@article{LuoChen, author = {Luo, Songtao and Chen, Keyu}, title = {From Labor Alienation to Criticism of Existential Alienation - Based on Fromm's Thoughts on Marx's Humanism [从劳动异化到生存异化批判——基于弗洛姆对马克思人学思想的思考]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 3 (2021), pp. 72-79.}, abstract = {作为西方马克思主义中新弗洛伊德主义的代表,弗洛姆强调在西方人道主义传统中理解马克思的人学思想。在《马克思关于人的概念》一文中,弗洛姆深入解读了马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的>人的本质<和>异化劳动<这两个关键问题。针对现代西方资本主义社会中人的生存异化困境,弗洛姆沿着马克思批判异化劳动的思路,着重揭批了自由异化、爱的异化、消费异化等三种异化状况。弗洛姆的生存异化批判虽然发人深省,却仍带有非历史的抽象人性论色。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Jiaojiao}, title = {Alienation and Redemption in >The Goldfinch<, Master thesis, World Literature, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2023 [application of Fromm's theories to art]. [doi.org/10.27159/d.cnki.ghzsu.2023.000947]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Donna Tartt has published three novels all together. In 2014, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her masterpiece >The Goldfinch<. In this novel, alienation is ubiquitous: A terrorist attack causes irreparable harm to victims; there is widespread addiction to drugs and alcohol; relationships among people are alienated, either superficial and distorted or indifferent and apathetic; people worship art, freedom or money irrationally. People are belittled, objectified and deprived of love and conscience in a materialistic and egotistic society. In this novel, Donna Tartt condemns terrorism and explores the causes of alienation and the ways to overcome it which are scientific and reasonable according to Erich Fromm's theory of alienation which is the theoretical basis of this thesis. Many articles compare >The Goldfinch< with the works of famous writers like Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Some analyze the power or value of art or explore the question about the degree of freedom. And some praise the excellent writing skills and delicate expressions in the novel. This thesis focuses on manifestations and causes of alienation and ways to alleviate it, which have not been analyzed deeply yet.- This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces >The Goldfinch< and its author Donna Tartt and Erich Fromm and his alienation theory. This chapter also makes the literature review, analyzing related studies at home and abroad. The second chapter concerns the manifestations of alienation, including people's irrational worship of art, freedom or money, apathetic relationships between fathers and sons and between man and others, characters' Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and widespread addiction to drugs and alcohol. The third chapter explores causes of alienation in >The Goldfinch<, pointing out that it is materialism and egotism in capitalist society that lead to inferiority and objectification of man and disappearance of conscience and love under the guidance of Fromm's theory of alienation. The fourth chapter is about redemption in this novel in thought, action and feeling, proposing that to overcome alienation, man should wake up from stupor and pay more attention to human beings than to things as Hobie does to Theo and as Theo does to Mrs. Barbour, man should make right choices actively when selecting career and choosing between good and evil and man should relate himself to the world lovingly and artistically. All these ways can help people overcome alienation and get redemption according to Fromm's theory. Lastly, there is a conclusion of the whole thesis. This novel shows that productive love is the most important for people to develop and fulfill humanity, which is the ultimate weapon to overcome alienation. In front of alienation, people should not give up their self and humanity, but believe in their own life force and face everything bravely. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 2/2024]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Yuzhi}, title = {Loneliness and Recovery: A Study of Yiyun Li's Short Stories from the Perspective of Fromm's Neo-psychoanalysis, Master thesis, Chinese Literature, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Loneliness, as a universal sensation, has been a classic topic in literature for a long time. Yiyun Li, a new star in Chinese American literature, has published several short stories in The New Yorker, employing her upbringing memories in her motherland and English, the public language in a foreign land. The loneliness and plight of ordinaries against the profound epochal background have been the universal themes in her works and her humanistic and calm written style attracts readers' attention. At present, studies of Yiyun's short stories have concentrated on translation strategies, trauma, culture or multicultural, and Chinese characteristics. However, there is a lack of research on the theme of loneliness. In following six representative short stories, >A Thousand Years of Good Prayers< (2005), >A Flawless Silence<(2018), >Extra< (2005), >Gold Boy, Emerald Girl<(2010), >The Science of Flight< (2010), >A Small Flame< (2017), Yiyun Li portrays different kinds of loneliness with different characters in a psychological sense, which is a mirror reflection of the existential predicaments and spiritual dilemmas of modern people, highlighting the universal value of loneliness in literary criticism. The thesis will investigate the theme of loneliness in the six short stories mentioned above, integrating four key concepts on loneliness in Fromm's Neo-psychoanalytic theory: automation conformity, authoritarianism, the needs for love, and social unconsciousness to examine three types of loneliness in Li's writings, such as the aphasics, the marginal man, and the rootless people, to ascertain the association of loneliness among these three types of people, and then, to trace the origins of loneliness from the insane personality, the impotence to love, and the suppressed social unconscious. Therefore, the first key to recovering from loneliness is that individuals must confront and accept loneliness; secondly, they should employ spontaneous love to relieve loneliness; and finally, they could completely get rid of loneliness and make connections with the outside world through joint efforts. Li only depicts loneliness, leaving the question on how to dissipate it to readers. Notably, with her caring and warming kindness for her characters, she invites readers to think together and discuss the ways to cure loneliness. Therefore, from the perspective of Fromm's Neo-psychoanalytic criticism, the thesis offers guidance for the aphasics, the marginalized and the rootless to get beyond loneliness, and provides reference and insight for loneliness research in a contemporary social context. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Ma, author = {Ma, Huanie}, title = {Loneliness and Redemption——An Interpretation of >God Help the Child< from the Perspective of Fromm's View of Freedom [孤独与救赎——弗洛姆自由观视域下的《上帝救助孩子》解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering [湖南科技学院学报], No. 1 (2022), pp. 100-104.}, abstract = {《上帝救助孩子》是托妮·莫里森以美国当代社会为创作背景的文学作品,展示了美国当代社会各年龄、各阶层、各族裔民众孤独、焦虑的生存图景。文章以弗洛姆的自由观为理论视角,通过对比分析文本中人物逃避消极自由带来的自我救赎失败及追求积极而成功自我救赎的差异,揭示了创造性的爱与劳动是现代人重获自由,不必牺牲自我的完整性而恢复与自然及他人联结的唯一途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Luo, author = {Luo, Dongmei}, title = {The Complex Historical Context of Marx's Concept of Man [马克思关于人的概念的复杂历史脉络]}, series = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, journal = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 3 (2022), pp. 22-24.}, abstract = {以弗洛姆为代表的西方学者认为马克思人的概念是>本真性<的人自我演化的同一性过程,但是马克思关于人的概念是复杂的,它从>人的自我意识<的问题式转换为>人的社会类本质>的问题式,最后转换为一定历史的<现实的个人<的科学阐释。因此,在这种差别转换中,不存在始终如一的>本真性<的人的概念,也就是说这一概念在马克思那里不应简单当作某种自我深化、自我演化的同一性过程,而应理解成在特定历史交互语境之下不同问题式和话语实践的差异性转换。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Xuelian}, title = {A Probe into Fromm's Humanistic Thought, Master thesis, Ethics, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2021.}, abstract = {Fromm is an important representative of the Frankfurt School in the 20th century, as well as a well-known humanist philosopher and well-known humanist philosopher and psychoanalytic psychologist. The thought of Fromm's humanistic is based on the investigation of human nature and the analysis of the actual living conditions of human beings. He believes that the rapid development of economy and technology in Western capitalist society has also caused human alienation and social morbidity. On the basis of in-depth analysis and criticism of this, Fromm reveals the survival dilemma of modern people, and hopes to achieve human liberation through psychological revolution (>The Art of Loving< and social revolution (the establishment of a sound society). The article is divided into three parts. The first part is the analysis of the theoretical origins of Fromm's humanistic thought, mainly involving Freud's psychoanalysis, Marx's theory of alienation, the Frankfurt School's Critical theory, and the influence of Eastern Zen thought on him. The second part is the analysis of the main content of Fromm's humanistic thought, taking human nature of good and evil, and the multiple character structure of humans as the logical starting point, leading to the antinomy of existence, the psychological tendency to escape freedom, and the existence of reoccupied existence. In response to these contradictions, Fromm not only proposed to cultivate >new people< from the perspective of psychological revolution, that is, to cultivate creative love and productive personality, but also put forward the idea of overall social change in the fields of economy, politics, and culture, and advocated the establishment of a >new society< aiming at the full and free development of people. The third part is the analysis and evaluation of Fromm's humanistic thought, analyzing the influence of Fromm's thought in Frankfurt School, and interpreting the contemporary value of Fromm's humanistic thought. [English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} } @article{Maeder, author = {M{\"a}der, Ueli}, title = {Haben oder Sein: Leben statt Profit! Was mache ich aus dem, was die Gesellschaft aus mir macht?}, series = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 51-105.}, journal = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft (Ed.): Erich Fromm-Preis 2022 an Ueli M{\"a}der. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2022, pp. 51-105.}, language = {de} } @article{MadridCobos, author = {Madrid Cobos, Eduardo}, title = {La alteridad del eros en >La voz a ti debida<}, series = {Epos, Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 243-264. [Online ISSN 2255-3495] [revistas.uned.es/index.php/EPOS/article/view/17351/14810]}, journal = {Epos, Vol. 31 (2015), pp. 243-264. [Online ISSN 2255-3495] [revistas.uned.es/index.php/EPOS/article/view/17351/14810]}, abstract = {La obra m{\´a}s conocida de Pedro Salinas (1891-1951), La voz a ti debida (1933) ha susci¬tado siempre gran inter{\´e}s por el desdoblamiento de identidades, tanto del >yo< del poeta como del >t{\´u}< de la amada. En otros trabajos se ha hablado de una b{\´u}squeda de trascendencia en el amor, pero de manera individual y narcisista, por acarrear la invenci{\´o}n de la amada en los pensamientos del poeta. Con publicaciones de fil{\´o}sofos de {\´e}poca actual, como Erich Fromm y Byung-Chul Han, se intenta justificar que el amor que deja ver Salinas en sus versos no es narcisista sino ideal.}, language = {es} } @article{Machalek, author = {Mach{\´a}lek, V{\´i}t}, title = {Humanistick{\´a} psychologie jako sekularizovan{\´a} teologie [Humanist Psychology as Secularized Theology?]}, series = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, journal = {Studia Theologica, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2020), pp. 113-134 [ISSN 2570-9798] [studiatheologica.eu/getrevsrc.php?identification=\&mag=sth\&raid=265\&type=fin\&ver=3]}, abstract = {The aim of this article is to evaluate quasi-religious elements in humanist psychology with a special focus on Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. The study analyses concepts which may be denoted as a secularized >humanist theology<. It refers to the fact that the authors of those concepts were originally connected with the Jewish or Christian faith and after their apostasy radically reinterpreted it or replaced it with a new religion. The humanist >cult of self-worship< explicitly or implicitly locates godhood into man and at the same time excludes the possibility of a personal relationship between man and God. The rise of this new religiosity connected with sacralised psychology was paradoxically made also easy by certain forms of modern Jewish and Christian thinking.}, language = {mul} } @article{Maciel, author = {Maciel, Fabr{\´i}cio}, title = {A patologia da normalidade: Erich Fromm e a cr{\´i}tica da cultura capitalista contempor{\^a}nea [The pathology of normalcy: Erich Fromm and the critique of contemporary capitalist culture]}, series = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, journal = {Sociologias (Porto Alegre), Vol. 22, No. 55 (2020), pp. 262-288. [Online ISSN 1807-0337] ] [doi.org/10.1590/15174522-95752]}, abstract = {Resumo Neste artigo, procuro problematizar a cr{\´i}tica de Erich Fromm {\`a} cultura do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Para tanto, fa{\c{c}}o uma releitura especialmente, mas n{\~a}o apenas, de uma de suas principais obras maduras, o livro Psican{\´a}lise da sociedade contempor{\^a}nea (>The Sane Society<), no qual o autor sedimenta seu projeto anal{\´i}tico de uma >psican{\´a}lise humanista<. Na primeira parte o artigo reconstr{\´o}i, atrav{\´e}s da ideia de >patologia da normalidade<, a cr{\´i}tica de Fromm aos fundamentos culturais do capitalismo contempor{\^a}neo. Na segunda parte, a reconstru{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\´e} levada adiante atrav{\´e}s dos conceitos de >car{\´a}ter socialaliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o<, de modo a compreender como o capitalismo tardio do s{\´e}culo XX aprofunda, como nunca antes, uma cultura anti-humanista. Na conclus{\~a}o, procuro argumentar como a obra de Fromm pode ser de grande valia para a compreens{\~a}o dos problemas tanto individuais quanto coletivos da atualidade.}, language = {pt} }