@article{XuZhang, author = {Xu, Linlin and Zhang, Sihui}, title = {Ethical Exploration of Short Video Alienation from the Perspective of Technology Humanization [技术人道化视域下的短视频异化问题伦理探究]}, abstract = {网络时代的信息化发展,使短视频APP成为人们日常娱乐的重要途径。短视频APP在给人们带来多种文化产品的同时也带来了一系列问题,如短视频制作及使用主体的异化,短视频技术及平台的异化、尤其是网络主体在异化技术的驱使下逐渐迷失自我等问题。文章从弗洛姆的人道主义视角出发,探讨了短视频技术所带来的异化问题,并提出了良性自我意识培养和建立合理机制等治理方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Han}, title = {Alienated Society, Confused Little People - A Study of >Rabbit, Run< from the Perspective of Alienation Theory [异化的社会,迷惘的小人物——异化理论视角下的《兔子,跑吧》探究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, journal = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, abstract = {《兔子,跑吧》是厄普代克>兔子四部曲<中的第一部,主要讲述了不堪忍受平庸的生活以及家庭琐事的青年男性哈利想要逃脱原本生活的束缚,最后却又无法挣脱自己精神枷锁的故事。本文从弗洛姆的异化理论入手,从男女关系的异化与人与自我的异化两方面主题对《兔子,跑吧》探讨,指出异化是时代背景下政治经济地位不平等而演化出的不满导致的。唯有用爱,才能克服异化,消除社会的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Jin}, title = {Happiness and Moral Education, Starting with Filial Piety [幸福德育,孝心入手]}, series = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, journal = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, abstract = {说到孝心,有的中学生误认为,孝心就是能考出好成绩,孝心是长大以后才操心的事情,或者,孝心就是给父母物质享受——这些其实都是对孝心的误解。作为教育工作者,该如何对中学生进行正确的孝心教育指导,并以此为基础来创建幸福德育呢?呼吁学生尊重生命我认为,在教导学生如何尽孝时,最主要的一点就是告诉他们要尊重自己的生命。弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命,尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中 …<}, language = {zh} } @article{Yalvac, author = {Yalvac, Faruk}, title = {Alienation and Marxism: An Alternative Starting Point for Critical IR Theory}, series = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, journal = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, abstract = {This article aims to be an intervention into the recent discussions on the importance anxiety and ontological security in the study of International Relations (IR) (Kinvall and Mitzen, 2020; Hom and Steele, 2020; Rumelili, 2020). The paper poses an alternative critical starting point based on the Marxist concept of alienation. Marx's work on alienation continued in historical materialist traditions such as in Luk{\´a}cs' (1971) analysis reification has a lot to offer to the discussions on emotions and anxiety and the development of a politically relevant critical theory of IR. My purpose is to draw attention to the potential of Marxist social theory and particularly the concept of alienation in contributing to the development of an emancipatory critical IR theory. Most of the recent discussions on anxiety remain at an abstract level. The recent existential accounts of anxiety and ontological insecurity have subjectivist and idealist conceptions failing to account for the structures of power and domination in capitalist society. However, Marx's concept of alienation deals with the consequences of power and domination in a more historically specific way (Sayers 2011, 1) providing the basis for a more meaningful social critique oriented to human emancipation.}, language = {en} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Qian}, title = {The New World of Values in Michael Ende's >Die unendliche Geschichte< [米切尔·恩德小说《永远讲不完的故事》中的新价值世界T], Master thesis, World Literature, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {《永远讲不完的故事》是德国作家米切尔·恩德最具代表性的青少年奇幻文学作品之一。作者借以小主人公巴斯蒂安在现实世界的遭遇深刻阐释现代人的普遍精神现状:孤独和内心荒芜,并致力于通过主人公在幻想王国的冒险重建一个新的价值世界来改变现状。为寻找这个新的价值世界,本文首先借用社会心理学家弗洛姆的">社会性格<理论对文章提及的旧世界以及不同社会模式下的价值进行挖掘,再对生活在这些价值模式下的人进行主体间性分析。通过分析导致巴斯蒂安孤独以及内心荒芜的是一个理性当道的世界,而帮助他从幻想王国重回现实世界的则是>爱<。在这个以爱为名的世界里,爱不仅帮助巴斯蒂安突破孤独的壁垒,而且用其所独有的创造性丰富个体内心世界。除此之外,爱还帮助巴斯蒂安以全新的观点发现世界,重寻自我。因此,>爱<作为新的价值当之无愧,必能引导人类精神重新归家,还给人其人性尊严。}, language = {zh} } @article{YangYang, author = {Yang, Shanqi and Yang, Xiaorui}, title = {Consumption Alienation in the Digital Economy Era: Roots, Manifestations and Return to Autonomy [数字经济时代的消费异化:根源、表现与回归]}, series = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, journal = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, abstract = {面对百年未有之大变局,>加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局<,消费已成为打通国内大循环生产、分配、流通、消费各个环节的重要突破口,作为劳动力再生产的必要手段,消费结构和质量更是关系到人民对美好生活的追求。数字经济时代人民消费的方式、内容和结构都发生了深刻的变革,消费主义文化在虚拟和现实世界交互中被放大,导致背离人本身需要的数字消费异化现象越来越成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。一、消费异化的根源消费异化理论可追溯到法兰克福学派埃里希·弗洛姆和赫伯特·马尔库塞的>消费领域的异化>和>虚假的需要<等概念。弗洛姆提到:因为消费成了目的本身因为消费不再是为了使用或享受买来的消费物品,所以购买和消费的行为成了强迫性的和非理性的目的。>同样,马尔库塞认为消费异化使人按照<虚假的需求>而消费,<>虚假的需求<是指那些在个人的压抑中由特殊的社 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yan}, title = {The Concept of >Human Nature< in the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Perspective - A Review of Marcuse's Interpretation of Marx's Concept of >Human Nature< [东欧新马克思主义视域中的>人的本质<概念——评马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读]}, series = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, journal = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, abstract = {本文聚焦于东欧新马克思主义理论家马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读。在《马克思主义与人类学》中,马尔库什试图将马克思的>人的本质<概念与历史概念缝合在一起,进而阐明马克思的唯物史观。在有效区分>人的本性>和>人的本质<的基础上,他剖析了>人的本质<概念的三个要素:劳动、社会性和意识,并揭示出人的本质不是一切时代每个人类个体所必然具备的特性的总和,而是人类的真实的历史存在的那些特性,即自由、普遍性和主体性的实现。马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读,秉承了卢卡奇人道主义马克思主义的基本思路,同时又有效避免了弗洛姆和阿尔都塞的理论缺陷,在一定程度上超越了西方马克思主义理论家的基本理路,对我们深入理解马克思思想具有重要的参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{YangWang, author = {Yang, Mingyue and Wang, Zhiyin}, title = {Briony's Self-redemption Process in >Atonement< Based on Social Personality Theory [社会性格理论下《赎罪》中布里奥妮的自我救赎过程] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, journal = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, abstract = {赎罪》是麦克尤恩的一部著名的长篇小说,小说中悲剧形成的背后显然存在着更复杂的因素。本文以弗洛姆的社会性格理论为理论依据,从社会经济因素、父母意识两个方面出发,对书中推动布里奥妮作出错误指认的因素进行分析,并借此研究深埋在悲剧之后的一系列阶级问题和腐朽思想,发现严苛的阶级观念和畸形的母爱是造成布里奥妮畸形性格的元凶,而成年之后的布里奥妮又通过道德意识的觉醒,实现自我救赎。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Liyin}, title = {The Marxist Viewpoint of the Frankfurt School [法兰克福学派的马克思主义观]}, series = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, journal = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, abstract = {在马克思主义批判理论的宏旨下,法兰克福学派从多种视角出发继承和发展了马克思主义。霍克海默将其理论阐明为一种>批判理论<;阿多诺提出了以连续否定为核心的否定辨证法;马尔库塞先后将海德格尔、黑格尔、弗洛伊德与马克思的思想结合起来,对当代资本主义社会以及苏联马克思主义进行了有力的批判;弗洛姆将马克思主义视为一种人学,将其与精神分析学结合起来提出了>社会性格<等新范畴,并力图以此揭示经济基础和上层建筑相互作用的微观机制;哈贝马斯在批判吸收历史唯物主义的基础上,运用其交往理论的解释框架提出了以主体间的互动为社会发展基本动力的理论。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Qian}, title = {A Study of Marx's Influence on Fromm's Social Character Theory [马克思对弗洛姆社会性格理论的影响研究], Master thesis, Psychology, Marxist Philosophy, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2021.}, abstract = {The theory of social character is a creative theory that Fromm combines Marx's social thought and consciousness view on the basis of Freud's theory of character. Fromm regards Marx as a person of world historical significance. Although Freud sees personal psychological factors, he neglects the influence of social environment on human personality, which limits his vision. Marx thinks far more deeply and more than Freud. He examines human behavior from the social and economic structure, but the irrational factors were ignored, so Fromm tried to >melt the two into one furnace<. Meanwhile, the misreading and Misreading of Marx thought by >pseudo Marxism< made Fromm spend a lot of energy on studying and thinking about Marxism, not only criticizing it, but also expounding his understanding of Marxism. The author proposes the theory of social character to make up for the deficiency of Marx in the micro psychological level and the concrete transformation mechanism between economic foundation and superstructure. The concept of >social character< clearly reflects the traces of Marxist thought. Under the influence of Marx's thought, Fromm examined the character in the relationship between man and the world, insisted that >the main thing of human is social existence<, and modified Freud with Marx 'social tendency, and explained the decisive effect of social economic structure on social character from the root and change of social character.- At the same time, we also noticed the role of >bond< and >explosive mortar< of social character, so as to explain the relative independence of social character. Not only that, Fromm also explored the foundation and premise of social character, namely, social unconsciousness. He put unconsciousness in the concrete world of reality for understanding, insisted that >consciousness is the product of society< and modified Freud's >libido< with Marx's >historical power<. He not only expounded the decisive role of social existence on social unconsciousness, but also saw the negative effect of social unconsciousness on social existence, and tried to make people realize the repression of facts, and seek the way of social change to break this repression.- Fromm's theory of social character is influenced by Marx's thought. Although he always bases on the people in the real society and examines the human character in social history, he still regards Marx thought as spiritual existentialism in essence, and the theoretical focus is on the role of social character on human behavior and thinking, and does not really understand Marxism, not only does the understanding of human nature stay in the abstract theory of human nature, but also does not touch the fundamental contradiction of capitalist society, and it is not realistic with a strong utopian color. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{XuLi, author = {Xu, Jie and Li, Chunlin}, title = {Fromm's Escape from Freedom Theory [论弗洛姆的逃避自由思想]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Fromm analyzed the spiritual predicament of modern people after the two World Wars through the combination of Marxism and Freudian psychoanalysis, and pointed out that the spontaneous individualization had to be subject to social conditions, resulting in the gap between positive freedom and negative freedom. In order to escape the burden brought by such negative freedom, people would rather lose their freedom than gain security and survival. In modern society, there is a common psychology of escape from freedom, which presents different forms of expression, and eventually results in totalitarianism and unsound society. Fromm tried to eliminate the ills of modern society by finding a way to realize positive freedom. The escape from freedom emphasized by Fromm is a prominent manifestation of modernity. At present, in the background of modernization and globalization, through the critical thinking of Fromm's thought of escape from freedom, it is still enlightening and useful for the development of Chinese modernization to pursue and surpass this kind of modernity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 12/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Huinan}, title = {論禪宗公案中的矛盾與不可說 [On the Contradiction and the Unspeakable in Zen Koans]}, series = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, journal = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, abstract = {There are three types of Ch'an kung-an that often bewilder Buddhologists; namely, (1) the contradictory, (2) the inexpressible, and (3) mixture of the two. D. T. Suzuki and the scholars influenced by him, for example, E. Fromm, think that these three types of kung-an imply the truth realized by Ch'an masters, the truth which goes beyond daily language and logic. However, as the author points out, there are two traditions in Ch'an School: (1) the >Buddha-nature< tradition based on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and (2) the prajna tradition based on the Diamond Sūtra. Suzuki and Fromm's interpretation only emphasizes the first tradition and ignores the second one. According to the second tradition, the contradiction and inexpressibility of kung-an may seem to indicate the truth of non-existence-śūnyatā, not necessarily indicating the truly existing >Buddha-nature<.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {On the strengthening and enlivening influence of being with patients and supervisees}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, abstract = {Analytic writers have studied existential anxiety or annihilation anxiety, emanating from traumatic disruptions to people's sense of going-on-being, reminders of their finitude, and facing a chaotic reality, and suggested that they can endure this anxiety by being with and living through it together with another person. The literature suggests that to be with patients who experience such anxiety, therapists need to indulge >narcissistically< in their own memories and fantasies of similar experiences, and, in parallel to the patients, enter transient regressive states. Sometimes, however, therapists are faced with a chaotic analytic reality that arouses existential anxiety in themselves, and seek to share it with their supervisors who, by experiencing parallel regressive states, can identify with their supervisees and grasp their experiences. Supervisors who consistently fail to be with their supervisees at such moments and persist in offering them new constructions of therapeutic materials might strengthen the supervisees' defensive operations and disrupt their development as therapists.}, language = {en} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {Supervisees' professional development and the analytic community}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, abstract = {Children construct their inner worlds by internalizing real and imagined aspects of their parental figures and their families as whole objects with their relational configurations. These familial configurations are often evoked in the context of communities that, similarly to families, struggle to preserve and advance their unity and collective values, interests, and symbols. Supervisees acknowledge their internalized familial relational configurations when they explore their countertransferences and their transferential responses to the analytic community. Understanding these transferences in supervision may facilitate the process of assimilating the analytic community into supervisees' professional selves. Moreover, the supervisors represent and mediate both the community's balanced and flexible relational therapeutic positions and its complexities. These positions might provide the supervisees with new group-object experiences and change their defensively organized rigid familial relational configurations, thereby further integrating the supervisees' professional selves as well as strengthening the analytic community.}, language = {en} } @article{Yeoman, author = {Yeoman, Ruth}, title = {Meaningfulness and organising for sustainable futures}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, abstract = {To maintain complex civilisation within planetary boundaries, we must secure a whole >system of systems< transformation of our activities. In this article, based on the lecture notes for my keynote speech at the International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, I explore the ethical dimensions of making organisations that can help us improve our collective decision-making and at the same time become persons whose acting and being is consistent with the sustainability imperative. I outline a human capability for ethical organising which is directed towards making organisations that generate life-value, or those resources by which we cultivate the relational and material conditions for stewarding and sustaining all living beings and things. The >value of meaningfulness< and >mutuality as an organising principle< afford conversion factors for translating our general >will to form< into a human capability for ethically desirable organising. Meaningful work provides action contexts for people to discover, protect and develop values that matter to them. The moral value of meaningfulness is also productive for breaking into vicious cycles of corporate alienation that prevent the emergence of organisations as collective moral agents, characterised by integrity and empathy. I conclude that we need a fresh democratic dispensation - one that covers our associational life across all fields of endeavour.}, language = {en} } @misc{Yao, author = {Yao, Ruonan}, title = {Fromm's Inheritance and Development of Marx's Freedom Thought, Master thesis, Philosophy, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 2022.}, abstract = {From ancient times to the present, the issue of freedom has always been a hot issue of people's attention. People's yearning and pursuit of freedom is an inexhaustible driving force for the progress of human society. In the twentieth century, people found that the development of industry and technology did not bring true freedom and happiness, but made people's hearts more lonely and spiritually empty, and gradually fell into the contradiction of pursuing freedom and escaping from freedom. Fromm saw the suffering of people. He approached from a microscopic psychological point of view, inheriting and further developing Marx's free thought on the basis of Freud's psychoanalytic theory. First, Fromm's inheritance of Marx's idea of freedom includes: First, both men have taken the actual individual as the subject of freedom, and have set achievable goals of freedom. Second, both men applied the method of integrating theory with practice and unifying history and logic to study the question of freedom. Third, Fromm's free thought embodies a strong critical and humanitarian spirit, which is consistent with the inner spirit of Marx's free thought. Secondly, Fromm's development of Marx's free ideas includes: First, Marx tried to achieve the free liberation of man through social revolution, while Fromm wanted to achieve the free development of man through psychological revolution. Second, Marx's theory of labor alienation strongly criticized capitalist society; Fromm put forward a new theory of alienation, which examined the unfree phenomena of capitalist society from a psychological point of view, and usefully supplemented Marx's free thought. Third, Marx put forward a beautiful vision of the future society, advocating the establishment of a communist society to achieve the free and all-round development of people; Fromm envisioned the establishment of a sound society through political, economic and cultural reforms, which is a supplement to the future free development model of mankind. Fourth, Fromm's focus on the analysis of human freedom from a personal, microscopic and psychological perspective is an innovation in the perspective of the study of freedom issues. Finally, reflection and evaluation: First, it is pointed out that the defects of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought, the exaggerated role of psychological factors, the lack of a thorough path to solve the problem, and the unrealistic method of seeking positive freedom. Second, analyze the contemporary values and practical enlightenment of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought. It provides a new direction for people to pursue freedom and a new perspective for the analysis and solution of social problems; it is necessary to attach importance to the issue of human freedom and development, attach importance to the coordination of the relationship between science and technology and humanities, and pay attention to strengthening the construction of social spiritual civilization. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Yiqiong}, title = {On the Female Images in >Them< from the Perspective of Fromm's Theory, Master thesis, World Literature, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Joyce Carol Oates (1938 -), one of the most prominent and influential writers in contemporary American literature, is distinguished for her prolificacy in a variety of styles and genres. Oates's works are unique in exposing the violence and evil in American society. Her works give readers a whole picture of American society, which vividly and graphically reflects the real life from all social backgrounds and presents the reality that lies beneath the surface of American prosperous society. >Them<, published in 1969, is one of Oates's most important and representative works. The story, spanning almost three decades, presented the real life of the three Wendalls and a panoramic view of American society, which mirrored the living conditions and miserable fate of the lower class. Under the theoretical guidance of Fromm's theory of social character, the thesis adopts the research method of close reading and makes a profound discussion on the female images in >Them< based on the impact of social reality and family interpersonal relationship on people's psychology.- The thesis selects three typical female characters in >Them< - Loretta, her daughter Maureen and Nadine as representatives, and analyzes the formation and the expression of their personalities, so as to reveal how female images are distorted in the patriarchal society. Oates portrays the misfortunes and sufferings of women's lives in the novel. These women, who explore the way of living, are brave enough to resist and break through the shackles of fate. However, they finally lose their self-consciousness under the trouble of social environment and the imbalance of family interpersonal relationship. The three female characters in Oates's >Them< seek freedom through marriage and money. While they have female consciousness and rebellious spirit, they are always surrounded by violence and male discourse. Therefore, no matter what efforts they make, none of them can get rid of the shackles of patriarchal society. They are doomed to failure. Through the portrayal of women's living conditions, it arouses readers' attention and sympathy to women, which reflects Oates's deep thinking of contemporary women's issues and the fate of humanity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Zhaoxin}, title = {On the Theory of Needs by William Leiss, Master thesis, Philosophy, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2022.}, abstract = {In the process of the continuous development of capitalism, the ecological crisis and a series of environmental problems have been caused by the incorrect understanding of the relationship between man and nature. In this context, William Leiss, who has long been concerned about ecological issues, criticized the capitalist society on the basis of inheriting and developing Marxism's theory of need and Herbert Marcuse's theory of >True or false need<, with a new perspective to explain the needs of the capitalist system of human needs, the formation of their own ideological characteristics of the needs of the theory. Specifically, William Leiss is mainly concerned with the complexity of human desires, which is an important reason for the formation of the capitalist high consumption society, and the need to be oriented toward the commodity world, which is the root cause of the formation of the capitalist high consumption society, and the thought of human conquering nature is the important foundation of the formation of the capitalist high-consumption society. On this basis, Leiss pays attention to the quality of commodities, pays attention to the multi-dimension and relevance of human needs, and understands the close relationship between human needs and natural environment, familiar with the estimated characteristics of commodities in four aspects of the future human needs to express and meet the concept, and the future human needs to express and meet the way to explore, namely the following four aspects, advocating a general orientation of human needs towards a non-single field of goods, and an open minded self-interest to replace anthropocentrism ideology in an easily viable society, it is suggested that natural entities have the same legal rights as human beings. William Leiss's theory of needs, while providing a new perspective on the mode of production of capitalism, enriches ecological Marxism and provides a useful reference for the establishment of a correct concept of consumption, but there is also a certain degree of misunderstanding of Marxism's concept of goods, the lack of a certain global vision, its proposed solution is utopian. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Yang}, title = {Freud: In Search of Human Nature [弗洛伊德:探寻人性]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, abstract = {心理学家弗洛姆曾经说:>先知 … 他是一位揭示那已被预先决定了的未来的预言者吗?他是一个坏消息而不是好消息或愉快消息的传播者吗?<在他的心里,他的老师、精神分析的鼻祖弗洛伊德就是这样一位先知。}, language = {zh} } @article{YiKim, author = {Yi, Hyun Oak and Kim, Man Eui}, title = {인간의 공격성과 스포츠 [Sport and Human Aggression]}, series = {학술지명 [The Korean Journal of Physical Education], Vol. 41, No. 4 (2002), pp. 43-52. [Online ISSN 2508-7029]}, journal = {학술지명 [The Korean Journal of Physical Education], Vol. 41, No. 4 (2002), pp. 43-52. [Online ISSN 2508-7029]}, abstract = {This study is to suggest the aggression, human`s instinct as the new essence of sport. Through the psychological approach it could be found that the aggression which is human instinct is deeply related with the origin of sport. In relation to the instinct of death Freud has proved that there exists the aggression in human mentality and it could be said that the aggression of sport is related with Thanatos, the instinct of death that Freud said. Fromm, a sociopsychologist expanded the concept of Freud`s aggression and divided the aggression in human mentality as the defensive and positive aggression and destructive and malignant aggression and he saw that sport is related with the malignant aggression. I think we have to discard the attitude just to try to adapt the methodical value of sport although the value of sport exists with human instinct. Sport is the only thing to express and purify the aggression and it is expected to play the important role to create the future culture.}, language = {ko} }