TY - JOUR A1 - Ferro, Antonino A1 - Nicoli, Luca T1 - Discussion: Origins and destinies of the Bion field theory (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2183896) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 153-163. N2 - The authors trace the history and development of the Bion field theory (BFT) model in Italy and around the world, and address the human and professional aspects that characterize the profession of psychoanalysis today. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Johansson, Jan T1 - Does it still taste like psychoanalysis?: Experiences of collaborating with universities in psychoanalytic training (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2226380) JF - International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 219-226. N2 - There has been a striking lack of interest in reforming training and creating new forms of transmitting the essential knowledge required to function as a psychoanalyst. This paper presents a model for training psychotherapists in use in Finland, in which private institutes offer training in collaboration with the universities. The roles and functions of the universities and the institutes in the training are described. The implications of this mixed-model training are discussed, viewed through the experiences of some teachers involved in implementing the model. The teachers were asked to describe their experiences in regard to certain questions: What happens, when a third party becomes involved in the training process? Is it possible to maintain a psychoanalytic curriculum of studies in such a context? What does the relative loss of autonomy signify? What are the implications for the psychoanalytic institutes? Regarding the content of the training, the experiences seem more positive than expected. Institutes seem to have managed to adapt to the new requirements while maintaining the psychoanalytic core of the training. However, the model contains elements that can pose threats to the roles of the institutes and the position of psychoanalytic thinking as the base for psychotherapy in the future. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wąsowski, Dominik T1 - Dzieje mitu w mediach. Analiza fenomenu wampira w kinie na przykładzie >Zagadki Nieśmiertelności< Tony’ego Scotta i >Tylko Kochankowie Przeżyją< Jima Jarmuscha [The history of the myth in the media. Analysis of the vampire phenomenon in the cindema on an example >The Hunger< by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive< by Jim Jarmusch] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139] N2 - The article is an attempt to prove that cinema, becoming a kind of home of a mythical being – a vampire, clearly influences the change in the perception of its importance in culture. It was decided to explore the form and narrative of >The Hunger<, directed by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive<, written by Jim Jarmusch, because both of these works are masterpieces of the romance of the vampire myth with the film medium, which are not particularly popular among researchers of the phenomenon. The research works of Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp, Erich Fromm and Rollo May were used, as well as the concepts of successive processing of a mythical story were demonstrated. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hornung, Severin A1 - Unterrainer, Christine A1 - Höge, Thomas T1 - Editorial: A spectre is haunting Innsbruck. Documentation of the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology JF - Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 04-05. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Orellana, Carlos Iván T1 - El escape de la libertad, de Erich Fromm: 80 años de advertencia sobre la amenaza autoritaria [Erich Fromm's Escape from Freedom: 80 Years of Warning About the Authoritarian Threat] [La fuite de la liberté d’Erich Fromm: 80 ans d’avertissement sur la menace autoritaire] JF - Revista Espiga (Costa Rica), Vol. 22, No. 45 (2023), pp. 39-51. [Online ISSN 2215-454X] [revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/espiga/article/view/4612/6412] N2 - En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre el autoritarismo contemporáneo, a propósito de los 80 años del libro clásico: El miedo de la libertad, de Erich Fromm. Se argumenta que el mensaje principal del texto mantiene su vigencia al advertir sobre los riesgos que se ciernen sobre la democracia ante la llegada de un líder autoritario al cual las masas se someten en busca de resguardo y sentido, en el que el caso salvadoreño sirve para ilustrar la sumisión a líderes populistas en Centroamérica. Mientras la dignidad de las personas no sea colocada en el centro de las preocupaciones políticas, el riesgo de persistir en la idea de escapar de la libertad a través del autoritarismo será siempre una posibilidad latente. N2 - This essay reflects on contemporary authoritarianism, regarding the 80 years of the classic book: >The fear of freedom<, by Erich Fromm. It is argued that the main message of the text maintains its validity by warning about the risks that hang over democracy before the arrival of an authoritarian leader to whom the masses submit in search of protection and meaning, in which the Salvadoran case serves to illustrate submission to populist leaders in Central America. As long as people's dignity is not placed at the center of political concerns, the risk of persisting in the idea of escaping from freedom through authoritarianism will always be a latent possibility. N2 - Cet essai Cet essai réfléchi sur l’autoritarisme contemporain concernant les années 80 du célèbre livre: >La peur de la liberté< d’Erich Fromm. Cet article argumente que le message principal du texte maintient sa validité qui prévient sur les risques qui pèsent sur la démocratie face à l’arrivée d’un leader autoritaire. Alors les masses se sont soumises devant ce leader autoritaire en cherchant protection et sens, ce qui dans le cas salvadorien sert à illustrer la soumission aux leaders populistes de l’Amérique Centrale. Tant que la dignité des personnes n’est pas placée dans le centre des préoccupations politiques, le risque de persister dans l’idée d’échapper de la liberté à travers de l’autoritarisme sera toujours une possibilité latent. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Padilla Díaz, Jorge T1 - El hombre absurdo y el miedo a la libertad: resonancias kafkianas en la lectura de Erich Fromm, una premonición de nuestro tiempo [The senseless man and his fear of freedom: Kafkaesque thought through the mind of Erich Fromm, a premonition of our times] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Persona (Lima), Vol. 26, No. 1 (2023), pp. 133-152. [Online ISSN 2309-9062] [doi.org/10.26439/persona2023.n26(1).6338] N2 - En su obra >El miedo a la libertad<, publicada en 1941, el psicólogo y psicoanalista alemán Erich Fromm desenmascara de forma casi vertiginosa una tendencia ambivalente, inherente a las sociedades modernas, según la cual la libertad conquistada por el ciudadano medio en las democracias del sistema capitalista es directamente proporcional al crecimiento de un generalizado sentimiento de soledad, impotencia e insignificancia. Esta situación empuja al individuo a buscar algún tipo de subterfugio o paliativo mediante el cual consiga contrarrestar dicha sensación de angustia. En este ensayo, me propongo abordar la correlación entre la absurda coherencia del universo kafkiano y las ideas de Fromm con respecto a los mecanismos, desarrollados desde la ética protestante y exacerbados por el espíritu del capitalismo tardío, que para el cumplimiento de tal fin se sirvió nuestra sociedad occidental, y contrastarlos con la problemática actual. Sabemos que si algo destaca dentro de la irracionalidad racional que significa toda la obra de Kafka es precisamente ese >miedo inconsciente a la libertad< que obliga a sus personajes a encerrarse dentro del incuestionable marco del sometimiento – o sumisión, como diría Fromm – al gran Otro y cumplimiento de las normas sociales establecidas, lo que a su vez se articula como una suerte de refugio aislado de la caótica realidad exterior, si bien a expensas del bienestar tanto físico – como sucede en La metamorfosis o en El artista del hambre – como psicológico – en el caso de El proceso o El Castillo – del protagonista en cuestión. N2 - In >The Fear of Freedom<, first published in 1941, German psychoanalyst Erich Fromm unmasks the ambivalent tendencies that have ingrained modern societies: the liberties achieved by the average individual citizen of democracies reliant on capi¬talism are directly proportional to the growth of universally experienced loneliness, insignificance, and fragility. This exhausting situation inevitably pushes the individual to seek some form of subterfuge or palliative to try and counter a growing feeling of anguish that seems to be innate, all-encompassing. This essay addresses the corre¬lation between the absurd coherence of the Kafkaesque universe and Fromm’s claims regarding the mechanisms and crushing feelings – exacerbated by the spirit of late-stage capitalism that plagues modern Western societies – first developed in Protestant ethics and discusses them regarding the problems of our times. One of the most recog¬nizable and impactful, rational-yet-irrational ideas that stands out from Kafka’s work is the >unconscious fear of freedom< that forces his characters to lock themselves up within the absolute prison of submission – as Fromm would put it – to the tremen¬dous Other and the established social norms. This isolated refuge individuals have created to shield themselves from the chaotic, unstable, external reality comes at the expense of the personage’s physical well-being (evidently seen in The Metamorphosis or A Hunger Artist) and psychological well-being (shown in >The Castle< or >The Trial<). Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pinkas, Ronen T1 - Erich Fromm und Das Freie Jüdische Lehrhaus in Frankfurt JF - Judaica: Neue Digitale Folge 4, (2023), 28 pp. [open access via https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2023.1.1] N2 - This article examines Erich Fromm (1900–1980) within the context of the so-called >renaissance of Jewish religious thought< in Germany during the early 20th century. It is well known that Fromm was a member of the Institute for Social Research, later called the Frankfurt School. The focus of this study, however, is on what has received little attention in research, namely Fromm’s involvement in founding the Freies jüdisches Lehrhaus (the Jewish House of Free Study) in Frankfurt. Fromm participated in the founding of the Lehrhaus as a student and later as a lecturer. During this time, Fromm also wrote his dissertation on Judaism at Heidelberg University. Methodologically, this paper intertwines the historical biographical axis, which deals with Fromm’s connections to several thinkers: Rabbi Nehemia Nobel, Rabbi Georg Salzberger, Baruch Salman Rabinkow, Franz Rosenzweig, Ernest Simon and others, and the philosophical axis, which focuses on his dissertation, The Jewish Law. The Freies jüdisches Lehrhaus in Frankfurt is primarily associated with Franz Rosenzweig and other thinkers who worked there, such as Gershom Scholem, Ernest Simon, Leo Löwenthal and Martin Buber, who wrote >Ich und Du< during the years he taught there. With the exception of Buber, the Lehrhaus was their first official teaching venue. The Lehrhaus was characterized by its dialogical atmosphere, and symmetrical relationships between teachers and students, which softened some of the rigidity that was the norm at German educational frameworks at the time. This atmosphere continued to influence Fromm in his adult life, in terms of his attitude towards religion, questioning of authority and his understanding of human nature. Finally, it later played a role in his departure from Freudian libido theory. This study presents some key ideas from his dissertation, including his position on religious dogma, particularly concerning the Karaite sect, a subject that he later taught as a lecturer at the Lehrhaus. Fromm’s dissertation expresses his preoccupation with his Jewish identity and his examination of the complex theo-political reality in which the Jews of Germany found themselves at the beginning of the 20th century, including the debates between Orthodox Jews and reformers, and between Zionists and anti-Zionists. This article supports the claim that Fromm’s position that religious factors play a central role in the historical process, which he held throughout his life, was formed in these early years. The article strengthens the scholarly position that Fromm’s Jewish background is relevant to understanding his thought in general. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - Erich Fromm y la tradición intersubjetiva [cf. Funk_R_2011q] JF - Sanchez, l., and Giraldo, D., Ensayos sobre la teoria critica de la sociedad. A 100 aiios del lnstituto del lnstituto de lnvestigacion Social de Frankfurt, Medillin (Universidad Libre) 2023, pp. 225-234. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Keser, Azercan T1 - Erich Fromm'da ortakyaşam: Sade(izm) ve masoch(izm) [Symbiote in Erich Fromm; Sade(ism) and Masoh(ism)] JF - Felsefe ve sosyal Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Vol. 35 (2023), pp. 215-236. [ISSN 2618-5784] [doi.org/10.53844/flsf.1230001] N2 - İnsanların bir aradalığının nedenleri, nasıl mümkün olduğu ve nasıl olması gerektiği sosyal bilimlerin temel konuları olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bazı düşünürler için bu bir aradalığı en iyi haliyle sağlamanın yolu yasalar ve sözleşmelerledir. Bazıları için bu bir aradalığın kaynağı aynı türe ait olmanın getirdiği duygudaşlık, empati ve ortak değerler olarak tanımlanır. Teist yaklaşımlarda ise (bu neden) tüm insanlığın Tanrının yaratımı olduğu görüşüyle temellendirilir. Erich Fromm’un ortakyaşam (symbiosis) olarak adlandırdığı bu bir aradalığın kaynağı insanın varoluşsal çelişkisinin neden olduğu yalnızlık duygulanımıdır. Fromm için yaşama atılan insanın yalnızlık duygulanımı sonucu geliştirdiği boyun eğmenin türleri sadizm ve mazoşizm olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bu boyun eğme türlerinin birbirine ihtiyaç duyması ve bu ihtiyaca paralel birbirini geliştirerek süregelen etkileşimi ortakyaşamı mümkün kılmaktadır. İnsanın dünyaya atılmasıyla karşılaştığı güçler karşısında geliştirdiği bahsi geçen etkileşimin tarafları bilinçdışında birbirine bağımlılık geliştirmektedir. Bu bağımlılık ise Fromm’a göre kendi ideal bir aradalığını türettiği, kendi bir aradalığından önce süregelen olumsuz ortak yaşamın kaynağını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Fromm’un -özelinde ikili ilişkilerde- ortak yaşamın kaynağı olarak konumlandırdığı sadizm ve mazoşizm olgularını inceleyip bir aradalığın bugüne kadar nasıl gerçekleştiğini irdeledikten sonra nasıl olması gerektiğini tartışmaya açmayı hedeflemekteyiz. Bu hedefe paralel olarak öncelikle Sade ve Masoch eserleri üzerinden inceleyeceğimiz ardından tanımlayacağımız ve nihayetinde Fromm’un bu iki olguyu olumsuzlamasından dolayı bu iki olgunun yerine sunduğu ideal bir aradalık aktarılarak günümüz ile ilişkilendirilecektir. N2 - The reason for the coexistence of people, how it is possible and how it should be, appear as one of the main subjects of social sciences. For some thinkers, the best way to achieve this unity is through laws and contracts. For some, the source of this togetherness is defined as the sympathy, empathy and shared values deriving from belonging to the same species. In theist approaches, on the other hand, it is based on the view that all humanity is creation of God. According to Fromm, the source of the togetherness, which he calls the common life (symbiosis), is the feeling of loneliness caused by the existential contradiction of man. According to Fromm, sadism and masochism are types of submission developed by a person tossed into life as a result of the feeling of loneliness. These two phenomena need each other and develop each other in parallel with this need and this ongoing interaction makes symbiosis possible. The parties of the mentioned interaction, which man develops against the forces he encounters when he is thrown into the world, unconsciously develops interdependence. According to Fromm, this dependency is the source of the negative symbiosis deriving its ideal togetherness and continuing before its own togetherness. In this study, we aim to discuss how it should be after examining the facts of sadism and masochism, which Fromm has positioned as the source of common life, especially in bilateral relations, and how the togetherness takes place. Parallel to this goal, we will first examine Sade and Masoch's works, then define them, and finally, due to Fromm's negation of these two phenomena, the ideal togetherness, which he offers instead of the two, will be associated with today. Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kühn, Thomas T1 - Erich Fromm's Humanistic Approach and its Potential for Increasing the Importance of Peace Psychology in the Public Debate JF - Fromm Forum (English Edition – ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 031-052. T3 - Fromm Forum (English edition / englische Ausgabe) - 21 Y1 - 2023 VL - e27/2023b ER -