TY - JOUR A1 - Abromeit, John T1 - The Origins and Development of the Model of the Early Critical Theory in the Work of Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse JF - Ingram, D. (Ed.): Critical Theory to Structuralism: Philosophy, Politics and the Human Sciences (The History of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 5), New York (Routledge) 2014, pp. 47-80. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Abromeit, John T1 - Review Friedman, L. J.: The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet JF - The American Historical Review, Vol. 119 (No. 3, 2014), pp. 846-847. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aragno, Anna T1 - The Roots of Evil: A Psychoanalytic Inquiry JF - The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 101, No. 2 (2014), pp. 249-288. [Online ISSN 1943-3301] [doi.org/10.1521/prev.2014.101.2.249] N2 - Of all the great dualities of human experience, >good and evil< have been the most instrumental in shaping the beliefs, rituals, and laws of >Homo sapiens<. The polarization of our nature into >good and bad< and anthropomorphic externalizations of these impulsions have been with us for millennia, providing inspiration for magical rites, representational forms, and the cornucopia of dramas, narratives, and artworks to which they give expression. Furthermore, whereas all religions advocate for good, the particular narratives of evil underlying the traditions of Western culture come to us from the Bible. However, good and especially evil are theological and moral, not psychological, constructs. With Freud's death instinct, and later Fromm's necrophilous character, the darker shadow of human nature became definitively secularized. After an introduction and historical/developmental overview of select theorists, this paper adopts a strictly psychoanalytic frame of reference in the exploration of what renders some human beings capable of doing inhuman things. Looking at behaviors manifesting through the psychodynamics of character structure and severe personality disorders, the breakdown of empathy and defacement of the >other< in the creation of an enemy is discussed. In conclusion two clinical portraits are offered, illustrating how primitive emotions and defenses, superego pathology, and latent schizoid, narcissistic, and projective mechanisms provide fuel and rationalization for malignant aggressive, duplicitous, and sadistic behaviors. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Bai, Chentao T1 - Exploration of the >We< in the Art World [走进《我们》的艺术世界], Master thesis, Russian Language and Literature, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, Heilongjang, China 2014 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 20世纪二三十年代是俄罗斯反乌托邦小说兴起和快速发展的阶段。诞生于1921年的扎米亚京的《我们》不仅被称之为反乌托邦文学的开山之作,更是俄罗斯反乌托邦文学的奠基石。尽管在当时它被认为是>不合时宜<的,但是随着历史的发展,作品的珍贵价值正逐渐地被突显出来。鉴于扎米亚京和这部作品在俄罗斯文坛的重要地位和深远影响,以及反乌托邦文学体裁的独特艺术魅力,本文将再一次走进《我们》那瑰丽的艺术世界。论文共分为七个部分,引言部分主要介绍了反乌托邦文学产生的历史背景和发展的脉络;第一章着重分析《我们》创作背景、文学地位和价值;第二章到第五章分别从时空、主题、悖论、人的异化四个层面深入探索小说《我们》精彩纷呈的艺术世界:1、反乌托邦时空;2、>反方案<的主题;3、>荒谬而又真实<的悖论;4、>我们<的异化。结尾部分全面总结了《我们》所营造的独特的艺术世界。文中更是用弗洛姆自由论、马斯洛人类需求阶级理论来诠释《我们》作为反乌托邦文学的必然性,充分展示了扎米亚京《我们》这篇反乌托邦文学楚翘创作的独特视角和艺术魅力。 N2 - In the 1920s and1930s, the Anti-Utopian fictions were rising and developed rapidly. >We< written by Zamyatin in 1921, has been regarded as the first Anti-Utopian work, what is more, it was the mile-stone of Anti-Utopian literature in Russia. Although it was believed that We was inappropriate, the value of the book seemed prominent gradually with the development of history. This paper will give a picture about the mysterious art world made by We again due to the greatness and significance of Zamyatin and We in Russian Literature and the unique artistic glamour in Anti-Utopian works. There are seven parts in this paper. The introduction mainly gives a brief view of the historic back-ground and development of Anti-Utopian literature and its causes; the first chapter pays more attention to the background information, the status and value of We; chapters 2-5 deeply analyze the artistic world in We from the perspectives of time and space, the theme, the paradox and the alienation of human beings respectively: 1. the Anti-Utopian time and space; 2. the theme of counter-program; 3. >absurd but real< paradox and 4. the alienation in We. At the end of the paper, the unique artistic world created by We is summarized. Fromm’s theory of Freedom and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are employed to illustrate the inevitability of treating We as the masterpiece in Anti-Utopian literature so as to show the unique view and artistic glamour Zamyatin’s We presents. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Belén Hernández, Francis T1 - Dos Visiones Sobre el Amor: El banquete de Platón y El Arte de Amar de Erich Fromm, Thesis (Licenciatura en Filosofia), Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra Santo Domingo (PUCMM), República Dominicana 2014, 98 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Berghahn, Sabine T1 - >Sie stammen aus einer anderen Welt, liebes Kind!< – Erinnerungen an ein Gespräch mit Gershom Scholem und seiner Frau Fania in Jerusalem JF - G. Necker, E. Morlok, M. Morgenstern, 2014: Gershom Sholem in Deutschland. Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2014, pp. 261-280. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bitterolf, Markus T1 - Rosa Meyer-Levine – Romantik und Revolution JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 249-260. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bitterolf, Markus A1 - Schlaudt, Oliver T1 - Georg Lukács: ›Die deutschen Intellektuellen und der Krieg‹ (1915) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 203-220. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blaustein, George T1 - Review Mandler, P.: Return from the Natives: How Margaret Mead Won the Second World War and Lost the Cold War; Friedman, L. J.: The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet; Parmar, I.: Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power JF - American Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 4 (Dec 2014), pp. 1117-1127. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blomert, Reinhard T1 - Renaissancestudien. Norbert Elias und die Heidelberger Renaissanceforschung der zwanziger Jahre JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 95-110. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bowlby, Lady Xenia A1 - Briggs, Deborah T1 - Living with the Reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Campaigning Voices, 2014. Y1 - 2014 N1 - Ex libris Marco Bacciagaluppi ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Braun, Bernd T1 - Golo Manns Heidelberger Jahre – zwischen Karl Jaspers und Karl Marx JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 221-232. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Braune, Joan T1 - Erich Fromm's Revolutionary Hope. Prophetic Messianism as a Critical Theory of the Future, Rotterdam - Boston - Taipei (Sense Publishers) 2014, 223 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bronner, Stephen Eric T1 - The Bigot. Why Prejudice Persists, New Haven (Yale University Press) 2014, 235 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brumlik, Micha T1 - Wissenschaft und Identitätsfindung. Der junge Erich Fromm. Alfred Weber, Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud. JF - M- Bitterolf et al. (Eds.), Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, ed by Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel, Heidelberg (Verlag Stefan Schöbel) 2014, pp. 111-118. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Burston, Daniel T1 - Review Friedman, L. J.: The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet JF - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 50 (No. 1, Winter 2014), pp. 106-107. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Campanini, Saverio T1 - Alu im Shalom. Die Bibliothek Gershom Scholems vor der Auswanderung JF - G. Necker, E. Morlok, M. Morgenstern, 2014: Gershom Sholem in Deutschland. Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2014, pp. 073-096. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Jingjie T1 - An Analysis of Two Marriages of Herzog from the Perspective of Erich Fromm’s Theory [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Overseas English [海外英语], No. 15 (2014), pp. 163-164. N2 - Herzog is one of the most successful novels written by the Jewish Nobel Prize winner Saul Bellow. Herzog, the protagonist of the novel, has experienced a spiritual and emotional collapse, triggered by the breakup of his second marriage and his contemplation of the wasteland of modern life. In the novel, he has divorced twice respectively because he is bored and boring. The characteristics of the two ex-wives are in sharp contrast. Deep analysis of the two women and their marital relationships with Erich Fromm’s theory can facilitate our understanding of the novel, the writer as well as the modern world. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Junli T1 - Education is Sprinkling with Love – Remember Shanxi Language Grade Teacher Yu Xian [洒向教育都是爱——记山西省语文特级教师樊玉仙] JF - Bulletin of Language Teaching Communications [语文教学通 讯], No. 13 (2014), pp. 4-6. N2 - 按弗洛姆的观点,母爱和父爱的本质区别在于母爱是无条件的:对于一个母亲来说,只要是她的孩子,无论丑俊,无论贤或不肖,都是她的至爱。但是,如果一群没有任何血缘关系的大孩子发自内心地称一个女子为妈,而且这个称呼一直到他们成年都不改,那这个>妈<是怎样的一个人呢?她就是山西省语文特级教 N2 - By Fromm view, the essential difference between motherly and fatherly love that is unconditional motherly love: For a mother, as long as her child, regardless Jun ugly, either yin or unworthy, are is her favorite. However, if the group does not have any kinship big kids from the heart, said a woman, mother, and this name is not changed until they reach adulthood, and that the >mother< is how one person? She is the language grade Shanxi teach […] [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cao, Wenhong T1 - Theory of Labor Alienation and Theory of Human Alienation — A Comparative Study of Alienation Theories of Marx and Fromm [劳动异化论与人性异化论——马克思与弗洛姆异化理论之比较] JF - The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute [江苏行政学院学报], No. 2 (2014), pp. 24-28. N2 - 劳动异化论和人性异化论,是马克思和弗洛姆在深度剖析资本主义社会不同时期人类生存状况基础上提出的两种异化理论。在关于异化的本质是反制还是心理体验、异化产生的根源是固化的分工还是>生存的两歧<、消除异化是通过社会革命还是改革等方面,两种理论皆存在根本性的分野,尽管它们之间有一定的继承和发展关系。因此,对二者进行系统的比较研究,既有助于进一步把握和理解马克思劳动异化论的科学性,同时也会在理论上拓宽异化问题的研究视野。 N2 - The theory of labor alienation and the theory of human alienation represent two kinds of alienation theories established by Marx and Fromm based on in-depth analysis of the state of human existence in different periods of capitalist society. Although there are certain inheritance and development relations between them, the two theories differ in essential terms about whether alienation is counteraction or psychological experience, whether the root causes of alienation is solidified division of labor or >bipolarity of existence<, and whether alienation can be eliminated by means of social revolution or reform. Therefore, a systematic and comparative study of the two systems can both facilitate the digestion and understanding of the scientific nature of the Marxist theory of labor alienation, and broaden the research vision in dealing with alienation issues. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ceng, Jing T1 - The Humanistic Principle of Christianity and Anne Sexton [基督教人本主义原则与安妮•塞克斯顿] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - The Journal of English Studies [英语研究], No. 2 (2014), pp. 24-26, 33. N2 - 基督教人本主义原则与安妮•塞克斯顿的诗作有着理论与实践一般的辩证联系,是其创作的驱动力之一;其诗歌以人及其力量为中心,以自我实现为目标,使人神圣化,从而将人从传统权威主义宗教偶像的控制中解脱出来,是该原则在文艺创作领域的本质体现;她的诗歌所指涉的正是埃•弗洛姆提出的基督教权威主义和人本主义原则,是二者斗争的竞技场,称之为一位重要的宗教诗人实不为过。 N2 - The humanistic principle of Christianity to Anne Sexton’s poetry is as theory to practice, which functions as the drive for her composition; that human and its universal power are central to her poetry, which aims at self-realization and sanctifying human beings so as to liberate the human from the grasp of religious idols, is the essential manifestation of the principle in question. Her poetry points to Erich Fromm’s authoritarian principle and humanistic principle of Christianity, serves as the arena of the two, which qualifies her as one of the most important religious poets. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ceng, Zilong T1 - Fromm’s Love Idea from Watching the Sichuan TV Channel Positioning >China Love< [从弗洛姆爱的思想看四川卫视>中国爱<的频道定位] JF - Southeast Communication [东南传播], No. 7 (2014), pp. 86-88. N2 - 四川卫视一直在不断探寻着自身的发展路径,从2005年以>天下故事<为口号到2008年汶川地震后>爱心成就梦想<直至2011年明确提出>中国爱<的频道定位,可以说>中国爱<理念既是应时应景而生,又是四川电视人不断探索所得。文章结合德裔美籍哲学家、心理学家艾里希•弗洛姆的大作、被誉为>爱的圣经>的《爱的艺术》分析了>中国爱>的内涵及外延,并以四川卫视自身情况和以江苏、重庆两家卫视为代表的其他电视媒体在频道定位方面的经验教训,审视四川卫视>中国爱<的频道定位,为四川卫视今后频道的发展提出了一些建设性意见。 N2 - Sichuan TV has continued to explore the path of self-development, from 2005 to the >story of the world< as the slogan after the 2008 earthquake, >dreams come true love< until 2011 clearly stated, >China Love< channel positioning can say, >love China< concept is both a seasonal occasion was born, who is continuing to explore Sichuan TV income. Combining German-American philosopher, psychologist Erich Fromm's masterpiece, known as the >love of the Bible< and >The Art of Loving< analyzed >Chinese Love< connotation and denotation, and in Sichuan Satellite own situation and to Jiangsu, Chongqing TV, represented two other television media lessons in terms of channel positioning, look at the Sichuan TV, >China love< channel positioning for the future development of Sichuan TV channel made a number of constructive comments. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Chai, Ju T1 - Fromm’s Love Idea and the Value of Research on Contemporary Chinese Society [弗洛姆爱的思想及其对中国当代社会建设价值研究], Master thesis, Chinese Marxist Research, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi, Xi’an, China 2014. N2 - 作为西方著名的哲学家、社会学家、心理学家,弗洛姆通过自身真实生活和经历为基础,对人类的爱进行深入理论研究,以期帮助人们获得幸福。现代社会中,随着物质水平的不断丰富和科技的飞速发展,人们不断追逐物质收获的成功感,却越来越忽视精神世界,爱护与关心,人际冷漠、精神空虚、社会矛盾冲突等问题日益频发,物质和精神、索取和奉献、自私与关爱等的失衡,使人们日益偏离真正幸福的道路。弗洛姆爱的思想赋予了幸福更深层的含义,提出爱在本质上是>给予<,将爱分为神爱、自爱、母爱、性爱、博爱等层次,提出了爱的实践方式,指明了人通往幸福和谐的道路,使人们明白,真正的幸福是可以通过个体自身主动的努力和实践而获得的,即幸福是从爱开始的。论文主要阐述了如下内容:一是阐述了本论文的研究背景和意义、国内外研究现状,对当前弗洛姆爱的思想研究进行了梳理和分析。二是详细介绍了弗洛姆生平及其关于爱的主要著作,揭示了弗洛姆爱的理论产生背景,通过对宗教信仰爱、马克思哲学理论、弗洛伊德理论进行深入分析,对弗洛姆爱的思想理论渊源进行了揭示。三是总结凝练了弗洛姆爱的思想内涵,包括爱的定义、爱的要素、爱的实践等。四是论述了弗洛姆爱的思想的生成逻辑,对弗洛姆爱的思想积极因素和消极因素进行了评价。五是将弗洛姆爱的思想与中国当代社会建设相结合,指出了弗洛姆爱的思想对中国当代社会建设的启示,其对社会主义核心价值观培育、对人的全面发展的理论与实践、对现代社会人的爱的思想和行动具有重要借鉴意义。 N2 - As a famous western philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, Fromm through their own true life and experience as the foundation, the in-depth theoretical study on human love, in order to help people find happiness in society. In modern society, with the enrichment of material level and the rapid development of science and technology, people are constantly chasing material gain the success, and ignore the spiritual world of love and concern, interpersonal indifference, spiritual emptiness, social contradictions increasingly frequent problems in material and spiritual, claim and dedication, selfish and love, such as imbalance, make people increasingly deviating from the path of true happiness. Fromm’s thoughts of love gives a deeper meaning happiness, love is >giving< in essence, love can be divided into god’s love, love, love, sex, love, such as level, put forward the practice of love, to point the way to happiness, harmony, make people understand that the real happiness is the individual to be gained through their own efforts and practice, namely the happiness from love. Thesis mainly expounds the following contents: one is elaborated in this paper the research background and significance, research status at home and abroad, research on the current Fromm’s thoughts of love and analyzed.– Second, Fromm’s life was introduced in detail and its main works about love, reveals the theoretical background of Fromm’s love, love based on religious beliefs, Marxist philosophy theory, analyzing the theory of Freud, thought and theory origin of Fromm’s love was revealed.– Three is concise summary of the connotation of Fromm’s thoughts of love, including the definition of love, love, love of the elements of practice, etc.– Fourth, discusses the generation logic of Fromm’s ideas of love, love from the positive factors and negative factors in the evaluation.– Five is to Fromm’s ideas of love combined with contemporary Chinese social construction, Fromm’s thoughts of love are pointed out for the value of the contemporary Chinese social construction, the cultivation of socialist core values, to the person’s full scale development. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chai, Qiuxing A1 - Yuan, Xiaoyan T1 - Orienting To Sane Success – Analyzing the Concept of Success of the Contemporary Chinese from Fromm’ Sane Person [面向>健全<的成功——从弗洛姆>健全的人<看当代中国的成功观] JF - Journal of Harbin University of Commerce (Social Science Edition) [哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2014), pp. 120-124. N2 - 成功是一个内涵极为丰富的范畴,不同时代的每个主体对于成功的理解都有所不同。成功是一个人的生命价值不断得以体现的过程。作为弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义者,弗洛姆以现代人的心理机制为切入点,从>健全的人>的视角来关注人的价值实现。本文基于弗洛姆的这一思想,赋予>成功>以新的内涵:成功是在创造性的爱和工作中体验到自身的力量、财富和潜能的呈现和释放;成功是在人的自由全面发展中唤醒的内心自我生命力。 N2 - Success is a category, whose connotation is extremely rich, and each subject in different time has different concept of success. Success is a process where the value of personal life is reflecting constantly. Fromm, as a Freud’s doctrine of Marxist, puts the modern people’s psychological mechanism as the breakthrough point and pays attention to human’s value realization from the Sane Person. Based on the philosophy of Fromm, the thesis gives new connotation to success: success is something to experience their own power, wealth, and presentation of the potential and release in the creative work and love; Success is something to wake the inner vitality itself up in the human’s free all-round development. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chang, Caixia A1 - Sun, Min T1 - The Concept of Freedom in the Perspective of Western Marxism [西方马克思主义视域中的>自由<概念] JF - Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong [中国浦东干部学院学报], No. 2 (2014), pp. 62-67. N2 - 西方马克思主义的自由思想是对马克思自由思想的深化、拓展与补充,这种深化主要体现在,弗洛姆从心理学的角度提出了>逃避自由<的理论;马尔库塞从社会批判的视角,揭示了资本主义社会由于资本的扩张本性,所造成的一维向度的人,以及一维向度的社会。深入研究马克思主义自由观与西方马克思主义自由概念的内在关系,分析西方马克思主义自由在何种意义上创新、发展、补充了马克思主义的自由思想,有利于开拓我们的视野,启发我们的思维;有利于对马克思的历史唯物主义进行创新与完善,同时也更能进一步彰显马克思历史唯物主义中的自由概念的科学性与价值优势。 N2 - The Western Marxist liberal thought is the deepening, expanding and supplementing of Marx's liberal thought. This deepening is mainly reflected in the fact that Fromm puts forward the theory of >evading freedom< from the perspective of psychology; Marcuse from the perspective of social critique, it reveals the one-dimensionality of the capitalist society due to the expansionary nature of capital, and the one-dimensional society. In-depth study of the inner relationship between the Marxist view of freedom and the concept of Western Marxist freedom, and analyze in what sense Western Marxist freedom innovates, develops, and supplements the Marxist liberal thought, which is conducive to opening up our horizons and inspiring our thinking; It is conducive to the innovation and perfection of Marx's historical materialism, and at the same time it can further highlight the scientific and value advantages of the concept of freedom in Marx's historical materialism. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chen, Yuhua T1 - Book Report on Fromm’s >Escape from Freedom< [弗洛姆《逃避自由》读书报告] JF - Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute [佳木斯教育学院学报], No. 6 (2014), pp. 69-70. N2 - 自文艺复兴以来,人被解放了,越来越多的学者开始探讨与人自身相关的问题。这篇文章通过读书学习的形式分析了现代人孤独、烦闷等生活困惑的原因及对策。文章通过对>自由<概念的探讨,和对弗洛姆思想特色的了解,来解读书中的主要内容:人逃避自由的原因、逃避自由的机制并指出最终的出路是爱和自发的劳动。由书中的内容出发,对现代异化浪潮下,人们的孤独、不安等困惑进行分析并得出>现代人应该像弗洛姆提出的那样,认识自己,自由自发的进行热爱的实践活动,实现自己的价值<的对策。 N2 - Since the Renaissance, people have been emancipated, and more and more scholars have begun to explore issues related to people themselves. In this article, we analyze the causes and solutions of loneliness, boredom and other confusions in modern life through reading and studying. The article explores the concept of >freedom< and the characteristics of Fromm's thought to explain the main contents of the book: the reasons why people escape from freedom, the mechanisms of escape and the ultimate way out is love and spontaneous work. From the contents of the book, we will analyze the loneliness and anxiety of people in the midst of modern alienation, and come up with a solution that >modern people should realize their own values by knowing themselves and practicing their love freely and spontaneously<, as proposed by Fromm. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Cong, Qian T1 - Neo-psychoanalysis in >Winesburg, Ohio< [新精神分析视角解读《小镇畸人》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 舍伍德•安德森(1876-1941)被称为第一个美国心理学作家。在文学领域,他影响了一批作家如欧内斯特•海明威,威廉•福克纳和约翰•斯坦贝克等人。所以舍伍德也被称为>大师们的大师<。《小镇畸人》是舍伍德•安德森第一部反映人类心理问题的作品。温斯堡小镇是所有受美国工业发展的中西部小城镇的缩影。安德森将温斯堡的每一个畸人在工业化过程中所经历的心理创伤展现给每一位读者。纵观国内外评论,大多数评论家从精神分析角度研究畸人的心理问题,主要集中于弗洛伊德精神分析理论。此外,小说主题、社会背景、叙事技巧、小说结构等方面也进行了充分大量的研究。为了进一步挖掘作品的价值,笔者认为单纯从弗洛伊德理论分析作品中畸人的心理问题过于局限,弗洛姆新精神分析理论是对古典精神分析理论的继承和发展,结合了弗洛伊德和马克思的思想,提出了>人本主义精神分析<学说,强调社会环境对人的发展产生的影响,尤其是社会变革对人产生的心理影响。因此笔者尝试从新精神分析批评角度分析作品中的畸人。本论文共分四章:第一章为绪论,简要介绍本论文的研究背景,包括作者简介及小说概述;小说的国内外研究成果;以及本论文研究的重要性,包括选题原因、研究目的及方法。第二章从新精神分析理论出发,引入德国心理学家弗洛姆的新精神分析理论,分别从三个方面:>人的处境<,>人的需要<以及<社会性格<理论进行具体阐释与归纳。第三章主要结合作品中人物成为畸人的原因,根据三个理论对作品中的畸人进行分类,并结合作品进行具体分析。第四章概括总结本论文,归纳人在成长与发展中的心理需要,爱在人的成长过程中的关键作用,关注人的需要对人类社会发展的价值和意义,以及本论文的局限性 N2 - Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), one of the first American psychological writers, influenced many great writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, F. S. Fitzgerald, and some others. So it is justifiable to say that Sherwood Anderson is the master of masters. >Winesburg, Ohio<, the first fictional work of Sherwood Anderson, explores humankind’s psychological problems in the society. Winesburg is the epitome of all mid-western small towns influenced by American industrial development. Anderson depicts each grotesque in Winesburg who experienced mental sufferings during the process of industrialization to the readers. Observing the criticisms at home and abroad on Winesburg, Ohio, the author found that most domestic critics researches were made from the aspect of theme, social background, narration skills and story structures. But the analyses for grotesques from the perspective of Freud’s Theory will not be enough to explain the the work. Erich Fromm’s Neo-psychoanalysis, however, which combines Freud and Marx’s ideas, put forward the >Humanistic Psychoanalysis< theory, inherits the Classic Psychoanalysis and emphasizes the influence of social environment on people’s developments, especially on people’s mental impact during the social change, will better reveal the author’s purpose. - Four chapters are composed in the thesis. Chapter I is an introduction of the research background. Literature review consists of the researches at home and abroad. Chapter II starts from psychoanalysis and then introduces Fromm’s Neo-psychoanalysis. Human situation, human’s needs and the social character will be illustrated respectively. Chapter III mainly deals with text analysis. The grotesques in his stories will be analyzed according to Fromm’s theory. Chapter IV summarizes this paper, a conclusion will be made on psychological needs in one’s growth and development, and the value and its significance of love and the sane society will be highlighted. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Cui, Jing T1 - The Research on Characters in Martin Scorsese Films from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis [精神分析视野下的马丁•斯科塞斯电影人物研究], Master thesis, Film Studies, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 美国导演马丁•斯科塞斯非常善于挖掘人物的内心世界,并能抽丝剥茧般地刻画人物心理状态的变化过程。他对人物精神问题的始终关注与精妙剖析体现了对现代人生存状态极大的人文关怀。论文运用心理学范畴中的精神分析理论研究马丁•斯科塞斯电影中的人物形象,主要针对有精神困扰的人物进行论述。全篇围绕马丁•斯科塞斯电影中的主要人物及其精神问题展开。首先探究斯科塞斯在影片中塑造的有精神问题的人物形象类型及其精神问题的主要根源。运用弗洛伊德、霍妮、弗洛姆等人的理论对影片中人物精神问题的病因追根溯源。然后解读斯科塞斯如何运用各种电影叙事手法达到揭示人物精神问题的目的。分析影片中叙事母题的选择和叙事结构的运用,阐释斯科塞斯如何借助各种影像元素的辅助,加深对人物精神状态的呈现,以及他对人物造型、色彩和镜头等视觉要素的风格化运用。最后围绕斯科塞斯偏爱在影片中塑造有精神问题的人物这一特点,对其社会价值和审美价值进行了深入的挖掘。从社会学、美学和受众心理学等角度重新审视电影文本,考察斯科塞斯讲述的故事和塑造的人物背后潜藏的深刻寓意。论文力求在对马丁•斯科塞斯的研究方面获得一些有创造性的突破,并能为我国影视作品创造出更生动更立体化的人物形象提供一些启示。 N2 - The American director Martin Scorsese is good at digging the inner world of the characters, as well as unraveling the changing process of characterization mental state. The subtle analysis of people’s mental problems shows great humane care to modern Americans. The thesis is aimed to analyze and explore the characters in Martin Scorsese movies, using psychoanalytic theory in Psychology. It starts to discourse around the characters and their mental problems in Martin Scorsese films. Firstly, it explores what causes the mental problems of the characters using the theories of Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm and so on. Secondly, it interprets motif and structure in Film narratology. Then, it comes to the visual language of Martin’s films such as the contour of the characters, the color and the shots etc. At last, it investigates the profound meaning hidden behind the stories and characters in Martin’s films from the perspective of Sociology, Aesthetics and the Audience Psychology. The thesis seeks to get some creative breakthroughs in research of Martin Scorsese, and offers our own film and television industry some inspiration to create more vivid characters. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dai, Jiaxin T1 - The Dilemma of Modern Man's Freedom and His Way Out – Reading of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [现代人的自由困境及其出路——读弗洛姆的《逃避自由》] JF - Reform & Opening [改革与开放], No. 16 (2014), pp. 38-39. N2 - 弗洛姆在《逃避自由》一书中揭示出人的自由是一个递进的漫长过程,其包括从没有自由到获得自由和从消极自由到积极自由两个维度。现代人无可避免地遭遇着自由的困境:一方面现代社会使个人得以打破原有束缚而获得很大的自由,但同时这种自由也使个人尝受着精神层面的孤独与焦虑。为此,人们往往易于采取消极的逃避自由机制而以失败告终,真正走出自由困境的出路在于用爱心和劳动的自发性活动追求积极的自由,以实现对孤独的拯救和对自由的捍卫。 N2 - In >Escape from Freedom<, Fromm reveals that human freedom is a long and progressive process, which includes two dimensions: from no freedom to freedom and from negative freedom to positive freedom. Modern people are inevitably confronted with the dilemma of freedom: on the one hand, modern society enables individuals to break the old constraints and gain a great deal of freedom, but at the same time, this freedom also makes individuals suffer from spiritual loneliness and anxiety. The real way out of the dilemma of freedom lies in the pursuit of positive freedom through spontaneous activities of love and labor, in order to realize the salvation of loneliness and the defense of freedom. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Dai, Xinchi T1 - An Analysis of Alienation in >Jude the Obscure< [《无名的裘德》的异化分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2014 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 托马斯•哈代是一位出生于十九世纪、跨越两个世纪的英国小说家,其小说有很强的现实主义色彩和一些现代主义格调。这一点在他的最后一部小说《无名的裘德》中表现尤为突出。在该作品中,他强烈批判了维多利亚时期社会存在的种种弊端,包括在宗教、社会制度、习俗以及家庭婚姻等方面。通过描写这些社会现象,他揭示出人们所处的生活环境和精神状态。《无名的裘德》的创作背景是十九世纪末的社会转型时期,在新旧观念和制度的对比下,人们在身体和心理上都遭受了巨大的创伤和苦难。其中,异化是这部小说表现最为鲜明的主题。哈代利用其超前的思维、敏锐的眼光以及自身的经历,仔细观察和感受周围的人和事,其作品反映出可能会成为一种未来趋势的诸多异化现象。小说的出版在当时遭到教会等舆论抨击,但就今天而言,小说揭示出来的思想和异化主题仍具有很重要的现实意义,值得当代人和整个社会去深思。在《无名的裘德》中,哈代聚焦于维多利亚时期社会转变的大背景,一方面描写了处于下层社会的一些有志青年,他们富有前卫的想法,渴望通过自身努力和奋斗达成目标,从而摆脱所处的贫苦环境;另一方面又展现了像阿拉贝拉这样不求上进、随波逐流的人,他们顺应社会变化,以利益为导向过着一种肉欲的生活。可悲的是,没有任何一方能够顶住社会的改革大浪而不被摧毁,他们最后都度过了悲惨的人生。从哈代对他们事业、宗教、婚姻、家庭等方面的描写,可以很清晰地看到每个人与社会、与他人、甚至与自己的异化矛盾。小说中的男女主人公无时不处于灵与肉的搏斗之中,精神饱受折磨,异己的力量时刻控制着他们。本论文主要以异化主题为中心,借助马克思劳动异化理论、弗洛姆的心理异化理论以及文学异化观点,对《无名的裘德》进行细致分析和解读。本文主要由三部分组成,分别为导论、正文和结论。主要内容如下:第一部分为导论,对作者以及作品进行简要分析,概述本研究领域的国内外研究现状以及本论文的写作目的和意义。第二部分为正文,由三部分组成:第一章主要阐释异化概念的形成与发展以及产生异化现象的社会背景。通过梳理异化概念,展现出马克思和弗洛姆对于异化的不同理解,以及异化在文学领域的蕴含。此外,论文通过分析工业革命、达尔文进化论、女性主义以及宗教影响等社会因素,进一步解释异化产生的根源,为下文深入分析异化主题奠定理论基础。第二章主要从社会异化的角度出发,分析人物的异化现象。主要从两方面入手,一方面是社会归属感的丧失,另一方面从马克思理论出发,分析主人公在社会中的劳动异化现象。通过对人物社会异化现象的分析,可以看出当时社会给人们带来的痛苦和折磨,让人们体会到通过自己的努力却无法获得认可和成功的心酸,进一步揭露出社会和人之间所产生的不可调和的异化矛盾与冲突。第三章主要分析小说中不同人物之间的人际关系的异化现象。小说中人际关系的异化主要表现在三个方面:一是裘德与阿拉贝拉之间充满激情而无爱的婚姻关系,二是裘德与苏之间不正当的精神恋爱关系,三是裘德和费劳孙之间疏远的关系。通过三方面的比较和分析,展现出当时社会人与人之间疏远、隔膜和彼此孤立的主题,进而揭示文学上的异化主题。第四章主要分析小说中的自我异化现象。裘德从奋斗到走向异化的过程,苏从反抗到妥协的变化,以及小时光老人扭曲的人性,分别从不同的侧面反映出主人公们自我否定的异化过程。最后一部分是结论。本部分概括论文主要观点,点明主旨,并结合现实指出可能产生的异化现象,提出当下避免异化现象的建议,揭示出本论文研究的现实意义。 N2 - As one of the famous English novelists, Thomas Hardy, born in the19th century, has lived through two centuries. Therefore, his novels are filled with a strong sense of Realism and some elements of Modernism, especially in his creation of the last novel >Jude the Obscure<. In this novel, he strongly criticizes the drawbacks in religion, social institutions, social conventions and even in families and marriages of the Victorian Age. Since the novel was created in the transitional period of the late of the 19th century, the conflicts between the old thoughts and the new ones have rendered people great pains and sufferings physically and psychologically. Among them, the theme of alienation is extremely obvious. With his leading thought, keen eyes as well as his own personal experiences, Hardy keeps a careful observation on the people and their lives around him, which enables him to reflect the alienation of people and society. Although this novel was severely attacked by the churches and many people at that time when it was published, its meaning is profound in today’s society. The thoughts and the theme of alienation reflected in the novel have a very constructive meaning for today and call for contemporary people and society to meditate. - In Jude the Obscure, under the background of social transition in the Victorian Age, Hardy, on the one hand, describes a group of the lower class youth with ambitions. They have the ideas in pace with the times and want to achieve success through their own hard work so as to get rid of their poor living conditions. On the other hand, Hardy also presents a group of people like Arabella, who make no efforts to seek progress and always drift with the current. They are obedient to the changes of the society and lead a carnal life which is only guided by interests and passion. However, pathetically, neither side can resist the wave of the social reform and avoid being destroyed. They all lead a tragic life in the end. From the description of different perspectives in their careers, religious beliefs, marriage and families, it is clear to see the alienated contradictions of oneself with the society and other people. The hero and the heroine always remain in the state of the struggle between the flesh and the spirit and to be tortured by the two. In the end, there generates an alienated power to control themselves. This thesis mainly takes the alienation as a focus to make a careful analysis of Jude the Obscure, in light with the theory of Karl Marx’s alienation of labor, Erich Fromm’s alienation in psychology and the views of alienation in literature. - There are three parts in this thesis, which contains an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. Its main contents are as follows: The first part is introduction. It mainly centralizes the short intro-duction of the writer and the novel Jude the Obscure. Besides, it will make a summary on the re-search status home and abroad in order to present a better introduction to the thesis, as well as the writing purpose and meaning of the thesis. - The second part is the main body, which is made up of three chapters: Chapter One tries to explain the development and background of alienation. Through the analysis of its development, the author tries to present Karl Marx and Erich Fromm’s different understandings on the alienated theme and the concept of alienation in literature. Besides, with the backgrounds of industrious revolution, evolutionary theory, feminism and the influence of religion, the thesis will further account for the roots for the generation of the alienation and lays the foundation for a better understanding of the theme.– Chapter Two mainly deals with the alienation arising from the society. It will analyze from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the loss of belonging. On the other hand, it concerns the reflection of the alienated labor in the novel. Through the analysis of the characters’ social alienation, it shows clearly that the great pains and sufferings have been brought to people by the society and people’s sad feelings on their failures despite of hard works, which further expose the irreconcilable alienated contradictions and conflicts between people and society.– Chapter Three concentrates on the interpersonal relationships, which contains the passion without love between Jude and Arabella, spiritual but illicit love between Jude and Sue and the estranged relationship between Jude and Philloston. Through the analysis and contrasts between them, it tries to reveal the estrangement between people, the lack of mutual understanding and the isolation from others in order to reflect the concepts of literary alienation.– Chapter Four focuses on the self-alienation of the characters, which consists of Jude’s struggle against alienation, Sue’s resistance to compromise and the distorted humanity of the Little Time Father. It aims to reflect the alienated process of their self-denial and self-destruction from different perspectives. - The last part is conclusion, which makes a conclusion of the previous chapters through the summary of each character so as to illustrate the subject of the thesis. In addition, it will describe some possible alienated phenomena generated from our daily life and put forward some suggestions to avoid the alienation. In conclusion, the analysis of the theme of alienation has its important realistic meaning. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - David-West, Alzo T1 - Erich Fromm and North Korea: Social Psychology and the Political Regime JF - Critical Sociology, Vol. 40, No. 4, July 2014, pp. 575-600. N2 - This paper addresses the problem of social psychology and the political regime in North Korea through the sociopsychological theory of humanist psychoanalyst Erich Fromm. Since humanist psychoanalysis has not been systematically applied in academic discussion on North Korean politics and society, the author outlines Fromm’s neo-Marxist/neo-Freudian perspective in conjunction with observations on eroding totalitarianism and patricentrism, group narcissism and anxiety, official ideology, internalized authority and women, the revolutionary façade, and dream analysis as a relevant component of a social psychology of North Korea. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Demm, Eberhard T1 - Alfred Weber: ›Der Beamte‹ (1910) JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 377-390. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Desai, Miraj U. T1 - Travel as Qualitative Method: Travel in Psychology’s History and in Medard Boss’ Sojourn to India JF - Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 54, No. 4 (2014), pp. 494-507. [Online ISSN 1552-650X] [doi.org/10.1177/0022167813517942] N2 - This article details the history, possibility, limits, and ethics of cross-cultural travel as a qualitative method in psychology. The article provides a brief overview of the ambiguous relationship between psychology and culture and develops an account of the history of travel methods in psychology. It then analyzes an exemplary case of travel research involving Medard Boss’ sojourn to India and his encounters with Indian sages. This article argues that the history of psychology is, in many ways, a history of the exiled, the dispossessed, and the traveler (e.g., Freud, Fromm, Fanon, Jahoda, Rogers, Jung, and others). The article concludes with reflections on using travel methods in an increasingly globalized world and in an ecologically sensitive way. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Du, Zhongbin T1 - Give Children nothing but Love [给孩子完整的爱] JF - Journal of Educational Development (Second Half)[教育导刊(下半月)], No. 6 (2014), p. 75. N2 - 弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》一书中提出,成熟的人既同母亲的良知又同父亲的良知生活在一起,如果一个人只有母亲的良知,那他就有失去自我判断力的危险,就会阻碍自己和他人的发展。只有父爱与母爱相结合,才能帮助儿童形成完整的人格。实际上,诸如《爸爸去哪儿》这类亲子秀节目之所以能够热播,是因为它让我们感受到了父亲在孩子成长过程中的重要意义,并让我们开始来反思自己的亲子教育行为:在养育和抚育孩子的过程中,我们是否做到了给予孩子完整的 N2 - Fromm in >The Art of Loving< a book made, mature person with both conscience and mother living together with his father's conscience, if a person only when the mother's conscience, then he danger of losing self-judgment, it will hinder the development of themselves and others. Only the combination of fatherly and motherly love, to help children form a complete personality. In fact, such as >Where is the father< of such a program has been able to hit parenting show, because it allows us to feel the importance of fathers in children's growth process, and let us begin to reflect on their parenting behavior: in parenting and raising children in the process, we do give them complete. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Duan, Yuanwei T1 - >Juvenile Sea Myers< – Analysis of Alienation in Myers' Character [《少年迈尔斯的海》中迈尔斯的性格异化分析] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 20 (2014), pp. 88-89. N2 - 社会学家埃里希.弗洛姆认为社会性格发展不健全可能导致人性扭曲,而人性的异化含义指的是转让、疏远、异己、脱离。G.彼得洛维奇《哲学百科全书》中解释其通俗意义为:>异化是一种使人和物同他人或他物相疏远的行为,或者行为的结果<。美国记者吉姆.林奇的小说《少年迈尔斯的海》的主人公迈尔斯的成长经历正是与社会>异化<的典型代表。本文通过对少年迈尔斯的性格和经历的事件进行分析,力图展现其与社会异化,与他人异化,与自我异化的特征和成因。 N2 - Sociologist Erich. Fromm believes social character development could lead to distortion of human nature is not perfect, and the meaning of human alienation refers to the transfer, alienation, alien, detachment. G. Peter Pavlovic >Encyclopedia of Philosophy< in the common sense to explain: >Alienation is a people and objects with others or something else with alienating behavior, or the results of behavior.< US reporter Jim Lynch's novel >Juvenile Sea Myers< is the protagonist Myers upbringing and society >alienation< typical. Based on the juvenile Myers personality and experience to analyze events, trying to show their social alienation, alienation and others, characteristics and causes of self-alienation. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Durkin, Kieran T1 - The Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm, New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, 250 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Engel, Amir T1 - Gershom Scholems >Kabbala und Mythos< jenseits deutsch-jüdischer Romantik JF - G. Necker, E. Morlok, M. Morgenstern, 2014: Gershom Sholem in Deutschland. Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2014, pp. 203-217. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fan, Chenglan T1 - Fromm’s Consumer Alienation Theory and Its Significance [弗洛姆的消费异化理论及其现实意义] JF - Theoretic Observation [理论观察], No 7 (2014), pp. 54-55. N2 - 弗洛姆在《健全的社会》中集中论述消费异化,他认为现代资本主义社会是一个消费异化的社会,人与物品失去了真实的直接的联系,走向抽象化;消费由手段变成了目的,人被消费所统治,失去了主动性和创造性。弗洛姆首先阐述了异化和消费异化的思想;其次,他对消费异化造成的结果进行了深刻的批判,并在此基础上提出了克服异化的途径,他的消费异化理论在当今仍具有现实意义,为我国解决现实中存在的消费问题提供了借鉴。 N2 - Fromm focuses on consumption alienation in the >healthy society<, he argues that modern capitalist society is a society of consumer alienation, human and goods lost real direct link to abstract; consumption by means to become an end, people were ruled by the consumer, lost the initiative and creativity. Fromm first elaborated the idea of alienation and consumer alienation; secondly, the result of his alienation caused by the consumption of a profound critique, and on this basis, propose ways to overcome alienation, his theory of alienation in today's consumer still has a reality significance for China to solve the real problems that exist in the consumer to provide a reference. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fang, Xingfu T1 - The Filtered Clones: An Analysis of the Character and Fate of the Clones in >Never Let Me Go< [被过滤的克隆人—《千万别丢下我》人物性格及命运解析] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究], No. 2 (2014), pp. 104-111. N2 - 石黑一雄的《千万别离开我》自2005年出版以来,受到评论家的青睐,但对作品中人物为何不具任何反抗意识的质疑也得到很多人的共鸣。运用当代美国思想家埃里克?弗洛姆的社会性格和社会无意识理论,能较深入地解析作品中的人物,并对这一质疑做一种新的解答:人类根据需要,运用语言、逻辑学和社会禁忌等社会过滤器,在社会化过程中培育科技空间里的产品——克隆人的社会性格和社会无意识,导致他们逆来顺受,毫无怨言地接受人类对他们重要身体器官的攫取和凄惨命运的安排。 N2 - Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel >Never Let Me Go< has gained popularity among critics since its first publication in 2005. It is questioned as well by some critics because of the characters’ lack of rebellious consciousness in the novel. The theory of social character and social unconscious put forward by Erich Fromm can meet the need to find a new answer to the question: For the sake of their own purpose, human beings shape in the process of socialization, with the help of social filter consisting of language, logic and social taboos, the clones living in the techno-space, which leads to clones’ obedience to >donating< their key body organs and their tortured miserable fate arranged by human. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Fang, Xingfu T1 - Huanxiang bi’an de jiushu: Fu luo mu ren xue sixiang yu wenxue 幻想 彼岸的救赎:弗洛姆人学思想与文学 [Salvation behind Illusion – On the Hominology of Erich Fromm and Literature], Beijing: Zhongyang bianyi chuban she 中央编译出版社 [Central Compilation and Trans¬lation Publishing House [application of Fromm's theories to art] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Feng, Chun-na T1 - On Fromm’s Mature >Love< and Its Practical Significance for Students [论弗洛姆成熟的>爱<的思想及其对大学生的现实意义] JF - Theoretic Observation [理论观察], No. 8 (2014), pp. 54-55. N2 - 在弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》中,弗洛姆指出爱是一门艺术,也需要具体的学习。爱,是对人类生存问题的基本回答,是拥有成熟性人格的人的一种能力。爱的本质是>给予<,爱的具体内容包括关心、责任、尊重和了解等要素。在当今社会,大学生的爱情观产生了严重的异化,所以爱情最终以失败告终。本文通过对弗洛姆《爱的艺术》的分析,针对现代人,尤其是大学生存在的爱情观异化的表现,探究爱的真谛,引导大学生树立正确的爱情观,从而更好地促进我国社会主义社会的道德建设和社会主义和谐社会的顺利实现。 N2 - In Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, Fromm states that love is an art and that it requires specific study. Love is the basic answer to the question of >human existence<, the specific content of love, including care, responsibility, respect and understanding and other elements. In today's society, college students' view of love has been seriously alienated, so love eventually ends in failure. Through the analysis of Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, this paper explores the true meaning of love and guides college students to establish a correct view of love, so as to better promote the moral construction of China's socialist society and the smooth realization of a harmonious socialist society. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Feng, Chun-na T1 - On Fromm's Escape from Freedom Thought [论弗洛姆逃避自由的思想] JF - Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science Chinese Edition) [赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社 会科学版], No. 10 (2014), pp. 105-107. N2 - 弗洛姆的《逃避自由》一书,是以分析法西斯主义得以产生的心理基础为目的的,但其关于资本主义社会条件下人的精神困境以及如何摆脱这种困境的分析,特别是对自由的含义及逃避自由的全面分析,对处于市场经济条件下的现代人的精神困境的理解及其克服途径具有一定的启发意义。 N2 - Fromm's book, >Escape from Freedom< aims to analyze the psychological basis on which fascism emerged, but its analysis of the mental dilemma of human beings under the conditions of capitalist society and how to escape from it, in particular its comprehensive analysis of the meaning of freedom and escape from it, is of some enlightening significance to the understanding of the mental dilemma of modern human beings under the conditions of a market economy and the ways to overcome it. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Freytag, Carl T1 - ›Alle Gehalte des Marxismus heideibergisch verfehlt...‹ Der Philosoph und Nationalökonom Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1899-1990) in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 321-332. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fromms, Ērihs T1 - Bēgšana no brīvības (chapter 7 and appendix) Latvian by Andžela Šuvajeva JF - I. Suvajevs (Ed.), Begsana no brivibas? Erihs Fromms un Latjija, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, pp. 159-196. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Funks, Rainers T1 - Ēriha Fromma aktualitāte. Filosofijas lekcijas Riga, Riga (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology) 2014, 62 pp. N2 - Izmantojot Fromma izstrādnes, kļūst iespējams nošķirt arī iedomātās un faktiskās vērtības. Iedomātās vērtības var gūt racionalizēšanas ceļā, kaut gan pastāvošās, faktiskās vērtības liecina par kaut ko citu. Fromms piedāvā šādas principā nedzīvošanas, proti, nebūšanas aprakstu (459): >Tagadējais vidējais cilvēks pats gandrīz vai nedomā. Viņš atceras tikai datus, kas viņam sniegti skolā un masu medijos. Balstoties uz paša novērojumiem un domāšanu, viņš praktiski neko nezina no tā, ko viņš zina. Arī priekšmetu izmantošana gandrīz neprasa paša domāšanu un speciālās zināšanas. Dažas ierīces, piemēram, telefons, neparedz nekādu prasmi un piepūli. Cita priekšmeta, piemēram, automašīnas, izmantošana paredz mācīšanos tikai sākumā. Kolīdz tas kļuvis par rutīnu, vajadzīga tikai ļoti niecīga personiskā piepūle un speciālas zināšanas. Pat izglītoti mūsdienu cilvēki ļoti maz domā par reliģiskām, filosofiskām problēmām un pat nedomā par politiskām problēmām. Lielākoties viņi no politiskām un reliģiskām grāmatām un oratoriem tikai pārņem daudzkārt piedāvātās klišejas, nevis nonāk pie secinājumiem, kas ir darbīgas un dzīlēs ietiecošas pašu domāšanas rezultāts. Viņi labprātāk izvēlas tās klišejas, kas vairāk atbilst viņu pašu raksturam un viņu pašu sociālajai šķirai.< Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gao, Caihong T1 - A Comparative Study of Marx’s Alienation and Fromm’s Alienation [马克思与弗洛姆异化思想的比较研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China 2014. N2 - 马克思和弗洛姆分别是19世纪和20世纪对异化问题有深入研究的哲学家。马克思置身于手工制造业为主要社会生产方式的时代背景,看到的是高强度劳作对工人体能的摧残,因此他关注是人的劳动异化,并以此作为其异化理论的切入点;而弗洛姆所处的时代是机器大工业生产时代,那时机器相对解放了人的双手,但人的精神却日益空洞和贫乏,因此弗洛姆关注的是人的心理异化,并以此作为其异化理论的切入点构建其异化体系。马克思和弗洛姆分别从不同视角对异化问题进行了研究,马克思倾向从历史实践的角度,对异化问题进行外在性考察;弗洛姆倾向从心理体验层面,对异化问题进行内在性反思。一个向外考察,一个向内反思,基本涵盖了人类生存所面临的两个主要层面,这可谓相辅相承,互为补充。因此,重新对两人思想进行比较研究是十分具有理论意义和现实价值的。本文通过比较马克思和弗洛姆异化思想的前提、切入点及内涵的异同,尝试从两人扬弃异化的途径中挖掘出对我国当代建设具有启示性价值的思想。 N2 - [Karl Marx who lived in the 19th century and Erich Fromm who lived in the20th century both were the great philosophers who had deep study of alienation. In Marx’s period, handicraft manufacturing was the main mode of social production. He found out that the high-intensity physical labor was devastat-ing the workers, so his main concern was alienation of human labor and he took it as starting point of interpretation for his alienation theory. Erich Fromm lived in the era of the20th century which is a modern industrial society. During that time, machinery industrial production is the main mode of production which relatively liberated the workers’ hands but the human spirit was becoming empty and poor. So his main concern was human psychological alienation and he took it as a breaking point to build the entire system of alienation theory.– Marx and Fromm took different perspectives on the issue of alienation. Marx tended to study the alienation from a perspective of historical practice and inspect the issue outside; Fromm tended to study the alienation from a psychological perspective and think about the issue inside. Both of their alienation theories cover the two main aspects that human existence is facing and mutually complementary. Therefore, the studies and comparisons based on the two alienation theories again have great theoretical significance and practical value. In this paper, by comparing the premise, starting points and connotations of their alienation theories, we try to find out some revelatory and valuable ideas for contemporary building in our country from the way they sublate the alienation. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gao, Lu T1 - New Exploration on Marx’s Theory of >Whole Person< [马克思>完整的人<理论新探], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2014. N2 - 追溯历史长河,>人<的发展始终是各派哲学探索的重要内容。自人类诞生以来,随着社会历史的不断发展,人对自身发展的渴求不断增强。与此同时,哲学家们为实现人的合理存在价值而不断探索>完整的人<的积极涵义。马克思一生始终关注人的现实生存及人的理想发展问题,其哲学中蕴涵着丰富的人学宝藏。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,他首次提出>完整的人<理论以及>人的全面发展<思想,在马克思主义思想体系中占有极其重要的地位,对解决当今社会人的发展问题具有跨时代的指导意义。本文以>完整的人<为理论基线,以其概念提出的历史语境、影响、理想与现实终极目标及人的自由全面发展为主要内容,遵循逻辑与历史相统一、理论与现实相结合的原则展开研究。通过对相关历史语境进行阐述,以四个历史阶段为代表,捋顺人的追求的发展脉络,为马克思>完整的人<理论研究进行铺垫。针对>完整的人<概念的提出和基本内容做概括论述,其中以法兰克福学派代表人物马尔库塞、弗洛姆,以及存在主义代表人物萨特哲学中的人学思想,与马克思>完整的人<理论对比解读,更清晰、明确马克思>完整的人<概念。最后试图对马克思>完整的人<的理想与现实进行分析研究,从>异化<、>共产主义>、>实践<三方面着手,探索马克思提出人成为>完整的人<的理论路径,即从>完整的人<理论理想的提出到它走向现实的整个过程,围绕人与自然、人与社会、人与自身间的关系来讨论马克思>完整的人<的终极目标即人的自由全面发展。马克思>完整的人<理论从其早期觉醒到概念的形成、相关学派的解读、最后到其独特体系的形成及与现实的关系,是一条浑然天成的人类发展道路的科学哲学解说。它强调人的全面、完整发展,反对人的片面、畸形、异化发展。马克思>完整的人<理论的全新探索,无疑对现代社会人的全面发展有重要的理论意义与现实价值。 N2 - The development of human being has been the focus of various philosophical schools in the long course of history. With the development of social history, human beings’ desire of their own development is becoming more and more intense. Meantime, philosophers constantly explore the positive meaning of >whole person< in order to achieve human beings’ reasonable existence value. Marx spent his whole life focusing on the realistic survival and idealistic development of human beings, which contains considerable human treasure in philosophy. He initially presented the theory of >whole person< and idea of the overall development of human beings, which plays an important role in Marxist ideology. It also works as a guidance to deal with the development of human being nowadays. This thesis presents the historical context, influence, ideal and realistic ultimate goal as well as the overall development of human beings as its main content based on the theory of >whole person<. It also follows the principle of the unity of logic and history and the combination of theory and reality. - The first part is the relative historical background. It studies the development of human pursuit four historical stages and paves the way for studying theory of Marx’s >whole person<.– The second part elaborates the relative conception and its influence. It presents the proposal of the concept of >whole person<, the author contrasts it with the thoughts of Marcuse and Fromm in the Frankfurt School and the Sartre’s thought of human in the Existentialism.– The third part is the core of the thesis. It analyzes the idealistic and realistic of Marx’s theory of >whole person<. Starting from three aspects, namely alienation, Communism and practice, it discusses the theoretical path to becoming the >whole person<, i.e. the whole process from the idealistic proposal of >whole person< to its coming true. The ultimate goal of Marx’s >whole person< is to achieve the overall development of human beings. The theory of Marx’s >whole person< is a scientific philosophical explanation in the way of human development from its early stage to the formation of the concept and from the explanation of the relative school to the formation of its unique system and its relationship with reality. It emphasizes the overall and complete development of human beings and side against the one-sided, deformed and alienated development of human beings. There is no doubt that Marx’s new exploration to the theory of >whole person< is an important idealistic value and realistic guidance to the development of human beings in the future. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gao, Qun T1 - The Alienation of Characters in Donald Barthelme’s >Snow White< [《白雪公主后传》中人物的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Qufu Normal University, Qufu and Rizhao, Shandong, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆是20世纪美国著名的后现代主义作家,在其写作生涯中创作大量的小说。他的小说描写许多畸形变态、丧失人格的人物,揭露当代社会问题,笔锋触及当代资本主义社会的核心问题:人的异化。作为巴塞尔姆的代表作,《白雪公主后传》戏仿经典格林童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》,其中的人物都不同程度发生了异化。这部小说深受读者和文学评论家青睐,前期研究主要从后现代特征、女性主义等角度对其进行分析,但很少有研究分析小说中人物的异化,并探究异化产生的原因。本论文运用美国当代著名精神分析学家、西方马克思主义法兰克福学派重要代表人物埃里希•弗洛姆的相关异化观点,论述巴塞尔姆的小说《白雪公主后传》中人的自我异化,人与人之间的异化以及人与社会的异化,并探索造成小说中人物异化的原因。弗洛姆继承发展弗洛伊德和马克思的相关理论,对当代资本主义社会的异化做了新的诠释。他认为,异化是人们的一种心理体验,是人类发展过程中不可避免的现象,其根源主要在于人存在的两歧性、人的逃避自由心理机制和人的社会性格。本论文共分为六章。第一章简要介绍唐纳德•巴塞尔姆的主要人生经历和《白雪公主后传》的主要内容,并论述本文的研究背景和目的。第二章为文献综述和理论基础。文献综述回顾国内外对《白雪公主后传》的研究和评价。理论基础部分介绍异化概念的发展历程及弗洛姆的有关异化的观点。通过分析发现异化主要体现为人的异化,即人的自我异化,人与人的异化以及人与社会的异化,这与巴塞尔姆在《白雪公主后传》中表现的人物异化一致。第三章通过弗洛姆有关人存在的两歧性的观点主要探讨小说中人物的自我异化,指出人类存在所固有的矛盾是人的自我异化的内在原因。本章主要通过分析白雪公主、保罗、七个矮人的性格特点,得出他们的自我异化是由自身的生存两歧性造成的。通过这一角度的分析论述,有助于深入了解人的自我异化的根源,并为理解人类社会发展过程中人的异化找到了新的突破点。第四章通过弗洛姆有关人在逃避自由时的心理机制的重点分析人物之间的异化,探讨人与人之间异化产生的根源。本章从家庭成员、朋友和其他人物三方面揭露人与人之间的异化。《白雪公主后传》中家庭成员之间的异化主要体现在白雪公主与七个矮人之间缺少相互关爱和信任,朋友之间的异化体现在保罗与七个矮人以及简与白雪公主之间复杂扭曲的友情。人们之间的异化主要是由人在逃避自由时产生的虐待、受虐、破坏和迎合的心理倾向导致的。运用逃避自由的心理机制来分析人物之间的异化,更进一步拓展了探索人类异化根源的方法和依据。第五章从弗洛姆的社会性格概念出发,主要分析人与社会的异化,深入剖析人与社会异化的原因。本章主要通过论述人与社会机构的关系:白雪公主与学校、比尔与法院、总统与国家制度之间的异化,指出社会机构缺乏社会和道德责任感,得出人的社会性格和资本主义制度的社会背景造成了人与社会之间关系的异化。通过对当代资本主义社会性格和社会背景来分析小说中人的社会异化,为全面把握人的异化的原因提供了借鉴,有助于我们更好地了解人类社会发展过程中的问题,预防人类异化的产生,使社会健康发展。第六章是论文的结论部分。首先,总结《白雪公主后传》中的人物的异化及其产生的原因,强调运用弗洛姆的相关理论对该小说进行解读的意义。其次,指出本论文的不足,由于学术水平和资料有限,本研究尚不够系统深入,有待完善。最后,展望今后的研究趋势。 N2 - Donald Barthelme is a distinguished American postmodernist in the 20thcentury, who creates lots of novels in his whole life. His novels depict a number of abnormal figures who lose personality and reveal contemporary social problems. His mighty pen has touched upon the essential problem of the contemporary capitalist society: human alienation. As Barthelme’s representative work, >Snow White< is a parody of the classical fairy tale of >Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs< by Grimm. Characters in Barthelme’s >Snow White< are alienated in some degree. This novel is highly praised by readers and literary critics, and the former studies, however, mainly analyze it from views of postmodern features, feminism, etc. While, there are few studies on people’s alienation in the novel and the causes behind the alienation. This thesis tends to apply the related views on alienation of Erich Fromm who is a famous American psychoanalyst and an important representative of the Frankfurt School of Western Marxism, discusses the characters’ >self-alienation<, >interpersonal alienation< and >social alienation< in >Snow White<, and probes into the causes of the alienation. Fromm inherits and develops related theory of Freud and Marx, and expounds the alienation in the contemporary capitalist society. He believes that alienation is a mode of psychological experiment, and it is inevitable during the process of human development, and the roots of alienation mainly lie in human nature’s discrepancy, people’s psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom and the social character of people. This thesis is divided into six chapters. - Chapter One chiefly introduces Donald Barthelme’s life experience and the main content of his >Snow White<, and illustrates the background and purpose of the study. Chapter Two is about literature review and theoretical basis. Literature review refers to studies and criticism on >Snow White< at home and abroad. The part of theoretical basis mainly expounds the origin and development of the concept of alienation, and generalizes Fromm’s view on alienation. This chapter points that the alienation is chiefly embodied in human alienation which includes people’s self-alienation, interpersonal alienation and social alienation, and this agrees with the alienation of characters reflected in >Snow White<. - Chapter Three mainly explores self-alienation of the main characters in >Snow White< according to Fromm’s opinion of human nature’s discrepancy, and concludes that human’s inherent contradictions are the internal causes of people’s self-alienation. This chapter mainly analyzes the natures and features of >Snow White, Paul and the Seven Dwarfs< and points that the self-alienation of the characters are leaded to by their discrepancy of existence. Analyzing from this aspect helps make clear the roots of human alienation and discover a new way to understand the human alienation during the process of human development. - Chapter Four mainly analyzes interpersonal alienation among characters based on Fromm’s view on psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom, and explores the causes of the alienation. This chapter discloses the interpersonal alienation among family members, friends and other characters. The alienation in the family is reflected in that there is no mutual care and trust and the alienation among friends is mainly embodied in the complicated and distorted relationship between Paul and Seven Dwarves, Jane and Snow White. Finally, this chapter indicates that the interpersonal alienation is brought about by the psychological tendencies of abuse, abused, destructiveness and automaton conformity. It provides evidence for further exploration of the causes of human alienation by means of the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom. - Chapter Five principally analyzes the social alienation of the characters from Fromm’s concept of >Social Character< deeply analyze the causes of people’s social alienation. This chapter chiefly illustrates the relationship between characters and social institutions: Snow White and school, Bill and court, and the President and national system, figures out that the social institutions are devoid of social responsibility and sense of morality. And this chapter arrives at that the unproductive social character of people and the social background of capitalist system are the main causes of the alienation. Analyzing people’s social alienation from this aspect offers reference for fully understanding the causes of human alienation, and in the meanwhile, it is beneficial to better understand the development of human society in order to build a sound society. - Chapter Six is conclusion of the thesis. Firstly, it summarizes the alienation of the characters in >Snow White< and the causes of the alienation, stresses the significance of analyzing this novel through Fromm’s related theory. Secondly, this chapter points out that there are limitations of this study because of academic depth and limited materials, this study is not systemic or profound enough and it needs improvement. At last, there are predictions of the trend of further study. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goncharuk, E. A. T1 - Э. Фромм и Ж.-П. Сартр о мазохизме: сравнительныи анализ [Erich Fromm and Jean-Paul Sartre about Masochism: Comparative Analysis] JF - Психолог [Psychologist], No. 4 (2014), pp. 74-95. N2 - В статье предпринят сравнительный анализ феномена мазохизма у неофрейдиста Э. Фромма и экзистенциалиста Ж.-П. Сартра. Показано, что Фрейд усматривал корни мазохизма в тайнах детского психосексуального развития. Фромм как представитель неофрейдизма предпринял попытку радикально изменить этот диагноз. Он пришёл к убеждению, что феномен садизма и мазохизма не столько психоаналитический, сколько социальный феномен. Люди становятся заложниками этого невротического состояния в результате воспитания, социализации и реализации межличностных отношений. Власть растлевает людей. Она заставляет многих стремиться к властолюбию, а других обрекает на унижение и подчиненность. Принципиально другой взгляд развивает Сартр. Он полагает, что мазохизм не столько социальный, сколько антропологический феномен. Власть не может принудить личность к жестокости или подчинению, если это не совпадает с ее экзистенциальным выбором. Сартр создает свою концепцию мазохизма в полемике с Симоной Бовуар, с которой его связывали любовные отношения. Автор использует методы исторической реконструкции проблемы. Это позволяет показать, что мазохизм имеет исторические аспекты. На разных этапах складывались разные версии истоков мазохизма. В статье применены также методы философского постижения человека. Таким образом, феноменология социальности замещается в статье экзистенциальным мышлением. Новизна статьи в том, что проблема мазохизма не сводится только к психологическому аспекту. Впервые в отечественной литературе в историческом аспекте сопоставляются взгляды Фрейд, Фромма и Сартра. В результате показано, что от этапа к этапу осмысление данного феномена становится все более развернутым, ясным и теоретически продуктивным. Экзистенциальная экспертиза характеризуется как наиболее состоятельная. N2 - In article the comparative analysis of a phenomenon of masochism at the neofreudian E. Fromm and the existentialist J.-P. Sartre is undertaken. It is shown that Freud saw masochism roots in secrets of children's psychosexual development. Fromm as the representative of a neofreydizm made an attempt considerably to change this diagnosis. He came to the conclusion that a phenomenon of a sadism and masochism not so much psychoanalytic, how many a social phenomenon. People become hostages of this neurotic state as a result of education, socialization and realization of the interpersonal relations. The power corrupts people. She forces many to seek for love of power, and others dooms to humiliation and subordination. Essentially other look is developed by Sartre. He believes that masochism not so much social, how many an anthropological phenomenon. The power can't force the personality to cruelty or submission if it doesn't coincide with its existential choice. Sartre creates the concept of masochism in polemic with Simona Beauvoir with whom it was connected by the love relations. The author uses methods of historical reconstruction of a problem. It allows to show that masochism has historical aspects. At different stages there were different versions of sources of masochism. In article also methods of philosophical comprehension of the person are applied. Thus, the phenomenology of a sociality is replaced in article with existential thinking. Novelty of article that the problem of masochism isn't reduced only to psychological aspect. For the first time in domestic literature in historical aspect views Freud, Fromm and Sartre are compared. It is as a result shown that from a stage to a stage the judgment of this phenomenon becomes more and more developed, clear and theoretically productive. Existential examination is characterized as the most well-founded. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Graybow, Scott T1 - Putting social theory into clinical practice: Incorporating Fromm's theory of 'social character' into a traditional psychodynamic treatment JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 33-39. N2 - This paper explores the possibility that consideration of Fromm's social character is relevant not only to an improved understanding of the collective unconscious of an entire community, but also to the clinical practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy with individuals. In doing so it attempts to extend Fromm's ideas about the intersectionality of psychoanalysis and sociology beyond the realm of social theory. The paper centers around the description of the psychodynamic treatment of an adult female whose psychological problems are thought to be partly the result of her social character, which was internalized during her formative years but whose impact remains apparent in light of her choice of ego defenses and general way of relating to and understanding the world. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - e18/2014e Y1 - 2014 VL - e18/2014e ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Groddeck, Georg T1 - Ketzereien. Schriften zum Arzten und zur Medizin 1889–1908, ed. by Michael Giefer and Beate Schuh (= Groddeck Werke, im Auftrag der Georg Groddeck-Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main (Stroemfeld / Roter Stern) 2014. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Groddeck, Georg T1 - Nasamecu. Der gesunde und kranke Mensch gemeinverständlich dargestellt, ed. by Michael Giefer and Beate Schuh (= Groddeck Werke, im Auftrag der Georg Groddeck-Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main (Stroemfeld / Roter Stern) 2014. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gunderson, Ryan T1 - The First-generation Frankfurt School on the Animal Question. Foundations for a Normative Sociological Animal Studies JF - Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 57 (No. 3, September 2014), pp. 285-300. N2 - Well before the now flourishing field of animal studies, the thinkers associated with Frankfurt, Germany’s Institute of Social Research theorized and problematized society’s troubling relationship with animals. Early critical theory explored the various manifestations of >unrelenting exploitation< animals have experienced in human societies and maintained that the domination of animals is intimately linked to the domination of human beings, especially of women and racial and ethnic minorities. They criticized Western thought for instrumentalist attitudes toward animals and were committed to extending compassion to animals. Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse mount four challenges to sociologists today: (1) to unmask the shared forms of domination experienced by both animals and marginalized human beings, (2) for environmental sociologists to make animals a principle subject of investigation, (3) for sociological animal studies scholars to engage with philosophy, and (4) to adopt a critical and normative sociological perspective when studying human–animal relations. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gunderson, Ryan T1 - Social barriers to biophilia: Merging structural and ideational explanations for environmental degradation JF - The Social Science Journal, Vol. 51, No. 4 (2014), pp. 681-685. [Online ISSN: 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2014.06.002] N2 - Erich Fromm argues that the only reliable way to solve the environmental crisis is to alter current social formations in a way in which biophilia can flourish, so humankind can solve its existential dichotomy as well as meet survival needs in an ecologically sound way. However, society's preoccupation with the non-alive-elements such as technique, the mechanical, gadgets, and commodities – shows that the modern social character is far from biophilous. Instead, modern societies are inherently ecologically destructive due to systematic processes and attraction to its progress is a less acute form of, what Fromm terms, necrophilia. His insights can help formulate a social theory of environmental degradation that includes structural and ideational variables. Prescriptively, this means appeals for value changes must correspond with fitting appeals for structural changes in social systems. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guo, Kejing T1 - Social Media Users' Self-positioning Research [社会化媒体用户的>自我定位<研究] N2 - 社会化媒体是被世界各国都极为重视的新媒体形态。美国总统奥巴马在大选的过程中对社会化媒体的运用,证明了社会化媒体已成功改变人类关注世界的习惯。本文从社会化媒体用户互动行为中的>关注模式<和>对话模式<入手,并结合精神分析心理学家艾里希•弗洛姆提出的定位坐标系需求,对以微博为代表的六类用户深入研究,分析用户如何利用社会化媒体进行>自我定位<。 N2 - Social media is a very important country in the world of new media forms. US President Barack Obama's use of social media during the election proved that social media has been successfully used to change the world of human concern. From the social media user interaction behavior >concern Mode< and >dialogue model< to start, combined with location coordinates psychoanalytic psychologist Erich Fromm demands made of micro-Bo as the representative of six class of users in-depth study to analyze how users use social media >self-orientation.< [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Harris, Adrienne T1 - Review Friedman, L. J.: The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love's Prophet JF - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 62 (No. 3, 2014), pp. 503-519. [doi: 10.1177/0003065114536613] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - He, Linan T1 - Road to Freedom – Understanding of >Saturday Night and Sunday Morning< with Fromm’s Freedom Concept [自由之路 - 弗洛姆自由观下的《星期六的晚上和星期天的早上》之解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Autonomous Inner Mongolia Region, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 本文将以阿兰•西利托小说《星期六的晚上和星期天的早晨》为例,对20世纪英国50年代的工人阶级青年人在追求自由的过程中遭遇的困境做出系统的分析,并试图找到他们追求积极自由的可行性道路。本文以埃利•希弗洛姆关于人性的精神分析理论以及主人公亚瑟的精神转变为参照,试图对亚瑟—《星期六的晚上和星期日的早上》的主人公,同时也是愤怒的青年的代表人物所追寻的自由进行分析。首先试图对主人公亚瑟在追求激进自由,也就是消极自由时所表现出来的叛逆行为和散漫的生活以及由其追求的消极自由所带来的异化进行分析,进而揭示其偏激自由观的本质。在这一阶段,本论文试图从亚瑟对社会制度和传统道德的反叛行为入手进而得出亚瑟对过激自由的执着追求是受到了社会压力,工人阶级的生活压力以及本人的不健全性格等多重合力的影响而造成的结果。从以上的论述和分析中我们可以得出结论,亚瑟所奉行的偏激自由思想正如弗洛姆在其理论中描绘的所谓>消极自由<,这种自由在表面上似乎带给了他无尽享受与轻松,但实质上带给他更多的空虚与孤独。因此,任何只求轻松而逃避责任并力图疏离于人际纽带之外的偏激自由都是消极自由。与消极自由不同的是,积极自由可以带给人们一种真正的自我和归属感。因而只有通过回归真实的生活,勇于担当,构筑起人与人之间的和谐纽带,现代人才有可能踏上通往追求真正的自由之路 N2 - Taking Alan Sillitoe’s first novel Saturday Night and Sunday Morning as a case, this thesis aims to make a more systematic exploration of the dilemma caught by the young men from the working class in pursuing freedom in the1950s in Britain and to explore practicable approaches to the pursuit of their >positive freedom<. Specifically, based on a detailed study of the protagonist Arthur’s spiritual evolution, and from the perspective of Erich Fromm’s psychoanalytic theory of freedom, the present thesis attempts to analyze the freedom quested by the >Angry Young Men< represented by Arthur, the protagonist of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. - At first it analyzes Arthur’s rebellious behavior and loose life on his road to pursue radical freedom—>negative freedom< and the alienation that goes with his freedom. Then it probes into the roots of his anti-traditional values and the distorted sense of freedom. At this stage the thesis firstly explores the essence of Arthur’s problematical attempts to achieve freedom which includes Arthur’s rebellion against social institutions and traditional morality. Then the thesis explains the possible reasons for Arthur’s pursuit of radical freedom, namely, the social forces of the society, the working class’s stress as well as Arthur’s insane personality. Based on the above analysis we can conclude that >negative freedom< – the radical stance on freedom which Arthur has advocated and practiced only generates emptiness, loneliness and alienation instead of ease and enjoyment. Therefore, any freedom achieved by freeing oneself from burdens and connections with others is >negative freedom<. Different from >negative freedom<, >positive freedom< can bring a sense of true self and a sense of belongings. Only by returning to the real world and establishing harmonious human connections by love as well as being responsible to oneself and others can people of the modern era set foot on the road to true freedom. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinzmann, Gerhard T1 - Cavailles in Heidelberg: der Beginn einer schwierigen Liaison JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 79-82. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herrmann, Klaus T1 - Gershom Scholems Weg zur Kabbala JF - G. Necker, E. Morlok, M. Morgenstern, 2014: Gershom Sholem in Deutschland. Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2014, pp. 037-071. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hoeges, Dirk T1 - Wächter in dunkler Nacht. Karl Mannheim und die Wissenssoziologie in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 233-248. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Huang, Siwen T1 - Castle in the >Flowers of Evi< – Interpretation of >The Fall of the House of Usher< in Psychoanalytic Perspective [古堡中的>恶之花<——以精神分析视角解读《厄谢府的倒塌》][application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Intelligence [才智], No. 8 (2014), p. 282. N2 - 《厄谢府的倒塌》讲述了主人公罗德里克活埋妹妹最终被破棺而出的妹妹惊吓而死的离奇故事,罗德里克自我异化、乱伦心理和恋尸癖极具精神分析研究价值。本文借用拉康的>镜像阶段>理论、弗洛伊德的精神分析美学、弗洛姆对恋尸癖的界说等理论、,描摹出爱伦•坡笔下的罗德里克经历的由自恋到恋物最终畸变为恋尸的心理演变过程。 N2 - >The Fall of the House of Usher< , tells the story of the hero buried alive Roderick sister eventually break out of the coffin sister scared to death of bizarre story, Roderick self-alienation, incest and necrophilia great psychological spirit analysis of value. In this paper, Lacan borrowed >mirror stage< theory, Freud's psychoanalytic aesthetics, Fromm necrophilia definition theory portray Poe described by Roderick experienced by narcissism psychological aberrations to fetish final evolution of necrophilia. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jansen, Christian T1 - Emil Julius Gumbel – ein kluger Professor und renitenter Pazifist, der im Winter 1930/31 Studentenkrawalle auslöste JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 129-140. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jansen, Peter-Erwin T1 - Die Weltrevolution steht um die Ecke - Leo Löwenthal in Heidelberg JF - M- Bitterolf et al. (Eds.), Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, ed by Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel, Heidelberg (Verlag Stefan Schöbel) 2014, pp. 189-202. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jiang, Man T1 - A Comparative Study of Consumer Alienation Theory Marcuse and Fromm [马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论比较研究], Philosophy, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 2014.[application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 消费是任何时代都存在的人类的一种基本活动,如今,消费已经成为人类赖以生存和发展的前提。我国正处于社会转型期,经济的快速增长和国民消费水平的不断提高,从消费观念到消费方式都发生了很大的变化,消费在满足人们所必须的物质需求的基础上还需要满足人们的精神需求,随之同时就出现了奢侈性消费和盲目性消费等消费异化现象。这些现象的存在不仅会带来一些社会问题,而且阻碍着人们消费质量的提高,还会严重制约经济的增长和整个社会的全面进步。因此,研究并解决消费异化现象问题就迫切地摆在人们面前。国内外许多学者从不同的角度对消费异化现象及其社会影响进行了深入研究,并提出了许多具有价值的观点,其中具有影响力的当推马尔库塞和弗洛姆的消费异化理论,考察唯物史观的创立发展过程,研究异化问题的产生和解决也是马克思考察社会发展问题的一种基本方法。本文立足于唯物史观的基本立场,比较分析了马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论的相同点和不同点,以及他们各自消费异化理论在社会发展中的影响作用,对我们寻找到解决消费异化问题的方法和途径、引导人们形成正确的消费观具有借鉴作用。通过对马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论的比较研究,可以看出马尔库塞的消费异化理论是建立在马克思的劳动异化理论的基础上,是对马克思人本主义理论的深刻延伸,是弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义;弗洛姆从社会制度入手,对消费异化的根源进行研究,他重视消费道德教育,提出根据各类人的消费心态和消费行为进行针对性的道德教育,对我们正确认识消费异化的根源,构建正确的消费观念具有重要的参考作用。本文认为在现代哲学的语境下,马尔库塞和弗洛姆的消费异化理论互相交融的可能性是很大的,通过对二者理论内涵和缺陷的分析研究,找出各自理论价值的合理性,从内容上相互补充和借鉴,试图创立符合现阶段我国国情的科学消费价值观,这对倡导人们树立正确的消费观、构建与社会经济发展相适应的消费模式、形成合理的消费行为、优化我国的消费结构具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 N2 - Consumption is a basic human activity exists in any other era, and now, the consumer has become human survival and development of the premise. China is in a period of social transformation, rapid economic growth and increasing levels of national consumption, from consumer attitudes to consumption patterns have undergone great changes, not only to meet the material needs of the people of consumption necessary, but also to meet people spiritual needs, followed while there have been extravagant consumption and blindness consumption and other consumer alienation. The existence of these phenomena will not only bring about some social issues, but also more difficult to improve the quality of people’s consumption, but also seriously hampered economic growth and overall progress of society as a whole. - Therefore, the study of consumer alienation is an urgent problem for us. Many scholars from different angles on the consumer alienation and his in-depth study of the social impact of proposed many ideas have value, in which influential when pushed Marcuse and Fromm consumer alienation theory, study creation of Historical Materialism development, production and study of alienation is a basic method to solve the Marxist study of social development issues. This article is based on historical materialism of Marx’s basic position, comparative analysis of the same point Marcuse and Fromm consumption theory of alienation and differences, and their respective consumer alienation theory influence on social development and positive factors. By way of comparative study of both consumer theory of alienation, for us to identify consumer alienation problems and solutions, and guide people to form a correct view of consumption play a reference. This paper summarizes the positive factors comparative study Marcuse and Fromm consumer alienation theory has. - Marcuse’s theory of performance in response to the Marxist humanistic spirit, deepen and extend the critical spirit of Marxist theory, the establishment of a Freudian Marxists; Fromm’s theory includes the dimensions of the system carried out research on consumer alienation, a proper understanding of the essence of our capitalist society has important reference value, he’s spending on the construction of socialist ethics ethical consumption has important and prominent reference, from the moral point of view he start spending, consumer mentality for different people and consumer behavior, strengthen moral education, form a correct concept of consumption. - This paper argues that in the context of modem philosophy, Marcuse and Fromm consumer alienation theory has great possibilities blend, by analyzing their respective theoretical connotation and defect recognition of its value rationality content, learn from each other, integrate one, the creation of the scientific view of consumption in line with China’s national conditions, which advocates people to foster a correct view of consumption, building and socio-economic development to adapt consumption patterns, form a rational consumer behavior, and optimize China’s consumption structure and the formation of values and national health concept of happiness has played an important theoretical and practical significance. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jiang, Nan T1 - The Commentary of Western Marxist Consumption Alienation Theory [西方马克思主义的消费异化理论述评], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Yubei, Chongqing, China 2014. N2 - 消费异化是西方马克思主义的重要理论,是关于消费在现代社会发生异化的现象、原因及解决途径的理论。它分析了现代社会发展的弊病,描述了现代社会的消费主义大环境。西方马克思主义的哲学家们,通过对社会的观察结合马克思主义的基本观点提出了消费异化理论,说明了消费异化产生的原因及危害,从现实的角度描绘消费社会的基本状况,批判消费异化对人性地扭曲。本文通过西方马克思主义哲学家关于消费异化理论地论述分析西方马克思主义的消费异化观。鲍德里亚提出人已不再被人所包围而是被物所包围,人与人之间被重新以物为符号划分人的等级,这是非常恐怖的,人们为了自己的地位不得不努力地劳动而失去自我以适应新的社会现实,各类媒体的介入使的消费异化更加严重。弗洛姆以心理学的角度分析人在消费中内心的变化,这种变化逐渐地波及到人与人之间的关系,也影响到人对自己地定位发展,这些都是非常不利的。马尔库塞提出了消费异化是工业社会发展的必然结果地论断,说明福利社会是以糖衣炮弹的形式使具有反抗精神的消费人群成为顺民,进而完成统治的欲望。这些观点虽然都存在局限性,但为资本主义社会的分析做出了有益地贡献。在人们的观念中不断地形成了一种以符号为代表的等级社会,在这种社会中,通过对人占有物的程度划分人的等级,这是对人性地忽视。本文阐明消费异化的基本理论,梳理对比不同学者的理论观点,结合现代社会发展的具体情况,分析原因并试图提出解决途径。消费异化地发展,为分析现代的社会问题提供了良好的研究方向,通过对消费异化的探究,可以反思现代社会的弊病,对解决生态危机理论提供了有价值研究内容。 N2 - Consumption alienation which is an important theory in Western Marxism is about the phenomenon, cause and solution of consumption dissimilation in modern society. It analyses the problems in the development of modern society, and the environment of consumerism. Western Marxism philosophers have put forward Consumption Alienation Theory by combining the observation of the society with the basic ideas of Marxism Theory. They illustrate the causes and harms of consumption alienation, and described the realistic situation of consumer society, then criticize the consumption aliena-tion distorting human nature. This paper studies on the consumption alienation view of Western Marxism through the analysis of the Consumption Alienation Theory proposed by western Marxism philosophers. - Baudrillard has put forward that human are no longer surrounded by human but the material, and regarded by the material symbol. That is so terrible. Human has to work hard for their own status and lose themselves to adapt to new social reality. And consumer alienation becomes more serious for various media intervention. Fromm analyses the people’s inner change in the consumption on the perspective of psychology. These disadvantageous changes has gradually speeded to the relationship of people, and affected their own positional developments. Marcuse proposed consumer alienation is the inevitable outcome of the development of industrial society. It shows that the welfare so-ciety makes rebellious consumers docile in the form of sugar-coated cannonballs, and completes the desire of rule. - Although these ideas have limitations, they make a useful contribution to the analysis of the capitalist society. Hierarchical social represented by symbols has constantly formed in the people’s idea. In this society, it is a disregard of human nature through grading people on how many possessions they have. This paper expounds the basic theory of the consumption alienation, and compares different scholars’ theoretical views. Then it is combined with the specific situation of the modern society developing to analyze the cause, and try to put forward solutions. The development of consumption alienation provides a great research direction for analyzing modern social problems. Through the study of consumption alienation, we can reflect the modern social problems, and provide valuable research for solving the Ecological Crisis Theory. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Mee Jin T1 - 노인자살 원인으로서의 소외에 대한 분석과 소외 극복을 위한 기독교 상담 [Christian Consultation for the Analysis and Overcoming of Alienation, Cause of Suicide in the Elderlys] JF - 한국기독교상담학회지 [Korean Journal of Christian Counseling (KJCC)], Vol. 25, No. 3 (2014), pp. 9-46. N2 - 본 연구는 노년기 자살에서 자살의 원인이 되는 소외에 관한 연구이다. 소외가 노인자살의 주요한 원인이 되는 것에 착안하여 노인자살의 원인으로서의 소외에 관한 연구를 시도하게 되었다. 아울러 소외에 관하여는 Irvin Yalom의 실존주의 심리학적 관점과 Erich Fromm의 사회심리학적 관점, Paul Tillich 실존신학적 관점에서 연구를 하였다. 그리고 이들의 소외 개념을 통합하여 노인자살 문제에 적용했으며 또한 양적 연구와 질적 연구를 통하여 임상적으로 입증하고자 시도하였다. 연구의 결과로 드러난 노인자살의 원인으로 소외현상은 네 가지로 나타났는데, 자기소외, 대인관계의 소외, 사회심리적 소외, 신과의 소외로 나타났다. 이러한 문제의 소외 극복을 위한 상담 방법적 결론은 상담자와의 참 만남을 통하여 소외에 직면할 힘을 가지게 됨의 중요성과, 죽음을 피하는 것이 아니라 오히려 죽음에 직면함으로 죽음 불안을 극복하는 방법임을 알 수 있었다. 노인자살의 원인으로 소외를 극복하기 위해 기독교 상담학적인 고찰을 통하여 얻어진 결론은 소외 극복을 위한 새로운 존재의 가능성을 제시하였고 노년기 자살의 수동적인 유형으로 죽음에 대해 소망하는 것을 궁극적 관심에 대한 소망으로의 전환과 전인적인 기독교 상담을 통한 소외 극복 방안의 필요성을 알 수 있었다. N2 - This research is on alienation, the cause of suicide in the elderly. This research has studied on alienation as cause of the suicide in aged people considering that fact that alienation is the main cause of the suicide for the elderly. In addition, the research has been done from Yalom’s existential psychological and Fromm’s socio–psychological and Tillich’s existential theology point of view. This research also has applied and proved clinically the creative concept that has been derived by integrating and applying these concept of alienation to the suicide of the elderly through quantitative study and qualitative study. The important conclusion showed 4 elements as the cause of suicide in the elderly; self–alienation, alienation in personal relationship, socio–psychological alienation and alienation from the God. The conclusion of the consultive method to overcome the alienation was that the participants could overcome the uneasiness about death by confronting death and they get the force to confront alienation through the truthful meeting with the consultant, and that confronting the alienation not evading it was the very overcoming of the alienation. The end result obtained through the christian consultive consideration in order to overcome the alienation, the cause of the suicide in the elderly, is the suggestion the new being for overcoming the alienation and the desire for death, as the passive type of suicide during old age, should be transformed into the desire for the ultimate interest. Also it is important to plan the way of overcoming the alienation by a wholesome consultation. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kimura, Dale T1 - Self-Realization according to Erich Fromm and John Dewey, Essay, Education, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Mānoa 2014, 55 pp. N2 - While alienation is an ancient human phenomenon, largely because of the social-economic structure of American society, its pervasiveness and extensiveness today is unrivaled in all of history. This, at least was the view of a popular social critic and psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm. In his analysis this market-oriented society had produced almost totally alienated men. Alienation characterized their relationship to their work, to the things they consumed, to the State, to their fellow men and even to themselves. 2 Everyone and everything was thus treated as commodities whose values depended on their exchange values on the personality and commodity market. 3 Therefore, being in demand was held to be the supreme value by alienated man, and as a result he was another-directed man, a conformist, a slave to irrational authority. It was as his most comprehensive solution to this moral and social predicament that Fromm made the concept of man’s realization of his intellectual, emotional, and sensuous potentialities the foundations in his theory of the good. [Taken from University's Website: http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/31579] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Knowles, Elizabeth T1 - Erich Fromm (1900–80) JF - Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Oxford (Oxford University Press), 8th Edition 2014. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Koch, Patrick B. T1 - Ein verschollener jüdischer Mystiker? – Gershom Scholems Nachforschungen zu Ephraim Joseph Hirschfeld JF - G. Necker, E. Morlok, M. Morgenstern, 2014: Gershom Sholem in Deutschland. Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2014, pp. 219-242. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kremer, Renate T1 - Frieda Fromm-Reichmann (1889-1957). Ein koscheres Sanatorium in Heidelberg als >intellektuelles Experiment< JF - M- Bitterolf et al. (Eds.), Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, ed by Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel, Heidelberg (Verlag Stefan Schöbel) 2014, pp. 119-128. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Peter T1 - ›Mein Flügel ist zum Schwung bereit‹ – Walter Benjamin in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 45-58. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Peter T1 - Alexandre Kojeve in Heidelberg JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 141-150. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Nan-Nan T1 - Sublimated or castrated psychoanalysis? Adorno’s critique of the revisionist psychoanalysis. An introduction to >The Revisionist Psychoanalysis< JF - Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 40 (No. 3, March 2014), pp. 309-338. N2 - In >The Revisionist Psychoanalysis<, Adorno criticizes the neo-Freudian psychoanalysis for losing the critical edge of Freud’s theory with regard to social critique. Neo-Freudians whom Adorno calls >revisionists< criticize Freud for his >mechanical< views of the human psyche and for his over-emphasis on sexual libido. They reverse Freud’s dictum – >where id was, there ego shall be< – by stressing the importance of development of the ego, and thus that of its adaptive functions. For revisionists, the aim of psychoanalytic practice is to help analysands be better adapted to their social environment. According to Adorno, the revisionist psychoanalysis is suspected of conformism, and implicitly advocating an ideology that what is existent is the best of all possible worlds. The emphasis on adaptation actually weakens the ego instead of strengthening it – leaving it vulnerable to the whim of social conditions, and that of instinctual impulses. Most importantly, it weakens individuals’ ability to think critically and makes them susceptible to ideological and psychological manipulation against their own rational interests. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lei, Hongqian A1 - Pan, Aiju T1 - Ideological Education of Students and Fromm’s Philosophy of Life [弗洛姆的人生哲学与大学生思想教育思考] JF - Journal of Xingtai University [邢台学院学报 ], No. 3 (2014), pp. 177-178. N2 - [随着自然科学的发展,人们发现自然科学在带给人丰富的物质财富的同时,人类的精神出现了危机。在这样的时代氛围下,展开对弗洛姆的人生哲学研究,探讨了弗洛姆的人生哲学对大学生思想教育的启示意义,强调大学教育一定要注重培育社会主义核心价值观,引导大学生努力践行社会主义核心价值观,具有重要的理论价值和一定的现实意义。 N2 - With the development of the natural sciences, natural sciences has been found to bring people in material wealth, while there is a crisis of the human spirit. In this atmosphere of the times, expand the philosophical study of life for Fromm, Fromm discusses the philosophy of life of ideological education of college students enlightenment, emphasizing university education must pay attention to the cultivation of socialist core values guide the students strive to practice the socialist core values, have important theoretical value and a certain practical significance. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lewis, Jill T1 - Käthe Leichter: ›Max Weber als Lehrer und Politiker‹ JF - Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Schöbel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Schöbel), 2014, pp. 171-188. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Donglin T1 - Significance of the God – A Simple Comparison of the two Religious Perspectives [神的意义——两种宗教观之简单比较] JF - Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 青海师范大学学报 (哲学社会科学版), No. 2 (2014), pp. 58-61. N2 - Erich Fromm 在《心理分析与宗教》中提出>极权宗教<与>人文宗教<两个概念,给宗教研究者提供了一种新的视角。无论是人文宗教还是极权宗教,其能否被世人接受,往往是以其实际的功效,而非以哲学的证明为标准。从这个角度看,神未必不是人的一个工具。 N2 - In >Psychoanalysis and Religion<, Erich Fromm proposed two conceptions, >Authoritarian Religion< and >Humanistic Religion< which provide religious researchers a new perspective. In fact the standard of a successful religion lies in its actual function, but not in the evidence of philosophy. From this point of view, the God can be regarded as a tool of man. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Fang T1 - Feminine Charm – >Little Women< Personality Structure Analysis [女性的魅力—《小妇人》人格结构分析之我见] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Reading Abstracts [读书文摘], No. 14 (2014), p. 8. N2 - 美国十九世纪后半期女作家露易莎•梅•奥尔科特以其长篇小说《小妇人》而闻名于世。这部在形式上是家庭日志、在内容上讲述马奇家四姐妹成长的小说,以19世纪中叶美国内战时期的新英格兰小镇为背景,生动地体现出美国社会的变迁和文化传承,给读者留下了极为深刻的印象。本文运用了人本主义心理学家弗洛姆的人格机构理论来看待《小妇人》,通过仔细分析作品中主人公的人格结构,对人格完善、个性独立和自我约束等一系列有关女孩的成长问题作了一些初步的探讨。 N2 - Half of the nineteenth century American woman writer Louisa Mae Alcott her novel >Little Women< and famous. This is the family in the form of logs, about four sisters growing Marchi family novel in content to the 19th century in a small town in New England during the Civil War in America in the background, vividly reflect the changes in American society and cultural heritage, to readers left a very deep impression. In this paper, the agency theory humanistic psychologist Erich Fromm's personality to look at, >Little Women<, works by carefully analyzing the hero's personality structure, perfect personality, independent personality and self-discipline and a series of related girls grow gave a preliminary discussion. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Qiuyu T1 - A Brief Analysis of the Transcendence of Love in >Love Medicine< [简析《爱药》中爱的超越] JF - Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education [兰州教育学院学报], No. 7 (2014), pp. 35-36. N2 - 在代表作《爱药》中,厄德里克向我们真实再现了印第安族群的生活现状和文化传统,更重要的是她在小说中对爱的主题的渲染和描述。本文试图通过埃里希·弗洛姆关于爱的理论分析小说中最震撼人心的感情线索,并试图证明,真正的爱具有无穷的力量,可以超越血缘,超越时空,超越生死,超越一切。 N2 - In her masterpiece >Love Medicine<, Erdrich gives us a realistic picture of the life and cultural traditions of the Indian community, but more importantly, she describes the theme of love in her novel. This paper attempts to analyze the most powerful emotional threads in the novel through Erich Fromm's theory of love, and tries to prove that true love has infinite power, transcending blood, time and space, life and death, and everything. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Shujuan T1 - >Lady Chatterley's Lover< Sexual Description from Fromm’s New Psychoanalytic Text Topic [从弗洛姆的新精神分析文论谈《查泰莱夫人的情人》的性描写] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 17 (2014), pp. 82-83. N2 - 弗洛姆的新精神文论对文学作品的思维与创作过程做了极富启发性的诠释。而本文将运用弗洛姆该理论,分别从创作原因、艺术象征、语言表达三方面分析劳伦斯的经典之作《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的性描写,以突出其的价值所在。 N2 - Fromm’s new spirit of literary theory and creative process of thinking to do the interpretation of literary works very enlightening. The paper will use the theory Fromm’s, respectively, from creative reason, artistic symbolism, language analysis of three aspects of Lawrence's classic >Lady Chatterley's Lover< sexual description in order to highlight its value lies. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Li, Xiale T1 - Study on Fromm’s Freedom [弗洛姆自由观的探讨], Master thesis, Literature and Art, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆作为20世纪西方著名的哲学家、心理学家和伦理学家,也是法兰克福文化批评学派的重要代表,著名的弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义者。自由问题自古便常谈而常新,时代发展到资本主义发达阶段,弗洛姆以其独特的理论建树和视角展开了对时代自由困境和出路的探讨。本文的主旨是对弗洛姆丰富的自由思想进行梳理,在此基础上将弗洛姆的自由思想放在更大的范围内进行比较和评判,并结合国内外的研究成果给予弗洛姆自由观客观理性的评价,将其自由观纳入其思想的至高处。在当代西方思想界对自由的研究中,弗洛姆的自由思想可谓深刻、全面和深入,但是许多相关论文和论著对弗洛姆的自由思想认识却不够深入和客观。弗洛姆自由思想内含许多内容,不可谓不深刻不系统。关注个体自由的人道主义情怀,关注社会实践的唯物实践观、关注个体人格和心理健全的精神分析观,以及颇具东方色彩的爱的哲学理念,这些都使得弗洛姆的自由思想具有不可替代的价值和意义。因而弗洛姆的自由思想在面对各种质疑和比较时,便往往越加显得深刻和全面。尤其最近几年对弗洛姆的研究再度兴起,也证明了弗洛姆思想的前瞻性和深刻性。本文主要分为以下几个部分:第一部分是对弗洛姆自由思想的理论背景和时代背景进行介绍,结合弗洛姆的个人经历,探寻其自由思想的来源。第二部分是对弗洛姆的自由观进行重点阐释和介绍,按照逻辑顺序对其自由观进行整体的感知和把握。自由的现状、困境、认识以及实现等都包含在弗洛姆的自由观里。并看到弗洛姆自由观的特色便是借助精神分析学对个体人格和心理进行剖析,探求逃避自由背后的深层原因。第三部分是在整体把握弗洛姆自由思想的基础上,结合国内国外的相关研究,展开一个横向或纵向的比较和分析,深入认识弗洛姆自由观的合理性和深刻性,并在一定程度上回击相关论述对弗洛姆自由思想的>管中窥豹<式质疑和误解。最后一部分便是对弗洛姆的自由观的意义和地位给于理性评价和认识,看到弗洛姆自由思想的时代发展和独创性。 N2 - Erich Fromm was a famous western philosopher, psychologist, and ethicist in the20th century. He is an important representative of cultural criticism of Frankfurt school and the famous Freudian Marxism. Freedom is an old as well as popular research subject. As the time developed to the advanced stage of capitalism, with the unique theoretical accomplishment and perspectives, Fromm launched the discussion on the plight of freedom and the way to be freedom. The theme of this article is to comb the rich thoughts of Fromm about freedom, then to compare and judge Fromm’s thoughts of freedom in a large scope, so we can give an objective and rational evaluation on the theory of Fromm’s freedom combining with the domestic and foreign research results, which makes us believe that the theory of freedom is in the center of Fromm’s theory. - In the contemporary study of freedom in the western ideological circle, the theory of Fromm’s Freedom is profound, comprehensive and in-depth. However, many related papers and works on the theory of Fromm’s freedom is not in-depth and objective enough. Fromm’s freedom thought is very comproud and systematic, containing many contents, such as the humanitarian feelings of paying attention to individual freedom, the practice materialism of paying attention to social practice, the psychoanalytic view of paying attention to individual personality and psychological health, and the philosophy of love with some oriental color. All of these ideas make Fromm’s freedom thought irreplaceable and significant. Thus Fromm’s theory of freedom is usually more profound and comprehensive when facing all sorts of questions and comparison. Especially in recent years the study of Fromm’s ideas rises again, which also proves the prospective and the depth of Fromm’s thought. - This paper is mainly divided into the following several parts: The first part is an introduction of the theoretical and era background about the theory of Fromm’s Freedom. Meanwhile, combing Fromm’s personal experience, we can search for the source of his freedom thoughts.– The second part is to focus on the interpretation and introduction of Fromm’s freedom view, to perceive and grasp the theory of Fromm’s Freedom overall according to the logical order. The theory of Fromm’s Freedom contains the present situation, difficulties, understanding and implementation about Freedom. And understanding the characteristics of Fromm’s freedom is considerating the individual personality and psychology with the help of psychoanalysis, and to explore the deep reasons behind the escape from freedom.– The third part is making a horizontal or vertical comparison and analysis after an overall grasping of the theory of Fromm’s Freedom, to recognize the rationality and the depth of Fromm’s freedom theory on the basis of related research at home and abroad, and to fight back on the question and misunderstanding of Fromm’s freedom thought to some degree.– The last part is to give the significance and status of Fromm’s idea a rational evaluation and cognition, realizing the historical development and creativity of the theory of Fromm’s Freedom. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Xianyue A1 - Gao, Zhuangwei T1 - The Discourse of Fromm’s Human Interpretation for the Labor Theory of Marx [试述弗洛姆对马克思劳动理论的人学解读] JF - Journal of The Party School of Shengli Oilfield [胜利油田党校学报], No. 4 (2014), pp. 36-39. N2 - 作为西方马克思主义的重要代表人物之一,弗洛姆从人学这一独特视角解读了马克思的劳动观。在《马克思关于人的概念》一书中,他从三个层面剖析了马克思的劳动理论。首先劳动是人的自我表现,其次劳动使人自己得到了发展,变成为人自身,最后劳动作为达到目的的手段和目的本身,也是一种享受。我们认为,在后现代语境下,弗洛姆的这种人学式解读为更好地理解马克思主义提供了崭新的视域,但是站在历史唯物主义立场,其仍然具有局限性。 N2 - As an important representative of Western Marxism, Fromm expounds Marx’s labor theory from the unique perspective of human interpretation. In the book of >Marx’s concept of human<, he analyzes it from three sides. Firstly, labor is human’s self-expression. Then labor will develop human and make human into itself. Finally, as a means to an end and an end itself, labor is also a pleasure. Though his humanistic discourse does help to better understand Marxism in the postmodern context and provide a new realm, yet this analysis has some limitations in the position of historical materialism. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Yin T1 - Analysis of Feminism in >The Yellow Wallpaper< [浅析《黄色墙纸》中的女性主义] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Journal of Bengbu College [蚌埠学院学报], No. 4 (2014), pp. 64-67. N2 - 通过对吉尔曼《黄色墙纸》中的女主人公形象的解读,认为将其归为>疯癫<类型仍是父权制社会意识形态话语的体现。她的>疯狂<行为其实是一种找寻自我、追求自由的方式。吉尔曼通过刻画该女性形象,藉以反抗男权社会对女性甚至女性创作的压抑,打破了传统性别、身份的二元对立。 N2 - A reading of the female protagonist in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's >The Yellow Wallpaper< suggests that her classification as a type of >madness< is still a reflection of the ideological discourse of the patriarchal society. Her 'crazy' behavior is in fact a way of finding oneself and pursuing freedom. By portraying this female figure, Gilman rebels against the repression of women and even female creativity in a patriarchal society, breaking the traditional binary of gender and identity. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Yue T1 - Psychological Analysis on the Absence of Love in Toni Morrison’s Novel >Love< [对托尼•莫里森小说《爱》中爱的缺失的心理分析], in: Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 5 (2014), p. 54. [application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - 托尼•莫里森是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家,在美国和世界文坛上起着重要的作用。在2003年出版的第八部小说《爱》中,她继续关注在父权制、性别歧视和种族歧视下生活的黑人女性。小说随以爱为主题,讲述的却是爱的缺失,描述了黑人女性悲惨的命运和生存状况。本文分析了小说中黑人女性生活中种种爱的缺失:母爱的缺失,姐妹情谊的缺失,婚姻中爱的缺失。并以心理学家弗洛姆的心理理论为依据,阐释了这些缺失的爱产生的根源。 N2 - Toni Morrison was the first African American to win the Nobel Prize for literature writer, plays an important role in the United States and world literature. In the eighth novel, published in 2003 >Love<, she continued attention in the patriarchy, gender and racial discrimination of black women living. Fiction with the theme of love, but it is about the lack of love, describing the tragic fate of black women and survival. This paper analyzes the novel kinds of black women living in the absence of love: the lack of maternal love, lack of sisterhood, the lack of love in marriage. Love the root causes and psychological theories based psychologist Erich Fromm, illustrates these missing. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Zhi T1 - On Fromm's >Negative Freedom< and >Positive Freedom<—Reflections on Fromm's >Ecape from Freedom< [试论弗洛姆的>消极自由>和<积极自由<——读弗洛姆《逃避自由》有感] JF - Journal of Hebei Youth Administrative Cadres College [ 河北青年管理干部学院学报], No. 4 (2014), p. 97-99. N2 - 自由在不同的学科和不同的流派都有着不同的定义和侧重点,在弗洛姆的自由学说中,更多的是侧重于心理学的层面。弗洛姆从心理学的层面认为人之所以要逃避自由,不是真的要逃避自由,而是要逃避所谓的消极自由,摆脱消极自由所带来的自身孤独无力感,摆脱现实资本主义社会机制所带来的对人的能力和潜质的限制,以求达到自我能力的全面发挥,获得积极自由,获得最终的人生自我实现,但是在从消极自由跨越到积极自由的路径上,弗洛姆依然过多地依赖于心理学的解决办法,从而使该路径太过理想化,而无法触及对资本主义社会的现实弊端的批判。 N2 - In Fromm's doctrine of freedom, the focus is more on the psychological aspect. In Fromm's theory of freedom, the focus is more on the psychological level. From the psychological level, Fromm believes that the reason why people want to escape from freedom is not really to escape from freedom, but to escape from the so-called negative freedom, to escape from the loneliness and powerlessness brought about by negative freedom, to escape from the limitations on human abilities and potentials brought about by the real capitalist social mechanism, in order to achieve the full development of their abilities, to obtain positive freedom, and to obtain the ultimate self-realization in life. Fromm still relies too much on psychological solutions on the path from negative freedom to positive freedom, thus making the path too idealistic and unable to touch on the critique of the realities of capitalist society. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liang, Yi T1 - An Analysis of Fromm’s >Healthy Personality< [弗洛姆健全人格思想探析], Master thesis, Ideological and Political Education, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2014. N2 - 本论文主要研究当代美国著名哲学家、心理学家和社会学家埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980)关于人格的研究理论。人格理论是弗洛姆人学理论研究的重要一部分。>爱<是实现弗洛姆人学理论理想的重要途径,亦可以称之为他的理论重要支柱,他在著作《爱的艺术》中对>爱的理论<作了详尽地论述。本论文主要是在弗洛姆>爱<的理论语境下,以弗洛姆心理学和社会学相融合这一独特视角,对散见于弗洛姆不同著作中关于人格理论和思想进行挖掘、提炼并梳理,相对系统地对弗洛姆健全人格理论确定内涵和外延,以期从对>爱<这一理论地思考探索出通向健全人格之路。本论文在弗洛姆人道主义伦理思想的背景下展开弗洛姆健全人格理论三个组成部分即弗洛姆健全人格思想的成因背景、健全人格理论认识及塑造历程、健全人格的意义和价值为核心的系统研究。弗洛姆人格理论是在综合弗洛伊德学说与马克思学说基础上取得的重要成果之一,对现今人现实生活富足与精神世界虚无的矛盾状态下找寻伦理学向度的出路,在>爱<的理论这一捷径中,从爱自己到爱他人最终投向爱社会,彰显并肯定了弗洛姆健全人格理论对促进人地发展进步和幸福为宗旨的人道主义精神的价值坚守。我们可以清晰地明了健全人格与个人和社会的紧密联系,发现可资个人借鉴的精华和独特之处。虽然弗洛姆健全人格理论是基于资本主义社会背景中产生,但其独特的理论视角和理论个性对我国构建社会主义和谐社会有一定的启发意义 N2 - This thesis mainly studies the contemporary famous philosopher, psychologists and sociologists, Erich Fromm (Erich Fromm, 1900-1980) research on the personality theory. The personality theory is an important part of Fromm’s theory of human research. >Love< is the important way to realize Fromm’s theory of human ideal, also can call it important pillar, in his book >the art of love< to >the theory of love< as described in detail. This thesis mainly is in the context of Fromm’s theory of >love<, to Fromm the integration of psychology and sociology this unique angle of view, for referring to Fromm different writings about personality theory and thought of mining, refining and combing, relative system determine the connotation and denotation of Fromm’s healthy personality theory, in order to >love< from the theory of thinking to explore the path to a healthy personality. - This thesis under the background of Fromm’s humanistic ethics on Fromm’s sound personality theory three components of the Fromm the cause of formation of healthy personality thought background, knowledge and shape healthy personality theory, the meaning and value of healthy personality as the core of system research. Fromm’s theory of personality is based on the comprehensive theory of Freud and Marx’s theory of one of the important achievement, for nowadays people real life wealth and the spiritual world nothing contradictory condition look for outlet ethics angle, in the theory of >love< this shortcut, from love yourself to love others to love society, eventually reveal and affirmed the Fromm’s sound personality theory to promote the development and progress and happiness for the purpose of the value of the humanitarian spirit. We can clearly understand the healthy personality and personal and social ties, and found that the goodness of the personal reference and uniqueness. Although Fromm’s sound personality theory is based on the background of capitalist society, but its unique theory angle of view and the theory of personality of our country in building a harmonious socialist society has certain enlightening significance. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liang, Ying T1 - An Interpretation of Zhang Ailing’s Mode of Artistic Thinking From an Individualistic Perspective [>个体性<视角下的张爱玲艺术思维方式解读] JF - Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) [陕西师范大学学报 (哲学社会科学版), ], No. 6 (2014), pp. 67-72 N2 - 张爱玲的文本中充满了独特的识见。这种异于众数的一己之见与她对文学真实性的自觉追求有关,但更主要地缘于她独特的艺术思维方式。这种异于常态的艺术思维方式,既是对思想自由的坚守,也是张爱玲具有弗罗姆所说的>个体性<的重要体现。纵观古今,即使在当下,也只有极少数的作家能够达到<个体性>的水平<。正因此,从>个体性<的视角解读张爱玲的艺术思维方式,仍然具有积极的现实意义。 N2 - Zhang Ailing packed her text with original sights. Her individual sights had more to do with her distinctive mode of artistic thinking than with his self-conscious pursuit of literary truthfulness. This distinctive mode of artistic thinking of hers shows not only her persistence in free mind but a significant expression of individuality as Fromm commented, which is found seldom among current writers, let alone those in the past. Just for this reason, it is still of active realistic significance to interpret Zhang Ailing mode of artistic thinking from an individualistic perspective. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lin, Junfeng T1 - A Comparative Study of the Thought of Marx and Fromm [马克思与弗洛姆人本思想比较研究] JF - Journal of Guangdong University of Education [ 广东第二师范学院学报], No. 6 (2014), p. 40-44. N2 - 马克思和弗洛姆始终信奉社会主义,把人看作人,追寻人与社会的和谐。他们视角一致,极为冷静和理智地看待人和社会,不愧为诊断人类疾病、指点人类命运的思想大师。相比较而言,马克思着眼于国家、社会的宏观架构,弗洛姆着眼于微观环境的改善;马克思强调国家行为,弗洛姆强调个人、群体的心理、行为可改变社会环境。马克思的人本理论为社会主义的实现铺设了经济、政治、文化的框架和基础,而弗洛姆的人本理论则是各个方面的细化和深化。他们的人本理论合在一起,显示出社会主义思想具有内在的连贯性和整体性,具有真正的活力和吸引力,而不是枯燥无味的教条,并且使社会主义者不再感到气馁,从而可以切切实实地做一些有益的事情。 N2 - Marx and Fromm always believed in socialism, people as people search for harmony between man and society. Consistent with their perspective, very calm and rational view of man and society, deserves to diagnose human diseases, pointing ideological masters of human destiny. In comparison, Marx focused on the state, society's macro framework, Fromm aimed at improving the microenvironment; Marx stressed state actors, Fromm emphasis on individual, group psychology, behavior can change the social environment. Marx's socialism for the realization of this theoretical framework and laying the foundation for economic, political, cultural, and Fromm various aspects of this theory is the refinement and deepening. Their people together in this theory, showing that socialist ideology inherent consistency and integrity, with a real dynamic and attractive, but not boring dogma, and the socialists no longer feel discouraged, which can cut effectively in the field to do some useful things. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Boshi A1 - Sui, Lishuang T1 - Development and Enlightenment of the Theory of Alienation – Comparative Dimension of Theories of Alienation of Marx, Lukács and Fromm [异化理论的发展及启示——马克思、卢卡奇、弗洛姆异化理论的对比研究][application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Journal of the Staff and Worker’s University [职大学报], No. 5 (2014), pp. 34-38. N2 - 异化是一个有着悠久历史的理论范畴,自马克思提出劳动异化理论后,对后世产生了深远的影响。卢卡奇继承了马克思的思想,提出了物化理论,批判资本主义异化现象;弗洛姆则将马克思主义和弗洛伊德心理分析结合,从文化工业影响的角度描述异化现象。马克思、卢卡奇和弗洛姆的异化理论都关注社会中人的生存问题,但侧重点不同。通过对三位学者异化理论的梳理探讨,能够对我国当前人的生存样态分析提供参考,为我国精神文明建设提供一个基点。 N2 - Alienation is a theoretical category of long history. Marx put forward the theory of labor alienation and exerted a profound influence on later ages. Lukács inherited Marx’s thinking, put forward the theory of materialization and criticized the capitalist alienation phenomenon; Fromm combined with Marxism and Freud’s psychology and described the alienation phenomenon from the view of the effects of cultural industry. Marx, Lukács and Fromm’s alienation theories are concerned with the problems of survival of the people in a society, but the focuses are different. Through discussing and combing of the three scholars’ theories of alienation to comb, good reference to the state of our country’s current analysis of people and a basis for the construction of spiritual civilization in our country can be provided. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Haihui A1 - Zhang, Lin T1 - Alienation Consumption and Its Humanitarian Redemption: Consumer Alienation Theory Fromm’s [异化的消费及其人道主义救赎:弗洛姆消费异化理论探析] JF - Theoretic Observation [理论观察], No. 8 (2014), pp. 51-53. N2 - 弗洛姆在马克思劳动异化思想的基础上提出了消费异化的理论。他认为在资本主义消费异化的社会环境中,人变成了贪婪的消费机器、人们在异化的消费过程中感受和体验到的只是虚假的自由和虚幻的幸福。这种病态的消费方式已经给人类的生存和发展带来不可避免的危机,要扬弃这种异化,就必须要养成人道主义的消费行为。面对弗洛姆的消费异化理论,我们既不能全盘吸收也不能全部否定,必须要坚持历史唯物主义的观点,既要看到其应有的历史意义和现实价值,又要看到其存在的历史局限和理论不足。 N2 - Fromm on the basis of Marx's thought on the alienation of labor put forward the theory of consumer alienation. He believes in the capitalist consumer alienation of social environment, people become greedy consumer machines, people in the process of alienation of the consumer to feel and experience only a false illusion of freedom and happiness. This consumption morbid crisis has brought the inevitable human survival and development, we must abandon this alienation, it is necessary to develop humanitarian consumer behavior. Faced with Fromm's theory of alienation consumption, we can neither absorb nor all the negative overall, we must adhere to the historical materialist view, we must see its proper historical significance and practical value, but also see its existence limitations and lack of historical theory. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Jia T1 - Nietzsche's >Superman< and Fromm's >New Man< Contrast [尼采的>超人<与弗洛姆的>新人<对比] JF - Journal of Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University [山东农业工程学院学报], No. 6 (2014), pp. 110-111, 115. N2 - >超人<论是尼采权力意志思想的集中体现,代表了一种精神贵族的立场。而弗洛姆的>新人<论是重生存的生存方式的生命体现,代表了克服物化、独立自由的精神。本文从人的性格结构和心理机制层面出发,分析尼采的>超人<与弗洛姆的>新人<之间的异同点。 N2 - >Superman< on Nietzsche's will to power is a concentrated expression of thought, represented a spirit of noble stance. The Fromm's >new< theory is important for survival of life embodied way of life, represents the overcoming materialize the spirit of independence and freedom. From the character of the structure and level of human psychological mechanisms, analyzes the similarities and differences between Nietzsche's new man< between. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Jiangyin T1 - The Correlation between Fromm’s Ideology Theory and the Group Ideology [弗洛姆的意识形态理论与群体意识形态关联性], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980)是20世纪法兰克福学派著名代表人物之一,他涉猎的学术范围相当广泛,包括哲学、社会学、心理学、精神病学等领域。本文涉及到的弗洛姆的意识形态理论,是他将马克思的人本主义学说和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说结合起来,站在社会学和心理学的角度,对现代人的生存现状、心理机制、社会异化现象进行剖析的理论,旨在对资本主义社会进行批判,并为现代人寻找一条出路。出于人道主义的关怀,他主张构建一个健全的社会,使人得到自由全面的发展。在他的意识形态理论中,他将社会性格、社会无意识作为经济基础与意识形态的中介环节,丰富了意识形态的内涵。将弗洛姆的意识形态理论与群体意识形态相关联,具有一定的理论价值与实践意义。本文主要从二者之间发生关联的可能性上入手,逐步挖掘弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态之间的关联性。本文主体包括七个部分的内容。第一部分是导论部分,简单介绍了本课题的选题缘由、研究方法、研究思路以及研究现状。并且对本文两个重要概念>意识形态<、>群体意识形态<作了界定。第二部分介绍弗洛姆意识形态理论提出的背景,分别从弗洛姆所处的时代背景,以及对他理论形成具有重要启发意义的理论背景来进行阐述。第三部分主要介绍弗洛姆意识形态理论所包含的内容。首先介绍其理论构成,主要包括社会性格理论、社会无意识理论、健全社会理论。接着分析了弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态发生关联的可能性。第四部分讨论社会性格理论与群体意识形态的关联。首先对>社会性格<的概念及形成过程作了解释,接着探讨了社会性格与群体意识形态的相互影响。第五部分讨论社会无意识理论与群体意识形态的关联。相对应的,也是首先介绍>社会无意识<内涵及其产生原因,接着分析了二者的相互作用力。第六部分探析健全社会理论与群体意识形态的关联。首先对不健全的社会——资本主义社会进行了简单描述,接着对身处不健全的社会的人进行了分析,指出资本主义社会中的人是异化的人。接着根据弗洛姆的思想,分析了经济、政治、文化三方面的变革对群体意识形态产生的影响。第七部分探究弗洛姆意识形态理论与群体意识形态关联性研究的理论意义。指出弗洛姆意识形态理论并非都是合理的,它也存在局限性,以启示我们应该采取批判吸收的态度对待弗洛姆思想,以期对我们的现代化建设提供参考意义。 N2 - Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980) is one of the most famous figures of Frankfurt School in the20th century. His academic scope covers philosophy, sociology, psychology, and psychiatry, etc. Stunning spot in his academy is to combine Freud’s psychoanalysis with Marx’s theory of humanism. Fromm’s ideology theory is such a kind of critical theory that he stood at the angle of sociology and psychology, as focuses on the survival situation of the modern men, psychological mechanism, and alienation phenomena in the capitalist society. Based on the critical attitude toward capitalism, Fromm tries to blaze the trail for modern people. He finally composes a >perfect society< out of humanitarianism, in which everyone can get free and all-out development. In his theory, social characters and social unconsciousness are the mediation between economic base and ideology, which enrich the content of ideology. It’s important to study Fromm’s ideology theory in modern society. Connecting his ideology theory with the group ideology is of both theoretical and practical significance for the construction of socialist ideology. For this paper, it explores the possibility of the correlation between Fromm’s ideology theory and the group ideology as a start. Then this paper discusses the correlation between them as follows. - The first part is the introduction, in which I introduce reason, research methods, research ideas as well as the study status at home and abroad, and then define ideology, group ideology.– The second part deals with the background of Fromm’s ideology theory. It has two contents: social background of his time and theoretical background, which are instructive for him.– The third part is to describe the main content of Fromm’s ideology theory. First of all, I introduce the formation of his theory, including social character theory, social unconsciousness theory and the sane society theory. Then, I explore the possibility of the correlation between Fromm’s Ideology Theory and The Group Ideology.– The fourth part discusses the relationship between social character theory and the group ideology. Firstly, I explain the concept of >social character<, and introduce its formation process. Then I study in the interaction between social character and the group ideology.– The fifth part discusses the correlation between social unconsciousness theory and the group ideology. Similarly, this paper introduces the basic definition of >social unconsciousness< first of all, and explains its cause at the same time. Then the acting force between social unconsciousness and the group ideology is analyzed.– The sixth part discusses the correlation between the sane society theory and the group ideology. First of all, this paper describes an unsound society – the capitalist society and what the people are like in this society, pointing out that the individuals in the capitalist society are alienated. The following part analyzes the influence on the ideology posed by the change of economy, politics, and culture. – The seventh part explores the theoretical significance of choosing this subject. In this part, I point out that not all the thought of Fromm are reasonable, and his thoughts have some limitations, too. We should absorb the essence of Fromm’s ideology theory in a critical way to perfect the modernization drive of China. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Min T1 - 20th Century American Modern Fiction and >Alienation< [20世纪美国现代小说中的>异化人<] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Mangzhong Literature [芒种], No. 21 (2014), pp. 155-156. N2 - 20世纪,对人性异化的描写成为美国文学中的重要主题。本文运用弗洛姆的异化理论,从美国著名作家安德森、福克纳和塞林格代表作品中的人物分析入手,探索20世纪美国现代文学中不同类型的>异化人<,并总结其异化的根本原因,探索解决之道 N2 - 20th century depiction of alienation of human nature to become an important theme in American literature. In this paper, Fromm's theory of alienation from the famous American writer Anderson, Faulkner and Salinger character analysis of representative works start exploring modern American literature in the 20th century, different types of >alienation of man<, and summarizes its alienation the fundamental reason to explore solutions. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Qingshen T1 - Marx's Theory of Alienation and Difference to Fromm [马克思与弗洛姆异化论的差异] JF - Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), [常州工学院学报(社科版)], No.5 (2014), pp. 103-105. N2 - 异化作为一种贯穿人类发展始终的社会历史现象,不会因人类生产力水平的提升,物质生活资料的不断满足,就会被克服消除。现代社会许多问题的产生,矛盾的激化也是源于此。准确理解马克思和弗洛姆异化论的相异处,对于我们从主客观两个方面入手分析与解决现代社会发展中的深层矛盾,促进人与社会的全面进步,实现>中国梦>具有重要意义。 N2 - Alienation as a human development has always been a social phenomenon throughout history, not because of the level of productivity to enhance the human, material life continues to meet, it will be overcome eliminated. Produce many problems of modern society, the intensification of contradictions also stems from this. Accurate understanding of Marx's theory of alienation and Fromm deviations, we start to analyze and solve the development of modern society deep conflicts, and promote all-round progress of man and society, and >China Dream> from both subjective and objective significance. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Wenjing T1 - Educational Alienation of Love and Redemption [教育爱的异化与救赎], Master thesis, Principles of Pedagogy Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2014. N2 - 教育是爱的事业。作为学生,其内心深处都期待感受到教师对自己的爱,都渴望获得教师园丁一般的呵护。但学生对此常常感到困惑与失望,困惑为何感受不到教师的爱,失望教师不仅不理解自己,还将意志强加于自己。如此,教育爱对于学生来讲,成为了稀世罕见的珍宝一般,可望而不可即。但是,无论教育爱面对着误会或者困境,教育永远都离不开它。当前,教育爱面对着前所未有的异化困境,若要解决其异化困境,不仅要从外部因素分析,更应带从本质的层面进行解析。本文探讨了教育爱的异化的问题,从探讨教育爱的本质着手,辨析什么不是教育爱,什么是虚假的教育爱,从而清楚的分辨出教育活动当中各种借着爱的理由而出现的非理性行为。主要观点是:教育爱是教师追求自身完整的渴望;是人的固有属性善的直接体现;是源自于内心对他人同情的感情流露;是推己及人对待他人的尊重。教育爱对于受教育者身心的健康发展起到不可替代的促进作用,同时,对于教育者自身的追求和成长也会产生潜在的推动力。只是,在当前工具理性,社会冷漠以及生活根基变化的多方面因素的影响下,教育爱出现了向错误方向发展的倾向,包括教育爱的变质,偏倚,冷漠化以及平庸。只有认识并且深刻理解教育爱的本质,才能使教育爱拜托异化的困境,走向永恒。全文分为四部分,由探讨教育爱出现异化为初,以教育爱的救赎为止。具体是:第一部分提出了教育爱日益显现出了各种异化的问题,该问题会导致较为严重的后果。第二部分从分别从教育者本身,社会以及生活的层面,分析了教育爱出现异化问题的原因所在,主要包括工具理性的诱导,教育考评制度的单一,社会冷漠化以及生活根基改变的影响。第三部分从爱的理论方面着手,通过对柏拉图爱欲说,弗洛姆爱的哲学思想以及罗洛梅的爱欲思想进行阐 述,探索其中所蕴含的爱的启发与哲理。通过对爱的探索,找到教育爱的本质,即完整,同情,善良以及尊重。第四部分从主观和客观两方面,提出了对教育爱救赎 的方法建议 N2 - Education is the cause of love. Every student desires for the love from their teachers, just like the care of the gardeners. But students often feel confused that they could not feel the love from teachers and disappointed for the teacher’s misunderstanding, also give the law to student. Therefore, educational love becomes kind of a rare treasure to students, which is unavailable. However, no matter educational love faces difficulties or misunderstanding, education need to be with it forever. Currently, the educational love is facing unprecedented difficulties and alienation. To resolve this problem, we should not only analyze the external factors, but also to resolve it in essentially level. - This thesis discusses the alienation problem of educational love, starting from exploring the essence of educational love to distinguish the inveracious educational love. So the non rational behavior in the education activities could be recognized which stands by the reason of love. The main point is that educational love is the educator’s desire to pursue the full themselves, the direct embodiment of goodness which is the inherent property of human, the inner emotional outpouring of the sympathy for others and the interactional respect to others. Educational love plays a quite important role in promoting the development of educatee both for the physical and mental health. Meanwhile, educational love could provide the strength to the educator for their own potential and growth. But, under the influence of the current instrumental rationality, social apathy and changed life basis, educational love tends to step into a wrong direction, including deterioration, bias, indifference and mediocrity. Only to master the knowledge and understanding the essence of educational love deeply, could the educational love get out of the plight and go into eternity. The whole thesis consists of five chapters: starting from the alienation of educational love and ending with the redemption of educational love.– The first chapter presents the alienation problems of educational love, which are increasingly leading to some serious consequences.– The second chapter analyzes the reasons for the alienation problem of educational love from the aspects of educator, society and life foundation. The reasons include the induction of instrumental rationality, single evaluation system of education, social apathy and the impact of changes in life foundation.– The third chapter proceeds from the theoretical aspects of love, expounding the Eros of Plato, love philosophical thought of Fromm and Rollo’s theory of eroticism to explore the inner enlightenment and thought of love. Then discovering the essence of educational love which are completion, compassion, good and respect.– The fourth chapter put forward some advices and recommended method to redeem the educational love. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Liu, Yang T1 - Fromm’s Thought of Moral Education and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆的道德教育思想及其当代价值], Master thesis, Comparative Pedagogy, Qufu Normal University, Qufu and Rizhao, Shandong, China 2014. N2 - 艾里希•弗洛姆是20世纪美国颇富影响的精神心理分析学家和杰出的人本主义哲学家,其宏富的思想体系中蕴含着深刻的道德观与道德教育见解。他以>异化<思想为理论武器,深刻而辩证地分析、批判了资本主义社会的种种道德病态现象。以此为基础,弗洛姆合理阐论了犹太教的道德观、马克思主义的人道观、弗洛伊德精神分析理论等思想体系的道德内核,提出了具有鲜明人本主义特色的人道主义伦理观、道德观,意在使西方社会从>异化<状态走向>健全社会<。本文旨在通过对弗洛姆伦理道德观的梳理,较为系统地阐述弗洛姆人道主义道德观的核心主张、精神实质及其之于道德教育建设的理论启示与实践价值。本论文除引论外,主要包括四部分。引论部分主要介绍了国内外学者对弗洛姆伦理道德观的研究现状以及本文选题的缘由与研究方法。第一部分考察了弗洛姆伦理道德思想形成的历史背景与理论来源,主要阐述了弗洛姆独特的个人成长经历及其人道主义伦理观的历史境遇,重点分析了犹太教、马克思主义人道观、弗洛伊德精神分析理论、巴赫芬母系氏族社会和禅宗佛学等多元思想对弗洛姆伦理道德观的影响。第二部分从人性论视角入手,较为系统地梳理了弗洛姆道德思想的理论要旨,阐述了其伦理观的理论内核——良心,自爱与幸福。第三部分重点探讨了弗洛姆道德教育思想的核心观点,主要包括:培养具有生产性人格的道德教育目标观;注重体验性知识的道德教育内容观;注重言传身教、榜样示范的道德教育方法论;注重平等互爱、和谐交流的师生观等。第四部分主要从培养目标、师生关系、校园文化和家庭教育等方面论述了弗洛姆道德教育思想对我国道德教育理论与实践的启示。 N2 - Erich Fromm is distinctive effect American spirit psychoanalyst and outstanding humanism philosophers in the20th century, whose systematic ideology in various ways contains profound ideas in values and moral education. He deeply and critically analyzed and criticized various moral morbid phenomena in capitalist capitalism society based on the theory of >alienation<. On this basis, Fromm reasonably explained morality and ethics of Judaism, humanism of Marxist, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and other key elements of other ideologies, putting forward the ethics and morality with distinct characteristics in humanitarian, aiming to transfer western society from the state of >alienation< to the >sane society< In the dissertation, with comprehensive learning of Fromm’s ethics morals, I will logically expound on key proposition of Fromm’s humanism morality, spiritual essence and implication and practical values revelation to the development of moral education theory. The dissertation was divided into four sections. Introduction part includes the information of recent researches on Fromm’s ethics done by domestic and foreign scholars, reason of topic selection and methodology. Description of historical background and theoretical sources for the formation of Fromm’s ethics will be in the introduction which not only mainly focuses on the narration of Fromm’s unique growth experience and humanitarian ethics history situation, but also on the analysis of the influence of Judaism, humanism of Marxist, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Bachofen’s matriarchal society and Zen Buddhism, and so on, on Fromm’s ethics. – In the second part, from the perception of humanism, will systematic explanation of key principles of Fromm’s philosophy and description of key elements of ethics theory that are conscience, self-love and happiness.– In the third part, discussion on key ideas of Fromm’s moral education, including purpose of moral education to cultivate the person of productive personality; attention to the experiential knowledge in moral education; moral and educational methodology of self-engagement and model demonstration; mutual respect and effective communication between teachers and students, will be focused.– Finally, I will argue the implication of Fromm’s moral education thought, on theory and practice of Chinese moral education from the perspective of education aims, relationship between teachers and students and campus culture and family education. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Lu, Yang T1 - An Inquiry into Fromm’s Human Nature Thought and Value of Times [弗洛姆人性思想及其时代价值探析], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2014. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆是20世纪美籍德裔的哲学家、精神分析学家和社会学家,法兰克福学派重要成员,弗洛伊德马克思主义的重要代表人物,被誉为>20世纪的心灵透视者<>本世纪最有影响的思想家之一<。论文主体共分四章:第一章,着重阐述弗洛姆人性思想的生成语境。首先,弗洛姆的人性思想发端于人道主义与反人道主义的论争;其次,其人性思想回应了马克思主义是科学主义还是人道主义的论战,为马克思主义做了人道主义的辩护;最后,其人性思想超越了相对主义和绝对主义的人性观。第二章,从三个层面分析弗洛姆人性思想的主要内容。首先,探究弗洛姆人性思想的理论源流,其理论并不是简单综合弗洛伊德和马克思的思想,而是以马克思的历史唯物主义为基础扬弃弗洛伊德的精神分析学说;同时,犹太教信仰和东方禅宗的价值诉求也渗透进他的人性思想中。其次,重点论述弗洛姆人性思想的主要内容,其人性思想以人的生存处境作为逻辑起点,分析生与死、生命有限和潜能无限、个体化与孤独感这三对矛盾,人们在不断寻求解决这些矛盾的过程中产生了人的种种需要。最后,论述社会性格和社会无意识在社会发展中的作用。第三章,致力于揭示现代工业社会人的异化,分析几种典型的异化性格,探索实现人的解放、人的自由和人的全面发展。第四章,论述弗洛姆人性思想的时代价值。尽管弗洛姆的人性思想与建设和谐社会之间的差异是显要的,但两者都以人的发展和完善作为重大关切,因此可以比较、借鉴。首先,弗洛姆人性思想的目标与和谐社会构建的目标相一致;其次,就实现目标的路径而言,二者也不谋而合。因此,弗洛姆的人性思想作为一个基本成熟的理论,其包含若干的真知灼见对于我国和谐社会的构建具有重要的借鉴意义。 N2 - Erich Fromm is a famous German-American humanism philosopher, psychoanalyst and sociologist, and an important representative member of the Frankfurt School in the 20th century. He is known as >mind clairvoyant of the20th century<,>one of the most influential thinkers of the century<. This article is divided into three chapters: The first chapter elaborates the generation context of Fromm’s human nature thought. First of all, his humanity thought originates under the background of humanitarian and anti-humanitarian argument; Secondly, his humanity thought responds the debate of which Marxism is scientific socialism or humanitarian; Last, Fromm’s human nature thought is beyond relativism and absolutism of human nature.– The second chapter aims at analyzing the main content of Fromm’s human nature thought from the following three aspects. The first explores the theoretical origin of Fromm’s human nature thought. His human nature thought is not a simple comprehensive Freud and Marx’s thought, but is based on Marx’s historical materialism sublation of Freud’s psychoanalysis; simultaneously, the Judaism and the value pursuit of Oriental Zen penetrate into his human nature thought. The second emphasizes on the main content of Fromm’s human nature thought. People’s survival situation is the logical beginning, and analyzes three pairs of contradictions that the birth and death, limited life and unlimited potential, individualization and loneliness. People constantly seek ways to solve these contradictions, result in the need of the people. Finally, special emphasis is the role of social character and social unconscious in the process of development of society.– The third chapter is devoted to reveal the people’s alienation in contemporary industrial society. We analyze several typical personality of alienation, explore how to realize human liberation, human freedom and human general development.– The fourth chapter discusses the era value of Fromm’s human nature thought. Although Fromm’s human nature thought is different from building a harmonious society, both regard the development and perfection of people as a major concern. So they can compare and use for reference. Firstly, the goal of Fromm’s human nature thought coincide with the goal of building a harmonious society; Secondly, both have the same path of realization. Therefore, Fromm’s human nature thought is a basic mature theory that contains a number of insights and has important implications for our socialism harmonious society constructing. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Lue, Yue T1 - Alienation and Restoration in >Herzog< [弗洛姆视角下赫索格的异化与回归], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning, China 2014 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 索尔•贝娄(1915-2005)是二战后美国杰出小说家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者。在其长达六十年的创作生涯中作品无数,尤以描写犹太知识分子的异化而闻名,并致力于阐释自我本质与生存现实之间的矛盾。其代表作《赫索格》因展现了西方当代知识分子的处境与命运而得到广泛关注。国内外学者多用存在主义、女性主义、原型批评等相关理论对小说进行分析,鲜有从弗洛姆的角度来解读赫索格的精神异化与心灵回归。本文试图运用弗洛姆异化理论对赫索格异化与回归的主题进行探讨。本文共分为六章。第一章简要介绍了贝娄的生平、作品及《赫索格》的故事梗概,并指出本论文的意义。第二章为文献综述,阐述了《赫索格》国内外研究现状。国外评论家从小说主题、艺术手法、作品特色等多方面对其展开研究;而国内评论者则多用存在主义、女性主义的理论对小说进行主题分析。第三章是本文理论框架。首先对异化哲学概念的发展历程作了简要回顾,继而着重阐释了弗洛姆人性异化理论及其用真爱来实现心灵回归的途径。第四、五章为本论文主体。第四章运用弗洛姆人性异化理论对主人公的精神异化进行了分析,赫索格的异化集中体现在他与社会、与他人、与自我、与大自然的关系方面。进而得出赫索格异化的原因。美国社会环境及赫索格的犹太背景是导致其异化必不可少的外因,同时赫索格又受自身学术研究的影响,致使他深深地陷入异化状态。第五章根据弗洛姆爱的艺术理论,从赫索格的自省、亲朋间的真爱和大自然的抚慰这三个方面探讨主人公心灵回归的途径。基于上述分析,第六章得出结论。贝娄通过这部小说展示了现代文明所引发的精神危机和现代人的生存困境,并试图为赫索格寻求一条既不逃避现实又独立于时弊之外的理想道路。因此,生活在困境中的现代人,应在真爱的基础上重塑健全人格,以独立完整的个体融入现实世界,追求有意义的生活,实现自身的人生价值。 N2 - Saul Bellow (1915-2005) is the outstanding American novelist after WWII and the Nobel Prize winner. He has countless works in his writing career as long as sixty years and is famous for the description of Jewish intellectuals’ alienation. Bellow applies himself to interpret the contradiction between human nature and living reality. His representative work >Herzog< gets a wide public concern which shows the predicament and destiny of western modern intellectuals. Most critics have a thematic analysis from the perspectives of existentialism, feminism, archetypal criticism; rare of them from the perspective of Fromm’s theory. Thus, this thesis tries to use Fromm’s alienation theory to probe the novel’s theme by analyzing Herzog’s alienation and restoration. - This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces Saul Bellow’s life experi-ences, his works and the plot of Herzog, as well as the significance of this thesis.– The second chapter presents the foreign and domestic literature reviews on Saul Bellow and Herzog. Critics abroad have wide researches on novel’s thematic analysis, writing techniques, work characteristics and so on. While in domestic researches, existentialism and feminism are the common uses in thematic analysis.– The third chapter is the theoretical foundation of this thesis. It firstly takes a general review of the development of alienation, and then introduces Fromm’s alienation theory of human nature and his true love theory for restoration.– The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter are the main body of this thesis. The fourth chapter makes a thorough analysis of protagonist’s alienation which embodies on his relations with society, with others, with nature and with himself, and further reaches the causes of Herzog’s alienation. The American society and his Jewish background are the inevitable external causes. At the same time, Herzog is also burdened by his academic study.– According to Fromm’s theory of love, the fifth chapter discusses the protagonist’s restoration from three aspects of self-examination, true love and nature.– The sixth chapter is the conclusion. By this novel, Bellow shows the spiritual crisis in modern culture and the survival dilemma of modern people, and he tries to find a way neither escaping from reality nor staying with the ills of the day for Herzog. Thus, people who live in dilemma like Herzog should integrate into the realistic world by love with independent sane personality, and pursue meaningful life. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lukoschik, Bernd T1 - Rohstoff Natur. Zu den Vorurteilen der Physik, Ökonomie und Ethik, Hirschaid (Selbstverlag) 2014, 263 pp. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ma, Yingjie T1 - Genius of >Lost< – Try to Mirror the Theory and the >Art of Love<. Film Analysis >She Lonely Than Fireworks< [天才的>失落<——试以镜像理论和>爱的艺术<分析电影《她比烟花寂寞》] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Youth Literator [青年文学家], No. 6 (2014), pp. 78-79. N2 - 英国电影《她比烟花寂寞》以英国天才大提琴家杰奎琳•杜普雷的生平为故事蓝本,以独特的叙事结构、深入的人性挖掘讲述了杰奎琳和希拉里两姐妹的复杂人生。从一直以姐姐为镜像的天才大提琴演奏家杰奎琳身上,我们可以看到天才内心的缺失,分析她在他者中寻求自我构建的内在心理机制和对爱的渴求。本片很好地印证了人孤独的本质正是缘于爱的缺乏这一弗洛姆阐述的深刻主题。 N2 - British film, >She Lonely than Fireworks< , British genius cellist Jacqueline du Pre's life is the story of a blueprint, a unique narrative structure, digging deep humanity about Jacqueline and Hilary two sisters of complex life. From sister has been mirrored genius cellist Jacqueline body, we can see the lack of inner genius, analysis she sought psychological mechanism inherent desire for self-built and who love him. The film is well confirms the lonely nature of love is precisely due to this lack of Fromm describes the profound themes. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maccoby, Michael T1 - Building on Erich Fromm's scientific contributions JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 7-15. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - e18/2014a Y1 - 2014 VL - e18/2014a ER -