TY - JOUR A1 - Kiyoshi, Mahito T1 - 関係性の病をいかに突破するか?―拙著『フロムと神秘主義』の視点に立って [How do we break through the illness of relationship? – On the viewpoint of my book >Erich Fromm and Mysticism<] JF - 全人的医療 [Comprehensive Medicine], Vol. 18, No. 1 (2020), pp. 57-65. [doi.org/10.32183/ifcm.18.1_57] N2 - フロムとフランクル,両者には深い共通点がある.両者とも,人間の《実存的特質》から生まれる《生きる意味を欲する》という根源的欲求との関連で人間の抱える精神的病理を解明するという視点に立つ.共にこう主張する.生きる情熱は生きる意味を掴むことによって生まれ,生きる意味を感得することは他者と深い愛の関係性(愛し愛される)を結ぶこと,いいかえると深い《応答の絆》を結ぶことによってのみ可能になる,と.この両者の観点から,現代日本の若者の精神状況を振り返るなら,我々は深い憂慮を感じざるを得ない.昨今の「拡大自殺」と名づけられた病理,自殺念慮者の増加,我が子虐待,イジメ,等々は今日の精神的荒廃を語るキーワードである.だからこそ,フロムとフランクルは若者によって再発見されねばならないし,実は両者との出会いを若者は待っている. N2 - Fromm and Frankl, both have a point of deep sameness. Both stand on the same viewpoint, that man must elucidate the psychopathy in the relationship with >the fundamental desire for sense of life<, which results from >the existential specific character< of human being. Both insistence equally, that man can get the passion to live only by grasping the sense of life, and man can feel the sense of life only by binding together >the deep cords of love< (loving and being loved) with others, that is, >the deep cords of call & response<. When we turn now to the mentality of Japanese youth today from that viewpoint of both, we must feel the deep anxiety. The psychopathy, which is called recently >the expanded suicide<, the increase of suicide-intending youth, the cruel treatment for own child, IJIME (rag), etc. these are the keywords, which indicate today's mental desolation. So, now, Fromm and Frankl must be re-found by the youth! Really they are waiting for their encounter with both! Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kapustin, Sergey A. T1 - An existential criterion for the normal and abnormal personality in the works of Viktor Frankl. Summary JF - Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2020), pp.140-153. [Online ISSN 2307-2202] [psychologyinrussia.com/volumes/pdf/2020_2/Psychology_2_2020_140-153_Kapustin.pdf] N2 - Background: This is the last in a series of four articles scheduled for publication in this journal. In the first article (Kapustin, 2015a), I proposed a new >existential criterion< for the normal and abnormal personality that is implicitly present in the works of Erich Fromm. According to this criterion, normal and abnormal personalities are determined, first, by their position regarding existential dichotomies, and, second, by particular aspects of the formation of this position. Such dichotomies, entitatively existent in human life, are inherent, two-alternative contradictions. In the other articles (Kapustin, 2015b, 2016a), I showed that this criterion is also implicitly present in the four famous personality theories of Freud, Adler, Jung, and Rogers. Objectives: To provide evidence that this criterion is present in the personality theory of Viktor Frankl and to present a comparative analysis of all six theories of personality. Results. The existential criterion for the normal and abnormal personality based on the works of Fromm is also implicitly present in theoretical conceptualizations of personality, predisposed and non-predisposed to developing various psychological problems and to mental disorders, by Freud, Adler, Jung, Rogers, and Frankl, although in more particular forms, related to more specific existential dichotomies, characterizing the nature of human life. Conclusion: The fact that the existential criterion is present in these six theories of personality, developed within totally different approaches to psychology and psychotherapy, is evidence of a high degree of its theoretical justification and of the possibility of their integration. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaličanin, Milena M. T1 - >A progress that threatens all life<: Nature vs. nurture in Duncan Williamson's >Mary and the Seal< [>Напредак који угрожава живот<: питање природе и одгоја у причи Данкана Вилијамсона >Мери и фока<] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, Vol. 50, No. 3 (2020), pp. 211-228. [Online ISSN 2217-8082] [doi.org/10.5937/ZRFFP50-28032] N2 - The paper first discusses two documentaries by Donna Read, >Signs Out of Time< (2004) and >Goddess Remembered< (1989), that focus on the pacific tradition of the female centered settlements on the territories of modern Eastern Europe in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Read depicts significant findings of a world-renowned archeologist Marija Gimbutas who claims that a peaceful image of Old Europe embodied in the omnipotent Great Mother changed radically towards the end of the third millennium when violent Indo-European nomads came from Russia and shattered the matriarchal utopia of equality and natural harmony. These tribes introduced the principles of hierarchy and violent male-rule. Read’s and Gimbutas’ findings are further developed and examined in the studies by Riana Eisler and Erich Fromm who also claim that conspicuous material aggrandizement of patriarchal culture severely damaged a blissful matriarchal bond between man and nature. These theoretical insights are applied to Williamson’s compre hension of nature vs. nurture issue in >Mary and the Seal< (1997). In portraying a tender relationship between Mary and the seal, as well as its tragic and totally unnecessary shooting, contemporary patriarchal culture is brought to a trial. The mere existence of the bond between Mary and the seal, an embodiment of an idyllic matriarchal unity between man and nature, testifies to the prevalent need for the return to its substantial but long-forgotten values. The theoretical insights of Graves, Althusser, Freire, Fiske and Miller will also be used in the interpretation of the story. N2 - Окосницу рада чине документарци Доне Рид, >Знакови изван времена< (2004) и >Незаборављена богиња< (1989), који се заснивају на истраживању мирнодопске традиције матријархалних насеоби на на територији данашње Источне Европе у периоду неолита и бронзаном добу. Ридова се у њима позива на закључке археоло га Марије Гимбутас која је доказала да се мирољубива култура старе Европе отелотворена у свемогућој Великој Богињи дра стично променила на крају трећег миленијума када су насилни индоевропски номади дошли из Русије и уништили матријар халну утопију једнакости и природне хармоније. Ова агресивна патријархална племена су функционисала на принципу дру штвене хијерархије. Налази Ридове и Гимбутасове се даље у раду повезују са идејама Рајане Ајслер и Ерика Фрома који у сво јим студијама такође тврде да је уочљив материјални напредак патријархалне културе знатно оштетио идиличну матријархал ну везу између човека и природе. Наведени теоретски увиди се примењују у анализи приче >Мери и фока< (1997) Данкана Вилијамсона и његовом виђењу питања природе и одгоја. Аутор доводи у питање темеље савремене патријархалне културе осликавањем брижног односа између Мери и фоке, као и трагично изнуђеном и надасве непотребном жртвовању поменуте живо тиње. Сама чињеница да постоји нераскидива спона између Мери и фоке, која је у причи приказана као отелотворење идиличног матријархалног јединства човека и природе, иде у прилог тезе о неопходности повратка суштинским, давно заборављеним егалитарним вредностима. Осим већ поменутих критичких увида, у анализи приче заступљене су идеје Грејвза, Алтисера, Фреира, Фискеа и Милерове. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Joo, Kwang-Sun T1 - 성철 선사상의 서구철학과의 비교 [The Comparison of Seongcheol’s Seon-Thought with the Occidental Philosophy] JF - 코기토 [Cogito], Vol. 90 (2020), pp. 229-260. N2 - 필자는 성철 선사상의 현대적 의미를 탐구하고자 한다. 그래서 필자는 상호문화철학의 유비의 해석학을 이용하여 성철을 서구 철학과 비교한다. 비교는 한 쪽에 다른 쪽을 포섭시키는 것이 아니라, 양자 사이에 관계를 하나 형성하는 것이다. 우선 데카르트는 성철과 의심이라는 지점에서 겹친다. 양자 모두 모든 것에 대해서 주체적으로 그리고 극단적으로 의심한다. 그러나 데카르트가 의심을 확실한 지식을 발견하기 위한 수단으로 사용하는데 반해서 성철은 어디에도 안주하지 않는다. 그러므로 망상으로부터 해방되려고 한다는 측면에서 볼 때 성철은 근대의 시초인 데카르트보다 근대 비판가들인 마르크스나 프로이트와 더 많이 겹친다. 마르크스는 인간이 생산관계의 이데올로기적 반영과 반향에 사로잡혀 있음을 밝힌다. 그리고 프롬에 따르자면 사회가 의식을 구성한다. 성철은 혁명을 꿈꾸지 않는다. 다만 깨달음을 통해서 마르크스나 프로이트가 주목하는 것을 포함해서 온갖 망상으로부터 해방되기를 원한다. N2 - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the contemporary meanings of Seongcheol’s Seon-thought. For this reason I am going to compare him with Western philosophy by means of the analogical hermeneutics of intercultural philosophy. To compare means not to integrate one into the other, but to build a relationship between both sides. Descartes’ doubt overlaps with Seongcheol’s doubt. Both of them put everything in doubt independently and radically. However, Descartes uses doubt as a means to find true knowledge, whereas Seongcheol never stop to doubt. So, in the aspect of freeing oneself from illusions, he is more similar to critics of modernity like Marx and Freud than to Descartes. Marx shows that people are captured by the ideological reflexes and echoes of the relations of production, and according to Fromm the consciousness is constituted by society. Seongcheol dreams of freeing oneself from all illusions including the ones of Marx and Freud only by means of enlightenment. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Helderman, Ira T1 - Heeding Erich Fromm’s Warning JF - Tricycle Magazine. The Buddhist Review, Vol. 30 (No. 2, Winter 2020). Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - González Groba, Constante T1 - Internal Colonialism and the Wasteland Theme in Ron Rash's >Serena< [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2020), pp. 119-137. [Online ISSN 1989-6840] [doi.org/10.28914/Atlantis-2020-42.2.06] N2 - Ron Rash’s >Serena< (2008) is about the clash between northern industrialists who cut timber in southern Appalachia and conservationists who want the area converted into a national park. Set during the Depression, it also addresses our own times of unchecked greed and environmental holocaust. This article relates the situation of internal colonialism, which turns the region into a sacrifice zone, with the theme of the wasteland. The latter is related in the novel not only to T. S. Eliot’s poem but also to other works that Rash acknowledges as influences, including >Moby-Dick<, >The Great Gatsby< and Christopher Marlowe’s tragedies about the will to power. Characterized by what Erich Fromm calls the exploitative orientation, Serena Pemberton wields hard power and embodies the rapaciousness of economy, in contrast to a local female character, who stands for ecology and soft power. N2 - >Serena< (2008), de Ron Rash, narra el conflicto entre los empresarios del norte que cortan madera en el sur de los Apalaches y los conservacionistas que promueven la creación de un parque nacional en la zona. Este artículo relaciona la situación de colonialismo interno, que convierte a la región en una zona de sacrificio, con el tema de la tierra baldía. Este ultimo conecta la novela no solo con el poema de T. S. Eliot, sino también con otras obras que Rash reconoce como influencias: >Moby-Dick<, >The Great Gatsby< y las tragedias de Christopher Marlowe sobre la voluntad de poder. Caracterizada por lo que Erich Fromm llama la >orientación explotadora<, Serena Pemberton encarna la rapacidad de la economía y ejerce el poder duro, en contraste con un personaje femenino local que representa la ecología y el poder blando. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gómez Vasallo, Clarisbel T1 - Psicoanálisis y sociología: La perspectiva contrahegemónica de Erich Fromm para el estudio de la salud mental [Eric Fromm’s Counter-Hegemonic Perspective for the Study of Mental Health] [Psicanálise e sociologia: a perspectiva contra-hegemônica de Erich Fromm para o estudo da saúde mental] JF - Revista temas sociológicos, No. 26 (2020), pp. 391-414. [Online ISSN 0719-6458] [ediciones.ucsh.cl/index.php/TSUCSH/article/view/2436/2032] N2 - La reflexión que en este espacio se presenta aborda la contemporaneidad del pensamiento del sociólogo, psicólogo y filósofo alemán Erich Fromm para el estudio de la salud mental. Las crecientes preocupaciones por esta área de la salud, tanto en la agenda de las ciencias médicas como sociales y políticas, dentro y fuera de nuestra región, constituyen una de las principals motivaciones de estas líneas. El interés fundamental de la autora ha estado en intentar visualizar la utilidad teórica y metodológica de los estudios de este autor para el análisis empírico de dicha problemática, en tanto este favorecería los acercamientos a la misma desde una comprensión que no parcele la totalidad humana y su relación con la naturaleza. Constituye este artículo el resultado de los primeros avances de los estudios doctorales de la autora, enfrascados en un análisis de las relaciones que se tejen entre diversos factores sociales y el continuo salud-enfermedad mental en una cohorte de población en edad laboral de la capital cubana. Las dimensiones estadísticas de esta problemática en Cuba y los incipientes acercamientos hechos desde la sociología en el contexto cubano a la misma devienen también en razones que han impulsado este inicio. N2 - The reflection presented in this space addresses the contemporary thinking of German sociologist, psychologist, and philosopher Erich Fromm for the study of mental health. The growing concerns about this area of healthcare, both in the medical agenda and the social and political sciences agenda, inside and outside our region, constitute one of the main motivations of this text. The author’s fundamental interest has been to visualize the theoretical and methodological utility of Fromm’s studies for the empirical analysis of this issue, as this would favor an understanding that does not divide up human totality and its relationship with nature. This article constitutes the result of the first advances of the author’s doctoral studies, focused on an analysis of the intertwined relationship between various social factors and the mental health-illness continuum in a cohort of the working-age population in the Cuban capital of Havana. The statistical dimensions of this problem in Cuba and the incipient approaches taken by sociology in the Cuban context, have also become reason to drive this beginning study. N2 - A reflexão apresentada neste espaço aborda a contemporaneidade do pensamento do sociólogo, psicólogo e filósofo alemãoErich Fromm para o estudo da saúde mental. A crescente preocupação por esta área da saúde, tanto na agenda das ciênciasmédicas quanto sociais e políticas, dentro e fora de nossa região,constitui uma das principais motivações deste documento. Ointeresse fundamental da autora foi tentar visualizar a utilidadeteórica e metodológica dos estudos deste autor para a análiseempírica desta problemática, na medida em que este favoreceria as aproximações à mesma a partir de uma compreensão quenão dividisse a totalidade humana e sua relação com a natureza.Este artigo constitui o resultado dos primeiros avanços dos estudos de doutorado da autora, concentrados em uma análise dasrelações tecidas entre diversos fatores sociais e a contínua dualidade saúde-doença mental em uma coorte da população emidade laboral da capital cubana. As dimensões estatísticas destaproblemática em Cuba e as incipientes abordagens feitas a partirda sociologia no contexto cubano com a mesma se convertemtambém em razões que impulsionaram este início. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Funk, Rainer A1 - Lechhab, Hamid T1 - Deutscher Interviewtext des Interviews mit Rainer Funk für Al Itiha Al Ichtiraki (= The Socialist Union), Casablanca, 25. 2. 2020 [Funk_R_and_Lechhab_H_2020] Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funk, Rainer T1 - The >Unbounded< Self. Impacts of an Ego-Oriented Reconstruction of the Subject. Paper presented at the Conference >Digital Humanity< of the Societas Ethica, Evangelischen Akademie Tutzung, June 2020. [German version as Funk_R_2020g]. Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fuchs, Christian T1 - Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Communication JF - Humanity & Society, Vol. 44 (2020), pp. 298-325. [Online ISSN 2372-9708] [doi.org/10.1177/0160597620930157] N2 - Erich Fromm (1900–1980) was a Marxist psychoanalyst, philosopher, and socialist humanist. This article asks: How can Fromm’s critical theory of communication be used and updated to provide a critical perspective in the age of digital and communicative capitalism? In order to provide an answer, this article discusses elements from Fromm’s work that allow us to better understand the human communication process. The focus is on communication (the second section), ideology (the third section), and technology (the fourth section). Fromm’s approach can inform a critical theory of communication in multiple respects: His notion of the social character allows to underpin such a theory with foundations from critical psychology. Fromm’s distinction between the authoritarian and the humanistic character can be used for discerning among authoritarian and humanistic communication. Fromm’s work can also inform ideology critique: the ideology of having shapes life, thought, language, and social action in capitalism. In capitalism, technology (including computing) is fetishized and the logic of quantification shapes social relations. Fromm’s quest for humanist technology and participatory computing can inform contemporary debates about digital capitalism and its alternatives. Y1 - 2020 ER -