TY - JOUR A1 - Zhao, Sikong T1 - Review on the Development of Marxist Philosophy Discipline in Shanghai in 2014 [上海学术报告(2014)上海市社会科学界联合会专题资料汇编] JF - Shanghai Academic Report [上海市社会科学界联合会(2014) (Shanghai Federation of Social Science Circles Special Material, Conference year 12/2015). N2 - 一、回归经典由俞吾金教授、吴晓明教授和杨耕教授主编的>当代哲学经典<系列丛书于2014年由北京师范大学出版社出版。其中,《当代哲学经典·马克思主义哲学卷》分册由杨耕教授、吴晓明教授和仰海峰教授主编,分为上下两册,主要选编了当代国外马克思主义主要流派的经典文本。上册选编了卢卡奇、柯尔施、葛兰西、霍克海默、阿多诺、沃尔佩、萨特、科西克、施米特、弗洛姆、沙夫、汤普逊、马尔库塞和阿尔都塞的重。 N2 - I. Return to the Classics. The series of >Classics of Contemporary Philosophy<, edited by Professors Yu Wujin, Wu Xiaoming and Yang Keng, was published by Beijing Normal University Press in 2014. Among them, >Contemporary Philosophy Classics – Marxist Philosophy Volume<, edited by Prof. Yang Keng, Prof. Wu Xiaoming and Prof. Yang Haifeng, is divided into two volumes, which mainly selects the classical texts of the main schools of contemporary Marxism abroad. The first volume contains a selection of important works by Lukács, Korsch, Gramsci, Horkheimer, Adorno, Wolpe, Sartre, Kosik, Schmitt, Fromm, Schaff, Thompson, Marcuse and Althusser. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Qiuxian T1 - 從弗洛姆《愛的藝術The Art of Loving》析論《三國演義》的親情書寫 – 以蜀漢後主為中心 [From Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, an Analysis of the Affectionate Writing of >The Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, with the Latter Lord of Shu Han as the Center] JF - 問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129. N2 - 弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)愛的理論中認為,愛包括一些元素:照顧、責任、尊重及瞭解,其中母親與小孩的關係最密切,她代表著溫暖和安全的狀態,兒童從胚胎起便與母親相互依戀著,縱使日後脫離母體向世界探索,也是相當緊密的。值得注意的是,父親之愛與母愛最大的差別在於,母親是無條件的,而父愛是有條件的。《三國演義》對於劉禪親情的書寫,從三十四回出生到四十一回趙子龍單騎救主、四十二回摔阿斗、六十一回截江奪阿斗、甚至到後來八十五回的託孤事件、及後主登基之後劉禪與諸葛亮的關係等,在在都是於親情的軌跡上書寫。是故,本文欲從現代西方心裡學家弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)《愛的藝術 The Art of Loving》中對於親情剖析的觀點析論《三國演義》中劉禪為中心的敘述,期以重新理解作者在情節段落中的安排和更貼近真實人心的心理狀態,重要的是期盼能梳理出後主人格缺陷部分始是造成蜀國敗亡的真正原因,再從弗洛姆的父親之愛、母親之愛再推而影響人類成年後的父性良知和母性良知,以釐清日後造就出後主如此懦弱無能的主因,竟和童年的親情脈絡有著密不可分的關係。 N2 - According to Erich Fromm's theory of love, love consists of a number of elements: care, responsibility, respect and understanding, of which the mother has the closest relationship with the child, representing a state of warmth and security. It is important to note that the greatest difference between father's love and mother's love is that mother's love is unconditional, while father's love is conditional. In the >Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, Liu Chan's love for his father is written from his birth in the 34th chapter to his rescue by Zhao Zilong in the 41st chapter, the fall of Ah Dou in the 42nd chapter, the seizure of Ah Dou from the river in the 61st chapter, and even the trusting of the orphan in the 85th chapter, and the relationship between Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang after the latter's accession to the throne, all of which are written on the trajectory of love. Therefore, this paper would like to analyze the narrative of Liu Zen in Romance of the Three Kingdoms from the viewpoint of the modern Western psychologist Erich Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, in order to understand anew the author's arrangement of the love passages and the psychological state of the real human heart, and, importantly, to sort out the flawed part of the later lord's personality as the real cause of the defeat of Shu. It is important to clarify that the main reason for the defeat of the Later Master was the inseparable relationship between his childhood affection and the weakness of the Later Master. [DeepLcom/Translator, free version, 11/2022] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Huang, Zhicheng T1 - A Brief Discussion of Du Fu's Humanity, Personality, and Poetry [浅谈论杜甫的人性、人格与诗歌创作] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Young Writers [青年文学家], No. 8 (2015), pp. 79, 110. N2 - 杜甫对于人性的关注——寻找乱世中的生命精神。弗洛姆认为,爱的特征表现为关怀、知识、尊重和责任,如果一个人具有创造性的爱的能力,那么自身也是他所关爱的对象。如果他仅仅爱别人,为别人奉献一切,那他根本没有爱的能力。的确,杜甫在爱国、爱民、爱君、爱社稷的背后,是对于自我个体的密切关注。他从自我出发,以亲身所感、亲眼所看来体会这个社会,在对自我生命生活关注和珍惜的基础上,来观照整个大唐社会和社稷民生。 N2 - Du Fu's concern for humanity – the spirit of searching for life in a troubled world. According to Fromm, love is characterized by care, knowledge, respect and responsibility, and if a person has the ability to love creatively, then he himself is also the object of his care. If he only loves others and gives everything for them, he has no capacity to love at all. Indeed, behind Du Fu's love for his country, his people, his ruler, and his community, he is intimately concerned with the individual self. He starts from himself and experiences the society with his own feelings and eyes, and looks at the whole Tang society and the livelihood of the people on the basis of his concern and cherishing of his own life. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fang, Zheng T1 - From Pursuit to Escape – Thinking of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [从追求到逃避——读弗洛姆《逃避自由》有感] JF - Business Story [商业故事], No. 13 (2015), p. 129. N2 - 那么自由是什么?为什么我们在不断追寻它?弗洛姆的《逃避自由》从一个独特的视角,向我们揭示了一个个体从渴望自由、追求自由,到害怕自由直至逃避自由的一个过程,深入剖析了自由的实质意义。本文将在阅读该书的基础上,对本书进行详细梳理,力求还原本书基本内容及其背后的思想,尽可能的阐明弗洛姆关于自由的观点及思想。 N2 - So what is freedom? Why are we in constant pursuit of it? From a unique perspective, Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< reveals the process of an individual's desire for freedom, pursuit of freedom, fear of freedom and escape from freedom, and deeply analyzes the essence of freedom. In this paper, on the basis of reading the book, we will try to restore the basic content of the book and the ideas behind it, and clarify Fromm's views and thoughts on freedom as much as possible. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translation, free version, 6/2023] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhong, Fangna T1 - The Theoretical Analysis of Chinese Netizens Social Character in the Context of the >Common Scene Prison< [>共景监狱<场域中网民>社会性格<辨析] JF - Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law [中南财经政法大学研究生学报], No. 2 (2015), pp. 108-114. N2 - 法国哲学家米歇尔•福柯认为,>全景监狱<是信息社会的社会控制机器,社会管理者通过信息不对称的方式来实现低成本、高效率的社会治理。然而,随着传播技术的日新月异和媒介形态的层出不穷,信息资源分配方式的不断变革催生了以>围观<结构为主要特征的新型社会结构——>共景监狱<,它是众人对个体展开的集体>凝视和控制<。在互联网时代,网民是>共景监狱<场域中规范化监视的主体,他们在数量增长、信息消费、议程设置三大层面展现了自身>凝视与控制<社会的力量。本文基于>共景监狱<的场域特征,结合弗洛姆>社会性格<的相关理论,发现网民的>话语实践<在网络匿名机制的作用下既得到了极大释放,又增加了非理性的因素。因此在>话语实践<过程中,网民往往呈现出非理性狂欢、情绪燃点低、自我意识弱等社会性格的基本特征。 N2 - French philosopher Michel Foucault believes that >panoramic prison< is the social control machine of the information society, and social managers realize low-cost and high-efficiency social governance through information asymmetry. However, with the rapid development of communication technology and the emergence of media forms, the constant change of the way information resources are distributed has spawned a new social structure with the >onlookers< structure as the main feature - >Common Prison<, which is developed by everyone. Collective >gaze and control.< In the Internet age, netizens are the main body of standardized surveillance in the >Common Prison< field. They show their power of >gaze and control< in the three levels of quantity growth, information consumption and agenda setting. Based on the field characteristics of >Common Prison< and the related theories of Fromm's >social character<, this paper finds that the >discourse practice< of netizens has been greatly released under the role of network anonymity mechanism, and it has increased irrationality. factor. Therefore, in the process of >discourse practice<, netizens tend to present the basic characteristics of social character such as irrational carnival, low emotional ignition, and weak self-awareness. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wu, Dandan T1 - Research of Iris Murdoch’s Novel >The Black Prince< from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis [精神分析学视野下的默多克小说《黑王子》研究], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 2015 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 艾丽丝•默多克(Iris Murdoch,1919-1999)是当代英国著名的小说家、哲学家。她的作品具有极强的故事性以及深刻的道德哲学思想。在她的二十六部小说中,创作于20世纪70年代的《黑王子》是较为重要的一部,其独特的叙事结构和深邃隐晦的哲理得到了学者的广泛探讨。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,运用精神分析理论分析作品中人物间的施虐与受虐特征及其心理根源,以及人物之间施虐与受虐关系的转换,探讨默多克本人的道德哲学思想。本论文共分为五部分:第一章绪论部分叙述了国内外对默多克创作及其《黑王子》这部小说的研究现状,梳理了施虐与受虐理论在心理学上的发展脉络,陈述了与本文相关的埃利希•弗洛姆、西蒙•弗洛伊德、阿尔弗雷德•阿德勒的理论观点,最后对小说人物关系作了简要概括。第二章从施虐者入手,分析小说两个主要人物阿诺尔德与其好友布拉德利的施虐表现和根源,指出阿诺尔德是行为的施虐者,其在施虐心理和支配欲望的作用下对妻子长期施以家庭暴力,而布拉德利则是言语的施虐者,因逃避和自卑心理冷漠对待他人。第三章从受虐者角度出发,通过分析蕾切尔、普丽西娜和弗朗西斯三个人的不同的受虐表现和根源,指出前两者因内在的软弱性以及缺乏自我独立意识,导致她们在面对残酷的施虐时,一个默默忍受,一个走向了毁灭,而身为同性恋的弗朗西斯成为了受虐倒错者,企图在受虐的享受中寻找自我的存在感和安全感。第四章讨论小说中人物的施虐与受虐角色的转换,布拉德利因对朱莉安的自私的爱而沦为了受虐者,蕾切尔因不堪忍受丈夫的暴力和背叛而杀死了丈夫阿诺尔德,从原先的受虐者转变成了施虐者。最后一章结语部分总结上文,指出默多克笔下人与人,尤其是两性之间的相处困境,通过对小说结局的分析得出结论,真诚的爱才是走出人际交往困境的重要途径。 N2 - Iris Murdoch (1919–1999) is a well-known contemporary English woman writer and philosopher, whose writing has strong narrative and profound moral philosophy meanings. >The Black Prince< written in the 1970s is very important among her twenty-six novels. It has been widely discussed by a lot of scholars on its unique narrative structure and deep philosophic spirit. This thesis will analyze the sadism and masochism relationship, its transformation and reason between different characters with psychoanalytic theory on the basis of previous researches, hoping to explore the moral philosophy of Iris Murdoch. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part summarizes previous researches of Iris Murdoch and >The Black Prince<, combs the development process of sadism and masochism theory in psychology, states the theory of Erich Fromm, Simon Freud, Alfred Adler related to my research, and at last briefly summarizes relationship between characters of the novel. The second part concentrates on the sadists. Through the analysis of Arnold and Bradley’s sadistic manifestation and reason, I think that Arnold is a sadist of behavior, his sadistic psychology causes family violence to his wife, and Bradley is a verbal sadist, he treats others indifferently because of his avoidance and inferiority.– The third part explains the masochists who are Rachel, Priscilla and Francis. As women, Rachel and Priscilla’s inherent weakness and the lack of consciousness of independence cause their suffering and Priscilla’s death when facing cruel torture. As a homosexual, Francis becomes masochism inversion and he tries to find the existence and security feelings from the enjoyment of masochism.– The fourth part focuses on the characters’ identity transformation in this novel. Bradley becomes a masochist because of his selfish love to Julian, and Rachel becomes a sadist under the unbearable violence and betray at the end of the novel.– The last part summarizes the above analysis, points out the communication dilemma between people, and make a conclusion that sincere love is an important way out of interpersonal distress. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ni, Nan T1 - Estrangement, Division, Distortion, Madness – On Mrs. Carmody’s Social Character in >The Mist< from Fromm’s Alienation Theory [疏离•分裂•扭曲•疯癫——以弗洛姆异化理论看《迷雾惊魂》中卡莫迪太太社会性格的异化] [application of Fromm's theories to art] JF - Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报], No. 4 (2015), pp. 130-133. N2 - 《迷雾惊魂》是被誉为>现代恐怖小说大师<的斯蒂芬•金最受人欢迎的中篇小说之一。文章从弗洛姆异化理论的社会性格角度出发,分析卡莫迪太太的社会性格与环境爆发矛盾的心理动因,对其从疏离一步步走向分裂、扭曲乃至疯癫的异化表现以及发展予以阐释和解读,以此来关注当代人的异化生存境遇和心理状况。 N2 - >The Mist< is one of Stephen King’s most popular horror novellas, who is called a >Great Master of Modern Horror Fiction<. Based on Fromm’s alienation theory, the paper aims to analyze the mental causes for the conflicts between Mrs. Carmody’s social character and the circumstances. It records her forms of alienation from estrangement, division, distortion to madness, so as to provide some revelation for the alienated living circumstances and spiritual state of modern people. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lai, Xiaojia T1 - Analysis of Fromm's Thought on Sound Society – About Fromm's >The Sane Society< [探析弗洛姆健全社会思想—读弗洛姆《健全的社会》] JF - New Exploration of Ideological and Political Education Theory [思想政治理论教育新探索], No. 00 (2015), pp. 72-80. N2 - 第二次世界大战后,在科学技术的推动下生产迅猛发展,西方社会进入一个经济相对快速、平稳发展的时期。然而在发达的西方社会,优越的物质生活并不能使人感到幸福,人们的心理、精神领域以及社会的许多方面都遭遇着危机。弗洛姆对资本主义的这些新变化有独到的见解,并提出构建一个健全的社会的思想。 N2 - [After the Second World War, the rapid development of production under the impetus of science and technology, the Western society entered a period of relatively rapid and stable economic development. However, in developed Western society, superior material life does not make people feel happy, and people's psychological, spiritual and social aspects are experiencing crisis. Fromm has unique insights into these new changes in capitalism and proposes the idea of building a sound society.] [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jiang, Li T1 - Alienation in William Somerset Maugham’s Short Stories [威廉•萨默塞特•毛姆短篇小说中的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2015 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - 本文主要运用了埃里希•弗洛姆对马克思劳动异化的阐述和发展形成的异化理论,分析了毛姆短篇小说中三种异化形态,为其短篇小说的研究提供了一个较为新颖的角度。本文从三个方面重点分析毛姆的十个短篇小说文本:《雨》和《教堂堂守》体现了宗教的伪善和对人性的压迫,说明人类创造的上帝反而成为主宰人的力量,使的人与上帝的关系产生了异化;人际关系的异化表现在三个方面,其中《午餐》表现了对异化的绅士风度的盲目推崇让人与人之间的交往变得肤浅而虚伪,《马金托什》体现了殖民制度下的共生关系充满矛盾冲突,而毛姆多个关于爱情和婚姻的短篇,例如《红毛》、《被毁掉的人》、《策略婚姻》、《灵机一动》和《上校夫人》等则反映出当代西方社会爱情和婚姻的功利性;《蒙德拉哥勋爵》和《池》体现了人与自身的异化与外在环境的关系,表明无论是在资本主义蓬勃发展的西方还是在处于殖民统治下的原始东方,种族歧视以及金钱和权力至上的观念无孔不入,人被种种欲望所驱使,泯灭了其自然天性,对自由的追寻、对精神家园的向往最终化为泡影,只能以死亡来逃避完全异化的命运。本文最后得出结论,毛姆对异化的深刻体验在其短篇小说中有着充分体现,冷峻客观的笔调之下是对人类生存困境的深切关注,他对恶人的同情更是体现了他对人性的歌颂和对异化社会的叛逆。 N2 - This thesis mainly applies Erich Fromm’s ideas of alienation, which formed by his elaboration and development of Marx’s alienation of labor, to analyze three forms of alienation, including man’s alienation from God, alienation of interpersonal relationship and man’s self-alienation, in Maugham’s short stories, which offers a comparatively new perspective for the study of those stories. This thesis focuses on ten of Maugham’s short stories in three aspects: >Rain< and >The Verger< reflected the hypocrisy of religion and its oppression over humanity, that is, the God created by man became a power dominating man in turn, resulting in man’s alienation from God; alienation of interpersonal relationship was manifested in three aspects, among which >The Luncheon< reflected the blind advocating of alienated gentlemanliness led to shallow and hypocritical interpersonal communication, >Mackintosh< reflected symbiotic relationship under colonial administration was full of conflict, and Maugham’s plenty of stories about love and marriage, such as >Red<, >Flotsam and Jetsam<, >A Marriage of Convenience<, >The Creative Impulse<, and >The Colonel’s Lady<, reflected the utilitarian of love and marriage in contemporary western society; >Lord Mountdrago< and >The Pool< reflected the relationship between man’s alienation from himself and external environment, indicating whether in the western society of flourishing capitalism or in the primitive east under colonial rule, racial discrimination and money and power worship were all-pervasive, thus, man, driven by all sorts of desires, lost his nature, and his pursuit of freedom ended in failure and the wish for a spiritual home were disillusioned, therefore only by death could he get rid of alienation. This thesis concludes that Maugham’s profound sense of alienation has a sufficient manifestation in his short stories. Under the guise of unfeeling and objective tone there is his deep concern for man’s existential predicament and his sympathy with the evil further reveals his eulogy of humanity and rebellion against the alienated society. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hu, Miaomiao T1 - Fromm's Moral Education Thought and Its Enlightenment to China's Moral Education [弗洛姆道德教育思想及其对我国道德教育的启示] N2 - 弗洛姆思想体系形成于资本主义社会动荡时期,对异化社会的批判和健全社会的重建,构成了其理论体系的破和立,而其具有现代生命力的道德教育观,也给我国正处于转型时期的社会思想道德教育带来了些许的启示。 N2 - Fromm's ideology is formed in the turbulent period of capitalist society. The criticism of the alienated society and the reconstruction of a sound society constitute the breaking and standing of its theoretical system, and its moral education concept with modern vitality is also It has brought some enlightenment to the social ideological and moral education in China during the transition period. [Automatic translation] Y1 - 2015 ER -