TY - JOUR A1 - Jeong, Chang Rok T1 - 한국 의료계의 권위주의적 매커니즘에 대한 분석과 생명의료윤리교육 I – 에리히 프롬의 입장을 중심으로 [An Analysis of Authoritarian Mechanisms in the Korean Medical Community and Medical Ethics – Education in Korea with a Focus on Erich Fromm] JF - 한국의료윤리학회지 [Korean Journal of Medical Ethics], Vol. 17, No. 2 (2014), pp. 187-213. N2 - 교육이 사회를 반영하듯이, 의료도 사회를 비춘다. 본 논문은 우리 사회의 권위주의적 경향이 교육과 의료의 영역에 만연하고 있다고 가정한다. 이러한 문제 의식을 바탕으로 필자는 프롬의 자본주의비판과 관련된 입장들이 한국 의료 사회를 대상으로 할 때 어떤 방식으로 적용되고 해석될 수 있는지를 보이려고 한다. 이 목표를 위해 먼저 에리히 프롬의 사상을 개관해 보고, 사례를 통해 한국 의료계를권위주의적으로 볼 수 있을 것인지에 관해 다루어 본다. 이후 에리히 프롬의 여러 사상적 개념들 중에서 특히 소외와 도피의 개념에 주목하여, 한국 의료계의 여러 현상들에 상식적으로 적용한다. 이때 상식적이라 함은 특별한 사회과학적 연구방법을 동원하지 않고, 한국 사회를 살아가는 사람이라면 누구나 겪었을 의료 경험을 통해 수긍할 만한 수준을 뜻한다. 이러한 논의 후에 필자는 한국 의료계의 권위주의적 매커니즘을 극복하기 위해 생명의료윤리교육이 어떤 방향으로 나아가야 할지를 프롬의 입장에서 제안하려고 한다. 프롬은 현대인들이 활동의 의미를 잃어버리고 있다고 비판한다. 필자는 프롬이강조한 활동의 회복이 생명의료윤리교육에 담겨야 한다고 생각한다. N2 - This article examines some of the ethical issues associated with authoritarianism in the Korean medical community from the perspective of Erich Fromm. The article first describes the authoritarianism in the Korean medical community using Fromm’s concepts of >alienation< and >escape<. The article then introduces Fromm’s concept of >activity< as a means of overcoming some of the problems with authoritarianism in the Korean medical community. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Kweon Hwan T1 - 논어』의 군자와 소인: 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 과정적 인간상 [Jūnzǐ and Xiǎorén in >The Analects of Confucius<: As a Human Character orienting for the Growth and the Retrogression] JF - 동양철학연구 [Journal of Eastern Philosophy], No. 78 (2014) pp. 37-68. N2 - 본 논문은 『논어』의 군자와 소인이 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 과정적 인간임을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그동안의 군자에 대한 학계의 연구는 당위적 덕목을 나열하고 그 덕목을 갖추기 위해 수양하라는 지극히 간단한 구조였다. 그런 연구는 >군자의 모습을 형상화<하는 데 성공함으로써 나름대로의 성과를 내고 있지만 군자 모습의 형상화만으로는 군자의 총체적 의미를 다 살려냈다고 보기 힘들다. 왜냐하면 군자는 완전한 인간으로 우뚝 선 결과적 모델이 아니라 완성을 지향하는 과정적 인간이라고 보기 때문이다. 또 그 반대편에 있는 소인도 같은 논리로 과정적 인간이 된다. 이런 과정적 인간의 모형을 잘 보여주고 있는 연구가 에리히 프롬 『인간의 마음』이다. 그는 인간의 마음이 세 가지 정향에 따라 성장 증후군을 나타내거나 쇠퇴 증후군을 나타내는 쪽으로 변하는 것으로 모형을 제시한다. 본 논문은 그 모형에 착안하여 군자, 소인, 중인의 관계도를 완성하였다. 보통사람으로 지칭될 수 있는 중인을 가운데 배치하고 여기서 출발하여 위로 성장하는 정향을 가진 사람을 군자로 보고, 아래로 쇠퇴하는 정향을 가진 사람을 소인으로 보았다. 그리고 성장의 최고 단계에 도달한 사람을 성인으로, 쇠퇴의 극한에 이른 사람을 폭군으로 보았다. 또 성장과 쇠퇴를 결정하는 정향을 각각 세 가지 제시함으로써 관계 모형의 타당성을 높였다. 그 세 가지는 성장의 정향으로 인의, 예악, 학습 정향을, 쇠퇴의 정향으로 불인, 비례, 자포자기의 정향을 제시했다. 본 논문의 이런 모형을 통해 군자와 소인에 대한 다음과 같은 새로운 관점과 이점을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 군자와 소인은 고정적 인간형 모델이 아니라 어딘가를 향해 나아가고 있는 과정적 인간이라는 관점을 얻을 수 있다. 둘째, 성장 정향을 가진 군자의 중요성을 강조할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 쇠퇴의 정향을 가진 소인의 위험성을 경고할 수 있다. 셋째, 성장과 쇠퇴의 정향 사이에서 유동하고 있는 보통 사람에 주목하게 되는 관점을 얻을 수 있다. N2 - The purpose of this thesis is to expiscate that Jūnzǐ (君子) and Xiǎorén (小人) in >The Analects of Confucius< are progressive human who have orienting for the growth and the retrogression. So far, the research for Jūnzǐ in academic world was so simple structure which listed items of virtue as moral obligation and gave an advice for the discipline one's mind to obtain them. That kind of research has been contributed by succeeding to give an image of Jūnzǐ, but It is hard to acknowledge only for the image itself to present overall understanding of Jūnzǐ. Because Jūnzǐ is not a final model who became a perfect human being but a human being who is in the progress toward orienting completion of himself. And Xiǎorén in opposite side is also progressive human being. We can see good diagram of The progressive human being in >The Heart of Man< by Erich Fromm. He presents diagram that human's mind changes to growth syndrome or deterioration syndrome depends on three kinds of orienting. This thesis has been completed the diagram of relationship between Jūnzǐ, Xiǎorén, and a middle person (zhōngrén; 中人) by referring Erich Fromm's diagram. I've placed the middle person who could be considered an average person in the center, from there the human who has orienting the growth toward upside are considered Jūnzǐ, the human who has orienting the deterioration toward downward are considered Xiǎorén. And the human who reached to the highest level is called saint, the human who reached to the limit of lowest level is called tyrannizer. And I enhance the validity of the diagram of relationship by putting forward three orientations which determine the direction for growth or deterioration. The three orienting for the growth are rényì [仁义; humanity and righteousness], lǐyuè [礼 乐]; propriety and music], xuéxí[ 学习; learning], for the retrogression are bùrén [不仁; inhumanity], fēilǐ[ 非礼]; uncourteous], abandon oneself were presented. We can get new point of view for Jūnzǐ and Xiǎorén through this diagram of the relationship. The first, we can get a point of view that Jūnzǐ is not a final model who became a perfect human being but a human being who is in the progress toward orienting completion of himself. The second, we can emphasis not only for the importance of Jūnzǐ but also the dangerousness of Xiǎorén. The third, we can the point of view to focus on the middle person who moves up and down between orienting the growth and the retrogression. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kwon, Hyeoknam T1 - 고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 기독교 사회윤리적 기초 [Christian Social Ethics for Preventing and Overcoming Solitary Death] JF - 권혁남 [Theology and Praxis], No. 38 (2014), 441-452. N2 - 현대사회는 경제 환경의 급격한 변화 및 가족의 축소, 도시환경의 변화, 가치관의 혼란 등으로 인해 사람들의 >유대<(혹은 친밀감)가 점점 약화되어가고 있다. 그래서 최근 사회 및 학계의 각 영역에서 >유대<라는 개념이 주목받고 있다. 이처럼 우리사회에서 >유대<라는 개념이 크게 관심을 모으고 있는 것은 바꾸어 말하면 인간관계의 왜곡 현상이 이제는 간과할 수 없을 만큼 많은 사람들에게 일어나고 있는 문제라는 것을 반증하고 있는 것이라 할 수 있다. 최근 이러한 문제에 대한 조사가 일부 진행되기는 했으나 축적된 연구가 매우 빈약하고, 그 정책적 대응 또한 매우 미비하다. 얼마 전부터 문제의 심각성을 인지한 이들에 의해 다양한 연구적 접근이 시도되고 있지만 이 영역의 접근은 단순히 실태보고와 현상적 대응에 대한 논의만 이루어질 뿐 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 이론적 고찰이 뒤따르지 못하고 있다. 그 이유는 인간관계의 상실 및 왜곡에 따른 결과적 현상이 사회적 고립에 의한 >고독사<와 같은 충격적인 형태로 나타나다보니 이론적 고찰보다는 대응책 마련이 더 시급한 선결과제가 되어버렸기 때문일 것이다. 그러나 눈앞의 문제에 급급한 나머지 그 심원의 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히는 작업이 선행되지 않는다면 이 문제는 계속 우리사회에 잠복해 있다가 언제든지 다시 그 현상을 표출시킬 것임은 자명하다. 이는 우리사회가 이미 경험한 바다. 현재 사회적으로 고독사 현상의 양적⋅질적 변화에 맞는 다양한 대책이 강구되고 있음에도 불구하고 고독사와 관련하여 여전히 과거의 현상과 다를 바 없는 언론의 보도가 지금도 여전히 지속되고 있기 때문이다. 그러므로 본 논문은 >고독사< 문제의 예방 및 극복은 다양한 차원의 제도적 대책마련에 앞서 기본적(이론적) 접근을 통해 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히고, 그에 따라 접근해야만 가능하다고 주장한다. 이 주장을 뒷받침하기 위해 우선 >기본<으로서의 인간관계인 >유대<와>사랑<의 관계를 에드문트 후설과 에리히 프롬의 견해에 기대어 윤리적 관점에서 해석해 보고, 이를 토대로 마틴 루터와 존 웨슬리의 논설을 따라 >기독교적 공공성과 사회적 책임<인 >이웃사랑<이 고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 윤리 사상적 토대임을 제안하였다. N2 - In modern society, the >bond< (or closeness) of people is weakening due to the following factors: rapid changes in economic environment; smaller families; changes in urban environment; confusion of values. As a result, the concept of >bond< has garnered rising attention in society and academia recently. It reflects the fact that distortion of human relationships is becoming a serious issue with lots of people in Korean society. Although such issue has been examined in recent years, the studies and policy responses are very weak. People who have recognized the seriousness of the issue have conducted related studies. However, they have only revolved around the status, with no clear theoretical exploration. The reason is obviously as follows. Since the loss and distortion of human relationships have led to the shocking result of >solitary death< caused by social isolation, response measures are perceived to be more urgent than a theoretical exploration. However, if the fundamental solution factors are not identified prior to taking measures, the issue will always exist in our society and make things worse any time. That's what Korean society has experienced. Even though it has taken various measures in line with the qualitative and quantitative changes of solitary death in society, the media has continuously reported the issue, which has never been improved. Thus, this study suggests the following to prevent and overcome the issue of >solitary death<: The fundamental solution factors should be identified first through a basic (theoretical) approach before taking measures. To support the argument, the relationship between >bond< and >love<, a >basic< human relationship, was analyzed from an ethical standpoint based on the views of Edmund Husserl and Erich Fromm. Based on the results, the following was suggested: >Caring about neighbors, which is a >Christian social responsibility for communality<, is the ethical basis for preventing and overcoming solitary death, according to Martin Luther and John Wesley. [Author's English version] Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Sang Ik A1 - Jung, Seung Hyan T1 - 競爭論에 대한 근래의 비판들과 그 함의 [Contemporary Anti-competition Theories and Its Meaning] JF - 동양문화연구 [Youngsan Journal of Oriental Culture Studies], Vol. 17 (2014), pp. 89-127. N2 - 本考에서는 근대 서구사회에서 競爭論이 등장하게 된 배경과 경쟁론의 구체적 내용을 살펴보고, 경쟁론에 대한 근래의 여러 비판들을 두루 살펴본 다음, 그들의 反競爭論이 함축하는 바를 정리해 보았다. 오늘날 우리가 경쟁론을 지양시키고자 한다면, >사회복지의 당위성<과 >경제적 효율성<의 문제는 물론 >올바른 세계관의 정립< 문제가 긴요한 것이요, 뿐만 아니라 >올바른 가치관의 정립< 문제도 매우 중요한 관건이 되는 것이다. 본고에서 살핀 여러 碩學들의 反競爭論이 중요한 의의를 지니는 것이라면, 같은 맥락에서 우리는 전통 유교의 名分論에 대해서도 새롭게 인식할 필요가 있다. 우리 한국의 근대화 과정은 전통적 名分論을 타파하고 서구의 競爭論을 도입하는 과정이기도 했다. 그런데 한 때는 진보의 원동력으로 기능했던 경쟁론이 이제는 숱한 폐단을 낳고 있다면, 우리는 전통적 사회운영론의 의의를 되돌아보아야 마땅한 것이다. N2 - In this paper, we have inquired two modern competition theories (Liberalism & Social Darwinism), and also have inquired various anti-competition theories. Anthony Giddens' The Third Way and Beyond Left and Right, Anatole Kaletsky's >Capitalism 4.0<, Robert H. Frank's >The Winner-Take-All Society and The Darwin Economy<, Robert Axelrod's >The Evolution of Cooperation<, Fritjof Capra's >The Turning Point<, Jae C. Choe's >Homo Symbious<, Erich Fromm's >To Have or To Be?< are the most famous contemporary anti-competition theories in Korea. According to these guidance, if we want to overcome competition theories, we should consider economic utility and social welfare at the same. The process of modernization is also the process of breaking Confucian right name theory and introducing western competition theories in Korea. Competition theories which have operated as the mainspring of progress at one time give rise to us many various problems now. In this context, we need to understand Confucian right name theory newly. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sekine, Hiroaki T1 - エーリッヒ ・ フロム ノ 「 リセイテキ ケンイ 」 ガイネン ニ タイスル イチ コウサツ : キョウイク ニ オケル ケンイ ニ ツイテ ノ シロン [An Essay about Authority in Education: Focusing Erich Fromm's Thoughts on >Rational Authority<] JF - リベラル・アーツ [Liberal Arts], No. 8 (2014), pp. 39-51. [ISSN 18816746] [core.ac.uk/download/229829681.pdf] N2 - The aim of this article is to rethink the authority in education tentatively. For this purpose, this article pays attention to a conception called >rational authority<, which was presented by Erich Fromm (1900-80), who was famous sociopsychologist in the 20th century. Many studies of pedagogy or educational science have emphasized the need of the authority in education. But most of them tend to discuss a desirable quantity of the authority and do not fully have qualitative discrimination of the authority in educational fields. However, Erich Fromm's thoughts on authority seem to have potentiality for that qualitative discrimination. According to Fromm's early texts, especially in Escape from Freedom (1941) and Man for Himself (1947), >rational authority< have four characteristics. That is, 1) >rational authority< is ruled by the elements of love, admiration and gratitude, 2) it can become the model of the identification generally or partially, 3) the authority has its source in competence, and 4) it is always temporary. It is certain that these characteristics are rather abstractive, but in considering works of his latter period, the dynamics between >rational authority< and >inhibiting authority< is suggested. This dynamism hints for the possibility of rethinking of the authority in education. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kiyaschenko, N. I. T1 - Феномен нечеловеческого в человеке [The Phenomenon of Non-Humanity in a Human Being] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 64, No. 1 (2014), pp. 33-40. [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Предмет исследования — рассмотрение нечеловеческого в человеке. Данная проблема имеет несколько аспектов. Во-первых, она связана с религиозной тематикой. В сакральной литературе человек рассматривается как греховное создание, впавшее в первородный грех. Во-вторых, тема нечеловеческого сопряжена с моральным аспектом. Здесь она трактуется как человеческая подверженность злу. В-третьих, нечеловеческое в человеке связано с постепенным разочарованием в нём как в божьей твари, получившим освещение в средневековой литературе. Это вызвало особый феномен, который Н.А. Бердяев назвал «умалением человека». Новый этап в раскрытии этой темы можно связать с психоаналитическими традициями. Психоанализ раскрывает феноменологию бессознательного, природу инстинктов, ведущих к агрессии и разрушительству. Фромм пишет специальную книгу «Анатомия человеческой деструктивности». Наконец, нечеловеческое становится сюжетом современной трансгуманистической философии. Речь идет о том, чтобы внедрить в человека нечто, позволяющее исправить человеческую природу, создать нового человека. Автор опирается на столь значимую методологию, как герменевтический и психоаналитический анализтекстов, позволяющий в данном случае раскрыть разные аспекты нечеловеческого. Новизна статьи в постановке самой темы, которая в отечественной литературе не была предметом самостоятельного анализа. Автор делает попытку проследить историко-философскую традицию, которая связана с этой проблемой. Накоплены многочисленные интуиции о том, какое место занимает в потомке Адама то, что не соответствует его изначальной природе. Однако данная тема не рассматривалась в целостном историко-философском ракурсе. Прослеживая осмысление этой проблемы от древности до на ших дней, мы видим, что она актуализирует самые неожиданные ходы исследовательской мысли. Особенно злободневно звучат в этой теме сюжеты духовности человека как особого рода сущего. Человеческое не может раскрыть себя, если оно не связано с нечеловеческим. N2 - The subject of research is to analyze non-humanity in a human being. The aforesaid problem has many aspects. Firstly, it is related to religious topics. Religious literature views human as a sinful creature falling into the first sin. Secondly, the topic of ‘non-humanity’ is associated with morals and interpreted as the human susceptibility to evil. Thirdly, the concept of non-humanity in human is the result of gradual disappointment in human as a god’s creature as it was depicted in the medieval literature. This has led to another phenomenon which Nikolay Berdyaev called ‘the impairment of human’. Psychoanalysis started a new stage in the development of this concept. Psychoanalysts introduced the phenomenology of the unconsciousness and the nature of the instincts leading to aggression and destruction. Fromm wrote a special book called >The anatomy of human destructiveness<. Finally, non-humanity becomes the subject of modern trans-humanistic philosophy. Researchers started to question whether it was possible to embed something into human which would allow to change the human nature and create a new human. The author bases his research on such significant methods as the hermeneutic and psychoanalytical analysis of texts allowing to reveal different aspects of non-humanity. The novelty of research is the introduction of the topic which has never been viewed as the subject of independent analysis in Russian sources. The author of the article makes an attempt to trace back the development of the historical and philosophical tradition with reference to this problem. Even though there have been some discussions about Adam’s descendants and some features they may have different from Adam’s nature. However, this topic has never been discussed from the point of history and philosophy. The author of the article describes how this problem has been developing from ancient days till today. The author underlines that without being opposed to non-humanity, humanity can’t fully reveal itself. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gurevich, Pavel S. T1 - Трeхчленная модель личности Вильгельма Раиха [Three-term Personality Model of Wilhelm Reich] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1137-1141. [ISSN: 2454-0722] N2 - О психоаналитическом наследии В. Райха написано немало: проанализированы его взгляды на бессознательное, отмечен его взгляд на телесную терапию и представлены возможности телесно-ориентированного психоанализа. Исследователи отмечали также вклад Райха в теорию характеров. Райх видел огромный потенциал здоровья в спонтанных обнаружениях психики. Однако до сих пор не выявлен социальный смысл его учения. В годы, когда он стал приобретать известность, классический психоанализ уже постепенно уступал место неофрейдизму. К. Хорни и Э. Фромм обратили особое внимание на роль социальных факторов в диагностике и лечении пациентов. Они критиковали фрейдизм за игнорирование социальных и культурных факторов в формировании личности. Приверженцы классического психоанализа, обороняясь, упрекали неофрейдистов в принижении роли внутрипсихических и биологических факторов развития индивида. В. Райх остался в стороне от этих направлений. Однако ему принадлежит интересная по замыслу трехчленная модель личности. Автор статьи опирается на методы социальной психологии, которая позволяет выявить роль социального окружения в распознавании невротических симптомов. Вместе с тем при анализе учитывается методы исторического рассмотрения проблемы. В частности, учение Райха помещается в контекст того периода истории психоанализа, когда классический психоанализ постепенно замещается неофрейдизмом. Новизна подхода к теме связана с рассмотрением трёхчленной модели личности В. Райха. Данная модель указывает на приоритетность Райха в выдвижении социально-культурной тематики. Будучи ортодоксальным приверженцем З. Фрейда, В. Райх тем не менее приблизился к пониманию несомненной значимости политики и культуры в становлении личности. В этом отношении, по мнению автора статьи, он даже опередил работы К. Хорни и Э. Фромма, хотя и не достиг той глубины социально-культурного анализа, который присущ неофрейдизму. В. Райх изменил представление о структуре личности у Фрейда. По сути дела создатель психоанализа создал модель психики, в которой отсутствовал культурный контекст. Общее указание Фрейда на роль супер-эго, на родительские запреты, на возможность морального самоосуждения получили более чёткое оформление в модели В. Райха. N2 - Much is written about psychoanalytical heritage of Wilhelm Reich. His views on unconsciousness have been analyzed and his concepts of body psychotherapy and body psychoanalysis have been underlined. Researchers have also pointed out Reich’s contribution to the character analysis. Reich saw a great health potential in spontaneous manifestations of psyche. However, Pavel Gurevich believes that the social meaning of Reich’s teaching has not been discovered yet. In the years when Reich started to become famous, classical psychoanalysis already began to give place to Neo Freudianism. Karen Horney and Erich Fromm focused on the role of social factors in diagnostics and treatment of patients. They criticized Freudianism for ignoring the role of social and cultural factors in personality development. In response, adherents of classical psychoanalysis blamed Neo Freudians for underestimating the role of intrapsychic and biological factors in individual development. Wilhelm Reich managed to stay uninvolved in those discussions. However , he created an interesting three-element personality model. In his research Pavel Gurevich applies methods of social psychology allowing to define the role of the social environment in diagnosing symptoms of neurosis. At the same time, the author of the article has also use the methods of historical analysis of the problem. In particular, Reich’s teaching is viewed in terms of that period in the psychoanalysis development when classical psychoanalysis was gradually giving place to Neo Freudianism. The novelty of the research is in the analysis of the three-element personality model offered by Reich. This model demonstrates that Reich gave the priority to the social and cultural topics. Being an orthodox adherent of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich nevertheless approached to understanding the doubtless significance of politics and culture in the personality development. According to Pavel Gurevich, in this respect Wilhelm Reich even preceded Karen Horney and Erich Fromm although Reich did not manage that deep social and cultural analysis that Neo Freudianism offered. Wilhelm Reich changed the concept of personality structure offered by Freud. In fact, Freud created the model of psyche without giving focusing on the cultural factor. Freud’s general provisions about the role of super ego, parental prohibitions and moral self-condemnation were later developed in Wilhelm Reich’s model. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Popovych, O. V. T1 - Соціогенезис психічних розладів та механізми компенсації в суспільстві [Sociogenesis of mental disorders and compensation mechanisms in society] JF - Грані [Granì], Vol. 110, No. 106 (2014), pp. 6-11. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] Грані [Granì], Vol. 110, No. 106 (2014), pp. 6-11. [Print ISSN 2077-1800] [grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/531/547] N2 - Положення про те, що порушення психічного здоров’я є наслідком процесу ускладненої соціалізації індивіда, досі є головною ідеєю психоаналізу. Дія феноменау компенсації осмислюється засновником психоаналізу З. Фрейдом у несвідомих механізмах психіки, у сновидіннях, у людських жартах і дотепах та ін. У цілому, весь простір культури просякнутий механізмами компенсації для адаптації й соціаліза ції особистості, що стає можливим за умов виявлення потенцій її креативності.Згідно з теорією К.-Г. Юнга, тяжкий психічний стан, «позасвідоме» та «компенсація» мають точку перетину, ніби приходять до спільного порога, за яким вступають у «хід» творчі здібності, складаючи джерело розвитку креативності. Механізми процесу компенсації фрагментарно збігаються з феноменом «Самості». Разом з тим, бінарні архетипи в структурі колективного несвідомого людської психіки також знаходяться у компенсаторній взаємодії. Поняття >компенсація – надкомпенсація< широко вживаються й А. Адлером у різних аспектах і позначають засіб подолання неповноцінності, засіб здобуття коректної моральної свободи. На основі комплексу неповноцінності розвивається компенсаторний комплекс переваги. Обидва комплекси мають щось спільне: будучи надмірно розвинені або врівноважуючи один одного, вони сприяють виключенню з корисного життя і невротизації. Але будучи наповнені соціальним змістом і проявляючись адекватно ситуації, вони виступають як сигнальні орієнтири. Згідно з концепцією К. Хорні, саме міжособистісну комунікацію можна визначити як механізм компенсації неврозів. В той же час Е. Фромм наповнює феномен компенсації соціальним змістом. Він описав три важливих компенсаторних синдроми: прагнення до панування, прагнення до підпорядкування, втеча в працю. Надбання психоаналізу не втратило своєї значущості і сьогодні, бо всі ці компенсаторні механізми діють і в сучасному суспільстві. N2 - The statement that mental health disorders are the result of the process of complicated socialization of the individual is still the main idea of psychoanalysis. Effects of the compensation phenomenon are considered by the founder of psychoanalysis S. Freud in the unconscious mechanisms of the psyche, in dreams, in people’s jokes and others. In general, the entire space of culture is permeated with compensation mechanisms for adaptation and socialization of a person, which becomes possible under the conditions of detection of the potentials of person’s creativity. According to the theory of K. G. Jung, a grave mental state, the unconscious and compensation have the point of intersection; they seem to come to the same threshold over which creative abilities come into force, forming the source of the development of creativity. The mechanisms of compensation process fragmentarily coincide with the phenomenon of Self. At the same time, binary archetypes in the structure of the collective unconscious of the human psyche are also in compensatory interactions. The terms >compensation overcompensation< are also widely used by A. Adler in different aspects and represent a means of overcoming the inferiority, a means of obtaining the correct moral freedom. On the basis of an inferiority complex, a compensatory superiority complex is developing. Both complexes have something in common: being developed excessively or balancing each other, they contribute to the exclusion from useful life and neurotization. But being filled with social content and manifesting adequately, they act as basic cues. According to the concept of K. Horney, it is interpersonal communication that can be defined as a mechanism of compensation of neurosis. At the same time, Erich Fromm fills compensation phenomenon with social content. He described three important compensatory syndromes: a desire for power, a desire for submission, and escape into work. The achievements of psychoanalysis have not lost their significance nowadays, as all these compensatory mechanisms operate in today’s society. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Melnikova, A. A. T1 - Политика глобализации и глубинные основания культур [Globalization Policy and Profound Cultural Grounds] JF - Политика и Общество [Politics and Society], No. 11 (2013), pp. 1340-1345. [ISSN: 2454-0684] N2 - Цель статьи: изучить один из аспектов процесса глобализации – распространение английского языка – в контексте теории лингвистической относительности, указывающей на взаимосвязь языка с ментальностью носителей данного языка. При анализе автор рассматривает отнесенность английского языка к >иметь<-языкам, а русского – к >быть<-языкам и конкретные формы выражения этого в языке в качестве глубинных культурных установок, связывая данные факты воедино, с одной стороны, с концепцией Фромма о направленности человека на обладание или бытие, с другой стороны – с процессом глобализации и установками, стоящими за формами проявления этого процесса и обуславливающими результаты (прежде всего, цивилизационные кризисы), которые мы наблюдаем в настоящий момент. В заключении автор предлагает в качестве первого антикризисного шага акти визировать филологическую составляющую образовательного процесса, в том числе – на уровне высшей школы. N2 - The purpose of this article is to study one of the aspects of globalization process, i.e. distribution of the English language, from the point of view of the theory of linguistic relativity pointing out the relation between the language and mentality of the speaker. The author analyses the relation of the English language to the >to have< group of languages and relation of the Russian language to the >to be< group of languages as well as particular forms of expression of these relations in the language as profound cultural attitudes. This can be explained, on one hand, from the point of view of Fromm’s concept about orientation of human either at acquiring or existence, and from the point of view of globalization and stereotypes and attitudes behind the globalization process that determine the results (civilization crises first of all), on the other hand. In conclusion the author recommends to promote philology in education including the system of higher education as the very first anti-crisis measure. Y1 - 2014 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shchelokova, Yu. V. T1 - Поиск любви в безлюбом мире [The Search for Love in a Loveless World] JF - Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 65, No. 2 (2014), pp. 173-181. [ISSN 2454-0722] N2 - Предметом исследования данной статьи является сущность любовного чувства, выражаю щаяся в концепции Платона, трактующей любовь как стремление восполнить утраченную целостность, которая была возрождена и по-новому ранжирована в трудах представителей гуманистической психоло-гии: Эриха Фромма, Гордона Олпорта, Карен Хорни, Гарри Салливана и других. Автор рассматривает различные виды любви, освещает проблему оскудения эмоционального мира современного человека, в сравнении, например, с античным греком, появления новых невротических видов любви, обусловленных проникновени- ем рыночных отношений в самые глубинные и интимные стороны человеческой жизни. В работе в различных комбинациях в зависимости от поставленных задач использовались общенаучные методы исследования: метод сравнительного анализа, синтез, структурный и системный методы. Научная новизна данной статьи состоит в том, что в ней освещена идея любви Платона, возрожденная иполучившая философско-антропологическое осмысление в неофрейдизме, что позволило рассмотреть фено-мен любви в >человеческом измерении<. Автором было акцентировано внимание, на том, что представите-лями данного направления был сделан огромный вклад в изучении данной темы, а не только темы личности, индивидуальности, ценности человека. Любовь существует в разных формах, можно говорить о ее много- образных проявлениях, меняющихся от эпохи к эпохе, различных видах, но существует глубинная сущностьлюбви, выражающаяся в тоске человека по утраченной целостности и стремлении восполнить свою фрагментарность, разорванность, незавершенность в продуктивном союзе с другим человеком. Эмоциональный мир современного человека оскудевает, появляются новые невротические формы проявления любви, подме- няющие живые чувства рыночными отношениями. В гуманистической психологии впервые за долгое время было привлечено внимание к теме любви, была возрождена концепция любви как разрешения главной проблемы человеческого бытия, данная тема была ранжирована на материале современного общества. N2 - The subject matter of the present research article is the nature of human love as expressed in Plato’s philosophy. Plato viewed love as one’s desire to restore his integrity and become complete. The same idea was raised again by the followers of humanistic psychology such as Erich Fromm, Gordon Allport, Karen Horney, Harry Sullivan and others. The author of the present article describes different forms of love and touches upon the issue of emotional ‘poverty’ of a modern human compared to, for example, an ancient Greek. The author also underlines that new forms of neurotic love have been appearing lately. According to the author, this is the result of the invasion of market relations into the most intimate spheres of human life. In her research, depending on a set goal, the author uses general scientific methods of research such as the method of comparative analysis, synthesis, structured method and systems method. The scientific novelty of this research article is the discussion of Plato’s concept of love developed by neo-Freudianism which allowed to see the phenomenon of love in the ‘humanistic’ dimension. The author also emphasizes the fact that the representatives of humanistic psychology made a significant contribution to the studies of the phenomenon of love apart from their contribution to the development of the concepts of personality, individuality and value of human. Love exists in different forms so we can say it may have different expressions depending on the historical epoch, but the main motive of love has always been the longing for the lost integrity and the desire to overcome the feeling of existential loneliness and feel completed again in the union with the other person. However, a modern human has rather poor emotions and this leads to creation of new neurotic expressions of love where true feelings are replaced with the importance of market relations. For the first time in a long period of humanistic psychology the author attracts our attention to the topic of love again and restores the concept of love as the way to overcome the main problem of human existence based on the experience of the modern society. Y1 - 2014 ER -