TY - JOUR A1 - Shchelokova, Yu. V. T1 - Anthropological Content of Culture in Erich Fromm's Interpretation JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 12 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - In this article culture is viewed in the light of philosophical anthropology. The author analyzed how the term ‘culture’ changed through ages. The author also touched upon the anthropological aspect of culture. Y1 - 2009 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomiya chelovecheskoy destruktivnosti (Анатомия человеческой деструктивности), Moskau (AST) 2020, 735 pp. Y1 - 1973 UR - https://ast.ru/book/anatomiya-chelovecheskoy-destruktivnosti-829819 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomiya chelovecheskoy destruktivnosti (Анатомия человеческой деструктивности), Moskau (AST) 2016, 624 pp.. Y1 - 1973 UR - https://ast.ru/book/anatomiya-chelovecheskoy-destruktivnosti-721902 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomiya Chelovecheskoy Destruktivnosti JF - Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 19 (No. 7, 1992), pp. 126-134. [= Two chapters of 1973a.]. Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo ‘Republika’) 1994. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo ‘Republika’) 1994. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, (Isdatelstwo AST) 2007, 622 pp. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Adolf Hitler. Klinitscheskij slutschaj nekrophilii [= 1973a, pp. 299-433]., Moskau (Vyssaja skola) 1992. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fromm, Erich T1 - Adolf Hitler. Klinitscheskij slutschaj nekrophilii [= 1973a, pp. 299-433], Moskau (Isdatelskaja gruppa ‘progress’) 1992. Y1 - 1973 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurevich, Pavel S. T1 - >О гнев любви, О ненависти нежнОсть< [>Oh, the Anger of Love and the Tenderness of Hatred<] JF - Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1549-1554. [ISSN: 1999-2793] N2 - Статья посвящена философской экспертизе понятия >ненависть<. При этом ненависть рассматривается не только как индивидуальное чувство, но и как социальное явление. Автор озабочен разрастанием ненависти в мировом и отечественном пространстве и пытается показать, что этот грозный симптом чреват непоправимыми последствиями. В исследовании проводится анализ исторических бедствий, продиктованных кипящей ненавистью. Ненависть выступает как возбудитель общественных потрясений. Автор также задумывается над тем, как понизить градус взаимного неприятия, чтобы ненавистнические настроения не оставили после себя выжженное поле рассудочности, накипь дурных аффектов и не породили бы эффект бумеранга. Методы, использованные в статье, связаны с феноменологией социального мышления. Автор опирается на отдельные высказывания философов о ненависти, чтобы создать целостный, гештальтный портрет данного эмоционального состояния. Он использует также положения психоанализа об амбивалентности человеческих чувств, раскрывая вслед за Шекспиром гнев, который скрывается в любви, и нежность, служащую покровом любви. Новизна подхода заключается в том, что ни в философских, ни в этических словарях нет статей, специально посвящённых этому эмоциональному состоянию. Показано, что ненависть является неустранимой чертой человеческой природы. Опираясь на работы Сенеки, Ф. Ницше, Э. Фромма, Ж.-П. Сартра, а также примеры из мировой и отечественной истории, автор раскрывает различные грани данного феномена, его социальные, психологические и антропологические корни. N2 - The article is devoted to the philosophical expertise of the term >hatred<. The author of the article analyzes hatred not only as an individual feeling but also as a social phenomenon. The author worries about the growth of hatred in the global community and Russian environment and tries to show that this dangerous symptom may lead to catastrophic consequences. In his research Pavel Gurevich analyzes historical disasters caused by fierce hatred. Hatred is viewed as a trigger of social convulsions. The author also thinks about how to decrease the degree of mutual intolerance so that hatred does not leave the burnt field of reason, the fur of ill effects and the boomerang effect. Methods used by the author in this article relate to the phenomenology of social thinking. The author bases himself on particular expressions of philosophers about hatred which creates a complete Gestalt picture of hatred as an emotional state. The author also uses the basic provision of psychoanalysis about ambivalent nature of human feelings and following Shakespeare describes hatred in love and tenderness as a disguise of hatred. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that neither philosophical no ethic vocabularies do not have a section devoted to this emotional state. The author proves hatred to be the irremovable feature of human nature. Based on Seneca, Friedrich Nietzsche, Erich Fromm, Jean-Paul Sartre and examples from the world and Russian history, the author describes different sides of this phenomenon, his social, psychological and anthropological roots. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popova, M. A. T1 - >Gumanisticheskaya religiya< Erikha Fromma i tupiki burzhuaznogo gumanizma [The >Humanistic Religion< of Erich Fromm and the Impasse of Bourgeois JF - Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Filosofiya, Vol. 31 (No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1976), pp. 82-93. N2 - Erich Fromm's fortuitous visit to México in 1949, and his meeting with a group of Mexican psychiatrists was the beginning of a working relationship that lasted for over 25 years. It left its mark on a number of community-oriented institutions, professional societies and publications, which are alive even today. This article describes some of the many activities in which researchers, psychoanalysts, medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, sociologists, anthropologists and re-ligious scholars were involved over those 25 years, and the continuing importance of those initial projects and institutions today. Y1 - 1976 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Farman, I. P. T1 - >Frankfurskaya Shkola:< Vozniknoveniye i Osnovnye Vekhi Deyatelnosti [The Frankfurt School: Its Appearance and the Principal Stages of its Development] JF - Filosofskie Nauki, Vol. 15 (No. 3, May-Jun. 1972), pp. 98-109. N2 - A brief history is presented of the appearance of the Frankfurt school of philosophers in 1931 at the institute of Soc Res at the University in Frankurt-on-the Main, emigration during the Nazi period, work in France and then in the United States, the return to Frankfurt of Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer while Herbert Marcuse and Erich FROMM continued to work in America. It is then noted that the 1960's saw a reactivization of the >school<, a kind of >revival<. The social roots of that school of philosophy are analyzed and the causes of the interest it has aroused in recent years. Special attention is paid to the Frankfurt philosophers' interpretations of Marxism, and a critique is offered of their views. – It is noted that the philosophers of this group do not all have identical concepts but that they are nevertheless united by their original positions and basic tenets, which are summed up as follows: (1) The Frankurt school is characterized by a duality of trends: on the one hand, it called attention to the philosophy works of the young Marx; on the other, its interpretation of Marxism, particularly of its basic doctrines on the role of the working class and the Communist party in revolution, was petty-bourgeois revisionist, and it expressed sharp opposition to socialist construction in the USSR. It is noted here that its attitude to the USSR cannot be attributed entirely to the personality cult, as it did not change after the CPSU eliminated the consequences of the personality cult. (2) Unlike Marxism-Leninism, which regards dialectics as a world outlook, a method for obtaining scientific knowledge and transforming the world, philosophers of the Frankfurt school see dialectics as universal negation. (3) Their critical theory of society reveals the sociohistorical roots of the contemporary crisis of bourgeois society, and this is a positive aspect of their philosophy. However, they view modern bourgeois society as an antagonistic whole; there is no class evaluation, and capitalist and socialist societies are both presented as variations of the industrial society. (4) The anti-communist direction of their theories and the absence in those theories of any social perspectives encourage the development of a variety of revisionist concepts, for which reason serious criticism of the >Frankfurt school< remains a pertinent task for Marxists. Y1 - 1972 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Vassin, V. T1 - 11. Sapowed [The Eleventh Commandment), Moskau (TOO >Kirilliza<) 1994, 160 p. Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuznetsow, Ilya Olegovich T1 - Экзистенциальные вызовы постсовременного общества: анализируя Эриха Фромма [Existential challenges of post-modern society: analyzing Erich Fromm] JF - Южный полюс Исследования по истории современной западной философии [South Pole Studies in the History of Modern Western Philosophy], Vol. 8, No. 1-2 (2022), pp. 76-80. [doi.org/10.18522/2415-8682-2022-8-76-80] N2 - в статье приводится попытка показать и доказать, что, несмотря на прошедшее время, Эрих Фромм говорит с нами о нашей социальной реальности на нашем языке. >Диагнозы< больной ткани постсовременного гражданского общества, а также оценки феноменов социальной и экзистенциальной реальности, поражают своей точностью и актуальностью. В статье анализируются работы Фромма, а также комментирующая литература современных западных авторов. N2 - The article is an attempt to show and explain that, despite the past tense, Erich Fromm speaks to us about our social reality in our language. The >diagnosis< of the diseased tissue of postmodern society, as well as the assessment of the phenomena of social and existential reality, are striking in their sharpness and relevance. The article analyzes the works of Fromm, as well as the commentary literature of modern Western authors. Y1 - 2022 ER -