TY - JOUR A1 - Ziege, Eva-Maria T1 - Die politische Theorie des jungen Erich Fromm JF - Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Jahrgang 58 (No. 3, 2006), pp. 263-266. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zheng, Zhenwei T1 - The Loneliness and the Heard – More than one Poetry [孤独与闻一多的诗歌创作 ][Application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Studies on Modern Chinese Literature [中国现代文学研究丛刊], No. 5 (2006), pp. 201-229. N2 - 本文从孤独感这一角度探讨闻一多的诗歌创作,发现孤独感对于闻诗想象力、创造力生成的意义,并从孤独感的层面重新品读闻氏一些诗作。全文力图将闻诗与闻留美时期的书信等材料互相印证,说明闻诗中孤独感的存在价值。 N2 - From the point of view of the loneliness explore heard more than one poetry found that the sense of loneliness smell poetic imagination, creativity generated and Wen's goods re-read some poems from the level of loneliness. Full trying to smell the poem with the smell stayed in the United States during the correspondence and other material cross-checked, smell the poem loneliness existence value. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zheng, Junguang T1 - Comparison between Fromm’s Alienation Thought and Marx’s Alienation Thought [弗洛姆的异化思想和马克思的异化思想之比较], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China 2006. N2 - Alienation is a general phenomenon of the capitalist society, which is discussed by Fromm and Marx. Fromm regards the alienation phenomenon as people’s morbid psychology in the capitalist society from psychological view. Moreover, the morbid psychology is a kind of individual experience that produces in conflict between abstract man and conflict of realistic society. Marx investigated the phenomenon which subject and object reverse each other in the light of conflict between realistic man and realistic society, and found the basic reason of the relation produced in practice.– Human essence-alienation origin-meaning and behavior-building of the ideal society as its spindle, the article divided into four parts, which presents a comparative study in different answers from Fromm and Marx. And we also hope to show by the research that we should not leave this basic theory point of >practice<, no matter which angle we probe into the alienation question. N2 - 异化现象是资本主义社会的普遍现象,弗洛姆和马克思都曾对此进行过探讨和研究。弗洛姆从心理学角度,将异化现象看成是资本主义社会下人的病态心理。而且,这种病态心理是在“抽象的人”与现实社会的冲突中产生的一种个体体验。马克思则从社会历史的角度,在“现实的人”与现实社会的冲突中考察了资本主义社会下主、客体关系相互颠倒的现象,并在实践中找到了产生这中颠倒关系的根本动因。 文章以人的本质——异化的根源——异化的涵义及表现——理想社会的建构为主线分为四个部分,对弗洛姆和马克思在这四个问题所做出的不同回答做了比较研究。希望通过这种研究表明:无论从哪个角度去探讨异化问题,都不应该离开“实践”这个理论基点。 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhao, Chun-ni A1 - Hu, Kun T1 - Seeking the Perfect Personality – On Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalytic Therapy Concept [健全人格的追寻——弗洛姆人本主义精神分析治疗观述评] JF - Science and Technology Information (Academic Research) [科技信息(学术研究)], No. 8 (2006), pp. 352-353. N2 - 弗洛姆的人本主义精神分析治疗观的研究思路是跳出单纯从解剖学和生物意义上把握人的圈子,结合马克思对人的认识论,从人的处境出发,揭示人存在的矛盾是心理疾病的根源,通过对当代资本主义社会现实的分析,指出现代人生存的困境——异化是心理疾病的直接原因;在对心理疾病成因作出分析的基础上,弗洛姆进而提出了他的心理治疗的目标——从健全人格的追寻到健全社会的追求,并提出了具体的心理治疗的步骤和方法。 N2 - Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis treatment concept ideas is out just from the grasp of the human anatomy and biological significance of the circle, combined with Marx's epistemology, from the situation of people, revealing human existence the contradiction is the psychological root of the disease, by the reality of contemporary capitalist society, pointed out that the survival of the modern predicament - alienation is the direct cause of the mental illness. Fromm then put forward on the basis of an analysis of the causes of mental illness his pursuit of the goal – the pursuit of the perfect personality to improve the social and the specific steps and methods of psychotherapy. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Yanfei T1 - The Freedom Dilemma of the Women and the Way out – >The Golden Notebook< Psychological Interpretation [自由女性的困境与出路 - 《金色笔记》的心理学解读], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Northwestern University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 2006 [Application of Fromm's theories to art] N2 - One's inner world is always the focus of literary works in modern times the psychological moment can indeed reflect people's real situation. Doris Lessing all-round ascertains in The Golden Notebook a of western modern woman who is in a dilemma of the novel manifests that a modern woman are between two fires, which cools down the fever of pursuing to be a free woman. There is no doubt that Doris Lessing are aware of all sorts of difficult the free women are faced with. But she doesn't explicitly point out the way out of the current situation and how to make the real freedom come true. This paper applies related theory of Erich Fromm who is American temporary famous psychologist and sociologist, analyses the free women's dilemma which is refracted by the figure of Anna in The Golden Notebook, and try hard to search after the outlet for the free women to get out of the dilemma. The text of this paper consists of three parts as follows.– The part one traces back to the fundamental conception of >freedom< and introduces the concept of Fromm about liberty. At the same time the author analyzed from the psychology angle the color image about four notebooks which are named after the four colors: red, black, yellow, blue.– The part two narrates that Anna is faced with all sorts of difficult which concludes political conviction and creative action, applies Fromm's theory about dream to analyze Anna's intellectual crisis.– The chapter three looks up the out way for free women. Breaking through the shackles of habit and getting rid of the marriage bound doesn't guarantee one own freedom. One can drive off in the reverse direction. Modern women should not be antagonistic to the man but mix together themselves and male sex, the whole society by cherish and spontaneous activity, they should pursue senior grade freedom with the blending between woman and man, with the development of society. N2 - 人的内心世界一直是文学创作中备受关注的焦点,的确,现代人隐秘的心理从某种程度上更能反映他们的真实处境。本文从心理学的层面探悉《金色笔记》中所反映的自由女性的困境,并力图思考困境中的女性>突围<的出路。莱辛在《金色笔记》中对当代西方的自由女性作了全方位的、多角度的审视,凸现出追求自由的女性在当代西方社会中进退维谷的两难处境,从而降低了女性盲目追求自由的热度。毫无疑问,较之同时代激进的女性主义者,莱辛显得更客观冷静,她认识到女性在挣脱传统的束缚之后又陷入另一种困境,但是,并没有明确指出她们摆脱现存困境、实现真正自由的出路所在。本论文结合美国当代著名心理学家、社会学家弗罗姆的相关理论,以《金色笔记》为文本分析个案,讨论主人公安娜的形象所折射出来的自由女性的困境,探讨其中内含的理论问题。论文分三部分:第一章简要介绍了自由的概念并引入弗罗姆的自由观,其次是对《金色笔记》中黑、红、黄、蓝、金五种颜色意象作了心理分析;第二章叙述了安娜在政治信仰、文学创作、感情生活中的种种尴尬处境,并引入弗罗姆的梦论,深入安娜的心灵深处,分析她的精神危机;第三章意在探求陷入困境的自由女性的可能出路。走出家庭、摆脱婚姻并非实现自由的保证,相反,会距离自由愈来愈远。女性应该通过爱和自发性的工作,达到与男性世界、与整个社会的融合,在两性的融合中,在社会的和谐进步中追求更高层次的自由。 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Xiaowei T1 - Discussion on Our Fromm Research Course [浅谈我国的弗洛姆研究历程] JF - Journal of Chongqing City Management Vocational College [重庆城市管理职业学院学报], No. 3 (2006), pp. 28-32. N2 - 上世纪80年代后期国内曾掀起一场>弗洛姆热<,但国内的弗洛姆研究早已开始且至今仍在继续,其历史以>弗洛姆热<为界大致可分为三个阶段。在第一阶段弗洛姆被当作政治批判对象,其学说被认为是否定的人道主义。到了第二阶段弗洛姆成为思想的偶像,其译著大量出版,其学说仍被认定为人道主义,但研究者的自身局限却导致他们对其学说不加取舍地全盘肯定。进入第三阶段国内开始以理性反思的方法和辨证批判的态度扬弃弗洛姆的人道主义学说并取得了一些进展。但由于种种原因,我国目前对弗洛姆学说的定性仍停留在40多年前的的水平而难以对其研究产生质的飞跃。 N2 - In the 1980s the late domestic had set off a Fromm hot domestic Fromm research has already began and still continue its history, Fromm hot sector can be broadly divided into three stages. As a political target of the criticism in the first phase of Fromm, whose doctrine is considered negative humanitarian. To the second phase of Fromm become the idol of ideas, translated a large number of publishing, with its doctrine are still being identified as a humanitarian, but the researcher's own limitations has led to their doctrine without trade-offs holistic certainly. Enter the third stage of the country began to rational reflection and critical attitude dialectical sublation Fromm the humanitarian doctrine and made some progress. However, due to various reasons, our current the Fromm doctrine qualitative still remain at the level of 40 years ago to produce a qualitative leap in its research. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Xiaowei T1 - Studies on Fromm in China [浅谈我国的弗洛姆研究历程] JF - Journal of Longdong University (Social Science Edition) [陇东学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 4 (2006), pp. 57-61. N2 - 上世纪80年代后期国内曾掀起一场>弗洛姆热<,但国内的弗洛姆研究早已开始且至今仍在继续,其历史以>弗洛姆热<为界大致可分为三个阶段。在第一阶段弗洛姆被当作政治批判对象,其学说被认为是否定的人道主义。到了第二阶段弗洛姆成为思想的偶像,其译著大量出版,其学说仍被认定为人道主义,但研究者的自身局限却导致他们对其学说不加取舍地全盘肯定。进入第三阶段国内开始以理性反思的方法和辨证批判的态度扬弃弗洛姆的人道主义学说并取得了一些进展。但由于种种原因,我国目前对弗洛姆学说的定性仍停留在40多年前的水平而难以对其研究产生质的飞跃。 N2 - A >Fromm fever< took place in late 1980s in China whereas our scholastic research on him began earlier and has been continuing since. The studies can be divided into three different periods of time. In the first period, Fromm's theories were identified as a negative humanitiarianism because Fromm was politically degraded as a critical target. In the second period, he was idolized as an image of thoughts, when his works were translated and published and his theories, still deemed as humanitiarianism, were fully accepted by scholars. In the third period, some improvements were obtained when Fromm's humantiarianism was sublated with an attitude of dialectical criticism and a method of rational introspection. For some reasons, however, the studies on the nature of his thoughts remains at the level over 40 years ago without a qualitative leap forward. Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Songlin T1 - On Evil Characters of Shakespeare's Dramas [莎士比亚戏剧恶魔人物论], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, China 2006 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Evil is a common social phenomenon, the which is also an inner factor of humanity as opposed to benevolence As an important mental the activity reflecting reality and humanity, literature depicts multifarious evils Forming to a literary peak during the Renaissance Shakespeare's drama penetrates humanity and reveals the wickedness in it by the characterization of demons of various types. Firmly grounded in reality, Shakespeare reforms and refines those evil creatures and models a series of realistic demonic figures. This thesis intends to outline the development of the Shakespearean demonic character, and eventually pins down the reasons and causes for their artistic charms.– The first chapter explores the source of demons, briefly summarizes evil and demonic figures, elucidates the connotation of demon as a special concept, and classifies and generalizes demonic images in literature throughout the ages.– The second chapter specifically analyzes the demonic behaviors and the related psychology in Shakespeare's dramas, largely depending on Erich Fromm's theory on the nature of evil. This is generalized as being of three types: death desire, vicious narcissism, and the Oedipus complex. There is a range of demonic figures corresponding to each type: Richard III and Macbeth belong to the first, whose mentalities run counter to normality, and they both have a violent destructive impulse and a strong desire for power. They are keen on violence and killing. Lago and Richard III belong to the type of vicious narcissism: they isolate themselves from society, grab power as a counter-balance to their solitary plight, make judgment with egoistic attitude, and keep doing villainy in their own interests at the price of innocent lives. Richard III and Macbeth are also demons: they have the complex of patricide. Freud considers human nature to be evil and maintains that a man has a latent Oedipus complex, but this thesis puts this Complex into broad senses.– The third chapter analyzes the importance of demonic figures from a historical angle. Demonic figures are common in the Western literature. Originally it is a theological concept in ... N2 - >恶<是生活中常见的一种社会现象,也是人性中与善相对立的因素。作为观照生活、反映人性的重要精神活动,文学对恶的描述可谓多彩多姿。莎士比亚戏剧作为西方文学史上的一座高峰,对人性恶的揭露更是入木三分。莎士比亚立足现实生活,对社会中的>恶人<加以提炼,塑造了一系列栩栩如生的>恶魔式<人物形象,深刻地揭露了人性之恶。本文拟通过对莎剧中恶魔人物心理的分析,梳理出恶魔形象发展的线索,进而探讨恶魔吸引人的缘由。本文有以下几个部分构成:引言主要理清本课题的国内外研究现状,确定本文研究方法及拟解决的问题。第一章是恶魔探源。简单梳理和总结恶及恶魔形象,从恶的概念入手来阐发恶魔的内涵,并对文学中的恶魔形象进行分类概括。第二章主要用精神分析学派学者弗洛姆>恶的本性<的理论,深入分析莎剧中的恶魔人物的心理。本文将恶魔心理分为:>爱死<,恶性自恋,弑父情结。莎剧中的恶人的心理分属不同的类型:理查三世和麦克白是具有>爱死<心理的恶魔,其心理有悖于正常人,他们有强烈的破坏欲和权力欲,往往把暴力和残杀当作人生的乐趣,爱死心理是危害最大的一种恶劣心理。伊阿古、理查三世具有恶性自恋者心理的恶魔,他们把自我同社会隔绝,紧紧拥抱权力来抵御孤独和恐惧,并以自我为中心来判断事情,不断地为私利作恶,而不惜残害人的生命。理查三世和麦克白是具有弑父情结的恶魔。文中把对父亲,以及对类似于父亲的权威力量的颠覆和反叛,当作弑父情结的表现。第三章是从文学史的角度来分析莎剧恶魔形象的重要性。恶魔形象是西方文学作品中经常出现的一种文学类型,从中世纪的奇迹剧、道德剧开始,人们对它的认识,从抽象的神学观念上的魔鬼逐渐演变成感性的人的形象。文学作品中出现了许多恶魔形象,并积累了一系列塑造恶魔的手法。莎士比亚既继承了传统戏剧塑造恶人的有益成果,如对中世纪>孽障<、>罪恶<等作恶角色的借鉴,同时又 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Heping T1 - On Erich Fromm's >Productive Love<[弗洛姆>创发性的爱<新论] JF - Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Siences) [西北师大学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2006), pp. 13-18. N2 - In order to solve the serious problem of personal relationship in western society, Erich Fromm put forward his theory >productive love<. This theory has its rationality, some implications for the establishment of harmony and love among people, and significance for the establishment of good personal relationship and harmonious society. However, this theory has some limits of abstract, analysis, and direct perception, which were criticized by Karl Marx in his book on L. Feuerbach. N2 - 弗洛姆为了解决现代西方社会人际关系中存在的严重问题,提出了他的>创发性的爱<的理论。这一理论应该说是有其合理性的,它为建立人际之间和谐、友爱、充满亲情的关系做了具有一定启发性的探索,这对于我们今天建立人际之间的良好关系,建立和谐社会,具有重要的启迪意义。但弗洛姆的这一学说也存在着马克思在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中批判过的抽象、思辨、直观的限度,这一限度决定了弗洛姆学说的本质特征。 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zaphiropoulos, Miltiades T1 - I Remember It Well: Reminiscences on the History of the Academy JF - The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34 (2006), pp. 013-018. Y1 - 2006 ER -