@article{WangLee, author = {Wang, Ting-Ting and Lee, Jong Han}, title = {영화 >체르노빌 다이어리< 중 체르노빌 공간의 권력구조 연구 [A Study of Chernobyl's Spatial Power Structure in the Film Named >Chernobyl Diary<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {애니메이션연구 [The Korean Journal of Animation] , Vol. 17, No. 21 (2021), 141-166.}, journal = {애니메이션연구 [The Korean Journal of Animation] , Vol. 17, No. 21 (2021), 141-166.}, abstract = {과학기술의 급속한 발전으로 생명안전 문제가 빈번히 발생하는 현대, 특히 코로나19의 배경 아래에서 역사적 경험을 통해 재난의 재발 방지를 위해 최선을 다하는 것은 미룰 수 없는 임무이다. 체르노빌 원전폭발은 이미 역사로 남았지만 그것이 남긴 문제는 아직도 적절하게 해결되지 않았다. >체르노빌<이라는 이 금기된공간을 어떻게 적절하게 처리할지는 현대사회의 문제 중 하나이다. 본문은 브래들리 파커(Bradley Parker) 감독의 <체르노빌 다이어리>(2012)를 사례로 현대에서 체르노빌의 공간적 표현을 고찰한다. 이 영화는 자극을추구하는 여행객들이 금지구역인 체르노빌로 진입하면서 겪는 끔찍한 상황을 그렸으며, 영화에서 나타난 체르노빌은 실제 체르노빌의 공간 상태와 부합한다. 영화에서 묘사한 체르노빌은 무인구역, 소비구역, 정치권력 규제구역 세 공간이 혼합된 장소이다. 본 논문에서는 세 공간이 작동하는 메커니즘과 상호 관계를 탐구하여 에리히 프롬(Erich Fromm)이 말한 건전한 사람과 건전한 사회의 구축에 기여할 것이다. 체르노빌은 무인구역, 소비구역, 정치권력 규제구역 세 공간이 혼합되어 서로를 제약한다. 체르노빌이라는 이 공간에서 국가는 주도적위치를 차지하며, 무인구역과 소비구역의 운영 배후에는 국가의 정치권력이 어느 정도 관여하고 있다. 원전폭발로 인해 체르노빌은 정치당국에 의해 >예외상태<로 운영되면서, 이 운영 체제 하에서 국가법, 인권, 도덕윤리 등문명사회의 체제와 규범이 사라지게 되었고, 이 공간에 들어온 개인의 생명은 순식간에 조르조 아감벤(Giorgio Agamben)이 말한 >벌거벗은 생명<으로 전락해 타인에 의해 생존권을 박탈당했다. 따라서 >건전한 사회<를 만들어 >건전한 개인의 생명<을 살리는 길을 고민하는 것은 매우 절실하다.}, language = {ko} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Shan}, title = {A Study of Women's Pursuit of Freedom under Fromm's Theory of Freedom - Taking Peter Handke's >Wunschloses Ungl{\"u}ck< and >Die linksh{\"a}ndige Frau< as an Example [弗洛姆自由理论下女性追求自由之研究 ——以彼得·汉德克的《无欲的悲歌》和《左撇子女人》为例], Master thesis, World Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {彼得·汉德克(1942.12.06—)是奥地利著名作家、剧作家、电影编剧和导演。2019年汉德克获得了诺贝尔文学奖。20世纪70年代汉德克发表了两部以女性为主人公的作品——《无欲的悲歌》(1972)和《左撇子女人》(1976)。在这两部作品中,汉德克笔触细腻地书写了两个女主人公——母亲和玛丽安娜对自由的追求,揭示了男权社会对女性长久的压迫以及女性在弱势境况下的抗争,作品一经发表就引起了社会的高度关注。汉德克笔下的两位女主人公对自由的追求是贯穿两部作品的线索。国内外大多数学者对两部作品的研究都集中女性主义、互文性、叙事手法等角度,尚未有学者从女性追求自由的角度对两部作品进行阐释。因此,本文旨在以弗洛姆自由理论解读母亲和玛丽安娜的追求自由之路并深入剖析两个女主人公追求自由不同结局的原因,进而阐明汉德克的女性自由观。个体为获得自由而摆脱了既为其提供庇护又束缚其发展的>始发纽带<后,陷入了无能为力的孤立状态。面对巨大的无助和孤独,个体有两种选择:一种是逃避自由带来的负担,以牺牲自我为代价逃向>继发纽带<,重新建立依赖与臣服关系;另一种则是继续前进,积极发挥自发性,努力实现以个体的独一无二及个性为基础的积极自由。母亲被原生家庭保护的同时,也被其束缚,因此她选择逃离原生家庭。然而面对着失去原生家庭这一>始发纽带<后的巨大的孤独和无助,母亲以牺牲自我为代价,试图通过臣服于男权、盲从于他人在>继发纽带<中获得安全和稳定。然而>继发纽带<只是禁锢个体的又一个枷锁,母亲最终心灰意冷,选择逃避现实,而这更加剧了母亲的孤独和无助。最终,在现实和理想之间的困境中徘徊的母亲没能获得自由,而是走向了灭亡。玛丽安娜在获得看似幸福,实则枯燥乏味的婚姻庇护的同时,也被其压抑了个性,束缚了发展。因此玛丽安娜选择逃离婚姻这一>始发纽带<。但与母亲的选择相反,玛丽安娜在面对逃离婚姻后的孤独和无助时,并未逃向>继发纽带<,而是选择正视孤独,坚持自我,勇敢反抗男权,在积极同世界相连中探寻生命的意义。最终,玛丽安娜获得了积极自由。母亲和玛丽安娜追求自由结局不同,究其原因可从主客观两个层面进行分析。在保守压抑的环境中长大的母亲习惯性依赖他人,害怕孤独且抗拒独处,并在不平等的感情关系中愈发失去爱人与爱己的能力,这些都一定程度上对母亲追求自由产生消极影响。而玛丽安娜则在较为开明宽松的家庭氛围中长大,在追求自由过程中不仅始终坚持自我,正视孤独,在独处中通过内省反思自我,而且能够有尊严地爱人和爱己,保持对生活的热忱,在爱中积极与世界相连。此外,玛丽安娜所处时代正值女权运动兴起,女性意识觉醒,这为玛丽安娜追求自由创造了有利客观条件。对比母亲和玛丽安娜对自由之追求可窥汉德克的女性自由观。汉德克认为女性只有在良好的客观生存环境和自身主观努力缺一不可的情况下方能获得积极自由。在他看来,独处是女性通往自由的必经之路,在独处中女性方能通过自省找到与世界相处的模式;对生活、自我及他人之爱是女性追求自由的动力源泉;良好的日常生活环境则为女性获得自由创造了必要条件。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Ling}, title = {>The Unbreakable Umbilical Cord of Life< Group Teaching [>剪不断的生命脐带<群文教学] 剪不断的生命脐带]}, series = {Teaching Reference of Middle School Language [中学语文教学参考], No. 22 (2022), 28-30.}, journal = {Teaching Reference of Middle School Language [中学语文教学参考], No. 22 (2022), 28-30.}, abstract = {群文阅读能让学生的思维方式变得多元化,思维获得提升,让语文教学焕发新的活力。基于此,笔者设计了以《群文阅读高中读本》(高一)中>剪不断的生命脐带<为议题的群文教学。前置任务:学生运用浏览、默读、批读、细读等方法阅读,整体感知文本内容,并完成导学案。课堂探究:首先,通过分析《触龙说赵太后》(《战国策》)掌握劝说的艺术,懂得由>父母之爱子,则为之计深远<到>对一朵花的爱是欣赏与合理的浇灌<的关于真爱的哲学。其次,比较阅读《我的母亲》(胡适)《谢幕的教养》(刘心武)《母亲的力量》(孟鸿)《多年父子成兄弟》(汪曾祺)《父母与孩子之间的爱》(艾里希·弗洛姆),分析概括父母行为、性格和对孩子的影响,感受父母对孩子的爱,激起学生心灵的共鸣。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Linrui}, title = {Research on >The Cement Garden< after Fromm's Theory of Human Nature, Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Ian Mc Ewan is one of the most influential novelists in the contemporary British literary world. He has won he Booker Prize, the Maugham Prize for Literature and so on. Mc Ewan's >The Cement Garden< was published in 1978, which is one of his outstanding and representative works in his early career. On the basis of Fromm's theory of human nature the thesis aims to analyze the growth environment of the children in >The Cement Garden< and its influence on the construction of the children's personality in three aspects: the needs satisfaction, the love interactions and the formation of social personalities. Through the analysis of the children's growth in the three aspects the thesis interprets the inevitability the tragedy of the children and we can deeply understand Mc Ewan's reflection on human nature and his pursuit and exploration of the sound human nature. The thesis is divided into four chapters besides introduction and conclusion. The introduction part briefly introduces Mc Ewan's life, creation and his important work >The Cement Garden<. On this basis it reviews the research status of the novel both at home and abroad, thus clarifying the innovation of the thesis and explaining the purpose, significance and structure of the thesis. The first chapter is the theoretical basis, which briefly reviews the origin and development of Fromm's theory of human nature. It discusses in detail the people's needs, the emotion interactions and the formation of social personalities in the theory of human nature.- The second chapter analyzes the unsatisfying needs of the children in the construction of human nature. The insufficient association, the deficiency of root-seeking requirements and the unfulfilling sense of identity make the children cannot satisfy their critical needs in the growth process. Mc Ewan also shows that only by establishing contact and communication, paying attention to spiritual needs and improving sense of identity can the children improve their sound human nature in a positive and active life.- The third chapter discusses the lack of love interactions in the construction of human nature. Because of the mother's unconditional love, the father's conditional love, the unequal emotion interactions of the siblings and the abnormal and selfish self-love the family members lack the ability of caring for others and the ability of efficient interactions. At the same time the children also show the efforts to build the sound human nature in their limited brotherhood and pursuit of beauty and emotion.- The fourth chapter discusses the formation of the social personalities of the children in the construction of human nature. With the non-productive personality and the negative behavioral representations the children cannot interact effectively with the outside world and they drift away from the society. At the same time, Mc Ewan also shows that only in the satisfaction of human instinct and the healthy family relationships can the children form the positive social personality.- The conclusion part of the thesis points out that >The Cement Garden< reveals the necessity of a healthy growth environment for the construction of the sound human nature of the children. The exploration of children's growth environment from the perspective of human nature theory not only shows the author's concern for the human nature problem in the children's growth, but also provides new ideas on how to construct the sound human nature in modern society. On the basis of Fromm's theory of human nature the thesis analyzes the construction of human nature of the children in >The Cement Garden< in three aspects: the needs satisfaction, the love interactions and the formation of social personalities. Fromm's theory of human nature shows that the satisfaction of needs, the comfort of emotions and the positive social personality are the indispensable factors for the construction of the sound human nature. In the novel the children grow up without these factors and result in the final tragic ending. However, >The Cement Garden< is not a worthless work describing the morbid survival state. Mc Ewen shows that the sound human nature plays an important role in the growth of children. Therefore, the novel is of profound social significance in arousing the concern and reflection of contemporary people on the construction of the sound human nature and healthy society. The analysis of >The Cement Garden< through the use of Fromm's theory of human nature can provide a new perspective for the study of McEwen's works. [English: www.cnki.net, 9/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Tian}, title = {Research on Fromm's Humanistic Thought, Master thesis, Philosophy, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong, China 2022.}, abstract = {Nowadays, the society is in the rapid development stage of scientific and technological innovation. However, to some extent, the traditional extensive concept of development has led to increasingly tense conflicts, resulting in increasingly serious conflicts between man and nature, man and man, man and society, and man and himself, seriously affecting the sound development of human society. In China, people-oriented is the starting point and the driving force of social development. >People-centered< is an important principle for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. In this regard, the importance of human beings is self-evident. In the field of foreign humanistic thought, Fromm is one of the most representative scholars. This thesis examines Fromm's anthropological thought from three aspects: the formation, logical composition, and evaluation of his anthropological thought. The formation of Fromm's humanistic thought is inseparable from three aspects: personal experience, social background, and its theoretical origin. In the logical composition of Fromm's humanistic thought, human nature is the core element of Fromm's humanistic thought. He carried out research and analysis on human nature from four aspects. First, the dualistic definition of human nature. Specifically discussed from the following angles: one was based on the original living conditions, insurmountable survival ambiguities and non-inevitable history to explain the contradiction of human nature; the other was to analyze the relationship between human nature and human nature and the relationship between human nature and survival needs to interpret human consciousness. Secondly, Fromm regarded the concept of social character as the intermediary link between individuals and society. Thirdly, Fromm analyzed the concept of alienation from the perspective of psychology and sociology, and exposed the alienation of people in modern Western society in the unconscious level and the reality level through criticizing the alienation of capitalism. Finally, Fromm put forward a set of strategies for solving alienation problems based on psychological revolution and social revolution, which provides a relatively complete solution strategy for the problem of social change. Specifically, it takes >moral renewal< as a prerequisite, and at the same time takes into account the reform work in the political, economic and cultural fields, so as to create a better environment for the all-round development of individuals. Fromm's anthropological thought has the characteristics of value presupposition and utopia. From the standpoint of Marxism, although Fromm's humanistic thought has certain limitations, the humanistic criticism of his humanistic thought on society has promoted the happiness and development of human beings, which has certain practical significance. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Wenhua}, title = {Study on Marx's Class Concept and Its Contemporary Value, Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China 2021.}, abstract = {Marx's concept of class not only plays an important role in the formation of early Marxist philosophy, but also deepens it in the exploration of late Marxist philosophy. Because Marx began to construct the concept of >class< from the early stage, and constantly deepened the concept of kind in the mature and late stage, so the study of Marx's concept of class is of great significance to understand and grasp the development process of Marxist philosophy and the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy. However, because Marx criticized Feuerbach's abstract concept of class and didn't directly use the terms related to the concept of class in his later period, most researchers in the academic circles think that Marx's concept of class is an >immature< concept, and Marx later replaced the concept of class with the concept of >society<. Therefore, based on Marx's early and late original works, this paper will deeply explore the historical evolution of Marx's concept of category, so as to objectively refute the above >immature< view. Althusser and Fromm hold opposite views on Marx's concept of class. The former thinks that Marx's early >ideological stage< involves >class< thought, while the latter >scientific< stage abandons >class< thought. Fromm thinks that there is only one humanistic Marx, and Marx's concept of class has continuity. It is undeniable that Marx did use the philosophical terms with the color of Feuerbach's >class concept<, and also highly valued the historical achievements of Feuerbach's philosophy, but this does not lead to the conclusion that Marx's class concept remained in the Feuerbach stage. Through the analysis of Marx's concept of class and its formation process, this paper finds that although Marx's concept of class has inherited and developed the terms related to Feuerbach's concept of class, it has fundamentally gone beyond the basic connotation of Feuerbach's concept of class, and has continued to deepen in Marx's mature and late works. Therefore, the basic connotation of Marxist concept is not a mature concept, but it runs through Marxist philosophy. The study of Marx's concept of class has two dimensions of theoretical and practical value. The theoretical dimension is conducive to maintaining the integrity of Marx's philosophical thought and opposing the >class theory< of Marx's thought. In the practical dimension, Marx's concept of category provides philosophical basis for the construction of contemporary Chinese philosophy, the correct handling of the relationship between man and nature, and a community with a shared future for mankind. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xiang}, title = {A New Perspective of Professional Ethics Education for Contemporary Medical Students Based on Fromm's Thought of Love [当代医学生职业道德教育的新视角——基于弗洛姆爱的思想]}, series = {Journal of Yangzhou College of Education [扬州教育学院学报], No. 3 (2021), pp. 86-89.}, journal = {Journal of Yangzhou College of Education [扬州教育学院学报], No. 3 (2021), pp. 86-89.}, abstract = {弗洛姆爱的思想为培育当代医学生职业道德提供了新的视角。爱的情感存在于医师职业道德的方方面面。通过进一步分析当代医学生职业道德教育的内在逻辑,能更易于把握当代医学生道德教育的内涵。培育当代医学生职业道德可以从对爱的认知入手,关注生命之爱、培养学生爱的态度、发掘学生爱的潜能等方面去引导当代医学生发现爱、追寻爱,以培育其职业道德。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Mingan}, title = {Love as an Event [作为事件的爱]}, series = {Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition) [广州大学学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 5-15.}, journal = {Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition) [广州大学学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 5-15.}, abstract = {摘要爱对于两个人来说意味着结合。但是,这种结合有不同的方式和目标。巴迪欧有关爱的结合的观点和传统的爱的结合的观点存在差异。从阿里斯托芬到黑格尔到弗洛姆都强调爱的结合的目的是让两人达成一致,消除差异,从而克服孤独和分歧。但是,巴迪欧则强调爱的结合是一种事件,这样的爱的事件恰恰应该保持差异,肯定差异,只有差异才能让结合的两个人的视角更加丰富,更加多样化,从而获得对真理的新的理解}, language = {zh} } @article{Wąsowski, author = {Wąsowski, Dominik}, title = {Dzieje mitu w mediach. Analiza fenomenu wampira w kinie na przykładzie >Zagadki Nieśmiertelności< Tony'ego Scotta i >Tylko Kochankowie Przeżyją< Jima Jarmuscha [The history of the myth in the media. Analysis of the vampire phenomenon in the cindema on an example >The Hunger< by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive< by Jim Jarmusch] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2023), pp. 113-139. [Print ISSN 1231-1634] [doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.113-139]}, abstract = {The article is an attempt to prove that cinema, becoming a kind of home of a mythical being - a vampire, clearly influences the change in the perception of its importance in culture. It was decided to explore the form and narrative of >The Hunger<, directed by Tony Scott and >Only Lovers Left Alive<, written by Jim Jarmusch, because both of these works are masterpieces of the romance of the vampire myth with the film medium, which are not particularly popular among researchers of the phenomenon. The research works of Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp, Erich Fromm and Rollo May were used, as well as the concepts of successive processing of a mythical story were demonstrated.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Huiying}, title = {>Sing, Unburied, Sing<: The Dual Lack and Pursuit of Love and Identity among Black People}, series = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, journal = {International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 5, No. 11 (2022), pp. 87-95. [Online ISSN 2617-0299] [doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2022.5.11.10]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Jesmyn Ward's third novel, >Sing, Unburied, Sing<, however, is Ward's second work to have won the National Book Award for fiction. It was >Sing< that laid a solid foundation for Ward's reception from the American literary circle as a powerful new voice. Sing focuses on a black family in the American south, which was nearly torn apart by poverty, drugs, and racial discrimination; Apart from the estranged kinship in the black family, represented by ghost Richie, the black group in the novel also shows a seemingly strong desire for identity. Based on Erich Fromm's alienation theory and his theories of love, this paper gives an analysis of the alienation of the protagonist at the level of love and racial identity and focuses on the struggle of the black group to survive in the white mainstream society, which resulted in their dual lack and dual pursuit of love and identity. This paper aims to reveal Ward's fierce criticism of racist ideology that has caused the double dilemma of survival and spirit of black people in the American South and demonstrate her deep understanding as well as support for the ideals and actions of African Americans in terms of their eagerness to integrate into the mainstream society. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wetters, author = {Wetters, Kirk}, title = {Spectacle, Ideology, and Rhetoric of the Authoritarian Personality}, series = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 111-124.}, journal = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 111-124.}, language = {en} } @article{Weizsaecker, author = {Weizs{\"a}cker, Ernst Ulrich von}, title = {F{\"u}r eine neue Aufkl{\"a}rung - Notwendigkeiten und Chancen einer Klimawende}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 134-144.}, volume = {d27/2023j}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 134-144.}, language = {de} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Zhangzhi}, title = {Treating and Carrying Forward Our DIY Culture - Economic Thoughts on Labor Culture (Part 4) Watching the Eternal Pursuit and Theme of Human Beings: >Love and Creative Work<—Approaching and Joining Hands with Our DIY Culture [善待与弘扬我们的DIY文化——关于劳动文化的经济学随想(之四) 守望人类永恒的追求与主题:>爱和创造性工作<——走近与携手我们的DIY文化]}, series = {Consume Guide, No. 2 (2008), pp. 29-30.}, journal = {Consume Guide, No. 2 (2008), pp. 29-30.}, abstract = {正如《我们的DIY文化》一文中所提到的,心理学家弗洛姆相信,>爱和创造性工作<是人自我实现的唯一出路;然而在一个快速消耗、需求暴涨的时代,如何寻找爱,做什么样的创造性工作,我们才能实现自我、不被外在的催促和内在的焦虑所吞噬呢?唯一的答案或许只能落脚于如何守望人类永恒的追求与主题:>爱和创造性工作<。>爱<和>创造性工作<本质上分别应该是人类劳动文化永恒的>精神内涵<和>物质反映形式<。这就要求我们既要繁荣>自己动手(DIY)<的物质文化,又要弘扬>自己动手(DIY)<的崇高精神文化。让我们在DIY文化下引领社会智慧健康成长与发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wernet, author = {Wernet, Verena Caroline}, title = {Die Liebe und der Liebesbegriff in Goethes >Die Leiden des jungen Werther< und Dostojewskis >Weiße N{\"a}chte, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Albert-Ludwigs-Universit{\"a}t Freiburg, Grin Verlag 2014, 28 pp.}, abstract = {Die Studienarbeit erl{\"a}utert zun{\"a}chst Fromms Liebesbegriff. Anschließend wird auf Goethes >Die Leiden des jungen Werther< und Dostojewskis >Weiße N{\"a}chte< eingegangen. Im Zentrum der Analyse stehen (1) die Ausgangssituation des Protagonisten vor dem Liebeserlebnis, (2) die Begegnung mit der geliebten Frau und das sich daraus ergebende Liebesverst{\"a}ndnis des Protagonisten und schließlich (3) die aus dem Liebeserlebnis resultierenden Folgen f{\"u}r den Protagonisten. [Bol.com]}, language = {de} } @article{Weinstein, author = {Weinstein, Robert S.}, title = {What Heals in Psychoanalysis?}, series = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2007), pp. 302-309. [Online ISSN 1940-9133] [doi.org/10.1080/07351690701389494]}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2007), pp. 302-309. [Online ISSN 1940-9133] [doi.org/10.1080/07351690701389494]}, abstract = {This article explores the essential role of love and understanding in analysis. Love is seen as a healing force keeping the patient connected to life and to health, and as the glue that cements the analytic process. The four components of love which describes - care, respect, responsibility, and knowledge - are the heart of all successful analysis. Two case studies illustrate how the positive countertransference may be used therapeutically to help patients move towards healthy self-esteem and self-care, and a more benevolent and loving relatedness.}, language = {en} } @article{HarWahyuningsihPurnomo, author = {Har Wahyuningsih, Hardiyanti and Purnomo, Bambang}, title = {Watak Egois sajrone Cerita Sambung >Lodan saka Segara Kidul< Anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo miturut Teori Kapribaden Erich Fromm [Selfish Character in the Sequel Story >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< by Kukuh S. Wibowo according to Erich Fromm's Personality Theory], Article, S-1 Regional Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Surabaya State University, Surabaya, Indonesia 2020, 14 pp. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/baradha/article/view/33965/30304] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Sesambungan antarane sastra lan psikologi, ana maneka faktor kang wigati. Kapisan, sawijine sastra kudu nggambarake kakuwatan lan kapinteran pangriptane. Kaloro, karya sastra kudu nduweni kautaman sing babagan gagrag lan basa minangka piranti kanggo nyuntak pikiran lan rasane pangripta. Katelu, prakara gaya, struktur lan tema karya sastra kudu ana sesambungane karo elemen-elemen kang nggambarake pikiran lan rasane pawongan tartamtu. Panliten kanthi objek cerita sambung >Lodan Saka Segara Kidul< anggitane Kukuh S. Wibowo bakal nintingi prakara cacah telu. Kanthi ringkes underane panliten bisa dirumusake: (1) Tuwuhe sipat seneng nekad sajrone cerita sambung (2) Faktor-faktor kang njalari sipat seneng nekad lan (3) Problem saka sipat seneng nekad. Panliten iki nggunakake pendekatan Psikologi sosial teori kapribaden Erich Fromm. Fromm njupuk sikap tengah ing sadar nandhesake luwih sethithik babagan motivasi sadar lan saingan amarga salah sijine ciri unik manungsa yaiku kesadaran. Manungsa ora kewan amarga padha bisa nggawe alesan, mbayangno masa depan, lan kanthi sengaja nyoba nyedhaki tujuane urip. Nanging, miturut Fromm, yen kesadaran diri minangka campuran saka akeh wong sing nindhes wong-wong mau kanggo karakter dhasar supaya ora kuwatir. Ing masalah sosial, Fromm nerangake manawa manungsa bisa nduwe pengaruh luwih saka sejarah, budaya, lan masyarakat tinimbang biologi.}, language = {mul} } @article{Wicaksono, author = {Wicaksono, Imam}, title = {Cinta dan Identitas Agama: Tinjauan Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm dalam Novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah< [Love and Religious Identity: An Analysis of Erich Fromm's Art of Loving in Novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2021), pp. 27-40. [Online ISSN 2540-9204] [ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/adabiya/article/view/703/424]}, journal = {Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2021), pp. 27-40. [Online ISSN 2540-9204] [ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/adabiya/article/view/703/424]}, abstract = {This study aims to reveal the symptoms, forms, and purposes of love of the characters in the novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah<, and how they behave when their love for fellow human beings is hindered by the boundaries of their religion (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) thus resulting in conflict and opposition within the novel environment. This research is a literature study by analyzing Arabic literary works in the form of novels and used Erich Fromm's psychosocial approach to the concept of love. The novel >Fi Qalbi Untsa 'Ibriyyah< presents the characters who initially live in a peaceful atmosphere and love each other, then the love turned into conflict after their different religious identities are unveiled. The characters have two choices: either following their feelings of love for humanity regardless religious identity or leaving their love by reason of obeying religious boundaries as a form of love for God. Research becomes important when it is found that love that departs from feelings of personal liking without seeing social ties can actually lead to many conflicts when it comes to meeting religious identity and its boundaries.}, language = {mul} } @article{Wijaya, author = {Wijaya, Nadia Anggie}, title = {Mother's Expressions of Love and the Existing Consequences in >Malaikat Juga Tahu< and >Tidur< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, journal = {Kata Kita / Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 373-381. [Online ISSN 2598-7801] [doi.org/10.9744/katakita.7.3.373-381]}, abstract = {Short story is a type of popular literature in Indonesia. In short stories, love is one of the most well-known topics for the Indonesian audience. Amongst various types of love, a mother's love is talked about the most. Thus, I decide to analyze how mothers express their love for their children in a compilation book titled >Rectoverso<. Also, I discover the consequences that the mothers experience due to their choices regarding love. By using the theory of love and the concept of motherly love from the book >The Art of Loving< by Erich Fromm, I find that the mothers have to face several choices that can give impacts toward their children and themselves. Every decision they make is caused by their love toward their children. Furthermore, the mothers prioritize their children instead of themselves. The impacts they experience may be positive or negative, depending on the situation.}, language = {en} } @article{Wicoyo, author = {Wicoyo, Joko}, title = {Konsep manusia menurut Erich Fromm (study tentang akualisasi perilaku) [The Human Concept according to Erich Fromm (Study of Behavioral Actualization)]}, series = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.19 (August 1994), pp. 19-24.}, journal = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.19 (August 1994), pp. 19-24.}, abstract = {Jika manusia terpisah dari lingkungan keluarganya, jiwa manusia akan selalu berada dalam kesunyiaan dan selalu dalam keadaan terasing. Dengan keadaan yang dirasakan terasing, sunyi, dan selalu merasa kesepian tersebut manusia dapat merasa bahwa ia sudah lepas atau bebas dari ikatan emosional kelauarganya.}, language = {mul} } @article{White, author = {White, Cleonie}, title = {I Am, You Are, We … Are … Us! Discussion of >Culturally Imposed Trauma: The Sleeping Dog Has Awakened: Will Psychoanalysis Take Heed?< by Dorothy Evans Holmes, Ph.D.}, series = {Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2016), pp. 673-677. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2016.1235947]}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2016), pp. 673-677. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2016.1235947]}, abstract = {Psychoanalysis is practiced in context. How relevant are our theories in addressing the psychological impact of disruptive, traumatizing effects of socio-cultural events? This is one of the many critical questions raised by Dr. Holmes in her very telling essay. Particularly on the question of race, Dr. Holmes outlines the shortcomings of our theories, but also challenges what she perceives as the reluctance of psychoanalytic training Institutes to address the traumas of race and racism. This discussion expands on Holmes's position to wonder whether all psychoanalytic theories are equally remiss, and whether Institutes and psychoanalysts' perceptions of, and responses to, social trauma are shaped by their particular theoretical orientation. Specifically, this discussion focuses on differences in orientation between Classical psychoanalysis and Interpersonal/Relational theories of mind. The author identifies Sullivan, Fromm, Ferenczi, and others as early psychiatrists and psychoanalysts for whom interpersonal and cultural contexts were central to their theories of human development.}, language = {en} } @article{Weinrich, author = {Weinrich, Harald}, title = {Sein und Haben radikal - mit und gegen Erich Fromm}, series = {Harald Weinrich: {\"U}ber das Haben: 33 Ansichten, M{\"u}nchen; Verlag C.H.Beck) 2012, 44-48.}, journal = {Harald Weinrich: {\"U}ber das Haben: 33 Ansichten, M{\"u}nchen; Verlag C.H.Beck) 2012, 44-48.}, abstract = {Auf dem Umschlag dieses Buches begr{\"u}ßt uns Diogenes von Sinope, der nichts haben will, nicht einmal von Alexander dem Großen. Er ist freilich eine Ausnahme. Die meisten Menschen haben gern, und deshalb mangelt es auch nicht an Gr{\"u}nden und Anl{\"a}ssen, sich {\"u}ber das Haben zu {\"a}ußern. In einer h{\"o}chst unterhaltsamen Reise durch die Sinnwelten des Habens er{\"o}ffnet Harald Weinrich, der Grandseigneur der europ{\"a}ischen Sprachwissenschaft, verbl{\"u}ffende Einsichten in unseren Gebrauch des W{\"o}rtchens Haben - und unser Haben-Denken, das sich darin offenbart.}, language = {de} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Erich Fromm und Janusz Korczak - Erziehung in Liebe? Parallelen und Differenzen}, series = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, journal = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, language = {de} } @misc{Wicker, author = {Wicker, Brian}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Dogma of Christ and Other Essays on Religion Psychology, and Culture (1963a, English)}, series = {British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, Vol. 7, No. 3 (1964), pp. 159-160.}, journal = {British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, Vol. 7, No. 3 (1964), pp. 159-160.}, language = {en} } @article{Wiegand, author = {Wiegand, Ronald}, title = {Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaft bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Psychologische Menschenkenntnis, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 6 (1970), pp. 257-273.}, journal = {Psychologische Menschenkenntnis, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 6 (1970), pp. 257-273.}, language = {de} } @article{Wicher, author = {Wicher, Andrzej}, title = {Freedom versus Intolerance: Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands, in: D. Gabryś-Barker and J. Mydla (Eds.): English Studies at the University of Silesia: Forty Years on, Katowice (University of Silesia Publishing House) Poland 2013, pp. 311-330.}, abstract = {I have chosen, for the jubilee volume, my article >Freedom vs. Intolerance - Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands<. It appeared in the volume entitled >We are all Indians< Violence - Intolerance - Literature, edited by Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Sławek (Katowice 1990). This was a special time for all of us; today it is called the time of breakthrough, or transformation. The topic of my article, and most other articles contained in this volume, is connected with the problem of freedom and enslavement, which, bearing in mind the atmosphere of that period, was almost inevitable. Thus, the reader will find, in that article of mine, reflections concerning the so called positive and negative freedom, some thoughts about Erich Fromm's book >The Fear of Freedom<. I used there also an old proverb, quoted in the writings of Sir Isaiah Berlin: >to be free is nothing, to become free is the very heaven<, a proverb that sounded very appropriate in the times when we all in Poland were regaining our lost freedom. The article itself is a heady mixture of threads and motifs taken from classical and modern philosophy, folktales, Biblical traditions and mythology, whereas the typical literary studies, or history of literature, are virtually absent there. This rather unconventional approach is, to some extent, typical of the style of academic discourse characteristic of the English studies as understood and practised in the University of Silesia at that time, that is in the 1980s and 1990s. This style was shaped, among other persons, by the, often indirect, influence of such personalities as Wojciech Kalaga, Tadeusz Sławek, Emanuel Prower, Tadeusz Rachwał, or, last but not least, Ewa Borkowska, who also contributed to the volume in question. Naturally, I am solely responsible for what I wrote in that article, which is a rather faithful reflection of my interests (and perhaps also obsessions) in that very memorable period of time.}, language = {en} } @article{Wils, author = {Wils, Jean-Pierr}, title = {Sich den Tod geben - Suizid als letzte Emanzipation?}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-047.}, volume = {d28/2024c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-047.}, language = {de} } @article{Winship, author = {Winship, Garry}, title = {A genealogy of therapeutic community ideas: the influence of the Frankfurt School with a particular focus on Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm}, series = {Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 34, No. 2/3 (2013), pp. 60-70. [Online ISSN 0964-1866] [doi.org/10.1108/TC-05-2013-0010]}, journal = {Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 34, No. 2/3 (2013), pp. 60-70. [Online ISSN 0964-1866] [doi.org/10.1108/TC-05-2013-0010]}, abstract = {Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to construct a genealogy of therapeutic communities (TCs), with the espoused commitment to flattened hierarchies and democratic ideologies, the paper considers the lineage of the Frankfurt School of Social Research and its influence in setting a frame for TC ideology, with a particular focus on Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. This genealogy provides further context to the contribution of two other key Frankfurters, Karl Mannheim and Michael Foulkes, who progressed therapeutic democracy in the UK and shaped the early days of the TC as a group-based treatment paradigm. Design/methodology/approach: Discourse analysis and collective biography based on biographical details, texts and witness accounts. Findings: The works of Marcuse and Fromm provide a hybrid psychosocial post-Freudian schemas that beckoned philosophic reconciliation between the state and the personal psyche culminating in new left psychoanalytic academic sectors. Erich Fromm's contribution is situated squarely in the clinical sphere in the USA dating from the 1930s after he fled from Germany and settled in the USA where he became a well-known lecturer at Chestnut Lodge during a time when it was developing its approach under the rubric of >milieu therapy<. Marcuse's influence on psychiatry is tracked through the development of ideas and writings emerging from his reading of Freud, finally intersecting with the emergence of TCs and anti-psychiatry when he delivered the keynote address at the Dialectics of Liberation Conference in London in 1967. Held at the height of the first generation of TCs, Joe Berke, R.D. Laing and colleagues considered Marcuse as someone to headline the Dialectics Conference because; >Marcuse was the Grandpapa of Flower Power< (Joe Berke said). Originality/value: A rapprochement between milieu therapy in the USA, influenced by Fromm and Marcuse and the European tradition of TCs, influenced by Mannheim and Foulkes is demonstrated. The Frankfurt Institute of Social Research can be seen as an ideological corner that transcends Atlantic divides, and provides a sturdy and lasting intellectual cornerstone for the history of ideas in the field of social psychiatry.}, language = {en} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Od polityki czasu do krytyki ideologii Koczanowicz versus Fromm [From the Politics of Time to the Critique of Ideology Koczanowicz versus Fromm], in: Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178.}, series = {Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178, Polish}, journal = {Leszek Koczanowics, Katarzyna Liszka, and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem. Eseje o demokracji niekonsensualnej, Warszawa, (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), Poland, pp. 168 - 178, Polish}, abstract = {Pierwsza część artykułu poświęcona jest rekonstrukcji narzędzia krytyki społecznej, użytego przez Leszka Koczanowicza w książce Polityka czasu do diagnozy dynamiki zmian występujących w społeczeństwie polskim po 1989 roku. Tym, co wyr{\´o}żnia propozycję autora, wzorującego się na rozwiązaniu przyjętym przez Ernesto Laclau, na tle innych tego typu teorii, jest koncentracja na społecznych mitologiach i marginalizacja zjawiska ideologii. Druga część artykułu, kt{\´o}ra poświęcona jest rekonstrukcji założeń krytyki społecznej Ericha Fromma, pozwala, dzięki zestawieniu ze sobą tych dwu koncepcji, postawić pytanie o konsekwencje i potencjał krytyczny projektu Koczanowicza rezygnującego z dopracowania pojęcia ideologii i zintegrowania go z pojęciem mitu.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wilde, author = {Wilde, Lawrence}, title = {The Ethical Challenge of Touraine's >Living Together<}, series = {Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007), pp. 39-53. [Online ISSN 1744-9634] [doi.org/10.1080/17449620600991564]}, journal = {Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007), pp. 39-53. [Online ISSN 1744-9634] [doi.org/10.1080/17449620600991564]}, abstract = {In >Can We Live Together?< Alain Touraine combines a consummate analysis of crucial social tensions in contemporary societies with a strong normative appeal for a new emancipatory >Subject< capable of overcoming the twin threats of atomisation or authoritarianism. He calls for a move from >politics to ethics< and then from ethics back to politics to enable the new Subject to make a reality out of the goals of democracy and solidarity. However, he has little to say about the nature of such an ethics. This article argues that this lacuna could usefully be filled by adopting a form of radical humanism found in the work of Erich Fromm. It defies convention in the social sciences by operating from an explicit view of the >is< and the >ought< of common human nature, specifying reason, love and productive work as the qualities to be realised if we are to move closer to human solidarity. Although there remain significant philosophical and political differences between the two positions, particularly on the role to be played by >the nation<, their juxtaposition opens new lines of inquiry in the field of cosmopolitan ethics.}, language = {en} } @article{Wilde, author = {Wilde, Lawrence}, title = {The Significance of Maternalism in the Evolution of Fromm's social thought}, series = {The European Legacy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2004), pp. 343-356. [Online ISSN 1470-1316] [doi.org/10.1080/1084877042000235504]}, journal = {The European Legacy, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2004), pp. 343-356. [Online ISSN 1470-1316] [doi.org/10.1080/1084877042000235504]}, abstract = {During his years as a member of the Frankfurt School, Erich Fromm developed a strong interest in the idea that there were distinctive male and female character orientations. Drawing on the positive evaluation of matriarchy made in the nineteenth century by the Swiss anthropologist J. J. Bachofen, Fromm argued that a >matricentric< psychic structure was more conducive to socialism than the patricentric structure which had predominated in capitalism. His interest in maternalism and his opposition to patriarchy played an important part in his rejection of Freud's theory of drives and in the development of a humanistic ethics in which love plays a central part. The idea of a gendered humanism is central to Fromm's social thought, although there is a danger that the over-emphasis of sex-based character differences unintentionally re-opens the danger of the kind of sexual stereotyping which he resolutely opposed.}, language = {en} } @article{Winship, author = {Winship, Gary}, title = {The Democratic Origins of the Term >Group Analysis<: Karl Mannheim's >Third Way< for Psychoanalysis and Social Science}, series = {Group Analysis, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2003), pp. 37-51. [ISSN 0533-3164] [doi.org/10.1177/0533316403036001200]}, journal = {Group Analysis, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2003), pp. 37-51. [ISSN 0533-3164] [doi.org/10.1177/0533316403036001200]}, abstract = {It is well known that Foulkes acknowledged Karl Mannheim as the first to use the term `group analysis'. However, Mannheim's work is otherwise not well known. This article examines the foundations of Mannheim's sociological interest in groups using the Frankfurt School (1929-1933) as a start point through to the brief correspondence of 1945 between Mannheim and Foulkes (previously unpublished). It is argued that there is close conjunction between Mannheim's and Foulkes's revision of clinical psychoanalysis along sociological lines. Current renderings of the Frankfurt School tradition pay almost exclusive attention to the American connection (Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer) overlooking the contribution of the English connection through the work of Mannheim and Foulkes.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wiśniewski, author = {Wiśniewski, Radoslaw}, title = {Review Wasyluk, Piotr: Ericha Fromma koncepcja postępu zintegrowanego, Olsztyn (Publishing House of the Center for Eastern European Studies of the University of Warmia and Mazury) Poland 2010.}, series = {Ruch Filozoficzny Vol. 67, No. 4 (2010). [ISSN: 0035-9599]}, journal = {Ruch Filozoficzny Vol. 67, No. 4 (2010). [ISSN: 0035-9599]}, language = {pl} } @article{Wong, author = {Wong, Charlotte}, title = {Narcissism Obstacle - To Love Dr. Fromm}, series = {Spartan Daily San Jose State College, Vol. 53, No. 106 (Friday, April 22, 1966). [scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4785\&context=spartandaily]}, journal = {Spartan Daily San Jose State College, Vol. 53, No. 106 (Friday, April 22, 1966). [scholarworks.sjsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4785\&context=spartandaily]}, abstract = {Dr. Erich Fromm, internationally-known psychoanalyst-author, stressed narcissism and lack of faith as major obstacles to love at yesterday's ASB lecture in Morris Dailey Auditorium.}, language = {en} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Czas mesjański, rytuał szabatu i pedagogia azylu w filozofii Ericha Fromma [Messianic Time, the Sabbath Ritual and Asylum Pedagogy in the Philosophy of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 137-159.}, journal = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 137-159.}, abstract = {Celem artykułu jest wskazanie miejsca i znaczenia w filozofii Ericha Fromma obecnych w jego pracach figur czasu mesjańskiego i rytuału sza¬batu. Powiązane ze sobą dają się odczytać jako integralna część koncepcji Fromma, prowadząca w jego myśli do pedagogii azylu - posiadającego istotny potencjał emancypacyjny i edukacyjny rozwiązania problemu alienacji wsp{\´o}łczesnego człowieka.}, language = {pl} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {The pedagogy of asylum as a utopia of hospitality. A review of basic assumptions}, series = {Filozoficzne problemy educacji, No. 4 (2021), pp. 1-19. [Online ISSN 2545-0948] [doi.org/10.4467/25450948FPE.21.001.15166]}, journal = {Filozoficzne problemy educacji, No. 4 (2021), pp. 1-19. [Online ISSN 2545-0948] [doi.org/10.4467/25450948FPE.21.001.15166]}, abstract = {This paper aims at the presentation of ethical and political grounds of the pedagogy of asylum, which, in its assumptions, refers to concepts of such thinkers as Emmanuel Levinas, Erich Fromm, George Steiner, Hannah Arendt, Michael Walzer, Avishai Margalit, Jacques Derrida and Janusz Korczak. Utopia of hospitality, presented in its basic assumptions, constitutes a look at the social life, life of individuals and communities, as concentrated in asylums, while its author thinks that it forms an answer to modern challenges to Western democracies, education and politics in the >Age of Migration<.}, language = {en} } @article{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia szkoły, nieposłuszeństwo i przekład. Dwa biblijne mity w odczytaniach Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera [Utopia of School, Disobedience, and Translation Two Biblical Myths in the Interpretation of Erich Fromm and George Steiner]}, series = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, journal = {Showanna, No. 2 (2020), pp. 1-14. [ISSN 2353-9682] doi.org/10.31261/CHOWANNA.2020.55.04]}, abstract = {Można przyjąć, że dwa biblijne mity - o wyjściu Adama i Ewy z ogrodu Eden oraz o budowniczych wieży Babel - są interesującymi ekspresjami wyobra{\'{z}}ni utopijnej, ponieważ opowiadają o dw{\´o}ch miejscach, w kt{\´o}rych na dwa odmienne sposoby realizowano projekty wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Wsp{\´o}łcześnie jednym z takich miejsc, kt{\´o}re możemy rozumieć jako niejednoznaczny efekt realizacji utopii epoki rewolucji przemysłowej, jest szkoła - przestrzeń edukacji zaplanowana jako ważna część projektu wystarczająco doskonałego porządku społecznego. Dwa oryginalne odczytania - autorstwa Ericha Fromma i George'a Steinera - przywołanych biblijnych mit{\´o}w posłużą wzbogaceniu o nowe wątki i podejścia dyskusji o kondycji wsp{\´o}łczesnej szkoły oraz dyskurs{\´o}w pedagogiki krytycznej czy pedagogiki oporu i pedagogiki hermeneutycznej.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Review Rafał Wlodarczyk: Ideologia, teoria, edukacja. Myśl Ericha Fromma jako inspiracja dla pedagogiki wsp{\´o}łczesnej, Krak{\´o}w (Publishing House >Impuls<), Poland 2016. (Studium z filozofii Ericha Fromma, krytyki społecznej i teorii edukacji)}, language = {pl} } @misc{Wojtowicz, author = {W{\´o}jtowicz, Marek}, title = {Review Kamil Kaczmarek: Socjologia a religie. Wsp{\´o}łczynnik humanistyczny jako narzędzie wartościowania w pismach Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Publishing Office, Faculty of Theology of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań) Poland 2003}, series = {Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, Vol. 37, No. 2, (2004), pp. 311-312.}, journal = {Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne, Vol. 37, No. 2, (2004), pp. 311-312.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wong, author = {Wong, Muk-Yan}, title = {The Ideal Love: Platonic or Frommian?}, series = {Dialogue and Universalism, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2017), pp. 137-146. [Online ISSN 1689-3816] [doi.org/10.5840/du201727470]}, journal = {Dialogue and Universalism, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2017), pp. 137-146. [Online ISSN 1689-3816] [doi.org/10.5840/du201727470]}, abstract = {In this paper, I compare two theories of ideal love, the Platonic and Frommian, and argue that they give opposite advices to lovers in practice. While Plato emphasizes >whom to love< and urges one to continuously look for a better beloved, Erich Fromm emphasizes >how to love< and urges one to grow and change with one's imperfect lover. Using the movie >Her< as an example, I explain why an ideal love is extremely difficult to attain under the guidance of the Platonic and Frommian ideals. In an imperfect love, to leave or to stay seems to be a question with no simple answer.}, language = {en} } @book{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Ideologia, teoria, edukacja.Myśl Ericha Fromma jako inspiracja dla pedagogiki wsp{\´o}łczesnej [Ideology, Theory, Education: Erich Fromm's Thought as an Inspiration for Contemporary Pedagogy], Krak{\´o}w (Publishing House >Impuls<) Poland 2016, 329 pp., Polish. [978-83-8095-143-3]}, abstract = {[Conclusion] Niniejsza monografi a dowodzi, że inspirowana myślą Ericha Fromma teoria i praktyka edukacji może znale{\'{z}}ć w niej reprezentującą orientację emancypacyjną w krytycznej teorii edukacji spojną i wartościową wykładnię. Wskazuje także, że zaproponowany przez niego zbior ustaleń i rozwiązań bez większych przeszkod może stanowić dla pedagogiki ogolnej, teorii wychowania, jak rownież oddziaływań służących formowaniu całokształtu zdolności życiowych człowieka rezerwuar jednostkowych zapożyczeń. Ponadto dowodzi, że formułowane w jego książkach sądy i stawiane tam tezy pozostają istotnym {\'{z}}rodłem dla dalszego namysłu w pedagogice krytycznej, fi lozofi i edukacji oraz podejmowanych badań w rożnych obszarach nauk o wychowaniu. Wskazany i potencjalny wkład Fromma do pedagogiki ujęty w tej książce, ustalony na podstawie kompleksowego opracowania jego myśli, daje się sprowadzić do listy kilku złożonych zagadnień rozwiniętych w poszczegolnych rozdziałach, takich jak: koncepcja natury człowieka, jego rozwoju, podmiotowości, zdrowia oraz ideału wychowania; teoria społeczeństwa i jego wpływu na kształtowanie się osobowości oraz zdolności życiowych człowieka; dialektyczna koncepcja zmiany społecznej oraz miejsca i roli w niej edukacji; teoria jednostkowej i społecznej alienacji; koncepcja emancypacji przez edukację; teoria ruchu emancypacyjnego; koncepcja nauczyciela jako transformatywnego intelektualisty; teoria utopii społecznej; koncepcja doktryny pedagogicznej i ich powiązania w ideologii edukacyjnej radykalnego humanizmu; ogolna teoria ideologii; koncepcja ukrytego programu edukacji oraz kryteriow ich krytyki; teoria pedagogii azylu. Należy zaznaczyć, że konsekwentna realizacja zadania badawczego wymagała nie tylko rekonstrukcji, analizy i odczytania koncepcji Fromma, jej kontekstu fi lozofi cznego oraz wpływu środowisk intelektualnego i kulturowego, z jakich się wywodzi, ale w kilku przypadkach r{\´o}wnież określenia, referowania czy wskazania stanu aktualnej dyskusji w pedagogice oraz poszczeg{\´o}lnych naukach humanistycznych i społecznych na temat zagadnień, do kt{\´o}rych nawiązuje w swoich interdyscyplinarnych z założenia pismach. Innymi słowy, zadanie wymagało dostosowania się do okoliczności warunkujących podjętą pracę przekładu, by możliwe było prawidłowe przedstawienie konsekwencji myśli Fromma dla pedagogiki oraz jej adaptacja na gruncie dyscypliny i zgodnie z obowiązującymi w niej stanem wiedzy i regułami metodologicznymi.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wojtowicz, author = {W{\´o}jtowicz, Agniezska}, title = {O samotności i miłości w >Pożądaniu w cieniu wiąz{\´o}w< Eugene'a O'Nilla [On Loneliness and Love in >Desire Under the Elms< by Eugene O'Neill] [Sur la solitude et l'amour dans >Desir sous les ormes< d'Eugene O'Neill], in: S. Caputa and A. Wo{\'{z}}niakowska (Eds.): Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej. Vol. 7, Miłoś, Katowice (Publishing House of the University of Silesia) Poland 2017, pp. 45-55, Polish. [ISBN: 9788322631478]}, abstract = {The authoress of this article has attempted to read the play by an American playwright Eugene O'Neill in the light of the concept of love as proposed by Erich Fromm in 1956. This German philosopher argued that the only way to escape loneliness, a feeling to which everybody is doomed, is to unite oneself with another person in love. In a popular publication, titled >The Art of Loving<, Fromm describes various forms of love. >Desire Under the Elms< - a play written more than three decades before Fromm's publication - seems to illustrate these philosophical considerations. Such a view on O'Neill's work allows to notice its human dimension, and perceive its protagonists as an embodiment of the universal human condition.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Wu, author = {Wu, Fengcheng}, title = {人的全面發展如何可能:佛洛姆教育理論研究 [How Comprehensive Human Development is Possible: A Study of Fromm's Theory of Education], Doctoral dissertation, Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan 2005.}, abstract = {佛洛姆雖然沒有提出系統的教育理論,但其理論以人的全面發展、充分誕生為目標,以建立人本主義的社會主義社會為理想,冀望人人覺悟異化的實相,努力克服非理性的熱情與性格,發展生產性格,以解決生存的矛盾,而能夠健全的生活,實具有教育理論的內涵。本文所嘗試為其建立的教育理論,奠基於其人性論、異化論與歷史唯物論,既重視人本身人性力量的發揮,也重視社會整體結構對人發展的影響,有別於先前對其教育理論探討者之忽視社會結構的分析。其人性論承繼馬克思的人性論,以自由而有意識的活動的社會存有為人的本質,同時又根據其心理分析實踐的反思,以內在於人生存處境的矛盾為人的本質。人要獲得自由,必須擴大對自己無意識的覺察,從無意識的壓抑中解放出來。在最深的無意識中,人可以覺察到普遍的人性,而體驗到與所有人類為一體。一般人無法意識到如此深的無意識,但如能意識到其性格結構、社會性格、社會無意識、社會的意識形態等,則能覺察到諸種壓抑其自由發展的內、外在障礙。資本主義社會的生產方式,促使人發展非生產性的市場性格、接受性格等異化的性格,又發展出產業與人工頭腦時代的宗教,來強化這些性格。人由這些非生產性格發展出貪婪、自戀、亂倫固著、威權性格、破壞性等非理性熱情,又屈從於匿名權威,成為自動機器人,遂不得自由發展。人由生產性的工作、工作社群、產業民主、健全消費、全民參與式民主、集體藝術、人本主義的宗教與教育,可以發展生產性格結構,發展生產性的愛與理性的力量,以克服與自我、他人、自然異化的生存矛盾,而達到與世界合一的真我,真正得到自由的發展。生產性格者能夠帶動產生更多的生產性格者,一個社會若有許多生產性格者,就能逐漸轉變社會盛行的價值與觀念,進而逐漸轉變社會性格與社會的生產方式。佛洛姆以生產性的愛為基礎的認識論,和格物致知的修養功夫相似,必須格除私欲,克服自戀等非理性熱情,以無我的愛與世界關聯,心清淨無染,才能看清世界。在這個基礎上,才能發展愛與理性的能力,及其他的人性潛能。故學為聖人,放下自我,從自我的牢籠中脫離出來,乃人得以自由發展的重要關鍵。以「存有」情態學習人類導師與人本宗教的教誨,知行合一的實踐博愛,能夠克服自戀,發展生產性格。能相當程度的發展生產性格,解決生存矛盾之後,才能健全的生活,發展各種人性潛能。生產性格的教育者與領導人「作之君、作之親、作之師」,將家庭、學校、公司等小團體,建立成以愛生性為導向的學習社會,可以促進所有成員生產性格的發展。這種學習社會可以漸次擴大,而將整個社會、國家建立成以愛生性為導向的團體。經由教育者的愛與人格典範、童蒙養正、教勞結合、內在自我實現動機的啟發、落實所教內容、對受教者的信心,可以幫助人發展生產性格,克服異化。教育學的理論與實踐,應更重視整體社會結構與歷史對人的影響,應更重視德育對人整體發展的影響,避免將自私、異化的人視為常態,而應以幫助人發展成生產性格者為目標去進行研究與實踐。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Woźniak, author = {Wo{\'{z}}niak, Waldemar}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Anatomy of Human Destructivity (Polish).}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 13 (2004), 438-440.}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 13 (2004), 438-440.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Wu, author = {Wu, Lin}, title = {A Study of Alienation in Anne Tyler's Works Based on Genette's Narrative Theories -Taking >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant< and >The Accidental Tourist< for Examples, World Literature, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Anne Tyler is deemed as one of the most outstanding writers and literary critics in contemporary America. Over her long career, distinguished by her vivid description of the conflicts in family life, Tyler has continually published over twenty novels, as well as over fifty short stories and numerous book reviews. Among them, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (1982) and >The Accidental Tourist< (1985) are two typical examples. The two novels share a common theme: alienation and loneliness, and the author uses the narrative model of internal focalization in both novels. The difference is that in >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant<, Tyler flexibly adopts three models of internal focalization: fixed internal focalization, variable internal focalization and multiple internal focalization. While in >The Accidental Tourist<, fixed internal focalization is employed throughout the story. These two novels do not have the tortuous and bizarre storyline, but only revolve around trivial matters that have occurred in family, including the contradiction and estrangement between family members and so on. Judging from the existing literature at home and abroad, there is still great potential for in-depth research on Anne Tyler and her two novels. Based on G{\´e}rard Genette's Narrative Theories, this thesis is devoted to a comparative study of alienation in Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant and >The Accidental Tourist< by means of close reading and theoretical analysis, so as to help readers gain a deep understanding of Tyler's writing style and alienation theme, and also render a new perspective for further interpretation of Tyler's family novels. This thesis consists of six parts. Chapter One first gives a brief introduction to the writer Anne Tyler and her works. Then, the definition of alienation is presented, especially Fromm's views on alienation. In the end of this chapter, the significance and structure of the thesis are pointed out.- Chapter Two is Literature Review. In this part, the study on Anne Tyler and her two representative novels at home and abroad are shown.- Chapter Three is the theoretical framework of the thesis, in which Genette's narratology theory is explained in detail, especially the narrative focalization: zero focalization, internal focalization, external focalization.- Chapter Four and Chapter Five are the main body of the thesis. Chapter Four aims to compare and analyze the manifestation of alienation in the two novels from different internal focalization types. This chapter can be divided into two parts. The first part will analyze the self-alienation in the two novels. The second part will explore the alienation of interpersonal relationship in the two novels, including two types: the alienation among family members and the alienation with non-family members. And the environmental alienation will be taken into consideration in this part, which accelerates the alienation of characters in the two novels.- Chapter Five is expected to elaborate the external and internal reasons of the alienation in the two novels, and explore the countermeasures to overcome alienation. External reasons, such as the social and historical background, the writer's experience, the influence of American Southern literature and the family background are analyzed. In view of the internal reasons, this thesis puts an emphasis on personal attitude and choice. In terms of countermeasures, the strength of family ties weakens the alienation in >Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant<. While in >The Accidental Tourist<, the greatness of affection helps the protagonist Macon overcome alienation partially.- Chapter Six - conclusion part, the author summaries the previous viewpoints and puts forward the suggestion for further study. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wu, author = {Wu, Jinrong}, title = {Werner's Pursuit of Positive Freedom - An Analysis of >All the Light We Cannot See< from the Perspective of Fromm's Theory of Freedom, Master thesis, World Literature, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning, China [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {The young American novelist Anthony Doerr spent ten years creating >All the Light We Cannot See<, which won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Literature for its subtle storyline and beautiful writing upon its publication. The novel tells the story of Werner, an orphan who embarks on the way of negative freedom due to his ignorance to the world and his worship of authoritarianism, and eventually breaks free from various fetters to gain true freedom. The German humanist philosopher Fromm constructs the unique theory of freedom based on psychoanalysis and Marxism. The negative freedom and positive freedom he proposed constitute the core of his theory of freedom. Fromm argues that the removal of external obstacles does not imply true freedom because it does not guarantee the realization of true development of man's own power. Instead, positive freedom is the essence of freedom, and true freedom can be fully achieved only when man fully exerts his power of spontaneity and creativity and establishes a close connection with the world. Based on Fromm's theory of freedom, this thesis interprets the manifestations of Werner's descent into negative freedom in terms of authoritarianism, destructiveness, and automaton conformity. In addition, this thesis addresses three periods of Werner's pursuit of positive freedom, namely, the beginning period of conscience awakening, the critical period of spontaneous development, and the realization period of positive freedom. True freedom can be achieved only when man lives spontaneously as a complete subject. Negative freedom brings Werner anxiety and loneliness, so he sets out to pursue positive freedom. Ultimately, Werner achieves self-identity and positive freedom through love, creative work and rational faith. The purpose of this thesis is to reveal that freedom from bondage and obstacles offers us only negative freedom, which seems to bring a sense of security but is followed by endless loneliness and nothingness. Unlike negative freedom, positive freedom provides a true sense of happiness and belonging based on self-actualization. We should acknowledge the existence of negative freedom and strive to achieve true freedom through spontaneous love and creative activity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2022]}, language = {zh} } @article{Woodall, author = {Woodall, Tony}, title = {Driven to excess? Linking calling, character and the (mis)behaviour of marketers}, series = {Marketing Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 173-191. [Online ISSN 1741-301X] [doi.org/10.1177/1470593111418797]}, journal = {Marketing Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 173-191. [Online ISSN 1741-301X] [doi.org/10.1177/1470593111418797]}, abstract = {We are presently at a point of unique circumstantial convergence where recession, an increased emphasis on business ethics, and marketer's reluctance to accept shifting social agendas have combined to identify the need for a new approach to marketing. Using concepts from the human resources, marketing and psychology literatures, and especially Erich Fromm's ideas concerning economic character, this paper posits that marketers - as a professional community - are driven to promote consumerist outcomes; victims of an automaton amalgam of calling and character. The analysis suggests the vulnerability of both marketer and consumer are mutually reinforcing and that we need, somehow, to break this damaging cycle of dependence. We know little, however, about how marketers think and feel about their discipline, so this paper also promotes an agenda for marketer behaviour research, as a countervailing balance to a currently disproportionate focus on the consumer.}, language = {en} } @article{Wu, author = {Wu, Guanjun}, title = {Love Revolution and Algorithmic Revolution: From Platform Capitalism to Post-humanism [爱的革命与算法革命——从平台资本主义到后人类主义]}, series = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5 (2022), pp.:11-23.}, journal = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5 (2022), pp.:11-23.}, abstract = {In the last decade we have witnessed the vast development of AI algorithm, which is perceived as a new approach to solve human problems. Meanwhile, within the humanist framework love is regarded as the answer to human survival as well as to the question of good life. However, love itself is in crisis today. AI (which is exactly how love is pronounced in Chinese/Mandarin), with its algorithmic revolution, is nonetheless powerless in coping with the crisis of love revolution. In the post-humanistic horizon, we are facing three different kinds of >black box<. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{XiaoCao, author = {Xiao, Dawei and Cao, Guihua}, title = {Analysis of the Psychological Predicament of Contemporary College Students from the Perspective of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (2022) [从弗洛姆《逃避自由》的角度分析当代大学生心理困境]}, series = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 5 (2022), 165-169.}, journal = {Culture Journal [文化学刊], No. 5 (2022), 165-169.}, abstract = {进入高校的大学生们尚未完全成熟,同时面临着学习与就业过程中的种种问题。2020年至今,新冠肺炎疫情反复出现,中国是世界上控制疫情最好的国家之一,因此,中国大学生出国留学率降低,国内考研升学与考编竞争更加激烈,加剧了大学生学习与择业方面的心理困境。从弗洛姆的《逃避自由》为理论背景分析当代大学生>躺平<>内卷<心态与学习焦虑、内心空虚、择业迷茫、盲目从众的现象,对其进行积极正确引导,增强其自信心,帮助大学生树立正确的学习观及择}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Donghua}, title = {Psychoanalytic Psychologists' View of the Female Psychology [精神分析心理学家的女性心理观]}, series = {Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University [南京晓庄学院学报], No. 4 (2023), pp. 74-79.}, journal = {Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University [南京晓庄学院学报], No. 4 (2023), pp. 74-79.}, abstract = {女性心理的发生、发展和变化规律及与男性心理的差异,是心理学的一项重要研究任务。然而,纵观科学心理学近一个半世纪的发展历程,女性心理并不是众多心理学家特意关注的显性主题。在众多心理学理论流派中,精神分析心理学家对女性心理的研究最多也最深入。弗洛伊德及其后继者从不同角度和层面对女性心理进行了探讨和揭秘。弗洛伊德强调性本能,其早期追随者荣格强调原型、阿德勒强调社会地位,其后期追随者霍妮强调社会文化环境、埃里克森强调社会经验、克莱因强调母女关系、弗洛姆强调社会心理氛围。精神分析心理学家在各自理论框架内提出和阐释自己的女性心理观,对后来女性心理学发展和女性心理研究具有重要意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Tianhai}, title = {Psychologists across Borders: Erich Fromm and Mid-20th Century America (2022) [跨界的心理学家:埃里克·弗洛姆与20世纪中期的美国]}, series = {World Culture [世界文化], No. 7 (2022), pp. 10-15}, journal = {World Culture [世界文化], No. 7 (2022), pp. 10-15}, abstract = {在心理学界,埃里克·弗洛姆可谓是一名具有独特风格的学者,与西格蒙特·弗洛伊德、卡尔·荣格等前辈心理学者相比,弗洛姆的学术视野开阔,涉猎广泛,将心理学、神学、社会学、文化学熔为一炉。他不仅著作等身,而且将心理学引入了大众视野,从"二战"到20世纪五六十年代,他的作品不断成为社会关注的焦点,引领并改变着美国人乃至整个西方社会看待世界的方式。本文主要介绍弗洛姆的生平、著作以及其对美国社会生活产生的影响。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xie, author = {Xie, Linlin}, title = {To Get Rid of >Weeds<, We Must Plant >Crops< - Talking about How to Abandon Non-Love and Build True Love [欲除>杂草<,须种>庄稼<——谈如何摈弃非爱构建真爱]}, series = {Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172.}, journal = {Examination Weekly [考试周刊], No. 91 (2014), p. 172.}, abstract = {什么是非爱行为?师爱在教育理论中始终处于核心地位,被视为教育的灵魂和本质。夏丏尊认为:>教育之不能没有感情,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样。没有水,就不能称其为池塘,没有爱就没有教育。<安东尼·华尔士认为,爱意味着主动关心他人的幸福。弗洛姆认为,爱是给予、关心、责任感、尊重和了解。非爱行为是打着爱的旗号让爱的对象按照自己的意愿去做,是以爱的名义对爱的对象进行强制性束缚、限制和控制。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xia, author = {Xia, Ying}, title = {The Happiness Theory and Its Contemporary Interpretation, Master thesis, Ethics, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {In all ages, whatever social economy and class structure change, happiness is always the pursuit goal of people from vary historical ages. Based on the social and historical reality, the philosophers have given a lot of judgments about happiness, and happiness problem is always a major task in ethnics study. However, the ideologists a tall times and in all countries have vary opinions about happiness unable to decide which is right. So, for the people in modern society it has important meaning to card happiness theory and discuss its signification and essence. Firstly this paper carded the tradition of Chinese happiness theory. In the view of history, Chinese ideologists' viewpoints of happiness can be divided into two parts, deontology and utilitarianism. Although these two parts have different contestations respectively, they also have an accordant viewpoint at happiness realization, that is, to achieve happiness by self-improvement.- Then this paper carded tradition of western happiness theory to classify it into two kinds, hedonistic eudemonism and consummate eudemonism. The hedonistic considered that happiness was based on people's feeling. They thought feeling pleasure was happiness with some representatives such as Locke, Bentham, Muller, Feuerbach etc. However the consummate was firstly mentioned by Aristotle. It considered that perfection was happiness with some other representatives such as Paulsen, Fromm etc.- The third part of paper summarized Marxist eudemonism including main structure, inscapes, social historical conditions, evolution rules and characters etc. Marxist eudemonism is based on criticism and self-reflection on hedonistic and consummate. Itis scientific to lead contemporary people to correctly realize and achieve happiness.- The last part of paper tried to give a contemporary interpretation on happiness. It considered that contemporary happiness mainly embodied in the people's livelihood. After clarifying meanings of people's livelihood and its problem, this paper discussed essence of people's livelihood happiness, gave an opinion that the government must be mainly responsible for people's livelihood happiness, and finally proposed a method to achieve happiness, that is, to establish a people oriented concept of happiness. [Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Xin, author = {Xin, Xiaoming}, title = {Multi-dimensional Orientation of >Educational Freedom< from Fromm's View of Freedom [从弗洛姆的自由观看>教育自由<的多维取向]}, series = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, journal = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, abstract = {自由为人们提供了实现自我的机会和条件。同时,追求自由也是教育的价值诉求和终极理想。积极的教育自由意味着人类精神世界能够以健康、有价值的方式成长。弗洛姆的自由思想在西方学术界具有一定的影响,可以为深入探究教育与自由的关系提供新的理论视角。本文试图结合弗洛姆的自由理论,从认识论、心理学和伦理学三个方面对教育自由进行界定。[Automatic translation from English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xiao, author = {Xiao, Yufen}, title = {Alienation and Salvation: A Study of Celeste Ng's >Everything I Never Told You<, Master thesis, World Literature, Xi'an International University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Celeste Ng is one of the most prominent contemporary Chinese American writers. Her debut novel >Everything I Never Told You<, which took six years to complete, has obtained a huge success since it was published. It won the first place of Amazon Book of the Year in 2014, making a sensation in the European and American literary circles. At present, scholars at home and abroad have mostly studied >Everything I Never Told You< from the perspectives of post-colonialism, feminism, cultural conflict, family education and family relations, but few of them have analyzed it from the perspective of alienation. Therefore, this thesis attempts to apply Erich Fromm's theory of alienation to analyze the alienation theme in >Everything I Never Told You< from three perspectives: the alienation between man and society, the alienation between man and man, and the alienation between man and self, and elaborating on the ways in which each of these family members overcomes alienation to achieve salvation. Through the interpretation of alienation in >Everything I Never Told You<, this thesis aims to reveal the survival dilemma of the interracial families in Celeste Ng's writings, insinuating the alienated state of modern people, and trying to provide a way for modern people to overcome alienation. When in a state of alienation, people can overcome alienation and achieve salvation by actively facing the dilemma, promoting their self-identity, cultivating the ability to love and building harmonious interpersonal relationships. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Xi, author = {Xi, Lin}, title = {The China Model of Development as Solidarity}, series = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, journal = {Chinese Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2020), pp. 31-49. [Online ISSN 2365-4252]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] What is the unique feature of China's model of development? Upon reviewing the >dialectics of development< that draws on both Amartya Sen and Erich Fromm, this paper argues that the China Model may have a particular strength in reconstructing its Confucian tradition towards social solidarity. In China, like other countries with a rapid development, swift social transformation has brought to fore as many positive as negative consequences, on the basis of which a mixed record of development in modern society can be pathologically diagnosed. Following the Durkheimer's premise that these social ills may be cured by a shift from mechanical solidarity (characteristic of a traditional society) to its organic counterpart, this paper, drawing on both Fisk and Confucius, proposes the idea of >civitas hominicivitas homini<, when combined together, shall reach a stage of >res publica latium< (commonwealth) that ensures both individual liberties and social solidarity, with different communities entering into terms of intersubjective recognition, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Through this >civitas homini<, we can rewrite the paradigm of development as one that aims at solidarity rather than purely individualistic freedom. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @book{Włodarczyk, author = {Włodarczyk, Rafał}, title = {Utopia i edukacja. Studia z filozofii, teorii edukacji i pedagogiki azylu [Utopia and Education. Studies in Philosophy and Pedagogy of Asylum], Wrocław (Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław, Lower Silesia) Poland 2021, 440 pp., Polish. (Series: Publications of the Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław - Issue IV.) [ISBN 978-83-62618-68-2]}, language = {pl} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Mengyue}, title = {The Consciousness of Constructing Black Community in >A Raisin in the Sun< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, journal = {Academic Journal of Humanities \& Social Sciences (Francis Academic Press, UK), Vol. 6, No. 15 (2023), pp. 29 - 34 [ISSN 2616-5783] [doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.061505]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Lorraine Hansberry, the first black playwright and the youngest American to win a New York Critics' Circle award, her >A Raisin in the sun<, opens on Broadway with great success. This paper mainly adopts the Alienation Theory of Fromm to explore her consciousness of reconstructing an inclusive Black Community based on disclosing that the dreams of the black people are distorted into sublime objects constructed by the dominant ideology. Grounded on the three principles from Fromm's Alienation theory, this paper finds that Hansberry has not only suggested that the elimination of alienation can be achieved by the strong power of family bonds but also highlighted the essential role that the Black tradition plays in the construction of an inclusive Black Community where black people can traverse the ideological fantasy and develop their racial pride. [Author's English]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Shijie}, title = {On the Theme of Alienation in Mrs. Gaskell's >Mary Barton<, Master thesis, World literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell is considered to be one of the most influential British female writers in the 19th century, whose works are famous for reflecting the labor conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the working class, such as >Mary Barton<, >North and South<, >Ruth<, and so on. Mrs. Gaskell published her first novel >Mary Barton< in 1848. Taking the British Chartist Movement and the worker's strike as its background, the novel which has high realistic value profoundly describes the real social life and ideological situation of the workers in Manchester under the oppression of capitalists. In the 19th century, in terms of the English literature which reflects the daily life of the working class vividly and carefully, the achievements of this novel are incomparable with any other works. In recent years, with the rise of western feminism and the emergence of some criticisms of literary and cultural which focus on the social historical background, the classic novel >Mary Barton< has aroused people's interests and attentions again. Taking Mrs. Gaskell's >Mary Barton< as the research object, on the basis of Fromm's alienation theory, this thesis explains the theme of alienation in the novel.- The thesis consists of three parts including introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction part mainly presents the life of Mrs. Gaskell, the principal content of >Mary Barton<, as well as the literature review and thesis statement. The main body of this thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the origin and development of alienation theory, especially the main contents of Fromm's alienation theory, including man's self-alienation, the alienation between man and man, and the alienation between man and nature. The second chapter analyzes the self-alienation of the characters in the novel, mostly including Mary's absurd view of love, John's twisted character, and Old Carson's vulgar view of interest, etc, which reveal the far-reaching impact of self-alienation on the characters, and ultimately lead to the tragic endings of these characters. The third chapter discusses the alienation between man and man from the aspects of family and work relations in the novel. The fourth chapter expounds the alienation between man and nature, that is, the opposite relationships between man and nature in the novel. On the one hand, the two metropolises of Manchester and London are gradually declining due to human activities. On the other hand, the disease outbreaks and the depletion of natural resources also have an indelible impact on people's lives. The fifth chapter explains the main reasons of the alienation in >Mary Barton<, which are the influence of the Chartist Movement, the rule of class consciousness and rights consciousness, the prevalence of egoism and the spread of Anthropocentrism. The conclusion part makes the summary of this thesis and briefly introduces the significance. Based on the analysis of the specific alienated images of characters in the novel, this thesis discusses the essence of alienation of human nature and estrangement of interpersonal relationship in capitalist society described by Mrs. Gaskell, and sparks thoughts about the nature of human, the relationships between man and nature and the relationships between people in contemporary society, which will further strengthen the confidence in building a healthy and harmonious society. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @misc{Xue, author = {Xue, Han}, title = {An Interpretation of Alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak< from the Perspective of Fromm's Humanism, Master thesis, World Literature, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China 2023 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {As a master of American literature and a representative writer of academic school in the 20th century, Saul Bellow revealed the spiritual crisis encountered by intellectuals and reflected the spiritual emptiness of people in the social background of moral decline and materialistic desire. >More Die of Heartbreak< is a novel written by Bellow during his latter period of creation. The novel shows the complicated contemporary love, marriage, family condition and the alienated society that is trapped by money, consumerism, and sex. In this thesis, Erich Fromm's humanism is used to deeply interpret the embodiments, causes, and salvation of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<.- The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces Saul Bellow, >More Die of Heartbreak<, research status at home and abroad, alienation and humanistic theory.- Chapter two interprets the embodiments of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, including self-alienation, interpersonal alienation, and alienation between people and society.- Chapter three explores the causes of alienation. Firstly, self-alienation is mainly caused by receptive character, irrational need for relatedness, and alienated way to satisfy relatedness. Secondly, causes of interpersonal alienation mainly include morbidity and liberation of sex, nonproductive character orientation, the impact of pragmatism and the contradiction of different cultures. Thirdly, consumers' morbid desire for sign value and the media with negative guidance also lead to alienation between human and society.- Chapter four explores how to overcome alienation. Firstly, it expounds that Benn and Kenneth overcome self-alienation through self-improvement. Secondly, individuals can overcome loneliness and rebuild harmonious interpersonal relationships under the salvation of love. Finally, the being mode of existence advocated by Fromm is helpful for individuals to overcome the influence of social alienation and reshape harmony between man and society.- The last chapter is the conclusion, which points out that although contemporary westerners are troubled by alienation, people can still resist alienation through self-improvement, love, and choosing the being mode of existence. It is significant to overcome alienation in a materialistic society from the perspective of humanism. While exploring the embodiments, causes, and solutions of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, this thesis hopes to raise people's concern about the elimination of alienation and provide enlightenment on how to overcome alienation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Hanyu}, title = {The Study of Fromm's Ideas on Sane Society, Master thesis, Philosophy, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 2023 [doi.org/10.27441/d.cnki.gyzdu.2023.002580]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] As a contemporary psychoanalyst and philosopher, Fromm devoted his life to researching how to heal the mentally ill in contemporary society and to uncovering the root causes of people's sicknesses in capitalist society. He tried to explain, what is the nature of human beings, what are human needs and the causes of human pathological alienation, etc. Unlike the one-sided criticism of other thinkers on political and economic aspects, Fromm analyzed the causes of the sickness of Western capitalist society from the internal to the external environment, from the individual to the group, from the individual to the society, from the primitive society to the historical class change, from the aspects of man and others, man and nature, man and society, and man and himself, and built a blueprint of a sane society. He pointed out the need to make a sane society a reality through the simultaneous implementation of a political, economic, and psychological revolution.- This paper is a re-investigative analysis of Fromm's idea of sane society, divided into four parts. The first part, to sort out the background and ideological origins of Fromm's sane society theory. In the second part, we analyze the logical structure of Fromm's sane society theory, analyze the nature of human beings, the dichotomy of human existence, human survival needs, and human social needs, and focus on the problem of mental alienation arising from the suppression of human survival needs, the social character as an intermediary between individuals and society, and the root cause of the alienation of social character, and make a presentation of the pathological personality and pathological society presented by the alienation. The presentation is based on this. On this basis, Fromm's vision of economic change, political change, and cultural change and his strategies for practice are discussed. The last section analyzes the theoretical orientation of sane social thought and its practical implications for contemporary society. It is not difficult to find from Fromm's sane social thought that his thought is very distinctly humanistic. By thinking about human nature and how to forge a healthy personality, combining Freud's psychoanalytic doctrine with Marx's theory of anthropology and the theory of labor alienation, he formed his unique theoretical system, the humanistic psychoanalysis. His concern for the mental health of all human beings and his pursuit of the >free development of all human beings< are in line with the core values of the comprehensive development of the state under the current conditions of socialist market economy, which are people-oriented and have great inspiration and practical guidance on how to solve social problems. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024]}, language = {zh} } @article{XuZhang, author = {Xu, Linlin and Zhang, Sihui}, title = {Ethical Exploration of Short Video Alienation from the Perspective of Technology Humanization [技术人道化视域下的短视频异化问题伦理探究]}, abstract = {网络时代的信息化发展,使短视频APP成为人们日常娱乐的重要途径。短视频APP在给人们带来多种文化产品的同时也带来了一系列问题,如短视频制作及使用主体的异化,短视频技术及平台的异化、尤其是网络主体在异化技术的驱使下逐渐迷失自我等问题。文章从弗洛姆的人道主义视角出发,探讨了短视频技术所带来的异化问题,并提出了良性自我意识培养和建立合理机制等治理方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Han}, title = {Alienated Society, Confused Little People - A Study of >Rabbit, Run< from the Perspective of Alienation Theory [异化的社会,迷惘的小人物——异化理论视角下的《兔子,跑吧》探究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, journal = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, abstract = {《兔子,跑吧》是厄普代克>兔子四部曲<中的第一部,主要讲述了不堪忍受平庸的生活以及家庭琐事的青年男性哈利想要逃脱原本生活的束缚,最后却又无法挣脱自己精神枷锁的故事。本文从弗洛姆的异化理论入手,从男女关系的异化与人与自我的异化两方面主题对《兔子,跑吧》探讨,指出异化是时代背景下政治经济地位不平等而演化出的不满导致的。唯有用爱,才能克服异化,消除社会的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Jin}, title = {Happiness and Moral Education, Starting with Filial Piety [幸福德育,孝心入手]}, series = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, journal = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, abstract = {说到孝心,有的中学生误认为,孝心就是能考出好成绩,孝心是长大以后才操心的事情,或者,孝心就是给父母物质享受——这些其实都是对孝心的误解。作为教育工作者,该如何对中学生进行正确的孝心教育指导,并以此为基础来创建幸福德育呢?呼吁学生尊重生命我认为,在教导学生如何尽孝时,最主要的一点就是告诉他们要尊重自己的生命。弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命,尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中 …<}, language = {zh} } @article{Yalvac, author = {Yalvac, Faruk}, title = {Alienation and Marxism: An Alternative Starting Point for Critical IR Theory}, series = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, journal = {E-International Relations, Jan. 27 (2022), pp. 3-7. [ISSN 2053-8626]}, abstract = {This article aims to be an intervention into the recent discussions on the importance anxiety and ontological security in the study of International Relations (IR) (Kinvall and Mitzen, 2020; Hom and Steele, 2020; Rumelili, 2020). The paper poses an alternative critical starting point based on the Marxist concept of alienation. Marx's work on alienation continued in historical materialist traditions such as in Luk{\´a}cs' (1971) analysis reification has a lot to offer to the discussions on emotions and anxiety and the development of a politically relevant critical theory of IR. My purpose is to draw attention to the potential of Marxist social theory and particularly the concept of alienation in contributing to the development of an emancipatory critical IR theory. Most of the recent discussions on anxiety remain at an abstract level. The recent existential accounts of anxiety and ontological insecurity have subjectivist and idealist conceptions failing to account for the structures of power and domination in capitalist society. However, Marx's concept of alienation deals with the consequences of power and domination in a more historically specific way (Sayers 2011, 1) providing the basis for a more meaningful social critique oriented to human emancipation.}, language = {en} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Qian}, title = {The New World of Values in Michael Ende's >Die unendliche Geschichte< [米切尔·恩德小说《永远讲不完的故事》中的新价值世界T], Master thesis, World Literature, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {《永远讲不完的故事》是德国作家米切尔·恩德最具代表性的青少年奇幻文学作品之一。作者借以小主人公巴斯蒂安在现实世界的遭遇深刻阐释现代人的普遍精神现状:孤独和内心荒芜,并致力于通过主人公在幻想王国的冒险重建一个新的价值世界来改变现状。为寻找这个新的价值世界,本文首先借用社会心理学家弗洛姆的">社会性格<理论对文章提及的旧世界以及不同社会模式下的价值进行挖掘,再对生活在这些价值模式下的人进行主体间性分析。通过分析导致巴斯蒂安孤独以及内心荒芜的是一个理性当道的世界,而帮助他从幻想王国重回现实世界的则是>爱<。在这个以爱为名的世界里,爱不仅帮助巴斯蒂安突破孤独的壁垒,而且用其所独有的创造性丰富个体内心世界。除此之外,爱还帮助巴斯蒂安以全新的观点发现世界,重寻自我。因此,>爱<作为新的价值当之无愧,必能引导人类精神重新归家,还给人其人性尊严。}, language = {zh} } @article{YangYang, author = {Yang, Shanqi and Yang, Xiaorui}, title = {Consumption Alienation in the Digital Economy Era: Roots, Manifestations and Return to Autonomy [数字经济时代的消费异化:根源、表现与回归]}, series = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, journal = {Unity, No. 6 (2022), pp. 33-35.}, abstract = {面对百年未有之大变局,>加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局<,消费已成为打通国内大循环生产、分配、流通、消费各个环节的重要突破口,作为劳动力再生产的必要手段,消费结构和质量更是关系到人民对美好生活的追求。数字经济时代人民消费的方式、内容和结构都发生了深刻的变革,消费主义文化在虚拟和现实世界交互中被放大,导致背离人本身需要的数字消费异化现象越来越成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。一、消费异化的根源消费异化理论可追溯到法兰克福学派埃里希·弗洛姆和赫伯特·马尔库塞的>消费领域的异化>和>虚假的需要<等概念。弗洛姆提到:因为消费成了目的本身因为消费不再是为了使用或享受买来的消费物品,所以购买和消费的行为成了强迫性的和非理性的目的。>同样,马尔库塞认为消费异化使人按照<虚假的需求>而消费,<>虚假的需求<是指那些在个人的压抑中由特殊的社 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yan}, title = {The Concept of >Human Nature< in the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Perspective - A Review of Marcuse's Interpretation of Marx's Concept of >Human Nature< [东欧新马克思主义视域中的>人的本质<概念——评马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读]}, series = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, journal = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, abstract = {本文聚焦于东欧新马克思主义理论家马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读。在《马克思主义与人类学》中,马尔库什试图将马克思的>人的本质<概念与历史概念缝合在一起,进而阐明马克思的唯物史观。在有效区分>人的本性>和>人的本质<的基础上,他剖析了>人的本质<概念的三个要素:劳动、社会性和意识,并揭示出人的本质不是一切时代每个人类个体所必然具备的特性的总和,而是人类的真实的历史存在的那些特性,即自由、普遍性和主体性的实现。马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读,秉承了卢卡奇人道主义马克思主义的基本思路,同时又有效避免了弗洛姆和阿尔都塞的理论缺陷,在一定程度上超越了西方马克思主义理论家的基本理路,对我们深入理解马克思思想具有重要的参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{YangWang, author = {Yang, Mingyue and Wang, Zhiyin}, title = {Briony's Self-redemption Process in >Atonement< Based on Social Personality Theory [社会性格理论下《赎罪》中布里奥妮的自我救赎过程] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, journal = {Peony [牡丹], No. 20 (2023), pp. 95-98.}, abstract = {赎罪》是麦克尤恩的一部著名的长篇小说,小说中悲剧形成的背后显然存在着更复杂的因素。本文以弗洛姆的社会性格理论为理论依据,从社会经济因素、父母意识两个方面出发,对书中推动布里奥妮作出错误指认的因素进行分析,并借此研究深埋在悲剧之后的一系列阶级问题和腐朽思想,发现严苛的阶级观念和畸形的母爱是造成布里奥妮畸形性格的元凶,而成年之后的布里奥妮又通过道德意识的觉醒,实现自我救赎。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Liyin}, title = {The Marxist Viewpoint of the Frankfurt School [法兰克福学派的马克思主义观]}, series = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, journal = {Marxist Philosophical Research [马克思主义哲学研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 224-235.}, abstract = {在马克思主义批判理论的宏旨下,法兰克福学派从多种视角出发继承和发展了马克思主义。霍克海默将其理论阐明为一种>批判理论<;阿多诺提出了以连续否定为核心的否定辨证法;马尔库塞先后将海德格尔、黑格尔、弗洛伊德与马克思的思想结合起来,对当代资本主义社会以及苏联马克思主义进行了有力的批判;弗洛姆将马克思主义视为一种人学,将其与精神分析学结合起来提出了>社会性格<等新范畴,并力图以此揭示经济基础和上层建筑相互作用的微观机制;哈贝马斯在批判吸收历史唯物主义的基础上,运用其交往理论的解释框架提出了以主体间的互动为社会发展基本动力的理论。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Qian}, title = {A Study of Marx's Influence on Fromm's Social Character Theory [马克思对弗洛姆社会性格理论的影响研究], Master thesis, Psychology, Marxist Philosophy, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2021.}, abstract = {The theory of social character is a creative theory that Fromm combines Marx's social thought and consciousness view on the basis of Freud's theory of character. Fromm regards Marx as a person of world historical significance. Although Freud sees personal psychological factors, he neglects the influence of social environment on human personality, which limits his vision. Marx thinks far more deeply and more than Freud. He examines human behavior from the social and economic structure, but the irrational factors were ignored, so Fromm tried to >melt the two into one furnace<. Meanwhile, the misreading and Misreading of Marx thought by >pseudo Marxism< made Fromm spend a lot of energy on studying and thinking about Marxism, not only criticizing it, but also expounding his understanding of Marxism. The author proposes the theory of social character to make up for the deficiency of Marx in the micro psychological level and the concrete transformation mechanism between economic foundation and superstructure. The concept of >social character< clearly reflects the traces of Marxist thought. Under the influence of Marx's thought, Fromm examined the character in the relationship between man and the world, insisted that >the main thing of human is social existence<, and modified Freud with Marx 'social tendency, and explained the decisive effect of social economic structure on social character from the root and change of social character.- At the same time, we also noticed the role of >bond< and >explosive mortar< of social character, so as to explain the relative independence of social character. Not only that, Fromm also explored the foundation and premise of social character, namely, social unconsciousness. He put unconsciousness in the concrete world of reality for understanding, insisted that >consciousness is the product of society< and modified Freud's >libido< with Marx's >historical power<. He not only expounded the decisive role of social existence on social unconsciousness, but also saw the negative effect of social unconsciousness on social existence, and tried to make people realize the repression of facts, and seek the way of social change to break this repression.- Fromm's theory of social character is influenced by Marx's thought. Although he always bases on the people in the real society and examines the human character in social history, he still regards Marx thought as spiritual existentialism in essence, and the theoretical focus is on the role of social character on human behavior and thinking, and does not really understand Marxism, not only does the understanding of human nature stay in the abstract theory of human nature, but also does not touch the fundamental contradiction of capitalist society, and it is not realistic with a strong utopian color. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{XuLi, author = {Xu, Jie and Li, Chunlin}, title = {Fromm's Escape from Freedom Theory [论弗洛姆的逃避自由思想]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Fromm analyzed the spiritual predicament of modern people after the two World Wars through the combination of Marxism and Freudian psychoanalysis, and pointed out that the spontaneous individualization had to be subject to social conditions, resulting in the gap between positive freedom and negative freedom. In order to escape the burden brought by such negative freedom, people would rather lose their freedom than gain security and survival. In modern society, there is a common psychology of escape from freedom, which presents different forms of expression, and eventually results in totalitarianism and unsound society. Fromm tried to eliminate the ills of modern society by finding a way to realize positive freedom. The escape from freedom emphasized by Fromm is a prominent manifestation of modernity. At present, in the background of modernization and globalization, through the critical thinking of Fromm's thought of escape from freedom, it is still enlightening and useful for the development of Chinese modernization to pursue and surpass this kind of modernity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 12/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Huinan}, title = {論禪宗公案中的矛盾與不可說 [On the Contradiction and the Unspeakable in Zen Koans]}, series = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, journal = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, abstract = {There are three types of Ch'an kung-an that often bewilder Buddhologists; namely, (1) the contradictory, (2) the inexpressible, and (3) mixture of the two. D. T. Suzuki and the scholars influenced by him, for example, E. Fromm, think that these three types of kung-an imply the truth realized by Ch'an masters, the truth which goes beyond daily language and logic. However, as the author points out, there are two traditions in Ch'an School: (1) the >Buddha-nature< tradition based on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and (2) the prajna tradition based on the Diamond Sūtra. Suzuki and Fromm's interpretation only emphasizes the first tradition and ignores the second one. According to the second tradition, the contradiction and inexpressibility of kung-an may seem to indicate the truth of non-existence-śūnyatā, not necessarily indicating the truly existing >Buddha-nature<.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {On the strengthening and enlivening influence of being with patients and supervisees}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 118-128.}, abstract = {Analytic writers have studied existential anxiety or annihilation anxiety, emanating from traumatic disruptions to people's sense of going-on-being, reminders of their finitude, and facing a chaotic reality, and suggested that they can endure this anxiety by being with and living through it together with another person. The literature suggests that to be with patients who experience such anxiety, therapists need to indulge >narcissistically< in their own memories and fantasies of similar experiences, and, in parallel to the patients, enter transient regressive states. Sometimes, however, therapists are faced with a chaotic analytic reality that arouses existential anxiety in themselves, and seek to share it with their supervisors who, by experiencing parallel regressive states, can identify with their supervisees and grasp their experiences. Supervisors who consistently fail to be with their supervisees at such moments and persist in offering them new constructions of therapeutic materials might strengthen the supervisees' defensive operations and disrupt their development as therapists.}, language = {en} } @article{Yerushalmi, author = {Yerushalmi, Hanoch}, title = {Supervisees' professional development and the analytic community}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 024-033.}, abstract = {Children construct their inner worlds by internalizing real and imagined aspects of their parental figures and their families as whole objects with their relational configurations. These familial configurations are often evoked in the context of communities that, similarly to families, struggle to preserve and advance their unity and collective values, interests, and symbols. Supervisees acknowledge their internalized familial relational configurations when they explore their countertransferences and their transferential responses to the analytic community. Understanding these transferences in supervision may facilitate the process of assimilating the analytic community into supervisees' professional selves. Moreover, the supervisors represent and mediate both the community's balanced and flexible relational therapeutic positions and its complexities. These positions might provide the supervisees with new group-object experiences and change their defensively organized rigid familial relational configurations, thereby further integrating the supervisees' professional selves as well as strengthening the analytic community.}, language = {en} } @article{Yeoman, author = {Yeoman, Ruth}, title = {Meaningfulness and organising for sustainable futures}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 45-53.}, abstract = {To maintain complex civilisation within planetary boundaries, we must secure a whole >system of systems< transformation of our activities. In this article, based on the lecture notes for my keynote speech at the International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, I explore the ethical dimensions of making organisations that can help us improve our collective decision-making and at the same time become persons whose acting and being is consistent with the sustainability imperative. I outline a human capability for ethical organising which is directed towards making organisations that generate life-value, or those resources by which we cultivate the relational and material conditions for stewarding and sustaining all living beings and things. The >value of meaningfulness< and >mutuality as an organising principle< afford conversion factors for translating our general >will to form< into a human capability for ethically desirable organising. Meaningful work provides action contexts for people to discover, protect and develop values that matter to them. The moral value of meaningfulness is also productive for breaking into vicious cycles of corporate alienation that prevent the emergence of organisations as collective moral agents, characterised by integrity and empathy. I conclude that we need a fresh democratic dispensation - one that covers our associational life across all fields of endeavour.}, language = {en} } @misc{Yao, author = {Yao, Ruonan}, title = {Fromm's Inheritance and Development of Marx's Freedom Thought, Master thesis, Philosophy, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 2022.}, abstract = {From ancient times to the present, the issue of freedom has always been a hot issue of people's attention. People's yearning and pursuit of freedom is an inexhaustible driving force for the progress of human society. In the twentieth century, people found that the development of industry and technology did not bring true freedom and happiness, but made people's hearts more lonely and spiritually empty, and gradually fell into the contradiction of pursuing freedom and escaping from freedom. Fromm saw the suffering of people. He approached from a microscopic psychological point of view, inheriting and further developing Marx's free thought on the basis of Freud's psychoanalytic theory. First, Fromm's inheritance of Marx's idea of freedom includes: First, both men have taken the actual individual as the subject of freedom, and have set achievable goals of freedom. Second, both men applied the method of integrating theory with practice and unifying history and logic to study the question of freedom. Third, Fromm's free thought embodies a strong critical and humanitarian spirit, which is consistent with the inner spirit of Marx's free thought. Secondly, Fromm's development of Marx's free ideas includes: First, Marx tried to achieve the free liberation of man through social revolution, while Fromm wanted to achieve the free development of man through psychological revolution. Second, Marx's theory of labor alienation strongly criticized capitalist society; Fromm put forward a new theory of alienation, which examined the unfree phenomena of capitalist society from a psychological point of view, and usefully supplemented Marx's free thought. Third, Marx put forward a beautiful vision of the future society, advocating the establishment of a communist society to achieve the free and all-round development of people; Fromm envisioned the establishment of a sound society through political, economic and cultural reforms, which is a supplement to the future free development model of mankind. Fourth, Fromm's focus on the analysis of human freedom from a personal, microscopic and psychological perspective is an innovation in the perspective of the study of freedom issues. Finally, reflection and evaluation: First, it is pointed out that the defects of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought, the exaggerated role of psychological factors, the lack of a thorough path to solve the problem, and the unrealistic method of seeking positive freedom. Second, analyze the contemporary values and practical enlightenment of Fromm's inheritance and development of Marx's free thought. It provides a new direction for people to pursue freedom and a new perspective for the analysis and solution of social problems; it is necessary to attach importance to the issue of human freedom and development, attach importance to the coordination of the relationship between science and technology and humanities, and pay attention to strengthening the construction of social spiritual civilization. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Yiqiong}, title = {On the Female Images in >Them< from the Perspective of Fromm's Theory, Master thesis, World Literature, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Joyce Carol Oates (1938 -), one of the most prominent and influential writers in contemporary American literature, is distinguished for her prolificacy in a variety of styles and genres. Oates's works are unique in exposing the violence and evil in American society. Her works give readers a whole picture of American society, which vividly and graphically reflects the real life from all social backgrounds and presents the reality that lies beneath the surface of American prosperous society. >Them<, published in 1969, is one of Oates's most important and representative works. The story, spanning almost three decades, presented the real life of the three Wendalls and a panoramic view of American society, which mirrored the living conditions and miserable fate of the lower class. Under the theoretical guidance of Fromm's theory of social character, the thesis adopts the research method of close reading and makes a profound discussion on the female images in >Them< based on the impact of social reality and family interpersonal relationship on people's psychology.- The thesis selects three typical female characters in >Them< - Loretta, her daughter Maureen and Nadine as representatives, and analyzes the formation and the expression of their personalities, so as to reveal how female images are distorted in the patriarchal society. Oates portrays the misfortunes and sufferings of women's lives in the novel. These women, who explore the way of living, are brave enough to resist and break through the shackles of fate. However, they finally lose their self-consciousness under the trouble of social environment and the imbalance of family interpersonal relationship. The three female characters in Oates's >Them< seek freedom through marriage and money. While they have female consciousness and rebellious spirit, they are always surrounded by violence and male discourse. Therefore, no matter what efforts they make, none of them can get rid of the shackles of patriarchal society. They are doomed to failure. Through the portrayal of women's living conditions, it arouses readers' attention and sympathy to women, which reflects Oates's deep thinking of contemporary women's issues and the fate of humanity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yang, author = {Yang, Zhaoxin}, title = {On the Theory of Needs by William Leiss, Master thesis, Philosophy, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2022.}, abstract = {In the process of the continuous development of capitalism, the ecological crisis and a series of environmental problems have been caused by the incorrect understanding of the relationship between man and nature. In this context, William Leiss, who has long been concerned about ecological issues, criticized the capitalist society on the basis of inheriting and developing Marxism's theory of need and Herbert Marcuse's theory of >True or false need<, with a new perspective to explain the needs of the capitalist system of human needs, the formation of their own ideological characteristics of the needs of the theory. Specifically, William Leiss is mainly concerned with the complexity of human desires, which is an important reason for the formation of the capitalist high consumption society, and the need to be oriented toward the commodity world, which is the root cause of the formation of the capitalist high consumption society, and the thought of human conquering nature is the important foundation of the formation of the capitalist high-consumption society. On this basis, Leiss pays attention to the quality of commodities, pays attention to the multi-dimension and relevance of human needs, and understands the close relationship between human needs and natural environment, familiar with the estimated characteristics of commodities in four aspects of the future human needs to express and meet the concept, and the future human needs to express and meet the way to explore, namely the following four aspects, advocating a general orientation of human needs towards a non-single field of goods, and an open minded self-interest to replace anthropocentrism ideology in an easily viable society, it is suggested that natural entities have the same legal rights as human beings. William Leiss's theory of needs, while providing a new perspective on the mode of production of capitalism, enriches ecological Marxism and provides a useful reference for the establishment of a correct concept of consumption, but there is also a certain degree of misunderstanding of Marxism's concept of goods, the lack of a certain global vision, its proposed solution is utopian. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Yang}, title = {Freud: In Search of Human Nature [弗洛伊德:探寻人性]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 12 (2007), pp. 56-57.}, abstract = {心理学家弗洛姆曾经说:>先知 … 他是一位揭示那已被预先决定了的未来的预言者吗?他是一个坏消息而不是好消息或愉快消息的传播者吗?<在他的心里,他的老师、精神分析的鼻祖弗洛伊德就是这样一位先知。}, language = {zh} } @article{YiKim, author = {Yi, Hyun Oak and Kim, Man Eui}, title = {인간의 공격성과 스포츠 [Sport and Human Aggression]}, series = {학술지명 [The Korean Journal of Physical Education], Vol. 41, No. 4 (2002), pp. 43-52. [Online ISSN 2508-7029]}, journal = {학술지명 [The Korean Journal of Physical Education], Vol. 41, No. 4 (2002), pp. 43-52. [Online ISSN 2508-7029]}, abstract = {This study is to suggest the aggression, human`s instinct as the new essence of sport. Through the psychological approach it could be found that the aggression which is human instinct is deeply related with the origin of sport. In relation to the instinct of death Freud has proved that there exists the aggression in human mentality and it could be said that the aggression of sport is related with Thanatos, the instinct of death that Freud said. Fromm, a sociopsychologist expanded the concept of Freud`s aggression and divided the aggression in human mentality as the defensive and positive aggression and destructive and malignant aggression and he saw that sport is related with the malignant aggression. I think we have to discard the attitude just to try to adapt the methodical value of sport although the value of sport exists with human instinct. Sport is the only thing to express and purify the aggression and it is expected to play the important role to create the future culture.}, language = {ko} } @misc{York, author = {York, Emma Dane}, title = {Disorder: Contemporary Fascism and the Crisis in Mental Health, Master of Arts, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Political Studies, Department of Political Studies, University of, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 2018, 56 + 3 pp. [hdl.handle.net/10388/11199]}, language = {en} } @article{Yildirim, author = {Yildirim, Sait}, title = {T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerine: sebep, sonu{\c{c}} ve {\"o}neriler [Femicides in Turkey in Last Ten Years: Cause, Consequences and Suggestions]}, series = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, journal = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, abstract = {Kad{\i}n cinayetleri T{\"u}rkiye'de {\"o}nemli bir toplumsal sorun olarak varl{\i}ğ{\i}n{\i} korumaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerin temelinde {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin etkisi g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. Bu sebeple {\c{s}}iddetin psikolojik boyutu cinayet eylemlerinde belirleyici olmaktad{\i}r. Sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimi birikerek bir {\c{s}}ekilde geli{\c{s}}erek cinayet eylemlerine d{\"o}n{\"u}{\c{s}}mektedir. Kad{\i}n cinayetleri incelenirken {\"o}ncelikle bireyde mevcut bulunan sald{\i}rgan davran{\i}{\c{s}}lar{\i}n ele al{\i}nmas{\i} gerekmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin bireysel anlamda psikolojik temelleri {\"u}zerine teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malara değinilmektedir. Erich Fromm ve Sigmund Freud'un sald{\i}rganl{\i}k tipolojileri kuramsal a{\c{c}}{\i}dan dikkate değer g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada y{\"o}ntem olarak vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} tercih edilmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}ma kapsam{\i}nda T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri ele al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Toplamda 2380 kad{\i}n cinayetinden 1260 vaka incelenmektedir. İncelenen vakalarda sağl{\i}kl{\i} sonu{\c{c}}lar elde edilmesi bak{\i}m{\i}ndan nicelik, nitelik, i{\c{s}}leni{\c{s}} bi{\c{c}}imi ve sebepleri bak{\i}m{\i}ndan ayd{\i}nlat{\i}lm{\i}{\c{s}} olmas{\i} temel referans noktas{\i}n{\i} olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. Cinayet eylemlerinde failin {\"o}zellikleri, {\"o}ld{\"u}rme bi{\c{c}}imi, sebebi, katil ve maktul ili{\c{s}}kisi dikkate al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}nlar{\i}n, en s{\i}k vakit ge{\c{c}}irdiği ki{\c{s}}iler taraf{\i}ndan {\"o}ld{\"u}r{\"u}ld{\"u} g{\"o}zlenmektedir. Cinayet i{\c{s}}leme bi{\c{c}}iminde ate{\c{s}}li silahlar yoğun olarak kullan{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerde erkeğin {\"o}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k alan{\i}n{\i}n daralmas{\i} ve erkeğin kad{\i}n {\"u}zerindeki h{\^a}kimiyetinin ortadan kalkmas{\i} {\"o}nemli sebepleri olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada cinayet sebepleri {\"u}zerinden ortak odak noktalar{\i} tespit edilerek {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunulmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}na y{\"o}nelik cinayet eylemlerinde bireysel silahlanma ve uzun vadede cinayeti {\"o}nleyici politikalar {\"u}zerine yoğunla{\c{s}}{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}man{\i}n amac{\i} i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerinden vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} yaparak teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malar {\i}{\c{s}}{\i}ğ{\i}nda bir tak{\i}m {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunmakt{\i}r.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yogiswari, author = {Yogiswari, Krisna Suksma}, title = {Konsep Ketuhanan dalam Filsafat Erich Fromm (1900-1980) [The Concept of God in Philosophy Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980)]}, series = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, journal = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, abstract = {Gejolak konsep Ketuhanan sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan manusia senatiasa terjadi. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) yang merupakan seorang psikoanalis Mazhab Frankfurt, dalam karya-karyanya secara tersirat telah mencirikan suatu konsep yang dinamakannya sendiri sebagai 'Mistisisme Non-Teistik' sebagai suatu bentuk spiritualitas yang humanis dan mengatasi keterpisahan manusia yang dalam istilah Fromm disebut >well being< sebagai konsekuensi eksitensinya, yang akhirnya dapat mengatasi dilema kemanusiaan dan keberagaman. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah upaya untuk menguraikan pemahaman Ketuhann dalam perspektif Erich Fromm, serta relasi Tuhan dan manusia.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yildirin, author = {Yildirin, Dilanur}, title = {Erich Fromm - >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}kten Ka{\c{c}}{\i}{\c{s}}< {\c{C}}er{\c{c}}evesinde >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k< Kavram{\i} [Erich Fromm - The Concept of >Freedom< in the Framework of >Escape from Freedom<]}, series = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, journal = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Yu, author = {Yu, Hanhan}, title = {Research on Human-Computer Interaction Design of Shared Bicycle Based on Fromm's Psychology Theory, Master thesis, Highway and Waterway Transportation, Tianjin University, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 2019.}, abstract = {In today's society, sharing bicycle has rapidly penetrated into people's social life and become a new way of travel because it solves the problem of >the last kilometer< for people to travel. With the share bicycle industry entering the second half of the competition, the industrial focus has returned from capital invest¬ment to product design. How to form a more user-friendly sharing bicycle interaction system and enhance user experience has become an important issue affecting the development of the share bicycle industry. At present, the research on shared bicycle human-computer interaction system is still in its infancy, mainly through regular user interviews and questionnaires. However, in traditional research, users can only describe their problems in the process of interaction sensitively, and may not be able to realize and express their deep needs. Therefore, it is very important to tap the deep needs of users in the interaction process and improve the user experience purposefully.- There are three main innovations in this paper: 1. Using innovative theoretical research methods, intro¬du¬cing psychological theory into design analysis, and based on Fromm psychology, we can get the charac¬teristic emotions of shared psychology. 2. Introducing emotional reporting method into experience evalu¬ation, and carrying out emotional quantification experiments based on the characteristic emotions of Fromm psychology. The experimental data analysis can accurately extract users' deep interaction needs under the shared psychology. 3. Based on the deep interaction needs, the optimization design practice is finally com¬pleted. In the research process, based on the current research status of shared bicycle in academia, this study uses user interviews and other research methods to conduct in depth analysis and summary of the current shared bicycle interaction system; extracts characteristic emotions based on Fromm's psychological theory, builds a reasonable emotional quantification experimental scheme and carries out experiments, processes and analyses the experimental data, and concludes that users are in common. In order to meet the deep demand of sharing bicycle interactive experience, the optimization design practice of new sharing bicycle interactive system is completed. The main achievements of this research include: under the gui¬dance of Fromm's psychology theory, a method of extracting the require¬ments of shared bicycle human-computer interaction system design based on emotional quantification is proposed, and a new human-computer interaction experience model is established; a new process of deep demand mining for human-computer interaction system under shared psychology is formed; and the existing shared bicycle human-computer interaction interface is optimized. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Yong, author = {Yong, An}, title = {What Authority Should You Obey? [你该服从怎样的权威?]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, abstract = {权威的存在和对权威的服从是人类生活的普遍事实。但人们该服从什么样的权威?20世纪最著名的思想家之一、犹太哲人弗洛姆在其著作《超越幻象之锁链》中回忆了影响他的三个事件:第一个事件是,他的一个朋友在她父亲死后自杀了,并且要求和她父亲一起安葬。他非常不解,为什么会这样?人类的行为背后有什么样的心理奥秘?为什么这些奇怪的行为得以发生?}, language = {zh} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zabranska, author = {Z{\´a}bransk{\´a}, Marie}, title = {Frommovo pojet{\´i} člověka a psychoanal{\´y}za [Fromm´s Conception of Human and Psychoanalysis, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 57 pp.}, abstract = {The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. In his works, this famous psychologist was able to explain the position of a human being in the society, their needs and problems linked to their own existence. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm's life and mentions several important personalities who influenced his thinking. The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm's concept of a human being, especially their place in the environment, their relationship with the surrounding world, life philosophy and the issue of personal freedom. It deals in detail with the issues of love, aggression, freedom and the >To Be and to Have< life philosophy. Another issue this thesis deals with is Fromm's approach to psychoanalysis and religion. The concluding chapter contains the fact about the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and a comparison of the individual concepts of a human being as formulated by Freud and Fromm respectively.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zaborowski, author = {Zaborowski, Holger}, title = {Haben oder Sein? Erich Fromms Humanismus als Vorbild und Anregung f{\"u}r die Gegenwart}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, volume = {d27/2023f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, language = {de} } @article{Zabel, author = {Zabel, Kristin}, title = {Georg Simmels >Der Begriff und die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur< und Erich Fromms >Haben oder Sein<. Minimalismus und die Do-it-yourself-Bewegung als Ausdruck der Seins-Orientierung, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t Magdeburg), Grin Verlag, 2013, 18 pp.}, abstract = {Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hat durch die große Menge an Kulturangeboten sowie deren weite Verbreitung und Zug{\"a}nglichkeit {\"u}ber das Internet der Mensch unz{\"a}hlige Inspirationen und M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Selbstentfaltung. Jedoch beobachtet Simmel, dass der moderne Kulturmensch all dieses nur noch im Modus des Konsumierens wahrnimmt und gar nicht mehr selbst sch{\"o}pferisch t{\"a}tig wird. Er ist von der un{\"u}berschaubaren Vielzahl, Komplexit{\"a}t und Grenzenlosigkeit der Objekte {\"u}berfordert sowie durch Technisierung und Arbeitsteilung von den Dingen entfremdet, sodass eine seelische Entwicklung gar nicht mehr m{\"o}glich ist. Obgleich die Kulturg{\"u}ter dem Subjekt bei seiner Entfaltung dienen sollen, verunm{\"o}glicht ihre {\"U}bermacht gerade dieses - was Simmel als die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur bezeichnet. Gleichzeitig betont er, dass diese unvermeidlich sei. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob es tats{\"a}chlich keinen Ausweg aus dieser Trag{\"o}die gibt. Was kann der moderne Mensch tun, damit in der heutigen {\"U}berflussgesellschaft die Seele nicht verk{\"u}mmert? Eine Antwort ergibt sich m{\"o}glicherweise aus Erich Fromms Konzept der zwei Existenzweisen von Haben und Sein, welches er in seinem Werk >Haben oder Sein< beschrieben hat. Der Charakter des modernen Kulturmenschen ist demnach {\"u}berwiegend gepr{\"a}gt von der Existenzweise des Habens - mit allen sich daraus ergebenden Problemen. Es wird f{\"u}r diese Hausarbeit thesenhaft angenommen, dass die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur eben auf jener dominierenden Existenzweise des Habens beruht und eine L{\"o}sung des Konfliktes m{\"o}glich ist, wenn der Mensch von der Existenzweise des Habens zur Existenzweise des Seins wechselt. Dabei zeigen j{\"u}ngste Trends wie der Minimalismus oder die Do-it-yourself-Bewegung, dass ein Umdenken in einigen Teilen der Gesellschaft bereits stattfindet und der Mensch versucht, durch eingeschr{\"a}nkten Konsum und Reduzierung der Objekte auf das Wesentliche wieder zu jener Freiheit zu finden, die es ihm m{\"o}glich macht, selbst t{\"a}tig zu werden und in eine von Lebendigkeit gepr{\"a}gte, sch{\"o}pferische Beziehung zu den Dingen zu treten, die die Seele wieder ber{\"u}hren und die Pers{\"o}nlichkeit sowie Individualit{\"a}t entwickeln. In dieser Arbeit soll jener Zusammenhang n{\"a}her dargestellt werden. [Eurobuch.com]}, language = {de} } @article{Ju, author = {Ju, Qi}, title = {Research on the Predicament of Network Social Communication from the Perspective of >Escape from Freedom< [逃避自由"视角下网络社会交往困境研究]}, series = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 33 (2022), pp. 123-125.}, journal = {JinGu Creative Literature [今古文创], No. 33 (2022), pp. 123-125.}, abstract = {随着互联网的不断发展,人类的交往形式日益趋向网络化。然而网络社会交往在给现代人进行社交提供便捷之际,也在一定程度上不可避免地带来交往难题。通过对网络社会交往困境表现分析的基础上,用弗洛姆的"逃避自由"思想来剖析网络社会交往困境的生成机制,并根据弗洛姆、马克思关于自由实现的理论探索走出网络社会交往困境的路径,力求对现代人走出网络社交困境以启迪。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Introduction}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 1-9. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_1]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 1-9. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_1]}, abstract = {>Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism< examines works of four German-Jewish scholars who, in their places of exile, sought to probe the pathology of the Nazi mind: Wilhelm Reich's >The Mass Psychology of Fascism< (1933), Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (1941), Siegfried Kracauer's >From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film< (1947), and Erich Neumann's >Depth Psychology and a New Ethic< (1949). While scholars have examined these authors' individual legacies, no comparative analysis of their shared concerns has yet been undertaken, nor have the content and form of their psychological inquiry into Nazism been seriously and systematically analyzed. Yet, the sense of urgency in their works calls for attention. They all took up their pens to counter Nazi barbarism, believing, like the English jurist and Judge Sir William Blackstone, that >scribere est agree< (to write is to act).}, language = {en} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Roots of Fascism}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 11-48. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_2]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp. 11-48. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_2]}, abstract = {>The Mass Psychology of Fascism< (1933) was the first psychological inquiry into Fascism. In this work the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) explores how Fascists came into power, and explain their rise as a symptom of sexual repression. It was followed by other psychological interpretations of Nazism by Jewish exiles from the Third Reich, from Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< (1942), to Siegfried Kracauer's >From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film< (1947), and Erich Neumann's >Depth Psychology and a New Ethic< (1949).}, language = {en} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {A Psychological Inquiry into Totalitarianism: Erich Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism. Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_3]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism. Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_3]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm was a German social psychologist and psychoanalyst who was associated with the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. He was known for developing the concept that freedom was a fundamental part of human nature and for challenging the theories of Sigmund Freud. In his works he presented the view that understanding of basic human needs is essential to the understanding of society and mankind. In >Escape from Freedom< Fromm explores humanity's shifting relationship with freedom, with particular regard to the personal consequences of its absence.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, 176 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, 176 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8]}, abstract = {Examines works of four German-Jewish scholars who, in their exile, sought to probe the pathology of the Nazi mind.- Provides an introduction, a biographical sketch, a historical discussion of the development of each individual's thought, and an explication of each of the four major works.- Includes discussions of Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, Siegfried Kracauer, and Erich Neumann.}, language = {en} } @article{Zawalska, author = {Zawalska, Izabela}, title = {Genderowa podmiotowość bohatera-mężczyzny w rosyjskiej kobiecej fantasy [Су бъективность гендер героя‑муж чины в русской женской фэнтези] [Gender Subjectivity of the Male Characters in Russian Women's Fantasy Novels]}, series = {Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze, Vol. 21 (2011), pp. 88-101.}, journal = {Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze, Vol. 21 (2011), pp. 88-101.}, abstract = {Настоящая статья является попыткой прочтения русской фэнтези авторов женщинписательниц Елены Хаецкой и Марии Семёновой, с точки зрения гендерных исследований. Автор статьи находит в мироощущении и субъективности героев черты матриархальной (в романе Семёновой Волкодав) и патриархальной (в цикле новелл Е. Хаецкой, под общим названием Мракобес) структур. В том, как герой реагирует на окружающиймир, происходящие события и женщину, воплощается его субъективность, отражающаяэти системы общественных отношений. Автор статьи показывает тоже, как образ женщины меняется под влиянием точки зрения героев‑мужчин(в зависимости от того, какойтип общественных отношений они представляют собой): от богини по проститутку, отпочитания по страх перед ее натуральностью и телесностью.Главные слова: гендер, герой фэнтези, женская фэнтези, патриархальное/матриархальноемироощущение.}, language = {pl} } @article{ZepfSeel, author = {Zepf, Siegfried and Seel, Dietmar}, title = {Psychoanalysis and political economy}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 003-011.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 1, 2022), pp. 003-011.}, abstract = {The authors examine the influence that psychoanalysts' economic situation has on the current state of psychoanalysis, particularly focusing on the situation in Germany and employing a perspective afforded by Marxian commodity analysis. Their analysis brings them to conclude that, in psychoanalysis, the suspension of truth value, the tolerance shown towards contradictory concepts, the lack of conceptual criticism, and the exclusion of sociocritical issues seem to be effects of psychoanalysts' interest in realizing the exchange value of their psychoanalytic treatment and their accompanying lesser interest towards its use value.}, language = {en} } @article{Zawadska, author = {Zawadska, Joanna}, title = {Postawy być czy mieć - rozw{\´o}j czy upadek wsp{\´o}łczesnego człowieka [Attitudes to Be or to Have - Development or Decline Modern Man]}, series = {Kwartalnik naukowy, Vol 2, No. 22 (2015), pp. 140-146. [ISSN 2082-7067]}, journal = {Kwartalnik naukowy, Vol 2, No. 22 (2015), pp. 140-146. [ISSN 2082-7067]}, abstract = {Wielcy myśliciele XX w. spostrzegają człowieka jako pewnego rodzaju >wybryk natury<, kt{\´o}ry wyłonił się nagle ze świata zwierzęcego, aby zaraz utracić większość swojego instynktu charakterystycznego dla zachowań zwierząt (za: Fromm, 1995). Wobec tego człowiek stał się bezradnym i bezbronnym łupem w walce o przetrwanie w świecie zwierząt. Jednak zostało w nim coś, co go odr{\´o}żniało od jego >pobratymc{\´o}w<. Tę pozostałość stanowią zdolność myślenia, wyobra{\'{z}}nia i samoświadomość, kt{\´o}re to pomogły człowiekowi przekształcić całą otaczającą go przyrodę i zmienić siebie.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zakharov, author = {Zakharov, Alexandr Dimitrievich}, title = {Этико-психологическая теория Эриха Фромма как инструмент социальнои трансформации [Ethical-Psychological Theory of Erich Fromm as a Tool of Social Transformation]}, series = {Философская мысль [Philosophical Thought], No. 11 (2022), pp. 12-21. [ISSN 2409-8728]}, journal = {Философская мысль [Philosophical Thought], No. 11 (2022), pp. 12-21. [ISSN 2409-8728]}, abstract = {Социальная трансформация - актуальная в текущих философских и общественных реалиях концепция, которая получила проблематизацию и начала рассматриваться вместе с появлением и развитием социальной философии несколько веков назад. Особенный вклад в этот вопрос был внесен в рамках улучшения качества знаний о человеке с развитием психологии как науки и методологии, в частности - психоанализа и неофрейдизма. Данная статья посвящена вопросу этической трансформации общества на примере радикального гуманистического психоанализа Эриха Фромма - неофрейдистской концепции, которая требует уточнения и пояснения несмотря на обилие материала по теме. В качестве методов исследования были использованы качественный анализ первичных эмпирических данных, обработка вторичных эмпирических данных, анализ различных взглядов по выбранной теме. В настоящей статье проводится рассмотрение основных понятий гуманистического психоанализа Фромма в рамках изучаемого вопроса, а также оценка концептуальной применимости его теории к вопросу социальной трансформации. В процессе исследования автор приходит к выводу, что теоретические построения Эриха Фромма изучаются недостаточно скрупулезно, содержат уникальную идиографическую точку зрения на процесс социальной трансформации, обладают практической применимостью для широкого круга пользователей предлагаемой информации - философов, психологов, социологов, историков, религиоведов.}, language = {ru} }