TY - GEN A1 - Cotta, Denis T1 - A experiencia religiosa catolica do encontro de casais com Cristo (ECC). Uma análise sob a perspectiva da osicanálise humanista de Erich Fromm, Curitiba (Editora CRV), 2020, 214 pp. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - A vida em si é uma arte. Vida e obra de Erich Fromm, traducao Flávio Rodrigues, Santa Mario ((Instituto de Psicoanálise Humanista - ITPH) 2020, 196 pp. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Rodrigues, Flávio T1 - Nervuras: Interacao-comunicacao e os processos resilientes, Santa Maria (Gráfica Inove) 2017, 166 p. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Henriques, Mendo Castro T1 - Franz Rosenzweig e o Deus Reconhecido JF - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Vol. 73, No. 2 (2017), pp. 515-32. [Online ISSN 2183-461X] [jstor.org/stable/26196990] N2 - Rosenzweig’s outstanding work culminates in the issue of recognition of God. God is a being who we vainly try to reduce to an object, and whose manifestation goes along a hidden face. The divine being calls the human being, among the nothings of nature and the culture of nihilism, overcoming the totalities of power and history. This will be an important path for Rosenzweig’s new dialogical philosophy, opening the way for the voices of Lévinas, Buber, Fromm, Strauss, Benjamin and Scholem, and developing the hermeneutic categories of relation, narrative, temporality and redemption. Y1 - 2017 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Pereira, Salézio Plácido T1 - A psicanálise de líder humanista (Psychoanalysis of humanist leaders), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psicanálise Humanista) 2013, 172 pp. N2 - First of all we need to know the source that triggers that potential which was blocking the ability to develop intelligence and creativity. The leader needs to know and consent to be open to new learning is a necessity, this relation of the experiences of their cultural environment, together with their creativity, determines your happiness and satisfaction in life. In psychoanalysis there is this concept of what determines human nature, this legacy of >humanitas< in man, elevates the condition of the human race to a process of new discoveries. The leader has a conscience about the way it has to travel to meet with your potential organismic intelligence. Every lead that comes in our social and cultural environment enhances the quality of the >human< in man, as has awareness about their social, political, economic and scientific. This leader who possesses these qualities can follow a path of self-face in the solution of their compulsions and obsessions, because you know that emotional intelligence belongs evolution of their humanity. The leader can develop their potential for emotional intelligence in the areas of politics, economics, business and many professions in the humanities. There is no formula to become leader, as this proposal requires a constant update of this person in the development of their intelligence. Knowledge of psychoanalysis in the life of a leader can happen in a continuous process of putting a priority to their quality of life. The leader makes the choice, learn to live with his human nature awakening within yourself, compassion, kindness, cooperation, otherness, understanding these qualities need to be experienced in a group for a while. The humanistic psychoanalysis proposes this time personal training, because regardless of their financial or intellectual need to develop their leadership skills. Several humanists made their contribution to the psychoanalysis could contribute to the elucidation of those blind spots or unaware that this leader may be leading to a bankruptcy and destruction. We started with the great contribution of Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney Karem, Harry Stack Sullivan, Rollo May, Medard Boss and many who went to great lengths to explain and clarify these neuroses that hinder the development of the potentialities of their patients. Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - GEN ED - Pereira, Salézio Plácido ED - Froner, Carla Cristine T1 - A interpretação dos sonhos (Dream Interpretation), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psicanálise Humanista) 2013, 491 pp. Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Borgheti, Rodrigo da Silva T1 - O problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire e Erich Fromm [The problem of Freedom in Paulo Freire's and Erich Fromm's works], Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages of Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo 2013. N2 - O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar o problema da liberdade nas obras de Paulo Freire escrita até 1970, compreendendo o percurso de apropriação que este educador fez da Psicologia Humanista de Erich Fromm. Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica, circunscrita no âmbito da História da Educação e da Psicologia do Século XX. Como fontes, utilizamos as obras dos autores em questão focando-nos em dois aspectos: a) na apreensão dos problemas que interessavam ambos os autores e nas soluções dadas pelos mesmos naquele contexto histórico; b) no entendimento das hipóteses e expectativas que consideravam como válidas. O estudo realizado evidenciou-nos que ambos os autores partiram de suas realidades, transformando suas reflexões em contribuições concretas para interpretar o problema da liberdade. Ambos viveram a crise profunda do mundo contemporâneo causada pelo terror do totalitarismo e da ideologia, cuja perversidade ameaçou a liberdade humana e o funcionamento de uma sociedade democrática e que se traduziu no campo intelectual pelo esfacelamento da tradição filosófica e religiosa. Ambos utilizaram novos métodos para justificarem a busca da resposta ao problema da liberdade em um século marcado pela violência. Embora a matriz ontológica do conceito de liberdade de Freire seja diferente de Fromm, contrariando nossa hipótese inicial de trabalho, Freire, encontra na psicologia humanista de Fromm uma possibilidade de reflexão sobre a questão educacional brasileira, partindo da história de sua tradição educacional e da inexperiência democrática do povo brasileiro, numa ótica interdisciplinar, com base filosófica antropológica e oferece categorias psicológicas para análise da formação da consciência dos indivíduos, ponto chave da liberdade humana, extremamente necessária para a educação de uma sociedade democrática. N2 - The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the problem of freedom in Paulo Freire's works written until 1970, encompassing the trajectory of appropriation that this educator does upon Erich Fromm's Humanist Psychology. It is about a historical research, circumscribed in the scope of History of Education and Psychology and 20th Century. As sources, works of the authors mentioned have been used focusing primarily on two aspects: a) apprehension of the problems that were of interest to both authors and the solutions provided by both of them in that historical context; b) understanding of the hypotheses and expectations that were considered valid. The study has evidenced that both authors had as a starting point their own realities, transforming their reflections in concrete contributions to interpret the problem of freedom. Both lived the profound crisis of the contemporary world caused by the terror of totalitarianism and ideology, whose perversity threatened human freedom and functionalism of a democratic society and that translated itself in the intellectual field by the shredding of philosophical and religious tradition. Both used new methods to justify the search for the answer to the problem of freedom in a century stained by violence. Even though the ontological matrix of Freire's concept of freedom is different from Fromm's, contradicting the initial hypothesis of this paper, not only does Freire find in Fromm's humanist psychology a possibility to reflect upon the Brazilian educational problem, starting from the history of its educational tradition and the democratic inexperience from the Brazilian people, under an interdisciplinary view, with its anthropological philosophical foundation, but he also offers psychological categories to the human analysis for the formation of consciousness in individuals, key fact to the human freedom, extremely necessary to the education of a democratic society. Y1 - 2013 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Pereira, Salézio Plácido T1 - Superção. Um caminho para a realização pesoal (Psychoanalysis of overcoming the trauma), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psicanálise Humanista) 2012, 197 pp. N2 - In all health sciences and education mainly in humanistic thought in psychoanalysis to reflect more deeply to know the potential of human beings to overcome the problems themselves and psychological trauma. Psychoanalysis shows the treatment monitoring of practical ability, creativity, decision-making power to be able to tackle certain types of personal and existential problems. Perhaps most psychoanalysts believe this human potential to solve problems and tackle complex situations and very difficult. Many do not have the financial resources, others do not believe in the analysis, however everyone knows the need that humans have to know themselves in their performances unconscious. Today more than ever appear increasingly to overcome challenges, some difficult to solve, as in the case of chronic or destructive. This type of experiences is not merely an illusion at all times accompany tragedies and sufferings of all kinds. But at the same time recognize that many people have succeeded by his willpower and determination to solve their problems or cure of a disease that was being disillusioned by medicine. The addition, psychoanalysis offers a theory, the treatment of these neuroses and psychosomatic illnesses. Many of these patients adolescents, adults, families, managed to prove their ability to overcome their limits affective and existential. Some managed to prepare and resolve many traumas that were preventing the experiences of his psychic potential. And somehow still in a process of personal evolution, the solution of these traumas, released creative energy able to cast him in many goals higher than the average of people in general. This same trauma could cause this patient developed an ability to utilize its potential to achieve noble goals in their personal and family life. This potential energy is unconscious able to turn a dream into reality. Because of this potential trauma unleashed creativity and determination, it is as if this suffering, this pain, this loss, reversing into a resource available to accomplish their goals. The big question of humanist psychoanalysis is: Where does this power that turns into a force capable of solving personal and social problems? I realize that this "potential" is a process of overcoming lying in novels, in movies, in the Bible, in short all focus this power to turn dreams into reality. Overcoming the trauma is not only a dream, a myth, a fantasy, an utopia, but a capability that has the power to motivate, and to modify our interpretation of certain traumas and problems we face in our lives. If we admit the existence of this "potential" processing in humans, then we should know the ways to use this energy efficiently, to respond to the challenges that life puts in our everyday life. Many hypotheses can be proposed to solve the problems of the "human" in man. But no one can deny the importance of this study in psychoanalysis to make the analysis more practical and efficient. The traumas are accompanied by fears, for it is a study of fundamental emotions, I believe that all these demands of the existence within its limitations and possibilities, may help put into practice the ethics of life, consistency comes in the form of being, acting and think. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - GEN ED - Pereira, Salézio Plácido ED - Froner, Carla Cristine T1 - Teoria e técnica da psicanálise humanista (Theory and technique of humanist psychoanalysis), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psicanálise Humanista) 2012, 244 pp. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Pereira, Salézio Plácido T1 - Mente inconsciente (Unconscious mind), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psicanálise Humanista) 2012, 231 pp. N2 - We are facing a new understanding of the unconscious mind, the new scientific discoveries that are happening in anthropology, philosophy and neuroscience are influencing epistemological demarcation of psychoanalytic theory, while medicine supported by neuroscience says that there is a neurobiological basis for human attitudes and for mental illnesses. We are very skeptical about this avalanche of marketing neuroscience and other theories that seek its basis in physiological organicism, even psychopharmacology and psychiatrists are in hand to substantiate this genetic condition and biological human mind. I believe these theories help us understand the biological functioning of the brain and neurological, but are far from understanding your unconscious functioning. We are still far from knowing what we are witnessing in the context of scientific discoveries, neuroscientists are trying to explain the neurological functioning through a unification that can enable scientific truths, but we realize that there are many contradictions in relation to psychoanalysis, philosophy, anthropology, this is a novelty of positivist and experimental scientists seeking to explain how the brain works. Writing about the human mind is a difficult and complex task, because the concepts are confused about the brain, first because there are different types of memories. Memories are files containing cultural information that can help a person find their answers, as well as psychoanalysis has long been a doctrine for the uninitiated a closed sect, who held where the truth about the unconscious was a select group that had the power and truth of psychoanalytic theory. Through this reflection on the "unconscious mind" I want to offer people lay in the subject an opportunity to understand the complex workings of the unconscious mind. I hope this awakening interest in the player, because the brain is unconscious energy with a capacity to leave us perplexed and fascinated with a capacity far beyond computers or the cosmos. All scientific discoveries in many areas of science are changing our way of being and living, and it seems that this transformation is inevitable, we are no longer the same, we go out of the condition of primates and become "cyber man," and yet we must be prepared for other changes and their impact on quality of life, all of this is unpredictable, we can not cower and flee what awaits us in the future, and without thinking or wanting to decrease anxiety, the future is happening right now. The theoretical and conceptual changes should monitor developments and scientific discoveries as we study the human brain met with organismic paradigms that are still with the defects of the neurons concerned to know which groups of neurons that are blamed for the malfunction Brain Machine. While in this mechanistic paradigm and physiological demand for all forms neurological location with their pathological functions, we are far from understanding human and existential. The unconscious part of the neurological functions and needs and understanding of the functioning of neurotransmitters, but can not be explained on this materialist and positivist paradigm. Psychoanalysis feels comfortable and quite safe to say that this paradigm "humanistic existential" may give many explanations about the complex web of human experience. The aim of this book is to discuss the theoretical paradigms and question the concepts and theories of neuroscience, as we understand these concepts in a conventional science that closed the issue on the demarcation of evidence and measurements, prevent psychoanalysts to dialogue with narcissism and prejudices of a science that prefers to take forward at any cost their personal truths. Y1 - 2012 ER -