@misc{Truemmers, author = {Tr{\"u}mmers, Britta}, title = {Freiheit und Sachzwang in der modernen Gesellschaft. Zu den Theorien von Erich Fromm, Amartya Sen und Ulrich Thielemann, Bacherlorarbeit, Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, Fachhochschule D{\"u}sseldorf, Grin Verlag 2011, 65 pp.}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit sollen anhand des Freiheitsbegriffes die Zw{\"a}nge der modernen Gesellschaften beschrieben werden. Da der Begriff der Freiheit ein weitl{\"a}ufiges Themenspektrum umfasst, beschr{\"a}nkt sie sich auf die Theorien von Erich Fromm, Amartya Sen und Ulrich Thielemann. In ihren {\"U}berlegungen besch{\"a}ftigt sich die Autorin mit verschiedenen Ankn{\"u}pfungspunkten zum Freiheitsbegriff, hierbei stehen die Wirkungsweisen menschlichen Handelns im Vordergrund. Insbesondere soll die Freiheit in der modernen Gesellschaft, im Hinblick auf die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und den sich daraus ergebenden Sachzw{\"a}ngen beleuchtet werden. Dazu beschreibt die Autorin zu Beginn die Charakteristiken einer modernen Gesellschaft, um ein grundlegendes Verst{\"a}ndnis zu schaffen, auf welchen Gesellschaftstyp sich die folgenden {\"U}berlegungen beziehen. Nach einer allgemeinen Betrachtung des Freiheitsbegriffs soll die Freiheit in der modernen Gesellschaft behandelt werden, und zwar wie jene Freiheit unter den Bedingungen wirtschaftlicher und politischer Einfl{\"u}sse zu betrachten ist. Aus diesen Einfl{\"u}ssen ergeben sich Konsequenzen, die sowohl die {\"a}ußere wie auch die innere Freiheit beeintr{\"a}chtigen. Welche Positionen die Politik, unter den Bedingungen der freien Marktwirtschaft einnimmt, wird anschließend thematisiert. Im anschließenden Teil der Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich die Autorin zun{\"a}chst mit dem Begriff Sachzwang, um nachfolgend die Instanzlosigkeit der Marktwirtschaft zu verdeutlichen. Aus dieser Instanzlosigkeit resultiert eine ver{\"a}nderte Wahrnehmung, welche den Sachzwang als nat{\"u}rliche Gegebenheit erscheinen l{\"a}sst, doch in Wahrheit stehen Personen beziehungsweise Personenkreise hinter den Sachzw{\"a}ngen, welche es zu identifizieren gilt. Aus all den Verkn{\"u}pfungen ergibt sich dann die allgemeine Frage nach der Lebensqualit{\"a}t in der Zwangslage und nach den wahrhaftigen Bed{\"u}rfnissen der Menschen. Die Probleml{\"o}sungen als Ausblick sollen vor allem den Bogen zur Freiheit zur{\"u}ckspannen, denn nachdem der Begriff der Freiheit zu Beginn viele Fragen aufwirft, scheint abschließend die Freiheit auch diese Fragen beantworten zu wollen. [Eurobuch.com]}, language = {de} } @article{TubertOklander, author = {Tubert-Oklander, Juan}, title = {A Gentle Revolutionary: The Influence of Malcolm Pines on My Thinking and Practice}, series = {Group Analysis, Vol. 43, No. 3 (2010), pp. 228-240. [Online ISSN 1461-717X] [doi.org/10.1177/0533316410371272]}, journal = {Group Analysis, Vol. 43, No. 3 (2010), pp. 228-240. [Online ISSN 1461-717X] [doi.org/10.1177/0533316410371272]}, abstract = {The author tells the history of his relationship with Malcolm Pines, and uses it in order to describe the latter's personality and thinking, as well as to trace the influence that he has had on his thinking and practice. The focus of the discussion is on Malcolm's understanding of the socio-political context of mental processes, including the creation of psychoanalysis by Freud, and the inner politics of psychoanalytical and group-analytical institutions. Malcolm is described as a revolutionary character, in Fromm's terms. The article is a celebration of Pines' life and contributions, as he reaches the age of 85.}, language = {en} } @article{Vilchinskaya, author = {Vilchinskaya, L. Z.}, title = {Массовое сознание в философии Э. Фромма [Collective consciousness in the philosophy of E. Fromm]}, series = {Izvestia MGTU MAMI, Vol. 7, No. 4-2 (2013), pp. 12-19. [Online ISSN 2949-1428] [doi.org/10.17816/2074-0530-67945]}, journal = {Izvestia MGTU MAMI, Vol. 7, No. 4-2 (2013), pp. 12-19. [Online ISSN 2949-1428] [doi.org/10.17816/2074-0530-67945]}, abstract = {В статье рассматривается концепция массового сознания Эриха Фромма. Проанализирован феномен деструктивности в современном западном обществе. Проводится сравнение позиции Э.Фромма и других представителей психоаналитической философии.}, language = {ru} } @article{Vertovšek, author = {Vertovšek, Nenad}, title = {Frommov čovjek za sebe kao slobodno stvaralačko biće prakse [Erich Fromm's >Man for Himself< as a Free Creative Being of Praxis]}, series = {Metodički Ogledi, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 79-96. [Online ISSN 1848-2325] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/175622]}, journal = {Metodički Ogledi, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 79-96. [Online ISSN 1848-2325] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/175622]}, abstract = {Razumijevanje otuđenog čovjeka koji u povijesnom razvoju stječe sve više slobode, ali se u suvremenom društvu sve više osjeća izolirano od prirode i drugih ljudi, povezuje se u djelima Gaje Petrovića, istaknutog praksisovca, s univerzalnim humanističkim opredjeljenjima i dinamičkom psihologijom. Kada svoju pozornost usmjerava na Ericha Fromma i njegovog čovjeka za sebe, traži odgovore na pitanja što je u Frommovu shvaćanju posebno zanimljivo za tadašnju i buduću filozofiju. Zanima ga Frommovo istraživanje korijena bijega od slobode u čovjekovoj prirodi i suvremenom društvu, ali i mogućnosti oslobađanja čovjeka od tereta kojeg je postavio sam sebi. Pojmovi ljudska priroda i alijenacija Gaji Petroviću služe za produbljenje i proširenje filozofskih promišljanja o čovjeku, kako bi ponudio rješenje osnovnih problema egzistencije i društvenih odnosa. Jedna od zajedničkih točki susreta Gaje Petrovića i Ericha Fromma jest i raskorak između čovjekove biti i stvarne, praktične egzistencije. U središtu njihove filozofije je čovjek, njegova priroda i proturječnosti s kojima se suočava kao stvaralačko biće prakse. Zajedničko im je i pitanje treba li i kako ponovno koristiti dosege praktičnog uma i/ili nastaviti tamo gdje se je stalo u filozofskom konceptu otuđenog čovjeka? Hoće li razmatranje alijenacije i dezalijenacije konačno obnoviti misao o Čovjeku koji, nažalost, nije to što jest, a treba biti ono što bi mogao biti?}, language = {mul} } @article{VelaBueno, author = {Vela Bueno, Jos{\´e} Carlos}, title = {>Reflexiones en torno a T{\´a}natos a trav{\´e}s de Las Hurdes, tierra sin pan de Luis Bu{\~n}uel< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Cultura de la Rep{\´u}blica. Revista de an{\´a}lisis cr{\´i}tico, No. 1 (2017): pp. 95-109. [Online ISSN 2530-8238] [doi.org/10.15366/crrac2017.1.008]}, journal = {Cultura de la Rep{\´u}blica. Revista de an{\´a}lisis cr{\´i}tico, No. 1 (2017): pp. 95-109. [Online ISSN 2530-8238] [doi.org/10.15366/crrac2017.1.008]}, abstract = {En este art{\´i}culo se trabaja con la pulsi{\´o}n de muerte, tan importante en el arte moderno, a trav{\´e}s de Las Hurdes, tierra sin pan de Luis Bu{\~n}uel. Se registran las formas m{\´a}s significativas en que dicha pulsi{\´o}n aparece en el mencionado documental y se tematizan en torno a la dualidad entre biofilia y necrofilia (entendida en sentido general, no s{\´o}lo sexual) de Erich Fromm. Finalmente paso a una deconstrucci{\´o}n de dicha dualidad, o sea, a mostrar sus limitaciones como polaridad jer{\´a}rquica.}, language = {es} } @article{Volpe, author = {Volpe, Galvano della}, title = {The Legal Philosophy of Socialism (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 204-219.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 204-219.}, language = {ja} } @article{VillasenorBayardo, author = {Villase{\~n}or Bayardo, Sergio Javier}, title = {Historical aspects of Mexican psychiatry}, series = {International Review of Psychiatry, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2016, pp. 154-173. [Online ISSN 1369-1627] [doi.org/10.3109/09540261.2016.1158703]}, journal = {International Review of Psychiatry, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2016, pp. 154-173. [Online ISSN 1369-1627] [doi.org/10.3109/09540261.2016.1158703]}, abstract = {Mexican psychiatry initiated since pre-Hispanic times. Historically, treatments were a mixture of magic, science and religion. Ancient Nahuas had their own medical concepts with a holistic view of medicine, considering men and cosmos as a whole. The first psychiatric hospital appeared in 1566 and a more modern psychiatric asylum emerged until 1910. International exchanges of theoretical approaches started in the National University with the visit of Pierre Janet. There were other important figures that influenced Mexican psychiatry, such as Erich Fromm, Henri Ey, Jean Garrab{\´e} and Yves Thoret. Regarding Mexican psychiatrists, some of the most important contributors to Mexican psychiatry were Jos{\´e} Luis Pati{\~n}o Rojas, Manuel Guevara Oropeza and Ram{\´o}n de la Fuente Mu{\~n}iz. This article includes excerpts from >Clinical Psychiatry<, a book by Pati{\~n}o Rojas where he tries to understand and describe the inner world experienced by patients with schizophrenia; also, the thesis conducted by Guevara Oropeza (>Psychoanalisis<), which is a critical comparison between the theories of Janet and Freud. Finally, we include >The study of consciousness: current status< by Ram{\´o}n de la Fuente, which leads us through the initial investigations concerning consciousness, its evolution, and the contributions made by psychology, philosophy and neurobiology.}, language = {en} } @article{VanHieletal, author = {Van Hiel, Alain and et al.,}, title = {To Have or To Be? A Comparison of Materialism-Based Theories and Self-Determination Theory as Explanatory Frameworks of Prejudice}, series = {Journal of Personality, Vol. 78, No. 3 (2010), pp. 1037-1070. [Online ISSN 1467-6494] [doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.2010.00642.x]}, journal = {Journal of Personality, Vol. 78, No. 3 (2010), pp. 1037-1070. [Online ISSN 1467-6494] [doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.2010.00642.x]}, abstract = {The present study aimed to delineate the psychological structure of materialism and intrinsic and extrinsic value pursuit. Moreover, we compared models based on self-determination theory (SDT), Fromm's marketing character, and Inglehart's theory of social change to account for racial prejudice. In a sample of undergraduate students (n=131) and adults (n=176) it was revealed that the extrinsic value pursuit Financial Success/Materialism could be distinguished from the extrinsic value scales Physical Appeal and Social Recognition, and Community Concern could be distinguished from the intrinsic value pursuit scales Self-acceptance and Affiliation. Moreover, Financial Success/Materialism and Community Concern were consistently and significantly related to prejudice, whereas the other SDT facet scales yielded weaker relationships with prejudice. Structural models based on SDT and Inglehart were not corroborated, but instead the present data supported a mediation model based on Fromm's work in which the effect of Community Concern was mediated by Financial Success/Materialism. Broader implications for SDT are critically assessed.}, language = {en} } @article{Veck, author = {Veck, Wayne}, title = {Reflecting on attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder and disablement in education with Erich Fromm}, series = {Disability \& Society, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2012), pp. 263-275. [Online ISSN 1360-0508] [doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2011.644935]}, journal = {Disability \& Society, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2012), pp. 263-275. [Online ISSN 1360-0508] [doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2011.644935]}, abstract = {Drawing upon the thought of Eric Fromm, this paper argues that efforts to understand and counter behaviour that causes difficulties in education should begin in a critical and reflective engagement with both the conditions of human freedom and the character of educational institutions and society as a whole. Fromm's critique of dominating ideas about good mental health within capitalistic societies is examined in relation to disablement and attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder. A study of a sixth-form college in the south of England elucidates connections between Fromm's insights into social psychology and disablement as a process of oppression.}, language = {en} } @article{Veroli, author = {Veroli, Nicolas}, title = {Freedom Is Not a Thing: Toward a Theory of Liberation for the Twenty-first Century}, series = {Radical Philosophy Review, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2016), pp. 475-500. [Online ISSN 1569-1659] [doi.org/10.5840/radphilrev20163244]}, journal = {Radical Philosophy Review, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2016), pp. 475-500. [Online ISSN 1569-1659] [doi.org/10.5840/radphilrev20163244]}, abstract = {Beginning from a critique of neoliberalism, and in particular of its concept of freedom, I develop an alternative notion of freedom as love. In order to escape the current neoliberal hegemony, I argue that we must reconnect with the radical traditions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I thus take as my starting point the debate between Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm over the nature of freedom that took place in the pages of Dissent in the mid-1950s. Building on their work I construct a theory of freedom as >connective expression<.}, language = {en} } @article{Volpe, author = {Volpe, Galvano della}, title = {La legalit{\`a} socialista}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 467-483.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 467-483.}, language = {it} } @article{Volpe, author = {Volpe, Galvano della}, title = {A Filosofia Legal do Socialismo}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 431-449.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 431-449.}, language = {pt} } @article{Volpe, author = {Volpe, Galvano della}, title = {La filosof{\´i}a socialista del derecho}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 460-475.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 460-475.}, language = {es} } @article{Vranicki, author = {Vranicki, Predag}, title = {Il socialismo e il problema dell'alienazione}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 337-352.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 337-352.}, language = {it} } @article{Vranicki, author = {Vranicki, Predag}, title = {El socialismo y el problema de la alienaci{\´o}n}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 327-341.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 327-341.}, language = {es} } @article{Vranicki, author = {Vranicki, Predag}, title = {Sosialismen og menneskets fremmedgj{\o}ring}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 107-118.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 107-118.}, language = {mul} } @article{Vranicki, author = {Vranicki, Predag}, title = {Socialismo e o Problema da Aliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 307-323.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 307-323.}, language = {pt} } @article{Vranicki, author = {Vranicki, Predag}, title = {Socialism and the Problem of Alienation (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 069-083.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 069-083.}, language = {ja} } @misc{Vykysala, author = {Vykysal{\´a}, Renata}, title = {Pojet{\´i} l{\´a}sky v d{\´i}le Ericha Fromma [The Conception of Love in the Erich Fromm´s Work], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 40 pp.}, abstract = {The conception of love in the Erich Fromm´s research tries to explain love from the point of view of his personality and through his work called The Art of Loving. The subject of this bachelor thesis is the Fromm´ s conception of the love compared to psychological and sociobiological explanations. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) received PhD in psychology from the University of Heidelberg in 1922. He worked with the Marx´s social concepts which he linked up with the psychological findings taken from Freud. The acquired knowledge was then applied to Fromm´s research of love. According to Fromm, love has many different images from the mother love, brother love, erotic love, self-love to the love to God. In the following chapters, the same analogical explanations of love are explained but from the sociobiological and psychological point of views. The sociobiology is science that supposes that the man was born to the world because his selfish genes wanted to. The only task the man has in his being is to pass on his genes to the next generation. Thus the categories of love are presented from this point of view. It is totally understandable that many people refuse the idea of just passing on the genes to the next generation as the only goal of their beings. The conception of love from the sociobiological point of view differs a lot from the Fromm´s understanding of love. However, the psychological views are shades into the Fromm´s views as it is influenced by his psychological education. Psychological conception of love describes the love according to the today´s psychologist views. There are three main views of love described in the bachelor thesis. It is not possible to decide if one is better than the other one. Psychology describes love as an emotional relationship which is characterized by the wide emotionality. On the contrary the sociobiology is science that lacks the emotions and its views is influenced by the evolution and biology. Although the impact of psychology is significant in Fromm´s works the sociology can also be identified. Each of the conceptions of love - Fromm´s, sociobiological or psychological prefers its own approach.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wachaczyk, author = {Wachaczyk, Katarzyna}, title = {Ericha Fromma człowiek zagubiony w dychotomiach [The Lost Man in Dichotomies]}, series = {Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe 21 (2005) 31-46.}, journal = {Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe 21 (2005) 31-46.}, abstract = {The aim of this article was presentation the Fromm's concept of person, person, who is involved to dichotomy of human subsistence. Person live, sometime it lived according to nature, there was part, however, in course of evolution, mental authorities have spread out at it. Person gaining consciousness, it has broken attachment of junction it with nature same. Fear has appeared and sense of alienation. Person has become free, but same very solitary. In purpose of killing existential solitude, person resorts to rate interpersonal. Correct, according to Fromm's conception, rate is love, however the most often chosen rate is authoritarism, destruction and mechanical conformism. Dichotomies of person incline for choice among life or death, existence or property. Correct orientation, inherent restless being, is existence and life, other postures are secondary in accordance with they and if they are in balance, it lives according to nature person.}, language = {pl} } @article{Wagner, author = {Wagner, Martin}, title = {Was verhindert Sublimierung? Spurensuche bei Freud und in der Dialektik der Aufkl{\"a}rung}, series = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 071-086.}, journal = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 071-086.}, language = {de} } @article{Walidin, author = {Walidin, Muhammad}, title = {Cinta Erich Fromm kepada Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah [Erich Fromm's Love for Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah]}, series = {Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2018), pp. 76-95. [Online ISSN 2622-531X] [jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/tamaddun/article/view/2514/1805]}, journal = {Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2018), pp. 76-95. [Online ISSN 2622-531X] [jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/tamaddun/article/view/2514/1805]}, abstract = {Problems of love can be included to psychology domain remember he go together is psychological someone. Hand in glove of its bearing with this research, hence in research of art there are a space to analyze belles letters with approach is art psychology. This research use approach is art psychology and theory wearied was Erich Fromm psychology theory, especially its theory about love. According to Fromm, form religious from love of the so-called with God love psychologically is not differ. One definitive matter is that essence love to that God on a par with essence love to human being. Love is human and the relationship in line with growth love human being to God. Love to God started from a period to human being not yet recognized something and still depend on strength or element outside him. Then human being recognize God love which is matriarchal so-called with Davit. Principal of this matriarchal love is equality.}, language = {mul} } @article{WaleckaRynduch, author = {Walecka-Rynduch, Waleska}, title = {Erich Fromm: (ur. 23 marca 1900, zm. 18 marca 1980) [Erich Fromm: (born March 23, 1900, died March 18, 1980)], in: Wiesław Kozub-Ciembroniewicz et al. (Eds): Wsp{\´o}łczesne doktryny polityczne i prawne: tw{\´o}rcy, idee, interpretacje: podręcznik akademicki [Contemporary Political and Legal Doctrines: Creators, Ideas, Interpretations: An Academic Textbook], Krak{\´o}w (Academic Bookshop) 2012, Poland, pp. 82-90, Polish [ISBN: 978-83-7188-427-6]}, language = {pl} } @article{Wagner, author = {Wagner, Claudia Raquel}, title = {Xingamentos alem{\~a}es no Noroeste ga{\´u}cho: resqu{\´i}cios do inconsciente social medieval [Cursing by speakers of the German dialect in the Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul: reminiscences of the medieval social unconscious]}, series = {E-scrita. Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU Nil{\´o}polis (Brazil), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013), pp. 1-12. [Online ISSN 2177-6288] [revista.uniabeu.edu.br/index.php/RE/article/view/631/pdf_362]}, journal = {E-scrita. Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU Nil{\´o}polis (Brazil), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013), pp. 1-12. [Online ISSN 2177-6288] [revista.uniabeu.edu.br/index.php/RE/article/view/631/pdf_362]}, abstract = {Neste artigo pretende-se analisar certos xingamentos utilizados por falantes do dialeto alem{\~a}o hunsr{\"u}ckisch de uma comunidade rural da regi{\~a}o noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. {\`A} luz da concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o psicolingu{\´i}stica de Steven Pinker (2008) sobre o xingamento e da teoria do inconsciente social de Erich Fromm (1992), pretende-se analisar as formas arcaicas destes xingamentos e buscar em que medida ainda mant{\^e}m conex{\~o}es com est{\´i}mulos do pensamento medieval retido no inconsciente social desta comunidade.}, language = {pt} } @misc{Moussa, author = {Moussa, Passent}, title = {Authoritarianism and Subject Formation in Post-Independence Egypt: Egyptian Literature and Western Social Theory in Dialogue, Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Essex, Essex, England 2023, 272 + 7 pp. [repository.essex.ac.uk/35652/1/18.05.2023_Final\%20Thesis_MOUSSA\%201900428.pdf]}, abstract = {The study grew out of a desire to examine how it feels to be denied what Hannah Arendt famously referred to as the >right to have rights,< including the right to disobey. More specifically, this study seeks to understand how people living under particular regimes of power - characterised by distinct politics of fear, uncertainty, and silence - feel, define, and express themselves in relation to power, whether in the form of submission or resistance. In other words: How do authoritarian power dynamics affect individuals' perception of self and how does it play into and shape the everyday life of the individual? At the heart of this inquiry is the notion of the subject, which forms both the conceptual foundation and the central focus of this study.- The study draws primarily on the theoretical contributions of Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and Hannah Arendt on the interplay of power, resistance, and subjectivity. To frame the discussion, a socio-historical examination of post-independence power practices in Egypt and their impact on the constitution of the political subject is conducted. Research data is generated through an art-inspired qualitative research approach, primarily using Egyptian novels as a source of data to uncover the nuances and interiorities of the process of subject formation. Through a dialogue between Western social theory and Egyptian literature, the study provides an understanding of power practice in Egypt from 1952 to the present, particularly at the level of the inner panorama of the self in society and expands it into a reading of social and political theories on the question of power, subjectivity, resistance, and agency.- The study is divided into six main chapters, including an introduction and a conclusion. Each empirical chapter of this study tells the story of a particular episode in time and is somewhat self-contained, yet all chapters are connected into a large coherent reading of modern Egyptian power practices. Just as the novels examined in this study tell a story with their words, so does my research.- The study concludes that the process of subject formation in Egypt should be understood as an artefact of historical continuity that connects the past to the present, not necessarily in a linear fashion, but in a way that gives it a genealogical context, and as a dynamic process of shifting subject positions. The study further argues for the limitations of the status conception of citizenship as a defining framework for the state - society relationship in the context under study and proposes instead the use of the power - subject framework as a substitute. Last but not least, the study suggests that the connection between theory and method, expressed in the very structure of the research, reveals the epistemic relevance of literature to the conceptual imagination, contributing in a sense, to the discussion of the decolonisation of knowledge production. In some ways, this interdisciplinarity underscores the sheer breadth and hybridity of the concept of subject formation that has become apparent throughout this analysis.}, language = {en} } @book{ZiottiNaritaMorelock, author = {Ziotti Narita, Jeremiah and Morelock, Felipe}, title = {The Society of the Selfie. Social Media and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy, London (University of Westminster Press) 2022, 191 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Morita, author = {Morita, Kazunao}, title = {E. フロム精神分析理論における宗教論の教育的含意 [Educational Implications of the Theory of Religion in E. Fromm's Psychoanalysis]}, series = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, journal = {教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 87, No. 4 (2020), pp. 131-141. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.87.4_597]}, abstract = {本稿の目的は、精神分析家エリッヒ・フロムの宗教論を検討し、「教化」する権威的な「宗教」に抵抗しつつ、なおも「宗教的」に生きる方途を探った彼の思索の教育的含意を明らかにすることである。結論として、本稿は、フロムが「気づき」の「能力」を尊重することによって、「宗教的」に生きることを構想していた事実を闡明し、最後に、彼の理論が道徳教育の教科化の事例に先鋭化される現代教育の問題に対してもつ意義を明示する。}, language = {ja} } @article{Motoyama, author = {Motoyama, Yoichi}, title = {「迷惑をかけたこと」の今日的解釈 [A Current Interpretation of >Causing Troubles to Others<]}, series = {内観研究 [Journal of the Japan Naikan Association], Vol. 13, No. 1 (2007), pp. 59-70. [doi.org/10.34593/jna.13.1_59]}, journal = {内観研究 [Journal of the Japan Naikan Association], Vol. 13, No. 1 (2007), pp. 59-70. [doi.org/10.34593/jna.13.1_59]}, abstract = {内観を外部から見ると、内観三項目の中の「迷惑をかけたこと」が、自己抑制的になり自分の考えや気持ちを表現できなくなるのではないか、あるいは、道徳的な響きを感じる、といったふうな誤解を与える場合もあるようである。そこで、内観三項目がいかに精神の認識力を成長させるか、その構造について考察するとともに、とりわけ「迷惑をかけたこと」を調べる有用性を精神分析学者のエーリッヒ・フロムの「成熟すると両親から自由になり、自分自身の中に母性原理と父性原理を作り上げる。子どもは自分自身の父親になり、母親となる」という理論を借りて説明を試みた。内観をすることが、どうして内部に母性原理と父性原理を作り上げることが出来るのかを考察し、内観における「罪悪感」をその過程と構造を従来の罪悪感と比較しながら考察することによって「迷惑をかけたこと」の今日的解釈を導き、東洋思想から生まれた内観を西洋思想の言葉に置き換えようとするものである。}, language = {ja} } @article{Moon, author = {Moon, Sunghoon}, title = {태극기 군중의 탄생에 대한 사회 병리학적 탐구 [A Social-pathological Research of the Birth of Taegeukgi Crowd]}, series = {사회와 철학 제 [Social Philosophy] No. 36 (2018), pp. 1-30.}, journal = {사회와 철학 제 [Social Philosophy] No. 36 (2018), pp. 1-30.}, abstract = {본 논문의 목적은 에리히 프롬이 분석한 근대화의 역설을 모델로 삼아, 박근혜 탄핵 반대집회에서 모습을 드러낸 '태극기 군중'의 유래와 정체성을 밝히는데 있으며, 이를 위해 세 가지 작업을 수행할 것이다. 첫째, 본 논문은 근대화의 역설에 대한 에리히 프롬의 분석을 통해 정치지도자에 대한 맹신이 등장하는 이유를 근대인의 심리적 구조를 통해 설명할 것이다. 둘째, 본 논문은 에리히 프롬의 분석을 모델로 삼아 태극기 군중의 역사적 기원을 1970년대에 '조국근대화'를 추진한 박정희의 지지층으로 보면서, 이들의 탄생이 근대화의 역설적 결과임을 보여줄 것이다. 셋째, 본 논문은 박정희 지지층 일부가 박근혜 등장 이후 태극기 군중으로 부활하게 된 것을 프로이트의 '가족로망스'와 '멜랑콜리' 개념을 통해 설명할 것이다. 그리고 끝으로 태극기 군중의 등장을 사회 병리학적 관점에서 '사회적 질병'으로 규정하면서 이를 극복하기 위해 어떤 사회적 노력이 필요한지를 지적할 것이다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Morita, author = {Morita, Kazunao}, title = {Radicalizing the Role of the Emancipatory Teacher in the Crisis of Democracy: Erich Fromm's Psychoanalytic Approach to Deweyan Democratic Education}, series = {Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 41, No. 4 (2022), pp. 467-483. [Online ISSN 1573-191x] [doi.org/10.1007/s11217-022-09830-y]}, journal = {Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 41, No. 4 (2022), pp. 467-483. [Online ISSN 1573-191x] [doi.org/10.1007/s11217-022-09830-y]}, abstract = {This paper explores Erich Fromm's contribution to Deweyan democratic education by referring to his psychoanalytic interpretation of John Dewey's pragmatic theory. First, it employs the work by Gert Biesta to secure a space between critical pedagogy and Deweyan democratic education, from which Fromm's theory can be discussed. Furthermore, it argues that Biesta's perspective offers a valuable theoretical ground to extend the emancipatory potential of Deweyan democratic education, while avoiding some pitfalls of critical pedagogy. Subsequently, the paper contrasts Marcuse's and Fromm's views on Dewey to show how Fromm's understanding of Dewey was more effective than that of Marcuse for developing the potential of Dewey's philosophy. Next, the paper clarifies key similarities and differences between Fromm's psychoanalysis and Dewey's pragmatism, as it is applicable specifically to emancipatory education. Finally, the paper argues that despite the differences between these two thinkers, Fromm's theory further radicalizes Deweyan democratic education by adding new elements to the list of preconditions on the role of the emancipatory teacher.}, language = {en} } @misc{Morris, author = {Morris, Rudoph E.}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Forgotten Language. An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths (1951a, English)}, series = {The American Catholic Sociological Review (Oxford University Press), Vol. 13, No. 1 (Mar., 1952), pp. 47-48.}, journal = {The American Catholic Sociological Review (Oxford University Press), Vol. 13, No. 1 (Mar., 1952), pp. 47-48.}, language = {en} } @misc{Moraru, author = {Moraru, Christian}, title = {Review Zilbersheid, U.: Jenseits der Arbeit. Der vergessene sozialistische Traum von Marx, Fromm und Marcuse}, series = {Utopian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2000), pp. 313-315.}, journal = {Utopian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2000), pp. 313-315.}, language = {en} } @book{McLaughlin, author = {McLaughlin, Neil}, title = {Erich Fromm and Global Public Sociology, Bristol (Bristol University Press) 2023, 296 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Nakagawa, author = {Nakagawa, Yoshiharu}, title = {「永遠の哲学」における「気づき」の存在論 - マインドフルネスの新たな基礎づけを求めて [An Ontology of Awareness in the Perennial Philosophy: Toward a New Foundation of Mindfulness]}, series = {トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学[Japanese Journal of Transpersonal Psychology/Psychiatry], Vol. 17, No. 1 (2018), pp. 33-48. [doi.org/10.32218/transpersonal.17.1_33]}, journal = {トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学[Japanese Journal of Transpersonal Psychology/Psychiatry], Vol. 17, No. 1 (2018), pp. 33-48. [doi.org/10.32218/transpersonal.17.1_33]}, abstract = {づき」の概念が位置しており、この意味で永遠の哲学はマインドフルネスの理論基盤になりうるものである。本考察ではまず、ハクスレー、スミス、ラム・ダス、ウィルバーを援用し、永遠の哲学が多次元的な理論であることを示し、とくに魂の本質が気づき、観照であり、さらにスピリットが限りない純粋な気づきであること明らかにし、非二元的気づきに言及した。つぎに気づきの存在論を、ウパニシャッド、シャンカラ、ラマナ・マハルシ、ニサルガダッタ・マハラジを引きながら検討した。そしてクリシュナムルティ、フロム、ウィルバーを用いて、気づきと身心の関連を考察し、最後にハクスレーの端緒をもとに、気づきの多次元的教育をとりあげた。}, language = {ja} } @article{Neumann, author = {Neumann, Johannes}, title = {Pytanie o analityczną przydatność pojęcia >charakteru społecznego< Ericha Fromma [A question about the Analytical Usefulness of Erich Fromm's Concept of >Social Character<]}, series = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 227-243.}, journal = {Paweł Jabłoński and Rafał Włodarczyk (Eds.): Fromm - aplikacje, Wrocław (>Chiasm< Publishing Initiative) Poland 2016, pp. 227-243.}, language = {pl} } @article{NevesBarchi, author = {Neves, Wagner Roberto and Barchi, Rodrigo}, title = {Algumas considera{\c{c}}{\~o}es sobre as rela{\c{c}}{\~o}es entre os conceitos de autonomia e liberdade em Paulo Freire e Erich Fromm [Considarations about the relations between the concepts of autonomy and freedom in Paulo Freire and Erich Fromm] [Algunas consideraciones sobre la relaci{\´o}n entre los conceptos de autonom{\´i}a y libertad en Paulo Freire y Erich Fromm]}, series = {Revista Atos de Pesquisa em Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o (Blumenau), Vol. 18 (2023), pp. 1-18. [Online ISSN 1809-0354] [doi.org/10.7867/1809-03542022e9793]}, journal = {Revista Atos de Pesquisa em Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o (Blumenau), Vol. 18 (2023), pp. 1-18. [Online ISSN 1809-0354] [doi.org/10.7867/1809-03542022e9793]}, abstract = {O texto que se apresenta busca discutir alguns pontos da influ{\^e}ncia do conceito de liberdade na obra de Erich Fromm sobre a no{\c{c}}{\~a}o de autonomia no pensamento de Paulo Freire, em especial como a conex{\~a}o entre as duas ideias pode contribuir para se debater sobre a constru{\c{c}}{\~a}o da autonomia na escola, enfocando especialmente a rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o entre professores(as) e alunos(as). O artigo se divide em tr{\^e}s partes, sendo que a primeira aborda a no{\c{c}}{\~a}o de liberdade no pensamento de Erich Fromm, a segunda discute o conceito de autonomia em Paulo Freire, e a terceira busca realizar uma discuss{\~a}o ao redor da conex{\~a}o entre as duas no{\c{c}}{\~o}es, trazendo algumas contribui{\c{c}}{\~o}es do campo da psican{\´a}lise na educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o para se debater e ampliar a dimens{\~a}o conceitual da autonomia como enfoque no trabalho pedag{\´o}gico cotidiano.}, language = {pt} } @article{Mysovskikh, author = {Mysovskikh, L. O.}, title = {Феномен конформизма во взглядах представителей Франкфуртской школы [The Phenomenon of Conformism in the Views of Representatives of the Frankfurt School]}, series = {Abyss (Вопросы философии, политологии и социальной антропологии) / Abyss (Studies in Philosophy, Political science and Social anthropology), No. 25/8 (2023), pp. 78-85. [ISSN 2587-7534] [doi.org/10.33979/2587-7534-2023-3-78-85]}, journal = {Abyss (Вопросы философии, политологии и социальной антропологии) / Abyss (Studies in Philosophy, Political science and Social anthropology), No. 25/8 (2023), pp. 78-85. [ISSN 2587-7534] [doi.org/10.33979/2587-7534-2023-3-78-85]}, abstract = {Предметом рассмотрения настоящей статьи являются взгляды на феномен конформизма, изложенные в трудах представителей Франкфуртской школы: Макса Хоркхаймера, Теодора Адорно, Герберта Маркузе и Эриха Фромма. Прослеживается трансформация трактовки феномена конформизма в изученных работах. На основании воззрений мыслителей Франкфуртской школы выводятся некоторые закономерности и особенности конформного поведения личности. Автор приходит к выводу, что феномен конформизма можно рассматривать как адаптацию поведения человека к нормам, правилам и установкам, господствующим в обществе. Конформизм в качестве формы социального поведения может быть взаимосвязан и с различными нарушениями в системе социального порядка. Амбивалентность конформизма состоит в том, что конформное поведение может приводить как к конструктивным, так и к деструктивным последствиям. При этом представители Франкфуртской школы сосредоточивают свое внимание главным образом на деструктивной стороне конформизма, давая ему негативную оценку, так как конформистское поведение личности происходит, главным образом, из принуждения. Принужденный к конформизму индивид, не осознающий, ради чего он соглашается с навязанным образом действий, приспосабливается к не понятным и не приемлемым для него общественным установкам, оказывается осуществляющим деструктивную деятельность.}, language = {ru} } @article{Nesavas, author = {Nesavas, Antanas}, title = {Ė. Frommo >Socialinio Charakterio< Teorija [E. Fromm's Theory of >Social Character<]}, series = {Problemos (Vilnius University Press), Vol. 41 (1989), pp. 65-70. [Online ISSN 2424-6158] [doi.org/10.15388/Problemos.1989.41.7123]}, journal = {Problemos (Vilnius University Press), Vol. 41 (1989), pp. 65-70. [Online ISSN 2424-6158] [doi.org/10.15388/Problemos.1989.41.7123]}, abstract = {Straipsnyje aptariama E. Frommo socialinio charakterio koncepcija, kuri sudaro jo socialinės koncepcijos branduolį, analizuojama jo struktūra ir funkcijos. Kritikuojami bandymai E. Frommą laikyti neofroidizmo, arba kultūrinės psichoanalizės, atstovu. Teigiama, kad socialinis charakteris - tai kultūros sukuriama specifinė žmogaus energijos forma, kuri gali būti bendra kurios nors visuomenės nariams. Kiekvienos visuomenės klasės arba socialinės grupės turi tam tikrą bendrą charakterio struktūrą. Socialinio charakterio funkcija - garantuoti, kad kiekvienas visuomenės narys efektyviausiai atliktų savo socialinį vaidmenį, kurio reikalavimai turi virsti žmogaus antrąja prigimtimi. Socialinis charakteris nulemia ne tik individo veiksmus, bet ir mąstymą. E. Frommas pripažino socialinės aplinkos vaidmenį individo formavimesi ir siekė atskleisti visuomenės ir individo santykį, jį domino ir socialinės struktūros bei universalios žmogiškosios prigimties santykis. Šia prasme socialinis charakteris yra abstrakčios, imanentinės žmogaus prigimties konkreti, istorinė egzistavimo forma. E. Frommas panaudojo K. Marxo ideologijos ir iškreiptos sąmonės sampratas, psichoanalizės idėjas apie racionalizaciją ir nuslopinimą.}, language = {mul} } @article{Nelson, author = {Nelson, Marie}, title = {The Sacrifice of Isaac: A Humanistic Interpretation}, series = {Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, Vol. 89, No. 3 (1988), pp. 286-294. [Online ISSN 2736-9714] [jstor.org/stable/43343868]}, journal = {Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, Vol. 89, No. 3 (1988), pp. 286-294. [Online ISSN 2736-9714] [jstor.org/stable/43343868]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm, one of the pioneers of Third Force psychology, consciences: the authoritarian conscience, which, representing the values of munity or culture, demands obedience; and the humanistic conscience, which, the inner self, asks that the individual act in ways that show his respect for his potentiality. It is not surprising that the two consciences, in life as well as in literature, often in conflict. What is surprising is the occasional example of ready obedience demands of an authoritarian conscience. The biblical account of the sacrifice Old English versions of which are discussed in this paper, provides just such an comparison of the language of the C{\ae}dmonian poet with that of {\AE}lfric's almost word translation from the Vulgate leads to a conclusion that the biblical story and Isaac represents a moment in the history of religious consciousness when the authoritarian conscience was succeeded by the humanistic conscience.}, language = {en} } @misc{Neumann, author = {Neumann, Ulrike}, title = {Interpretation erz{\"a}hlender Texte im Hinblick auf die Modi des Habens und des Seins (Erich Fromm). Examensarbeit zum 1. Staatsexamen. Seminar f{\"u}r Didaktik der deutschenn und englischen Sprache an der Universit{\"a}t Aachen, 1984, 79 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {de} } @misc{Newman, author = {Newman, James R.}, title = {Review Russel, B.: Has Man a Future?, New York (Simon and Schuster) 1961; and Fromm, E.: May Man Prevail? (1961a, English) Lord Russell and Erich Fromm reflect on the probability of human survival}, series = {Scientific American, Vol. 206, No. 2 (February 1962), pp. 177-182.}, journal = {Scientific American, Vol. 206, No. 2 (February 1962), pp. 177-182.}, language = {en} } @article{Kinasih, author = {Kinasih, Putri Rindu}, title = {Analysis of Fromm's Five Basic Needs on Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon 1900 in >The Legend of 1900< Movie [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Surakarta English and Literature Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023), pp. 62-78. [Online ISSN 2621-9085] [ejurnal.unsa.ac.id/index.php/selju/article/view/107/88]}, journal = {Surakarta English and Literature Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023), pp. 62-78. [Online ISSN 2621-9085] [ejurnal.unsa.ac.id/index.php/selju/article/view/107/88]}, abstract = {How people behave and carry out their will is influenced by psychological factors. Ascertaining the cause of maladaptation, therefore, the psychoanalytic study is necessary. In this research, the writer analyzes the character of Danny Boodman, T.D. Lemon 1900 and his drastic decision in life. The writer used the qualitative method. The writer focuses on the theory of five basic human needs proposed by Erich Fromm. Moreover, according to the findings, people who do not meet Fromm's five essential human needs will struggle to lead everyday lives. According to Fromm, there are two ways to resolve the existential dilemma: to progress or to regress to the mother's love and its evolutionary equivalent, a symbiotic relationship with the mother. The SS Virginian cruise ship is a metaphor for a mother's love of rootedness. Thus, this study concludes that Nineteen Hundred cannot achieve Fromm's five basic needs due to his obsession with the ship.}, language = {en} } @article{King, author = {King, C. Richard}, title = {To Have or Not to Have Sex in Critical Theory: Sexuality in the Early Writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm}, series = {Mid-American Review of Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1992), pp. 81-91. [Online ISSN 2469-8474] [doi.org/10.17161/STR.1808.5086]}, journal = {Mid-American Review of Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1992), pp. 81-91. [Online ISSN 2469-8474] [doi.org/10.17161/STR.1808.5086]}, abstract = {This paper explores the relationship between society and sexuality, which is overlooked in the later phases of Critical Theory. The author begins with a discussion of the role of sexuality in the writings of Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm. Reich uniformly celebrates and strategically deploys sexuality to critique Western capitalistic society while Fromm lacks a clear and consistent utilization of sexuality. Reich uses Marx in his predominately Freudian framework of sexual repression in trying to' address the problem of repression and suppression in Western capitalism. Fromm, on the other hand puts Freud into his already Marxist approach 10 authority, the family, and ideology. Adorno, Marcuse, and Horkheimer largely ignored sexuality in their later writings, but instead used Freudian concepts in their theory of the authoritarian personality.}, language = {en} } @article{Kim, author = {Kim, Su-Yeon}, title = {불교와 정신치료 [Buddhism and Psychotherapy]}, series = {정신분석 [Psychoanalysis (JKPS)], Vol. 27, No.4, pp. 133-137.}, journal = {정신분석 [Psychoanalysis (JKPS)], Vol. 27, No.4, pp. 133-137.}, abstract = {Buddhism and Psychotherapy focus on alleviating mental suffering through a detailed investigation of mental process. Therefore Buddhism and Psychotherapy overlap each other in the theory and in practice. Historically there are many attempts to collaborate between Buddhism and psychology by a variety of renowned psychoanalysts such as Carl Jung, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, and Mark Epstein et al. I reviewed Buddhism's approach to the self which is described as >no-self<. Sense of the self arises from different conditions, there isn't a permanent and solid self. An expanded understanding of the self based on Buddhism is not contradictory to modern psychology and deepens the therapeutic potential of no-self. In practice, Buddhism and psychotherapy roughly share the similar method in some aspect to approach the inner mind. But the next step to deal with these materials is definitely different. In this article I never attempt to view Buddhism through the term of psychotherapy and to integrate two fields. The earnest introspection and considerate academic attitude are necessary to collaborate between Buddhism and psychotherapy without losing the essence of each other.}, language = {ko} } @article{KingHall, author = {King Hall, Stephen}, title = {La libertad personal en una sociedad opulenta}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 438-439.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 438-439.}, language = {es} } @article{Kim, author = {Kim, Jong-sik}, title = {에리히 프롬 사상의 교육적 의미 - 『소유냐 존재냐』를 중심으로 [The Educational Meaning of Erich Fromm's Thought - Focusing on >Having or Being<]}, series = {The Journal of Education [교육논총] Vol. 36, No. 2 (2016), pp. 153-171.}, journal = {The Journal of Education [교육논총] Vol. 36, No. 2 (2016), pp. 153-171.}, abstract = {자아 상실은 현대인의 내적 공허감이나 쉴새없이 무엇인가를 소유해야만 하는 욕구 등에서 잘 나타났다. 아무 것도 시작할 수 없게 만드는 고통스러운 권태, 내적인 무기력, 자기 추진력의 상실과 그에 따른 의기소침 등이 그런 현상에 속한다. 또 자기 자신과 홀로 대면하는 것을 몹시 꺼려하는 현대인의 두려움도 마찬가지로 존재 상실의 결과라 하겠다. 어떤 형태로 표출되든지 간에 존재의 결핍은 창조능력의 부재를 의미한다. 이 글의 목표는 프롬의 저서 『소유냐 존재냐』를 중심으로 소유와 존재의 개념을 밝히고, '소유적 실존 양식'과 '존재적 실존 양식'의 이해를 위해 두 실존양식을 비교하여 프롬이 말하는 '실존적 욕구'가 왜 교육의 기준점이 되어야 하는가를 이해하는 것이다. 이 글은 프롬의 저서 『소유냐 존재냐』를 교육적으로 해석하는 방법을 취할 것이다. 이 글에서 이용한 텍스트는 차경화(2015) 옮김, 『소유냐 존재냐』 임을 밝혀 둔다.}, language = {ko} } @article{KingHall, author = {King Hall, Stephen}, title = {Personal Liberty in an Affluent Society (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 180-182.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 180-182.}, language = {ja} } @misc{Kimmelman, author = {Kimmelman, George}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Man for Himself. An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (1947a, English)}, series = {The Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1948), pp., 555-557. [Online ISBN 2769-755X] [doi.org/10.1037/h0051918]}, journal = {The Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1948), pp., 555-557. [Online ISBN 2769-755X] [doi.org/10.1037/h0051918]}, abstract = {[…] Erich Fromm's latest work is an ambitious attempt to synthesize psychoanalysis and ethics by grounding the norms of the latter in the integrated personality. The ethical agent is characterized by a >productive orientation< which permits him to realize his constructive potentialities in thought, work, and love. Virtue consists in recognizing his obligation to his mature self; vice, in denying his obligation and therefore >mutilating< his thwarted self. The good life finds itself validated not by authoritarian dogma or supernatural sanction but by man's constructive needs and aspirations as disclosed in the findings of psychology and anthropology. Fromm's position, therefore, allies him not only with those rationalists and humanists whose ethical orientation is anthropocentric in the best sense of the word but also with the modern naturalists who maintain that ethical judgments can be the subject matter of a scientific morality. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)}, language = {en} } @article{KingSchmidNoerr, author = {King, Vera and Schmid Noerr, Gunzelin}, title = {Conceptions of the superego in sociological and socio-psychological analyses}, series = {The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 101, No. 4 (2020), pp. 740-756. [Online ISSN 1745-8315] [doi.org/10.1080/00207578.2020.1780734]}, journal = {The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 101, No. 4 (2020), pp. 740-756. [Online ISSN 1745-8315] [doi.org/10.1080/00207578.2020.1780734]}, abstract = {This paper provides a historical overview of the reception of the superego concept in sociology and psychoanalytic social psychology. Central to the discussion are the ways in which classical and contemporary approaches (e.g. Parsons, Elias, Bourdieu) have responded to Freud's theories concerning the genesis of the superego and its changes in the course of psychic development, to his suppositions concerning anthropology and psychopathology, and to later psychoanalytic extensions of the concept (e.g. Klein, Erikson and Loewald). With reference to Freud's works of cultural critique, special emphasis is given to conceptions of the superego in studies on authoritarianism, adaptation and morality, notably by the Frankfurt School (Fromm, Horkheimer, Adorno). The authors also discuss the historical changes undergone by the superego concept and examine by way of examples the benefits of concept for achieving a clearer understanding of recent societal trends associated with contemporary phenomena such as digitization and optimization.}, language = {en} } @article{Kimmelman, author = {Kimmelman, George}, title = {Moral maturity and psychology}, series = {American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol.18, No. 3 (1948), pp. 552-554. [Online ISSN 1939-0025] [doi.org/10.1111/j.1939-0025.1948.tb05117.x]}, journal = {American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol.18, No. 3 (1948), pp. 552-554. [Online ISSN 1939-0025] [doi.org/10.1111/j.1939-0025.1948.tb05117.x]}, abstract = {Comments on the book >Man for Himself< by Erich Fromm […] Hose, who enjoyed the provocative manipulation of psychological concepts in >Escape from Freedom< no doubt will be further rewarded by Fromm's continued exploration of contemporary character-structure, but they will find little, to enlighten them on ethical theory and practice. Fromm's book is an ambitious attempt to synthesize psychoanalysis and ethics by grounding the norms of the latter in the integrated personality. The ethical agent is characterized by a >productive orientation< which permits him to realize his constructive potentialities in thought, work, and love. One of the defects of the book is the absence of any specific societal program which can affect the integrated personality. Another defect lies in a dereliction which the author shares, with all other humanists and naturalists who have dealt with ethics; i.e., the lack of emphasis upon the implicit moral character of the sciences themselves. (APA PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)}, language = {en} }