@misc{Stock, author = {Stock, Carolyn}, title = {Beyond Romance's Utopia: The Individual and Human Love, Doctoral dissertation, Societies and Cultures, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand 2007, 297+12 pp. [researchcommons.waikato.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10289/2577/thesis.pdf?isAllowed=y\&sequence=1]}, abstract = {This thesis is a critique of romantic love theoretically premised on the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the humanistic psychoanalysis of Erich Fromm. The aim of this critique is to explore whether there are grounds for postulating a conception of love beyond the current romantic framework. As the critique is primarily concentrated at the depth level, romantic love is examined via the medium of Cinderella folklore, with particular focus on Andy Tennant's 1998 film adaptation of Cinderella, >Ever After<. Based on a Jungian approach to the psyche and psychic products, the methodological framework incorporates the three following tools: The tool of interpretation at the subjective level, in which the characters of the Cinderella fairy tale are read symbolically rather than taken to denote literal fictitious characters; the tool of constructive analysis, in which it is argued that romantic love is more than >nothing but< a boy/girl love story or >nothing but< a myth depicting patriarchal oppression; and the tool of amplification, in which archetypal similarities between the Christian myth and the Cinderella fairy tale are highlighted. The central argument of this critique is that while romantic love does not provide a viable model of relatedness if taken and practiced literally, the romantic myth nonetheless contains within it the basis for a fuller and richer experience of love and relatedness if read subjectively. The rationale for a depth critique of romantic love is based upon the Jungian postulate that phenomena such as dreams and myths issue fundamentally from the unconscious psychic realm, and further upon Jung's recognition of a psychological developmental process he refers to as >individuation< activated by engagement with the products of the unconscious. A symbolic/psychological reading of romantic love brings to light that romantic desire toward another is an outward manifestation of an inner desire for individual realisation, and is expressive of the individual's own capacity for wholeness. The value of a symbolic reading of romantic love is appreciated if it is conceived that it is precisely individual realisation that forms the basis for what is referred to by Erich Fromm as productive or knowledge-based love, argued here to be the ideal and only firm basis for human relatedness generally and intimate relatedness specifically.}, language = {en} } @article{Stelcer, author = {Stelcer, Boguslav}, title = {Miłość i jej formy w dziele >O sztuce miłości< Ericha Fromma [Love and Its Forms in the Book >The Art of Loving< by Erich Fromm] [Liebe und ihre Formen in Erich Fromms Werk >Die Kunst des Liebens<]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 258-267.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, 258-267.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm in his short book >The Art of Loving< presents love as an attitude and feeling that can be learned. Love in Fromm's terms is beyond the scope of interest sexologists, is an attitude combining the ability to learn a second, respect for him and concern for his welfare. Love is not a recipe for a happy sex life but the essence of the attitude in which it is a centre place for the most subtle and for healthy human development kind of relationship. There is no health without mental health and full of expression capabilities inherent in the unit without the feeling of love. It is an expression of the full development of personality.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Stelceretal, author = {Stelcer, Boguslaw and et al.,}, title = {Przedmowa [Preface]}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 12-15.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma, Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 12-15.}, language = {pl} } @article{StelcerStrzelecki, author = {Stelcer, Boguslav and Strzelecki, Wojciech}, title = {Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980)}, series = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 21-23.}, journal = {Boguslav Stelcer et al. (Eds.): Zdrowy człowiek i społeczeństwo w wizjach Alberta Schweitzera i Ericha Fromma [A Healthy Man and Society in the Visions of Albert Schweitzer and Erich Fromm], Poznań (Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań), Poland 2012, pp. 21-23.}, language = {pl} } @article{Stephens, author = {Stephens, Piers H. G.}, title = {Plumwood, Property, Selfhood and Sustainability}, series = {Ethics \& the Environment, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009), pp. 57-73. [Print ISSN 1085-6633] [doi.org/10.2979/ete.2009.14.2.57]}, journal = {Ethics \& the Environment, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009), pp. 57-73. [Print ISSN 1085-6633] [doi.org/10.2979/ete.2009.14.2.57]}, abstract = {In her final book, >Environmental Culture< as well as elsewhere, Val Plumwood advances the view that sustainability should properly be seen as emergent from an ecofeminist partnership ethic of nourishment and support between humans and nonhuman nature, and that such an ethic must replace the characteristic institutional structures and dominant conceptions of rationality found in capitalist modernity. In making this case, Plumwood impressively charts the impact and significance of the expansionist, exclusionary models of the disembodied but appropriative self found in Cartesian and Lockean thought along with the impact of private property doctrines derived from this source. However, whilst making reference to eco-socialist alternatives at the broader political level, Plumwood offers no systematic account of property that might dovetail with her wider philosophical concerns. In this paper I attempt to generate the start of such an account, drawing on Plumwood's own canon and bringing it into relationship with (1) relections on ideas of belonging and culture drawn from a range of thinkers including Erazim Koh{\´a}k, Erich Fromm, and William James, and (2) the contemporary debate over the relationship between green political thought and the liberal democratic tradition.}, language = {en} } @article{Stern, author = {Stern, Donnel B.}, title = {The Interpersonal Field: Its Place in American Psychoanalysis}, series = {Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2015), pp. 388-404. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2015.1034568]}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2015), pp. 388-404. [Online ISSN 1940-9222] [doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2015.1034568]}, abstract = {Today the concept of the interpersonal field, while seldom credited to those who created it, is widely used in psychoanalysis. After reviewing how the concept of the field defines interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis, I take up the rejection of the idea in American mainstream psychoanalysis in the decades just after it was proposed by Sullivan and Fromm, why that rejection took place, and how the entire discipline of psychoanalysis in North America might have fared if the idea had been widely recognized earlier than it was.}, language = {en} } @article{Stephens, author = {Stephens, Michelle}, title = {More simply human than otherwise: interpersonal psychoanalysis and the field of the >negro problem<}, series = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 83-110.}, journal = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 83-110.}, language = {en} } @article{Sutikna, author = {Sutikna, Nana}, title = {Keterasingan Manusia Dalam Historisitas: Sebuah Telaah Kritis Terhadap Konsep Manusia Menurut Erich Fromm Human Alienation in Historicity: A Critical Examination of the Human Concept according to Erich Fromm (Indonesian)]}, series = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1996), pp. 34-46.}, journal = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1996), pp. 34-46.}, language = {mul} } @article{Supek, author = {Supek, Rudi}, title = {La libert{\`a} e il polideterminismo nella critica della cultura}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 315-334.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 315-334.}, language = {it} } @article{Supek, author = {Supek, Rudi}, title = {Liberdade e Polideterminismo na Critica da Cultura}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 283-304.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 283-304.}, language = {pt} } @article{Supek, author = {Supek, Rudi}, title = {Libertad y polideterminismo en la cr{\´i}tica cultural}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 305-324.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 305-324.}, language = {es} } @article{Sutikna, author = {Sutikna, Nana}, title = {Ideologi manusia menurut Erich Fromm (Perpaduan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud dan kritik sosial Karl Marx) [Human Ideology according to Erich Fromm (a Combination of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis and Karl Marx's Social Criticism)}, series = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.18, No. 2 (2008), pp. 205-222.}, journal = {Jurnal Filsafat, Vol.18, No. 2 (2008), pp. 205-222.}, abstract = {Human being needs to be understood deeply by exploring fundamental characters. The fundamental characters have a set of dichotomized situation. Personally, in the process of thinking and behaving, people try to solve those dichotomized problems. The attempts can be seen in the form of character and orientation desired. These are ideology. The ideology determines attitudes and ideas undeliberately fight his human existence. The ideology correlates with conflict situations of human. This obligates free choices according to his fundamental attitudes. Erich Fromm solved the problem which is relevant to the ideology by making the concept of >to be<, in human potencies be confronted with concept of >to have< which signed by productive activity, autonomous, critical, and freedom.}, language = {mul} } @article{Supek, author = {Supek, Rudi}, title = {Freedom and Polydeterminism in the Criticism of Culture (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 046-065.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 046-065.}, language = {ja} } @misc{Sutikna, author = {Sutikna, Nana}, title = {Dimensi Ontologis Kebebasan Menurut Erich Fromm Relevansinya bagi Pengembangan Pers di Indonesia [Ontological Dimensions of Freedom According to Erich Fromm, Its Relevance to the Development of the Press in Indonesia], Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2020, Indonesian.}, abstract = {Penelitian ini berjudul >Dimensi Ontologis Kebebasan Menurut Erich Fromm Relevansinya bagi Pengembangan Pers di Indonesia<. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perubahan sosial yang terjadi di Indonesia akibat reformasi, khususnya berkaitan dengan persoalan kebebasan pers. Kebebasan pers, saat ini, menjadi sarana strategis dalam mengembangkan kehidupan kebangsaan yang lebih demokratis. Namun banyak indikasi menunjukkan bahwa, makna kebebasan pers kurang dipahami, sehingga sebagian di antara ribuan penerbitan tidak lagi berperan sebagai pers yang bertanggung jawab. Oleh karena itu, sebuah pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang kebebasan manusia dan maknanya bagi kebebasan pers di Indonesia sangatlah diperlukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali dan merumuskan pandangan Erich Fromm tentang makna kebebasan manusia, melakukan analisis atas dimensi ontologis yang terkandung di dalam konsep kebebasan Erich Fromm, melakukan refleksi untuk menemukan relevansi kebebasan Erich Fromm dengan pengembangan pers di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka yang termasuk di dalam penelitian historis-faktual, atau penelitian tentang problema filosofis. Objek material penelitian ini adalah konsep kebebasan manusia yang dikemukakan oleh Erich Fromm, sedangkan objek formalnya adalah ontologi. Unsur metodis pengkajian yang dipakai adalah deskripsi, koherensi internal, kesinambungan historis, analitika bahasa, abstraksi, hermenutika, dan heuristika. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Erich Fromm mengartikan kebebasan sebagai orientasi struktur karakter dan sebagai kemampuan untuk memilih. Manusia modern telah berhasil meraih kebebasan negatif, >freedom from<, yakni bebas dari penentuan naluri dan belenggu alam, namun belum mampu merealisasikan kebebasan positif >freedom to< yakni untuk mencapai realisasi diri yang produktif dan kemandirian. (2) Dimensi ontologis pemikiran kebebasan Erich Fromm adalah dimensi otonomi kebebasan; dimensi dinamika kebebasan; dan materialitas kebebasan. Dilihat dari dimensi otonomi, kebebasan positif mengimplikasikan prinsip bahwa tidak ada kekuasaan yang lebih tinggi daripada diri-individu yang unik. Dilihat dari dimensi dinamika, kebebasan berkembang sesuai dengan struktur karakter manusia/masyarakat. Dilihat dari dimensi materialitas, kebebasan lebih berorientasi pada upaya pencapaian kenikmatan materi dan penguasaan alam. material. (3) Relevansi konsep kebebasan Erich Fromm bagi pengembangan kebebasan pers di Indonesia adalah: (a) bahwa dalam pengembangan pers di Indonesia, kebebasan pers dilandaskan pada dimensi otonomi kebebasan. Pers yang otonom adalah pers yang tidak ditunggangi 0leh kepentingan di luar pers; (b) bahwa kebebasan pers harus berkembang secara dinamis sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan zaman tanpa kehilangan karakter, identitas diri, dan idealism. (c) relevansi dimensi ontologis materialitas adalah bahwa orientasi kebebasan pers diarahkan pada peningkatan nilai-nilai yang bersifat humanis sehingga mampu mewujudkan manusia mandiri yang dapat menggunakan akal, dan kesadarannya sebagai ukuran penilaian.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Sutarno, author = {Sutarno,}, title = {Seni Mencintai Menurut Erich Fromm - Telaah atas Buku >The Art of Loving< (Erich Fromm) [The Art of Loving according to Erich Fromm - Review of >The Art of Loving< (Erich Fromm)], Bachelor thesis, Aqidah and Philosophy, Faculty Ushuluddin, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 2006, 73 pp., Indonesian.}, abstract = {Mencintai seseorang adalah suatu tindakanYang memanifestasikan rasa kasih saying yang sangat manusiawi dan universal. Akan tetapi dalam prakteskoya mencintai dan dicintai pada sebagian orang mencerminkan dehumanisasi, baik dalam engawali, berproses maupun mrencanakan (menggapai) tujuan bersama. Hal ini disebabkan sebagian orang tersebut terbujuk kesandaran palsu ideologi kiapitalisme, inilah tesis Erich Fromm yang melandasi pembuatan bukunya >The Art of Loving<. Berangkat dari alasan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm, konsep seni mencintainya sertamemahami apakah ada hubungan antara landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm dengan konsep seni mencintai Erich Fromm Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencapai ketiga tujuan tersebut herjenis penelitian kualitatatif yang berorientasi pada kajian literature (Library research). Tehnik membaca yang dipergunakan pada riset ini adalah tehnik membaca pada tingkat simbolik dan membaca pada tingkat semantic. Kedua tehnik ini bertujuan menangkap dan memahami makna kebudayaan munsia, nila-nilai, symbol-simbol, pemikiran-pemikiran serta kelakuan manusia yang memiliki sifat ganda yang terdapt dalam buku > The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm. Melalui pendeskripsian bab dua Landasan Ilmu Psikoanalisa Erich Fromm dan bab tiga Deskripsi Singkat Buku >The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm kemudian menganalisanya pada bab empat, jawaban yang dihadirkan pada bab penutup sebagai berikut: (1) Landasan filsafat psikoanalisa Erich Fromm meliputi: (a) filsafat utopianisme. Mengikuti teori pengembangan landasan filsafat ilmu, maka filsafat utopianisme. Mengikute teori pengembangan landasan filsafat ilmu, maka filsafat utopianisme merupakan dimensi ontologis psikoanalisa Erich Fromm, (b) dimensi epistemologis psikoanalisa Erich Fromm cerminan dari filsafat Materialisme historis. Fromm menggunakan filsafat Materialisme historis, dan, (c) Untuk dimensi aksiologisnya, psikoanalisa Fromm menggunakan teori yang terdapat dalam Zen Budhisme serta cerita-cerita Bible, dan (2). Maksud dengan seni mencintai dalam buku >The Art of Loving< Erich Fromm adalah seni yang berlatar belakang pengetahuan cinta dalam upaya pengembangan totalitas kepribadian secara aktif untuk tercapainya sebentuk orientasi produktif.}, language = {mul} } @article{Suo, author = {Suo, Yina}, title = {A Brief Analysis of Fromm's Theory of Escape from Freedom and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [浅析弗洛姆逃避自由理论及其当代启示]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 24 (2021), pp. 254-256.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 24 (2021), pp. 254-256.}, abstract = {自由是人类永恒的话题,古今中外无数思想家都对自由相关问题进行过深刻的思考。弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的主要代表人物之一,也是法兰克福学派的主要成员。弗洛姆将马克思的相关理论同弗洛伊德的精神分析学结合起来,从心理层面对现代人的生存困境进行了分析,把自由分为积极自由和消极自由,并认为逃避自由不能获得真正的自由,只会离自由越来越远,人要获得真正的自由,就必须通过爱和创造性劳动。弗洛姆的逃避自由理论对当代人追求真正自由及我国社会主义建设提供了重要启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Szentmartoni, author = {Szentm{\`a}rtoni, Mihalj}, title = {Neki elementi popularnosti Ericha Fromma u svijetu i kod nas [Some elements of Erich Fromm's popularity in the world and in our country]}, series = {Obnovljeni Život: časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Vol. 35, No. 1-2 (1980), pp. 19-37. [Online ISSN 1849-0182] [hrcak.srce.hr/en/file/83952]}, journal = {Obnovljeni Život: časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Vol. 35, No. 1-2 (1980), pp. 19-37. [Online ISSN 1849-0182] [hrcak.srce.hr/en/file/83952]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is 80 this year. He is a much read author not only in western societies, but also in many socialist countries. In Yugoslavia all his major books have been translated. The present article is an attempt to find some of the elements of his popularity. The first part of the study deals with some basic characteristics of modern man. First of all, he is manipulated in different ways. In a world that is dominated by production and its laws, man has lost the sense of his own value. Also, modern man is anxious for values and fears relativism. Under the influence of experimental sciences he has come to mistrust the capacity of reason to make objectively valid moral judgments. Finally, modern man has lost or has been forced to give up his religion. With the disappearance of religion he has lost a frame of reference and with it answers to the, basic questions of existence. Fromm meets these existential needs of modern man. The second part of the study is an analysis of Fromm's remedies. For the loss of the sense of man's own value, he offers a new humanistic anthropology. According to the new image, man is inherently good and capable of self-realization. Fromm has thus corrected the rather pessimistic anthropology of S. Freud. To the anxiety for values Fromm offers a new humanistic ethics. This ethics is anthropocentric in the sense that man is the supreme value. At the same time Fromm claims that man has a capacity to form objectively valid norms and has no need for any external authority to do this for him. And finally, as a remedy for the loss of religious orientation Fromm offers a new humanistic religion which is widely defined so as to be acceptable to everybody, everywhere. The author concludes that, on the one hand, Fromm merely restates old truths in new ways but, on the other hand, his merit is to speak to contemporary man in a way understandable to him.}, language = {mul} } @article{Szkutnik, author = {Szkutnik, Dariusz}, title = {Ericha Fromma utopia zdrowego społeczeństwa [Erich Fromm's Utopia of a Healthy Society]}, series = {Resovia Sacra. Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej, No. 23 (2016), pp. 323-337.}, journal = {Resovia Sacra. Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej, No. 23 (2016), pp. 323-337.}, abstract = {The article focuses on the analysis of chosen fragments of Erich Fromm concerning his utopia of a healthy society based on a specific cathegory of >be<. The presented problematics is built on widely understood socio-cultural conditions which had a great impact on philosopher's works towards creation of the Utopian vision of the Better World, free from all sorts of totalitarian ideological extremism and paradoxes used in practice.}, language = {pl} } @article{Sutiknaetal, author = {Sutikna, Nana and et al.,}, title = {Heading Towards Autonomous and Dynamic Press Freedom in Indonesia}, series = {NVEO - National Volatiles and Essential Oils, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 2708-2717.}, journal = {NVEO - National Volatiles and Essential Oils, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 2708-2717.}, abstract = {Rather than being absolute, human freedom is relative because human situation and condition limits it. Also relative is press freedom. History of press in Indonesia recorded that press freedom is experienced once more by Indonesian people after the 1998 reform. At implementation level, there are numerous debates on the definition of freedom. This research attempts to analyze autonomous and dynamics press freedom in Indonesia as observed from Erich Fromm's perspective. This research is a qualitative research on philosophical problem analyzed by means of historical-factual approach. Research result indicates that autonomous and dynamic press can be achieved through two actions. First, opposing the parties who prevent press from becoming themselves. Second, developing the >culture< of rationality, i.e. accustoming the press to develop their common sense to reach each of their realistic point.}, language = {en} } @article{Svitak, author = {Svit{\´a}k, Ivan}, title = {As Fontes do Humanismo Socialista}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 35-49.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 35-49.}, language = {pt} } @article{Svitak, author = {Svit{\´a}k, Ivan}, title = {Le origini dell'umanesimo socialista}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 31-43.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 31-43.}, language = {it} } @article{Svitak, author = {Svit{\´a}k, Ivan}, title = {Las fuentes del humanismo socialista}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 34-46.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 34-46.}, language = {es} } @article{Svitak, author = {Svit{\´a}k, Ivan}, title = {The Sources of Socialist Humanism (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 033-047.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 033-047.}, language = {ja} } @article{Szawara, author = {Szawara, Weronika}, title = {Wizerunek buddyzmu w tw{\´o}rczości Ericha Fromma [The Image of Buddhism in the Works of Erich Fromm], Thesis (unspecified), Philosophy, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krak{\´o}w, Poland 2018.}, abstract = {Tematyka pracy podejmuje kwestię recepcji buddyzmu w zachodnim kręgu kulturowym. W swojej analizie skoncentrowałam się szczeg{\´o}łowo na tym, jaki pogląd na buddyzm przedstawia XX wieczny psycholog, filozof i psychoanalityk - Erich Fromm. W pracy przybliżyłam kolejno spos{\´o}b, w jaki prezentował myśl buddyjską Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, jeden z najważniejszych jej popularyzator{\´o}w na Zachodzie, jaki był światopogląd i dążenia Ericha Fromma, oraz wreszcie, jaki wizerunek buddyzmu w swojej tw{\´o}rczości przedstawił. Celem tej analizy było zbadanie, jaki obraz buddyzmu utrwalił się w świadomości zachodniej, jakie stawiano wobec tego wschodniego systemu oczekiwania, kt{\´o}re jego elementy uważano za najbardziej atrakcyjne i były najbardziej eksponowane, kt{\´o}re zaś odrzucano. W mojej pracy ważna jest kategoria orientalizmu, problematyka koncentruje się właśnie wok{\´o}ł tego zjawiska, jednakże temat jest istotny r{\´o}wnież z punktu widzenia badań nad historią tzw. >trzeciej linii przekazu< myśli buddyjskiej.}, language = {pl} } @article{TabakMusić, author = {Tabak, Krešimir and Musić, Ivica}, title = {Plemstvo duha u filozofiji Ericha Fromma [The Nobility of Spirit in the Philosophy of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Vol. 14, No. 21 (2019), pp. 61-79. [Online ISSN 2303-7431] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/335518]}, journal = {Hum: časopis Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Vol. 14, No. 21 (2019), pp. 61-79. [Online ISSN 2303-7431] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/335518]}, abstract = {U intelektualnome diskursu 20. stoljeća umnost kao univerzalnu kategoriju umnogome je zamijenila njezina instrumentalna inačica. U spomenutome stoljeću prevladava distopijska misao koja u život suvremenoga čovjeka unosi nihilizam i apsurd. Univerzalne životne vrijednosti kao vezivno tkivo civilizacije, ideal koji je bio trajno prisutan u povijesti ljudskoga roda, u suvremenome dobu više nisu na istaknutome mjestu. Unatoč tim nepovoljnim okolnostima svojim stvaralaštvom pojedini filozofi odgovorit će na moderne izazove i pokazati postojanje vrijednosti bez kojih civilizacija ne može opstati. Značajnik koji je afirmativno promišljao o životu i tragao za alternativom postojećemu stanju bio je i Erich Fromm. U radu se njegov esencijalizam povezuje s naširoko poznatim i primjenjivanim pojmom >plemstvo duha<. Također se opisuje Frommova kritika kapitalizma i socijalizma kao neodgovarajućih društvenih sustava. Modernoj stvarnosti koja se drži svijetom bez alternative u radu se suprotstavlja Frommova vizija ideala ljudske prirode, odnosno tip karaktera kojemu će biti cilj rast i razvoj svih čovjekovih mogućnosti. Među najvrjednije ljudske mogućnosti ubrajaju se produktivno mišljenje i produktivna ljubav. Najviši oblik produktivnosti pripisuje se revolucionarnomu karakteru, odnosno životnoj orijentaciji koja se identificira s čovječanstvom, rabi univerzalna mjerila te gaji sklonost i ljubav za život. Na kraju se zaključuje kako se bez duhovne plemenitosti ne može održati ni vizija zreloga života.}, language = {mul} } @article{Tanaka, author = {Tanaka, Tsunemi}, title = {エーリッヒ・フロム「自己実現」論の成立と構成 [On the Genetic Process and Construction of Erich Fromm's Theory of >Self-Realization<]}, series = {教育哲学研究 [Studies in the Philosophy of Education], No. 42, pp. 1-19. [doi.org/10.11399/kyouikutetsugaku1959.1980.42_1]}, journal = {教育哲学研究 [Studies in the Philosophy of Education], No. 42, pp. 1-19. [doi.org/10.11399/kyouikutetsugaku1959.1980.42_1]}, abstract = {(1) Erich Fromm's theory of >self-realization< has developed through the process of critical examination into S. Freud's biological-deterministic rationale and his own cultural-deterministic one in his early works, and it consequently includes both of these factors as the vital components. (2) In his theory, therefore, a human-being is regarded as an existence who can realize his own primary potentialities to be for himself only through his self-determining, spontaneous-productive activities as the responses or re-actions to his biological/socio-cultural determinants. In this sense, man's self-realization is the very process of such productive re-activities. (3) The essential point of the controversial issues between Fromm and the other members of the >Frankfurt School<-Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse-is concerned with the objective possibility of self-realization within the real context of the present society. However, Fromm's rebuttal against their negative arguments concerning his self-deterministic rationale seems to be insufficient so far as I know. (4) In his theory, the possibility of self-realization is based on his >faith< -or >paradoxical hope< -n human nature inherently having potential powers and strivings for self-realization within itself. By this faith, his practical efforts in psychiatry and his own self-realization have been supported and, at the same time, the faith itself has also been verified through these experiences. (5) Thus, we can grasp the innate construction of Fromm's theory of self-realization as follows. a) His theory is based on the self-deterministic rationale on man's personality. b) But the biological/cultural determinisms are still alive, because in his theory man's self-realization is regarded as the process which is constructed only through his productive re-activities to his own biological/socio-cultural determinants. c) His self-deterministic rationale is founded on the above-mentioned >faith<. In other words, the theory of self-realization is the very product of this faith. (6) The essential process of what is called >self-formation< (Selbst-bildung) in educational philosophy can be identified with the self-realization through man's spontaneous-productive re-activities.}, language = {ja} } @article{Sznajderski, author = {Sznajderski, Tadeusz}, title = {Ericha Fromma koncepcja człowieka jako podmiotu miłości [Erich Fromm's Concept of Man as the Subject of Love]}, series = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, journal = {Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria, Vol. 29, No. 3 (2020), pp. 133-143. [doi.org/10.24425/pfns.2020.133980]}, abstract = {The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.}, language = {pl} } @misc{Taifouri, author = {Taifouri, Mohamed}, title = {Review Adil El Hasani: Bekenntnisse eines Ex-Dschihadisten. Wie wird ein Mensch zum Dschihadisten? {\"U}bersetzt aus dem Arabischen ins Englische von Chris Somes-Charlton; deutsche {\"U}bersetzung: Peter Lammers}, series = {https://de.qantara.de/inhalt/bekenntnisse-eines-ex-dschihadisten-wie-wird-ein-mensch-zum-dschihadisten}, journal = {https://de.qantara.de/inhalt/bekenntnisse-eines-ex-dschihadisten-wie-wird-ein-mensch-zum-dschihadisten}, language = {de} } @misc{Tang, author = {Tang, Youhua}, title = {On Erich Fromm's Human Existence Philosophy, Master thesis, Philosophy, Southwest University, Chongqing, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27684/d.cnki.gxndx.2023.001231]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Erich Fromm's concern for human existence is an important part in the construction of his social critical theory. His philosophy of existence originated from his early growth experience, including the theory of social character, the thinking of human existence requirements, the examination of human's lifestyles. And the suggestions on how persons can move towards a well existence after the categorization. Searching on Erich Fromm's philosophy of existence from a holistic perspective will help us clarify the value orientation and theoretical vision of Erich Fromm's social criticism, and help us to build the panorama of Erich Fromm's philosophy. Although Erich Fromm's theoretical construction is not perfect, his belief in our ability to achieve a better life can inspire us to move forward.- Firstly, Erich Fromm's early growth experience exposed him to psychoanalytic and Marxist theories, and focused his perspective on human survival. After joining the Frankfurt Institute, the research on the mental and psychological conditions of Weimar German manual workers and white collar workers, which he presided over, provided empirical support for his social criticism theory, and also inspired him to propose a theory of social character, thereby promoting the birth of Escape from Freedom. He connected the thoughts of Freud and Marx with humanism, and paid more attention to human existence. He firmly believed that people can continuously develop to a good life.- Secondly, psychoanalytic theory influenced Erich Fromm's focus on human survival needs. He found that human existence needs are divided into two categories, one is the existence needs brought about by human natural nature, and the other is the existence needs brought about by human social nature. With the constraints of the existence needs of man's natural nature, man has also evolved a developed mind in an attempt to surpass himself. The need of human social nature also stems from this transcendence. At the same time, the development of the human brain promotes the emergence of human rationality. Rationality is both sides now, which brings human beings the ability to self-reflect, making them not satisfied with the harmonious and stable state of nature at present, and constantly changing themselves; however, it has also caused mankind to remain in an unbalanced state, resulting in a contradiction in human existence, namely, the antinomy between life and death and its historical contradiction. Based on this contradiction, people have generated the need for social existence, which can be divided into five aspects: relevance, transcendence, root-seeking, sense of identity, and orientation and dedication to alleviate the pain caused by this contradiction. In addition to the existence needs brought about by human natural and social natures, the personality generated by human beings in society also has an impact on the existence needs. This is manifested in two aspects, namely, non-productive orientation and productive orientation. The former is the personality generated by alienated people when facing society, while the latter is the personality displayed by genuine people when facing society and realizing themselves. Non-productive orientation can be divided into four categories: acceptance orientation, exploitation orientation, hoarding orientation, and market orientation. The productive orientation, or creative orientation, is centered on >love<. Compared to non-productive orientation, productive orientation can meet the needs of positive communication with the world, demonstrate one's individuality, and achieve one's own development.- Furthermore, after paying attention to human survival needs, the alienation thought of Marxist theory prompted Erich Fromm to pay attention to human's lifestyle. He divided the way people live in life into two categories: having and being. The alienated lifestyle with having is aimed at possession, and the experience of re possession is constantly trying to obtain something that can be endowed with value; fear, fear oneself not having more. Due to the endless possession, they find it difficult to overcome the spiritual dilemma that possession brings to themselves. The lifestyle of being that breaks away from alienation and focuses on the development of existence is the goal. The survival exper+J35622ience of existence is to obtain what can truly enrich and develop oneself. They do not focus on what they have obtained, but on what they have obtained from it. Through the actions of obtaining, they continuously develop to achieve their own realization. Therefore, those who focus on their own re existence can actively develop themselves and move towards true happiness. On his analysis, Erich Fromm proposed an idea of how to turn to a being lifestyle of life. As long as people themselves can know that they are suffering, recognize the root causes of suffering, find ways to eliminate suffering, and change their existence lifestyle, there is hope that they will emerge from the spiritual dilemma of having. The process of individuals turning to new people needs to be accompanied by social changes and the emergence of a new society, but it is also necessary to be prepared to practice the >art of being< Erich Fromm clarified four obstacles that affect the art of practicing existence, namely, >flashiness, gossip, (believing) gain without payments, and avoiding pain<. Five methods for cultivating the art of being are proposed, namely, >unswerving, sober, conscious, focused, and thoughtful<. Individuals are ready to become new people, and with the emergence of a new society, they can move from the alienated self to the true >I am who I am<.- From Erich Fromm's analysis of human existence needs and lifestyles, we can see his deep and humanistic concern for human existence. However, his concerns are not comprehensive. Erich Fromm focused on the generality of human personality, while ignoring the uniqueness of human beings; focusing on the individual existence of human beings, while ignoring the interactive behavior with others. Erich Fromm's division of human existence lifestyles, limited by his proposed functional possession and possible egoistic explanations of being, is not very successful. This paper also proposes an idea to solve these two aspects of problems, in order to improve his theory of human existence. There is a view that Erich Fromm's philosophy of existence is an interesting combination of psychoanalytic models and existential philosophy. Although the field of psychology has not developed a school of existentialism, Sartre's >Existentialism is a Humanism< provides argument support for this view. It can be found that Erich Fromm's philosophy of existence can meet the >existential humanism<, and naturally it is also existential. From the perspective of existentialism, Erich Fromm's philosophy of existence recognizes that existence precedes essence, advocates the essence of time, upholds humanitarianism, recognizes human freedom and responsibility, focuses on human authenticity, and considers human morality; showing the light of existentialism. In short, Erich Fromm's concern for human existence is profound and full of Humanism. And hopes and expectations for people also float on paper to inspire us to live better. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024]}, language = {zh} } @article{Takizawa, author = {Takizawa, Shigeo}, title = {Creation of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy - Changed from the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society}, series = {Biophilia [バイオフィリア], No. 19 (2018), p. 9. [doi.org/10.14813/ibra.2018.9]}, journal = {Biophilia [バイオフィリア], No. 19 (2018), p. 9. [doi.org/10.14813/ibra.2018.9]}, abstract = {We implemented research of >surveillance study for independence and Improvement in ADL of the fracture of the femur patient by a welfare device >by the Association for Technical Aids in 2000< and >Research investigation about the upper-limbs training combined with lift device development for Motivative exercise, Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation, 2001<. Through those study by the national grants, the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society was born again as the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy (hereafter BRA). We explore the mechanism, spread the new rehabilitation method, and enable them to do by anyone who learned it. The purpose of the BRA is, i) to study a new rehabilitation method in order to live for the disabled elderly independently and the physical ability improved by overcoming impairment, ii) to explore the mechanism, to spread the new rehabilitation method, and to enable them to do by anyone who learned it, and iii) to study the influence on the social economy by independence acquirement for them. The source of biophilia which we used is preface of the Revolution of Hope which U.S. philosopher Erich Fromm wrote. The preface of a source is shown below: Appealing to the love for life (biophilia) that still exists in many of us. Only through full awareness of the danger to life can this potential be mobilized for action capable of bringing about drastic changes in our way of organizing society. Not that the author optimistic about the chances of success; but he believes that one cannot think in terms of percentages or probabilities as long as there is a real possibility even a slight one that life will prevail. The predecessor of BRA, the 21st Century Rehabilitation Research Society studied to confirm the fact as a medical fact that the 30\% of bedridden elderly became a walk possible, as a result of performing Takizawa Method rehabilitation. Japanese have been promoted and allowed to live on the others' care and to be admitted to a hospital if one needed care due to a cerebrovascular disorder, fracture and/or else by their kindness. The Japanese pension system of the current disbursement approach seems to be a pyramid investment organization. If the newer members increase in number, the earlier members gain more money. The Baby boomers increased in the population of workers' number and was a kind of the newer members for paying. If the public pension maintains the present system, it would be bankrupted by increasing old baby boomers who receive money in number and descendants as newer members decrease in number by the lower birthrate. The increase in care related people and in the medical expenses by aging (social security expenditure 2025 prediction 207 trillion yen/216 trillion-yen gross pay in whole Japan) would hit baby boomers directly, and it becomes impossible and to live peacefully in Japanese tenderness like the former lifestyle. Therefore, we consider that >the heart and will which he continues hope to live as human just when it becomes a disabled person< are important. The author titled our study group >biophilia< which represented it and got all the members' approval. We introduced the studies of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy, which was evolved from this way in 2002.}, language = {en} } @article{Takizawa, author = {Takizawa, Shigeo}, title = {To Establish the New Civilization for the Solution of the Aging crisis}, series = {Biophilia [バイオフィリア], Vol. 1, No. 2 (2002), pp. 35-37. [doi.org/10.14813/ibra.1.2_35]}, journal = {Biophilia [バイオフィリア], Vol. 1, No. 2 (2002), pp. 35-37. [doi.org/10.14813/ibra.1.2_35]}, abstract = {An etymology of a biophilia is Latin and is also mentioned with the instinct of the preservation of race as defined in Japanese-English dictionaries, in American dictionaries it is defined as an appreciation for life. And also bio is life and philia is love in Greek. The preface of >The Revolution of Hope< as described by Erich Fromm who is an American philosopher is a reference for biophilia. He described >The love of life< which exists in most of us is a latent power that is mobilized and whose behavior can change and can bring about change when life is threatened by danger and is fully recognized.}, language = {en} } @article{Tang, author = {Tang, Daocheng}, title = {My Perspective on Taking over as a Substitute Homeroom Teacher at a Rural Junior High School [农村初中中途接替班主任工作之我见]}, series = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, journal = {Policy and Scientific Consult, No. 12 (2012, p. 17.}, abstract = {笔者从事多年班主任工作,曾几次在八年级下期或九年级上期等接替班主任工作。接班时,我深知如果班主任工作艺术不略胜一筹,学生是很难服你。那么,我是如何做好这一接替工作的呢?通过实践和总结,下面谈谈我的几点看法。一、关爱是本,诚恳在心关爱是本:弗洛姆在《爱的艺术》中指出:>爱是对所爱对象的生命和成长的积极关心。< 哪里缺少这种积极关心,哪里 …}, language = {zh} } @misc{Terelmešova, author = {Terelmešov{\´a}, Dagmar}, title = {Teorie agresivity např{\´i}č obory [The Theory of Aggression across Disciplines], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2012, 58 pp.}, abstract = {The aim of my paper is to introduce individual theories of aggression, which are divided according to the factors having influence on human aggressive behaviour and acting. Basically, the literature is chosen from the works of Erich Fromm, Sigmund Freud and Konrad Lorenz. This choice enabled to divide the issue into three basic areas, that is: biological, psychological and philosophical ones. All three areas are elaborated further by the issue of the child aggression origin, in subchapters. The impact of aggression on society is also emphasized by Hannah Arendt, who is trying to specify roots of social aggression, and is looking for individual and social responsibility for aggression. The theory, derived from those researches plus from subsequent modern psychological concept, attempts to reveal causes of aggression. Easier understanding of aggression causes would enable to influence or eliminate factors causing/strengthening aggression, either caused by society or by ourselves. Such understanding is the aim of all scientists, who sacrificed their lives to research of aggression, a phenomenon so dangerous for human beings.}, language = {pl} } @article{TaylorMendes, author = {Taylor, Cristiane Romero and Mendes, Dayse}, title = {Entre o ter e o ser competitivo}, series = {Revista da FAE (Curitiba, Brasil), Vol. 3, No. 3 (2000), pp. 47-59. [Online ISSN 2447-2735] [revistafae.fae.edu/revistafae/article/view/510/405]}, journal = {Revista da FAE (Curitiba, Brasil), Vol. 3, No. 3 (2000), pp. 47-59. [Online ISSN 2447-2735] [revistafae.fae.edu/revistafae/article/view/510/405]}, abstract = {Este artigo discute a adocao de pacotes gerenciais a partir da ilustracao de dois casos de implantacao de qualidade total por empresas paranaenses, buscando-se levantar uma hipotese explicativa para o fenomeno da implantacao de modelos administrativos sem a necessaria adequacao e sem a devida observ{\^a}ncia das caracteristicas das organizacoes. Tal discussao fundamenta-se na tese de Erich Fromm (1987) acerca do homem contempor{\^a}neo e dos reveses do industrialismo, em que se encontra uma predomin{\^a}ncia do ter sobre o ser.}, language = {pt} } @article{Teising, author = {Teising, Martin}, title = {Selbstbestimmung zwischen Wunsch und Illusion. Eine psychoanalytische Sicht}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 048-060.}, volume = {d28/2024d}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 048-060.}, language = {de} } @article{Teo, author = {Teo, Thomas}, title = {Subjectivity and work: Critical-theoretical reflections}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 39-44.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 39-44.}, abstract = {Because psychology lacks a comprehensive theory of subjectivity that accounts for the entanglement of the social, cultural, historical, interpersonal, and personal, relevant elements for a theory of subjectivity are identified and presented. An important dimension for a theory of subjectivity is the reality of living everyday life, which includes working, relating, as well as self-processes. However, traditional psychology, including philosophical psychology, has neglected the role of work in mental life. It is argued that it is insufficient to address interaction and relationality or internal processes in the development of a theory subjectivity. Using Hannah Arendt's and Nancy Fraser's distinctions, it is argued that political-philosophical reflections on work remain important for understanding subjectivity. Consequences for an approach that includes work in a theory of subjectivity are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Taufik, author = {Taufik, Ahmad}, title = {Agama dalam Kehidupan Individu [Religion in Individual life]}, series = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, journal = {Edification, Vol. 1, No. 01. (2019), pp. 57-67. [media.neliti.com/media/publications/294850-agama-dalam-kehidupan-individu-debb02ed.pdf]}, abstract = {Religion as a form of human belief in something supernatural or supernatural turns out to be as if accompanying humans in the broad scope of life. Religion has values for human life as people per person and in relation to social life. Besides that religion also has an impact on everyday life. The influence of religion in an individual's life is to give inner stability, feeling of happiness, feeling of protection, a sense of success and satisfaction. This positive feeling will further be a motivator to do religion in the life of an individual besides being a motivation and ethical value is also hope.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Tao, author = {Tao, Jia}, title = {Alienation, Indeterminacy and Fragmentation in Kurt Vonnegut's >Cat's Cradle<, Master thesis, World Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007) is a prominent American writer. As a soldier surviving the World War II, he is exceptionally concerned about the society in wartime and the future of human beings. This thesis takes Vonnegut's fourth novel >Cat's Cradle< published in 1963 as the research subject. Through the portrayal of the major characters - Dr. Felix Hoenikker and his three children, Dr. Asa Breed and Jonah, the novel exposes a series of social issues such as the misuse of science and technology, religious nihilism, and man's alienation. Based upon Ihab Hasan's postmodernism theory and Eric Fromm's alienation theory, this study aims at interpreting the creative features of >Cat's Cradle< from three aspects: alienation, indeterminacy and Fragmentation through analyzing the content and the form. Simultaneously, the research tries to dig out Vonnegut's writing intention, which is to break the scientism and religious nihilism and arouse man's courage and wisdom of facing up to life. Chapter One begins with a brief introduction to Kurt Vonnegut's life and his works, pointing out that Cat's Cradle is worth studying due to its experimental writing style and concern for the social reality. Then, the significance and the layout of the study are indicated.- Chapter Two introduces and analyzes the previous studies on >Cat's Cradle< at home and abroad, through which the writer finds it necessary to study the textual and practical significance of >Cat's Cradle< in postmodern context. The theoretical framework of the thesis includes Ihab Hassan's postmodernism viewpoints and Erich Fromm's theory of alienation.- Chapter Three draws on Fromm's alienation view and Hasan's self-less-ness and depth-less-ness view, pointing out that alienated people in postmodern society often lose their human nature, and nihility and absurdity are the main features of human beings. Through the analysis of the main characters in the novel such as Dr. Hoenikker, Dr. Asa Breed, Dr. Hoenikker's children and narrator Jonah, Vonnegut's depiction of the absurdity and indifference in human nature is exposed.- Chapter Four discusses the characteristic of indeterminacy embodied in >Cat's Cradle< from the aspects of identity and theme. It not only analyzes the importance of indeterminacy in highlighting the author's writing intention, but also denotes that indeterminacy has permeated into the thoughts and actions of people living in postmodern society. Vonnegut's concerns and worries about the instability of postmodern society are also demonstrated.- Deriving from the postmodernism literary feature of Fragmentation, Chapter Five tries to dig out the significance of fragmentation in realizing the author's writing intention and subverting the creation of traditional novels. Meanwhile, the adoption of Fragmentation insinuates the chaotic and disordered state of postmodern society.- Chapter Six summarizes the main content of this thesis, indicating the importance of Vonnegut's excellent writing skills in exposing social reality problems, and inspiring the public to think and act positively for the survival and development of postmodern society and human beings. >Cat's Cradle< presents a moral tragedy in a comedy way. It is novel in plot, clever in conception and rich in theme, therefore, it is popular among readers and worthy of further study by scholars. In addition, Vonnegut's profound reflection on history and serious concern for reality greatly inspire readers all over the world. Therefore, this book is not only a classic literary work worthy of study, but also a novel with paramount practical significance. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Taylor, author = {Taylor, Barbara}, title = {Enlightenment and the Uses of Woman}, series = {History Workshop Journal, Vol. 74, No. 1 (Autumn 2012), pp. 79-87.}, journal = {History Workshop Journal, Vol. 74, No. 1 (Autumn 2012), pp. 79-87.}, abstract = {In 1937 Theodor Adorno, in a letter to Erich Fromm, described women as exemplars of commodity fetishism, >agents of the commodity in society<. Adorno wanted Fromm to join him in a study of the invidious psycho-social effects of this phenomenon. Fromm did not respond to this invitation, possibly because his own views on women were diametrically opposed to Adorno's. To Fromm, women were not agents of capitalist corruption but avatars of altruism, their nurturing qualities providing models for socialist morality. These polarized images of women have their roots in Enlightenment gender theory. This essay outlines the myths of Woman promulgated by Enlightenment intellectuals, in particular the Janus-faced doctrine of 'female influence' that dominated eighteenth-century writings on women, which portrayed them simultaneously as acquisitive hedonists and as paragons of self-sacrificial benevolence.}, language = {en} } @article{Tauss, author = {Tauss, Martin}, title = {Erich Fromm: Hohelied des Humanen. Gesellschaftskritik und Lebenskunst: Warum das Werk des humanistischen Psychoanalytikers heute h{\"o}chst aktuell ist}, series = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, journal = {Die Furche, Wien 12. M{\"a}rz 2020.}, abstract = {Grenzg{\"a}nger haben es oft schwer, da sie sich zwischen den St{\"u}hlen einen Platz suchen m{\"u}ssen. Das galt auch f{\"u}r Erich Fromm, heute bekannt als einer der bedeutendsten Humanisten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine intellektuelle Biografie bewegt sich zun{\"a}chst zwischen der Frankfurter Schule und der Psychoanalyse ...}, language = {de} } @article{Textor, author = {Textor, Martin R.}, title = {Haben oder Sein. Vor 45 Jahren erschien das wegweisende Buch von Erich Fromm}, series = {M. R. Textor and A. Bostelmann (Eds.), Das Kita-Handbuch, 2021. https://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/fachartikel/paedagogik/haben-oder-sein}, journal = {M. R. Textor and A. Bostelmann (Eds.), Das Kita-Handbuch, 2021. https://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/fachartikel/paedagogik/haben-oder-sein}, language = {de} } @article{Tetep, author = {Tetep,}, title = {Menggali Nilai-Nilai Karakter Sosial dalam Meneguhkan Kembali Jati Diri Ke-Bhineka-an Bangsa Indonesia [Exploring Social Character Values in Reaffirming the Diversity of the Indonesian Nation]}, series = {Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Kewarganegaraan III, 11 November 2017, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2017, pp. 372-379. [Online ISSN 2599-008X] [eprints.uad.ac.id/9928/1/372-379\%20Tetep.pdf}}, journal = {Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Kewarganegaraan III, 11 November 2017, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2017, pp. 372-379. [Online ISSN 2599-008X] [eprints.uad.ac.id/9928/1/372-379\%20Tetep.pdf}}, abstract = {Tantangan terbesar Bangsa Indonesia ke depan adalah mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI ini ditengah-tengah bermunculannya gejolak disintegrasi bangsa. Perlu ditegaskan kembali bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang majemuk dan kemajemukan bangsa ini telah melahirkan kebesaran dan kekokohan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang lahir berdasarkan kesepakatan para founding father negeri ini yang kemudian diwariskan kepada kita. Nilai-nilai kebhinekaan yang tertuang dalam lambang dan dasar negara kita telah banyak mengajarkan bahwa Indonesia bangsa yang majemuk sehingga perlu dijaga nilai-nilai kemajemukan melalui ikatan sosial kebangsaan atau kesalehan sosial. Upaya meneguhkan kembali jati diri ke-Bhineka-an Indonesia di tengahtengah gejolak disintegrasi bangsa saat ini bisa digali berbagai dimensi salah satunya membangun ikatan sosial melalui perwujudan karakter sosial dengan menularkan doktrin karakter sosial antara lain: >love (kasih saying), justice (keadilan), equality (kesamaan), and sacrifice (sikap rela berkorban)<. Bahwa konsepsi karakter sosial sejalan dengan nilai-nilai Falsafah Pancasila mengisyaratkan upaya memperkuat jati diri kemanusiawian. Menebarkan doktrin kasih sayang, sikap adil, persamaan dan sikap rela berkorban dapat menjaga nilai-nilai >human relationship<. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut bahwa nilai-nilai karakter sosial dapat digali dan dimplementasikan melalui pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi untuk meneguhkan kembali jati diri ke-Bhineka-an bagi bangsa Indonesia khususnya generasi muda mahasiswa agar memiliki kemampuan untuk hidup bersama dalam lingkungan sebayanya, orang tua dan lingkungan masyarakatnya secara luas.}, language = {mul} } @article{Thomas, author = {Thomas, Norman}, title = {Il socialismo umanista e il futuro}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 389-400.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 389-400.}, language = {it} } @article{Thomas, author = {Thomas, Norman}, title = {El socialismo humanista y el futuro}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 379-390.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 379-390.}, language = {es} } @article{Thadden, author = {Thadden, Elisabeth von}, title = {Ein Verteidiger des Menschen: Der Arzt, Philosoph und Anthropologe Thomas Fuchs. Rede auf den Preistr{\"a}ger}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 066-075.}, volume = {d28/2024f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 066-075.}, language = {de} } @article{Thomas, author = {Thomas, Norman}, title = {Socialismo Humanista e o Futuro}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 365-377.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 365-377.}, language = {pt} } @article{Thomas, author = {Thomas, Norman}, title = {Humanistic Socialism and the Future (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 123-133.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 123-133.}, language = {ja} } @article{Testa, author = {Testa, Enrico}, title = {Dentro la cultura del '68}, series = {Rinascita Settimanale, Roma (28. 3. 1980), pp. 33.}, journal = {Rinascita Settimanale, Roma (28. 3. 1980), pp. 33.}, language = {it} } @article{Thompson, author = {Thompson, Michael}, title = {The ontological structure of Erich Fromm's critical humanism. Paper of the special issue on >Humanistic transformation and its implications for psychoanalytic theory and therapy<}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 33 (No. 2, 2024), pp. xxx.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 33 (No. 2, 2024), pp. xxx.}, abstract = {This paper explores Erich Fromm's concept of humanism, arguing that it provides us with a unified theory for both clinical work as well as social criticism. Fromm's humanistic ideas are rooted in a structure of thought that sees our existence, our ontology as human beings, as constituted by our inherent capacities for both relatedness as well as positing ends and purposes in the world. By cultivating a self-awareness of these dual capacities, we can achieve a state of freedom, a self-consciousness of our capacity to shape our reality as opposed to conforming ourselves to it. In this way, Fromm's ideas constitute a critical humanism that can be realized in the world via self- and social transformation and not merely an abstract set of principles or concepts.}, language = {en} } @article{Titmuss, author = {Titmuss, Richard M.}, title = {La asistencia social y el arte de dar}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 410-417.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 410-417.}, language = {es} }