TY - JOUR A1 - Dwi_Kristianti, Aprilla A1 - Farida Tantiani, Farah T1 - The Meaning of Love and Love Orientation of Widows Based on Erich Fromm Perspective (A Study at St. Petrus Paulus Church, Wlingi, East Java, Indonesia) JF - World Conference on Gender Studies, KnE Social Sciences, pp. 303–311. [DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i10.7418] N2 - This study aims to explore the meaning of love and love orientation of Catholic widows based on Erich Fromm’s theory. The research model used qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology, based on interviews among four widow members of St Peter Paulus church. This interview data was analysed using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed the participants interpreted love as an effort to give what they have. Participant’s love orientation tends to be stronger towards children and God. Meanwhile, other orientations were also found namely grandchildren, nieces, neighbours, deceased spouses, friends and themselves. Productive love is experienced primarily in relationships with children, God, and people in their extended social spheres. Relationships with partners and themselves become the least dominant relationships in the life of a widow and less interpreted with productive love. Based on the results of this study it is advisable to the church to add a counselling for their member who has loss their partner (spouse) so that they regain a sense of self-worth. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Durkin, Kieran T1 - Mapping Fromm's Critical Theory JF - K. Durkin and J. Braune (Eds.), Erich Fromm's Critical Theory. Hope, Humanism, and the Future, New York (Bloomsbury) 2020, pp. 1-19. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Dumschat, Tobias T1 - Menschlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Konträre oder komplementäre ethische Prinzipien? Eine Analyse anhand der humanistischen Ethik nach Fromm und der Ethik der Permakultur, Masterarbeit RWTH Aachen, Dept. of Computational Economics, Köln 2020, 68 pp. N2 - Wonach sehnt sich der Mensch im Jahr 2020? – Er vernimmt den Ruf nach mehr Menschlichkeit und läuft einem ökologischen Umgang mit der Natur hinterher. Die atomisierte Gesellschaft und die Ausbeutung der Natur fordern eine existentielle Antwort des Menschen auf sein Dasein: Kann der Mensch beide Ansprüche integrieren? Wir nehmen an, dass der ethische Anspruch auf Menschlichkeit und der Anspruch auf Nachhaltigkeit in ihrer elementaren Form gleichermaßen gelten: Sind Menschlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit dann miteinander vereinbar? Auf der einen Seite fordert die humanistische Ethik nach Erich Fromm, die für das Prinzip der Menschlichkeit steht, die Entfaltung des menschlichen Potentials; auf der anderen Seite fordert die Ethik der Permakultur nach Bill Mollison, die das Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit abbildet, die Entfaltung des Ökosystems Erde. Kommt es also zum Prinzipienkonflikt zwischen Humanismus und Holismus? Das ethische Prinzip der Menschlichkeit und das ethische Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit stehen sich also gegenüber. Die analytische Frage ist, wie menschlich die holistische Ethik nach den Kriterien der humanistischen Ethik ist und vice versa, wie nachhaltig die humanistische Ethik nach den Kriterien der holistischen Ethik ist. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Nachhaltigkeit im Menschen angelegt ist. Wenn der Mensch mit sich, seinen Mitmenschen und der Welt produktiv in Beziehung tritt, dann handelt er nachhaltig. Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit entspringt also der Quelle der Menschlichkeit und liegt nicht außerhalb des Menschen. Der biophile Mensch dreht sich um eine biozentrischen Achse, ist sich seines Menschseins bewusst und setzt sich als menschliche Natur mit der Natur in Beziehung. Konflikte zwischen Leben und Leben sind unvermeidbar, aber der produktiv orientierte Mensch wird einen reifen Umgang damit finden. Eine Schlussfolgerung daraus ist, dass ein >biophiler Regionalismus< eine alternative Wirtschaftsform darstellen kann, die sowohl die Forderung einer menschlichen Ökonomie als auch die Forderung einer nachhaltigen Ökonomie einlösen kann. Im Kontext der aktuellen Debatte im Wirtschaftskontext bedarf es keiner >Green Economy<, sondern einer >Human Economy<: Denn nur ein Wirtschaften aus Menschlichkeit entspricht wahrer Nachhaltigkeit. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Dovellos, Nicholas T1 - Humanistic Climate Philosophy: Erich Fromm Revisited, Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Florida, USA 2020, pp. 258, English (US). N2 - Given the current juncture in history, humanity is faced with the herculean task of adapting to a tumultuous present and a glimmer future. Should climate projections be accurate, there is little time to waste. This work makes the claim that we are not only in a political gridlock but also in an academic one. Researching climate philosophy from its inception, the concluding view is that no major progress, outside of a standardized descriptive analysis, has been achieved. Thus, the work evaluates an array of climate philosophers e.g. Stephen Gardiner, James Garvey, Peter Singer, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, etc., with specific emphasis on the economic philosopher John Broome, suggesting that their recommendations and assessments fall short of being totalizing in scope and therefore of producing viable theories that, if practically sought after, can achieve social sustainability. To fix the problem of a lack of social and strategic trajectory, I offer up Erich Fromm's humanistic philosophy as a suggestive model. In doing so, the argument is made that this can aid in reorienting our external/empirical obsession by shifting our focus toward our ‘interiority – our internal worlds and psyches –, since a necessary condition in achieving sustainability is changing our mindset. By focusing on the human psyche, its structure and needs, can our behavior finally shift in a way that compliments scientific recommendations and ecological demands. Hence, Fromm lends the climate philosophy discussion an ontological framework from which to better direct and more readily navigate toward less socially precarious and more ethical inclined waters. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Deras Dávila, Eloisa T1 - La necrocultura JF - Revista Digital del Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalysis, Vol 1 (2020). Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Decker, Frank T1 - Rechtspopulismus in Europa – eine Gefahr für die Demokratie? JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 090-098. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d24/2020h Y1 - 2020 VL - d24/2020h ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cynarski, Wojciech J. T1 - Przeciwdziałanie agresji i przemocy na drodze sztuk walki [Counteracting Aggression and Violence on the Path of Martial Arts] JF - Edukacja, Terapia, Opieka, No. 2 (2020), pp. 40-55. N2 - Autor przedstawia perspektywę społeczno-kulturową uczenia się agresji i przemocy z głównym odniesieniem do kultury sportowej. Proble¬my agresji i destrukcyjności analizowane są w świetle koncepcji Aronsona, Fromma i innych teoretyków. Ukazano też historyczną perspektywę brutaliza¬cji sportu i instytucjonalnej tego akceptacji. Podjęto dyskusję dotyczącą traf¬ności eksplikacji zjawiska agresji. Od teorii ludzkiej destrukcyjności Ericha Fromma autor przechodzi do jej aplikacji – propozycji przeciwdziałania agre¬sywności z wykorzystaniem środków kultury fizycznej. Otóż „Humanistyczna Teoria Sztuk Walki”, komplementarna wobec koncepcji Fromma, i same umie¬jętnie nauczane sztuki walki w ich tradycyjnej postaci są drogami przeciwdziałania agresywności i dobrym sposobem profilaktyki przemocy. N2 - The author presents the socio-cultural perspective of learning ag¬gression and violence with a main reference to sports culture. The problems of aggression and destructiveness are analyzed in the light of the concepts of Aronson, Fromm and other theorists. The historical perspective of sport bru-talization and institutional acceptance was also shown. A discussion was initi¬ated regarding the accuracy of the aggression phenomenon. From the theory of human destructiveness of Erich Fromm, the author proceeds to its applica¬tion – a proposal to counteract aggressiveness using the means of physical culture. Well, the “Humanistic Theory of Martial Arts”, complementary to the concept of Fromm, and the same skillfully taught martial arts in their tradi¬tional form are ways to counteract aggressiveness and a good way to prevent violence. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cotta, Denis A1 - Campos, Fabiano Victor T1 - A concepção de amor como arte e a sua relação com a fé: contribuições do pensamento de Erich Fromm [The conception of love as art and its relationship to faith: contributions of Erich Fromm’s thought] JF - Plura – Revista de Estudos de Religião, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2020, pp. 63-89. [ISSN 2179-0019] N2 - O presente artigo aborda a concepção de amor de Erich Fromm na sua relação com a fé. O ato de amar, segundo o autor em foco, deve ser considerado uma atividade produtiva e interna, que se fundamenta em um aprimoramento das potencialidades psíquicas e emocionais do sujeito. Além disso, de acordo com Fromm, para amar verdadeiramente, é necessária a fé, que é concebida como um traço de caráter, sendo, assim, passível de desenvolvimento. No que tange à metodologia, este estudo pretende empreender uma leitura analítica das obras A arte de amar, Análise do homem e A revolução da esperança, todas de autoria de Erich Fromm, além de recorrer a trabalhos de comentadores do psicanalista humanista. Como objetivo principal, este artigo pretende elucidar as contribuições do pensamento frommiano no que diz respeito à relação entre a fé e o ato de amar. Pretendemos mostrar que, de acordo com Fromm, para o domínio da arte de amar, é necessário que o sujeito aprimore o seu caráter em favor de uma orientação produtiva, ou seja, é preciso que o indivíduo rompa com o narcisismo por intermédio da fé racional, desenvolva a humildade de reconhecer suas próprias limitações e potencialidades, e utilize a razão como um instrumento que o permita visualizar a pessoa amada como de fato ela é, e não como gostaria que ela fosse. N2 - This article approach Erich Fromm's conception of love in its relation to faith. The act of loving, according to the author in focus, should be considered a productive and internal activity, which is based on an improvement of the psychic and emotional potentialities of the subject. Moreover, according to Fromm, in order to truly love, faith is needed, which is conceived as a trait of character and thus liable to development. Regarding the methodology, this study intends to undertake an analytical reading of the works The Art of love, Man for himself and The revolution of hope, all authored by Erich Fromm, besides using the works of commentators of humanistic psychoanalyst. As main objective, this article intends to elucidate the contributions of Frommian’s thought to the relationship between faith and the act of loving. We intend to show that, according to Fromm, for the mastery of the art of loving, it is necessary that the subject improves his character in favor of a productive orientation, that is, the individual must break with narcissism through rational faith, develop the humility to recognize your own limitations and potentialities, and use reason as an instrument that allows you to see the person loved as she or he really is, and not how I wish the person were. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Copray, Norbert T1 - Nichts ist wichtiger als eine Offensive für den Humanismus. Wider die Feinde der Demokratie und für universale Menschenrechte. Laudatio auf Paul Mason JF - Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2020 an Paul Mason. Die Beiträge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, pp. 66-80. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Copray, Norbert T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Lieben wir das Leben noch? Macht und Ohnmacht (2020b, German) JF - Publik-Forum Extra, Grün ist die Liebe, Frankfurt 2020, p. 23. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Conci, Marco A1 - Maniadakis, Grigoris T1 - New faces of fear: Papers from the XXth IFPS Forum, October 2018, Florence T2 - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 127-128. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Conci, Marco T1 - Psychoanalysis 2020: Clinical and research aspects. Editorial T2 - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 063-064. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Conci, Marco T1 - Report on the XXIst IFPS Forum, >Psychoanalytic encounter: Conflict and change<, Lisbon, February 5–8, 2020 T2 - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 125-126. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chancer, Lynn T1 - Feminism, Humanism, and Erich Fromm JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 101-114. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - e24/2020c Y1 - 2020 VL - e24/2020c ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Candeias, Mario T1 - Europäisch denken – lokal handeln? Ansatzpunkte für gesellschaftspolitische Strategien gegen den Rechtspopulismus in Europa JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 24 / 2020, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 141-152. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - d24/2020k Y1 - 2020 VL - d24/2020k ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Buechler, Sandra T1 - Fear in the transference and countertransference: An interpersonal perspective JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 129-131. N2 - This paper suggests that fear is a frequent emotional component of transferential and counter-transferential experiences in analysis. It describes clinical situations that call for courage on the analyst’s part, and illustrates some manifestations of fear in a long-term treatment. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Braune, Joan T1 - Conclusion: Why Anti-Fascism Needs Erich Fromm’s Critical Theory JF - Erich Fromm's Critical Theory: Hope, Humanism, and the Future, ed. by J. Braune and K. Durkin, New York (Bloomsbury Academic) 2020, pp. 216-226. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Boulze-Launay, Isabelle A1 - Rigaud, Alain T1 - Alcohol and loneliness: In my solitude JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 065-073. N2 - This article presents a clinical description of the solitary aspect of alcoholism and an original psychopathological theorization of alcoholic isolation. Our aim is to better understand this vulnerability of alcoholic patients and their secret sufferings. Solitary intoxication, whether or not in the presence of another or in a group, facilitates the avoidance of a reality experienced as too painful. This isolation would result from an early feeling of insecurity, close to that experienced in psychosis. A prototypical clinical case aims to explain how the problematic nature of this isolation can be identified and then elaborated, within a psychotherapeutic setting >that gives confidence< and starts from the >offer of speech.< We emphasize how the alcoholic individual can revisit the capacity to be alone in the presence of the other, which is a necessary condition for mentalizing a nonpathological solitude. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bonomi, Carlo T1 - Review Conci, M., Freud, Sullivan, Mitchell, Bion, and the multiple voices of international psychoanalysis JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 255-257. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blum, Harald P. T1 - Developmental and dynamic dimensions of hate, rage, and violence JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 2, 2020), pp. 087-095. N2 - Hate may be regarded as a complex affective-cognitive emotion and attitude alloyed with aggression. Hate and aggression have both neurobiological and environmental determinants. Hate may be overt or covert, externalized or internalized, and/or somatized. Persistent recurrent painful and traumatic experiences generate and exacerbate hate and aggression. An amalgam of hate and love is evident in the ambivalence of all self and object relationships and in conscious and unconscious fantasy. In the mature personality, there is a preponderance of love over hate. There may be justified hatred of sociopathic individuals and groups. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bierhoff, Burkhard T1 - Selbstorganisation und Eigensinn. Über die Unverfügbarkeit des Subjekts JF - O. Geramanis and S. Hutmacher (Eds.), Der Mensch in der Selbstorganisation, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien) 2020, pp. 231-246. N2 - Betrachtet man die Kompetenzen, die ein Subjekt zur Bewältigung des Lebens und der beruflichen Anforderungen benötigt, so gehören dazu auch reflexive Kompetenzen. Diese bewegen sich in der Spannung zwischen Systemzwängen und Eigensinn. Der Mensch wird als verantwortungsvoller Akteur gedacht, der sich und seine Umwelt durch schöpferisches Handeln verändern kann. Bei den Handlungsspielräumen geht es zentral um das Menschenbild, das soziale Implikationen hat. Wichtig ist, Illusionen über das eigene Selbstbild zu verlieren und gesellschaftliche Zwänge und Soziopathologien aufzudecken. Die Kategorie des Eigensinns legt nahe, dass die subjektive Logik von Erfahrung und Handeln nie vollständig in gesellschaftlichen Sinnhorizonten aufgeht, sondern es einen freien Raum der Selbstorganisation gibt, der unvorhersehbar und unkontrollierbar ist. Dies gilt es zu erkennen und auszuschöpfen. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bierhoff, Burkhard T1 - Selbstorganisation und Eigensinn. Über die Unverfügbarkeit des Subjekts. Typescript of the paper presented at a conference in Basel, January 2020; 17 oo. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bentfeld, Michael T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Wissenschaft vom Menschen (2020a, German) JF - Hamburger Ärztblatt, Hamburg No. 5, 2020, p. 31. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bassi, Camila T1 - On the Death Throes of Education: Erich Fromm's Marxism and a Rallying Cry for a Healthy University JF - Erik Juergensmeyer et al. (Eds.), Neoliberalism and Academic Repression. The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trumo, Leiden and Boston (Brills) 2020, pp. 31-42. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bass, Anthony T1 - Imagining Psychoanalysis: I’s Wide Open. Imagination, Seeing and Change. Paper published on Academia.edu, 2020, 19 pp. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Baker, August T1 - Review Stolorow and Atwood, The power of phenomenology: Psychoanalytic and philosophical perspectives JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 4, 2020), pp. 257-258. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Asatulloev, Inomjon T1 - The Philosophical Anthropology of Erich Fromm JF - Cross-cultural Communication, Vol.16, No. 1 (2020), pp. 5-9. [Online ISSN 1923-6700] [doi.org/10.3968/11550] N2 - The article analyzes the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the human heart, goodness and evil inclinations, sadism, the problems of freedom of worship, human destructiveness, various forms of aggression, contradictory necrophilia and biophilia. In the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the heart of the human soul is shown by the desire for destructive desires and the uplifting desires – love for humanity and freedom. Our goal is to analyze the souls of human minds based on the works of the intellectuals. From the Erich Fromm heart concept, the robotic personality and the character of the stranger are disclosed. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Asatulloev, Inomjon T1 - Erich Fromm's Theory: The Nature of Human Soul, Alienation and Escape from Freedom JF - EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), Vol. 6, No. 6 (2020), pp. 228-232. [doi.org/10.36713/epra2523] N2 - The article analyzes the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the human heart, goodness and evil inclinations, sadism, the problems of freedom of worship, human destructiveness, various forms of aggression, contradictory necrophilia and biophilia. In the philosophy of Erich Fromm, the heart of the human soul is shown by the desire for destructive desires and the uplifting desires - love for humanity and freedom. Our goal is to analyze the souls of human minds based on the works of the intellectuals. From the Erich Fromm heart concept, the robotic personality and the character of the stranger are disclosed. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Albertini, Egidia A1 - Panero, Marcello T1 - Hopes and fears in a sample of trainees: Considerations and perspectives JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 3, 2020), pp. 180-187. N2 - This paper investigates hopes and fears connected with work as an analytic psychotherapist, in a sample of trainees attending the Italian Training School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (SPP). Candidates were asked to complete a questionnaire with open-ended questions. In the first analysis, we found trainees to be interested in learning an effective therapeutic method to treat patients. Their wish was for a serious, demanding, but nonjudgmental training, which could support the development of both a thoughtful way of using their thinking process and a rigorous clinical method, while respecting their individuality and personality. We asked our candidates whether theoretical concepts and issues related to the analytic method effectively helped them transform difficulties in perspectives. Theoretical tendencies and authors considered to be useful in modern clinical areas such as Internet addiction disorders, Hikikomori (severe social and relational retirement in adolescence), children's school problems, and problems connected with dimensions of parenthood (e.g. LGBT parenting) were explored. A sense of inadequacy when first dealing with difficult clinical situations, and fears about the realistic difficulties of psychotherapy as a trade, today, in Italy, were found. Considerations on the psychoanalytic educational program and on the importance of workgroups were proposed. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ahnert, Sven T1 - Erich Fromm und die Kunst des Lebens. Feature für den SWR 2. Erstsendung 18. März 2020, 28'. Y1 - 2020 UR - https://www.swr.de/swr2/wissen/erich-fromm-und-die-kunst-des-lebens-100.html ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Agapov, P. V. T1 - Религия в творчестве Эриха Фромма: социально-психологические аспекты проблемы [Religion in the works of Erich Fromm: Socio-psychological aspects of the problem] JF - Вопросы политологии [Questions of Political Science], Vol. 10, No. 3 (55) (2020), pp. 724-730. [Print ISSN 2225–8922] [doi.org/10.35775/PSI.2020.55.3.003] N2 - В статье обсуждаются теоретические и методологические проблемы изучения религии в творчестве Эриха Фромма. Анализируются социальнопсихологические аспекты темы религии в работах Э. Фромма. В статье делается акцент на психоаналитический подход (социокультурный вариант Э. Фромма) к религиозной проблематики. N2 - The article discusses the theoretical and methodological problems of studying religion in the work of Erich Fromm. It analyzes the socio-psychological aspects of the theme of religion in the works of E. Fromm. The article focuses on the psychoanalytic approach (socio-cultural version of E. Fromm) to religious issues. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Abdul Rahman, Aulia T1 - Konsep cinta Erich Fromm sebagai Dasar Relasi Autentik Sesama Manusia dalam Perspektif Relasi Aku – Engkau Martin Buber [Erich Fromm's Concept of Love as the Basis of Authentic Relationships with People in the Perspective of Martin Buber's I – You Relationship], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2013, Indonesian. - Only abstract and content available. N2 - Penelitian ini berjudul >Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm sebagai Dasar Relasi Autentik Sesama Manusia dalam Perspektif Relasi Aku-Engkau Martin Buber<. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keterasingan dan kesepian yang dialami oleh manusia modern, akibat kerusakan dan kekacauan hubungan yang sejati antar manusia. Penelitian ini akan mengusulkan konsep cinta Erich Fromm sebagai solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm akan dikaji lebih dalam menggunakan pemikiran Martin Buber mengenai dua mode relasi manusia yang menunjukkan relasi autentik dan tidak autentik, yaitu relasi Aku-Engkau dan relasi Aku-Itu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan konsep cinta Erich Fromm serta menganalisis konsep cinta tersebut sebagai dasar relasi autentik subjek dengan subjek menggunakan perspektif relasi Aku-Engkau sebagai relasi yang sesuai dengan kodrat eksistensi manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di bidang ilmu filsafat. Model penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan (library research). Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data utama dan data pendukung yang terdiri dari buku, jurnal, maupun sumber kepustakaan lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah yang meliputi persiapan, kemudian klasifikasi data, dan terakhir analisis data. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis kefilsafatan dengan unsur metodis yang terdiri dari deskripsi, interpretasi, heuristika, dan refleksi kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep cinta Erich Fromm atau dikenal juga dengan konsep cinta produktif merupakan solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi keterasingan dan kesepian yang dialami oleh manusia modern, karena sesuai dengan kodrat eksistensi manusia. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm mengandung prinsip-prinsip seperti perlindungan, tanggung jawab, rasa hormat, dan pengetahuan yang tidak ada dalam bentuk cinta lainnya. Konsep cinta Erich Fromm menegaskan akan adanya elemen relasi yang autentik seperti keterlibatan timbal balik, keterbukaan, mutualitas, penegasan atas keliyanan (otherness) yang lain, serta penerimaannya atas konflik. N2 - This research is entitled >Erich Fromm's Concept of Love as the Basis of the Authentic Relationship in the Perspective of Martin Buber's I-You Relationship<. The background of this research is alienation and loneliness undergone by modern men, due to corruption and confusion of an authentic relationship with a fellow human. This research will propose Erich Fromm's concept of love as a solution to the problem. Erich Fromm's concept of love will be studied deeply by using Martin Buber's idea about two-mode relations that indicate an authentic relationship and an inauthentic relation, namely the I-You relationship and the I-It relation. This research aims to describe Erich Fromm's concept of love and analyze the concept of love as the basis of the authentic relationship of subject and subject using the perspective I-You relationship in accord with the nature of human existence. This research is qualitative in the field of philosophy. The model is library research. The materials come from primary and secondary data that consist of books, journals, and other library resources. This research using step by step that includes preparation, data classification, and data analysis. Data analysis using philosophical methodical analysis that consists of description, interpretation, heuristics, and critical reflection. The results of this research indicate that Erich Fromm's concept of love or also well-known as productive love is the best solution for overcoming loneliness and alienation undergone by modern men since it fits with the nature of human existence. Erich Fromm's concept of love contains principles such as care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge that is not in other love. Erich Fromm's concept of love affirms the elements of the authentic relationship, such as reciprocity, openness, mutuality, affirmation to the otherness of the other, and acceptance of conflict. Y1 - 2020 ER -