@article{SatriyoWJati, author = {Satriyo W, Deni and Jati, Ariya}, title = {Erotic Love Reflected in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's >How Do I Love Thee?<, Article, English Language and Literature, English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 2015, 7 pp. [eprints.undip.ac.id/48566/1/JURNAL_-_DENI_SATRIYO_W.pdf] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {The poem entitled >How Do I love Thee?< was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This poem tells about how Elizabeth Barrett Browning loves her sweetheart. Her love to her sweetheart is very wonderful and strong. The purpose of this study is to describe the category of love in the poem by using Erich Fromm's the theory of love as the method of approach. In addition, this study also explains the characteristic of that category of love in the poem. The writer uses library research in his study for collecting the data. The result of this study shows that love desire that is felt by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is not a sexual contact but it is a wish to be a couple of lover. It can be categorized into erotic love. It has been proven by several characteristics of erotic love reflected in the poem. That characteristics are like it is not universal or it is only specific to one person for craving complete union, it is very exclusive from its own nature and strong commitment of Elizabeth Barrett Browning that makes her love is endless love.}, language = {en} } @article{Sattorovich, author = {Sattorovich, Jumaev Ulugbek}, title = {Personal identification and identification in national culture}, series = {Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), pp. 151-155. [Online ISSN 2249-7137] [doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00028.2]}, journal = {Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2020), pp. 151-155. [Online ISSN 2249-7137] [doi.org/10.5958/2249-7137.2020.00028.2]}, abstract = {The article explains the importance of forming identity for the psychological and spiritual development of an individual. The author notes that the role of folk culture in the formation of national identity in modern society has diminished, and it analyzes the socio-psychological conditions in which the specific role of folk culture can be restored: modern economic and socio-cultural activities of new cultural functions; acquisition by assimilation by species; creation of favorable environment, including information environment; unifying the community around the main objectives of the educational process; to look for new educational practices and to consider cultural and historical psychology. Indeed, >one of the worst forms of psychological suffering is boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself and your life<, concluded Fromm. The consequences of the state not formed by individuals or the loss of identity become a crisis of national identity, which is a prerequisite for the loss of national sovereignty (national self-consciousness). Problem researchers tell us that the >living< of our native culture, the deep emotional connection with it, and the understanding of the meanings of it, are made by the individual, the customs, values, special forms of cultural, historical, social and spiritual life of the motherland. Book publishing centers, Russian culture of all nations, etc. Their self-awareness in difficult financial conditions made people think not only about survival, but also to adopt a language and culture that was alien to them.}, language = {en} } @article{Siebert, author = {Siebert, Rudolf J.}, title = {The Critical Theory of Religion, Article, Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA 2001, 56 pp. [rudolfjsiebert.org/web_publications/CT_Intro.pdf]}, abstract = {The critical theory of subject, society, culture and history of the Frankfurt School originated in the experience of the horror of World War I. Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Alfred Sohn-Rethel and other, later critical theorists tried to make sense out of the senseless war experience in Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Stuttgart, or elsewhere, by exploring the writings of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich W.J. Schelling, Georg W.F. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud.}, language = {en} } @article{SholihahSubandiyah, author = {Sholihah, I'anatus and Subandiyah, Heny}, title = {Kepribadian Marxian Tokoh Utama dalam Novel >Sunyi di dada sumirah< karya Artie Ahmad (Kajian Psikologi kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm) [Marxian Personality of the Main Character in the Novel >Silence in Sumirah's Chest< by Artie Ahmad (Psychological Study of Erich Fromm's Marxian Personality)] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 9, No. 6 (2022), pp. 98-112. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2634]}, journal = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 9, No. 6 (2022), pp. 98-112. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2634]}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepribadian Marxian pada tokoh utama pada novel >Sunyi di Dada Sumirah< karya Artie Ahmad menggunakan teori psikologi kepribadian Erich Fromm. Kepribadian Marxian adalah kepribadian yang muncul pada diri manusia sebagai bentuk perjuangannya untuk memperoleh martabat dan kebebasan. Bentuk kepribadian tersebut tampak pada kondisi eksistensi manusia. Kondisi tersebut meliputi dilema eksistensi, kebutuhan manusia, dan mekanisme pelarian diri. Untuk menemukan hal-hal tersebut, digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik studi kepustakaan dan teknik >Content Analysis< sebagai teknik analisis datanya. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi: (1) 50 data dilema eksistensi manusia yang terdiri atas manusia sebagai binatang dan manusia sebagai manusia, hidup dan mati, kesempurnaan dan ketidaksempurnaan, serta kesendirian dan kebersamaan; (2) 25 data kebutuhan manusia yang terdiri atas kebutuhan kebebasan dan keterikatan, dan kebutuhan untuk memahami dan beraktivitas; serta (3) 7 data mekanisme pelarian diri berupa otoritarianisme, perusakan, dan penyesuaian yang dialami oleh tokoh Sunyi, Sumirah, dan Suntini.}, language = {mul} } @article{SholihahIndarti, author = {Sholihah, Rosita Nur and Indarti, Titik}, title = {Kepribadian Marxian Tokoh Utama dalam Novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut< karya Okky Madasari (Kajian Psikologi Kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm) [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 8, No. 6 (2021), pp. 43-56. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2409]}, journal = {Bapala (Surabaya), Vol. 8, No. 6 (2021), pp. 43-56. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/bapala/issue/view/2409]}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dilema eksistensi, kebutuhan manusia, serta mekanisme pelarian tokoh utama dalam novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut<. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah psikologi kepribadian Marxian Erich Fromm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikologi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel >Mata dan Manusia Laut< yang merupakan novel ketiga dari empat serial novel >Mata< karya Okky Madasari. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa unit-unit teks yang menunjukkan aktivitas, dialog, perbuatan maupun perilaku tokoh utama terkait kepribadian Marxian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis objektif yang berpusat pada karya sastra secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kepribadian Marxian dalam novel yang digambarkan melalui peristiwa-peristiwa yang dihadapi tokoh Matara. Kepribadian Marxian tokoh Matara yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini berupa (1)dilema eksistensi meliputi manusia sebagai binatang dan sebagai manusia, hidup dan mati, ketidaksempurnaan dan kesempurnaan, kesendirian dan kebersamaan; (2)kebutuhan manusia meliputi kebutuhan kebebasan dan keterikatan, kebutuhan untuk memahami dan beraktivitas; serta (3)mekanisme melarikan diri dari kebebasan berupa otoritarianisme, perusakan, dan penyesuaian.}, language = {mul} } @article{SilvaJuniorLirio, author = {Silva Junior, Nelson da and L{\´i}rio, Daniel Rodrigues}, title = {A recodifica{\c{c}}{\~a}o p{\´o}s-moderna da pervers{\~a}o. Sobre a produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o do comportamento de consumo e sua gram{\´a}tica libidinal [The postmodern re-codification of perversion: On the production of consumer behavior and its libidinal grammar]}, series = {{\´A}gora (Rio J): Estudos em Teoria Psicanal{\´i}tica, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 13 pp. [Print ISSN 1516-1498] [doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14982006000100005]}, journal = {{\´A}gora (Rio J): Estudos em Teoria Psicanal{\´i}tica, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 13 pp. [Print ISSN 1516-1498] [doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14982006000100005]}, abstract = {Considerando a cr{\´i}tica de Adorno {\`a} ind{\´u}stria cultural, a qual torna a cultura um meio de produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o do comportamento de consumo, tentamos demonstrar como a gram{\´a}tica da pervers{\~a}o tende a monopolizar as formas de prazer na p{\´o}smodernidade. De acordo com nossa hip{\´o}tese, a produ{\c{c}}{\~a}o de consumo recodifica o recalcamento origin{\´a}rio concebido por Freud: tal gram{\´a}tica suprime a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o libidinal de forma an{\´a}loga {\`a} repress{\~a}o prim{\´a}ria, contudo, ao inv{\´e}s de utilizar as tens{\~o}es insatisfeitas da libido para o trabalho, ela direciona a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o erotica para o prazer de consumir. Desta forma, ela formata a satisfa{\c{c}}{\~a}o perversa para que esta se coadune com os interesses da economia.}, language = {pt} } @article{Silvaetal, author = {Silva, Fl{\´a}vio Luiz Honorato da and et al.,}, title = {As perspectivas de Viktor Frankl e Erich Fromm sobre o amor e a humanidade [Viktor Frankl and Erich Fromm's perspectives on love and humanity] [Las perspectivas de Viktor Frankl y Erich Fromm sobre el amor y la humanidad]}, series = {Research, Society and Development, Vol. 10, No. 10 (2021), pp. 1-8. [ISSN 2525-3409] [doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i10.19120]}, journal = {Research, Society and Development, Vol. 10, No. 10 (2021), pp. 1-8. [ISSN 2525-3409] [doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i10.19120]}, abstract = {As perspectivas de pensamentos da Logoterapia e An{\´a}lise Existencial de Frankl e a Psican{\´a}lise de Freud, apesar de vis{\~o}es diferentes de ser humano e mundo, h{\´a} muito em comum, principalmente quando as influ{\^e}ncias do humanismo e existencialismo afetam os pensamentos de psicanalistas. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os pressupostos te{\´o}ricos sobre o amor e humanidade de Viktor Emil Frankl e Erich Fromm considerados dois humanistas. O artigo busca indicar, apesar das diverg{\^e}ncias entre as duas abordagens psicol{\´o}gicas, posi{\c{c}}{\~o}es em comum principalmente semelhan{\c{c}}as de pensamentos, ou seja, concord{\^a}ncias de ideias em benef{\´i}cio de um bem comum da sa{\´u}de mental do indiv{\´i}duo na terapia. Foram utilizadas pesquisas bibliogr{\´a}ficas em livros e artigos em bases de dados, por meio dos fundamentos te{\´o}ricos dos pensamentos de Viktor Emil Frankl e de Erich Fromm. Averiguou-se que, mesmo de escolas divergentes em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o aos conceitos de ser humano e mundo, as duas abordagens apresentam, de acordo com os pensadores, perspectivas que convergem em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o aos construtos de amor e humanidade.}, language = {pt} } @article{SiguanSoler, author = {Siguan Soler, Miquel}, title = {Erich Fromm: itinerario de un pensador}, series = {Anuario de Psicolog{\´i}a / The UB Journal of Psychology, No. 22 (1980), pp. 3-11. [Print ISSN 0066-5126] [revistes.ub.edu/index.php/Anuario-psicologia/article/view/9534/12383]}, journal = {Anuario de Psicolog{\´i}a / The UB Journal of Psychology, No. 22 (1980), pp. 3-11. [Print ISSN 0066-5126] [revistes.ub.edu/index.php/Anuario-psicologia/article/view/9534/12383]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm nace en Frankfurt con el siglo, en 1900, de modo que su adolescencia coincidc con la primera gran guerra y su juventud y sus afios de estudiante con la derrota de Alemania y el d{\´e}bil equilibri0 de la rep{\´u}blica de Weimar entre 10s intentos revolucionarios y la reacci{\´o}n nacionalista. En estos a{\~n}os recorre su peregrinaje universitario, Heidelberg, Munich y finalmente Berlin, la ciudad sorprendente que al mismo tiempo que v{\´i}ctima de una crisis econ{\´o}mica y pol{\´i}tica sin precedentes es un fabuloso crisol de ideas de las que en buena parte vivimos todavia, de la literature comprometida a la pintura abstracta, del cine impresionista a la arquitectura funcional. Y actuando de fermento y de revulsivo el marxismo y el psicoan{\´a}lisis. Fromm, que ha nacido en el seno de una familia judia piadosa en la que abundan 10s rabinos y que es dolorosamente sensible a 10s horrores de la guerra y de las injusticias de la crisis social, se inclina por el socialisme. Pero 10 que sobre todo desea es entender esta sociedad desgarrada y aparentemente irracional y para el 10 acude a las armas intelectuales que esta misma sociedad le ofrece como {\´u}ltimas novedades. Pronto forma parte del grupo psicoanalitico de Berlin -que Freud considera el mas importallte desputs del vjen{\´e}s- y en el que figuran hombres como Abraham, Fenichel y sobre todo W. Reich. Con Reich comparte el inter{\´e}s por la doctrina de Marx y el prop{\´o}sito de aunar psicoanalisis y mamismo.}, language = {es} } @article{Silver, author = {Silver, Ann-Louise S.}, title = {Ferenczis Einfluss auf Frieda Reichmann. Typescript 7 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {de} } @book{Siebert, author = {Siebert, Rudolf J.}, title = {Hegel and the Critical Theory of Religion, ed. by Dustin J. Byrd, Kalamazoo / Michigan (Ekpyrosis Press) 2021, 349 pp.}, editor = {Byrd, Dustin J.}, language = {en} }