@misc{Qiu, author = {Qiu, Manxia}, title = {The Alienation and Reconstruction of Stevens' Identity in >The Remains of the Day<, Master thesis, Chonqing University, Shapingba District, Chonqing, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {As one of the most prestigious writers in contemporary British literary circles, Kazuo Ishiguro won the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature owing to the fact that his novel with great emotional force, >has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world<. Kazuo Ishiguro's works have received a high degree of attention as soon as they were published. His works emphasize self-salvation and cherish the warmth of the world, break through the limitations of the theme of immigrant writers and set his sights on the universal human nature of the world. >The Remains of the Day< is the third novel published by Kazuo Ishiguro. It is known for its simplicity, elegance and subtle narrative style and it is also his most prestigious work so far. Kazuo Ishiguro succeeded in portraying the role of Stevens, a high-level butler who dedicated his life to the career of butlers in >The Remains of the Day<. The novel unfolds with Stevens, an ordinary British butler, using a reminiscence narrative approach. Stevens, the protagonist in his twilight years, has a reputation, but he is lonely, self-abased and helpless, and his identity is severely alienated. With Miss Kenton's letter and permission from his new employer, Stevens sets off on a six-day trip. Through the memories of the past, the people he meets and the things he sees during the journey, he explores the true meaning of life and rebuild the alienated identity. The novel leaves the reader with a hopeful open ending, which implies that Stevens will embrace a more real life on a positive way in the rest of the time. Academia usually studies and interprets >The Remains of the Day< from the perspectives of post-colonialism, cultural studies and narrative techniques. Some critics also analyze the power mechanism embodied in the novel from the perspective of the image of the other. However, the research on Stevens' identity cognition is not enough. Therefore, from the perspective of social psychological analysis, this thesis finds that Stevens' identity cognition is seriously alienated. The influence of social environment, the relationship between the dominant and the dominated, and the human nature that is the fear of loneliness are the most fundamental psychological factors of Stevens' identity alienation. From the perspective of social psychological analysis, this thesis will reveal the lonely and helpless living state of Stevens, the root of Stevens' identity alienation under the influence of the change of the times and the people around him, and the road of redemption to rebuild his identity recognition. In the meantime, the thesis aims to explore the intention that Ishiguro Kazuo tries to achieve in depicting the living conditions of the universal individual in modern society. First, in view of the theory of >abstract< social psychological analysis, the thesis discusses the social and environmental factors which contribute to the formation and alienation of Stevens' identity under the imperialist consciousness. Next, with the help of Fromm's authority theory, the deep psychological causes of Stevens' identity alienation from his treatment of father-son affection, loyalty and love are investigated. Then, from the perspectives of history and memory, love and emotion, the thesis analyzes the significance and value of Stevens' salvation of identity alienation. >The Remains of the Day< enlightens us that we should recognize our own identities and adapt to society correctly. Even if our identities are alienated, we can be redeemed and rebuilt through our own efforts, rekindling hope in life. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Puhl, author = {Puhl, Travis}, title = {Goethes >Clavigo< unter der Ideologie eines patriarchalisch-pr{\"a}kapitalistischen Systems. Erich Fromms Gesellschaftskritik des 20. Jh. in Johann Wolfgang Goethes Trauerspiel des Sturm und Drang, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Grin Verlag 2021, 34 pp.}, abstract = {Schon Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wird die Thematik des Zusammenspiels von Patriarchat und Kapitalismus als konvergente Ideologie der Ungleichberechtigung der Frau in der literarischen Kunst sichtbar. Genauer: Goethes >Clavigo<, 1774 publiziert, thematisiert diese Thematik prototypisch. Doch wie kann diese Ideologie literarisch so umgesetzt werden, dass sie neben viel anderem Text auff{\"a}llt, sichtbar wird? Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, jener Frage nachzugehen und diese nach folgenden Schritten zu beantworten: Zuerst werden anhand eines Theorieteils systemtheoretische Grundlagen zu Patriarchat, M{\"a}nnlichkeit und Fragilit{\"a}t, Pr{\"a}kapitalismus und dessen Ideologie des Habens, nach Erich Fromm, dargelegt. Nach einem Modell von R. W. Connell - und z. T. auch von J. Halberstam - wird eine M{\"o}glichkeit zur Bestimmung des Grads sozialer M{\"a}nnlichkeit angewendet; im Anwendungsteil wird hieran aber auch Kritik aufgezeigt und versucht, weitere M{\"o}glichkeiten/Kriterien zur Bestimmung des Grads der sozialen M{\"a}nnlichkeit anzuf{\"u}hren. Im zweiten Teil der Ausarbeitung wird sich mit der textuellen Anwendung der Theorie befasst: Anhand der beiden Figuren Joseph Clavigo und Marie Beaumarchais wird versucht, die genannte patriarchalisch-pr{\"a}kapitalistisch Ideologie im St{\"u}ck aufzuzeigen und diese als Ursache f{\"u}r Figurenbeziehungen oder werkstrukturelle Abl{\"a}ufe zu betrachten, wie z. B. ein Figurentod - so die These. Hier werden u. a. der Warencharakter und die Fragilit{\"a}t der Marie Beaumarchais analysiert, aber auch der Grad der sozialen M{\"a}nnlichkeit Clavigos. [Weltbild.ch]}, language = {de} } @misc{Qin, author = {Qin, Chuan}, title = {The Research of Alienation Theme from >Hū l{\´a}n h{\´e} zhu{\`a}<, Master thesis, Chinese Literature, Xihua University, Jinniu, Chengdu, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {The human term is Marx's lifelong theoretical subject. As the core connotation of Marx's philosophy, Marx's alienation theory expresses Marx's profound thinking and active exploration of human value. Marx's alienation theory differs from Hegel's and Feuerbach's theory. For Marx, he takes the realistic individual as the object of study, discusses four parts of alienation in >Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844<. This book discusses about the four specific aspects of labor alienation theory. Marx's alienation theory is not invariable, but with the maturity and deepening of Marx's thought constantly changing and developing. >Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844< as a concentrated expression of Marx's early alienation theory, highlights the human alienation. At the middle and late of alienation theory focuses more on the level of methodology. After the publication of the 1844 manuscripts, western Marxists further enriched and developed Marx's alienation theory. With Luk{\´a}cs and Fromm as representatives, they also proposed the alienation theory at the spiritual and psychological levels. Based on Marx's alienation theory, this paper analyzes the theme of alienation in the novel from three aspects, including the alienation under the customs and conditions, the alienation of individuals and collectivity, and the alienation of family relations, by means of literature research, comparative analysis and other methods. The first level of alienation expresses existential alienation and spiritual alienation through some means of expression. The second alienation focuses on the three characters depicted by Xiao Hong, and reveals the alienation of individual and collective. The third level mainly focuses on the alienation of the sex and family in >Hū l{\´a}n h{\´e} zhu{\`a}<. The significance and value of individual life and existence revealed in the novel can also play a certain role in warning and guiding the problem of alienation arising in the developing of society. More than one hundred years ago, when China was facing the choice of system, Marx's alienation theory played a significant role. For the current reality, we need to combine Marx's theory alienation with social development, and realize, criticize and improve ourselves in the new stage of social development, so realize liberation and the freedom of human. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Putterman, author = {Putterman, Theodore L}, title = {Berlin's Two Concepts of Liberty: A Reassessment and Revision}, series = {Polity, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 2006), pp. 416-446.}, journal = {Polity, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul., 2006), pp. 416-446.}, abstract = {In distinguishing between negative and positive freedom, Isaiah Berlin expressed a preference for negative freedom. Given the track record of those who in the past have advocated positive freedom, this is not surprising. But advocates of positive freedom do not accept that tyranny necessarily results from embracing their conception of freedom, and they are convinced that a commitment to negative freedom is never enough to defend "freedom" against tyrants. They do, however, share one thing in common with those who favor negative freedom: both equate their conception of freedom with >true freedom,< and treat the other as either false or incomplete. This might suggest that Berlin's distinction is more a partisan's tool than a tool of analysis. I disagree. But rather than reducing it to a distinction between >freedom from< and >freedom to,< we need to expand it. Not only will this enable us to move beyond an important criticism of Berlin's conception of freedom, it will also provide a better explanation for why negative freedom is as likely as positive freedom to diminish "true freedom" and why positive freedom is as likely as negative freedom to increase it.}, language = {en} } @article{Qiu, author = {Qiu, Xuexian}, title = {弗洛姆的人生論及其在教育上的意義 [Fromm's Theory of Life and Its Significance in Education]}, series = {臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134.}, journal = {臺南師院學報 [Journal of Tainan Teachers College], Vol. 25 (1992), pp. 123-134.}, abstract = {本研究旨在探討弗洛姆的人生論,並闡釋其在教育上的意義。本研究主 要採用理論分析法。 本文共分四部分,首先,探討人究竟是什麼;其次,分析當前的社會環境;再次, 指出人類的新希望;最後,詳述弗洛姆的人生論在教育上的意義。}, language = {zh} } @article{RadziszewskaSzczepaniak, author = {Radziszewska-Szczepaniak, Danuta}, title = {Koncepcja religii w pismach Ericha Fromma [The Concept of Religion in the Writings of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, No. 0 (1994), pp.131-142.}, journal = {Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, No. 0 (1994), pp.131-142.}, language = {pl} } @article{Rabadanova, author = {Rabadanova, R. S.}, title = {Erich Fromm as a reformer of psychoanalysis}, series = {философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 7 (2008). [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 7 (2008). [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, language = {ru} } @article{Remer, author = {Remer, Scott}, title = {Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom, and Pseudo-Populist Authoritarianism}, series = {New Politics Journal, New York January 21, 2022.}, journal = {New Politics Journal, New York January 21, 2022.}, language = {en} } @article{Reichardt, author = {Reichardt, Horst-Peter}, title = {Partisanen der Humanit{\"a}t [Partyzanci humanistyki] [The Partisans of the Humanities]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 68-75.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 68-75.}, abstract = {Tytuł rozdziału zaczerpnięty został z tekstu Hansa Jurgena Schultza ukazują-cego pięć jego zdaniem kluczowych w kontekście walki o godność człowieka i ludzkości postaci dwudziestego wieku. Są to Martin Luther King, Dietrich Bon-hoeffer, Reinhold Schneider, Albert Schweitzer i Erich Fromm. Dw{\´o}ch ostatnich, mimo tak odmiennych biografii i dziedzictwa rodzinnego połączyło szczeg{\´o}lnie dobitnie wyrażanie szacunku dla pełnego rozwoju wszelkich form życia. Erich Fromm wskazywał że człowiek może i powinien znale{\'{z}}ć poprzez własne nieza-leżne i krytyczne myślenie o sobie, wolne od manipulacji i interes{\´o}w politycz-nych, czy ograniczeń ekonomicznych ideał istoty biofilnej. Erich Fromm opisy-wał biofilność jako charakterologiczną podstawę swej analitycznej psychologii społecznej. Biofilność powoduje że człowiek jest przyciągany do innych istot żywych i potrzebuje kontaktu z naturą, aby być zdrowym, aby znale{\'{z}}ć sens swo-jego życia i realizować się w nim. Albert Schweitzer odnalazł kontakt z naturą w dżungli w Gabonie i w tym szczeg{\´o}lnym odległym od cywilizacji miejscu reali-zował w praktyce idee szacunku dla życia. Jego biofilność bardziej niż w przy-padku Fromma, wyrażała się czynem. Dla obu filozof{\´o}w życie jest podstawą ludzkiej egzystencji i gwarantem obecności najwyższych wartości kulturowych. Można ich traktować jak partyzant{\´o}w humanistyki chociażby dlatego, że podob-ni są do oddanych swej sprawie bojownik{\´o}w na rzecz szlachetnego człowieczeń-stwa. Fromm zwr{\´o}cił uwagę, że nie starczy życie zasobne, bogate, wolne od głodu, bez wewnętrznego rozwoju człowieka. Schweitzer z przekonaniem, że każdy ma swe własne Lamaberene, zwracał uwagę na praktyczne kształtowanie człowieka etycznego. Obaj ukazali że r{\´o}żne drogi prowadzą do wsp{\´o}lnego celu, odmienne światopoglądy wskazać mogą wsp{\´o}lny cel jakim jest poszanowanie życia.}, language = {de} } @misc{RanggaErfizal, author = {Rangga Erfizal, Muhammad}, title = {Ruang Lingkup Perang dalam perspektif teori Agresi Erich Fromm The Scope of War in the Perspective of Erich Fromm's Aggression Theory, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2016, Indonesian. - Only abstract and content available.}, abstract = {Penelitian ini berjudul >Ruang Lingkup Perang dalam perspektif teori Agresi Erich Fromm<. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sebuah realita kehidupan manusia. Perang memiliki latar belakang dan tujuan berbeda dari masing-masing individu dan kelompok. Hal ini sering dipertanyakan apakah perang merupakan sebuah kehendak manusia. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih jauh mengenai pandangan masyarakat tradisional dan modern dalam memandang perang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengupas pandangan manusia dalam melihat perang dengan menggunakan teori Erich Fromm dalam konsep Agresinya. Kekerasan muncul disebabkan oleh kondisi eksistensial manusia yang tidak dapat berkembang ke arah kebaikan. Kondisi eksistensial yang buruk menyebabkan manusia bertindak sadis. Erich Fromm membagi ke dalam dua jenis agresi. Pertama, agresi defensif yang secara biologis telah terprogram dalam diri manusia, fungsinya sebagai alat bertahan, juga ada pada binatang yang muncul ketika kepentingannya terancam. Kedua, agresi destruktif yang tidak terprogram secara biologis dan hanya dimiliki manusia, agresi ini muncul semata-mata dipengaruhi oleh nafsu untuk mendominasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan sudut pandang masyarakat tradisional dan modern dalam memandang perang dengan tinjauan Teori Agresi Erich Fromm. Objek material dalam penelitian ini adalah kehendak berperang manusia. Objek formal penelitian adalah Teori Agresi Erich Fromm. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian sistematis reflektif dengan pengambilan dan analisis data melalui studi pustaka, baik dari buku-buku, jurnal, karya ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan judul penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah sistematis reflektif secara filosofis. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan unsur metodis deskripsi, interpretasi, kesinambungan historis dan refleksi kritis. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: memperoleh pemahaman mengenai kehendak berperang manusia yang menjadi realitas tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga membuat manusia berjuang untuk melakukan kekerasan. Dalam hal ini, kekerasan digunakan oleh manusia karena merasa terasing oleh keadaan di sekitarnya. Manusia tradisional maupun modern sering terjebak dalam keadaan destruktif yang memaksanya untuk melakukan kekerasan. Perkembangan masyarakat memaksa manusia untuk bergerak lebih dinamis, secara langsung menghubungkan manusia yang tadinya terpisah menjadi makhluk sosial, hal ini memotivasi manusia untuk mendominasi manusia lainnya. Perang merupakan keniscayaan hidup dalam perjalanan peradaban umat manusia.}, language = {mul} }