TY - JOUR A1 - Borgogno, Franco T1 - Interpretation in a >personal< field perspective (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2210270) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 192-200. N2 - This is a revision and expansion of a classic paper that was first delivered as a speech, in October 1994, for the 10th National Conference of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society, and then published as a chapter of the seminal book >Emozione e Interpretazione. Psicoanalisi del campo emotivo< [Emotion and interpretation. Psychoanalysis of the emotional field], edited in 1997 by Eugenio Gaburri. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bobeth, Sebastian T1 - Sustainability and Erich Fromm’s contribution to the social-ecological transfor-mation. An environmental psychologist’s perspective on the Annual Conference 2022 of the International Erich Fromm Society JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 083-114. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - 14 Y1 - 2023 VL - e27/2023d ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blum, Harold P. A1 - Blum, Elsa J. T1 - Evolution of Freudian psychoanalytic thought in the twentieth-century USA: The influence of the European émigrés (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2021.1984576) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 087-092. N2 - This paper briefly reviews major theoretical and clinical changes in American psychoanalysis since its beginning in the early twentieth century. The immigration of European analysts in the 1930s and 40s was of major significance. Infant development research promoted a shift towards the importance of object relations, reducing the importance of the Oedipus complex. The increasing focus on narcissism and borderline personalities is discussed, as well as the applications to dynamic psychotherapy. Dogma dissipated with increasing latitude in theory and clinical work within >classical< psychoanalysis. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blühdorn, Ingolfur T1 - Handeln für den Wandel? Beruhigungsnarrative gegen die Zeitenwende JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 162-175. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - 2 Y1 - 2023 VL - d27/2023l ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Biró, Zsuzsanna T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Escape from Freedom (1941a, Hungarian): Erich Fromm >szabadság< - értelmezése és a jelenkor felelőssége JF - Iskolakultúra (2004/5), pp.126-129. [real.mtak.hu/60437/1/EPA00011_iskolakultura_2004_05_126-129.pdf] N2 - A modern demokráciák sem oldották meg az >én< szabadságá nak kérdését, sőt a demokratikus berendezkedésű társadalmakban kialakult a szabadság előli menekülésnek egy teljesen sajátos útja. Fromm meglátása szerint (s ennek érvénye ma még erősebb, mint a könyv megírásakor volt): ahelyett, hogy az egyén megőriz né énje integritását, és spontán módon reagálna környezetére, inkább >megszűnik önmaga len ni, s teljes mértékben a kulturális minták felkínálta személyiségmodellt teszi magáévá.< Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bierhoff, Burkhard T1 - Über die Pathologie der Normalität im Konsumkapitalismus JF - Agora 42. Das philosophische Wirtschaftsmagazin, No. 3, 2023: Normalität. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bierhoff, Burkhard T1 - Von der Konsumkritik zu einem ökologisch tragfähigen Lebensstil JF - Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe – ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 193-211. T3 - Fromm Forum (German edition / deutsche Ausgabe) - 1 Y1 - 2023 VL - d27/2023n ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bezoari, Michele T1 - The analytic field as bipersonal and multidimensional container (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2210274) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 145-152. N2 - The title of this article encapsulates an approach to the notion of the analytic field where the contributions of the Barangers and Bion converge, opening up new perspectives that the author began to explore together with Antonino Ferro in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While the explicit formulation of a bipersonal field model should be credited to the Barangers, it is perhaps less widely known that the term “field” also features in Bion’s writings, with a meaning that is often generic but occasionally bears more specific connotations: for example, when he assimilates the analytic situation into a multidimensional field. In the light of Bion’s theory of thinking, the unconscious dynamics of the analytic field is determined not only by crossed projective identifications, but also by the dream-work of the couple, resulting from the alpha-function of both subjects. Thus, the Barangers’ concept of bastions can be combined with that of functional aggregates (Bezoari and Ferro), understood as animated holograms allowing a shared representation of the ongoing emotional experiences. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bates, Agnieszka T1 - Learning >in the Hive<: >Social Character< and Student Wellbeing in the Age of Psychometric Data JF - Critical Studies in Education, Vol. 64, No. 1 (2023), pp. 19-34. [Online ISSN 1750-8495] [doi.org/10.1080/17508487.2021.1948880] N2 - Growing societal concern about a crisis in the wellbeing of young people has prompted a range of responses from governments and corporations, predicated on an ideal of the resilient, self-reliant individual. Behavioural economists, data scientists and educational technology companies now offer a variety of psychological interventions based on psychometric data, aimed at ‘equipping’ individual students with the necessary skills and character to enable them to withstand the pressures of contemporary life. As a consequence, the critical importance of mutually supportive interpersonal relationships continues to be neglected in mainstream approaches to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This article draws on Fromm’s theory of social character and Zuboff’s analysis of >life in the hive< to challenge the assumptions about human behaviour underpinning data science and its application in digital tools for social and emotional learning and self-managed wellbeing. To improve students’ wellbeing, we need to begin with an understanding of why they are more likely to thrive within a network of mutually supportive social relationships than a digital >hive<. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Barraycoa Martínez, Javier T1 - The transformation of individualism and loneliness in times of pandemics JF - Scientia et Fides, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2023), pp. 137-195. [Online ISSN 2353-5636] [doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2023.011] N2 - The characterisation of mass society in a society without God, as a mere mimetic, hypnotic and unstable phenomenon is clearly insufficient. For its rise, so cial, psychological and relational changes had to take place, both among people and between people and their environment. Many scholars in recent times who have tried to explain the phenomenon of mass society have undoubtedly linked it to individualism, especially to one of its characteristics that could be considered specifically modern: loneliness. The study entitled >The Spiral of Silence< is well known, in which Noelle-Neumann, taking up Tocqueville’s classic thesis, highlights the tremendous negative force – as a psychosocial agent – of individual behaviour in the face of social forces. As Erich Fromm forcefully points out: >Feeling completely isolated and lonely leads to mental disintegration, just as starvation leads to death<. The phenomenon of a worldwide pandemic has forced a rethinking of the concept of isolation and loneliness, theoretically displaced by virtual and telematic forms of communication. However, mimetic effects and mass behaviours have not disappeared with isolation, but have been transmuted into new psychological, behavioural and cognitive attitudes. Y1 - 2023 ER -