TY - JOUR A1 - Jeong, Chang Rok T1 - 한국 의료계의 권위주의적 매커니즘에 대한 분석과 생명의료윤리교육 I – 에리히 프롬의 입장을 중심으로 [An Analysis of Authoritarian Mechanisms in the Korean Medical Community and Medical Ethics – Education in Korea with a Focus on Erich Fromm] JF - 한국의료윤리학회지 [Korean Journal of Medical Ethics], Vol. 17, No. 2 (2014), pp. 187-213. N2 - 교육이 사회를 반영하듯이, 의료도 사회를 비춘다. 본 논문은 우리 사회의 권위주의적 경향이 교육과 의료의 영역에 만연하고 있다고 가정한다. 이러한 문제 의식을 바탕으로 필자는 프롬의 자본주의비판과 관련된 입장들이 한국 의료 사회를 대상으로 할 때 어떤 방식으로 적용되고 해석될 수 있는지를 보이려고 한다. 이 목표를 위해 먼저 에리히 프롬의 사상을 개관해 보고, 사례를 통해 한국 의료계를권위주의적으로 볼 수 있을 것인지에 관해 다루어 본다. 이후 에리히 프롬의 여러 사상적 개념들 중에서 특히 소외와 도피의 개념에 주목하여, 한국 의료계의 여러 현상들에 상식적으로 적용한다. 이때 상식적이라 함은 특별한 사회과학적 연구방법을 동원하지 않고, 한국 사회를 살아가는 사람이라면 누구나 겪었을 의료 경험을 통해 수긍할 만한 수준을 뜻한다. 이러한 논의 후에 필자는 한국 의료계의 권위주의적 매커니즘을 극복하기 위해 생명의료윤리교육이 어떤 방향으로 나아가야 할지를 프롬의 입장에서 제안하려고 한다. 프롬은 현대인들이 활동의 의미를 잃어버리고 있다고 비판한다. 필자는 프롬이강조한 활동의 회복이 생명의료윤리교육에 담겨야 한다고 생각한다. N2 - This article examines some of the ethical issues associated with authoritarianism in the Korean medical community from the perspective of Erich Fromm. The article first describes the authoritarianism in the Korean medical community using Fromm’s concepts of >alienation< and >escape<. The article then introduces Fromm’s concept of >activity< as a means of overcoming some of the problems with authoritarianism in the Korean medical community. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Kweon Hwan T1 - 논어』의 군자와 소인: 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 과정적 인간상 [Jūnzǐ and Xiǎorén in >The Analects of Confucius<: As a Human Character orienting for the Growth and the Retrogression] JF - 동양철학연구 [Journal of Eastern Philosophy], No. 78 (2014) pp. 37-68. N2 - 본 논문은 『논어』의 군자와 소인이 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 과정적 인간임을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그동안의 군자에 대한 학계의 연구는 당위적 덕목을 나열하고 그 덕목을 갖추기 위해 수양하라는 지극히 간단한 구조였다. 그런 연구는 >군자의 모습을 형상화<하는 데 성공함으로써 나름대로의 성과를 내고 있지만 군자 모습의 형상화만으로는 군자의 총체적 의미를 다 살려냈다고 보기 힘들다. 왜냐하면 군자는 완전한 인간으로 우뚝 선 결과적 모델이 아니라 완성을 지향하는 과정적 인간이라고 보기 때문이다. 또 그 반대편에 있는 소인도 같은 논리로 과정적 인간이 된다. 이런 과정적 인간의 모형을 잘 보여주고 있는 연구가 에리히 프롬 『인간의 마음』이다. 그는 인간의 마음이 세 가지 정향에 따라 성장 증후군을 나타내거나 쇠퇴 증후군을 나타내는 쪽으로 변하는 것으로 모형을 제시한다. 본 논문은 그 모형에 착안하여 군자, 소인, 중인의 관계도를 완성하였다. 보통사람으로 지칭될 수 있는 중인을 가운데 배치하고 여기서 출발하여 위로 성장하는 정향을 가진 사람을 군자로 보고, 아래로 쇠퇴하는 정향을 가진 사람을 소인으로 보았다. 그리고 성장의 최고 단계에 도달한 사람을 성인으로, 쇠퇴의 극한에 이른 사람을 폭군으로 보았다. 또 성장과 쇠퇴를 결정하는 정향을 각각 세 가지 제시함으로써 관계 모형의 타당성을 높였다. 그 세 가지는 성장의 정향으로 인의, 예악, 학습 정향을, 쇠퇴의 정향으로 불인, 비례, 자포자기의 정향을 제시했다. 본 논문의 이런 모형을 통해 군자와 소인에 대한 다음과 같은 새로운 관점과 이점을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 군자와 소인은 고정적 인간형 모델이 아니라 어딘가를 향해 나아가고 있는 과정적 인간이라는 관점을 얻을 수 있다. 둘째, 성장 정향을 가진 군자의 중요성을 강조할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 소인의 위험성을 경고할 수 있다. 셋째, 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향 사이에서 유동하고 있는 보통 사람에 주목하게 되는 관점을 얻을 수 있다. N2 - The purpose of this thesis is to expiscate that Jūnzǐ (君子) and Xiǎorén (小人) in >The Analects of Confucius< are progressive human who have orienting for the growth and the retrogression. So far, the research for Jūnzǐ in academic world was so simple structure which listed items of virtue as moral obligation and gave an advice for the discipline one's mind to obtain them. That kind of research has been contributed by succeeding to give an image of Jūnzǐ, but It is hard to acknowledge only for the image itself to present overall understanding of Jūnzǐ. Because Jūnzǐ is not a final model who became a perfect human being but a human being who is in the progress toward orienting completion of himself. And Xiǎorén in opposite side is also progressive human being. We can see good diagram of The progressive human being in >The Heart of Man< by Erich Fromm. He presents diagram that human's mind changes to growth syndrome or deterioration syndrome depends on three kinds of orienting. This thesis has been completed the diagram of relationship between Jūnzǐ, Xiǎorén, and a middle person (zhōngrén; 中人) by referring Erich Fromm's diagram. I've placed the middle person who could be considered an average person in the center, from there the human who has orienting the growth toward upside are considered Jūnzǐ, the human who has orienting the deterioration toward downward are considered Xiǎorén. And the human who reached to the highest level is called saint, the human who reached to the limit of lowest level is called tyrannizer. And I enhance the validity of the diagram of relationship by putting forward three orientations which determine the direction for growth or deterioration. The three orienting for the growth are rényì [仁义; humanity and righteousness], lǐyuè [礼 乐]; propriety and music], xuéxí[ 学习; learning], for the retrogression are bùrén [不仁; inhumanity], fēilǐ[ 非礼]; uncourteous], abandon oneself were presented. We can get new point of view for Jūnzǐ and Xiǎorén through this diagram of the relationship. The first, we can get a point of view that Jūnzǐ is not a final model who became a perfect human being but a human being who is in the progress toward orienting completion of himself. The second, we can emphasis not only for the importance of Jūnzǐ but also the dangerousness of Xiǎorén. The third, we can the point of view to focus on the middle person who moves up and down between orienting the growth and the retrogression. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Mee Jin T1 - 노인자살 원인으로서의 소외에 대한 분석과 소외 극복을 위한 기독교 상담 [Christian Consultation for the Analysis and Overcoming of Alienation, Cause of Suicide in the Elderlys] JF - 한국기독교상담학회지 [Korean Journal of Christian Counseling (KJCC)], Vol. 25, No. 3 (2014), pp. 9-46. N2 - 본 연구는 노년기 자살에서 자살의 원인이 되는 소외에 관한 연구이다. 소외가 노인자살의 주요한 원인이 되는 것에 착안하여 노인자살의 원인으로서의 소외에 관한 연구를 시도하게 되었다. 아울러 소외에 관하여는 Irvin Yalom의 실존주의 심리학적 관점과 Erich Fromm의 사회심리학적 관점, Paul Tillich 실존신학적 관점에서 연구를 하였다. 그리고 이들의 소외 개념을 통합하여 노인자살 문제에 적용했으며 또한 양적 연구와 질적 연구를 통하여 임상적으로 입증하고자 시도하였다. 연구의 결과로 드러난 노인자살의 원인으로 소외현상은 네 가지로 나타났는데, 자기소외, 대인관계의 소외, 사회심리적 소외, 신과의 소외로 나타났다. 이러한 문제의 소외 극복을 위한 상담 방법적 결론은 상담자와의 참 만남을 통하여 소외에 직면할 힘을 가지게 됨의 중요성과, 죽음을 피하는 것이 아니라 오히려 죽음에 직면함으로 죽음 불안을 극복하는 방법임을 알 수 있었다. 노인자살의 원인으로 소외를 극복하기 위해 기독교 상담학적인 고찰을 통하여 얻어진 결론은 소외 극복을 위한 새로운 존재의 가능성을 제시하였고 노년기 자살의 수동적인 유형으로 죽음에 대해 소망하는 것을 궁극적 관심에 대한 소망으로의 전환과 전인적인 기독교 상담을 통한 소외 극복 방안의 필요성을 알 수 있었다. N2 - This research is on alienation, the cause of suicide in the elderly. This research has studied on alienation as cause of the suicide in aged people considering that fact that alienation is the main cause of the suicide for the elderly. In addition, the research has been done from Yalom’s existential psychological and Fromm’s socio–psychological and Tillich’s existential theology point of view. This research also has applied and proved clinically the creative concept that has been derived by integrating and applying these concept of alienation to the suicide of the elderly through quantitative study and qualitative study. The important conclusion showed 4 elements as the cause of suicide in the elderly; self–alienation, alienation in personal relationship, socio–psychological alienation and alienation from the God. The conclusion of the consultive method to overcome the alienation was that the participants could overcome the uneasiness about death by confronting death and they get the force to confront alienation through the truthful meeting with the consultant, and that confronting the alienation not evading it was the very overcoming of the alienation. The end result obtained through the christian consultive consideration in order to overcome the alienation, the cause of the suicide in the elderly, is the suggestion the new being for overcoming the alienation and the desire for death, as the passive type of suicide during old age, should be transformed into the desire for the ultimate interest. Also it is important to plan the way of overcoming the alienation by a wholesome consultation. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kwon, Hyeoknam T1 - 고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 기독교 사회윤리적 기초 [Christian Social Ethics for Preventing and Overcoming Solitary Death] JF - 권혁남 [Theology and Praxis], No. 38 (2014), 441-452. N2 - 현대사회는 경제 환경의 급격한 변화 및 가족의 축소, 도시환경의 변화, 가치관의 혼란 등으로 인해 사람들의 >유대<(혹은 친밀감)가 점점 약화되어가고 있다. 그래서 최근 사회 및 학계의 각 영역에서 >유대<라는 개념이 주목받고 있다. 이처럼 우리사회에서 >유대<라는 개념이 크게 관심을 모으고 있는 것은 바꾸어 말하면 인간관계의 왜곡 현상이 이제는 간과할 수 없을 만큼 많은 사람들에게 일어나고 있는 문제라는 것을 반증하고 있는 것이라 할 수 있다. 최근 이러한 문제에 대한 조사가 일부 진행되기는 했으나 축적된 연구가 매우 빈약하고, 그 정책적 대응 또한 매우 미비하다. 얼마 전부터 문제의 심각성을 인지한 이들에 의해 다양한 연구적 접근이 시도되고 있지만 이 영역의 접근은 단순히 실태보고와 현상적 대응에 대한 논의만 이루어질 뿐 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 이론적 고찰이 뒤따르지 못하고 있다. 그 이유는 인간관계의 상실 및 왜곡에 따른 결과적 현상이 사회적 고립에 의한 >고독사<와 같은 충격적인 형태로 나타나다보니 이론적 고찰보다는 대응책 마련이 더 시급한 선결과제가 되어버렸기 때문일 것이다. 그러나 눈앞의 문제에 급급한 나머지 그 심원의 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히는 작업이 선행되지 않는다면 이 문제는 계속 우리사회에 잠복해 있다가 언제든지 다시 그 현상을 표출시킬 것임은 자명하다. 이는 우리사회가 이미 경험한 바다. 현재 사회적으로 고독사 현상의 양적⋅질적 변화에 맞는 다양한 대책이 강구되고 있음에도 불구하고 고독사와 관련하여 여전히 과거의 현상과 다를 바 없는 언론의 보도가 지금도 여전히 지속되고 있기 때문이다. 그러므로 본 논문은 >고독사< 문제의 예방 및 극복은 다양한 차원의 제도적 대책마련에 앞서 기본적(이론적) 접근을 통해 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히고, 그에 따라 접근해야만 가능하다고 주장한다. 이 주장을 뒷받침하기 위해 우선 >기본<으로서의 인간관계인 >유대<와>사랑<의 관계를 에드문트 후설과 에리히 프롬의 견해에 기대어 윤리적 관점에서 해석해 보고, 이를 토대로 마틴 루터와 존 웨슬리의 논설을 따라 >기독교적 공공성과 사회적 책임<인 >이웃사랑<이 고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 윤리 사상적 토대임을 제안하였다. N2 - In modern society, the >bond< (or closeness) of people is weakening due to the following factors: rapid changes in economic environment; smaller families; changes in urban environment; confusion of values. As a result, the concept of >bond< has garnered rising attention in society and academia recently. It reflects the fact that distortion of human relationships is becoming a serious issue with lots of people in Korean society. Although such issue has been examined in recent years, the studies and policy responses are very weak. People who have recognized the seriousness of the issue have conducted related studies. However, they have only revolved around the status, with no clear theoretical exploration. The reason is obviously as follows. Since the loss and distortion of human relationships have led to the shocking result of >solitary death< caused by social isolation, response measures are perceived to be more urgent than a theoretical exploration. However, if the fundamental solution factors are not identified prior to taking measures, the issue will always exist in our society and make things worse any time. That's what Korean society has experienced. Even though it has taken various measures in line with the qualitative and quantitative changes of solitary death in society, the media has continuously reported the issue, which has never been improved. Thus, this study suggests the following to prevent and overcome the issue of >solitary death<: The fundamental solution factors should be identified first through a basic (theoretical) approach before taking measures. To support the argument, the relationship between >bond< and >love<, a >basic< human relationship, was analyzed from an ethical standpoint based on the views of Edmund Husserl and Erich Fromm. Based on the results, the following was suggested: >Caring about neighbors, which is a >Christian social responsibility for communality<, is the ethical basis for preventing and overcoming solitary death, according to Martin Luther and John Wesley. [Author's English version] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Sang Ik A1 - Jung, Seung Hyan T1 - 競爭論에 대한 근래의 비판들과 그 함의 [Contemporary Anti-competition Theories and Its Meaning] JF - 동양문화연구 [Youngsan Journal of Oriental Culture Studies], Vol. 17 (2014), pp. 89-127. N2 - 本考에서는 근대 서구사회에서 競爭論이 등장하게 된 배경과 경쟁론의 구체적 내용을 살펴보고, 경쟁론에 대한 근래의 여러 비판들을 두루 살펴본 다음, 그들의 反競爭論이 함축하는 바를 정리해 보았다. 오늘날 우리가 경쟁론을 지양시키고자 한다면, >사회복지의 당위성<과 >경제적 효율성<의 문제는 물론 >올바른 세계관의 정립< 문제가 긴요한 것이요, 뿐만 아니라 >올바른 가치관의 정립< 문제도 매우 중요한 관건이 되는 것이다. 본고에서 살핀 여러 碩學들의 反競爭論이 중요한 의의를 지니는 것이라면, 같은 맥락에서 우리는 전통 유교의 名分論에 대해서도 새롭게 인식할 필요가 있다. 우리 한국의 근대화 과정은 전통적 名分論을 타파하고 서구의 競爭論을 도입하는 과정이기도 했다. 그런데 한 때는 진보의 원동력으로 기능했던 경쟁론이 이제는 숱한 폐단을 낳고 있다면, 우리는 전통적 사회운영론의 의의를 되돌아보아야 마땅한 것이다. N2 - In this paper, we have inquired two modern competition theories (Liberalism & Social Darwinism), and also have inquired various anti-competition theories. Anthony Giddens' The Third Way and Beyond Left and Right, Anatole Kaletsky's >Capitalism 4.0<, Robert H. Frank's >The Winner-Take-All Society and The Darwin Economy<, Robert Axelrod's >The Evolution of Cooperation<, Fritjof Capra's >The Turning Point<, Jae C. Choe's >Homo Symbious<, Erich Fromm's >To Have or To Be?< are the most famous contemporary anti-competition theories in Korea. According to these guidance, if we want to overcome competition theories, we should consider economic utility and social welfare at the same. The process of modernization is also the process of breaking Confucian right name theory and introducing western competition theories in Korea. Competition theories which have operated as the mainspring of progress at one time give rise to us many various problems now. In this context, we need to understand Confucian right name theory newly. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sekine, Hiroaki T1 - エーリッヒ ・ フロム ノ 「 リセイテキ ケンイ 」 ガイネン ニ タイスル イチ コウサツ : キョウイク ニ オケル ケンイ ニ ツイテ ノ シロン [An Essay about Authority in Education: Focusing Erich Fromm's Thoughts on >Rational Authority<] JF - リベラル・アーツ [Liberal Arts], No. 8 (2014), pp. 39-51. [ISSN 18816746] [core.ac.uk/download/229829681.pdf] N2 - The aim of this article is to rethink the authority in education tentatively. For this purpose, this article pays attention to a conception called >rational authority<, which was presented by Erich Fromm (1900-80), who was famous sociopsychologist in the 20th century. Many studies of pedagogy or educational science have emphasized the need of the authority in education. But most of them tend to discuss a desirable quantity of the authority and do not fully have qualitative discrimination of the authority in educational fields. However, Erich Fromm's thoughts on authority seem to have potentiality for that qualitative discrimination. According to Fromm's early texts, especially in Escape from Freedom (1941) and Man for Himself (1947), >rational authority< have four characteristics. That is, 1) >rational authority< is ruled by the elements of love, admiration and gratitude, 2) it can become the model of the identification generally or partially, 3) the authority has its source in competence, and 4) it is always temporary. It is certain that these characteristics are rather abstractive, but in considering works of his latter period, the dynamics between >rational authority< and >inhibiting authority< is suggested. This dynamism hints for the possibility of rethinking of the authority in education. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tharr, Jennifer T1 - ›Und wegen der Heidelberger Vergangenheit, die mich auf meinen Weg brachte.‹ Hannah Arendts Begegnungen in Heidelberg (1926-1929) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 15-26. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Peter T1 - ›Mein Flügel ist zum Schwung bereit‹ – Walter Benjamin in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 45-58. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tauschwitz, Marion T1 - ›Im Zaubermantel glücklich, der uns umhüllt‹ – Hilde Domin und Erwin Walter Palm JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 83-94. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheidle, Ilona T1 - ›Eine Folge der gegen Frauen errichteten Schranken‹ Marie Baum (1874 – 1964) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 27-44. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Freytag, Carl T1 - ›Alle Gehalte des Marxismus heideibergisch verfehlt...‹ Der Philosoph und Nationalökonom Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1899-1990) in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 321-332. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goncharuk, E. A. T1 - Э. Фромм и Ж.-П. Сартр о мазохизме: сравнительныи анализ [Erich Fromm and Jean-Paul Sartre about Masochism: Comparative Analysis] JF - Психолог [Psychologist], No. 4 (2014), pp. 74-95. N2 - В статье предпринят сравнительный анализ феномена мазохизма у неофрейдиста Э. Фромма и экзистенциалиста Ж.-П. Сартра. Показано, что Фрейд усматривал корни мазохизма в тайнах детского психосексуального развития. Фромм как представитель неофрейдизма предпринял попытку радикально изменить этот диагноз. Он пришёл к убеждению, что феномен садизма и мазохизма не столько психоаналитический, сколько социальный феномен. Люди становятся заложниками этого невротического состояния в результате воспитания, социализации и реализации межличностных отношений. Власть растлевает людей. Она заставляет многих стремиться к властолюбию, а других обрекает на унижение и подчиненность. Принципиально другой взгляд развивает Сартр. Он полагает, что мазохизм не столько социальный, сколько антропологический феномен. Власть не может принудить личность к жестокости или подчинению, если это не совпадает с ее экзистенциальным выбором. Сартр создает свою концепцию мазохизма в полемике с Симоной Бовуар, с которой его связывали любовные отношения. Автор использует методы исторической реконструкции проблемы. Это позволяет показать, что мазохизм имеет исторические аспекты. На разных этапах складывались разные версии истоков мазохизма. В статье применены также методы философского постижения человека. Таким образом, феноменология социальности замещается в статье экзистенциальным мышлением. Новизна статьи в том, что проблема мазохизма не сводится только к психологическому аспекту. Впервые в отечественной литературе в историческом аспекте сопоставляются взгляды Фрейд, Фромма и Сартра. В результате показано, что от этапа к этапу осмысление данного феномена становится все более развернутым, ясным и теоретически продуктивным. Экзистенциальная экспертиза характеризуется как наиболее состоятельная. N2 - In article the comparative analysis of a phenomenon of masochism at the neofreudian E. Fromm and the existentialist J.-P. Sartre is undertaken. It is shown that Freud saw masochism roots in secrets of children's psychosexual development. Fromm as the representative of a neofreydizm made an attempt considerably to change this diagnosis. He came to the conclusion that a phenomenon of a sadism and masochism not so much psychoanalytic, how many a social phenomenon. People become hostages of this neurotic state as a result of education, socialization and realization of the interpersonal relations. The power corrupts people. She forces many to seek for love of power, and others dooms to humiliation and subordination. Essentially other look is developed by Sartre. He believes that masochism not so much social, how many an anthropological phenomenon. The power can't force the personality to cruelty or submission if it doesn't coincide with its existential choice. Sartre creates the concept of masochism in polemic with Simona Beauvoir with whom it was connected by the love relations. The author uses methods of historical reconstruction of a problem. It allows to show that masochism has historical aspects. At different stages there were different versions of sources of masochism. In article also methods of philosophical comprehension of the person are applied. Thus, the phenomenology of a sociality is replaced in article with existential thinking. Novelty of article that the problem of masochism isn't reduced only to psychological aspect. For the first time in domestic literature in historical aspect views Freud, Fromm and Sartre are compared. It is as a result shown that from a stage to a stage the judgment of this phenomenon becomes more and more developed, clear and theoretically productive. Existential examination is characterized as the most well-founded. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kiyaschenko, N. I. T1 - Феномен нечеловеческого в человеке [The Phenomenon of Non-Humanity in a Human Being] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 64, No. 1 (2014), pp. 33-40. [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Предмет исследования — рассмотрение нечеловеческого в человеке. Данная проблема имеет несколько аспектов. Во-первых, она связана с религиозной тематикой. В сакральной литературе человек рассматривается как греховное создание, впавшее в первородный грех. Во-вторых, тема нечеловеческого сопряжена с моральным аспектом. Здесь она трактуется как человеческая подверженность злу. В-третьих, нечеловеческое в человеке связано с постепенным разочарованием в нём как в божьей твари, получившим освещение в средневековой литературе. Это вызвало особый феномен, который Н.А. Бердяев назвал «умалением человека». Новый этап в раскрытии этой темы можно связать с психоаналитическими традициями. Психоанализ раскрывает феноменологию бессознательного, природу инстинктов, ведущих к агрессии и разрушительству. Фромм пишет специальную книгу «Анатомия человеческой деструктивности». Наконец, нечеловеческое становится сюжетом современной трансгуманистической философии. Речь идет о том, чтобы внедрить в человека нечто, позволяющее исправить человеческую природу, создать нового человека. Автор опирается на столь значимую методологию, как герменевтический и психоаналитический анализтекстов, позволяющий в данном случае раскрыть разные аспекты нечеловеческого. Новизна статьи в постановке самой темы, которая в отечественной литературе не была предметом самостоятельного анализа. Автор делает попытку проследить историко-философскую традицию, которая связана с этой проблемой. Накоплены многочисленные интуиции о том, какое место занимает в потомке Адама то, что не соответствует его изначальной природе. Однако данная тема не рассматривалась в целостном историко-философском ракурсе. Прослеживая осмысление этой проблемы от древности до на ших дней, мы видим, что она актуализирует самые неожиданные ходы исследовательской мысли. Особенно злободневно звучат в этой теме сюжеты духовности человека как особого рода сущего. Человеческое не может раскрыть себя, если оно не связано с нечеловеческим. N2 - The subject of research is to analyze non-humanity in a human being. The aforesaid problem has many aspects. Firstly, it is related to religious topics. Religious literature views human as a sinful creature falling into the first sin. Secondly, the topic of ‘non-humanity’ is associated with morals and interpreted as the human susceptibility to evil. Thirdly, the concept of non-humanity in human is the result of gradual disappointment in human as a god’s creature as it was depicted in the medieval literature. This has led to another phenomenon which Nikolay Berdyaev called ‘the impairment of human’. Psychoanalysis started a new stage in the development of this concept. Psychoanalysts introduced the phenomenology of the unconsciousness and the nature of the instincts leading to aggression and destruction. Fromm wrote a special book called >The anatomy of human destructiveness<. Finally, non-humanity becomes the subject of modern trans-humanistic philosophy. Researchers started to question whether it was possible to embed something into human which would allow to change the human nature and create a new human. The author bases his research on such significant methods as the hermeneutic and psychoanalytical analysis of texts allowing to reveal different aspects of non-humanity. The novelty of research is the introduction of the topic which has never been viewed as the subject of independent analysis in Russian sources. The author of the article makes an attempt to trace back the development of the historical and philosophical tradition with reference to this problem. Even though there have been some discussions about Adam’s descendants and some features they may have different from Adam’s nature. However, this topic has never been discussed from the point of history and philosophy. The author of the article describes how this problem has been developing from ancient days till today. The author underlines that without being opposed to non-humanity, humanity can’t fully reveal itself. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurevich, Pavel S. T1 - Трeхчленная модель личности Вильгельма Раиха [Three-term Personality Model of Wilhelm Reich] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1137-1141. [ISSN: 2454-0722] N2 - О психоаналитическом наследии В. Райха написано немало: проанализированы его взгляды на бессознательное, отмечен его взгляд на телесную терапию и представлены возможности телесно-ориентированного психоанализа. Исследователи отмечали также вклад Райха в теорию характеров. Райх видел огромный потенциал здоровья в спонтанных обнаружениях психики. Однако до сих пор не выявлен социальный смысл его учения. В годы, когда он стал приобретать известность, классический психоанализ уже постепенно уступал место неофрейдизму. К. Хорни и Э. Фромм обратили особое внимание на роль социальных факторов в диагностике и лечении пациентов. Они критиковали фрейдизм за игнорирование социальных и культурных факторов в формировании личности. Приверженцы классического психоанализа, обороняясь, упрекали неофрейдистов в принижении роли внутрипсихических и биологических факторов развития индивида. В. Райх остался в стороне от этих направлений. Однако ему принадлежит интересная по замыслу трехчленная модель личности. Автор статьи опирается на методы социальной психологии, которая позволяет выявить роль социального окружения в распознавании невротических симптомов. Вместе с тем при анализе учитывается методы исторического рассмотрения проблемы. В частности, учение Райха помещается в контекст того периода истории психоанализа, когда классический психоанализ постепенно замещается неофрейдизмом. Новизна подхода к теме связана с рассмотрением трёхчленной модели личности В. Райха. Данная модель указывает на приоритетность Райха в выдвижении социально-культурной тематики. Будучи ортодоксальным приверженцем З. Фрейда, В. Райх тем не менее приблизился к пониманию несомненной значимости политики и культуры в становлении личности. В этом отношении, по мнению автора статьи, он даже опередил работы К. Хорни и Э. Фромма, хотя и не достиг той глубины социально-культурного анализа, который присущ неофрейдизму. В. Райх изменил представление о структуре личности у Фрейда. По сути дела создатель психоанализа создал модель психики, в которой отсутствовал культурный контекст. Общее указание Фрейда на роль супер-эго, на родительские запреты, на возможность морального самоосуждения получили более чёткое оформление в модели В. Райха. N2 - Much is written about psychoanalytical heritage of Wilhelm Reich. His views on unconsciousness have been analyzed and his concepts of body psychotherapy and body psychoanalysis have been underlined. Researchers have also pointed out Reich’s contribution to the character analysis. Reich saw a great health potential in spontaneous manifestations of psyche. However, Pavel Gurevich believes that the social meaning of Reich’s teaching has not been discovered yet. In the years when Reich started to become famous, classical psychoanalysis already began to give place to Neo Freudianism. Karen Horney and Erich Fromm focused on the role of social factors in diagnostics and treatment of patients. They criticized Freudianism for ignoring the role of social and cultural factors in personality development. In response, adherents of classical psychoanalysis blamed Neo Freudians for underestimating the role of intrapsychic and biological factors in individual development. Wilhelm Reich managed to stay uninvolved in those discussions. However , he created an interesting three-element personality model. In his research Pavel Gurevich applies methods of social psychology allowing to define the role of the social environment in diagnosing symptoms of neurosis. At the same time, the author of the article has also use the methods of historical analysis of the problem. In particular, Reich’s teaching is viewed in terms of that period in the psychoanalysis development when classical psychoanalysis was gradually giving place to Neo Freudianism. The novelty of the research is in the analysis of the three-element personality model offered by Reich. This model demonstrates that Reich gave the priority to the social and cultural topics. Being an orthodox adherent of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich nevertheless approached to understanding the doubtless significance of politics and culture in the personality development. According to Pavel Gurevich, in this respect Wilhelm Reich even preceded Karen Horney and Erich Fromm although Reich did not manage that deep social and cultural analysis that Neo Freudianism offered. Wilhelm Reich changed the concept of personality structure offered by Freud. In fact, Freud created the model of psyche without giving focusing on the cultural factor. Freud’s general provisions about the role of super ego, parental prohibitions and moral self-condemnation were later developed in Wilhelm Reich’s model. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popovych, O. V. T1 - Соціогенезис психічних розладів та механізми компенсації в суспільстві [Sociogenesis of mental disorders and compensation mechanisms in society] JF - Грані [Granì], Vol. 110, No. 106 (2014), pp. 6-11. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] Грані [Granì], Vol. 110, No. 106 (2014), pp. 6-11. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] [grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/531/547] N2 - Положення про те, що порушення психічного здоров’я є наслідком процесу ускладненої соціалізації індивіда, досі є головною ідеєю психоаналізу. Дія феноменау компенсації осмислюється засновником психоаналізу З. Фрейдом у несвідомих механізмах психіки, у сновидіннях, у людських жартах і дотепах та ін. У цілому, весь простір культури просякнутий механізмами компенсації для адаптації й соціаліза ції особистості, що стає можливим за умов виявлення потенцій її креативності.Згідно з теорією К.-Г. Юнга, тяжкий психічний стан, «позасвідоме» та «компенсація» мають точку перетину, ніби приходять до спільного порога, за яким вступають у «хід» творчі здібності, складаючи джерело розвитку креативності. Механізми процесу компенсації фрагментарно збігаються з феноменом «Самості». Разом з тим, бінарні архетипи в структурі колективного несвідомого людської психіки також знаходяться у компенсаторній взаємодії. Поняття >компенсація – надкомпенсація< широко вживаються й А. Адлером у різних аспектах і позначають засіб подолання неповноцінності, засіб здобуття коректної моральної свободи. На основі комплексу неповноцінності розвивається компенсаторний комплекс переваги. Обидва комплекси мають щось спільне: будучи надмірно розвинені або врівноважуючи один одного, вони сприяють виключенню з корисного життя і невротизації. Але будучи наповнені соціальним змістом і проявляючись адекватно ситуації, вони виступають як сигнальні орієнтири. Згідно з концепцією К. Хорні, саме міжособистісну комунікацію можна визначити як механізм компенсації неврозів. В той же час Е. Фромм наповнює феномен компенсації соціальним змістом. Він описав три важливих компенсаторних синдроми: прагнення до панування, прагнення до підпорядкування, втеча в працю. Надбання психоаналізу не втратило своєї значущості і сьогодні, бо всі ці компенсаторні механізми діють і в сучасному суспільстві. N2 - The statement that mental health disorders are the result of the process of complicated socialization of the individual is still the main idea of psychoanalysis. Effects of the compensation phenomenon are considered by the founder of psychoanalysis S. Freud in the unconscious mechanisms of the psyche, in dreams, in people’s jokes and others. In general, the entire space of culture is permeated with compensation mechanisms for adaptation and socialization of a person, which becomes possible under the conditions of detection of the potentials of person’s creativity. According to the theory of K. G. Jung, a grave mental state, the unconscious and compensation have the point of intersection; they seem to come to the same threshold over which creative abilities come into force, forming the source of the development of creativity. The mechanisms of compensation process fragmentarily coincide with the phenomenon of Self. At the same time, binary archetypes in the structure of the collective unconscious of the human psyche are also in compensatory interactions. The terms >compensation overcompensation< are also widely used by A. Adler in different aspects and represent a means of overcoming the inferiority, a means of obtaining the correct moral freedom. On the basis of an inferiority complex, a compensatory superiority complex is developing. Both complexes have something in common: being developed excessively or balancing each other, they contribute to the exclusion from useful life and neurotization. But being filled with social content and manifesting adequately, they act as basic cues. According to the concept of K. Horney, it is interpersonal communication that can be defined as a mechanism of compensation of neurosis. At the same time, Erich Fromm fills compensation phenomenon with social content. He described three important compensatory syndromes: a desire for power, a desire for submission, and escape into work. The achievements of psychoanalysis have not lost their significance nowadays, as all these compensatory mechanisms operate in today’s society. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Melnikova, A. A. T1 - Политика глобализации и глубинные основания культур [Globalization Policy and Profound Cultural Grounds] JF - Политика и Общество [Politics and Society], No. 11 (2013), pp. 1340-1345. [ISSN: 2454-0684] N2 - Цель статьи: изучить один из аспектов процесса глобализации – распространение английского языка – в контексте теории лингвистической относительности, указывающей на взаимосвязь языка с ментальностью носителей данного языка. При анализе автор рассматривает отнесенность английского языка к >иметь<-языкам, а русского – к >быть<-языкам и конкретные формы выражения этого в языке в качестве глубинных культурных установок, связывая данные факты воедино, с одной стороны, с концепцией Фромма о направленности человека на обладание или бытие, с другой стороны – с процессом глобализации и установками, стоящими за формами проявления этого процесса и обуславливающими результаты (прежде всего, цивилизационные кризисы), которые мы наблюдаем в настоящий момент. В заключении автор предлагает в качестве первого антикризисного шага акти визировать филологическую составляющую образовательного процесса, в том числе – на уровне высшей школы. N2 - The purpose of this article is to study one of the aspects of globalization process, i.e. distribution of the English language, from the point of view of the theory of linguistic relativity pointing out the relation between the language and mentality of the speaker. The author analyses the relation of the English language to the >to have< group of languages and relation of the Russian language to the >to be< group of languages as well as particular forms of expression of these relations in the language as profound cultural attitudes. This can be explained, on one hand, from the point of view of Fromm’s concept about orientation of human either at acquiring or existence, and from the point of view of globalization and stereotypes and attitudes behind the globalization process that determine the results (civilization crises first of all), on the other hand. In conclusion the author recommends to promote philology in education including the system of higher education as the very first anti-crisis measure. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shchelokova, Yu. V. T1 - Поиск любви в безлюбом мире [The Search for Love in a Loveless World] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 65, No. 2 (2014), pp. 173-181. [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Предметом исследования данной статьи является сущность любовного чувства, выражаю щаяся в концепции Платона, трактующей любовь как стремление восполнить утраченную целостность, которая была возрождена и по-новому ранжирована в трудах представителей гуманистической психоло-гии: Эриха Фромма, Гордона Олпорта, Карен Хорни, Гарри Салливана и других. Автор рассматривает различные виды любви, освещает проблему оскудения эмоционального мира современного человека, в сравнении, например, с античным греком, появления новых невротических видов любви, обусловленных проникновени- ем рыночных отношений в самые глубинные и интимные стороны человеческой жизни. В работе в различных комбинациях в зависимости от поставленных задач использовались общенаучные методы исследования: метод сравнительного анализа, синтез, структурный и системный методы. Научная новизна данной статьи состоит в том, что в ней освещена идея любви Платона, возрожденная иполучившая философско-антропологическое осмысление в неофрейдизме, что позволило рассмотреть фено-мен любви в >человеческом измерении<. Автором было акцентировано внимание, на том, что представите-лями данного направления был сделан огромный вклад в изучении данной темы, а не только темы личности, индивидуальности, ценности человека. Любовь существует в разных формах, можно говорить о ее много- образных проявлениях, меняющихся от эпохи к эпохе, различных видах, но существует глубинная сущностьлюбви, выражающаяся в тоске человека по утраченной целостности и стремлении восполнить свою фрагментарность, разорванность, незавершенность в продуктивном союзе с другим человеком. Эмоциональный мир современного человека оскудевает, появляются новые невротические формы проявления любви, подме- няющие живые чувства рыночными отношениями. В гуманистической психологии впервые за долгое время было привлечено внимание к теме любви, была возрождена концепция любви как разрешения главной проблемы человеческого бытия, данная тема была ранжирована на материале современного общества. N2 - The subject matter of the present research article is the nature of human love as expressed in Plato’s philosophy. Plato viewed love as one’s desire to restore his integrity and become complete. The same idea was raised again by the followers of humanistic psychology such as Erich Fromm, Gordon Allport, Karen Horney, Harry Sullivan and others. The author of the present article describes different forms of love and touches upon the issue of emotional ‘poverty’ of a modern human compared to, for example, an ancient Greek. The author also underlines that new forms of neurotic love have been appearing lately. According to the author, this is the result of the invasion of market relations into the most intimate spheres of human life. In her research, depending on a set goal, the author uses general scientific methods of research such as the method of comparative analysis, synthesis, structured method and systems method. The scientific novelty of this research article is the discussion of Plato’s concept of love developed by neo-Freudianism which allowed to see the phenomenon of love in the ‘humanistic’ dimension. The author also emphasizes the fact that the representatives of humanistic psychology made a significant contribution to the studies of the phenomenon of love apart from their contribution to the development of the concepts of personality, individuality and value of human. Love exists in different forms so we can say it may have different expressions depending on the historical epoch, but the main motive of love has always been the longing for the lost integrity and the desire to overcome the feeling of existential loneliness and feel completed again in the union with the other person. However, a modern human has rather poor emotions and this leads to creation of new neurotic expressions of love where true feelings are replaced with the importance of market relations. For the first time in a long period of humanistic psychology the author attracts our attention to the topic of love again and restores the concept of love as the way to overcome the main problem of human existence based on the experience of the modern society. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shilina, N. E. T1 - Взаимодействие личности и общества: психоанализ конфликта [Interaction between the individual and society: psychoanalysis conflict] JF - Грані [Granì], Vol. 17, No. 2 (2014), pp. 22-28. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] [grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/421/432] N2 - Статья посвящена проблеме становления личности в современном информационном обществе, основными чертами которого являются его информатизация, создание новых интеллектуальных технологий, ускорение темпов развития техники, превращение информации в важнейший глобальный ресурс человечества. Автор анализирует психоаналитический подход к рассмотрению личности З. Фрейда, К.Г. Юнга и Э. Фромма. Затрагивается проблема целостности личности и пути ее достижения. Единое информационное пространство, также как и единое психическое пространство (коллективное бессознательное) ставят перед личностью две противоположные задачи: преодолеть разобщенность, созданную личными границами собственного >Я< и объединиться с обществом в поисках целостности, и сформировать свое личное пространство, выкроить в этой общности свою личную персональную зону комфорта, где личность сможет получить ощущение свободы и осознание своей уникальности, и, как ни удивительно, также целостности. Раскрыта проблема виртуальной реальности и ее влияния на формирование самосознания личности. Показаны позитивные и негативные аспекты влияния информационных технологий на самоидентификацию личности в современном пространстве. N2 - The article deals with the formation of personality in today’s information society, the main features of which are its computerization, new intelligent technologies, accelerating the pace of technological development, the transformation of information into a major global resource of mankind. The author analyzes the psychoanalytic approach to the consideration of personality Freud, C. G Jung and Erich Fromm. Address the issue of the integrity of the person and the way to achieve it. Common information space, as well as a single mental space (the collective unconscious) pose in front of a person two opposite goals: to overcome the fragmentation created personal boundaries own >I< and unite with a society in search of integrity, and create their own personal space, carve out in this community their personal personal comfort zone, where a person can get a sense of freedom and awareness of their uniqueness, and, surprisingly, also integrity. Disclosed the problem of virtual reality and its impact on the formation of self-consciousness. Showing the positive and negative aspects of the impact of information technology on the identity of the individual in modern space. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Demura, O. O. T1 - Аналіз тоталітарної свідомості в соціально-критичній теорії Франкфуртської школи [An analysis of totalitarian consciousness in Frankfurt School socio-critical theory] JF - Грані [Granì], Vol. 17, No. 11 (2014), pp. 106-112. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] [grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/752/763] N2 - В статті проаналізовано основні ідеї представників Франкфуртської школи, а саме: Т. Адорно, М. Хоркхаймер, Г. Маркузе, Е. Фромм. Опираючись на основні дослідження та основоположні філософ ські праці представників Франкфуртської школи, зроблена спроба виокремити основні причини становлення неототалітаризму, та тоталітарних режимів у ХХ столітті. Встановлена взаємозалежність між Просвітницькою діяльністю та міфологізацією свідомості; визначена роль культури у цьому процесі. Окреслено роль ідеологічної системи, як однієї з форм соціальної міфології. Встановлена закономірність між >щасливою свідомістю< суспільства споживання і ефективним укоріненням міфів та ідеологічних систем у масову свідомість суспільства ХХ ст. Актуальність статті зумовлена тим, що необхідність критичного осмислення становлення культури тоталітарних країн сьогодні стає очевидною. Усвідомлення того, що суспільна свідомість пострадянських країн досі керується міфологемами, що були створені та впроваджені тоталітарною культурою, змушує нас серйозно вивчати проблематику міфологізації свідомості та ідеологічного впливу. Тому позбавлення від упереджень та перехід до нового витка демократичної свідомості неможливий, без вивчення основ становлення масового суспільства та функції культури в ньому. Більше того, без виявлення чинників, що зумовили конструювання західної цивілізації, неможливе не тільки рішення глобальних проблем сучасності, але й сам перехід на якісно інший виток соціально-культурного розвитку. N2 - In the article there were analyzed the main ideas of Frankfurt School representatives, namely Theodor. W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm. The author attempted to identify the main causes of neo-totalitarianism formation and the formation of totalitarian regime in the 20th century. In the attempt the author based on the main researches and fundamental works of Frankfurt school representatives. It was established an interdependency between the Enlightenment practice and the mythologizing of consciousness; the role of culture was determined. The role of ideological system as one of the forms of social mythology was described. It was established the regularity between >happy consciousness< of the Consumer Society and myths and ideological system effecting rooting in the society mass consciousness of the 20th century. The relevance of the article is determined by the need for critical thinking of the development of totalitarian states culture that today is becoming obvious. An awareness of the fact that social consciousness of post-Soviet states still guided by myths that were created and instituted by totalitarian culture makes us serious study of the problems mythologizing of consciousness and ideological influence. Therefore the deliverance from prejudice and the transition to a new round of democratic society is not possible without studying the formations foundations of mass society and the functions of culture in it. Moreover, the solution of modernity global problems and the transition on qualitatively new round of social and cultural development is impossible without definition of conditions that identified the construction of Western civilization. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Šuvajevs, Igors T1 - Ērihs Fromms: brīvība un dzīvesmāksla JF - I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 63-78. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krūmiņa-Koņkova, Solveiga T1 - Ērihs Fromms, Rūdolfs Steiners un >gara zinātnes< Latvijā 20. gadsimta sākumā JF - I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 49-62. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Johahs, Helmuts T1 - Ērihs Fromms - biogrāfiski idejvēsturisks ievads JF - I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 3-17. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funks, Rainers T1 - Ēriha Fromma nozīme tagadnei (Die Bedeutung Erich Fromms für die Gegenwart) JF - R. Funk, Ēriha Fromma aktualitāte. Filosofijas lekcijas Riga, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 9-26. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Funks, Rainers T1 - Ēriha Fromma aktualitāte. Filosofijas lekcijas Riga, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, 62 pp. N2 - Izmantojot Fromma izstrādnes, kļūst iespējams nošķirt arī iedomātās un faktiskās vērtības. Iedomātās vērtības var gūt racionalizēšanas ceļā, kaut gan pastāvošās, faktiskās vērtības liecina par kaut ko citu. Fromms piedāvā šādas principā nedzīvošanas, proti, nebūšanas aprakstu (459): >Tagadējais vidējais cilvēks pats gandrīz vai nedomā. Viņš atceras tikai datus, kas viņam sniegti skolā un masu medijos. Balstoties uz paša novērojumiem un domāšanu, viņš praktiski neko nezina no tā, ko viņš zina. Arī priekšmetu izmantošana gandrīz neprasa paša domāšanu un speciālās zināšanas. Dažas ierīces, piemēram, telefons, neparedz nekādu prasmi un piepūli. Cita priekšmeta, piemēram, automašīnas, izmantošana paredz mācīšanos tikai sākumā. Kolīdz tas kļuvis par rutīnu, vajadzīga tikai ļoti niecīga personiskā piepūle un speciālas zināšanas. Pat izglītoti mūsdienu cilvēki ļoti maz domā par reliģiskām, filosofiskām problēmām un pat nedomā par politiskām problēmām. Lielākoties viņi no politiskām un reliģiskām grāmatām un oratoriem tikai pārņem daudzkārt piedāvātās klišejas, nevis nonāk pie secinājumiem, kas ir darbīgas un dzīlēs ietiecošas pašu domāšanas rezultāts. Viņi labprātāk izvēlas tās klišejas, kas vairāk atbilst viņu pašu raksturam un viņu pašu sociālajai šķirai.< Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Leskauskas, Darius T1 - Überlegungen zur Bedeutung des Gesellschafts-Charakters JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 67-71. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d18/2014r Y1 - 2014 VL - d18/2014r ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaeffer, Katharina T1 - Überlegungen zum Konsum in >Konsum und Schmerz< von John Berger sowie >Haben oder Sein< von Erich Fromm, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Kunst – Allgemeines, Kunsttheorie, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft in Alfter, Grin Verlag 2014, 39 pp. N2 - Die Thematik des Konsums ist eine, die mich persönlich interessiert und immer wieder beschäftigt. Im Zuge des Seminars >Kunst und Gesellschaft, Ästhetik und Ethik bei John Berger< befassten wir uns ebenfalls mit Konsum, was mich dazu verleitete, diese Hausarbeit zu verfassen. Dabei werden neben John Berger verschiedene Autoren sowie deren Auseinandersetzung mit und Sichtweise auf den Konsum untersucht. Es handelt sich bei ihnen um die Werbe-Experten Kroeber-Riel und Franz-Rudolf Esch sowie den Literat Erich Fromm.Kurzbiografie sowie enge Textarbeit dienen dazu, einen möglichst guten und authentischen Einblick in Denk- und Schreibweise der Autoren zu vermitteln. So soll der Konsum aus verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten – persönlich, sozial-ethisch und ökonomisch – betrachtet werden. Nach einer Definition des Begriffes Konsum widmet sich der Essay diversen Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Konsum, die jeweils mittels Textauszügen erarbeitet und letztendlich beantwortet werden. Zunächst soll die Frage, wie der Konsum, wie wir ihn heute kennen, eigentlich entstanden ist. John Berger über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Konsum und Schmerz in seinem gleichnamigen Artikel Auskunft. Wie der Hyper-Konsum entsteht beziehungsweise mit welchen Strategien und Techniken die Werbung beim Verbraucher ein Pseudo-Konsum-Bedürfnis schafft kann anhand des Werkes >Strategie und Technik der Werbung< von Esch und Kroeber-Riel nachvollzogen werden. Wolf Lotter stellt in seinem brand-eins-Magazin die Frage nach dem richtigen Maß. Und Fromm >resümiert ... Gedankengänge früherer Werke< ... in seinem Buch >Haben oder Sein<. All diese Schriftstücke dienen als Grundlage für den Essay und sollen in einem umfassenden Fazit reflektiert und resümiert werden. [Exlibris.ch] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bierhoff, Burkhard T1 - Zur Kritik des Ökonomismus in der Erziehung JF - Klaus-Jürgen Bruder, Christoph Bialluch, Benjamin Lemke (Eds.), Machtwirkung und Glücksversprechen. Gewalt und Rationalität in Sozialisation und Bildungsprozessen. Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2014, pp. 251-274. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wehr, Helmut T1 - Zivilcourage in der Schule - Ein Herausforderung für Lehrer/innen JF - Lehren und Lernen. Zeitschrift für Schule und Innovation aus Baden-Württemberg, Vol. 40 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 29-34 Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kostyło, Hanna T1 - Zdrowie, społeczeństwo, edukacja: koncepcje Ericha Fromma i Theodorea Bramelda [Health, Society, Education: The Concepts of Erich Fromm and Theodore Brameld] JF - Rocznik Andragogczny [Andragogy Yearbook], Vol. 21 (2014), pp. 157-171. [doi.org/10.12775/RA.2014.011] N2 - Celem artykułu jest pokazanie wpływu procesów kulturowych na stan zdrowia społeczeństwa. Tekst zawiera przegląd definicji zdrowia, ujawniając ich rosnącą złożoność, wynikającą z włączania do nich coraz większej liczby czynników pozacielesnych. Na podstawie analiz przeprowadzonych przez Ericha Fromma i Theodore’a Bramelda przedstawiona jest diagnoza stanu zdrowia współczesnego rozwiniętego społeczeństwa zachodniego. Podsumowaniem całości jest kilka postulatów pod adresem edukacji. Edukacja, aby mogła wspierać harmonijne funkcjonowanie społeczeństwa, musi mieć wpływ na kształtowanie standardów zdrowotnych obowiązujących w tymże społeczeństwie. N2 - This paper attempts to show the impact of cultural processes on the state of society’s health. The text contains an overview of health definitions, revealing their increasing complexity resulting from the inclusion of growing number of extra-bodily factors. On the basis of the analyses carried out by Erich Fromm and Theodore Brameld, diagnosis of health state of developed modern Western society is presented. By way of summary, some proposals regarding education are drawn. Education, in order to support harmonious functioning of society, must have an impact on establishing health standards operating in that particular society. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoeges, Dirk T1 - Wächter in dunkler Nacht. Karl Mannheim und die Wissenssoziologie in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 233-248. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brumlik, Micha T1 - Wissenschaft und Identitätsfindung. Der junge Erich Fromm. Alfred Weber, Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud. JF - M- Bitterolf et al. (Eds.), Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, ed by Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel, Heidelberg (Verlag Stefan Schöbel) 2014, pp. 111-118. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brumlik, Micha T1 - Wissenschaft und Identitätsfindung. Der junge Erich Fromm. Alfred Weber, Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 111-118. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chodorow, Nancy J. T1 - Why Is It Easy to Be a Psychoanalyst and a Feminist, But Not a Psychoanalyst and a Social Scientist? Reflections of a Psychoanalytic Hybrid JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 122-139. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Curtis, Richard T1 - What is Spirituality? Insights from Religious Studies and Humanistic Psychology JF - S. J. Miri, R. Lake, T. M. Kress (Eds.), Reclaiming the Sane Society. Essays on Erich Fromm's Thought, Rotterdam - Boston - Taipei (Sense Publishers) 2014, pp. 101-115. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Frie, Roger T1 - What is Cultural Psychoanalysis? Psychoanalytic Anthropology and the Interpersonal Tradition JF - Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 50 (2014), pp. 371–394. N2 - In light of the recent emphasis on social and cultural factors in psychoanalytic theory and practice, this article will elaborate earlier attempts to bridge psychoanalysis and the study of culture. I begin by considering the disciplinary tension between the fields of psychoanalysis and anthropology and the emergence of a >psychoanalytic anthropology,< which began in the 1920s and lasted through the 1950s. I then turn to the works of Harry Stack Sullivan and Erich Fromm, who developed an approach known as >cultural psychoanalysis.< I suggest that Sullivan and Fromm anticipate today’s sociocultural turn in psychoanalysis and that their work on culture and its role in psychological development and experience continues to be relevant. Rather than embracing a social or cultural determinism, Sullivan and Fromm focus on the interaction between culture and the person, thus creating an >integrationist< approach. Sullivan and Fromm develop a broad conception of culture that encompasses a critique of social and cultural norms and values. I suggest that this is particularly valuable because much current discussion of culture focuses chiefly on diversity and difference, thus overlooking the implicit social and cultural values at work in all human experience. I build on Sullivan and Fromm’s insights to illustrate the significance of early interpersonal psychoanalysis for the sociocultural turn in contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schröter, Michael T1 - Vor der Schwelle zum Lehrinstitut, oder: Zwischen lokaler Selbstbehauptung und zentralistischer Unterordnung. Karl Landauer und das alte Frankfurter Psychoanalytische Institut JF - Psyche, Vol. 68 (2014), pp. 122–161. N2 - Nach 1918 setzte sich in der deutschen Psychoanalyse ein nationalzentralistisches Organisationsprinzip durch – gegen die Option, eine zweite süddeutsche Vereinigung neben der Berliner Gruppe (ab 1926 DPG) zu schaffen. Berlin erlangte in der Freud-Schule die Zuständigkeit für ganz Deutschland. Andere Gruppen wurden der DPG als »Arbeitsgemeinschaften« zugeordnet; lokale Kandidaten mussten einen Aufnahmevortrag in Berlin halten. Die damit gestiftete Spannung trat vor allem gegenüber der Frankfurter/Südwestdeutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft hervor, die 1926 maßgeblich von Karl Landauer gegründet wurde. Sie war mit zuletzt 4–5 fertigen Analytikern die größte Gruppe in Deutschland außerhalb Berlins. Landauer, in Wien geschult und ab 1925 Mitglied in Berlin, führte einige Lehranalysen durch, im Rahmen der Berliner Vorschriften. Aber kein Frankfurter Kandidat schaffte die Aufnahme in die DPG ohne Nachausbildung in Berlin; Erich Fromm fiel zweimal mit Probevorträgen durch. S.H. Fuchs, 1928–1930 in Wien ausgebildet, wehrte sich gegen dieses Aufnahmeverfahren. Als Landauer 1929, bedrängt von Heinrich Meng, das Frankfurter Institut schuf, betonten beide, dass sie keine Ausbildung beabsichtigten. Das war nur die kurzfristige Wahrheit. Die Ambivalenz eines Instituts, das seine Ambitionen zunächst verdunkelte, ist für die Frankfurter Psychoanalyse ebenso kennzeichnend wie ihre Nähe zur akademischen Welt, insbesondere zur Soziologie (M. Horkheimer, N. Elias). – Die vorliegende Arbeit verwertet erstmals zahlreiche Stücke aus der Korrespondenz zwischen Landauer und Max Eitingon. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Verbunden sein, ohne sich zu binden. Liebesfähigkeit heute JF - B. Dorst et al. (Ed.), Liebe - die transformierende Kraft in Beziehungen und Gesellschaft, Ostfildern (Patmis - Sc hwabenverlag) 2014, pp. 71-99. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Šķesteris, Jānis T1 - Variationen von Freiheit (Erich Fromm, Merab Mamardaschwili) JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 53-56. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d18/2014m Y1 - 2014 VL - d18/2014m ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Yue T1 - Values on Erich Fromm’s Theory of Alienation [埃里希•弗洛姆的异化价值观], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, CPC Zhejiang Provincial Party School, Hangzhou, Zheijiang, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆在充分吸收和借鉴马克思异化理论和卢卡奇的异化理论的基础上,从心理学的视角出发来开创了自己的异化理论,用来解读资本主义社会制度下人的各种境遇。埃里希•弗洛姆通过对资本主义现象的深刻剖析和激烈的批判,犀利的指出资本主义繁华和虚荣的背后是赤裸裸的精神贫瘠和心内的孤独,为了摆脱这种状况,人们出现了逃避自由的心理机制,所以弗洛姆倡导建立健全的社会,只有健全的社会才会有健全的人格,才是符合人性追求自由和发展的本性。他的观点开拓了异化的研究范畴,丰富了马克思和卢卡奇所提出的异化思想。本篇文章在搜集大量资料的基础上,从弗洛姆的时代背景和生活经历入手,分析提出异化理论的现实依据和理论根据。弗洛姆将异化的内容扩大到生活中的各个领域,并指出资本主义心理、社会性格、消费等方面是典型的异化现象,从主客体两方面来分析这种异化现象产生的原因,并且给出了克服异化的方法,通过>爱的艺术<、发挥主观能动性、轻占有重生存的主体改变,再加上经济、政治、文化方面的双管齐下,来消除所存在的异化给人们带来的扭曲和不利。尽管弗洛姆的异化理论存在着很多的不足,但是给我国建设社会主义核心价值观带来了很多的启发与借鉴。 N2 - Erich Fromm, while fully absorbs and draw lessons from Marx’s alienation theory and the theory on the basis of the alienation of Lukács, starting from the perspective of psychology to start his own theory of alienation, used to interpret the people of diversity under the capitalist social system circumstances. Erich Fromm, through profound analysis and the fierce criticism on the phenomenon of capitalism, sharply pointed out that behind of the capitalist prosperous and vanity is pure spirit and heart of loneliness, in order to get rid of this situation, people appeared to escape the psychological mechanism of freedom, so Fromm’s social advocate to establish and perfect, only a sound society will have a sound personality, is the pursuit of freedom and development of the nature of human nature. His ideas to develop the research category of alienation, enrich the alienation of Marx and Lukács proposed ideas. - This article on the basis of collecting a large number of data, from the era background and life experience of Fromm, is put forward according to the reality of realistic basis and theoretical basis. Fromm expands the content of the alienation into all areas of life, and points out that psychological, social character, consumption of capitalism is a typical phenomenon of alienation, from two aspects of subject and object to analyze the causes of the alienation phenomenon, and gives the ways to overcome the alienation, through >he art of love<, our subjective initiative, changes in the body of the light of heavy survival, coupled with economic, political, and cultural aspects, to eliminate the dissimilation of distortions and disadvantage. Although Fromm’s dissimilation theory there are many shortcomings, bringing to the construction of socialist in our country a lot of inspiration and reference. [Authors translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ginieri-Coccossis, Maria A1 - Vaslamatzis, Grigoris T1 - Truths, Reveries, Internal Moments of Meeting: Reflections on the dialectics of the analytic relationship JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 3, 2014), pp. 171-182. N2 - Conceptualizing intersecting psychical dynamics taking place within the analytic relationship, the concept of truth is considered as an integral element of the patient's unrepresented, subjective self-experiences, particularly in respect to traumatic aspects. Truth is also conceptualized as a process of exploration of traumatic elements emerging dynamically in the context of transference. During such processes, it is possible that the patient's traumatic truth may collide with certain aspects of the analyst's mental life affecting deeply his/her phantasy and stirring strong feelings and representations of traumatic self-experiences of personal and subjective meaning. These instances are vital intersubjective aspects of the analytic relationship. They facilitate the exploration of the patient's unconscious inner truth and are signified as internal moments of meeting, emphasizing a psychical interchange between the analytic dyad and creation of a mental-cradle, a space for exploring and representing the patient's traumatic self-experiences. Clinical material is provided from the psychotherapy of a young woman with borderline psychopathology and unrepresented traumatic parental loss and migration. Discussion brings together basic theoretical conceptions regarding dynamic, joint mental functions of transference and countertransference and indicates the utility of actualizing disturbing countertransference experiences and the analyst's personal recourses and subjectivity for the exploration of the patient's truth. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Desai, Miraj U. T1 - Travel as Qualitative Method: Travel in Psychology’s History and in Medard Boss’ Sojourn to India JF - Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 54, No. 4 (2014), pp. 494-507. [Online ISSN 1552-650X] [doi.org/10.1177/0022167813517942] N2 - This article details the history, possibility, limits, and ethics of cross-cultural travel as a qualitative method in psychology. The article provides a brief overview of the ambiguous relationship between psychology and culture and develops an account of the history of travel methods in psychology. It then analyzes an exemplary case of travel research involving Medard Boss’ sojourn to India and his encounters with Indian sages. This article argues that the history of psychology is, in many ways, a history of the exiled, the dispossessed, and the traveler (e.g., Freud, Fromm, Fanon, Jahoda, Rogers, Jung, and others). The article concludes with reflections on using travel methods in an increasingly globalized world and in an ecologically sensitive way. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guasto, Gianni T1 - Trauma and the loss of basic trust JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 44-49. N2 - Ferenczi's discovery of trauma was labelled by Freud as a return >to errors< that he himself upheld he had committed before 1897. During the dramatic period running from the Wiesbaden Congress (September 1932) to Ferenczi's death (May 1933), Freud wrote to numerous correspondents (among them Jones, Eitingon, and his daughter Anna) complaining that Ferenczi's latest theoretical elaboration corresponded to a simple return to the origin of psychoanalysis and was also a symptom of a serious psychosis. The theme of this paper is that Freud's opinion concerning Ferenczi's concept of trauma is a result of misunderstanding: the trauma as described by Ferenczi is not the one that preceded (in Freud's theory) the desertion of the seduction theory, but is something that is much deeper and mortifying, where the sexuality role is less central. The author pauses to ponder and reflect on the importance of the concept of Erschütterung as a cause in losing basic trust, a perspective that moves far from Freudian sex-centrism that puts psychoanalysis face to face with the sufferings of the victims of extreme trauma. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mustakova-Possardt, Elena A1 - Woodall, John T1 - Toward Social Health for a Global Community JF - Mustakova-Possardt, E., Lyubansky, M., Basseches, M., Oxenberg, J. (Eds.): Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. International and Cultural Psychology, New York, NY (Springer) 2014, pp. 91-119. [Online ISBN 978-1-4614-7391-6] [doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7391-6_5] N2 - In this chapter, we take a systemic approach to developing a psychological understanding of processes of social health in a global socio-historical, political, and economic context. We examine levels of social health and associated psychological skills on each level. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xie, Linlin T1 - To Get Rid of >Weeds<, We Must Plant >Crops< – Talking about How to Abandon Non-Love and Build True Love [欲除>杂草<,须种>庄稼<——谈如何摈弃非爱构建真爱] JF - Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172. N2 - 什么是非爱行为?师爱在教育理论中始终处于核心地位,被视为教育的灵魂和本质。夏丏尊认为:>教育之不能没有感情,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样。没有水,就不能称其为池塘,没有爱就没有教育。<安东尼·华尔士认为,爱意味着主动关心他人的幸福。弗洛姆认为,爱是给予、关心、责任感、尊重和了解。非爱行为是打着爱的旗号让爱的对象按照自己的意愿去做,是以爱的名义对爱的对象进行强制性束缚、限制和控制。 N2 - What is non-loving behavior? Teacher love has always been at the heart of educational theory, and is regarded as the soul and essence of education. According to Xia Hideaway, >Education cannot be without affection, without love, just like a pond without water. Without water, it cannot be called a pond, and without love, there is no education.< According to Anthony Walsh, love means taking an active interest in the well-being of others. According to Fromm, love is giving, caring, responsibility, respect and understanding. Non-loving behavior is to make the object of love do what one wants in the name of love, to bind, restrict and control the object of love coercively in the name of love. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Poster, Mark F. T1 - Thoughts on war, trauma, and the need for diplomacy JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 55-63. N2 - War is a uniquely human scourge with complex biological, psychological, social, and political determinants. In this paper, repetition-compulsions both in making war and in the diagnosis and treatment of war trauma are documented. The diagnosis and treatment of war trauma are reviewed from the Napoleonic wars until the present, and parallel tracks in the development of military history, neurology, and psychoanalysis are traced. A personal history of the author and a clinical case history are included to demonstrate the effect of war on both family members and soldiers. Prevention of war through political negotiation is emphasized. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Wenhong T1 - Theory of Labor Alienation and Theory of Human Alienation — A Comparative Study of Alienation Theories of Marx and Fromm [劳动异化论与人性异化论——马克思与弗洛姆异化理论之比较] JF - The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute [江苏行政学院学报], No. 2 (2014), pp. 24-28. N2 - 劳动异化论和人性异化论,是马克思和弗洛姆在深度剖析资本主义社会不同时期人类生存状况基础上提出的两种异化理论。在关于异化的本质是反制还是心理体验、异化产生的根源是固化的分工还是>生存的两歧<、消除异化是通过社会革命还是改革等方面,两种理论皆存在根本性的分野,尽管它们之间有一定的继承和发展关系。因此,对二者进行系统的比较研究,既有助于进一步把握和理解马克思劳动异化论的科学性,同时也会在理论上拓宽异化问题的研究视野。 N2 - The theory of labor alienation and the theory of human alienation represent two kinds of alienation theories established by Marx and Fromm based on in-depth analysis of the state of human existence in different periods of capitalist society. Although there are certain inheritance and development relations between them, the two theories differ in essential terms about whether alienation is counteraction or psychological experience, whether the root causes of alienation is solidified division of labor or >bipolarity of existence<, and whether alienation can be eliminated by means of social revolution or reform. Therefore, a systematic and comparative study of the two systems can both facilitate the digestion and understanding of the scientific nature of the Marxist theory of labor alienation, and broaden the research vision in dealing with alienation issues. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Fei T1 - The World of Alienation: A Critical Study of Joyce Carol Oates’s >Wonderland< [异化的世界:乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨长篇小说《奇境》研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China 2014 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨是美国杰出的女作家,曾多次获诺贝尔文学奖提名。她的代表作《奇境》被认为是具有里程碑意义的分水岭之作。从《奇境》开始,欧茨的作品越来越关注人的内心世界,关注个人的生存状态和社会环境之间的冲突。本论文主要以埃里希•弗罗姆的异化理论为依据,力图揭示小说《奇境》对人物异化命运的关注。弗洛姆认为,异化是一种经验方式,通过这种方式,人体验到自己是一个陌生人。异化现象体现为个人与自我,个人与个人,个人与社会环境之间,以及个人与自己的信仰之间的冲突。此篇论文分别从以上四个方面对小说人物的心理异化进行了细致分析。论文主要由五章构成。第一章为引言。这一部分简要介绍了作者乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨的创作经历,主要作品和成就,并且总结和概述了国内外对这部小说的相关研究,从而提出来本论文的研究目的与意义。第二章介绍了异化理论的起源与发展,为本论文的分析奠定了理论基础。第三章是论文的正文部分,由两部分组成,分析了《奇境》中主要人物的普遍异化现象。第一部分分别从人与社会环境之间关系的异化,人与家庭成员之间关系的异化,和人与自我关系的异化以及人与上帝之间关系的异化四个方面着重分析小说《奇境》中男性人物的异化。第二部分具体分析小说《奇境》中主要女性人物与家庭成员之间关系的异化以及她们的自我异化。不幸福的家庭生活使得女性人物的精神备受压抑,导致了她们自我人格的分裂。最终,不堪忍受精神与肉体双重折磨的她们陷入了自我迷失的困境之中。第四章则主要分析小说主人公对异化的反抗。小说人物在异化面前,主要是通过封闭自我空间,以及不断为自己创造希望来给予自己反抗异化的动力,但是成功的希望是渺茫的。最后是结论部分。这篇论文对小说中男性和女性人物的异化分析,体现了欧茨对人们心理需求与精神状态的极度关注,同时也揭露了在资本主义社会中,人们始终处于空虚,孤寂,幻灭的生活状态之中 N2 - Joyce Carol Oates is a distinguished female writer in America who has received several nominations for the Nobel Prize for Literature. As a representative work of Joyce Carol Oates, >Wonderlandwatershed novel<, pointing to its significance of milestone for Oates’s writing. Oates’s works increasingly concerns herself with people’s inner world and the conflicts between a state of being of the individual and the social environment from the minute she starts to create Wonderland. By using the alienation theory of Erich Fromm, the thesis tries to expose the extreme focus of Wonderland on the alienated destiny of characters. For Fromm, man experiences himself as an alien by a mode of experience. The alienation phenomenon is embodied in that man has the conflicts with itself, with its species, with its social environment or with its faith. The thesis presents the detailed analysis of characters’ psychological alienation from the angels mentioned above. The thesis consists of five chapters.– Introduction is the first chapter. This chapter incorporates the brief introduction to Joyce Carol Oates and her works, the content and literature review of the novel Wonderland. The aims of studying Wonderland from the view of alienation are also covered.– The second chapter interprets the origin and development of Alienation theory.– The third chapter includes two parts. It analyzes the universal alienation phenomena of main characters in Wonderland. The first part gives a detailed analysis for the alienation of the main male characters from four aspects such as the alienation from the social environment, from his family members, from himself, and from God. The second part mainly analyzes the alienation of women from their family life and themselves. Their spiritual repression brought by their unhappy family life makes them tend towards a self-division state. Finally, the stifling physical and mental torture results in women’s self- lost status.– The fourth chapter focuses on the characters’ desperate struggles against alienation. In front of alienation, the main characters in the novel react against the alienation through withdrawal into their own space and inventing hopes. But the chances of success are slim.– The final part is the conclusion. The analysis above indicates that Oates extremely pays close attention to people’s psychological needs and state of spirit, and shows the mental state of Americans in the capitalist society: emptiness, loneliness, disillusionment. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Risthania, Olivia Fergie T1 - The Unrequited Love as Reflected in William Blake's >Love Secret< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Lantern – Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature (Diponegoro University), Vol. 3, No. 4 (February 2014). N2 - The purpose of this final academic paper is to describe the love story which tells sadness in William Blake’s >Love's Secret<. The writer adopts Erich Fromm’s theory of unrequited love from >The Art of Loving<. This final academic paper concerns intrinsic and extrinsic side of the poem. In the intrinsic side, the writer discusses about the existing diction and figurative language such as denotation and connotation and imagery to understand the true meaning of the poem. The extrinsic side, the writer discusses about unrequited love. The writer used library research, note-taking and internet browsing for collecting the data. The result is that love does not only bring happiness but also deep sadness for the speaker of the poem as unrequited love which is reflected in >Love's Secret<. So, it succeeds in bringing the readers to feel what the speaker feels. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN ED - Chancer, Lynn ED - Andrews, John T1 - The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - DeGloma, Thomas T1 - The Unconscious in Cultural Dispute: On the Ethics of Psychosocial Discovery JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 77-97. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - The Unbounded Self: The Striving for Reconstructing Personality and Ist Clinical Impact JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 3, 2014), pp. 144-150. N2 - Particularly due to technical innovations, we are witnessing an unbounding of reality that increasingly is reflected in an inner striving to get rid of the limitations and boundaries of our own personality by reconstructing it anew. This pursuit of de-limitation, dissolution and blurring of boundaries is seen as a central character trait of the Ego-oriented social character. Such a fabrication of a limitless personality doubtless results in a weakening of such psychic abilities as experiencing one’s self as a consistent and ambiguous entity, be-ing emotionally attached to oneself and to others, feeling one’s own strivings, affects and emotions, and being guided by one’s internalized norms and values. Lastly, the impact of this character formation is discussed in regard to clinical and therapeutic issues. N2 - Vor allem auf Grund der technischen Innovationen werden wir heute Zeugen einer Entgrenzung der Realität, die sich internalisiert immer mehr in einem Streben widerspiegelt, und auch von den Begrenzungen unserer eigenen Persönlichkeit zu befreien und diese neu zu erfinden. Dieses Streben nach Entgrenzung, Auflösung und Entbindung wird als ein zentraler Charakterzug des ich-orientierten Gesellschafts-Charakters gesehen. Zweifellos führt eine solche grenzenlose eigene Persönlichkeit zu einer Schwächung bestimmter psychischen Fähigkeiten: das eigene Selbst wird immer weniger als kongruent und ambivalenzfähig erlebt; das emotionale Verbunden mit sich selbst und mit anderen, aber auch die eigenen Antriebskräfte, Affekte und Gefühle werden immer weniger gespürt; die Fähigkeit, sein Verhalten an internalisierten Werten und Normen zu orientieren, verblasst. Schließlich soll aufgezeigt werden, welche Auswirkungen diese Charakterbildung auf die dynamische Psychotherapie hat. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Marsden, George M. T1 - The Twilight of the American Enlightenment. The 1950s and the Crisis of Liberal Belief, New York (Basic Books) 2014, 264 pp. N2 - In The Twilight of the American Enlightenment, Bancroft Prize-winning historian George Marsden examines the faltering attempts by the country’s brightest minds to establish a new national identity and purpose for postwar America, and explains how their ef Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peterson, Charles A. T1 - The trial period and the creation of analytic patients JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 4, 2014), pp. 209-219. N2 - Just as there are many roads to Rome, the trial period may be considered one of many opening moves in psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. The responsive – and responsible – therapist must be many things to many patients, some of whom know nothing about the psychotherapeutic/analytic process. Freud advocated the trial period to help him take a >sounding< when he knew little about the patient and when the patient knew little about psychoanalysis. R.I.P.? This brief communication laments the apparent demise of this promising procedure and makes an effort at resurrection by describing the hitherto unmapped latent structure of the trial period. Even if there are fewer patients in psychoanalysis today, there may be a number of reasons to recommend a trial period, no matter what we name this period of optimistic uncertainty at the beginning of every treatment. Even if >consultation< is the term de jour, the psychoanalytic psychotherapist cannot escape certain role responsibilities at the beginning of every treatment, which has been made clear in the ethical principles of the American Psychoanalytic Association. What we will learn about the trial period should serve our understanding of what must also occur in the beginning of every psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. Conceptually, I propose that a trial analysis (1) will serve as a discriminative stimulus, signaling, to the patient, the unique nature of the analytic conversation; (2) will permit an in vivo assessment of the patient's suitability for psychoanalysis, and, more importantly, the fit between analyst and patient; (3) will provide anticipatory socialization for the unfamiliar and difficult roles of patient and therapist within the analytic process; (4) will offer true informed consent about the task facing therapist and patient; and (5) will facilitate an opportunity for therapeutic assessment, all of which will help the naive patient acquire the skills and lived experience to become an analytic patient. The trial period is the perfect host for all that must happen – and what we can do– to help naive patients become analytic patients. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Li T1 - The Study on Fromm’s Care Education Theory [弗洛姆关爱教育思想研究]. N2 - 关爱,是人们日常生活中到处可见的现象,是人们印象最深的体验之一,它同希望、信念等构成了人的生存意义的主干。当人们在追求人生理想的时候,关爱作为一种不可缺少的力量,给予了人们支持和帮助。二十世纪西方著名的美国社会学家、哲学家、精神分析学家埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),通过对西方资本主义社会的矛盾与危机的分析,并在继承和发展马克思伦理学说、弗洛伊德伦理学说、法兰克福社会批判理论等思想的基础上,形成了独具特色的关爱教育思想。弗洛姆认为关爱作为人的一种积极主动的活动,是人的内在创造力的一种表现。关爱是一种具有主动性和创造性的能力,而不是外在的对象;关爱建立在关心、理解、尊重和负责的基础之上,而不是一味的占有和奉献。弗洛姆通过对西方资本主义社会爱的瓦解和人的境遇进行了分析研究,拓宽了我们对关爱的认识。他认为关爱的内涵是给予而非索取,并将关爱视为人与人、人与社会、人与自然连结的纽带;强调了无论在关爱自己、关爱他人、关爱社会还是在关爱自然的过程中,都应该保持理性、坦然真诚;并试图通过实践建立一个理想的>健全的社会<。在当今生产力快速发展、科技日新月异、社会物质财富剧增的年代,人与人之间的关系变得越来越功利和俗化。人们常常感慨真爱难得、知音难求,并真切渴望得到爱、被关爱。因此,研究弗洛姆的关爱教育思想具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文主要从四个方面进行研究:一、弗洛姆关爱教育思想的产生及理论渊源,着重从弗洛姆的自身经历及其所生活的时代背景进行分析,讨论人道主义、马克思和弗洛伊德的伦理思想、法兰克福学派的社会批判理论对弗洛姆的影响。二、系统的论述弗洛姆关爱教育思想及其体系,分别从关爱的内容、关爱的特征、关爱教育的内容建构、关爱教育的基本要素等方面加以展开。三、全面的分析和阐述弗洛姆关爱教育的运行机制和基本特征,通过对关爱教育运行的必备素质、特殊要求、主要目标的论述,概括了弗洛姆关爱教育思想的基本特征。四、从现实的角度对弗洛姆关爱教育思想进行了评析,探讨了弗洛姆关爱教育思想在理论上的突破与局限,以及对当代我国的理论价值和现实意义。 N2 - Care, a phenomenon people see everywhere in daily life, one of the deepest impressive experience and the gentlest companion. It is with hope and faith etc. constitute the backbone of the meaning of existence. When people are in pursuit of their dreams, care, as an indispensable strength, give people support and help. The eminent American sociologist, philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm built a unique care education thought through the analysis of contradictions and crises of Western capitalist society and on the basis of inheriting and developing the thought of Marxism, Sigmund Freud’s ethnics and Frankfurt’s Critical theory. Care, Fromm thought it is a proactive human activity and a manifestation of people’s inherent creativity. Care is a kind of initiative and creative abilities, rather than external objects. Care is built on the basis of respect and responsibility, rather than possession and dedication. Through the analysis of love’s collapse and people’s situation of Western capitalist society, Fromm broadened our understanding of care. He believed that the mea-ning of care is giving rather than taking, and he also regarded care as a connection link of human and human, human and society, human and nature. He emphasized that caring for yourself, caring for others and caring society, or in the process of caring nature, we should remain rational, calm and sincere; and trying to establish an ideal sound society through practice. In the era of rapid develop-ment of productive forces, science and technology advances, and sharp increase in material wealth of society, the relationship between people become more utilitarian. People often sign that love rare, hard to find bosom friends and truly desire to get love, to be loved. Therefore, studying Fromm’s care education thought undoubtedly has a vital theoretical and practical significance. This paper mainly divided into4parts as follows: 1. First, we analyzed the generation and its theories origin of Fromm’s care education thought on the basis of his own life experiences and background. Then, we investigated the influence of humanitarian, ethical thought of Marx and Freud, and the social critical theory of Frankfurt school on Fromm. 2. In this part, we elaborated the ideology of Fromm’s care education thought systematically. It includes the substances, characteristics of care, the construction and essential elements of Fromm’s care education thought. 3. Next, we analyzed and elaborated the operation mechanism and the essential characteristics of Fromm’s care education thought comprehensively. Then, we summarized the essential characteristics of Fromm’s care education thought by taking a view of necessary quality, special requirements and main aims of the care education operation. 4. Finally, we assessed Fromm’s care education thought from practical standpoint, and explored the breakthroughs and limitations of the theory of Fromm’s care education thought, as well as the theoretical and practical significance. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McLaughlin, Neil T1 - The Sociology, Biography, and Politics of Alienation JF - The Humanistic Psychologist, Vol. 42 (2014), pp. 292–297. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stein, Arlene T1 - The Shame of Survival: Rethinking Trauma’s Aftermath JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 338-356. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Hongyu T1 - The Roots of Modern Sports Dissimilation and Transcend – Based on the Study of Fromm’s >Free Alienation Theory< [现代体育异化的根源及其超越——基于弗洛姆自由异化理论的探析] JF - Nanjing Sport Institute (Social Science) [南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2014), pp. 45-49. N2 - [>自由异化理论<是弗洛姆运用精神分析哲学分析社会问题的经典思想。研究基于对弗洛姆哲学思想的解读,运用自由异化理论对现代体育的异化加以审视。认为现代体育的异化源自于其行为主体——人的心理机制的异化,具体表现为现代体育中的极权主义、破坏欲及舍己趋同等逃避自由的行为。应通过提倡交往理性、克服人的物化、建立人道主义的民主等途径来培养健全的人,只有实现人对异化的超越才能促使体育本真的复归。] N2 - >Free alienation theory< is the classical thought of Fromm exerting the mental philosophy on the analysis of social problems. Based on the interpretation of Fromm’s philosophy, the root and ways of people’s psychological alienation is analyzed and modern sports dissimilation is inspected. Modern sports dissimilation is originated from behavioral agent-psychological mechanism dissimilation, which is represented as behaviors of escaping from freedom, such as totalitarianism of modern sports, the desire to destroy and Self-denial convergence. We should call for communicative rationality, overcome the human materialization, and establish the humanitarian of democracy in order to cultivate healthy people. Only if we realize the transcendence of dissimilation, the sports nature can be returned. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aragno, Anna T1 - The Roots of Evil: A Psychoanalytic Inquiry JF - The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 101, No. 2 (2014), pp. 249-288. [Online ISSN 1943-3301] [doi.org/10.1521/prev.2014.101.2.249] N2 - Of all the great dualities of human experience, >good and evil< have been the most instrumental in shaping the beliefs, rituals, and laws of >Homo sapiens<. The polarization of our nature into >good and bad< and anthropomorphic externalizations of these impulsions have been with us for millennia, providing inspiration for magical rites, representational forms, and the cornucopia of dramas, narratives, and artworks to which they give expression. Furthermore, whereas all religions advocate for good, the particular narratives of evil underlying the traditions of Western culture come to us from the Bible. However, good and especially evil are theological and moral, not psychological, constructs. With Freud's death instinct, and later Fromm's necrophilous character, the darker shadow of human nature became definitively secularized. After an introduction and historical/developmental overview of select theorists, this paper adopts a strictly psychoanalytic frame of reference in the exploration of what renders some human beings capable of doing inhuman things. Looking at behaviors manifesting through the psychodynamics of character structure and severe personality disorders, the breakdown of empathy and defacement of the >other< in the creation of an enemy is discussed. In conclusion two clinical portraits are offered, illustrating how primitive emotions and defenses, superego pathology, and latent schizoid, narcissistic, and projective mechanisms provide fuel and rationalization for malignant aggressive, duplicitous, and sadistic behaviors. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - The role of character and sustained business success JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 40-44. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - e18/2014f Y1 - 2014 VL - e18/2014f ER - TY - GEN A1 - Cui, Jing T1 - The Research on Characters in Martin Scorsese Films from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis [精神分析视野下的马丁•斯科塞斯电影人物研究], Master thesis, Film Studies, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 美国导演马丁•斯科塞斯非常善于挖掘人物的内心世界,并能抽丝剥茧般地刻画人物心理状态的变化过程。他对人物精神问题的始终关注与精妙剖析体现了对现代人生存状态极大的人文关怀。论文运用心理学范畴中的精神分析理论研究马丁•斯科塞斯电影中的人物形象,主要针对有精神困扰的人物进行论述。全篇围绕马丁•斯科塞斯电影中的主要人物及其精神问题展开。首先探究斯科塞斯在影片中塑造的有精神问题的人物形象类型及其精神问题的主要根源。运用弗洛伊德、霍妮、弗洛姆等人的理论对影片中人物精神问题的病因追根溯源。然后解读斯科塞斯如何运用各种电影叙事手法达到揭示人物精神问题的目的。分析影片中叙事母题的选择和叙事结构的运用,阐释斯科塞斯如何借助各种影像元素的辅助,加深对人物精神状态的呈现,以及他对人物造型、色彩和镜头等视觉要素的风格化运用。最后围绕斯科塞斯偏爱在影片中塑造有精神问题的人物这一特点,对其社会价值和审美价值进行了深入的挖掘。从社会学、美学和受众心理学等角度重新审视电影文本,考察斯科塞斯讲述的故事和塑造的人物背后潜藏的深刻寓意。论文力求在对马丁•斯科塞斯的研究方面获得一些有创造性的突破,并能为我国影视作品创造出更生动更立体化的人物形象提供一些启示。 N2 - The American director Martin Scorsese is good at digging the inner world of the characters, as well as unraveling the changing process of characterization mental state. The subtle analysis of people’s mental problems shows great humane care to modern Americans. The thesis is aimed to analyze and explore the characters in Martin Scorsese movies, using psychoanalytic theory in Psychology. It starts to discourse around the characters and their mental problems in Martin Scorsese films. Firstly, it explores what causes the mental problems of the characters using the theories of Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm and so on. Secondly, it interprets motif and structure in Film narratology. Then, it comes to the visual language of Martin’s films such as the contour of the characters, the color and the shots etc. At last, it investigates the profound meaning hidden behind the stories and characters in Martin’s films from the perspective of Sociology, Aesthetics and the Audience Psychology. The thesis seeks to get some creative breakthroughs in research of Martin Scorsese, and offers our own film and television industry some inspiration to create more vivid characters. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smulevicz-Zucker, Gregory R. T1 - The Relevance of Fromm's Concept of the Distorted Personality JF - S. J. Miri, R. Lake, T. M. Kress (Eds.), Reclaiming the Sane Society. Essays on Erich Fromm's Thought, Rotterdam - Boston - Taipei (Sense Publishers) 2014, pp. 163-185. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - The Relevance of Erich Fromm JF - The American Journal of Psychoanalysis Vol. 74, 2014, pp. 123-132. N2 - The author stresses Fromm’s role as a precursor in psychoanalysis and shows his connections with three scientific developments following on his death in 1980: the trauma literature, attachment theory and the evolution of altruism. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Durkin, Kieran T1 - The Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm, New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, 250 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Balbuena-Rivera, Francisco T1 - The pioneering work of Marguerite Séchehaye into the psychotherapy of psychosis: a critical review JF - Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol. 165 (Nr. 5, 2014), pp. 167-174. Y1 - 2014 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pacquing, Ian Raymond B. T1 - The Philosophical Anthropology of Erich Fromm: The Conscious and the Unconscious in Man JF - Kritike, Vol. 8, pp. 77-97. N2 - The philosophical anthropology of Erich Fromm rests on his analysis of the existential dichotomy, which breaks man’s humanity. When man disobeys God in paradise, he begins to become human. He begins to be free. For Fromm, disobedience is a prerequisite towards freedom. However, there is in him a yearning to go back to paradise to enjoy the >roots of his own nature.< He wants to be secured and taken care by a loving God. This allegory was taken and interpreted by Fromm that man is separated from his own nature. In paradise, he is an animal. He does not possess any reason or freedom as a human being. Physiologically, he does what other creatures do. However, saying >no< to God’s commandment allowed him to become human. He has reason and freedom. He is forced to take the responsibility to build his own humanity. Now, he is torn between two existential nature i.e., his animal nature and human nature. There is no way for him to return to his paradisiacal roots. He has to move on and build his true human nature. For Fromm, this can be done through reason, faith, and love. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Whittington, Dean T1 - The Perpetual Dreadmill, Bloomington (Author's House) 2014, 319 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wang, Jinwan T1 - The Overall Thought Dialectics of Theory of Fromm’s Psychological Criticism [论弗洛姆心理机制批判的总体辩证法思想], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2014. N2 - 弗洛姆是经典西方马克思主义法兰克福学派的代表人物,他对资本主义社会和文化批判具有自己独特的视角,这不仅延续了马克思主义理论批判的主题,而且对法兰克福学派及后续西方马克思主义产生了深刻影响,对于分析资本主义的社会生存状况和构建健全社会具有重大的现实启示意义。弗洛姆通过对马克思和弗洛伊德学说的整合,提出人的心理、情感不只来源于个人的本能需要,还来源于人类存在的具体条件与外部环境,以总体辩证法原则创建了自己的心理结构和人格理论。在此基础上对西方资本主义社会的人性异化,展开了深刻的揭露与系统的批判,从而呈现出人与自身、人与人、人与社会的真正统一。并试图通过人的社会结构和文化心理的双重变革建立健全社会的理想构想。本文的主旨是以总体方法论的原则,充分发掘弗洛姆心理批判理论的内涵,吸收其积极思想成果,从而为建构健全社会提供更多深层的思想借鉴。本文的内容主要包括以下六个部分:第一部分,选题的背景与目的意义。就是突出深化马克思主义理论批判这一主题,通过吸收其积极成果,为我们充分认识当今资本主义条件下人的生存状况和如何构建健全社会提供思想指导。通过对国内外文献的归纳总结,为对弗洛姆心理批判理论的深入研究提供一定的材料。第二部分,论述弗洛姆思想产生的背景和演变过程。二战后伴随资本主义经济与科技的飞速发展,人与社会生活的环境遭到了严重破坏,使人们表现出了对健全社会的强烈诉求,弗洛姆对人的心理变化产生浓厚的兴趣,他吸收了弗洛伊德的观点并结合临床实验,与马克思理论实现整合,创建了自己在心理结构分析理论。第三部分,阐述弗洛姆心理批判的总体辩证法核心内容。并以总体性方法展开对资本主义社会批判剖析,分别从社会性格角度、逃避自由心理机制和社会全面异化三方面进行批判,分析社会全面异化的形成原因;二是阐述人克服异化的途径,开发创造性潜能、理性角度看待事物及在爱中实现人与人之间的统一;三是心理批判的总体辩证法所要达到的目标,实现人与自身的统一、人与人的统一、人与社会的统一,从而使人类生活达到一种和谐的理想状态。第四部分,探析弗洛姆思想在西马文化批判理论中的地位。首先其探讨文化批判理论与法兰克福学派批判理论的契合,分别从理性启蒙批判、技术理性批判、交往关系批判揭示资本主义社会的病态现象;其次弗洛姆思想与法兰克福学派文化批判理论的异同,以及弗洛姆思想的局限性;最后弗洛姆思想在西马文化批判理论中的启示作用,何为健全的心理和健全的人格?第五部分,揭示弗洛姆心理批判的总体辩证法思想的当代意义。一是对马克思总体辩证法思想进一步拓展,促进对于马克思学说的更深层的认识;二是当前社会我们已然迈入了新的纪元,通过对弗洛姆思想的研究,会更深入思考新的人类生存标准;三是弗洛姆心理批判思想使我们更好地了解何为健全社会及实现方式?并揭示出通往健全社会的途径,分别从经济、政治、社会的总体性变革构建和谐社会。第六部分,主要阐述本研究的基本结论,虽然弗洛姆的观点还有很多不足和不完善的地方,但重大的启示意义就在启示我们必须坚持的一贯坚持的基本立场,即人的全面发展。 N2 - As the representative of the Frankfurt School of classical Western Marxism, Fromm has his own unique perspective on the criticism of capitalist society and culture, which not only continues the theme of Marxist theoretical criticism, but also has a profound influence on the Frankfurt School and subsequent Western Marxism, and is of great practical significance for the analysis of the social existence of capitalism and the construction of a sound society. Through the integration of the doctrines of Marx and Freud Fromm proposed that human psychology and emotion did not only come from the instinctive needs of individuals, but also from the specific conditions and external environment of human existence, and created his own theory of psychological structure and personality based on the principle of total dialectics. On this basis, he launched a profound exposé and systematic criticism of the alienation of human nature in Western capitalist society, thus presenting the true unity of man and himself, man and man, man and society. It also attempts to establish the ideal of a sound society through the dual transformation of human social structure and cultural psychology. The main purpose of this paper is to fully explore the connotations of Fromm's critical psychological theory and to absorb its positive results, so as to provide more profound ideas for the construction of a sound society. The contents of this paper mainly include the following six parts: the first part, the background and purpose of the selected topic. It is to highlight the theme of deepening the theoretical criticism of Marxism and to provide ideological guidance for us to fully understand the conditions of human existence under capitalism and how to build a sound society by absorbing its positive results. By summarizing the domestic and international literature, this thesis will provide some materials for an in-depth study of Fromm's critical psychological theory. The second part is to discuss the background and evolution of Fromm's thought. After World War II, with the rapid development of capitalist economy and science and technology, the environment of human and social life was severely damaged, which made people show a strong demand for a healthy society, so Fromm became interested in the psychological changes of human beings. In the third part, he describes the core content of the general dialectic of Fromm's psychological criticism. Secondly, he describes the ways to overcome alienation, develop creative potential, look at things from a rational point of view and realize the unity between human beings in love. The goal is to realize the unity between man and himself, between man and man, and between man and society, so that human life can reach a harmonious ideal state. In the fourth part, the position of Fromm's thought in Sima's critical theory of culture is analyzed. First of all, it discusses the convergence between the critical theory of culture and the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, revealing the pathological phenomena of capitalist society from the critique of rational enlightenment, the critique of technical rationality, and the critique of communicative relations respectively; secondly, the similarities and differences between Fromm's thought and the critical theory of culture of the Frankfurt School, as well as the limitations of Fromm's thought; finally, the revelation role of Fromm's thought in the critical theory of Sima's culture, what is a sound psychology and what is the significance of a sound social life? A Sound Personality? The fifth part reveals the contemporary significance of Fromm's psychological criticism of the overall dialectical thought. The first is to further expand Marx's overall dialectical thought and promote a deeper understanding of Marx's doctrines; the second is that we have entered a new era in our society, and through the study of Fromm's thought, we will think more deeply about the new standard of human existence; the third is that Fromm's critical psychological thought enables us to better understand what a sound society is and how to achieve it. The third is that Fromm's critical psychological thought will help us better understand what is a healthy society and how to achieve it, and reveal the way to build a harmonious society through economic, political and social changes in general. Although there are still many deficiencies and imperfections in Fromm's viewpoint, it has a great significance in revealing the basic position that we must adhere to all the time, that is, the all-round development of human beings. The sixth of part mainly expounds the basic conclusion of this study, although Fromm’s point of view there are still many deficiencies and drawbacks, the enlightenment significance is always adhere to the basic position of Marxism, the man’s all-round development. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Abromeit, John T1 - The Origins and Development of the Model of the Early Critical Theory in the Work of Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse JF - Ingram, D. (Ed.): Critical Theory to Structuralism: Philosophy, Politics and the Human Sciences (The History of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 5), New York (Routledge) 2014, pp. 47-80. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Xu, Huifen T1 - The Origin of Fromm’s Class Ethics and Marx's Though [弗洛姆类伦理思想的主旨与马克思人学思想的渊源] JF - Zhejiang Ethics Forum [浙江伦理学论坛], No. 00 (2014), pp. 94-101. N2 - 弗洛姆类伦理思想与马克思的人学思想有着密切的关系。马克思关于人性、人的本质及其能动性,以及社会主义目标等理论对弗洛姆产生了很大的影响。由此,弗洛姆从人性出发,奠定了其类伦理思想始基,认为人的生存是一种社会性的存在。他把生产性作为人解决生存矛盾、实现潜能的动力机制。弗洛姆类伦理思想普遍的价值标准是人的幸福,而幸福是生产性活动的结果,也是生产性活动的激励;幸福是美德的标准,是生产性的充分发展。 N2 - Fromm class ethics and Marxist ideology of human science has a close relationship. Marx's theory of human nature, human nature and initiative, as well as the socialist goals of Fromm had a great impact. Thus, starting from the human Fromm, laying its primordial ethics class that human existence is the existence of a social nature. He productive existence as human beings to solve conflicts, to realize the potential of the dynamic mechanism. Fromm universal values ethics class human happiness, and happiness is the result of productive activities, but also encourage productive activities; happiness is virtue's standards, is fully developed productive. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Movahedi, Siamak T1 - The Narcissism of Minor Differences: The Status Anxiety and Disciplinary Intolerance between Sociology and Psychoanalysis JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 140-158. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - The multiple achievements of Silvano Arieti. Typescript, Milano 2014, 4 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Milivojević, Tatjana A1 - Dragović, Katarina T1 - The Media Image of >Effortles Life< JF - In Medias Res, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2014), pp. 590- 609. [Online ISSN 1848-6304] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/184751] N2 - The ways of transferring knowledge and values have drastically changed, and the “others directed” people, the market and/or receptive orientation people, as Fromm would call them, turn to others in order to confirm their self-value. Others, however, are often only intermediaries in promoting what the mass media have defined as “currently desirable” attitude, behaviour or set of qualities. A radical example is a problem of being torn apart between the illusion that life should be easy and the (repressed) feeling that it is not, as quoted by Riesman, which results in unfounded belief in the possibilities of effortless life and rapid success, among other things. The mutual influences of the media and the social character of the public and individuals are emphasized in the paper. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wang, Li T1 - The Meaning of Fromm’s Thought on Care Education [弗洛姆关爱教育思想的意义探究] JF - Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering(Social Sciences) [沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2014), pp. 133-135. N2 - [弗洛姆关爱教育思想以给予为核心内容,以了解、关心、责任和尊重为基本要素,阐述了关爱是一种主动的能力,是一种丰富人的本质并且使人得以提高的能力。在当代社会,关爱教育作为一个古老而常新的课题,依旧面临着很多困境。因此,借鉴和吸收弗洛姆关爱教育思想精华,对我国当代社会的关爱教育具有很重要的意义。 N2 - Fromm’s thought of care education, with the core of given and with basis of understand, caring, responsibility and respect, illustrates that caring is an active capacity which enriches human nature and makes them improved. In contemporary society, the study of care education is an age-old issue but always with new connotation, it still faces difficult situation. Therefore, learning the advantages of the thought of Fromm’s care education has a very important significance for the care education in our country. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Flores, Juan T1 - The IFPS: Fifty years and the work and future of the Federation JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 2, 2014), pp. 65-68. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - The IFPS's Sense of Identity and Erich Fromm's Legacy JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 2, 2014), pp. 74-79. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ceng, Jing T1 - The Humanistic Principle of Christianity and Anne Sexton [基督教人本主义原则与安妮•塞克斯顿] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - The Journal of English Studies [英语研究], No. 2 (2014), pp. 24-26, 33. N2 - 基督教人本主义原则与安妮•塞克斯顿的诗作有着理论与实践一般的辩证联系,是其创作的驱动力之一;其诗歌以人及其力量为中心,以自我实现为目标,使人神圣化,从而将人从传统权威主义宗教偶像的控制中解脱出来,是该原则在文艺创作领域的本质体现;她的诗歌所指涉的正是埃•弗洛姆提出的基督教权威主义和人本主义原则,是二者斗争的竞技场,称之为一位重要的宗教诗人实不为过。 N2 - The humanistic principle of Christianity to Anne Sexton’s poetry is as theory to practice, which functions as the drive for her composition; that human and its universal power are central to her poetry, which aims at self-realization and sanctifying human beings so as to liberate the human from the grasp of religious idols, is the essential manifestation of the principle in question. Her poetry points to Erich Fromm’s authoritarian principle and humanistic principle of Christianity, serves as the arena of the two, which qualifies her as one of the most important religious poets. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Miao, Weiping T1 - The Hope of Revolution – an Exploration of Fromm’s Theory on Liberation [革命的希望—弗洛姆的解放理论探析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich•Fromm,又译作艾里希•弗洛姆、埃里克•弗洛姆或艾瑞克•弗洛姆)作为法兰克福学派的主战将之一,其思想不仅在学派内部独具一格,即使在整个二十世纪的西方马克思主义阵营中也独具匠心,他毕生关注>孤立无援的现代人<,并未止步于对现代社会的批判而是穷究病态个人和病态社会的根由,更致力于健全社会和健全人格的重建,因其人道化社会主义的解放理论充满理想化和浪漫主义色彩而获得>人类梦想家<的称誉。弗洛姆以一个心理学家的敏锐捕捉到现代人物质丰富精神痛苦的现状,以一个社会学家和哲学家的研究精神对之追根究源揭示出现代工业社会对人的匿名操纵致使现代人处于异化状态,人格畸变,在此基础上以人性为标尺讨伐现代社会,将自身终生的心理分析师实践所得成果结合于自己理解的人本主义的马克思主义,推出其解放理论——包括社会改革和个人性格革命两方面。弗洛姆的解放理论虽然因在哲学基础上就背离了马克思主义,在解放路径上也摒弃了马克思主义的暴力革命只在资本主义内部进行改良而注定无法达到预期目的,但是他对人类命运的关怀、对人类前途的积极探索值得我们学习,其理论中的合理成分、改革中的一些原则和具体方法即使初衷在于改进资本主义也并非便与社会主义水火不容,甚至对我们建设社会主义具有参考价值。本文拟从四个部分进行论述:第一部分为弗洛姆生平掠影,从弗洛姆所处的大时代出发勾勒出他的个人经历和思想发展历程;第二部分为弗洛姆解放理论产生的语境,以时间域和场域为背景从弗洛姆的思想源头阐述其解放理论的形成与发展;第三部分为弗洛姆解放理论的具体内容;第四部分为对弗洛姆解放理论的评价。 N2 - Erich Fromm is a prominent member of Frankfurt School, his thought is not only unique within the school, but also shows originality in the whole camp of western Marxist camp in the 20th century. He paid attention to the >isolated modern people< through his life, and he dedicated to the critique of modern society and seek the reasons of sick individuals and society, moreover, he devoted himself to rebuild sane society and cure individuals, he’s famous as a >human dreamer< because of his ideal and romantic humanistic socialistic liberation theory. As a psychologist, Fromm captured modern people’s painful situation: material wealth, mental suffering; as a sociologist and philosopher, Fromm searched in the reasons and revealed the industrial society’s anonymous manipulations on persons that leads to alienation and the distortion of personality, on this basis, Fromm critiqued the modern capitalistic society, taking human nature as yardstick, at the same time, he put his achievements of lifelong psychological analyst practices into the theory of humanistic Marxism – by his own under-standing, put forward his liberation theory, which including two parts – social reform and revolution of personal character. Although Fromm’s theory of liberation is deviated from Marxism because its basis of philosophy, and his liberation path also dismissed Marxist violent revolution, only improving in the interior of capital society, doomed to fail to achieve its expectations, his concern for human destiny, the active exploration of the future of the mankind, the reasonable compounds of his theory, the principle and specific method also worth to study, even if his purpose is to improve the capitalism but it’s not against the socialism, perhaps, have a reference value to the construction of socialism. - This paper separated into four parts: the first part is the chief introduction of Fromm, in the time ground, trying to outline his personal experience and the thought development; the second part is the environment of Fromm’s liberation theory, stating its formation and development in its background of time and field; The third part is the specific content of the liberation theory; the fourth part is the evaluation of Fromm’s theory of liberation. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pavón-Cuéllar, David T1 - The Freudo-Marxist Tradition and the Critique of Psychotherapeutic Ideology JF - Psychotherapy and Politics International, Vol. 12, No.3 (2014), pp. 208-219. [Online ISSN 1556-9195] [doi.org/10.1002/ppi.1336] N2 - The ideology of psychotherapy is questioned through critical concepts taken from the Freudo-Marxist tradition. The paper first analyses in detail six determinant ideological processes detected in psychotherapy that three pioneers of Freudo-Marxism criticised in the 1920s: dualistic scission and metaphysical immobilisation (Luria); idealist generalisation and mechanistic determination (Bernfeld); and repressive adaptation and historical decontextualisation (Reich). Following this, it briefly reviews seven paired analogous processes that were denounced by continuators of the Freudo-Marxist tradition: valorative moralisation and the psychologisation of the social (Fenichel); instinctual–rational deprivation and the mechanisation of the subject (Adorno); alienating performance and surplus repression (Marcuse); manipulation and dehumanising alienation (Fromm); abstraction and mythologising (Bleger); authoritarianism and suggestion (Caruso); and depoliticisation and rationalisation (Langer). The argument will show how Freudo-Marxist questionings of these operations – many now forgotten – are still current and can be inspiring and enriching for a modern critique of psychotherapy. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gunderson, Ryan T1 - The First-generation Frankfurt School on the Animal Question. Foundations for a Normative Sociological Animal Studies JF - Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 57 (No. 3, September 2014), pp. 285-300. N2 - Well before the now flourishing field of animal studies, the thinkers associated with Frankfurt, Germany’s Institute of Social Research theorized and problematized society’s troubling relationship with animals. Early critical theory explored the various manifestations of >unrelenting exploitation< animals have experienced in human societies and maintained that the domination of animals is intimately linked to the domination of human beings, especially of women and racial and ethnic minorities. They criticized Western thought for instrumentalist attitudes toward animals and were committed to extending compassion to animals. Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse mount four challenges to sociologists today: (1) to unmask the shared forms of domination experienced by both animals and marginalized human beings, (2) for environmental sociologists to make animals a principle subject of investigation, (3) for sociological animal studies scholars to engage with philosophy, and (4) to adopt a critical and normative sociological perspective when studying human–animal relations. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fang, Xingfu T1 - The Filtered Clones: An Analysis of the Character and Fate of the Clones in >Never Let Me Go< [被过滤的克隆人—《千万别丢下我》人物性格及命运解析] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究], No. 2 (2014), pp. 104-111. N2 - 石黑一雄的《千万别离开我》自2005年出版以来,受到评论家的青睐,但对作品中人物为何不具任何反抗意识的质疑也得到很多人的共鸣。运用当代美国思想家埃里克?弗洛姆的社会性格和社会无意识理论,能较深入地解析作品中的人物,并对这一质疑做一种新的解答:人类根据需要,运用语言、逻辑学和社会禁忌等社会过滤器,在社会化过程中培育科技空间里的产品——克隆人的社会性格和社会无意识,导致他们逆来顺受,毫无怨言地接受人类对他们重要身体器官的攫取和凄惨命运的安排。 N2 - Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel >Never Let Me Go< has gained popularity among critics since its first publication in 2005. It is questioned as well by some critics because of the characters’ lack of rebellious consciousness in the novel. The theory of social character and social unconscious put forward by Erich Fromm can meet the need to find a new answer to the question: For the sake of their own purpose, human beings shape in the process of socialization, with the help of social filter consisting of language, logic and social taboos, the clones living in the techno-space, which leads to clones’ obedience to >donating< their key body organs and their tortured miserable fate arranged by human. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bonomi, Carlo A1 - Borgogno, Franco T1 - The Ferenczi renaissance: Past, present, and future JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 1-2. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Yu A1 - Lai, Xionglin T1 - The Experience and Struggle of Loneliness — A Probe into Fromm's Theory of Loneliness [孤独的体验与挣扎——弗洛姆的孤独理论探微] JF - Seeker [求索], No. 7 (2014), pp. 63-68. N2 - 弗洛姆认为自由与孤独、生与死、潜能的实现与生命的有限性之间的矛盾是孤独产生的原因,因此,孤独是基于人本性之上的哲学范畴。传统社会中孤独意识处于被遮蔽的状态,随着宗教改革和文艺复兴的兴起,现代社会人的孤独意识被激发,而孤独是人不能忍受之痛,现代人开始了放弃自由、逃避孤独之旅。孤独成了自由不能摆脱的阴影和噩梦。实际上,孤独是自由的必经阶段,真正的自由是对孤独的超越和扬弃。 N2 - According to Fromm, the contradiction between freedom and solitude, life and death, the realization of potential and the finiteness of life is the cause of loneliness, therefore, loneliness is a philosophical category based on human nature. With the rise of the Reformation and Renaissance, the sense of loneliness in modern society has been stimulated, and loneliness is an unbearable pain. Loneliness has become the shadow of freedom and nightmare cannot get rid of. In fact, loneliness is a necessary stage of freedom, the real freedom is the transcendence and abandonment of loneliness. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Manning, Philip T1 - The Ethnographic Spiral: Reflections on the Intersection of Life History and Ideal-Typical Analysis JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 220-233. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Xianyue A1 - Gao, Zhuangwei T1 - The Discourse of Fromm’s Human Interpretation for the Labor Theory of Marx [试述弗洛姆对马克思劳动理论的人学解读] JF - Journal of The Party School of Shengli Oilfield [胜利油田党校学报], No. 4 (2014), pp. 36-39. N2 - 作为西方马克思主义的重要代表人物之一,弗洛姆从人学这一独特视角解读了马克思的劳动观。在《马克思关于人的概念》一书中,他从三个层面剖析了马克思的劳动理论。首先劳动是人的自我表现,其次劳动使人自己得到了发展,变成为人自身,最后劳动作为达到目的的手段和目的本身,也是一种享受。我们认为,在后现代语境下,弗洛姆的这种人学式解读为更好地理解马克思主义提供了崭新的视域,但是站在历史唯物主义立场,其仍然具有局限性。 N2 - As an important representative of Western Marxism, Fromm expounds Marx’s labor theory from the unique perspective of human interpretation. In the book of >Marx’s concept of human<, he analyzes it from three sides. Firstly, labor is human’s self-expression. Then labor will develop human and make human into itself. Finally, as a means to an end and an end itself, labor is also a pleasure. Though his humanistic discourse does help to better understand Marxism in the postmodern context and provide a new realm, yet this analysis has some limitations in the position of historical materialism. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dai, Jiaxin T1 - The Dilemma of Modern Man's Freedom and His Way Out – Reading of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [现代人的自由困境及其出路——读弗洛姆的《逃避自由》] JF - Reform & Opening [改革与开放], No. 16 (2014), pp. 38-39. N2 - 弗洛姆在《逃避自由》一书中揭示出人的自由是一个递进的漫长过程,其包括从没有自由到获得自由和从消极自由到积极自由两个维度。现代人无可避免地遭遇着自由的困境:一方面现代社会使个人得以打破原有束缚而获得很大的自由,但同时这种自由也使个人尝受着精神层面的孤独与焦虑。为此,人们往往易于采取消极的逃避自由机制而以失败告终,真正走出自由困境的出路在于用爱心和劳动的自发性活动追求积极的自由,以实现对孤独的拯救和对自由的捍卫。 N2 - In >Escape from Freedom<, Fromm reveals that human freedom is a long and progressive process, which includes two dimensions: from no freedom to freedom and from negative freedom to positive freedom. Modern people are inevitably confronted with the dilemma of freedom: on the one hand, modern society enables individuals to break the old constraints and gain a great deal of freedom, but at the same time, this freedom also makes individuals suffer from spiritual loneliness and anxiety. The real way out of the dilemma of freedom lies in the pursuit of positive freedom through spontaneous activities of love and labor, in order to realize the salvation of loneliness and the defense of freedom. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Jiangyin T1 - The Correlation between Fromm’s Ideology Theory and the Group Ideology [弗洛姆的意识形态理论与群体意识形态关联性], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980)是20世纪法兰克福学派著名代表人物之一,他涉猎的学术范围相当广泛,包括哲学、社会学、心理学、精神病学等领域。本文涉及到的弗洛姆的意识形态理论,是他将马克思的人本主义学说和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说结合起来,站在社会学和心理学的角度,对现代人的生存现状、心理机制、社会异化现象进行剖析的理论,旨在对资本主义社会进行批判,并为现代人寻找一条出路。出于人道主义的关怀,他主张构建一个健全的社会,使人得到自由全面的发展。在他的意识形态理论中,他将社会性格、社会无意识作为经济基础与意识形态的中介环节,丰富了意识形态的内涵。将弗洛姆的意识形态理论与群体意识形态相关联,具有一定的理论价值与实践意义。本文主要从二者之间发生关联的可能性上入手,逐步挖掘弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态之间的关联性。本文主体包括七个部分的内容。第一部分是导论部分,简单介绍了本课题的选题缘由、研究方法、研究思路以及研究现状。并且对本文两个重要概念>意识形态<、>群体意识形态<作了界定。第二部分介绍弗洛姆意识形态理论提出的背景,分别从弗洛姆所处的时代背景,以及对他理论形成具有重要启发意义的理论背景来进行阐述。第三部分主要介绍弗洛姆意识形态理论所包含的内容。首先介绍其理论构成,主要包括社会性格理论、社会无意识理论、健全社会理论。接着分析了弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态发生关联的可能性。第四部分讨论社会性格理论与群体意识形态的关联。首先对>社会性格<的概念及形成过程作了解释,接着探讨了社会性格与群体意识形态的相互影响。第五部分讨论社会无意识理论与群体意识形态的关联。相对应的,也是首先介绍>社会无意识<内涵及其产生原因,接着分析了二者的相互作用力。第六部分探析健全社会理论与群体意识形态的关联。首先对不健全的社会——资本主义社会进行了简单描述,接着对身处不健全的社会的人进行了分析,指出资本主义社会中的人是异化的人。接着根据弗洛姆的思想,分析了经济、政治、文化三方面的变革对群体意识形态产生的影响。第七部分探究弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态关联性研究的理论意义。指出弗洛姆意识形态理论并非都是合理的,它也存在局限性,以启示我们应该采取批判吸收的态度对待弗洛姆思想,以期对我们的现代化建设提供参考意义。 N2 - Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980) is one of the most famous figures of Frankfurt School in the20th century. His academic scope covers philosophy, sociology, psychology, and psychiatry, etc. Stunning spot in his academy is to combine Freud’s psychoanalysis with Marx’s theory of humanism. Fromm’s ideology theory is such a kind of critical theory that he stood at the angle of sociology and psychology, as focuses on the survival situation of the modern men, psychological mechanism, and alienation phenomena in the capitalist society. Based on the critical attitude toward capitalism, Fromm tries to blaze the trail for modern people. He finally composes a >perfect society< out of humanitarianism, in which everyone can get free and all-out development. In his theory, social characters and social unconsciousness are the mediation between economic base and ideology, which enrich the content of ideology. It’s important to study Fromm’s ideology theory in modern society. Connecting his ideology theory with the group ideology is of both theoretical and practical significance for the construction of socialist ideology. For this paper, it explores the possibility of the correlation between Fromm’s ideology theory and the group ideology as a start. Then this paper discusses the correlation between them as follows. - The first part is the introduction, in which I introduce reason, research methods, research ideas as well as the study status at home and abroad, and then define ideology, group ideology.– The second part deals with the background of Fromm’s ideology theory. It has two contents: social background of his time and theoretical background, which are instructive for him.– The third part is to describe the main content of Fromm’s ideology theory. First of all, I introduce the formation of his theory, including social character theory, social unconsciousness theory and the sane society theory. Then, I explore the possibility of the correlation between Fromm’s Ideology Theory and The Group Ideology.– The fourth part discusses the relationship between social character theory and the group ideology. Firstly, I explain the concept of >social character<, and introduce its formation process. Then I study in the interaction between social character and the group ideology.– The fifth part discusses the correlation between social unconsciousness theory and the group ideology. Similarly, this paper introduces the basic definition of >social unconsciousness< first of all, and explains its cause at the same time. Then the acting force between social unconsciousness and the group ideology is analyzed.– The sixth part discusses the correlation between the sane society theory and the group ideology. First of all, this paper describes an unsound society – the capitalist society and what the people are like in this society, pointing out that the individuals in the capitalist society are alienated. The following part analyzes the influence on the ideology posed by the change of economy, politics, and culture. – The seventh part explores the theoretical significance of choosing this subject. In this part, I point out that not all the thought of Fromm are reasonable, and his thoughts have some limitations, too. We should absorb the essence of Fromm’s ideology theory in a critical way to perfect the modernization drive of China. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chang, Caixia A1 - Sun, Min T1 - The Concept of Freedom in the Perspective of Western Marxism [西方马克思主义视域中的>自由<概念] JF - Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong [中国浦东干部学院学报], No. 2 (2014), pp. 62-67. N2 - 西方马克思主义的自由思想是对马克思自由思想的深化、拓展与补充,这种深化主要体现在,弗洛姆从心理学的角度提出了>逃避自由<的理论;马尔库塞从社会批判的视角,揭示了资本主义社会由于资本的扩张本性,所造成的一维向度的人,以及一维向度的社会。深入研究马克思主义自由观与西方马克思主义自由概念的内在关系,分析西方马克思主义自由在何种意义上创新、发展、补充了马克思主义的自由思想,有利于开拓我们的视野,启发我们的思维;有利于对马克思的历史唯物主义进行创新与完善,同时也更能进一步彰显马克思历史唯物主义中的自由概念的科学性与价值优势。 N2 - The Western Marxist liberal thought is the deepening, expanding and supplementing of Marx's liberal thought. This deepening is mainly reflected in the fact that Fromm puts forward the theory of >evading freedom< from the perspective of psychology; Marcuse from the perspective of social critique, it reveals the one-dimensionality of the capitalist society due to the expansionary nature of capital, and the one-dimensional society. In-depth study of the inner relationship between the Marxist view of freedom and the concept of Western Marxist freedom, and analyze in what sense Western Marxist freedom innovates, develops, and supplements the Marxist liberal thought, which is conducive to opening up our horizons and inspiring our thinking; It is conducive to the innovation and perfection of Marx's historical materialism, and at the same time it can further highlight the scientific and value advantages of the concept of freedom in Marx's historical materialism. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Watkins, C. Edward T1 - The competent psychoanalytic supervisor: Some thoughts about supervision competences for accountable practice and training JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 4, 2014), pp. 220-228. N2 - What are the competences required to satisfactorily practice effective or >good enough< psychoanalytic supervision? In this paper, I would like to consider that question. Over the past approximate 15-year period, increasing attention has been directed toward more specifically identifying and defining the components of competent psychoanalytic practice. But any parallel attention toward identifying and defining the components of competent psychoanalytic supervision practice has, in comparison, been sorely limited if not virtually absent. If we are to best practice competent psychoanalytic supervision and best train future psychoanalytic supervisors for competent practice, effort needs to be made to concretely delineate the competences that are requisite for such practice. In what follows, I present and adapt six broad-based families of internationally relevant supervision competence areas for use in psychoanalytic supervision: (1) knowledge about/understanding of psychoanalytic supervision models, methods, and intervention; (2) knowledge about/skill in attending to matters of ethical, legal, and professional concern; (3) knowledge about/skill in managing psychoanalytic supervision relationship processes; (4) knowledge about/skill in conducting psychoanalytic supervisory assessment and evaluation; (5) knowledge about/skill in fostering attention to difference and diversity; and (6) openness to/utilization of a self-reflective, self-assessment stance in psychoanalytic supervision. Although by no means an exhaustive list, 30 supervision competences (five per family) are proposed as significant for guiding competent psychoanalytic supervision practice and supervisor training, and a brief explanatory comment is offered in support of each broad-based family of competences. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jiang, Nan T1 - The Commentary of Western Marxist Consumption Alienation Theory [西方马克思主义的消费异化理论述评], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Yubei, Chongqing, China 2014. N2 - 消费异化是西方马克思主义的重要理论,是关于消费在现代社会发生异化的现象、原因及解决途径的理论。它分析了现代社会发展的弊病,描述了现代社会的消费主义大环境。西方马克思主义的哲学家们,通过对社会的观察结合马克思主义的基本观点提出了消费异化理论,说明了消费异化产生的原因及危害,从现实的角度描绘消费社会的基本状况,批判消费异化对人性地扭曲。本文通过西方马克思主义哲学家关于消费异化理论地论述分析西方马克思主义的消费异化观。鲍德里亚提出人已不再被人所包围而是被物所包围,人与人之间被重新以物为符号划分人的等级,这是非常恐怖的,人们为了自己的地位不得不努力地劳动而失去自我以适应新的社会现实,各类媒体的介入使的消费异化更加严重。弗洛姆以心理学的角度分析人在消费中内心的变化,这种变化逐渐地波及到人与人之间的关系,也影响到人对自己地定位发展,这些都是非常不利的。马尔库塞提出了消费异化是工业社会发展的必然结果地论断,说明福利社会是以糖衣炮弹的形式使具有反抗精神的消费人群成为顺民,进而完成统治的欲望。这些观点虽然都存在局限性,但为资本主义社会的分析做出了有益地贡献。在人们的观念中不断地形成了一种以符号为代表的等级社会,在这种社会中,通过对人占有物的程度划分人的等级,这是对人性地忽视。本文阐明消费异化的基本理论,梳理对比不同学者的理论观点,结合现代社会发展的具体情况,分析原因并试图提出解决途径。消费异化地发展,为分析现代的社会问题提供了良好的研究方向,通过对消费异化的探究,可以反思现代社会的弊病,对解决生态危机理论提供了有价值研究内容。 N2 - Consumption alienation which is an important theory in Western Marxism is about the phenomenon, cause and solution of consumption dissimilation in modern society. It analyses the problems in the development of modern society, and the environment of consumerism. Western Marxism philosophers have put forward Consumption Alienation Theory by combining the observation of the society with the basic ideas of Marxism Theory. They illustrate the causes and harms of consumption alienation, and described the realistic situation of consumer society, then criticize the consumption aliena-tion distorting human nature. This paper studies on the consumption alienation view of Western Marxism through the analysis of the Consumption Alienation Theory proposed by western Marxism philosophers. - Baudrillard has put forward that human are no longer surrounded by human but the material, and regarded by the material symbol. That is so terrible. Human has to work hard for their own status and lose themselves to adapt to new social reality. And consumer alienation becomes more serious for various media intervention. Fromm analyses the people’s inner change in the consumption on the perspective of psychology. These disadvantageous changes has gradually speeded to the relationship of people, and affected their own positional developments. Marcuse proposed consumer alienation is the inevitable outcome of the development of industrial society. It shows that the welfare so-ciety makes rebellious consumers docile in the form of sugar-coated cannonballs, and completes the desire of rule. - Although these ideas have limitations, they make a useful contribution to the analysis of the capitalist society. Hierarchical social represented by symbols has constantly formed in the people’s idea. In this society, it is a disregard of human nature through grading people on how many possessions they have. This paper expounds the basic theory of the consumption alienation, and compares different scholars’ theoretical views. Then it is combined with the specific situation of the modern society developing to analyze the cause, and try to put forward solutions. The development of consumption alienation provides a great research direction for analyzing modern social problems. Through the study of consumption alienation, we can reflect the modern social problems, and provide valuable research for solving the Ecological Crisis Theory. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ermann, Michael T1 - The changing face of psychoanalysis and the development of the IFPS JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 2, 2014), pp. 69-72. N2 - The foundation of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) in 1962 was – from the author's point of view – a reaction to the exclusive politics of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) in the postwar years. It was a political act of self-assertion, and only secondarily a science-related initiative. But meanwhile, the field of international psychoanalysis has changed fundamentally, and the former identity of the IFPS, which was defined from its differences from the IPA, has come under increasing pressure. Meeting this challenge, the question arises: what is the contribution of the Federation to psychoanalysis in the contemporary world? The author believes that the future lies in the exploration of identity-creating relations in all areas and periods of life. To deal with this huge challenge would be a shared task for the whole psychoanalytic community. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bacciagaluppi, Marco T1 - The Centenary of Silvano Arieti, 1914-2014. A Tribute from a Pupil. Ttypescript, Milano 2014 Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Shanrui T1 - The Book >The Art of Loving< [《爱的艺术》读后感] N2 - 弗洛姆生于德国的法兰克福,二十世纪二十年代是闻名的>法兰克福学派<成员之一。他认为现代人是靠幻想活着的,因为只有幻想才能使人忍受现实的生活。所以人获取解放的基本条件必须先意识到这一点,然后就能用自己的力量去改变现实,从而摆脱幻想,达到个人和社会的变化。在本书中他反复强调对人类存在这一问题的真正、全面的回答是要在爱中实现人与人之间的统一。作者认为爱情并不是一种与人的成熟度无关的感情,而是一门可以通过训练自己的纪律、集中和耐心学到手的一门艺术。 N2 - Fromm was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1920s was a member of the famous >Frankfurt School<. He believes that modern man is alive by the fantasy, because only fantasy to real life people endure. So people get liberated basic conditions must be aware of this, and then be able to use their own power to change reality, to get rid of illusions, to personal and social change. In this book, he repeatedly stressed the problem of human existence truly comprehensive answer is to achieve unity between people in love. Authors believe that love is not a man of maturity has nothing to do with feelings, but one can train their own discipline, focus and patience Xue Daoshou of an art. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bronner, Stephen Eric T1 - The Bigot. Why Prejudice Persists, New Haven (Yale University Press) 2014, 235 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saltman, Kenneth J. T1 - The Austerity School: Grit, Character, and the Privatization of Public Education JF - Symploke, Vol. 22 (No. 1-2, 2014), pp. 41-57. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Agatsuma, Soh T1 - The analyst's intent and the analytic process: A note supporting a contextual understanding of the patient's experience of the analytic attitude JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 3, 2014), pp. 183-188. N2 - The relationship between psychoanalytic theory and psychoanalytic practice is highly complicated. In this paper, the author presents case material from the psychoanalysis of a man with social anxiety. In the process, the analyst came to be perceived as a version of a blank screen. At the same time, the analyst noted a discrepancy between the patient's attitude on and off the couch. Further work revealed that this splitting in his attitude had its root in the patient's relationship with his parents during his childhood. It was crucially important that the analyst did not take his perceived blankness as a technical success but that he understood the patient's reaction contextually, taking his past relationships with his parents into consideration. The author then discusses theoretical issues related to the blank screen concept. Finally, the author discusses the importance of understanding the two aspects of analytic theorizing, that is, the prescriptive and descriptive aspects. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gao, Qun T1 - The Alienation of Characters in Donald Barthelme’s >Snow White< [《白雪公主后传》中人物的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Qufu Normal University, Qufu and Rizhao, Shandong, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆是20世纪美国著名的后现代主义作家,在其写作生涯中创作大量的小说。他的小说描写许多畸形变态、丧失人格的人物,揭露当代社会问题,笔锋触及当代资本主义社会的核心问题:人的异化。作为巴塞尔姆的代表作,《白雪公主后传》戏仿经典格林童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》,其中的人物都不同程度发生了异化。这部小说深受读者和文学评论家青睐,前期研究主要从后现代特征、女性主义等角度对其进行分析,但很少有研究分析小说中人物的异化,并探究异化产生的原因。本论文运用美国当代著名精神分析学家、西方马克思主义法兰克福学派重要代表人物埃里希•弗洛姆的相关异化观点,论述巴塞尔姆的小说《白雪公主后传》中人的自我异化,人与人之间的异化以及人与社会的异化,并探索造成小说中人物异化的原因。弗洛姆继承发展弗洛伊德和马克思的相关理论,对当代资本主义社会的异化做了新的诠释。他认为,异化是人们的一种心理体验,是人类发展过程中不可避免的现象,其根源主要在于人存在的两歧性、人的逃避自由心理机制和人的社会性格。本论文共分为六章。第一章简要介绍唐纳德•巴塞尔姆的主要人生经历和《白雪公主后传》的主要内容,并论述本文的研究背景和目的。第二章为文献综述和理论基础。文献综述回顾国内外对《白雪公主后传》的研究和评价。理论基础部分介绍异化概念的发展历程及弗洛姆的有关异化的观点。通过分析发现异化主要体现为人的异化,即人的自我异化,人与人的异化以及人与社会的异化,这与巴塞尔姆在《白雪公主后传》中表现的人物异化一致。第三章通过弗洛姆有关人存在的两歧性的观点主要探讨小说中人物的自我异化,指出人类存在所固有的矛盾是人的自我异化的内在原因。本章主要通过分析白雪公主、保罗、七个矮人的性格特点,得出他们的自我异化是由自身的生存两歧性造成的。通过这一角度的分析论述,有助于深入了解人的自我异化的根源,并为理解人类社会发展过程中人的异化找到了新的突破点。第四章通过弗洛姆有关人在逃避自由时的心理机制的重点分析人物之间的异化,探讨人与人之间异化产生的根源。本章从家庭成员、朋友和其他人物三方面揭露人与人之间的异化。《白雪公主后传》中家庭成员之间的异化主要体现在白雪公主与七个矮人之间缺少相互关爱和信任,朋友之间的异化体现在保罗与七个矮人以及简与白雪公主之间复杂扭曲的友情。人们之间的异化主要是由人在逃避自由时产生的虐待、受虐、破坏和迎合的心理倾向导致的。运用逃避自由的心理机制来分析人物之间的异化,更进一步拓展了探索人类异化根源的方法和依据。第五章从弗洛姆的社会性格概念出发,主要分析人与社会的异化,深入剖析人与社会异化的原因。本章主要通过论述人与社会机构的关系:白雪公主与学校、比尔与法院、总统与国家制度之间的异化,指出社会机构缺乏社会和道德责任感,得出人的社会性格和资本主义制度的社会背景造成了人与社会之间关系的异化。通过对当代资本主义社会性格和社会背景来分析小说中人的社会异化,为全面把握人的异化的原因提供了借鉴,有助于我们更好地了解人类社会发展过程中的问题,预防人类异化的产生,使社会健康发展。第六章是论文的结论部分。首先,总结《白雪公主后传》中的人物的异化及其产生的原因,强调运用弗洛姆的相关理论对该小说进行解读的意义。其次,指出本论文的不足,由于学术水平和资料有限,本研究尚不够系统深入,有待完善。最后,展望今后的研究趋势。 N2 - Donald Barthelme is a distinguished American postmodernist in the 20thcentury, who creates lots of novels in his whole life. His novels depict a number of abnormal figures who lose personality and reveal contemporary social problems. His mighty pen has touched upon the essential problem of the contemporary capitalist society: human alienation. As Barthelme’s representative work, >Snow White< is a parody of the classical fairy tale of >Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs< by Grimm. Characters in Barthelme’s >Snow White< are alienated in some degree. This novel is highly praised by readers and literary critics, and the former studies, however, mainly analyze it from views of postmodern features, feminism, etc. While, there are few studies on people’s alienation in the novel and the causes behind the alienation. This thesis tends to apply the related views on alienation of Erich Fromm who is a famous American psychoanalyst and an important representative of the Frankfurt School of Western Marxism, discusses the characters’ >self-alienation<, >interpersonal alienation< and >social alienation< in >Snow White<, and probes into the causes of the alienation. Fromm inherits and develops related theory of Freud and Marx, and expounds the alienation in the contemporary capitalist society. He believes that alienation is a mode of psychological experiment, and it is inevitable during the process of human development, and the roots of alienation mainly lie in human nature’s discrepancy, people’s psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom and the social character of people. This thesis is divided into six chapters. - Chapter One chiefly introduces Donald Barthelme’s life experience and the main content of his >Snow White<, and illustrates the background and purpose of the study. Chapter Two is about literature review and theoretical basis. Literature review refers to studies and criticism on >Snow White< at home and abroad. The part of theoretical basis mainly expounds the origin and development of the concept of alienation, and generalizes Fromm’s view on alienation. This chapter points that the alienation is chiefly embodied in human alienation which includes people’s self-alienation, interpersonal alienation and social alienation, and this agrees with the alienation of characters reflected in >Snow White<. - Chapter Three mainly explores self-alienation of the main characters in >Snow White< according to Fromm’s opinion of human nature’s discrepancy, and concludes that human’s inherent contradictions are the internal causes of people’s self-alienation. This chapter mainly analyzes the natures and features of >Snow White, Paul and the Seven Dwarfs< and points that the self-alienation of the characters are leaded to by their discrepancy of existence. Analyzing from this aspect helps make clear the roots of human alienation and discover a new way to understand the human alienation during the process of human development. - Chapter Four mainly analyzes interpersonal alienation among characters based on Fromm’s view on psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom, and explores the causes of the alienation. This chapter discloses the interpersonal alienation among family members, friends and other characters. The alienation in the family is reflected in that there is no mutual care and trust and the alienation among friends is mainly embodied in the complicated and distorted relationship between Paul and Seven Dwarves, Jane and Snow White. Finally, this chapter indicates that the interpersonal alienation is brought about by the psychological tendencies of abuse, abused, destructiveness and automaton conformity. It provides evidence for further exploration of the causes of human alienation by means of the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom. - Chapter Five principally analyzes the social alienation of the characters from Fromm’s concept of >Social Character< deeply analyze the causes of people’s social alienation. This chapter chiefly illustrates the relationship between characters and social institutions: Snow White and school, Bill and court, and the President and national system, figures out that the social institutions are devoid of social responsibility and sense of morality. And this chapter arrives at that the unproductive social character of people and the social background of capitalist system are the main causes of the alienation. Analyzing people’s social alienation from this aspect offers reference for fully understanding the causes of human alienation, and in the meanwhile, it is beneficial to better understand the development of human society in order to build a sound society. - Chapter Six is conclusion of the thesis. Firstly, it summarizes the alienation of the characters in >Snow White< and the causes of the alienation, stresses the significance of analyzing this novel through Fromm’s related theory. Secondly, this chapter points out that there are limitations of this study because of academic depth and limited materials, this study is not systemic or profound enough and it needs improvement. At last, there are predictions of the trend of further study. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hylewski_, Marcin A1 - Burdzik, Tomasz T1 - Teoria krytyczna szkoły frankfurckiej jako krytyka kultury masowej [Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School as a Critique of Mass Culture] JF - Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja (Wroclaw), No. 15 (2014), pp. 115-137. [doi 10.6084/m9.figshare.105056] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwan, Gesine T1 - Taugt Erich Fromm heute für die politische Praxis? Erich Fromm Lecture 2013 JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 85-90. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d18/2014v Y1 - 2014 VL - d18/2014v ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smelser, Neil J. T1 - Sustaining an Unlikely Marriage: Biographical, Theoretical, and Intellectual Notes JF - L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 101-121. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Nan-Nan T1 - Sublimated or castrated psychoanalysis? Adorno’s critique of the revisionist psychoanalysis. An introduction to >The Revisionist Psychoanalysis< JF - Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 40 (No. 3, March 2014), pp. 309-338. N2 - In >The Revisionist Psychoanalysis<, Adorno criticizes the neo-Freudian psychoanalysis for losing the critical edge of Freud’s theory with regard to social critique. Neo-Freudians whom Adorno calls >revisionists< criticize Freud for his >mechanical< views of the human psyche and for his over-emphasis on sexual libido. They reverse Freud’s dictum – >where id was, there ego shall be< – by stressing the importance of development of the ego, and thus that of its adaptive functions. For revisionists, the aim of psychoanalytic practice is to help analysands be better adapted to their social environment. According to Adorno, the revisionist psychoanalysis is suspected of conformism, and implicitly advocating an ideology that what is existent is the best of all possible worlds. The emphasis on adaptation actually weakens the ego instead of strengthening it – leaving it vulnerable to the whim of social conditions, and that of instinctual impulses. Most importantly, it weakens individuals’ ability to think critically and makes them susceptible to ideological and psychological manipulation against their own rational interests. Y1 - 2014 ER -