@article{Wang, author = {Wang, Zijuan}, title = {Modern People's Happiness under Fromm's >The Art of Loving< [弗洛姆《爱的艺术》下现代人的幸福感]}, series = {Journal: Literature Education, No. 10 (2022), pp. 24-26.}, journal = {Journal: Literature Education, No. 10 (2022), pp. 24-26.}, abstract = {现代社会的快速发展和消费主义横行,使全社会陷入一场幸福危机。缺乏幸福感,但同时又在努力追求幸福是现代人的生存状态。关于幸福的问题至今没有标准答案。对于现代人幸福感的研究,弗洛姆继承了并发展了马克思的实践理论,在《爱的艺术》著作中,通过阐述爱的途径引导人们学习爱的理论,建立爱的能力,去构建幸福生活和幸福社会。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangChen, author = {Wang, Yue and Chen, Yan}, title = {On the Phenomenon of >Buddhism< among College Students Based on Fromm's Theory of >Escape from Freedom< [从弗洛姆>逃避自由<谈大学生>佛系<现象]}, series = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, journal = {Journal of Beijing City University, No. 1 (2023), pp. 65-69.}, abstract = {The >Buddhist< culture itself, as a subculture, is usually characterized by the coexistence of rationality and sensibility and the coexistence of aggressiveness and anxiety. The choice of "Buddhist" life for college students is an escape to a certain extent. They leave their families and come to a relatively free university. A sense of loneliness and powerlessness is generated, which leads them to defend themselves to relieve pressure, thus the psychological phenomenon of >escape from freedom< appears. However, there is a certain pragmatism while escaping. This seemingly free and easy >Buddha system< Mentality actually has a negative impact on the subjective well-being of college students. In Fromm's view, freedom has dual meanings. These college students who advertise as >Buddhist youth< are in the predicament of freedom. However, in reality, some college students choose to escape from negative freedom to overcome their inner loneliness. This paper analyzes this phenomenon based on Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, and attempts to propose a path to achieve positive freedom and help college students pursue positive freedom. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{WangZhang, author = {Wang, Shuyi and Zhang, Chunbo}, title = {Fromm's Diagnosis and Treatment of Social Alienation Syndrome and the Contemporary Evaluation [弗洛姆对社会异化症候的诊疗及当代评价] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, journal = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2023), pp. 36-39.}, abstract = {In modern industrial society, alienation has become a general problem existing in politics, economy, culture and other fields. For this reason, based on humanism Fromm's uses Freudian psychoanalysis to expose the symptoms of alienation in modern society. And in the perspective of Marxism, he ran through the analysis of human psychological mechanism to seek a solution to eliminate the symptoms of alienation. However, in essence, Fromm exaggerated the role of psychological factors in eliminating alienation, so it has inevitable limitation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G.}, title = {Some lineages and resources of Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 21-30.}, abstract = {Critical work and organizational psychology is developing on an international scale. Against the background of this evolving scientific field, in this extended version of my opening speech at the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology, held from 11th to 13th of July 2022 at the University of Innsbruck, I aim to address the following three questions: (1) What concepts may be relevant for critical work and organizational psychology in analyzing established „mainstream" (i.e., hegemonic) conceptualizations within work and organizational psychology? (2) Cui bono, critical work and organizational psychology? - To what ethical foundations do (or can) representatives of critical work and organizational psychology refer to when they intend to criticize theory and practice in work and organizational psychology? (3) What do we know about work and organizations beyond domination, subjectification and social alienation? - About fractals of a humanist, socially sustainable economy. Preliminary answers to these questions and implications for the future of critical work and organizational psychology will be discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Wolfgang}, title = {La muralla del car{\´a}cter. Psicoanalisis del caracter social de las profesoras primarias. Disertaci{\´o}n durante el seminario mejicano-alem{\´a}n. La investigacion del caracter social. Intercambio de experiencias. Domingo 22 de Mayo de 1994 a las nueve horas en el Instituto de Ciencias Pol{\´i}ticas en T{\"u}bingen. Translation by Alfredo Westermeyer, 13 pp-}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {es} } @article{Weberetal, author = {Weber, Wolfgang G. and et al.,}, title = {Preface: Conference vision and call for participation}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 06-12.}, language = {en} } @article{Wątrobski, author = {Wątr{\´o}bski, Adam}, title = {Kategoria >wolności od< i >wolności do< w interpretacji wolności religijnej: konfrontacja ujęć E. Fromma i I. Berlina z deklaracją >Dignitatis humanae< [The Category of >Freedom from< and >Freedom to< in the Interpretation of Religious Freedom: Confrontation of the Views of E. Fromm and I. Berlin with the Declaration >Dignitatis humanae<]}, series = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 11/12 (2002/2003), pp. 345-354.}, journal = {Ł{\´o}dzkie Studia Teologiczne, Vol. 11/12 (2002/2003), pp. 345-354.}, abstract = {Zauważyć należy, że mimo ogromnej r{\´o}żnicy między poglądami Fromma i Berlina a stanowiskiem Kościoła pojęcia wolności pozytywnej i wolności negatyw-nej spełniają funkcję pomocną w analizie fenomenu wolności religijnej. Oczywiście nie są to narzędzia umożliwiające ukazanie istoty wolności religijnej, ale mogą się przyczynić do unaocznienia takich rzadziej stanowiących przedmiot refleksji filozof{\´o}w warunk{\´o}w koniecznych przyznawania się do religii, jak np. wolność od społecznego nacisku na grupy religijne, wolność od nieuprawnionych ingerencji państwa w sprawy religijne, wolność do swobodnego przekazywania wiedzy religijnej, do publicznego wyrażania przekonań religijnych itp. Myśliciele liberalni, kt{\´o}rych refleksja była inspiracją do napisania tego szkicu, skupiali swoją uwagę na wolności negatywnej. W tak rozumianej wolności upatrywali szczeg{\´o}lną wartość. Wolność w rozumieniu przedstawianym w Dignitatis humanae, o ile można ją charakteryzować przy użyciu pojęć proponowanych przez Berlina czy Fromma, będzie zdecydowanie bliższe wolności w sensie pozytywnym, a jej urzeczywistnienie jednostka będzie osiągać przez dobrowolne poddanie się prowadzeniu przez rozpoznaną Prawdę.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wasyluk, author = {Wasyluk, Pjotr}, title = {Utopizme Ericha Fromma [Erich Fromm's Utopianism]}, series = {Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, No. 14 (2008), pp. 133-152. [doi.org/10.31648/hip.1101]}, journal = {Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, No. 14 (2008), pp. 133-152. [doi.org/10.31648/hip.1101]}, abstract = {Artykuł ma wskazywać związki filozofii Ericha Fromma z myśleniem utopijnym. Podstawowym zadaniem będzie zatem rozstrzygniecie, czy mamy do czynienia z klasyczna utopia, czy jedynie z elementami myślenia utopistycznego. Przyjmując, ze filozofia niemieckiego myśliciela wpisuje się w tradycje utopistyczna, ale klasyczna utopia nie jest, podejmuje pr{\´o}bę wykazania związk{\´o}w systemu filozoficznego Ericha Fromma z psychoanaliza Freuda, filozofia Marksa, mesjanizmem żydowskim i chrześcijańskim, kt{\´o}re cechuje myślenie utopistyczne.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wasyluk, author = {Wasyluk, Pjotr}, title = {Etyka Ericha Fromma [Erich Fromm's Ethics], in: W. Tulibacki and A. Mo{\'{z}}dzierz (Eds.): Świat człowieka w perspektywie wiedzy humanistycznej [The world of Man in the Perspective of Humanistic Knowledge], Olsztyn (Olsztyn Higher School J{\´o}zef Rusiecki), Poland 2005, pp. 191-209.}, language = {pl} } @book{Wasyluk, author = {Wasyluk, Pjotr}, title = {Ericha Fromma koncepcja postępu zintegrowanego [Erich Fromm's Concept of Integrated Progress], Olsztyn (Publishing House of the Center for Eastern European Studies of the University of Warmia and Mazury) Poland 2009, 165 pp.}, language = {pl} }