre un caso ejemplar JF - Fromm, E., Obreros y empleados en v´speras del Tercer Reich, Un análisi psicológico-social (1980a-spa), Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, pp. 49-105. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bouwer, Jan F. T1 - Erich Fromm JF - Champions of Enlightenment (Lulu.com) 2012, pp. 304-309. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Breger, Louis T1 - Freud: Darkness and Vision JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 211-242. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brus, Michael A1 - et al., T1 - Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: A Review of Modalities and Their Evidence Base JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 609-616. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bucci, Wilma A1 - et al., T1 - Objective Measures of Subjective Experience: The Use of Therapist Notes in Process-Outcome Research JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 303-340. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Buechler, Sandra T1 - Still Practicing. The Heartaches and Joys of a Clinical Career. (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series, vol 15), New York and London (Routledge), 230 pp. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cai, Chencong T1 - Implications of Western Marxist Dissimilation of Consumption Theories 方马克思主义消费异化理论的启示 JF - Journal of Southeast University (Philosophy and Social Science) 东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), No. 6 (2012), pp. 5-8, 126. N2 - 消费不仅是经济问题,而且是与生态环境密切相关的重要问题。目前我国流行的诸如时尚消费、面子消费、情绪消费等病态消费行为,给生态环境造成了日益严重的负面影响。马尔库塞、弗洛姆、本.阿格尔等西方马克思主义者的消费异化理论,为我们剖析当前中国病态消费模式的实质、根源和危害,探索克服病态消费现象的途径,选择和构建健康消费模式,促进生态环境的可持续发展,提供了许多有益的理论启迪。 N2 - Consumption is not only an economic issue, but also an important matter of eco-environment. Morbid consumptions popular in China, such as the consumptions of fashion, reputation, emotion and so on, have produced inactive influence on eco-environment. Western Marxist theories on dissimilation of consumption, such as Marcuse, Fromm and Ben Agger, provide a referential theoretical base on which we can analyze the crux, origin and detriment of the contemporary Chinese morbid consumptions. The theories also provide some valuable enlightenment for selecting and constructing a healthy consumption mode and for promoting the sustainable eco-environmental development. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Zhiyu T1 - Science and Technology from Western Marxist View of the Frankfurt School [西方马克思主义法兰克福学派中的科技观] JF - Jin Tian [金田], No. 11 (2012), p. 131. N2 - 一次世界大战之后的欧洲,科学技术发展进入了一个空前的盛况,然而,在这个盛况之下,一些哲人们开始对科学技术所创造出来的这个工业文明产生了反思,法兰克福学派是其中的最具有影响的学派之一,本文对法兰克福学派的科学技术观的探寻,着重分析了霍克海默、弗洛姆、马尔库塞以及哈贝马斯的科学技术观,分析清楚这些人的观点对于今天我们构建和谐社会主义具有十分积极的意义 N2 - In Europe after the First World War, the development of science and technology has entered an unprecedented grand occasion. However, under this grand situation, some philosophers began to reflect on the industrial civilization created by science and technology. The Frankfurt School is the most one of the schools of influence, this article's exploration of the Frankfurt school's view of science and technology, focusing on the analysis of the science and technology views of Horkheimer, Fromm , Marcuse and Habermas and analyzing these people's views for us today. Building a harmonious socialism has very positive significance. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carsky, Monica A1 - Yeomans, Frank T1 - Overwhelming Patients and Overwhelmed Therapists JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 075-090. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Chai, Tingting T1 - Zou jin makesi – Fu luo mu dui makesi sixiang de ren ben zhuyi quanshi 走近马克思—弗洛姆对马克思思想的人本主义诠释 [Approaching Marx – Fromm’s Huma¬nistic Interpretation of Marx's Thought], Changchun: Jilin daxue chuban she 吉林大学出版社 [Jilin University Press]. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chang, Liwei T1 - A Probe into Yu Dafu’s Self-Maltreat Complex [向晚独寻孤店宿 —郁达夫自虐情结探微] JF - Journal of Zibo Normal College [淄博师专学报], No. 4 (2012), pp. 35-39. N2 - 根据心理学理论分析,自虐情结普遍存在于作家群体。郁达夫的自虐情结则更为显著和复杂。弗洛伊德和弗罗姆对自虐情结的产生原因有着不同的解释。弗洛伊德秉承一贯的性本能说,弗罗姆则在弗洛伊德性本能说的基础上,提出自我消灭说。两种关于自虐情结生发的解释,放诸郁达夫身上都契合无虞。郁达夫本人的自虐情结与性爱的焦虑、命运的放逐、快感的获取以及自我的救赎有着复杂关系。这种情结表现在文学作品中,则指向身份、悲剧、灵感、艺术等方面的探索。 N2 - [According to the analysis of the psychological theory, the complex of self-maltreat is generally present in the group of writers, and among them, Yu Dafu’s self-maltreat complex is even more significant and complex. About the causes of the complex, Sigmund Freud and Fromm make different interpretations. Freud upholds consistently the theory of sexual instinct, while Fromm proposes the self-annihilation view on the basis of the sexual instinct view. These two explanations both can fit with Yu Dafu’s case. Yu Dafu’s self-maltreat complex has complex relationships with sexual anxiety, the exile of the destiny, the acquisition of pleasure and self-redemption. The complex is represented in literature by the exploration of identity, tragedy, inspiration, and art.] [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chen, Aihua T1 - Fromm’s Critical Ethical Dimension of Capitalism – Erich Fromm’s >Sane Society< Interpretation [论弗洛姆批判资本主义的伦理维度——弗洛姆《健全的社会》解读] JF - Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics [南京政治学院学报], No. 3, (2012), pp. 37-43. N2 - 弗洛姆在《健全的社会》一书中,首先立足于人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学应然视域,从人的本性出发,分析人的需要。在他看来,一个健全的社会是一个符合人的需要的社会。他从人与环境的相互作用中,试图超越>生物学的<与>社会学的<方法来规定人性,进而提出了诊断人的精神健康的标准。基于上述多重视域的综合,他从人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学理论预设出发,确立了批判资本主义的价值始点。其次,弗洛姆以其人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学视域,透视17~18世纪资本主义演进的历史逻辑及其特性,揭示了资本主义社会人性的式微及其关系的疏离,进而论述了>物的地位高于人<的资本主义价值原则的生成。再者,弗洛姆通过分析20世纪资本主义的特征,揭示了人与自身、人与社会、人与自然伦理关系何以疏离,管理和消费等何以异化的根源。 N2 - Fromm in >Sane Society<, a book, the first based on the humanistic ethics of social psychoanalysis thought sight from human nature, the analysis of the needs of the people. In his view, a healthy society is to meet the needs of persons of a society. From human interaction with the environment, he tried to go beyond the >biology< and >sociological< approach to regulations humanity, then presents a diagnosis of the mental health standard. Based on the above multispects comprehensive, his the social psychoanalytic theory from the humanistic ethics default starting to establish a starting point of the value of the critique of capitalism.– Secondly, the Fromm its humanistic ethics social psychoanalysis sight, perspective logic of 17th and 18th century history of the evolution of capitalism and its characteristics, reveals the alienation of capitalist society, the decline of human nature and its relationship, and thus discusses the principles of capitalist values generated material outrank. Furthermore, by analyzing the characteristics of 20th century capitalism, Fromm reveals the root itself, the relationship between man and society, man and nature, ethics Kept away why the management and consumer alienation. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Chen, Chaoyan T1 - The Escape and Pursuit of Freedom. >Play It As It Lays< Psychological Analysis [自由的逃避与追求 -《顺其自然》的心理学分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art] . N2 - Joan Didion, entering the literary field in the1960's, has achieved great success in contemporary American Literature. Of Her works covers fiction with non-fiction and scriptwriting. Play It As it Lays depicts the social scenario and of America in the1960's and portrays especially the subsistent and psychological status of the female character Maria. It is for this reason that this novel becomes a symbol for the contemporary American society. This novel centers upon the process of Maria's psychological development, displaying the commonplace sense of people's insecurity and anxiety at that time, though they enjoy the abundant material pleasures. Living in the1960's, Maria takes on unconsciously all those features of that time, but only finds disappointment in the mechanism of how people think and behave. She feels more and more alienated and powerless in that world, which leads her to the midst of void.– In this thesis, the social-psychological theories by Erich Fromm are applied to analyze Maria's psychological development in the postmodern society. The theoretical framework, with >freedom< as its core conception, is intended to analyze the meaning of freedom to modern man as well as the reasons why people want to escape passive freedom and then point out the path to positive freedom. Maria's psychological status can be divided into two periods: the escape of passive freedom and the pursuit of positive freedom. Maria has experienced the disillusionment of the simulated Hollywood, wanting to escape the freedom that is gained through material pleasures and to pursue her individual freedom. The actions that Maria takes to escape the passive aspect of freedom almost end up with her self-destruction. For Maria, the three mechanisms of escape brought up by Fromm, namely, authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity, are all attempted by her unconsciously. However, by adopting these three escape mechanisms, Maria feels more isolated and anxious than ever. As a matter of fact, she doesn't want to perform as a part of this big machine called capitalism at the cost of losing herself. That's why she is defined by the society as a neurotic and ends up in neuropsychiatric hospital. Then Maria is on her way to freedom in a positive sense, which is realized through spontaneous love and work. The fact is that, in this novel, we only see the tendency and attempts of Maria's spontaneous activities as an individual self.– The spontaneity proposed by Fromm doesn't necessarily lead to any tangible results, but the willingness of individual to fully realize his true self. Through all the spontaneous activities mentioned above, Maria sets off on her way to freedom and salvation. N2 - 琼•迪迪恩,20世纪60年代步入文坛。她在文学创作上成绩斐然,在美国当代文学中地位显赫,并在小说、非小说及剧本写作上都颇有成就。迪迪恩的代表作《顺其自然》以独特的笔触描述了美国六十年代的社会图景,对生活在其中的女主人公玛利亚的生存状况和心理状况做了细致和深入的刻画,因而成为美国当代社会一个缩影。小说着力于描写玛利亚的心理发展历程,展现了后现代社会中人们物质生活充裕却又极度不安和焦虑的现状。她游离于社会和自我的边缘,无力地思考和行动,最终导致了精神崩溃。本文以弗洛姆的社会心理学为文本分析的框架,以>自由<为核心,以全新的视角诠释玛利亚的心理形成诱因和发展过程,以期能揭示现代人所处的>自由<的困境,并对此提出可供参考的解决方法。本文第一章介绍了该小说的研究现状、弗洛姆的理论框架以及本论文的结构。第二章叙述了玛利亚生活的时代背景,指出社会对于其生活方式和思想的影响,以及她对自由的渴求。第三章用弗洛姆的三种逃避自由的方式来分析玛利亚身处消极的自由中如何摆脱精神上的无力和不安。第一种是通过屈从于权威来摆脱孤独感;第二种是通过破坏自我去毁灭外在世界以摆脱外在的威胁;第三种是通过机械的自动适应来克服自身的软弱无力感。但是,这三种方式并没有使玛利亚摆脱困境,获得自由。第四章从积极自由的角度来反观玛利亚的心理发展历程,论证相对于其他人而言,她是小说总唯一一个追求积极自由的人。弗洛姆认为积极的自由应该是自发地去爱和工作,玛利亚就是这么选择的,坚持按自己的方式去生活。第五章是结论部分,通过对玛利亚心理发展过程的分析,揭示了一个身处后现代社会的女性如何面对自由困境问题并追求内心的自由。 Y1 - 2012 ER -