@article{LuoChen, author = {Luo, Songtao and Chen, Keyu}, title = {From Labor Alienation to Criticism of Existential Alienation - Based on Fromm's Thoughts on Marx's Humanism [从劳动异化到生存异化批判——基于弗洛姆对马克思人学思想的思考]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, abstract = {作为西方马克思主义中新弗洛伊德主义的代表,弗洛姆强调在西方人道主义传统中理解马克思的人学思想。在《马克思关于人的概念》一文中,弗洛姆深入解读了马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的>人的本质<和>异化劳动<这两个关键问题。针对现代西方资本主义社会中人的生存异化困境,弗洛姆沿着马克思批判异化劳动的思路,着重揭批了自由异化、爱的异化、消费异化等三种异化状况。弗洛姆的生存异化批判虽然发人深省,却仍带有非历史的抽象人性论色。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Jiaojiao}, title = {Alienation and Redemption in >The Goldfinch<, Master thesis, World Literature, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2023 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. [doi.org/10.27159/d.cnki.ghzsu.2023.000947]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Donna Tartt has published three novels all together. In 2014, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her masterpiece >The Goldfinch<. In this novel, alienation is ubiquitous: A terrorist attack causes irreparable harm to victims; there is widespread addiction to drugs and alcohol; relationships among people are alienated, either superficial and distorted or indifferent and apathetic; people worship art, freedom or money irrationally. People are belittled, objectified and deprived of love and conscience in a materialistic and egotistic society. In this novel, Donna Tartt condemns terrorism and explores the causes of alienation and the ways to overcome it which are scientific and reasonable according to Erich Fromm's theory of alienation which is the theoretical basis of this thesis. Many articles compare >The Goldfinch< with the works of famous writers like Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Some analyze the power or value of art or explore the question about the degree of freedom. And some praise the excellent writing skills and delicate expressions in the novel. This thesis focuses on manifestations and causes of alienation and ways to alleviate it, which have not been analyzed deeply yet.- This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces >The Goldfinch< and its author Donna Tartt and Erich Fromm and his alienation theory. This chapter also makes the literature review, analyzing related studies at home and abroad. The second chapter concerns the manifestations of alienation, including people's irrational worship of art, freedom or money, apathetic relationships between fathers and sons and between man and others, characters' Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and widespread addiction to drugs and alcohol. The third chapter explores causes of alienation in >The Goldfinch<, pointing out that it is materialism and egotism in capitalist society that lead to inferiority and objectification of man and disappearance of conscience and love under the guidance of Fromm's theory of alienation. The fourth chapter is about redemption in this novel in thought, action and feeling, proposing that to overcome alienation, man should wake up from stupor and pay more attention to human beings than to things as Hobie does to Theo and as Theo does to Mrs. Barbour, man should make right choices actively when selecting career and choosing between good and evil and man should relate himself to the world lovingly and artistically. All these ways can help people overcome alienation and get redemption according to Fromm's theory. Lastly, there is a conclusion of the whole thesis. This novel shows that productive love is the most important for people to develop and fulfill humanity, which is the ultimate weapon to overcome alienation. In front of alienation, people should not give up their self and humanity, but believe in their own life force and face everything bravely. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 2/2024]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Yuzhi}, title = {Loneliness and Recovery: A Study of Yiyun Li's Short Stories from the Perspective of Fromm's Neo-psychoanalysis, Master thesis, Chinese Literature, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Loneliness, as a universal sensation, has been a classic topic in literature for a long time. Yiyun Li, a new star in Chinese American literature, has published several short stories in The New Yorker, employing her upbringing memories in her motherland and English, the public language in a foreign land. The loneliness and plight of ordinaries against the profound epochal background have been the universal themes in her works and her humanistic and calm written style attracts readers' attention. At present, studies of Yiyun's short stories have concentrated on translation strategies, trauma, culture or multicultural, and Chinese characteristics. However, there is a lack of research on the theme of loneliness. In following six representative short stories, >A Thousand Years of Good Prayers< (2005), >A Flawless Silence<(2018), >Extra< (2005), >Gold Boy, Emerald Girl<(2010), >The Science of Flight< (2010), >A Small Flame< (2017), Yiyun Li portrays different kinds of loneliness with different characters in a psychological sense, which is a mirror reflection of the existential predicaments and spiritual dilemmas of modern people, highlighting the universal value of loneliness in literary criticism. The thesis will investigate the theme of loneliness in the six short stories mentioned above, integrating four key concepts on loneliness in Fromm's Neo-psychoanalytic theory: automation conformity, authoritarianism, the needs for love, and social unconsciousness to examine three types of loneliness in Li's writings, such as the aphasics, the marginal man, and the rootless people, to ascertain the association of loneliness among these three types of people, and then, to trace the origins of loneliness from the insane personality, the impotence to love, and the suppressed social unconscious. Therefore, the first key to recovering from loneliness is that individuals must confront and accept loneliness; secondly, they should employ spontaneous love to relieve loneliness; and finally, they could completely get rid of loneliness and make connections with the outside world through joint efforts. Li only depicts loneliness, leaving the question on how to dissipate it to readers. Notably, with her caring and warming kindness for her characters, she invites readers to think together and discuss the ways to cure loneliness. Therefore, from the perspective of Fromm's Neo-psychoanalytic criticism, the thesis offers guidance for the aphasics, the marginalized and the rootless to get beyond loneliness, and provides reference and insight for loneliness research in a contemporary social context. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Ma, author = {Ma, Huanie}, title = {Loneliness and Redemption——An Interpretation of >God Help the Child< from the Perspective of Fromm's View of Freedom [孤独与救赎——弗洛姆自由观视域下的《上帝救助孩子》解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, abstract = {《上帝救助孩子》是托妮·莫里森以美国当代社会为创作背景的文学作品,展示了美国当代社会各年龄、各阶层、各族裔民众孤独、焦虑的生存图景。文章以弗洛姆的自由观为理论视角,通过对比分析文本中人物逃避消极自由带来的自我救赎失败及追求积极而成功自我救赎的差异,揭示了创造性的爱与劳动是现代人重获自由,不必牺牲自我的完整性而恢复与自然及他人联结的唯一途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Luo, author = {Luo, Dongmei}, title = {The Complex Historical Context of Marx's Concept of Man [马克思关于人的概念的复杂历史脉络]}, series = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, journal = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, abstract = {以弗洛姆为代表的西方学者认为马克思人的概念是>本真性<的人自我演化的同一性过程,但是马克思关于人的概念是复杂的,它从>人的自我意识<的问题式转换为>人的社会类本质>的问题式,最后转换为一定历史的<现实的个人<的科学阐释。因此,在这种差别转换中,不存在始终如一的>本真性<的人的概念,也就是说这一概念在马克思那里不应简单当作某种自我深化、自我演化的同一性过程,而应理解成在特定历史交互语境之下不同问题式和话语实践的差异性转换。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Xuelian}, title = {A Probe into Fromm's Humanistic Thought, Master thesis, Ethics, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2021.}, abstract = {Fromm is an important representative of the Frankfurt School in the 20th century, as well as a well-known humanist philosopher and well-known humanist philosopher and psychoanalytic psychologist. The thought of Fromm's humanistic is based on the investigation of human nature and the analysis of the actual living conditions of human beings. He believes that the rapid development of economy and technology in Western capitalist society has also caused human alienation and social morbidity. On the basis of in-depth analysis and criticism of this, Fromm reveals the survival dilemma of modern people, and hopes to achieve human liberation through psychological revolution (>The Art of Loving< and social revolution (the establishment of a sound society). The article is divided into three parts. The first part is the analysis of the theoretical origins of Fromm's humanistic thought, mainly involving Freud's psychoanalysis, Marx's theory of alienation, the Frankfurt School's Critical theory, and the influence of Eastern Zen thought on him. The second part is the analysis of the main content of Fromm's humanistic thought, taking human nature of good and evil, and the multiple character structure of humans as the logical starting point, leading to the antinomy of existence, the psychological tendency to escape freedom, and the existence of reoccupied existence. In response to these contradictions, Fromm not only proposed to cultivate >new people< from the perspective of psychological revolution, that is, to cultivate creative love and productive personality, but also put forward the idea of overall social change in the fields of economy, politics, and culture, and advocated the establishment of a >new society< aiming at the full and free development of people. The third part is the analysis and evaluation of Fromm's humanistic thought, analyzing the influence of Fromm's thought in Frankfurt School, and interpreting the contemporary value of Fromm's humanistic thought. [English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Haben oder Sein: Leben statt Profit! Was mache ich aus dem, was die Gesellschaft aus mir macht?}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 51-105.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 51-105.}, language = {de} } @article{MadridCobos, author = {Madrid Cobos, Eduardo}, title = {La alteridad del eros en >La voz a ti debida<}, series = {Epos, Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 243-264. [Online ISSN 2255-3495] [revistas.uned.es/index.php/EPOS/article/view/17351/14810]}, journal = {Epos, Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 243-264. [Online ISSN 2255-3495] [revistas.uned.es/index.php/EPOS/article/view/17351/14810]}, abstract = {La obra m{\´a}s conocida de Pedro Salinas (1891-1951), La voz a ti debida (1933) ha susci¬tado siempre gran inter{\´e}s por el desdoblamiento de identidades, tanto del >yo< del poeta como del >t{\´u}< de la amada. En otros trabajos se ha hablado de una b{\´u}squeda de trascendencia en el amor, pero de manera individual y narcisista, por acarrear la invenci{\´o}n de la amada en los pensamientos del poeta. Con publicaciones de fil{\´o}sofos de {\´e}poca actual, como Erich Fromm y Byung-Chul Han, se intenta justificar que el amor que deja ver Salinas en sus versos no es narcisista sino ideal.}, language = {es} } @article{Machalek, author = {Mach{\´a}lek, V{\´i}t}, title = {Humanistick{\´a} psychologie jako sekularizovan{\´a} teologie [Humanist Psychology as Secularized Theology?]}, series = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, journal = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, abstract = {The aim of this article is to evaluate quasi-religious elements in humanist psychology with a special focus on Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. The study analyses concepts which may be denoted as a secularized >humanist theology<. It refers to the fact that the authors of those concepts were originally connected with the Jewish or Christian faith and after their apostasy radically reinterpreted it or replaced it with a new religion. The humanist >cult of self-worship< explicitly or implicitly locates godhood into man and at the same time excludes the possibility of a personal relationship between man and God. The rise of this new religiosity connected with sacralised psychology was paradoxically made also easy by certain forms of modern Jewish and Christian thinking.}, language = {mul} } @article{Maciel, author = {Maciel, Fabr{\´i}cio}, title = {A patologia da normalidade: Erich Fromm e a cr{\´i}tica da cultura capitalista contempor{\^a}nea [The pathology of normalcy: Erich Fromm and the critique of contemporary capitalist culture]}, series = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, journal = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, abstract = {Resumo Neste artigo, procuro problematizar a cr{\´i}tica de Erich Fromm {\`a} cultura do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Para tanto, fa{\c{c}}o uma releitura especialmente, mas n{\~a}o apenas, de uma de suas principais obras maduras, o livro Psican{\´a}lise da sociedade contempor{\^a}nea (>The Sane Society<), no qual o autor sedimenta seu projeto anal{\´i}tico de uma >psican{\´a}lise humanista<. Na primeira parte o artigo reconstr{\´o}i, atrav{\´e}s da ideia de >patologia da normalidade<, a cr{\´i}tica de Fromm aos fundamentos culturais do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Na segunda parte, a reconstru{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\´e} levada adiante atrav{\´e}s dos conceitos de >car{\´a}ter socialaliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o<, de modo a compreender como o capitalismo tardio do s{\´e}culo XX aprofunda, como nunca antes, uma cultura anti-humanista. Na conclus{\~a}o, procuro argumentar como a obra de Fromm pode ser de grande valia para a compreens{\~a}o dos problemas tanto individuais quanto coletivos da atualidade.}, language = {pt} } @article{Maciąg, author = {Maciąg, Anna}, title = {Obca praca, obce >ja<, obcy b{\´o}g - wybrane aspekty teorii alienacji w okresie od XVIII wieku do wsp{\´o}łczesności [Alien work, alien self, alien god - chosen aspects of alienation theory from the XVIII century to present times]}, series = {Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2017), pp. 91-102.}, journal = {Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2017), pp. 91-102.}, abstract = {The work is a critical analysis of writings of theoreticians dealing with alienation theory from the late eighteenth to the twentieth century. While in Karl Marx's theory the focus is on alienation of a man from the product of his work and work itself, other forms of the concept play an important role in fields like history, sociology, philosophy and psychology. Before Marx, the idea appeared in the writings of Rousseau, where it was understood as a result of human distance from nature. Hegel interpreted it as a sort of alienated reality that only man can assimilate. Feuerbach, on the other hand, believed that man alienates from a part of himself by creating the idea of God. Fromm and the Frankfurt School drew from Marx's writings, but for them the alienation was more about the mental sphere and it meant the alienation of the man from himself.}, language = {pl} } @article{Maddox, author = {Maddox, Chris G.}, title = {Individual Psychology and Logotherapy: Facing the Challenge of the 21st Century}, series = {Self \& Society, Vol. 30, No. 5 (2002), pp. 28-38. [Online ISSN 2374-5355] [doi.org/10.1080/03060497.2002.11086174]}, journal = {Self \& Society, Vol. 30, No. 5 (2002), pp. 28-38. [Online ISSN 2374-5355] [doi.org/10.1080/03060497.2002.11086174]}, abstract = {The evolution of dynamic psychology has been highly contradictory and uneven due in part to differences of emphasis and focus, and also due to philosophical and theoretical differences, which led to congruent and incongruent results between the respective schools. Now, especially with the new millennium, many are asking again whether in fact we should not go beyond the different schools towards a new sense of unity and purpose. Today there is a call for integration and a sense of common purpose, although how this is to be achieved is not clear. However, it has been argued that the introversion of a theory and the defence of its purity by its adherents will act as a brake on its growth and further development (John, 1998; Millar, 2000). The basis of any theory is always incomplete (Fromm, 1980) and consequently scientific progress must come as a result of open dialogue and debate for the benefit of all schools of psychology and psychotherapy. Classically, Adlerian psychology was founded upon a flexible and open-ended approach to the understanding of human nature. Orgler, for example, notes that Adler avoided offering a >rigid scheme< that could easily be copied by physicians and therapists (Orgler, 1973, p.167). And, regarding training, Orgler writes that >Adler demanded a thorough knowledge of other psychological schools, of philosophy and of pedagogy< (ibid, p.176).}, language = {en} } @article{Madsen, author = {Madsen, Ole Jacob}, title = {The Pathology of Modernity}, series = {Deconstructing Scandinavia's >Achievement Generation<, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2021, pp. 19-39. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-72555-6] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72555-6_2]}, journal = {Deconstructing Scandinavia's >Achievement Generation<, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2021, pp. 19-39. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-72555-6] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72555-6_2]}, abstract = {This chapter presents the psychological burden of living under modernity's law of gravitation as the defining focus of much continental philosophy and social science. Most Western philosophers with any self-respect have their own diagnoses of present-day society, intended to capture the essence of living in modernity. Key thinkers such as Nietzsche, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Freud, Adorno and Horkheimer, Fromm, Rieff, Eriksson and Mitscherlich gave their important contribution to individuation - the development of a unique self, socialization and subjectivation. Equally important is the question of failed individuation as these psychologists, sociologists and philosophers ask themselves whether modern man can manage without >God< and if the science-based Enlightenment's promise of secular happiness would hold water.}, language = {en} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {F{\"u}r eine friedliche Gesellschaft}, series = {Volksstimme, Sissach No. 117 (21. Oktober 2022).}, journal = {Volksstimme, Sissach No. 117 (21. Oktober 2022).}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Haben oder Sein: Leben statt Profit! Was mache ich aus dem, was die Gesellschaft aus mir macht?}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 103-131.}, volume = {d27/2023i}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 103-131.}, language = {de} } @misc{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Review R. Funk und H. Lechhab, Die Bedeutung Erich Fromms f{\"u}r die Gegenwart. Ein Interview}, series = {WOZ - Die Wochenzeitung, Z{\"u}rich, No. 11, 16. M{\"a}rz 2023, p. 20 Kultur/Wissen.}, journal = {WOZ - Die Wochenzeitung, Z{\"u}rich, No. 11, 16. M{\"a}rz 2023, p. 20 Kultur/Wissen.}, language = {de} } @misc{MaederAenishaenslin, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli and Aenish{\"a}nslin, Daniel}, title = {Der Preis passt zu meiner Arbeit. Interview von Daniel Aenish{\"a}nslin}, series = {Basler Zeitung, 21. M{\"a}rz 2022, Kultur und Gesellschaft, S. 17.}, journal = {Basler Zeitung, 21. M{\"a}rz 2022, Kultur und Gesellschaft, S. 17.}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Mut zum Aufbruch. Die 1990er-Jahre - aus soziologischer Sicht}, series = {Kultur- und Stadtmagazin Rheinfeld, Vol. 90 (September/Okgtober 2023, pp. 18-19.}, journal = {Kultur- und Stadtmagazin Rheinfeld, Vol. 90 (September/Okgtober 2023, pp. 18-19.}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Neue {\"o}kologische Bed{\"u}rfnisse mit neuen Sozial-Charakteren}, series = {Sozialalmanach 2024. Sozial{\"o}kologische Wende und Armut in der Schweiz, Luzern (Caritas-Verlag) 2024, pp. 143-156.}, journal = {Sozialalmanach 2024. Sozial{\"o}kologische Wende und Armut in der Schweiz, Luzern (Caritas-Verlag) 2024, pp. 143-156.}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Kapitalismus am Ende - ein neuer Sozial-Charakter?}, series = {Widerspruch. Beitr{\"a}ge zu sozialistischer Politik, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2023, pp. 13-23.}, journal = {Widerspruch. Beitr{\"a}ge zu sozialistischer Politik, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2023, pp. 13-23.}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Haben oder Sein: Leben statt Profit!}, series = {Das Denknetz, Z{\"u}rich No. 11, April 2022, pp. 24-25.}, journal = {Das Denknetz, Z{\"u}rich No. 11, April 2022, pp. 24-25.}, language = {de} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Vertrauen aufbauen}, series = {Neue Wege, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 117, No. 9 Vertrauen in der Krise, pp. 3-7.}, journal = {Neue Wege, Z{\"u}rich, Vol. 117, No. 9 Vertrauen in der Krise, pp. 3-7.}, language = {de} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Магия персонификации [The Magic of Personification]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 59, No. 8 (2013), pp. 721-725. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 59, No. 8 (2013), pp. 721-725. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Психика человека постоянно порождает процесс очеловечивания. На земле, в небесах и на море она усматривает присутствие образа человека. Вот почему, если исходить из общей антропологической теории, а не только из соображений, навеянных концептуальным осмыслением телевидения, на экране постоянно нужен человек. Никакая выгородка, никакая бутафория, никакое множество безличной информации не может заместить потребности видеть на мерцающем квадрате живое человеческое лицо. Такова магия персонификации... Автор показывает, что это не прихоть, а всепоглощающая страсть. Может быть, это вообще глубинная человеческая потребность, некое универсальное свойство хомо сапиенс. Но правомерно ли выделять только это качество? Ведь, возможно, есть и иные, не менее значимые? Многие философы, в том числе А. Шопенгауэр, К. Ясперс, Э. Фромм и другие, пытались осмыслить природу человеческих потребностей. В статье выделяются главные человеческие потребности. Потребность в выживании, самосохранении, продолжении рода, что и говорить - важное дело. Не станешь помышлять о персонификации, если над тобой нависла угроза голода, смерти, стихийного бедствия. Все правильно. Но инстинкт самосохранения заметен у каждого животного. Нужда в пище, сексуальность, по мнению Шопенгауэра, все это естественные склонности. Потребности эти не специфически человеческие.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {>О гнев любви, О ненависти нежнОсть< [>Oh, the Anger of Love and the Tenderness of Hatred<]}, series = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1549-1554. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1549-1554. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена философской экспертизе понятия >ненависть<. При этом ненависть рассматривается не только как индивидуальное чувство, но и как социальное явление. Автор озабочен разрастанием ненависти в мировом и отечественном пространстве и пытается показать, что этот грозный симптом чреват непоправимыми последствиями. В исследовании проводится анализ исторических бедствий, продиктованных кипящей ненавистью. Ненависть выступает как возбудитель общественных потрясений. Автор также задумывается над тем, как понизить градус взаимного неприятия, чтобы ненавистнические настроения не оставили после себя выжженное поле рассудочности, накипь дурных аффектов и не породили бы эффект бумеранга. Методы, использованные в статье, связаны с феноменологией социального мышления. Автор опирается на отдельные высказывания философов о ненависти, чтобы создать целостный, гештальтный портрет данного эмоционального состояния. Он использует также положения психоанализа об амбивалентности человеческих чувств, раскрывая вслед за Шекспиром гнев, который скрывается в любви, и нежность, служащую покровом любви. Новизна подхода заключается в том, что ни в философских, ни в этических словарях нет статей, специально посвящённых этому эмоциональному состоянию. Показано, что ненависть является неустранимой чертой человеческой природы. Опираясь на работы Сенеки, Ф. Ницше, Э. Фромма, Ж.-П. Сартра, а также примеры из мировой и отечественной истории, автор раскрывает различные грани данного феномена, его социальные, психологические и антропологические корни.}, language = {ru} } @article{GutierrezHerane, author = {Guti{\´e}rrez Herane, Lucio Alberto}, title = {Attempting a metapsychology for tele-copresence (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2210794)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 240-246.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 240-246.}, abstract = {The concepts of immersion and digital presence have been widely used in the human-computer interaction and virtual environment research fields and have been particularly valuable when it comes to a better understanding of tele-therapy, tele-analysis, and other forms of tele-linking. Using a metapsychological perspective, we will attempt a psychoanalytic interpretation of these phenomena. We will conceptualize them as hypnoid states that reflect a compromise between internal and external conditions, including specific defensive mechanisms and psychic dynamics. This conceptualization will be applied to the tele-analytic situation and other relevant fields of application.}, language = {en} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Трeхчленная модель личности Вильгельма Раиха [Three-term Personality Model of Wilhelm Reich]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1137-1141. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 11 (2014), pp. 1137-1141. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, abstract = {О психоаналитическом наследии В. Райха написано немало: проанализированы его взгляды на бессознательное, отмечен его взгляд на телесную терапию и представлены возможности телесно-ориентированного психоанализа. Исследователи отмечали также вклад Райха в теорию характеров. Райх видел огромный потенциал здоровья в спонтанных обнаружениях психики. Однако до сих пор не выявлен социальный смысл его учения. В годы, когда он стал приобретать известность, классический психоанализ уже постепенно уступал место неофрейдизму. К. Хорни и Э. Фромм обратили особое внимание на роль социальных факторов в диагностике и лечении пациентов. Они критиковали фрейдизм за игнорирование социальных и культурных факторов в формировании личности. Приверженцы классического психоанализа, обороняясь, упрекали неофрейдистов в принижении роли внутрипсихических и биологических факторов развития индивида. В. Райх остался в стороне от этих направлений. Однако ему принадлежит интересная по замыслу трехчленная модель личности. Автор статьи опирается на методы социальной психологии, которая позволяет выявить роль социального окружения в распознавании невротических симптомов. Вместе с тем при анализе учитывается методы исторического рассмотрения проблемы. В частности, учение Райха помещается в контекст того периода истории психоанализа, когда классический психоанализ постепенно замещается неофрейдизмом. Новизна подхода к теме связана с рассмотрением трёхчленной модели личности В. Райха. Данная модель указывает на приоритетность Райха в выдвижении социально-культурной тематики. Будучи ортодоксальным приверженцем З. Фрейда, В. Райх тем не менее приблизился к пониманию несомненной значимости политики и культуры в становлении личности. В этом отношении, по мнению автора статьи, он даже опередил работы К. Хорни и Э. Фромма, хотя и не достиг той глубины социально-культурного анализа, который присущ неофрейдизму. В. Райх изменил представление о структуре личности у Фрейда. По сути дела создатель психоанализа создал модель психики, в которой отсутствовал культурный контекст. Общее указание Фрейда на роль супер-эго, на родительские запреты, на возможность морального самоосуждения получили более чёткое оформление в модели В. Райха.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Неодолимые соблазны лжи [Irresistible Temptations of Lies]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 84, No. 9 (2015), pp. 865-868. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 84, No. 9 (2015), pp. 865-868. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена неукротимому человеческому искушению - лжи. И. Кант считал, что обман, заблуждение являются несомненным злом и учил правдивости Немецкий философ полагал, что увлечение ложью разрушает общество. Однако другие философы были не столь категоричны в этом вопросе. Ф. Ницше, к примеру, считал, что истина не может быть основой общественного бытия, равно как и ложь. Автор статьи обращает внимание на парадоксальную переплетённость обмана и правды в индивидуальной и социальной жизни. Он отмечает, в частности, что искусство, вскормленное иллюзией, нередко раскрывает истинные проблемы человеческого существования. В статье использована методология философской антропологии, которая позволяет видеть в каждом феномене его противоречивые стороны. Тяга к истине и лжи рассматриваются как трудно насыщаемые потребности человека. В статье впервые ставится вопрос о последствиях общего увлечения истиной и ложью, показывает опасность организации общественной жизни на массовой иллюзорности или обмане. С этой точки зрения, подвергнуты критическому разбору концепции И. Канта, Ф. Ницше и Э. Фромма. Американский мыслитель, трактуя позицию Фрейда, обратил внимание лишь на постижение истины в процессе терапевтической активности, игнорируя парадоксальное стремление людей к грёзе, галлюцинаторным и виртуальным аспектам жизни.}, language = {ru} } @article{Habriielian, author = {Habriielian, A.}, title = {Erich Fromm's >Humanistic Radicalism<. Historical Occurrence and Political Activity}, series = {Science Review, Vol. 6, No 23. [ISSN 2544-9346]}, journal = {Science Review, Vol. 6, No 23. [ISSN 2544-9346]}, abstract = {The purpose of this article was to study the creative heritage of Erich Fromm and the formation of >Humanistic Radicalism<. The study was aimed at defining the historical context for the theoretical formation of >Humanistic Radicalism< within the framework of Fromm's >Social Psychoanalysis< and the practical implementation of this concept in the political activities of this personality. Four periods of the introduction of the ideas of >Humanistic Radicalism< by E. Fromm through his political activities were identified. It was found out that the humanistic orientation requires the continuation both in research activities of a person and in everyday socio-cultural life in general, while maintaining dialogical relations with the world.}, language = {en} } @article{Habriielian, author = {Habriielian, A.}, title = {The Phenomenon of >Mass Consciousness< in E. Fromm's Philosophy}, series = {World Science, Vol. 2, No. 7(47), pp. 32-35. [ISSN 2413-1032]}, journal = {World Science, Vol. 2, No. 7(47), pp. 32-35. [ISSN 2413-1032]}, abstract = {In this article, the author considered the concept of >Mass Consciousness< in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The phenomenon of >Mass Consciousness< was studied from the standpoint of E. Fromm's «Humanistic Radicalism», and was analyzed in comparison with classical Freudian psychoanalysis and other prominent thinkers of the twentieth century. It was found that according to Erich Fromm's social psychoanalysis, aggression is the result of social exclusion, mass consciousness, and conformism. The prevention of these phenomena can only be realized by a healthy humanistic society, in which faith, hope, love, understanding, sanity, mutual respect, empathy that cannot be explained by human instincts.}, language = {en} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Неодолимые соблазны лжи [Irresistible Temptations of Lies]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 84, No. 9 (2015), pp. 865-868. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], Vol. 84, No. 9 (2015), pp. 865-868. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена неукротимому человеческому искушению - лжи. И. Кант считал, что обман, заблуждение являются несомненным злом и учил правдивости Немецкий философ полагал, что увлечение ложью разрушает общество. Однако другие философы были не столь категоричны в этом вопросе. Ф. Ницше, к примеру, считал, что истина не может быть основой общественного бытия, равно как и ложь. Автор статьи обращает внимание на парадоксальную переплетённость обмана и правды в индивидуальной и социальной жизни. Он отмечает, в частности, что искусство, вскормленное иллюзией, нередко раскрывает истинные проблемы человеческого существования. В статье использована методология философской антропологии, которая позволяет видеть в каждом феномене его противоречивые стороны. Тяга к истине и лжи рассматриваются как трудно насыщаемые потребности человека. В статье впервые ставится вопрос о последствиях общего увлечения истиной и ложью, показывает опасность организации общественной жизни на массовой иллюзорности или обмане. С этой точки зрения, подвергнуты критическому разбору концепции И. Канта, Ф. Ницше и Э. Фромма. Американский мыслитель, трактуя позицию Фрейда, обратил внимание лишь на постижение истины в процессе терапевтической активности, игнорируя парадоксальное стремление людей к грёзе, галлюцинаторным и виртуальным аспектам жизни.}, language = {ru} } @article{GurevichHaritonov, author = {Gurevich, P. S. and Haritonov, A. H.}, title = {Эрик Фромм о феномене нарциссизма [Erich Fromm about the Phenomenon of Narcissism]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No: 8 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No: 8 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Статья посвящена анализу феномена нарциссизма в работах видного представителя гуманистической психологии Э. Фромма. Американский исследовал показывал вклад Фрейда в рассмотрение этого явления. Особое внимание в статье уделено групповому, социальному нарциссизму.}, language = {ru} } @misc{GurgeldaSilva, author = {Gurgel da Silva, Raquel}, title = {A {\´E}tica Humanista de Erich Fromm e a Educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Amor, Master thesis, in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the degree of , Education, Education Faculty, University Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2016, 53 pp. [pantheon.ufrj.br/bitstream/11422/2763/1/RGSilva.pdf]}, abstract = {A presente pesquisa, de cunho bibliogr{\´a}fico, examina as obras >A Arte de Amar< e >An{\´a}lise do Homem< de Erich Fromm, a fim de argumentar a import{\^a}ncia da {\´E}tica Humanista para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o do homem. Pensando na aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {\´E}tica Humanista em uma educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o escolar mais humanizada, consideramos que o sujeito poder{\´a} superar a crise existencial atrav{\´e}s do amor amadurecido. Com isso, no primeiro cap{\´i}tulo investigamos na teoria de Fromm, pontos chaves para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\´e}tica e moral do homem, enquanto que no segundo cap{\´i}tulo, fazemos uma rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {\´E}tica Humanista frommiana com a educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o, apontando caminhos para sua aplica{\c{c}}{\~a}o em uma escola. Finalizamos a pesquisa, considerando que a {\´E}tica Humanista defendida por Erich Fromm {\´e} de real import{\^a}ncia para a forma{\c{c}}{\~a}o de sujeitos mais humanos, e que uma escola baseada nessa {\´e}tica, poder{\´a} promover uma educa{\c{c}}{\~a}o para a vida.}, language = {pt} } @article{Grušovnik, author = {Grušovnik, Tomaž}, title = {Environmental Denial: Why We Fail to Change Our Environmentally Damaging Practices [{\"O}kologische Leugnung: Weshalb wir in der {\"A}nderung unserer umweltfeindlichen Praktiken versagen]}, series = {Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2012), pp. 91-106. [Online ISSN 1848-2317] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/139410]}, journal = {Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2012), pp. 91-106. [Online ISSN 1848-2317] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/139410]}, abstract = {Despite readily available facts and figures regarding human-caused natural degradation, a large portion of the public still refuses to believe that the environment is suffering because of our actions. This refusal to believe, paired with a lack of environmental motivation, has become so evident that it recently attracted the attention of scientists and psychologists attempting to account for it from various perspectives. The disbelief in, for instance, climate change, is hard to explain without referring to a mechanism best described as >environmental denial<. Analysis shows that people may be prone to deny anthropogenic environmental damage because their personal identity, as well as the quest for meaning in their lives, depends upon a consumerist modus vivendi. Consciously or unconsciously faced with the dilemma of either accepting that this lifestyle endangers the life of the planet (as well as their and their children's well-being), and thus accepting its consequences and the responsibility for change, or refusing to believe that the environmental degradation is occurring in the first place, they choose the latter option. This choice is also motivated by the lack of sound alternatives around which new, >greener< identities could be built. Thus any attempt at changing public opinion regarding anthropogenic environmental degradation, as well as any strategy that advocates putting an abrupt end to our environmentally damaging practices, is not likely to be successful if it neglects to provide new footing for identity building.}, language = {en} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Специфика характеров в системе духовных координат Эдуарда Шпрангера (продолжение) [The Specificity of Characters in the System of Spiritual Coordinates of Eduard Spranger (continued)]}, series = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture, No. 3 (2015), 337-341. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture, No. 3 (2015), 337-341. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {Конструирование человека - параноидальное устремление нашего времени. Человека, оказывается, можно моделировать. Почти как в известной песне, >я тебя слепила из того, что было<. Однако постмодернисты вовсе не снимают с повестки дня проблему целостности человека. Основной тезис иной: если не >разъять< человека, то собранный образ человека обнаружит свою хорошо знакомую трафаретность, стереотипность. А это не годится. Фрагменты человека должны обрести необходимую пластичность, готовность к неожиданным комбинациям. Персонаж, которого на протяжении многих веков описывали в качестве индивидуальности, уступает место «дивиду», автономному фрагментарному образованию. В данной статье автор продолжает критический разбор типологии людей, представленных Э. Шпрангером, как выражение той или иной человеческой ценности. Немецкий учёный полагал, что изменение образования раскроет эти возможности. Однако более обстоятельной оказалась ценностная ориентация, которая рождает данный характер. Автор использует методы и принципы философской антропологии. Он опирается на разнообразные попытки создать классификации людских характеров. При этом анализируются и психологические концепции. В частности, характерология Э. Шпрангера сопоставляется с типологией социальных характеров у Э. Фромма. Характерология Шпрангера впервые в отечественной литературе становится предметом критического анализа. Автор указывает на произвольность принципа, из которого исходит немецкий философ, описывает различные духовные установки, которые лежат в основе того или иного образа жизни. В деятельности конкретного человека преобладает, как правило, одна из этих установок. Выделяя основные ценности, на которые ориентируется человек в его поведении и которые в конечном счёте предопределяют его поведение. Однако Шпрангер не учел, что в каждой из этих сфер нередко оказываются люди с прямо противоположными психическими качествами и особенностями. Его принцип в статье характеризуется как достаточно абстрактный. В статье показано, что анализ рыночной ориентации Э. Фроммом даёт более развёрнутое представление об экономическом человеке.}, language = {ru} } @article{Hafiz, author = {Hafiz, Anshori}, title = {The Alienation Experienced by Bruno \& Shmuel in >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas< by John Boyne [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {LILICS - Journal of Literature, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), pp.130-141. [Online ISSN 2986-9552] [doi.org/10.18860/lilics.v2i1.2712 ]}, journal = {LILICS - Journal of Literature, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023), pp.130-141. [Online ISSN 2986-9552] [doi.org/10.18860/lilics.v2i1.2712 ]}, abstract = {Alienation is described as encompassing individual psychological states and types of social relationships. In the context of this study, individuals experience profound feelings of disconnection and estrangement (Kalekin-Fishman, 1998). The objective of this research was to elucidate the diverse causes of alienation depicted in the novel >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas<. Analyzing the reasons for alienation in this literary work could provide deeper insights into how war and human atrocities impact an individual's mental well-being. It also contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of the theme of alienation in literary research. The research employed a literature study approach with a psychological perspective, drawing on Erich Fromm's concept of alienation. The primary data source for this study was the novel >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas< by John Boyne, focusing on character dialogues and the author's narration within the story units. The novel, published on 5 January 2006, consists of 216 pages. To analyze the data, the researcher collected, reviewed, identified, organized, and drew conclusions from the gathered information. The findings of this research reveal various causes of alienation present in the characters of Bruno and Shmuel in the novel. These causes included alienation arising from interactions with other people, alienation resulting from societal factors, and alienation stemming from internal struggles within themselves. The exploration of these aspects shed light on the complex psychological impacts of alienation amidst the backdrop of war and its atrocities in the narrative of >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas<.}, language = {en} } @article{Hamilton, author = {Hamilton, John T.}, title = {Populations, Multitudes, and the Limits of Plurality}, series = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 235-246.}, journal = {Clemens, M., et al. (Eds.), Die Wiederkehr des autorit{\"a}ren Charakters. Transatlantische Perspektiven, ed. by Manuel Clemens, Thorben P{\"a}the and Marc Petersdorff, Wiesbaden (Springer SV) 2022, pp. 235-246.}, language = {en} } @article{Han, author = {Han, Sun-Young}, title = {집단상담에서의 힘의 변형 연구 - 권위적인 힘으로부터 상호적인 힘으로의 변형 [A Study on the Transformation of Power in Group Counseling - Transformation from Authoritarian Power to Reciprocal Power]}, series = {한국기독교신학논총 [Korean Journal of Christian Studies], No. 123 (2022), pp. 301-336.}, journal = {한국기독교신학논총 [Korean Journal of Christian Studies], No. 123 (2022), pp. 301-336.}, abstract = {본 연구의 목적은 힘의 변형 관점에서 집단상담 이론을 재이론화하고, 이에 근거하여 청소년의 폭력성이 집단상담 과정을 통해 변형된 사례를 분석하는 것이다. 연구자는 본 연구를 통해 집단상담이 힘의 변형 자원이 있음을 논증하고, 힘의 변형 관점에서 권위주의가 뿌리 깊은 한국의 목회 영역에 유의미한 실천적 적용을 모색하고자 하였다. 힘은 관계의 맥락 안에서 권위적인지, 혹은 상호적인지 정의되어질 수 있다. 본 연구에서의 힘의 변형이란, 대인관계과정에서 권위적인 힘이 상호적인 힘으로 변형되는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구를진행하기 위해 연구자는 문헌연구와 사례연구를 병행하였다. 본 연구는 집단상담의 이론과 과정을 힘의 변형 관점에서 다시 구조화했다는 점에서 그 주요한 성과가 있다. 또한 집단상담의 힘의 변형 자원을 신학적으로 조명하여 오늘날 한국교회의 리더십 유형과 공동체의 관계성 유형을 모색하였다는 점에서도 의의가 있다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Han, author = {Han, Wang}, title = {A Study of Fromm's Theory of Alienated Consumption [弗洛姆异化消费理论研究]}, series = {Economic Research Guide [经济研究导刊], No. 28 (2021), pp. 4-6.}, journal = {Economic Research Guide [经济研究导刊], No. 28 (2021), pp. 4-6.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是西方马克思主义法兰克福法学派的第一代主要人物,他在《健全的社会》中从获得物品的方式、使用物品的过程以及消费的后果三个方面对异化消费进行阐述。弗洛姆指出,异化消费是现代社会的典型症状,并对资本主义社会中形成的异化消费现象进行了深刻的批判,形成了自己独有的异化消费理论,提出通过建立>人道主义消费<的方式来构建和谐社会。}, language = {zh} } @article{Haggag, author = {Haggag, Ali}, title = {The Frankfurt School at Egyptian Universities. Critical Observations}, series = {Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2019), pp. 104-120. [Online ISSN 755-0920] [doi.org/10.1525/caa.2019.12.4.104]}, journal = {Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2019), pp. 104-120. [Online ISSN 755-0920] [doi.org/10.1525/caa.2019.12.4.104]}, abstract = {The critical theory of the Frankfurt School reached Egypt in 1955, when the Arabic translation of Erich Fromm's >The Sane Society< (New York, 1955) was published in Cairo. Later, Herbert Marcuse's >Soviet Marxism< (1958) was translated into Arabic in Beirut in 1965, and with the rise of student protests in France, Germany, and the United States, much attention was given to Marcuse; almost all his writings were translated into Arabic between 1969 and 1973. This article explores the nature of individual >receptions< of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School at Egyptian universities. To this end, it briefly introduces the early generation of the Frankfurt School, as well as the reasons of interest in its fate in Egyptian universities. Though master's theses and doctoral dissertations do not represent a university's orientation to critical theory, and at best represent the perspective of their individual authors, this article shows that key individual theses and dissertations testify to an early rejection of the Frankfurt School and to the late adoption of it as a critical paradigm of the transformations in Egyptian society.}, language = {en} } @article{Hahn, author = {Hahn, Marie}, title = {I Shall Not Hate: A Theatre Pedagogical Examination of the Phenomenon of Hate and Fromm's Theory of a Productive Character Orientation}, series = {Tiedemann, M. (Ed.): Philosophical Education Beyond the Classroom, Stuttgart (Springer) 2024, pp 439-462. [Online ISBN 978-3-476-05948-2] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-05948-2_26]}, journal = {Tiedemann, M. (Ed.): Philosophical Education Beyond the Classroom, Stuttgart (Springer) 2024, pp 439-462. [Online ISBN 978-3-476-05948-2] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-05948-2_26]}, abstract = {>I shall not hate.< This sentence ends the production at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden about Izzeldin Abuelaish's biography, who lost three of his daughters in the violent conflict between Israel and Palestine. This particular attitude within a crisis situation becomes the starting point and framework of a teaching unit in which the students deal with the following questions: What is hate? Is it possible not to hate? How can hate be classified in the field of tension between the instinctual nature of human beings and a conscious attitude? How are crises and loss of orientation related to hate? Can a society be sick? How are Izzeldin's attitude and Fromm's theory of a productive character orientation connected and how is Izzeldin's or Fromm's offer of orientation to be judged against the background of crises and conflicts in the students' lifeworld? Through a visit to a performance as well as theatre pedagogical forms of work, an access to this complex thematic field will be created.}, language = {en} } @article{Guetta, author = {Guetta, Alessandro}, title = {Quelques conceptions juives de l'individu [Some Jewish Conceptions of the Individual]}, series = {Yod - Revue des {\´e}tudes h{\´e}bra{\"i}ques et juives, Vol. 15 (2010), pp. 277-294. [ISSN 0338-9316] [doi.org/10.4000/yod.679]}, journal = {Yod - Revue des {\´e}tudes h{\´e}bra{\"i}ques et juives, Vol. 15 (2010), pp. 277-294. [ISSN 0338-9316] [doi.org/10.4000/yod.679]}, abstract = {Is there a Jewish conception of the individual subject? The issue is quite problematic, for several reasons: 1) it is difficult to speak of Judaism in a monolithic manner, because Judaism is a multifaceted reality, varying according to different epochs and places, to the point that we should speak of >Judaisms<, in the plural; 2) if the question of the individual subject is connected to the vision that the Western (meaning, European, essentially Christian) culture has constructed, Judaism can hardly be defined as "Occidental" or "Oriental". After a short analysis of these two points, we present the conceptions of the individual subject as developed by two major Jewish thinkers of the twentieth century: Martin Buber (1878-1965) and Erich Fromm (1900-1980). Both based their visions on traditional Jewish sources (Bible, Talmud) but attributed them a universal value.}, language = {fr} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {Зодчии нового поколения [Architect of the New Generation]}, series = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, journal = {Философия и культура [Philosophy and Culture], No. 11 (2012), pp. 4-9. [ISSN: 1999-2793]}, abstract = {Человек не является подобием машины, которая обладает набором разных свойств и характеристик. В бытии человека обнаруживаются экзистенциальные противоречия. Ведь он рождается в природе, а живет в обществе. Человек имеет инстинкты, но располагает и сознанием. Он животное и неживотное. Потомок Адама - природное создание, но он имеет и божественную природу. Человек, по определению Э. Фромма, едва ли не самое эксцентричное создание универсума.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurevich, author = {Gurevich, Pavel S.}, title = {От З. Фреида к М. Кляин [From S. Freud to M. Klein]}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 2 (2013), pp. 111-114. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 2 (2013), pp. 111-114. [ISSN: 2454-0722]}, abstract = {Мелани Кляйн (1882-1960) - представитель английского психоанализа. После формирования классического психоанализа Фрейда дальнейшее его развитие пошло сразу по нескольким направлениям. Одно из них - неофрейдизм (Г. Олпорт, Э. Фромм, К. Хорни). Сторонники этого направления упрекали Фрейда в том, что он мало внимания уделял социальным аспектам. В статье делается попытка реконструкции детского поведения согласно открытиям Мелани Кляйн.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gu, author = {Gu, Yanhui}, title = {Contemporary Students' Freedom Dilemma and Educational Transcendence [论学生的自由困境与教育实践的超越]}, series = {Educational Science Research, No. 3 (2022), pp. 2022(02), pp. 13-19.}, journal = {Educational Science Research, No. 3 (2022), pp. 2022(02), pp. 13-19.}, abstract = {自由既是人类发展的最高追求,也是教育进步的理想目标。而处于现代性情境之中的学生却常常面临不自由、伪自由、逃避自由三重自由困境。依据弗洛姆对现代性的分析,当前学生的自由困境与现代性带来的社会异化和精神异化息息相关,物欲主义和消费主义横行也严重制约了学生的自我身份认知,而对孤独的恐惧和意义感枯竭则使学生无力享有应有的自由。要帮助学生走出自由困境,就应当从两个方面实现教育实践的超越:通过人本主义教育目的的回归摆脱外界的束缚,通过重建审美的教育世界构筑通往终极自由的道路。}, language = {zh} } @article{Gordon, author = {Gordon, Michael A.}, title = {Introduction: Practice as Transformative Wholeness}, series = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 3-56. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, journal = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 3-56. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, abstract = {In this chapter, the author introduces his autobiographical near-death experience of a motorcycle accident as the basis for examining his life and the self-study that forms this book, within a gestalt or whole. Touching on the figure-ground-contact approach of Gestalt Therapy, the author puts this self-study within the context of a lifetime of involvement in the Japanese art of Ki Aikido. In Aikido, one learns to coordinate their mind, body, and life energy (Japanese: ki) to better attune and move in synchronization with the world around them. The ethos of Aikido reflects the broader virtue ethics of traditional Japanese arts - >do<, >michi<, or >way< - and how this approach to education aims for spiritual self-cultivation in daily life, rather than mere acquisition of technical or intellectual knowledge. Through Aikido, Japanese calligraphy or shodo (which the author took up as a comparative/adjunct >way< for his study), and beyond into increased skillful awareness in motorcycling and educational praxis, this chapter draws on Yasuo Yuasa's theory of ki as 'teleological intentionality.' By taking a 'path' approach to learning through this >ki awareness< one thus develops and enhances their embodied presence into what Yuasa calls >transpersonal synchronization.<}, language = {en} } @article{Gordon, author = {Gordon, Michael A.}, title = {Conclusion: A Holistic Relational Paradigm}, series = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 163-168. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4_6]}, journal = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 163-168. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4_6]}, abstract = {In the conclusion entitled >A Holistic Relational Paradigm,< the author draws on key themes in the manuscript: attachment, healing, psychosocial development, and an altruistic approach to fostering prosocial behavior. Epstein's (2014) work relates the early trauma of the Buddha's loss of his mother after childbirth to his resultant view of 'suffering.' Epstein explores how this attachment >wound< is mirrored in the Buddhist view that we suffer as the result of not knowing how to integrate the reality of 'impermanence.' The author continues to generalize this universal or psycho-spiritual view (as opposed to one based on our 'personal' pathology or 'narrative') through the core training principles of Ki Aikido, like the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, as ways of laying out a more liberatory path in daily life. Drawing on the work of Erich Fromm, he further expands on the notion of love, specifically as an approach that fosters applied skillfulness in relationships as an antidote to narcissism. Expanding further, he draws on Matthieu Ricard's (2015) work on altruism, based in research on its roots in prosocial behavior rather than as moral idealism or superiority.}, language = {en} } @misc{Gordon, author = {Gordon, Michael A.}, title = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer}, series = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, 218 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, journal = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, 218 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, abstract = {Drawing on the author's lifelong practice in the non-competitive and defensive Japanese art of Aikido, this book examines education as self-cultivation, from a Japanese philosophy (e.g. Buddhist) perspective. Contemplative practices, such as secular mindfulness meditation, are being increasingly integrated into pedagogical settings to enhance social and emotional learning and well-being and to address stress-induced overwhelm due to increased pressures on the education system and its constituents. The chapters in this book explore the various ways, through the lens of this non-violent relational art of Aikido, that pedagogy is always something being practiced (on the level of psychological, somatic and emotional registers) and thus holding potential for transformation into being more relational, ecological-minded, and reflecting more 'embodied attunement.' Positioning education as a practice, one of self-discovery, the author argues that one can approach personal development as engaging in a spiritual process of integrating mind and body towards full presence of being and existence.}, language = {en} } @misc{Grinker, author = {Grinker, Roy R.}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Dogma of Christ and Other Essays on Religion, Psychology and Culture (1963a, English)}, series = {Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 9, No. 6 (1963), p 643. [Online ISSN 2330-9636]}, journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 9, No. 6 (1963), p 643. [Online ISSN 2330-9636]}, abstract = {In this volume Erich Fromm has republished eight essays, all but one of which have appeared in various periodicals during the last ten years. The longest and most important piece, from which the book takes its name, was published first in German in 1930 and has been translated by James Luther Adams. >The Dogma of Christ< is a fascinating study of the rise and modifications of Christianity considered from both an internal dynamic (psychoanalytical) and socioeconomic-political point of view. >I tried to show that we cannot understand people by their ideas and ideologies; that we can understand ideas and ideologies only by understanding the people who created them and believed in them. In doing this we have to transcend individual psychology and enter the field of psychoanalytical-social psychiatry.< This emphasis has been maintained in Fromm's work as a departure from the strict Freudian theoretical approach and has resulted […]}, language = {en} } @article{Gunderson, author = {Gunderson, Ryan}, title = {Social barriers to biophilia: Merging structural and ideational explanations for environmental degradation}, series = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 51, No. 4 (2014), pp. 681-685. [Online ISSN: 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2014.06.002]}, journal = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 51, No. 4 (2014), pp. 681-685. [Online ISSN: 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2014.06.002]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm argues that the only reliable way to solve the environmental crisis is to alter current social formations in a way in which biophilia can flourish, so humankind can solve its existential dichotomy as well as meet survival needs in an ecologically sound way. However, society's preoccupation with the non-alive-elements such as technique, the mechanical, gadgets, and commodities - shows that the modern social character is far from biophilous. Instead, modern societies are inherently ecologically destructive due to systematic processes and attraction to its progress is a less acute form of, what Fromm terms, necrophilia. His insights can help formulate a social theory of environmental degradation that includes structural and ideational variables. Prescriptively, this means appeals for value changes must correspond with fitting appeals for structural changes in social systems.}, language = {en} } @article{Gruenewald, author = {Gruenewald, Doris}, title = {A Psychoanalytic View of Hypnosis}, series = {American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 24, No. 2 (1982), pp. 185-190. [Online ISSN 2160-0562] [doi.org/10.1080/00029157.1982.10404049]}, journal = {American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 24, No. 2 (1982), pp. 185-190. [Online ISSN 2160-0562] [doi.org/10.1080/00029157.1982.10404049]}, abstract = {Since Freud psychoanalytic hypnosis theory has evolved along with advances in psychoanalysis, e.g., psychoanalytic ego psychology. This paper traces the contributions of Freud (1953 \& 1955), Ferenczi, (1950), Schilder (1956), Kubie and Margolin (1944), Gill and Brenman (1959), and Fromm (1977) toward a psychoanalytic theory of hypnosis from the early libido theory to the ego-analytic point of view.}, language = {en} } @misc{GrandonC, author = {Grand{\´o}n C., Bernardo}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Fear of Freedom (1941a, Spanish)}, series = {Revista de Derecho P{\´u}blico (Universidad de Chile), No. 2 (1964), pp. 31-33. [Online ISSN 0719-5249] [revistaderechopublico.uchile.cl/index.php/RDPU/article/view/31549/33319]}, journal = {Revista de Derecho P{\´u}blico (Universidad de Chile), No. 2 (1964), pp. 31-33. [Online ISSN 0719-5249] [revistaderechopublico.uchile.cl/index.php/RDPU/article/view/31549/33319]}, language = {es} } @book{Groeben, author = {Groeben, Norbert}, title = {Beziehungsutopien. Verteidigung der Erotik als Ideal emotionaler Liebesvielfalt, Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buch-Gesellschaft) 2023, 132 pp. - On Fromm see pp. 70ff.}, language = {de} } @article{Grey, author = {Grey, Ramona}, title = {PSC 550.01: Political Theory Seminar - Approaches to Political Theory, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA, , Fall 9-1-2008, Course Syllabi 6715. [scholarworks.umt.edu/syllabi/6715]}, language = {en} } @article{Grey, author = {Grey, Ramona}, title = {PSC 550.01: Political Theory Seminar - Negative \& Positive, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA, Spring 2-1-2001: Course Syllabi 7086 [scholarworks.umt.edu/syllabi/7086]}, language = {en} } @article{Guo, author = {Guo, Yongyu}, title = {Enlightenment Values of Erich Fromm's Humanistic Psychoanalysis [弗洛姆人本主义精神分析的启蒙价值]}, series = {Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理学报], Vol. 54, No. 2 (2022), pp. 205-218.}, journal = {Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理学报], Vol. 54, No. 2 (2022), pp. 205-218.}, abstract = {弗洛姆人本主义精神分析综合了欧洲文化传统的理性主义、人本主义、批判精神和救世情怀这些基本要素, 他试图用理性主义和人本主义的标准和精神分析心理学的工具来剖析他所处的社会和身边的人, 并探索实现理想社会和人的发展的途径。这一事业的价值实际上是启蒙。他从现代人的不安全感处境出发, 深刻分析了威权主义、民族主义、消费主义的病理机制, 进而提出了基于人本主义原则的社会改革方案。弗洛姆人本主义精神分析的理论和实践对于21世纪人类发展问题的解决仍然具有启发意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Guo, author = {Guo, Zhenjun}, title = {An Analysis of Black Identity of >The Known World< from the Perspective of Fromm's Concept of Freedom, Master thesis, World Literature, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Edward Jones is one of the preeminent African-American writers of contemporary literature, whose masterpiece is >The Known World<, for which he wins the National Book Critics Circle Award 2003, Pulitzer Prize 2004, and International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2005. >The Known Word< is an account of the survival and tortuous fate of black slave owners and slaves from a perspective that black literature has never touched before, enriching the diversity of character identity in black literature and rewriting the connotation of freedom. This thesis analyzes black identity in >The Known Word< from the perspective of Fromm's concept of freedom Erich Fromm constructs two unique concepts of negative freedom and positive freedom from the perspectives of sociology and psychology. Fromm proposes that the freedom people usually pursue is the extrinsic negative freedom. In the pursuit of negative freedom, a sense of loneliness and powerlessness often emerges, and in order to get rid of these feelings, people choose to escape from freedom again, by eliminating their own individuality and integrating into the surrounding environment, making themselves further and further away from freedom. Only the intrinsic positive freedom can lead people to the path of authentic freedom, achieving freedom and peace within people. In >The Known Word<, Jones also encapsulates the process of black slave owners and black slaves pursuing freedom and finding themselves in a social environment dominated by white culture and white people. Some people experience the pursuit and escape of negative freedom and lose their identity, while others successfully embark on the path of positive freedom, find their identity, and successfully realize the reconstruction of their identity. This thesis is divided into three parts, the first part is the introductory part, including an introduction to Edward Jones and his work >The Known Word<, an analysis of the current state of domestic and international research on >The Known Word<, and related explanations of Fromm's concept of freedom and the significance of the chosen topic of this thesis.- The second part is the main part of this thesis, which consists of three chapters. The first chapter illustrates that the black slave owners Henry and Maude and the black slave overseer Moses aspire to realize their own identity by pursuing negative freedom, but as a result, they cannot counteract the loneliness and powerlessness of following the negative freedom and instead have the tendency to escape from freedom, give up freedom and lose their own identity. They all damage their families in a way, undermining the foundation of their identity and exploit their compatriots for more wealth, losing themselves in slavery.- The second chapter explains the causes for the lost identity of Henry, Maude, and Moses by analyzing the mechanism of escape from freedom — the hegemonic position of the whites in society and the lack of confidence in their own black culture make them willing to be ruled by slavery and drift away from freedom.- The final chapter explores the reconstruction of the identity and of black slaves Alice and Minerva, the black slave owner Calvin and so on, who complete the reconstruction of their identity through the realization of positive freedom. The regression of black identity and self-realization is achieved through the awakening of consciousness and the construction of harmonious family and social relationships.- The last part concludes and sublimates the above chapters. The parsing of the entire thesis leads to the conclusion that Fromm's concept of freedom is fully reflected in the magnificent and vast description of black identity in >The Known World<. The concept furnishes us a better perspective and opportunity for the understanding of Edward Jones' >The Known Word<. It also gives us the opportunity to better understand the responsibility of Jones' writing and his deep thoughts about the history and future of black people. Meanwhile, in times of various values collide, the blacks' pursuit of freedom and identity in the novel is also of great practical significance, guiding people to realize their intrinsic freedom and find the true meaning of life. [English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Guo, author = {Guo, Yiting}, title = {The Dilemma and Salvation in >Cost of Living<, Master thesis, World Literature, Zhengshou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Martyna Majok is a Polish-American playwright. Her second play >Cost of Living< was published in 2018 and won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in the same year. The main characters in >Cost of Living< are the disabled: Ani and John, and their respective caregiver: Eddie and Jess. They desire to connect with others and the society, while at the same time, gaps of disability, race and class are created between them. However, they do not compromise or give up because of this, but are still actively looking for the salvation of love. This paper interprets the survival dilemma and salvation methods of the characters with the help of Erich Fromm's human existence theory, revealing the living conditions of the marginalized in the United States who are shackled by disability, race, and class. It calls on the society to give more humanistic care to the marginalized and the disadvantaged. This paper consists of five parts, including the introduction, three main chapters and the conclusion. The introduction summarizes the life experience and main works of Majok, the main content of >Cost of Living<, the current research status of this play at home and abroad, and the theoretical framework. The first chapter combines with Fromm's thinking on the existence dilemma of the modern people to analyze the survival dilemma of the four characters in the play. The disability brought both mental and physical torture to John and Ani; Eddie had to endure loneliness in the process of individualization; under alienation, Jess became a commodity for exchange of interests, and alienated from others constantly. In the play, both the disabled and the caregivers were caught in an inescapable survival predicament and could not perceive kindness, trust and love between individuals.- The second chapter explores the reason why the characters were in such dilemma with Fromm's theory of human need. Due to the social exclusion, Ani and John were eager to establish relatedness with the outside. Eddie took the initiative to seek company and rootedness, and Jess was desperate to gain a certain social identity. These unsatisfied spiritual needs made them fall into a desperate situation, and their wrong attempts to meet their needs even got them into deeper dilemma.- The third chapter analyzes different attempts made by the characters to get rid of their predicaments and achieve self-salvation. Infected by love, Ani rekindled her hope and enthusiasm for life. John took the initiative to step out of self-closure. Eddie and Jesse also boldly tried to love others. All the characters made different attempts to build relationships and love with others, but gained different results, which proves that only love based on understanding, respect and trust can lead them out of the predicament of existence and then realize the salvation of love. The play reflects Majok's ardent care for the fate of the marginalized in the United States. On the basis of Fromm's existence theory, this paper represents the real living conditions of the characters and the reasons for their deep predicament. Life is full of hardship and pain, and the marginalized represented by the characters in the play who lacked social attention and care are in deeper dilemma. However, predicament does not mean despair, surrender and compromise. Those who live in it should bravely fight against difficulties with an optimistic attitude. Meanwhile, the society should give them more attention and love, so that they can find the meaning of existence in the world full of loneliness and alienation, and realize self-salvation. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Guo, author = {Guo, Xiadi}, title = {Modern Man's Living Plight and Its Solutions: An Exploration of Alienation in >The Human Stain<, Master thesis, World Literature, Institution: Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {As an eminent Jewish American writer, Philip Roth is well-known as an incisive observer of America's social scene. His works mainly deal with several themes, including Jewish identity, spiritual crises of humankind, the American Dream, and conflicts between human nature and the ethic or morality of modern society. His masterpiece, the winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award in 2001, >The Human Stain< probes into the plight of self in American society. Up to now, different scholars at home and abroad have analyzed it from a variety of perspectives, like ethnic identity, racial passing, trauma, archetype, and narrative method. Unlike the previous studies, this thesis analyzes it from the perspective of Erich Fromm's alienation theory. As a ubiquitous social phenomenon in modern society, alienation, a mode of subjective experience, indicates that man regards himself as an alienated one or receives the outside world passively. In this novel, these major characters suffer from alienation respectively, including self-alienation, the estranged relationships with one another as well as alienation in the whole society, which results from some irrational thought prevailing in America, like deep-seated racial and gender disparity, political correctness, the climate of persecution and cruel Vietnam War. Based on textual analysis and reference learning, this thesis concludes that though people go through alienation seriously, they can get rid of it through the salvation of love, the pursuit of identity, and the healing power of nature. Sincerely, this thesis can contribute to an interpretation of >The Human Stain< from a new perspective alienation, and raise attention to modern man's living predicaments and its salvation or solutions. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @book{Gunawan, author = {Gunawan, Anggun}, title = {Messianik Yahudi - Konsep Messianik Yahudi Menurut Psikoanalisa Erich Fromm [Jewish Messianic - The Jewish Messianic Concept According to Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm], Eds.: Ahmad Iqbal Baqi, Septiana Dwiputri Maharani, Agus Himawan Utomo, Yogyakarta (Gre Publishing) Indonesia 2010, 105 pp., Indonesian. [ISBN: 978-602-96397-0-4]}, language = {mul} } @article{Grulkowski, author = {Grulkowski, Bronisław}, title = {Metoda pomiaru i psychologiczna charakterystyka postaw >byc< i >miec< The Method of Measurement and a Psychological Characteristic of the Attitudes of >to be< and >to have<}, series = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 171-222. [ISSN 0035-7685]}, journal = {Roczniki Filozoficzne, Vol 43, No. 4 (1995), pp. 171-222. [ISSN 0035-7685]}, abstract = {The paper present the method of measurement of the attitudes of >to be< and >to have<. They are interpreted in philosophical (in existentialism and personalism), psychological and sociological literature either as contradistinctive attitudes or as different hierarchies of values. In the paper >o be< and >to have< are taken to mean attitudes. The attitude >o be< is such a relation to the world which is characterized by a total openness. It has been assumed that the attitudes >to be< and >to have< make the extreme ends of one continuum. On the basis of the theoretical definitions of the attitudes >to be< and >to have< the Scale of >to be< and >to have< Attitudes (SPBiM) has been construed. It is a scale of Likert type made up of 29 statements (one buffer statement, four experimental statements). Additionally, for the sake of a deeper psychological characteristics, Semantic Differential, Value Understanding Test and Value Preference Test have been construed. The array of the above methods has been used in research concerning the sample of 262 persons (131 women, 131 men) who live in large cities. On the basis of the findings obtained in SPBiM (with regard to quartile deviation) a group of 50 persons has been distinguished with the highest intensity of the attitude >to be< (group B), persons with >mediate< (group M-B) and a 50-person group >to have< (group M). Thus distinguished groups B and M differ as to their connotative meanings assigned to 6 aspects of the overall reality understood here as the object of the attitudes >to be< and >to have< (the Universe, nature, temporality, suffering, other people, one's own person). The persons which adopted the >to have< attitude perceive reality as being more >negative<, whereas persons oriented towards >to be< see it in a more >positive< manner. The persons with the >to be< and >to have< attitudes differ as to their understanding of values and their preference. >Perfecting oneself< takes a particular place in the preference of values. The attitudes of >to be< and >to have< are psychologically significant and their measurement is plausible. In the light of the above findings it seems that it is necessary to conduct further empirical research of the >to be< and >to have< attitudes, as well as of ties with other psychological variables.}, language = {pl} } @article{Han, author = {Han, Hyong-Jo}, title = {기氣의 자연과 인간 - 주자학의 미분화적 교호적 사고 논구 [Man and Nature in the Way of Qi - A Study of Zhu Xi's Undifferentiated and Correlational Thinking]}, series = {다산학 [Journal of TASAN Studies], No. 14 (2009), pp. 111-140.}, journal = {다산학 [Journal of TASAN Studies], No. 14 (2009), pp. 111-140.}, abstract = {이 논문은 주자학의 근본적 곤혹 하나를 파고든 시도이다. 이제까지의 접근과는 달리 혹시 자연과 인간의 엄밀한 이분법 자체가 역사적 산물이 아닐까 하고 접근한다. 세계는 하나이지만 세계관은 여럿이다. 인간은 자신과 환경을 이해하는 수많은 방식을 갖고 있기에, 누구도 독점적 정당성을 고집할 수 없다. 다룰 논점은 두 가지이다. 하나는 인간과 자연의 상관성이고, 또 다른 하나는 자연과 윤리의 미분화이다. 1) 자연의 의인화와 자연-인간동형론의 연원은 오래되었다. 주자학은 기氣의 풀 속에서 인간과 자연은 물리적으로 교환되고 있다고 말한다. 인식론적으로 사태는 주관을 통해서만 알려지며, 그런 점에서 사실과 가치 사이에 엄밀한 선을 그을 수 없다는 것을 참고하자고 했다. 2) 자연과 도덕의 엄밀한 구분은 인간 본성의 불신에 기반하고 있다. 과연 윤리는 자연성의 억압 혹은 극복에서 자라는가. 도덕을 자연적 본성의 확인과 그 실현이라고 생각한 동서의 현자들이 많다. 그들은 주자가 이理를 사물의 질서이자 도덕적 지향으로 읽는 데 거부감을 갖지 않을 것이다. 보통은 납득하기 어렵다. 자신의 본성에 대해 무지하다는 것을 인정하기 어렵기 때문이다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Harasim, author = {Harasim, Konrad}, title = {Wolność - odpowiedzialność - bezpieczeństwo jednostki: konteksty aksjologiczne i funkcjonalne w filozofii Ericha Fromma [Freedom - Responsibility - Individual Safety: Axiological and Functional Contexts in Erich Fromm's Philosophy]}, series = {Humanum - Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2016), pp. 67-75. [ISSN 1898-8431]}, journal = {Humanum - Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2016), pp. 67-75. [ISSN 1898-8431]}, abstract = {Freedom, responsibility and safety are categories which penetrate each other. However, in the specialist literature they are more often examined separately. Freedom and security are fundamental values, which are followed by specific needs and aspirations of individuals and groups. They should be treated as specific desiderata of human existence. Complementarity of the analyzed concepts is indisputable, however, responsibility and safety are >secondary< to freedom. On the threshold of the era of hyper globalization only drawing the line clearly - which I will try to propose - at individual freedom and public safety gives a chance to ensure multidimensional welfare of societies. Fromm is of the opinion that contemporary humans marginalize themselves in relation to nature or in confrontation with their surroundings. Human beings have become reified and their potential has been changed into resources, which should be treated as assets and aimed at gaining the highest profits. International relations are brought to the role of alienated beings, and each one of them reaches the feeling of safety only by integrating with the community. As I have proven, maintaining social ties guarantees the sense of safety and, thereby gives the possibility to use one's potential freely.}, language = {pl} } @article{Hardeck, author = {Hardeck, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Vom Haben zum Sein. Erich Fromm neu gelesen}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 025-035.}, volume = {d27/2023b}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 025-035.}, language = {de} } @article{Hansen, author = {Hansen, Guttorm}, title = {Arbeiderpartiet og Sosialdemokratiet}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 192-198.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 192-198.}, language = {mul} } @article{Hardeck, author = {Hardeck, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Begr{\"u}ßung bei der Verleihung des Erich Fromm Preises 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 9-18.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 9-18.}, language = {de} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Qiuxian}, title = {從弗洛姆《愛的藝術The Art of Loving》析論《三國演義》的親情書寫 - 以蜀漢後主為中心 [From Fromm's >The Art of Loving<, an Analysis of the Affectionate Writing of >The Romance of the Three Kingdoms<, with the Latter Lord of Shu Han as the Center]}, series = {問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129.}, journal = {問學 [Asking about Learning (Kaohsiung City: National Kaohsiung Normal University Chinese Literature)], Vol. 19 (2015), pp. 113-129.}, abstract = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)愛的理論中認為,愛包括一些元素:照顧、責任、尊重及瞭解,其中母親與小孩的關係最密切,她代表著溫暖和安全的狀態,兒童從胚胎起便與母親相互依戀著,縱使日後脫離母體向世界探索,也是相當緊密的。值得注意的是,父親之愛與母愛最大的差別在於,母親是無條件的,而父愛是有條件的。《三國演義》對於劉禪親情的書寫,從三十四回出生到四十一回趙子龍單騎救主、四十二回摔阿斗、六十一回截江奪阿斗、甚至到後來八十五回的託孤事件、及後主登基之後劉禪與諸葛亮的關係等,在在都是於親情的軌跡上書寫。是故,本文欲從現代西方心裡學家弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)《愛的藝術 The Art of Loving》中對於親情剖析的觀點析論《三國演義》中劉禪為中心的敘述,期以重新理解作者在情節段落中的安排和更貼近真實人心的心理狀態,重要的是期盼能梳理出後主人格缺陷部分始是造成蜀國敗亡的真正原因,再從弗洛姆的父親之愛、母親之愛再推而影響人類成年後的父性良知和母性良知,以釐清日後造就出後主如此懦弱無能的主因,竟和童年的親情脈絡有著密不可分的關係。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Jing}, title = {The Value Choice and Transcendence of the View of a Better Life under the Changing Times - The Value Dimension of Fromm's Philosophy of Life and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [时代变局下美好生活观的价值选择及超越——弗洛姆生活哲学的价值向度及其当代启示]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 2 (2022), pp. 157-164.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 2 (2022), pp. 157-164.}, abstract = {面对20世纪的两次世界大战、冷战及核战争危机等教训,什么样的生活才是美好生活?人们有没有可能及如何实现美好生活?这是主导弗洛姆学术思想的重要主题。弗洛姆回归人本主义,构建了一套完整的、以人本主义伦理学为理论基础的美好生活理论,并主张对资本主义制度进行全面改革,以实现美好生活。显然,弗洛姆的人本主义已经超越了伦理学人本主义的范畴,具有政治哲学意蕴。从政治哲学视阈剖析弗洛姆的美好生活观,厘清其背后蕴含的价值选择,有助于探寻当前时代变局下美好生活的本质要义和实践路径。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Huiling}, title = {An Analysis of Bride's Predicament of Loneliness from Fromm's Theory of Love, Master thesis, World Literature, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Toni Morrison(1931 - 2019), a renowned and influential African-American literary giant who enjoys univer¬sal acclaim, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993, making her the first black woman who ever receives this distinction ever since the award started. Throughout her literary career, her novel achievement has undoubtedly become a monument in the history of African-American literature. Morrison's novels are deeply concerned about the destiny of African-Americans and the survival of their cultural identity in the white mainstream society. >God Help the Child< is Morrison's 11th novel which officially came out to public in 2015. Contrary to her previous works that are based on the American histories, >God Help the Child< is her first novel that is set in contemporary American life in the 1990s. Main characters of the novel are Bride, Sweetness and Booker. The novel mainly reveals the various injuries and crises encountered by different characters in society, and reveals the complex relationship between family, couples, and friends. The society is developing rapidly nowadays, whereas, people can't feel the existence of love and the value of self-existence, only to find themselves deeply shrouded in the cage of loneliness. As a result, people are eager to find a way to re-establish connections with others and to rediscover the meaning of life. Social theorist and psychoanalyst Fromm once lamented the fact of people's spiritual crises and the collapse of traditional values. In response to this phenomenon, by making love the core of his study, Fromm puts forward his love theory to help human beings get rid of the plight of loneliness. In Fromm's eyes, love is the only answer to solve human beings' existential problems. Combined with Fromm's theory of love, this thesis intends to analyze Bride's predicament of loneliness in >God Help the Child<, and how she successfully escapes from loneliness by connecting love with other people.- This thesis consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction to Toni Morrison, >God Help the Child<, Fromm and his theory of love. In the second part, combined with Fromm's theory of motherly love, erotic Love and brotherly love, this thesis points out Bride's dilemma of loneliness by analyzing Bride's relationship with her mother, her ex-boyfriends, and her friends. The third and the fourth parts deeply analyze the reasons that have engendered Bride's plight of loneliness by thoroughly demonstrating the social as well as Bride's personal causes. The fifth part demonstrates how Bride succeeds in getting rid of the shackles of loneliness and successfully regaining the value of her self-existence and the meaning of life by nurturing love to other people. The last part is the conclusion part, which points out that in the contemporary society where spiritual crises are widespread, only by proactively looking for effective solutions and establishing healthy love connections with other people, can human beings eliminate loneliness and regain the meaning of life. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Lifang}, title = {A Study of Theodore's Alienation in >The Goldfinch<, Master thesis, World Literature, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {As one of the most famous contemporary female writers in America, Donna Tartt is a newly rising star in American literary circles. It is Tartt's merit to describe the loss and confusion of teenagers and her work is characterized by its graceful language, compact plot and great readability. As a masterpiece that has taken Tartt's nearly eleven years to get completed, >The Goldfinch< tells a story of a miserable boy and a famous painting which has escaped a disaster. Since its publication in 2013, >The Goldfinch< has been interpreted by scholars at home and abroad from different perspectives, whose research results are mainly concentrated on its theme and narrative skills. However, there have been no scholars so far who have interpreted the alienation phenomenon of the protagonist in the work from the perspective of alienation. Therefore, the author attempts to give a brand-new analysis and interpretation of Theodore's alienation phenomenon in the novel with the guidance of famous psychologist Fromm's theory of alienation, which aims to provide readers with more abundant angle to understand this masterpiece. This thesis consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. In the part of introduction, Donna Tartt and her masterpiece >The Goldfinch< are briefly arranged. Besides, this part summarizes the current research status of this topic at home and abroad and gives a brief introduction of the alienation theory of Fromm. The research significance of this paper is also clarified in this part. The body part is the main body of this thesis, which consists of three chapters. The first chapter explores the manifestations of Theodore's alienation, which is embodied in his alienation from society, from others and from himself. Alienation is an extremely adverse phenomenon that will do harm to one's mental health. However, it is unavoidable for Theodore to suffer from alienation due to his miserable sufferings and living environment. The second chapter analyzes the roots of Theodore's alienation, which is carefully clarified from the perspective of society, family and Theodore's psychology.- The first section discusses the social roots of Theodore's alienation: the unstable social environment and the general absence of family ethics have caused individuals' general estrangement and alienation.- The second section shows the family roots of Theodore's alienation: the early death of his mother and the absence of his family affection lead to the cultivation of his closed and timid character.- The third section explores the psychological roots of Theodore's alienation: his inner emptiness and loneliness are the fundamental reasons for his alienation. The third chapter analyzes the process of how Theodore constructively eliminates his alienation and finally obtains a sound psychology. The acquisition of fatherly affection and the nourishment of friendship make him feel be loved and help him gain a sense of security and the courage to move forward. Besides, the re-establishment of relationships with the outside world gives him a sense of accomplishment and helps him realize his own value. Moreover, the painting >The Goldfinch< provides him with a broad artistic space, in which he can find some comfort and courage. All of these factors have contributed to the elimination of Theodore's alienation.- The conclusion part is the summary of the above analysis. By analyzing the manifestations and roots of Theodore's alienation, and his efforts to eliminate alienation under the guidance of Fromm's alienation theory, the author constructively gives the advice of solving the spiritual crisis and eliminating the alienation phenomenon of modern people. Besides, the significance and shortcomings of this thesis are also clarified in this part. With the rapid progress of society, people's material life has been greatly improved. However, people's spiritual world has not kept pace with their increasing material wealth. The relationships among people become aloof and isolated, which is harmful to one's healthy development and the progress of society. Therefore, this paper aims to provide some constructive suggestions for modern people to properly handle their anxiety and eliminate their alienation phenomenon through the detailed analysis of Theodore's alienation. It also aims to achieve the healthy development of individuals and help them establish a harmonious relationship full of love. [www.cnki.net, 11/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Peng}, title = {A Study of Alienation in >Oryx and Crake< from the Perspective of Fromm's Alienation Theory, Master thesis, World Literatur, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theory to art].}, abstract = {As one of the most prominent and prolific writers in contemporary Canada, Margaret Atwood has won the Booker Prize twice. >Oryx and Crake< is Margaret Atwood's eleventh novel, which mainly describes the clear recollections of sole human survivor Jimmy-Snowman before the crack of doom. His best friend Crake has destroyed humanity by creating a deadly virus that quickly spreads to the whole world and causes the destruction of human beings. By depicting the alienation phenomenon in the novel, Atwood reveals the predicament of modern people in a modern society and shows her humanistic concern. Based on Fromm's alienation theory, this thesis analyses the phenomenon of alienation from three aspects: the self-alienation, the relationship alienation and the social alienation. Firstly, the self-alienation means that man loses his creativity and subjectivity. Through creative activities and self-love, man can achieve his spiritual development and subjectivity. Secondly, this thesis also explores the relationship alienation. In modern society, people tend to make use of each other to safeguard their interests, which leads to the love that between family members and lovers is not pure. Through mature motherly love and erotic love, children will establish a more harmonious relationship with their parents and lovers will have a deeper understanding of each other. Thirdly, it comes to the social alienation. Technology alienation and consumption alienation are embodied in the social alienation. The misuse of technology and the possession of material things cause the alienation between man and society. In order to establish a humane society, humans can establish a harmonious relationship with society by having a humanistic planning and humanized consumption. By discussing the alienation phenomenon and the methods to eliminate alienation, this thesis attempts to provide a salutary lesson. In order to eliminate alienation, people should establish a harmonious relationship with themselves, others and society with the creativity, love and humanistic spirit. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Qun}, title = {Analysis on Fromm's Thought of Escape from Freedom and Its Contemporary Value [浅析弗洛姆的逃避自由思想及其当代价值]}, series = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 22 (2021), pp. 26-29.}, journal = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 22 (2021), pp. 26-29.}, abstract = {埃利希·弗洛姆从心理学的角度指出逃避自由的形成是一个历史过程,对自由作出了全新的解释,认为在现存的社会条件下,没有能够实现真正的自由,只是一种虚假的自由。人们越自由也就越孤独,因为渴望逃避自由便逐渐建立起来了权威主义、破坏欲和机械趋同三种主要机制。弗洛姆的逃避自由思想虽然过于强调心理因素的作用,但其逃避自由的思想在当代仍具有一定价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shuang}, title = {>Terrible Compassion<: On the Destructive Power of Scobie's Compassion on Individual Freedom [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Masterpieces Review, No. 17 (2023), pp.:22-24.}, journal = {Masterpieces Review, No. 17 (2023), pp.:22-24.}, abstract = {格雷厄姆·格林的《问题的核心》塑造了一个备受争议的怜悯者形象,格林认为斯考比的怜悯>是一种近乎可怕的骄傲的表达<,具有"灾难性和破坏力"。弗洛姆的逃避自由理论为解读怜悯的破坏力提供了一把钥匙,斯考比的怜悯是对自由的逃避、对权威的服从,个体化力量的丧失也令斯考比成为一个同性趋同、暴力扭曲的恶的人物。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiTan, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Tan, Yan}, title = {Fromm's Critique of the Having-oriented Culture and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆对"重占有"文化的批判及其时代价值]}, series = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, journal = {Journal of Mudanjiang University, No. 7 (2023), pp. 17-22.}, abstract = {Fromm points out in his theory of living mode that the having-oriented culture is caused by the market-oriented social character and it manifests itself as the abstraction of social culture, the unhindered desire and the utilitarianism of education. Fromm's Critique of the having-oriented culture has offered us great inspiration with respect to the construction of socialist culture in China in the new era that we must uphold the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, build cultural confidence and strength, and promote the development of socialist spiritual civilization. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Wei}, title = {>Alienation< in a >Highly Developed Capitalist Society< - On Haruki Murakami's Novel >Dansu dansu dansu<. The Social Criticism of Haruki Murakami's Novel [>高度发达的资本主义社会<中的>异化<—论村上春树小说《舞!舞!舞!》的社会批判思想] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Aesthetics, No. 2 (2023), pp. 89-93.}, journal = {Aesthetics, No. 2 (2023), pp. 89-93.}, abstract = {村上春树的小说《舞!舞!舞!》对20世纪80年代的日本社会进行了生动的描述,在小说描写的这幅后现代全景图中,人们经历着城市空间、异化劳动以及消费带来的异化,从而逐步丧失自我的主体性,沦为单向度的表征符号。基于哲学家列斐伏尔及法兰克福学派学者埃里希·弗洛姆等人的社会批判理论,解读小说中的异化现象。面对日本高度发达的资本主义社会,村上春树不仅展现了一位有责任感的作家对社会的批判精神,也为异化下的人们指出了一条>村上式<的内在革命之路。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Wenli}, title = {[Fromm's Theory of Consumption Alienation and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆消费异化理论及其当代价值]}, series = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 6, (2022), pp. 22-25.}, journal = {Journal of Tasting the Classics [品位经典], No. 6, (2022), pp. 22-25.}, abstract = {第三次工业革命以来,消费不仅成为生产的首要指向,也早已成为工业社会人们共同认可的生存价值,进而导致现代人的人生价值沉浸于消费编织的虚假美梦,以为人生的幸福是对于消费的实现。弗洛姆提出消费异化理论直指消费社会的虚假和卑劣,主张人要恢复爱、理智和创造力,意图通过经济、政治、文化的民主手段推动人本质的回归,推进社会发展。弗洛姆的异化理论虽有乌托邦性,但能够正视社会发展存在的资源浪费和人的消费心理问题,能够吸收国外社会发展的经验教训为社会主义的社会发展提供借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yubo}, title = {On the Criticism of Modernity in Fromm's Concept of Alienation of Human Nature, Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, Dongbao, Hubei, China 2021.}, abstract = {Alienation is a social phenomenon that runs through the process of human social development. Alienation refers to the change of nature, society and the relationship between people and human nature. With the development of science and technology and productivity, people's quality of life is getting better and better. However, people are controlled by technology and material desire more and more deeply, alienation as a kind of pathological existence of human is more and more serious. >Modern< means the era of modern life, each generation has its own life, so every era has its >modernity<. Today, we refer to >modern< mainly refers to a certain period in the process of human history evolution, which marks the transformation of social form, mainly refers to the social form since the Renaissance and enlightenment, and indicates that human society has entered capitalist society from feudal society modernity is the alienation of capitalist society. The modernity criticized by Fromm is instrumental rationality in the enlightenment modernity. In terms of his thought itself, it is not only a criticism of modernity, but also a side of modernity prism. Fromm combines the social criticism theory of Frankfurt school and becomes a pole of modern aesthetics. This paper focuses on the analysis of Fromm's alienation of human nature and his criticism of modernity. First, this paper combs the concrete connotation of Fromm's alienation of human nature: Fromm absorbs the essence of Freud and Marx's thought. On the one hand, he points out the close relationship between alienation and empathy from the perspective of psychopathology, and reveals the alienation of individual psychological mechanism, from the alienation of needs, alienation of emotion. The alienation of will shows the psychological symptoms of individuals. On the other hand, Fromm draws on Marx's thought of humanism and studies on labor alienation in the dynamic level of social communication, and introduces it into the social psychological level. Through the analysis of the alienation of hope and religion in the consumer society, the morbid of his time is revealed. In Fromm's view, in modern society, personality alienation, self-loss, escape freedom and authority worship, and survive under illusion, we must reveal and criticize the sick condition of individual and society, get rid of illusion and establish a sound personality and a sound society. Secondly, this paper studies the scheme of the way to perfection put forward by Fromm, and discusses the contemporary Enlightenment of the criticism of modernity in Fromm's alienation of human nature. Fromm's alienation of human nature reveals the disadvantages of capitalist society, criticizes the alienation brought by modernity, which makes human nature changed and the mentality of pursuing his subjective will deviates. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 11/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Wenna}, title = {Research on College Students' >Campus Loan< from the Perspective of Fromm's Consumption Alienation, Master thesis, Higher Education, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2022.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] With the gradual enrichment of material resources, the phenomenon of consumption alienation in western developed capitalist countries has also appeared in contemporary China. Consumption alienation has brought many specific problems and harms to contemporary China, and college students' Campus loan is one of them. Some college students' consumption psychology is affected by the phenomenon of consumption alienation and have a fanatical pursuit of goods and commodities. Because they have no economic income and limited economic ability, they choose to borrow and consume in the way of >campus loan< to meet their material desire, which leads to a series of >campus loan< problems. Fromm's consumption alienation theory has a very important reference significance to solve the problem of College Students' >campus loan<, so this paper systematically combs the main contents of Fromm's consumption alienation theory. Firstly, it explains the core concept of Fromm's consumption alienation theory and consumption alienation; Secondly, it points out that the performance and harm of consumption alienation are mainly reflected in three aspects: consumption alienation makes people lose their subjectivity and creativity, makes people have a false sense of happiness and psychological emptiness, and brings about the survival crisis of modern people; Thirdly, it analyzes the causes of consumption alienation, which has human and social roots; Finally, Fromm pointed out that in order to get rid of consumption alienation, we must establish a productive personality and humane consumption mode and realize the comprehensive reform of the transformation from a sick society to a sound society. Based on Fromm's consumption alienation theory, this paper analyzes the current situation, harm and solution of College Students' Campus loan by using the methods of literature research and integrating theory with practice. Firstly, this paper combs the current situation and classification of College students' >campus loan<, mainly including consumer loan products, routine loan products and campus network loan. At present, consumer loan products and routine loan products are more in contact with college students, and campus network loan seriously endangers the physical and mental health of College students. At present, due to national supervision, it has stopped operation one after another; Secondly, it deeply analyzes the harm of College students' campus loan to college students themselves, their families and all aspects of the school; Finally, from the perspective of Fromm's consumption alienation theory, the paper puts forward that to solve the problem of College Students' >campus loan<, we should cultivate college students' sound personality and advocate correct consumption patterns, and puts forward specific solutions from these two aspects. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 9/2022]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Xiaoxian}, title = {An Analysis of Fromm's Existence Concept, Master thesis, Philosophy, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China 2022.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is an American psychologist and psychoanalyst. In his system of doctrine, the existence concept occupies an important position. In Fromm's view, existence mode not only reflects the individual's living conditions, but also reflects the status and level of social development. Existence mode is not only an issue of values, but also an issue of ethics and psychology. Fromm's concept is deeply influenced by Marx and Freud. Marx's alienated labor theory and Freud's psychoanalytic theory constitute important theoretical sources of his existence concept. Fromm divides existence mode into two types: the mode of having and the mode of being. Fromm profoundly reveals the social psychology and character characteristics of having, as well as the negative effects of having on all levels of society. On this basis, Fromm believes that it is necessary to shape a proactive mode of existence with >freedom<, >creativity< and >love< as the core demands, and to promote the construction of a new society through reforms at the political, economic and cultural levels, and to cultivate the new person with ideas of existence mode. By doing so, it is effective to eliminate the negative effects caused by alienation, reification and fetishism, and to transcend the existence mode of having. Fromm's denial and criticism of the existence mode of having and the advocacy and assumption of the existence mode of being have positive enlightenment significance for the spiritual civilization construction of our society and the all-round development of human beings. However, Fromm's existence thought also has obvious limitations. He lacks historical materialism. Although he recognizes that the generalization of the existence mode of having is the result of the development of private ownership, he ignores and downplays the decisive role of the economic foundation in social change. The social reform plan he proposes is out of touch with reality and has a strong utopian color, making it difficult to become a reality. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {en} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Zhiliang}, title = {A Study on Erich Fromm's Theory of Faith Crisis, Master thesis, Philosophy, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China 2023.}, abstract = {This paper takes Erich Fromm's exposition on faith crisis as the research object, and places the background of worldwide faith crisis as the entry point, trying to discuss the negative effect of faith crisis. As a psychologist and psychoanalyst, Fromm studied the formation and development of the belief crisis theory from the perspective of >human<, fully explained the theoretical core of Fromm's faith crisis theory, and conducted a dialectical analysis and discussion of Fromm's faith crisis theory.- First of all, the article analyzes the formation background of Fromm's faith crisis theory and introduces the historical background and current status of development from a historical macro perspective and a micro personal perspective, by analyzing the changes in Fromm's personal faith patterns, we can have a holistic overview of his faith crisis theory. Fromm's faith crisis theory inherited and developed Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and Karl Heinrich Marx's theory, especially inherited Freud's character theory, and then it created social character theory, and provided research for the crisis of faith. The connection between Fromm's faith crisis theory, Marx's alienation theory, and historical materialism theory lay a solid basis of this paper.- The second is to sort out the content of Fromm's faith crisis theory and analyze the concepts related to faith, including the definition of faith, religion, and faith crisis. By analyzing the subject of faith crisis, Fromm carefully sorted out Fromm's exposition of >the birth of man<, reflecting Fromm's principle of paying attention to the subject status of man. By analyzing the social character structure and spiritual structure in Fromm's faith crisis theory, it is found that the theory of human spiritual structure and character structure is not only a standard for dividing faith types, but also an important basis for solving the crisis of human faith.- Thirdly, it makes a dialectical evaluation of Fromm's faith crisis theory. On the one hand, it explains the rationality of inheriting and applying Marxist theory in Fromm's faith crisis theory, On the other hand, it explains the limitations of the theory.- Finally, it discusses the practical enlightenment of Fromm's faith crisis theory, and mainly explains how to play the role of social personality theory in the process of cultivation and shaping of creative personality as well as rational faith. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Xiaomei}, title = {An Analysis of the Humanistic Value of Technology - Also on Marx's Philosophy of Technology [技术的人本价值探析 ——兼论马克思的技术哲学思想], Master thesis, Scientific Research Management, Heilongjiang University, Heilongjiang, Harbin, China 2002.}, abstract = {The subject of this work is the state of human nature as a result of the impact of technology. Technology is significant for human nature, human freedom and human liberation. Based on an examination of the state of man's nature as a result of the impact of technology, this paper argues that in the process of technology development, on the one hand, reason and wisdom develop man's nature, and on the other hand, this nature is hindered, even destroyed; technology and man's nature are restricted from within. Technology development is not the final goal, but human development is the goal of technology development. In this work, we have dealt with modern technology philosophy and technology-critical ideas in the Western countries and technology alienation according to Marx on the level of human nature, taking human nature as the basis. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiLi, author = {Li, Yuyan and Li, Jia}, title = {>Having< is not >Being<: Fromm's Theory of Alienated Consumption and Its Sublation}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University (Social Sciences), No. 2 (2022), pp. 75-81.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University (Social Sciences), No. 2 (2022), pp. 75-81.}, abstract = {Fromm divided the value orientation of human beings into two kinds: emphasis on >having< and emphasis on >being<, and distinguished the essence of the two. He pointed out that alienated consumption is a way of existence of emphasis on having, which leads to the alienation of human beings and nature, between people and people as well as individual human beings, so that people are more and more far away from the >being<. He believes that only by changing the value orientation of people can we abandon the alienated consumption and return to the nature of human existence. Under the influence of western consumer society, alienated consumption is also spreading in our country. At this critical time, Fromm's criticism of alienated consumption is of great significance for us to cultivate the correct consumption concept, imple¬ment the correct consumption behavior, and realize the sustainable utilization of resources, social harmony and the all-round development of human beings [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Lim, author = {Lim, Chai-Kuang}, title = {소외개념에 대한 프롬과 마르쿠제의 정신분석학적 해명 [Technik und Entfremdung: Eine psychologische Untersuchung nach Fromm und Marcuse]}, series = {동서철학연구 [S.P.E.W - Studies in Philosophy East-West], No. 67 (2013), pp. 385-407.}, journal = {동서철학연구 [S.P.E.W - Studies in Philosophy East-West], No. 67 (2013), pp. 385-407.}, abstract = {프롬과 마르쿠제에 의하면 우리사회의 소외문제가 심각히 대두된 배후에는 기술과 과학의 전체주의적 속성과 자본주의적 산업논리가 기술을 동원하여 인간과 사회를 폭력적으로 지배하는데 그 핵심에 있다고 보았다. 아울러 두 철학자간 유사성은 다음과 같다: 1, 사회과학적 방법론과 정신분석학을 접목시키는 학제간 연구를 연구방법론으로 채택, 2, 존재론적 측면에서 현실과 초월적 세계의 2원론적 구조를 취함, 3. 현대 기술사회를 반이성적이고 반생명적으로 봄. 또한 이들은 건전한 사회를 위한 구상 및 전망에 있어서도, 혁명적 인간상을 통해 구현하고자 하였다는 데 그 유사성을 보인다. 본 연구는 마르쿠제와 프롬 사이의 이견에도 다음과 같이 정리하였다 : 1, >소외< 개념에 있어서 마르쿠제는 일종의 퇴행이자 해결해야하는 사회구조적 병폐로 보고 있는 반면에 프롬은 마르쿠제와 달리 >사회적 병폐로서의 소외<로만 분류하지 않고 >존재론적 문제로서의 소외<로도 이해하고 있다.2, >자연< 개념을 두고 볼 때, 마르쿠제는 자연 낙관주의적 관점을 갖지만 프롬은 인간이 극복해야하는 대상으로서 인간의 삶에 부정적 대상으로 파악한다. 3, 마르쿠제는 >기술<을 원칙적으로 긍정적으로 보고 있다. 단지, 선진 산업사회의 제도적 합리성이 기술의 사용을 왜곡시키고 있다고 보았던 것에 반해, 프롬은 기술 자체를 일종의 중립적 대상으로 보고 있다.}, language = {ko} } @misc{Jiarong, author = {Jiarong, Lin}, title = {The Exploration Into the Influence of Social Unconscious on the Individual Through Cyberpunk, Master of Fine Arts in Illustration, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Illustration), Fine Arts, Syracuse University, New York, USA 2021, 22 + 6 pp. [surface.syr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1583\&context=thesis] [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the influence of the social unconscious on human beings in a future context. In psychoanalyst Erich Fromm's view, the social unconscious refers to Individuals who are afraid of being separated from the society they live in, they often adapt and distort their human needs to meet the requirements of our social system. However, with the strengthening of personality and self-awareness in our present society, how will the relationship between the social subconscious and people's self-awareness change in the future? This is the key issue of this thesis. In the first part, by studying the definition of the social unconscious and related works, this thesis tries to understand the root cause of the influence of the social unconscious and how it affects people's behavior and decision-making. In the second part, this thesis makes an in-depth study of Cyberpunk and objective imagery in related works, revealing that Cyberpunk is a projection of the real world, and clues for many problems in the real world can be found in the Cyberpunk world. In the third part, this thesis explores the changes in people's consciousness in the Cyberpunk world. Finally, this thesis concludes people will not be rid of the influence of the social unconscious whether in the real world or the future world. Even as people's self-awareness is constantly enhanced, self-awareness and social unconscious will always exist as contradictory to one another.}, language = {en} } @article{LimPark, author = {Lim, Sungmin and Park, Meegnee}, title = {유행을 따르게 되는 내적 에너지에 대한 연구 - Masochism 을 중심으로 [The Study of the Inner Energy for Following the Fashion Trend - Focusing on Masochism 션에서]}, series = {한국의류학회지 [Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles], Vol. 32, No. 3 (2008), pp. 362-372.}, journal = {한국의류학회지 [Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles], Vol. 32, No. 3 (2008), pp. 362-372.}, abstract = {The remarkable tendency shown in recent fashion can be the customer's passiveness, not only their feeling desire for product but also needs for product seem to be made by mass media. So this condition can be thought as the currency of energy for being subjected. The public of fashion eagerly want the fashion style to be suggested for following it. The late Freudian, Erich Fromm said that the reason why individuals demand themselves to follow the masses' move could be explained as the hope against the fear of feeling not being from staying isolated and having no direction. Escaping from this fear, individuals ought to believe the necessity of participation in public. The fashion is willing to be defined as the united condition by individuals in the hope being consolidate in masses against being solitude. Nowadays, people can share many information with internet, the fastest medium, which makes the individuals impatient not to be isolate, thinking other people must contact the information and should feel pressure of taking part in the currency. Even though the style is considered to be awkward for following it, it is frequent exposure on mass media by celebrities wearing the style could soon make a fashion. This is able to show that many customers should incline to consider less about their style or taste, whereas lean to pursue after masses' authority. Recent consumers have propensity to avoid feeling concern about others' criticism, on the other side, they try to chase of the fashion as masses' choice for feeling peaceful. The reason why people recognize not to have clothing to wear in spite of a large wardrobe, it must reflect their needs promoted from outside influence of introducing for new styles.}, language = {ko} } @article{Lin, author = {Lin, Jinbo}, title = {Fromm's Discussion and Development of Marx's >Alienation< [弗洛姆对马克思>异化<的探讨与发展]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 22 (2021), pp. 191-193,155.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 22 (2021), pp. 191-193,155.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的重要成员,在思想上继承法兰克福学派的重要观点,认为批判性是马克思主义的灵魂,而同时,其推崇弗洛伊德的相关学说,也由此具有较为浓厚的人道主义色彩。他在对社会现实的考察当中继承了马克思的一系列思想,特别是在对资本主义社会的批判上,多次采用马克思对于异化的批判,逐步构建自己的理论体系。随着资本主义社会的发展,异化现象开始走出经济领域,迈向了更广阔的空间,弗洛姆也注意到了这一点,从多个角度入手进行了一定的批判。同时,弗洛姆也非常欣赏弗洛伊德,在分析的过程中也融入了弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,提出了社会性格学说。本文将重点分析其对资本主义文化现象的一系列批判,从中汲取一定的宝贵经验。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lin, author = {Lin, Jinbo}, title = {The Self and the Other - From the Perspective of Fromm [自我与他者——从弗洛姆的视角切入]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University [佳木斯大学社会科学学报], No. 3 (2022), pp. 15-18.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University [佳木斯大学社会科学学报], No. 3 (2022), pp. 15-18.}, abstract = {个体自由是自文艺复兴以来不断被探讨的一个问题,传统的人与人的依赖关系逐渐被剥离,个体呈现出了>原子化<的特征,也因此,个体与个体之间的矛盾与冲突逐步加剧。针对这一问题,弗洛姆作为西方马克思主义和弗洛伊德主义的一位结合者,基于他对于人本主义和精神分析心理学的多重分析,从人道化社会的角度阐述了社会对于人的重要作用。而其思想路径也彰显了探索人与社会关系动态平衡的新角度。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liang, author = {Liang, Zhifeng}, title = {Cultivation of Sound Personality of Primary School Students [小学生健全人格的培养]}, series = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, journal = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, abstract = {完整的人格是指实现了知、意、情统一的人格。弗洛姆认为,只有把人的情感与智力相结合,才能培养出健全完整的人格。小学生人格是一个复杂、多侧面、多层次的统一体,小学生人格教育的得失关系到他们的身心健康、学习效率以及社会适应能力的发展。因此人格教育必须坚持全面整体、持续统一、个体特色和社会化的原则。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Zhuoyue}, title = {A Study on Southern American Society in >Clock Without Hands< from the Perspective of Fromm's Alienation Theory, Master thesis, World Literature, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Carson McCullers is an important female writer in the history of American Southern literature, and her works are full of description of Southern society. >Clock Without Hands<, her last novel, describes the Southern people and events in the mid-twentieth century. Most research outcomes focus on characters and mental description in the novel, a few are concerned with its social discourse, but few literary critics probe the alienation and its connection with society and history. This thesis explores the characters' alienation condition in the South from the perspective of the alienation theory, which Fromm also emphasizes the individual experience and social elements, so as to reveal the panorama of Southern American society in >Clock Without Hands<. This thesis concludes that McCullers' description on social alienation and social changes of the novel presents Southern advancement in the twentieth century, and it provides a new way to understand Southern society in >Clock Without Hands<, with the analysis of its theme of alienation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lichtenberg, author = {Lichtenberg, Philip}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Crisis of Psychoanalysis (1970a, English)}, series = {Social Work, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 111-112.}, journal = {Social Work, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 111-112.}, language = {en} } @article{Mahnkopf, author = {Mahnkopf, Birgit}, title = {>Green Deal< als Pfad {\"o}kologischer Transformation im Kapitaloz{\"a}n?}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 145-161.}, volume = {d27/2023k}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 145-161.}, language = {de} } @article{Malinowska, author = {Malinowska, Alina}, title = {For Nature with Love: >Fuck for Forest< - An >Unromantic< Perspective [Przyrodzie, z miłością: >Fuck For Forest< - oblicze nieromantyczne] [Pro Natur mit Liebe: >Fuck For Forest< - keine romantische Perspektive]}, abstract = {Celem artykułu jest analiza problem{\´o}w związanych z działalnością na rzecz ochrony środowiska w świetle metod ochrony przyrody związanych z afektywnym podejściem do zagadnień natury. Artykuł omawia zjawisko >Fuck For Forest<, związane z działalnością międzynarodowej organizacji ekologicznej, pozyskującej środki na wspieranie przedsięwzięć pro-ekologicznych za pomocą pornografii. Działalność grupy ujawnia złożoność przedsięwzięć ekologicznych, obnażając problemy związane z wolontariatem, r{\´o}żnicami kulturowymi, kulturową tożsamością oraz kulturowo uwarunkowanym pojęciem natury. Wskazuje na liczne dylematy związane z biofilią, jakie ujawniają się we wsp{\´o}łczesnych formach ochrony środowiska.}, language = {en} } @article{Maliszewski, author = {Maliszewski, Krzysztof}, title = {To not nurture a war - education against violence (Girard - Patočka)}, series = {Studia z Teorii Wychowania, Vol. 14, No. 2 (43) (2023), pp. 357-368. [Online ISSN 2719-4078] [sztw.chat.edu.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=613665]}, journal = {Studia z Teorii Wychowania, Vol. 14, No. 2 (43) (2023), pp. 357-368. [Online ISSN 2719-4078] [sztw.chat.edu.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=613665]}, abstract = {The author is primarily interested in violence in the form of joining Girard's persecution crowd. Thus, the text concerns violence not in the general sense as the use of force to break resistance, nor symbolic violence in the sense of Pierre Bourdieu, but in the sense of human disposition to retaliate and persecution - in other words, violence is analyzed here in terms similar to what Erich Fromm called malignant aggression - the tendency to destroy and gain unlimited control over other people and the world. In the text, the author radicalizes the question about the pedagogical context of violence, treating the tendency to hasty curricular and organizational changes (which often occur after events of escalating violence in schools), as well as the utilitarian search for effective preventive evidence-based measures, as illusions and part of the problem we face with violence. He recognizes that pedagogical reflection must go much deeper. He seeks knowledge about the sources of violence and the cultural formations that foster it in the works of the French anthropologist Ren{\´e} Girard and the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka. The ideas of mimetic rivalry and the 20th century as war can give us insight into the phenomenon of violence and suggest the direction of educational transformation. The author conducts the analysis in several steps. After a critical introduction to the contemporary reaction of education to violence, he first outlines Girard's concept of the mimetic mechanism, then emphasizes three ideas present in it (with references to the nowadays): violence as an anthropological feature embedded in the human condition, unawareness of one's own violence and unanimity of the persecuting crowd. In the end, these three accents become the basis for the postulate of existential reorientation of education, based on Patočka's concept of forces of the day and the night.}, language = {en} } @article{Malkaf, author = {Malkaf, Aladdin}, title = {The Theory of the Perfect Human Being from the Perspective of Morteza Motahari and Erich Fromm (Farsi)}, series = {Danesh Pazhoohan - A Scientific Student Journal, Vol. 11, No. 28 (Spring 2013), pp. 111-125.}, journal = {Danesh Pazhoohan - A Scientific Student Journal, Vol. 11, No. 28 (Spring 2013), pp. 111-125.}, language = {mul} } @article{Maiwald, author = {Maiwald, Florian}, title = {The Burden of Freedom: Sartre's Sleep and Fromm's Awakening}, series = {Epoch{\´e} Magazine, Issue \#56, October 2022.}, journal = {Epoch{\´e} Magazine, Issue \#56, October 2022.}, language = {en} } @article{Kwon, author = {Kwon, Hyuck-mi}, title = {토니 모리슨의 신앙 여정: 『가장 푸른 눈』과 『신이여 그 아이를 도우소서』를 중심으로 [Toni Morrison's Path of Religion in >The Bluest Eye< and >God Help the Child<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {문학과 종교 [Literature and Religion], Vol. 23, No. 3 (2018), pp. 21- 40.}, journal = {문학과 종교 [Literature and Religion], Vol. 23, No. 3 (2018), pp. 21- 40.}, abstract = {본 논문에서는 토니 모리슨의 첫 번째 소설 『가장 푸른 눈』과 최근 소설 『신이여 그 아이를 도우소서』에 등장하는 기독교인들을 에리히 프롬의 『소유냐 존재냐』에서 설명하는 두 가지 실존양식을 바탕으로 분석하여 작가의 신앙관을 추적하였다. 1970년에 발표된 『가장 푸른 눈』에는 세 명의 >소유양식<의 신앙인들인 폴린과 제럴딘 위트콤이 등장한다. 이들은 자신들의 입지를 위해 종교를 이용하고 피콜라의 정신분열 발생에 심각한 부정적 영향을 미친다. 2015년에 발표된 『신이여 그 아이를 도우소서』에서 부커의 고모 퀸은 >존재양식의 신앙인<으로 브라이드가 진정한 정체성을 형성하고 부커와의 사랑을 회복하는데 결정적인 역할을 한다. 기독교 신앙의 주요 속성을 >베푸는 사랑<으로 규정해온 토니 모리슨은 평생 >소유양식의 신앙인<들을 질타하고 >존재양식의 신앙인<이 되도록 촉구하며 독자들의 정신적인 성숙을 이끌어온 >존재양식의 신앙인<이다. 작가는 말년의 작품에서 기독교인들을 긍정적으로 평가하고 태아를 향한 축복 기도를 작품의 제목으로 삼을 만큼 신앙을 향한 긍정적인 태도를 보여주고 있다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Kwon, author = {Kwon, Hyuck-mi}, title = {사랑에서 토니 모리슨의 사랑의 정의 [Toni Morrison's Definition of Love in >Love<] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {문학과 종교 [Literature and Religion], Vol. 21, No.1 (2016), pp. 39-57.}, journal = {문학과 종교 [Literature and Religion], Vol. 21, No.1 (2016), pp. 39-57.}, abstract = {사랑에는 성공한 아프리카계 미국인 사업가 빌 코지 가족들의 부정적인 행위들이 난무하여 사랑의 상반되는 모습들을 보여준다. 가족들의 불화의 원인 제공자는 빌 코지이다. 52세의 빌 코지는 11살 히드와 결혼을 하고 이 결혼 이후, 가족들은 고통당한다. 특히 가족들의 싸움에 지쳤다면서, 빌 코지는 전 재산을 내연녀에게 유산으로 남긴다는 유언장을 작성하여 가족 모두를 배반한다. 빌 코지와 그의 가족의 불화한 모습들은 호텔 주방장인 엘의 사랑을 부각한다. 엘은 작품 속 주요 등장인물 중 유일하게 빌 코지에 대응하는 인물이다. 엘은 어머니가 부재한 빌리 보이와 크리스틴을 양육한다. 그녀는 코지 가족들의 심정을 이해하고, 재치 있는 대처로 각종 갈등상황을 해결하고, 누구의 편도 들지 않고 불행에 빠진 사람을 돕는다. 또한 조금도 불법적인 금전상의 이익을 추구하지 않는다. 역설적이게도 엘의 사랑은 빌 코지의 살해와 대체 유언장 만들기로 완성된다. 엘을 통해 모리슨은 사랑이란 고린도 전서 13장의 부정적인 행위들 즉 투기, 자랑, 교만, 무례함, 이기주의에 굴복하지 않는 것이고, 에리히 프롬이 설명했듯이, 보호하고 책임지며, 상대를 존중하고 그의 처지에서 이해하고 도움을 주는 행위이며, 이에 더해 긍정적인 결과를 위해 계산 없이 과감하게 정의를 실천하는 행위임을 주장하고 있다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Kwon, author = {Kwon, Hyeoknam}, title = {고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 기독교 사회윤리적 기초 [Christian Social Ethics for Preventing and Overcoming Solitary Death]}, series = {권혁남 [Theology and Praxis], No. 38 (2014), 441-452.}, journal = {권혁남 [Theology and Praxis], No. 38 (2014), 441-452.}, abstract = {현대사회는 경제 환경의 급격한 변화 및 가족의 축소, 도시환경의 변화, 가치관의 혼란 등으로 인해 사람들의 >유대<(혹은 친밀감)가 점점 약화되어가고 있다. 그래서 최근 사회 및 학계의 각 영역에서 >유대<라는 개념이 주목받고 있다. 이처럼 우리사회에서 >유대<라는 개념이 크게 관심을 모으고 있는 것은 바꾸어 말하면 인간관계의 왜곡 현상이 이제는 간과할 수 없을 만큼 많은 사람들에게 일어나고 있는 문제라는 것을 반증하고 있는 것이라 할 수 있다. 최근 이러한 문제에 대한 조사가 일부 진행되기는 했으나 축적된 연구가 매우 빈약하고, 그 정책적 대응 또한 매우 미비하다. 얼마 전부터 문제의 심각성을 인지한 이들에 의해 다양한 연구적 접근이 시도되고 있지만 이 영역의 접근은 단순히 실태보고와 현상적 대응에 대한 논의만 이루어질 뿐 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 이론적 고찰이 뒤따르지 못하고 있다. 그 이유는 인간관계의 상실 및 왜곡에 따른 결과적 현상이 사회적 고립에 의한 >고독사<와 같은 충격적인 형태로 나타나다보니 이론적 고찰보다는 대응책 마련이 더 시급한 선결과제가 되어버렸기 때문일 것이다. 그러나 눈앞의 문제에 급급한 나머지 그 심원의 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히는 작업이 선행되지 않는다면 이 문제는 계속 우리사회에 잠복해 있다가 언제든지 다시 그 현상을 표출시킬 것임은 자명하다. 이는 우리사회가 이미 경험한 바다. 현재 사회적으로 고독사 현상의 양적⋅질적 변화에 맞는 다양한 대책이 강구되고 있음에도 불구하고 고독사와 관련하여 여전히 과거의 현상과 다를 바 없는 언론의 보도가 지금도 여전히 지속되고 있기 때문이다. 그러므로 본 논문은 >고독사< 문제의 예방 및 극복은 다양한 차원의 제도적 대책마련에 앞서 기본적(이론적) 접근을 통해 근본적 해결을 위한 요인을 밝히고, 그에 따라 접근해야만 가능하다고 주장한다. 이 주장을 뒷받침하기 위해 우선 >기본<으로서의 인간관계인 >유대<와>사랑<의 관계를 에드문트 후설과 에리히 프롬의 견해에 기대어 윤리적 관점에서 해석해 보고, 이를 토대로 마틴 루터와 존 웨슬리의 논설을 따라 >기독교적 공공성과 사회적 책임<인 >이웃사랑<이 고독사 예방 및 극복을 위한 윤리 사상적 토대임을 제안하였다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Kuznetsow, author = {Kuznetsow, Ilya Olegovich}, title = {Экзистенциальные вызовы постсовременного общества: анализируя Эриха Фромма [Existential challenges of post-modern society: analyzing Erich Fromm]}, series = {Южный полюс Исследования по истории современной западной философии [South Pole Studies in the History of Modern Western Philosophy], Vol. 8, No. 1-2 (2022), pp. 76-80. [doi.org/10.18522/2415-8682-2022-8-76-80]}, journal = {Южный полюс Исследования по истории современной западной философии [South Pole Studies in the History of Modern Western Philosophy], Vol. 8, No. 1-2 (2022), pp. 76-80. [doi.org/10.18522/2415-8682-2022-8-76-80]}, abstract = {в статье приводится попытка показать и доказать, что, несмотря на прошедшее время, Эрих Фромм говорит с нами о нашей социальной реальности на нашем языке. >Диагнозы< больной ткани постсовременного гражданского общества, а также оценки феноменов социальной и экзистенциальной реальности, поражают своей точностью и актуальностью. В статье анализируются работы Фромма, а также комментирующая литература современных западных авторов.}, language = {ru} } @article{LamlabaBerutuetal, author = {Lamlaba Berutu, Duma and et al.,}, title = {L'autoritarisme et la Libert{\´e} Positive de Personnage Principal dans le Roman >Sans Famille< d'Hector Malot (Une Etude Psychologie d'Erich Fromm) [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Lingua Litteria Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020), pp. 0-5. [Print ISSN 2252-6730] [journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/lel/article/view/38816/16139]}, journal = {Lingua Litteria Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2020), pp. 0-5. [Print ISSN 2252-6730] [journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/lel/article/view/38816/16139]}, abstract = {The focus of this study is the authoritarianism and positive freedom on the main character in the novel >Sans Famille<. The theory in this study used humanistic psychology of Erich Fromm. The aim of this study is to find out and to describe the existence of the main character in the novel. Data of this study is the novel >Sans Famille< by Hector Malot. The method of the study is the qualitative descriptive method. Data analysis in this study in three pieces: The authoritarianism on the main character; the positive freedom on the main character, relation between of the authoritarianism and positive freedom on the main character.}, language = {fr} } @article{Kwon, author = {Kwon, Oh-yong}, title = {증오의 생산, 대상, 정당화 - 프롬, 짐멜, 아도르노를 중심으로 [Production, Reproduction, Legitimation of Hatred: Focusing on Fromm, Simmel and Adorno]}, series = {사회이론 [Korean Journal of Social Theory], Vol. 58 (2020), pp. 409-450.}, journal = {사회이론 [Korean Journal of Social Theory], Vol. 58 (2020), pp. 409-450.}, abstract = {이 연구는 개인과 전체사회 간의 변증법적 연관에 주목하여 개인적 증오가 사회적으로 발현되고 재생산되는 과정과 형태를 살펴봄으로써 사회적 증오에 대한 효과적 대응양식을 프롬과 짐멜, 아도르노의 연구를 통해 이론적으로 탐색하였다. 연구결과, 프롬이 제시한 성격에 의한 증오 개념을 통해 개인적인 감정이지만 사회적으로 조건지어진 생활경험에 의해 생성되는 증오의 사회적 성격을 확인하였다. 또한 짐멜의 이방인 개념을 통해 친밀감과 거리감의 동시성이 이방인의 특성이며, 민족적으로 동일한 집단 속에서도 특정 집단이 이방인으로 지목되어 증오의 대상이 될 수 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 증오를 정당화하는 편견과 이를 사회적-정치적으로 동원하는 선전선동에 대한 아도르노의 연구를 통해 편견이 민주사회의 가치를 거부하는 권위주의적 인성을 가진 사람의 소망을 강화하는 기능을 한다는 점을 밝히고, 편견을 동원하는 선전선동의 기술과 작동방식을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 편견과 그 동원의 사회적 조건 탐구와 편견과 박해의 현실적 결과를 알려 사람들을 설득하는 지성적 대항수단의 필요성을 제시하였다. 이 연구는 사회적 증오가 복잡한 이해관계와 사회심리학적 연관 속에서 단번에 해결될 수 없는 문제임을 지적하였으며, 꾸준한 분석과 비판을 통해 증오에 대응할 것을 제안한다.}, language = {ko} }