TY - JOUR A1 - Glucksman, Myron L. A1 - Kramer, Milton T1 - Initial and Last Manifest Dream Reports of Patients in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Combined Psychotherapy/Pharmacotherapy JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 617-634 Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gong, Jing T1 - >Catch-22< in the Ethics of Love [《第二十二条军规》中爱的伦理] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Writer Magazine [作家], No. 10 (2012), pp. 26-27. N2 - 《第二十二条军规》反映了现代社会中人性的异化,海勒试图通过这本小说探索人的出路问题。本文结合弗洛姆的伦理思想,解读该小说中海勒对爱的思考和对人类生存处境的人性关怀。 N2 - >Catch-22< reflects the alienation of modern society, human nature, Heller tries to explore people's way out through this novel. Combining ethical thought Fromm, Heller novel interpretation of the love of thinking and living situation of human to human care. [automatic translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gonzáles Almarez, Evangelina T1 - Escuela de Psicología. Terapia breve. La vida auténtica, Essay, Centro de Ensenanza Téchnica y Superior (Cetys Universidad), Mexicali, Mexico 2014. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grosvenor, Peter T1 - Escape from Theology: Theistic and Nontheistic Religion in the Socialist Humanism of Erich Fromm JF - Ricci, G. R. (Ed.), Politics in Religion (Religion & Public Life, Vol. 38), New Brunswick (Transaction Publishers) 2012, pp. 33-58. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Guan, Jian T1 - The Study of the Western Marxist Theories of Alienation [西方马克思主义异化理论研究], PhD thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2012. N2 - 理论的生命力深深地扎根于现实的土壤中,异化理论之所以倍受关注,是因为现代人仍未摆脱异化的生存境况。在资本主义社会中,异化所达到的程度远远超出马克思在自由资本主义时代描绘的异化劳动的范围,生活在当代资本主义条件下的人,经常处于剥削、失业、破产、危机和战争的威胁之中,感受着孤独、疏远、恐惧、绝望和多种焦虑心理的折磨,异化已经成为令人忧虑且十分普遍的社会现象。因此,正视当今社会存在的异化问题,比较西方马克思主义的异化研究与马克思的劳动异化理论之不同,探索克服异化的途径和方法,不仅可以丰富马克思的异化理论,而且可以赋予异化理论以新的时代内容。论文主要采用历史分析和逻辑分析相结合的方法和比较法。首先通过对西方马克思主义异化理论的历史考察,对其思想内容及其历史地位作出说明,揭示西方马克思主义异化理论在不同时期的继承性和差异性,突出其思想的系统性和逻辑性;其次,通过比较西方马克思主义异化理论与马克思异化理论的共同点和区别,详细分析当今西方发达国家与资本主义发展初期异化的不同表现。论文主要研究了以下几方面的内容:首先,考察西方马克思主义异化理论的思想渊源。包括霍布斯、卢梭、费希特、黑格尔、费尔巴哈的异化理论,重点分析马克思的异化理论。其次,概括西方马克思主义异化理论的发展脉络。包括早期西方马克思主义代表人物卢卡奇的异化理论、法兰克福学派霍克海默的理性异化观、马尔库塞的总体异化理论、弗洛姆的人的异化理论、哈贝马斯的交往异化理论、芬伯格的技术异化理论,还有存在主义萨特和列斐伏尔的异化理论及生态学马克思主义的代表人物阿格尔、莱易斯、奥康纳的异化理论,进而形成系统的、全面的西方马克思主义的异化理论。再次,依据上述理论观点,探讨当今社会异化的各种形式及相关内容,重点研究异化的本质、产生根源、主要表现、严重后果及消除异化的基本途径,特别是分析技术异化、交往异化、日常生活异化、消费异化、文化异化等各种异化产生的时代背景及它们之间错综复杂的关系,分析诸种异化造成的人的生存困境,探索人类社会发展与异化的关系,探究克服异化的方式。最后,分析西方马克思主义异化理论的成绩和局限。探索西方马克思主义异化理论对马克思异化理论的丰富与发展、比较马克思异化理论与西方马克思主义异化理论的不同,指出西方马克思主义异化理论的片面性与乌托邦性。与马克思所生活的时代相比,生产异化已不是最主要的异化,消费异化成为今天异化的主要内容,与此同时,科技异化和交往异化也是不可忽视的,这些在当今西方发达国家出现的异化现象值得我们反思和借鉴,西方马克思主义异化理论对我国现代化进程具有重要的启示。 N2 - The strength of theory is deeply rooted in the heart of realism. The increasing attention given to the Theory of Alienation is due to the fact that men living in modern times have not been able to shake off the survival situation of alienation yet. In a capitalist society, the degree of alienation has gone far beyond the labor scope depicted by Marx in the era of laissez-faire capitalism. People living under the circumstances of contemporary capitalism, constantly threatened by exploitation, unemployment, bankruptcy, crisis and war, are torn by various psychological feelings like loneliness, estrangement, fear, despair and other anxieties, so alienation has become a widespread social phenomenon raising much concern. Therefore, the existence of alienation in modern society should be properly dealt with and different ways and means to de-alienation should be probed into by a comparative study on the differences between the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation and the Marx's Labor Theory of Alienation; as a result, the Marxist Theory of Alienation can be enriched, but also the Theory of Alienation can be endowed with new content of times. - This paper takes on the approach of a comparative analysis as well as one with historical and logical analysis combined. To begin with, it's a study into the history of the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation and the explanation of its ideology and historical status. Then the inheritance and the differences of it in different periods are revealed; the systematic and logical aspects of this idea are highlighted. - Secondly, after a meticulous examination and comparison between the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation and the Marxist Theory of Alienation, the outcome of analysis will show the obvious signs of division between developed countries in the west today and those at an early stage of capitalism. This paper mainly covers the following aspects: firstly, the ideological origin of the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation, including the Theory of Alienation from the perspective of Hobbes, Rousseau, Fichte, Hegel, and Feuerbach, with special emphasis on Marx's Theory of Alienation. Secondly, the development of the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation is generalized, including Lukács' Theory of Alienation of the early Western Marxism, Horkheimer's Rational Alienation of Frankfurt School, Marcuse's General Theory of Alienation, Fromm's Theory of Human Alienation, Habermas' Communicative Action Theory of Alienation, Feenberg's Technological Theory of Alienation; the existentialists Sartre's and Lefebvre's Theory of Alienation and the representative figures of ecological Marxism, and Agger's, Levin Lewis's, O'Connor's Theory of Alienation. All of which together, constitute a comprehensive system of the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation. - Thirdly, at the heart of the aforementioned theories and viewpoints, various forms and subjects of social alienation in modern times are explored. A spotlight will be placed on the nature of alienation, origins, manifestations, consequences and the basic measures to de-alienation. especially on the analysis of the background and the intricate relationships of scientific and technological alienation, communicative action alienation, alienation of daily life, consumption alienation, cultural alienation and others; the survival difficulties caused by alienation of various kinds are also analyzed; and the relationship between the development of human society and alienation as well as the measures to de-alienation are explored. - Finally, the achievements and limitations of the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation are analyzed. A study will be conducted on the contribution and development made by the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation to Marx's Theory of Alienation, and a comparison will be made between Marx's Theory of Alienation and Western Marxist Theory of Alienation. This will point out that the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation is one-sided and Utopian. Compared with our time to that of the one Marx lived in, manufacturing alienation is no longer the main division, but instead, consumption alienation has taken over as the leading role in today's modern society. Simultaneously, scientific and technological and communicative action alienation cannot be ignored. China needs to take into account and learn from its process of modernization as both of these occurrences have already taken place in developed western countries. Therefore, the Western Marxist Theory of Alienation has important implications for China's process of modernization. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Guo, Min T1 - Mental Health Research Viewed from the Perspective of General Problem-Solving [广义问题解决视野下的心理健康研究], Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 2912. N2 - 当今社会,人们的生活节奏不断加快,竞争压力越来越大,来自学习、工作、婚姻、交往等方方面面的问题使得越来越多的人难以应对,严重影响了人们的心理健康。追求心理健康已成为当代社会生活的最重要内容之一。然而,什么是心理健康?心理健康与哪些因素有关?如何才能更好保持心理健康状态呢?无数心理学家仍在寻求这些问题的答案。本文选取广义问题解决的全新视角,提出心理健康就是及时发现并成功解决问题所达到的心理平衡状态。此处的>问题<是广义的,既包括生活当中的各种外部问题(非心理问题),又包括个体内部产生的心理问题(内部问题)。广义问题解决指包括发现问题、评价问题、选择问题和解决问题在内的全过程。心理健康与个人(先天遗传因素与后天发展因素)、社会(家庭环境、学校教育、工作单位、社会氛围、互联网络等)、文化等多种因素密切相关。当任何因素导致个体无法成功解决生活中的种种外部问题时,就可能产生心理问题,严重者甚至导致心理疾病。因此要全面理解心理健康、更好保持心理健康,首先必须理清心理健康、心理问题、心理疾病三者之间的关系。什么是心理健康?什么是心理问题?什么是心理疾病?心理健康、心理问题、心理疾病三者之间有着怎样的关系?心理学家如何理解心理健康?为何选取广义问题解决的研究视角?基于广义问题解决的心理健康观有何特点?广义问题解决各环节与心理健康的关系如何?心理问题的成因是什么?解决心理问题的主要途径与基本方式有哪些?本文分六章来讨论以上问题。第一章>心理健康概述<首先考察健康与心理健康的定义及关系,然后考察心理问题的定义、分类及其与心理疾病的区别。接着考察心理疾病的定义。最后探讨心理健康与心理问题、心理疾病之间的相互关系,三者之间可以相互转化,而转化的关键因素在于广义问题解决。第二章>传统心理健康观评析<分别考察精神分析学派、存在-人本主义学派、认知-行为主义学派代表人物的心理健康观。精神分析学派考察了弗洛伊德、阿德勒、荣格、埃里克森、霍妮、弗洛姆的心理健康观。存在-人本主义学派考察了马斯洛、罗杰斯、罗洛•梅、弗兰克的心理健康观。认知-行为主义学派考察了斯金纳、班杜拉、乔治•凯利的心理健康观。以上心理学家向我们展示不同的视角和风格,为我们进行心理健康研究提供了参照和启发。第三章>基于广义问题解决的心理健康观<首先考察基于广义问题解决的心理健康观的特点,接着简述了广义问题解决的四个环节,然后分别探讨了发现问题与心理健康、评价问题与心理健康、选择问题与心理健康、解决问题与心理健康之间的关系,并分别结合典型案例进行具体分析。第四章>问题的分类及其成因<本文根据研究需要将问题划分为外部问题(非心理问题)与内部问题(心理问题)。外部问题主要包括学习成长问题、职业生涯问题、爱情婚姻问题、人际交往问题等,内部问题可根据其成因分为外因为主型心理问题和内因为主型心理问题,或根据其产生的时程分为急性心理问题和慢性心理问题。然后分析了外部问题与内部问题的成因。第五章>心理问题的主要解决途径<分别从个人视角、社会视角和文化视角探讨心理问题的解决途径。个人视角下的心理问题解决主要包括预防心理问题的发生和正确对待心理问题。社会视角下的心理问题解决主要依赖社会支持系统和专业治疗系统。文化视角下的心理问题解决主要运用哲学文化、科学文化、艺术文化和宗教文化所提供的思维方式。第六章>解决心理问题的三种基本方式<论述了顺应、反抗、超越这三种解决心理问题的基本方式,并进行典型案例分析。这三种基本方式并不是截然分开的,而是相互关联的。在心理问题解决的不同阶段、不同层次可能分别用到这三种基本方式。 N2 - In today’s society, the pace of people’s life continues to accelerate, competitive pressure continues to increase. More and more people have difficult to deal with problems from aspects of learning, working, marriage, and exchanges, which making a serious impact on people’s mental health. Pursuit of mental health has become one of the most important elements of contemporary social life. However, what’s mental health? What factors is related to mental health? How to maintain mental health status? Countless psychologists are still searching for the answers to these questions.– This paper selects the new general problem-solving perspective, proposing that mental health is achieving mental equilibrium by timely discovering and successfully solving problems. The >problem< here is in a broad sense, including various external problems (non-mental problems) in life, and mental problems generated internal (internal problems). General problem-solving refers to the whole process of discovering problems, evaluating problems, selecting problems, and solving problems.– Mental health is closely related to personal factors (genetic factors and acquired factors), social factors (family environment, school education, work units, social atmosphere, the Internet, etc.), cultural and other factors. When these factors cause individuals unable to solve external problems in life successfully, they may have mental problems, or even lead to mental illness. Therefore, to comprehensively understand mental health and better maintain mental health, we must sort out the relationship among mental health, mental problems, and mental illness.– What is mental health? What is mental problem? What is mental illness? What’s the relationship among mental health, mental problems, and mental illness? How to understand mental health by psychologists? Why select the general problem-solving research perspective? What are the characteristics of the concept of mental health based on general problem-solving? What’s the relationship between various aspects of the general problem-solving and mental health? What are the causes of mental problems? What are the main solutions and basic ways to solve mental problems? This article will discuss the above issues in six chapters. - The first chapter >Overview of mental health<: it investigates the definition of health and mental health and their relationship firstly, and then studies the mental problem definition, classification and distinction with mental illness. Then, it inspects the definition of mental illness. Finally, it discusses the relationship among mental health, mental problems, and mental illness. Between the three can be transformed into each other, and the key factor of transformation is the general problem-solving.– The second chapter >Traditional mental health concepts<: it reviews the concept of mental health from representatives of psychoanalytic school, being-humanistic school and cognitive-behaviorism school. In the psychoanalytic school, it reviews the mental health concept of Freud, Adler, Jung, Erikson, Homey, and Fromm. In the being-humanistic school, it reviews the mental health concept of Maslow, Rogers, Rollo May, and Frank. In the cognitive-behaviorism school, it reviews the mental health concept of Skinner, Bandura, and George•Kelly. The above psychologists show us different perspectives and styles, which providing reference and inspiration for mental health research.– The third chapter >the Concept of mental health based on general problem-solving<: it discusses the characteristic of mental health concept based on general problem-solving firstly, then outlined the four areas of the general problem-solving, and then respectively discussed the relationship between finding problems and mental health, evaluating problems and mental health, selecting problems and mental health, solving problems and mental health, which combined with typical cases analysis.– The fourth chapter >Classification of the problem and its causes<: According to the research needs, we divided problems into external (non-mental problems) and internal (mental problems). External problems are including learning and growth problems, career problems, love and marriage problems, interpersonal relationship problems. Internal problems can be divided into external factors predomi-nant mental problems and internal factors predominant mental problems according to its causes, or divided into acute mental problems and chronic mental problems according to its time. And then it analyzes the causes of external problems and internal problems.– The fifth chapter >the Main solutions of mental problems<: it explores methods to resolve mental problems, from personal perspective, social perspective and cultural perspective respectively. Mental problem-solving in the personal perspective mainly includes prevention of mental problems and correct treatment of mental problems. Mental problem-solving in the social perspective mainly relies on social support systems and professional treatment system. Mental problem-solving in cultural perspective mainly applies the way of thinking from philosophical culture, science culture, arts culture and religious culture.– The sixth chapter >Three basic ways to solve mental problems<: it discusses the three basic way of adaptation, resistance, beyond to solve mental problems, combining with typical cases analysis. These three basic ways are not completely separate, but interrelated. Different levels+J27413 or different stages of mental problem-solving, we may use different one of the three basic ways. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Guo, Wenchao T1 - Women's Freedom Tortured by Existence – Interpretation of the Doctrine of >Summer Bird Cage< [生存对女性自由的拷问 - 对《夏日鸟笼》的人本主义解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Ludong University, Yantai, Shandong, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - >A Summer Bird-Cage< (1963) is the virginal novel of Margaret Drabble (b. 1939), the famous contemporary woman writer in Britain. In the novel, Drabble creates two different characters, Sarah and Louise. Though they are sisters, they vary from one another in life value and pursuit. Through the description of their discrepancies, Drabble uncovers the contemporary British women's predicament. Actually, A Summer Bird-Cage undertakes to reveal the true state of contemporary women, whether the women >in the cage< or >outside of the cage<, cannot escape from alienation and loneliness. Previous scholars and critics have done some research on the theories of alienation, freedom and love, for example, the well-known American humanistic psychologist and philosopher in the 20th century, Erich Fromm has made a profound study on them. Furthermore, several scholars and critics make studies on literary works based on the Fromm's theories. As for A Summer Bird-Cage, there are also a lot of studies on it since its publication, though more to be followed in the future, just as what the thesis intends to do. Based on these studies and enlightened by Fromm's theories, the thesis takes A Summer Bird-Cage as the object of study, trying to analyze the contemporary women's predicament in this novel from the aspects of alienation, freedom and love.– In terms of alienation, Drabble shows a panorama of women's dilemma in the contemporary society in A Summer Bird-Cage, and she studies the various conflicts brought about by the materialized society in the course of industrialization, elaborating that the western modern society is suffering from alienation without love. It follows that alienation as a common phenomenon has spread over each corner of the contemporary society.– As far as freedom is concerned, through the common predicament of both married and unmarried women in A Summer Bird-Cage, it reveals that freedom is double-edged as well as marriage. As for freedom, women pursue it, but too much freedom may not contribute to their predicament. As for marriage, it is not only a >cage< with bondage, but also a >bay< for women to escape from freedom. Freedom or marriage seems like a double-edged sword, torturing women's existence at times. Thus, facing freedom, are women supposed to go after it or escape from it? They are at a loss.– As for love, it is the theme running through A Summer Bird- Cage. Fromm has made a profound study on love in contemporary society, and he makes a conclusion that people's alienation and fear of freedom originate from lacking of love. In the novel, both Sarah and Louise don't have the proper understanding of love. Moreover, they live a life without love. All these result in their predicament. Consequently, it may safely be concluded that, >Love is the answer to the problem of human existence< (Fromm 1956: 7). And love can be the satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. While, as for the dilemma brought about by the modern civilization, Drabble fails to point out a way-out, and she lacks the courage to overthrow the alienated and male-dominated society.– However, the open ending of the novel also hints that Drabble may see a pin point light penetrating darkness and a ray of hope beyond despair. The greatness of Margaret Drabble lies in the fact that her works reflect women's social predicament vividly and truly. To a certain degree, Drabble's A Summer Bird-Cage provides with an access to the knowable community by depicting the women intellectuals' life in the contemporary society. Essentially, love is only regarded as a struggle for the women, particularly when their existence is threatened. N2 - 《夏日鸟笼》(1963)是英国当代女性作家玛格丽特•德拉布尔的首部小说。在这部小说中,德拉布尔塑造了两个截然不同的姐妹——萨拉和路易斯。通过描写她们对人生的不同感悟和追求,折射出了当代英国女性的生存困境。《夏日鸟笼》实际上揭示了当代英国女性的真实境遇,无论是>笼中鸟<还是>空中雀<,最终都摆脱不了精神上的异化和心灵上的孤独。学术界对人类异化,自由,爱的研究由来已久,如美国二十世纪著名人本主义心理学家、哲学家埃里希•弗洛姆,曾对异化等问题作出较为深刻的研究。而且,也有学者和批评家运用弗洛姆的相关理论对文学文本进行分析。同时,《夏日鸟笼》自出版以来也广受学者和批评家的关注。在此基础之上,本文以《夏日鸟笼》为研究对象,运用弗洛姆相关理论,从异化、自由、爱三个角度,对小说中当代女性的生存困境进行探讨和剖析。关于异化,在《夏日鸟笼》中,德拉布尔通过向读者展示当代社会中女性生存困境的图景,解释了资本主义工业文明在发展的过程中所产生的种种矛盾,阐明了彻底物化了的当今西方社会,已经失去了爱的滋生土壤,演化为一个全面异化的世界。异化,已经作为一种普遍现象,遍及当代西方社会的每一个角落。关于自由,《夏日鸟笼》中的已婚女性和未婚女性的共同困境,昭示了自由如同婚姻一样,是一把双刃剑,过度的自由会加重女性的生存困境,从而对自由产生恐惧并避而远之。同样,婚姻对女性而言,既是束缚自由的鸟笼,又是逃避自由的港湾,它也像一把双刃剑,时刻拷问着女性的生存状态。面对自由,抑或追求,抑或恐惧,女性不知所措。关于爱,这是贯穿《夏日鸟笼》的主题。埃里希•弗洛姆曾经对当代社会中的>爱<做出深入的分析,剖析了当代社会因为缺乏爱而存在的异化问题以及人们对自由的恐惧。小说中的女性角色也正是因为缺乏爱而陷入生存的困境。因此,只有>爱,是对人类生存问题的回答<。(弗洛姆1956:7)爱,可以是解决人类生存问题的较为满意的答案。在小说中,对于现代工业文明给女性带来的种种困境,德拉布尔未能指出一条出路。然而,《夏日鸟笼》开放式的结尾暗示了德拉布尔从黑暗中看到了一丝光明,又或从绝望中看到了一丝希望。《夏日鸟笼》这部作品的价值在于:小说不仅真实生动地描写了当代西方社会女性的生存困境;从某种程度上讲,通过对当代西方社会知识女性的刻画,德拉布尔的《夏日鸟笼》还为读者指明了一条通往可知群体的可行之路。本质上,对于小说中的女性来讲,爱只能被看做是一种挣扎,尤其是当她们的生存受到威胁之时。 Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haase, Elizabeth T1 - Review Louis Breger: A Dream of Undying Fame: How Freud Betrayed his Mentor and Invented Psychoanalysis JF - Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 537-543. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hao, Hongcui T1 - A Study on Parents’ Response to Children’s Love for Hero Type Cartoons and Suggestions [对家长就幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片所作出的回应行为的研究及相关建议] JF - Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42. N2 - [Chinese abstract not available.] This study, using questionnaires and interviews, investigates how parents respond to their children’s love for the hero type cartoons such as Japanese cartoon >Ultraman<, analyzes the influence their education opinions may have on their response. Based on these, the researcher puts forward some related suggestions. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2021] Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Helmberger-Fleckl, Doris T1 - Review Fromm, E.: Über die Liebe zum Leben. Rundfunksendungen JF - Die Furche, Wien 16. Februar 2012 N2 - In seinen Texten geht Fromm verschiedensten Fragen und Problemen auf den Grund: Er fragt etwa nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen dem Überfluss, in dem unsere Gesellschaft lebt, und dem Gefühl des Einzelnen, überflüssig zu sein ... oder er beschreibt das 'Fiasko der Religion' ... Trotz komplexer Fragestellungen machen die Texte das Buch zu einem kurzweiligen und interessanten Lesevergnügen. Dass auf die Frage 'Wer ist der Mensch? nur eine Annäherung und keine eindeutige Antwort möglich ist, wird man dabei verschmerzen. [Quelle: Buecher.de] Y1 - 2012 ER -