@article{Kiyoshi, author = {Kiyoshi, Mahito}, title = {フランクルをフロムと対話させる試み清眞人 [Attempt to Image a Frankl's Dialog with Fromm]}, series = {全人的医療 [Comprehensive Medicine], Vol. 20, No. 1 (2020), pp. 53-67. doi.org/10.32183/ifcm.20.1_53]}, journal = {全人的医療 [Comprehensive Medicine], Vol. 20, No. 1 (2020), pp. 53-67. doi.org/10.32183/ifcm.20.1_53]}, abstract = {私がここで試みるのは,フランクルとフロムとの対話を想像することである.実際には両者は対話を行っていない.しかし,両者は有意義な対話を生む十分な理由を持つ.二人は同時代のユダヤ人であり,反ナチスの勇敢な闘士であり,それぞれの仕方でフロイトの精神分析学から「実存的精神分析」を生みだそうとした思想家であった.二人は,人間が抱く根本的な欲求はリビドーではなく,自分の人生を有意義な人生として実現しようとする「意味への欲求」であると考えた.フランクルは言う.「人生が君に投げかける問いに一つ一つ真摯に応えようとする営為が君に人生の意味を発見させるだろう」と.フロムは言う.「責任感とは,《自分には応答する力がある,だから応答する,応答したい》という自発的意識にほかならない」と.そして,フロムは指摘した.生き生きした豊かな応答関係の再生,これこそ今日の精神的課題である,と.}, language = {ja} } @article{KobielaKwaśniewska, author = {Kobiela-Kwaśniewska, Marta}, title = {>Un incendio invisible< de Sara Mesa como una cr{\´i}tica impl{\´i}cita al >Homo consumericus< [An Invisible Fire by Sara Mesa as an Implicit Critique of >Homo consumericus<]}, series = {Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2022), pp. 33-52. [ISSN 0137-2475]}, journal = {Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2022), pp. 33-52. [ISSN 0137-2475]}, abstract = {The paper is an attempt at shedding light on the issues related to the dystopian vision of postmodern society metonymically represented by Vado, an imaginary city, in the novel >Un incendio invisible< written by Sara Mesa. This abandoned urban space causes us to reflect on crucial topics in postmodern society, such as incorporation into unknown place, redefinition of the concept of parenthood, liquid and perverse love, social inequalities, abandoned elders, consumption, role of shopping malls and their significance, human alienation, all phenomena that we find in the novel. The city of Vado plays symbolic role in that piece, hence its devastation and ruin show a close connection with the consumer society and the actions of Homo consumericus. We base our analysis on the philosophical and sociological postulates of Gilles Lipovetsky, Zygmunt Bauman, Erich Fromm and anthropological one of Marc Aug{\´e}, as well as on the proposal of how to read a novel by Javier del Prado Biezma in order to describe the nature of all these mentioned problems and expose the criticism of Homo consumericus concealed in the novel.}, language = {es} } @article{Marzagao, author = {Marzag{\~a}o, Feliciano Alves}, title = {Liberdade em Erich Fromm: Contradi{\c{c}}{\~o}es existenciais e processo dial{\´e}tico de expansāo e fuga [Freedom in Erich Fromm: Existential contradictions and dialectical process of growing and escape]}, series = {Sapere aude - Belo Horizonte, Vol. 12, No. 24 (2022), pp. 607-616. [Online ISSN 2177-6342] [periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/SapereAude/article/view/27856/19177]}, journal = {Sapere aude - Belo Horizonte, Vol. 12, No. 24 (2022), pp. 607-616. [Online ISSN 2177-6342] [periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/SapereAude/article/view/27856/19177]}, abstract = {Com o objetivo de elucidar como o conceito de liberdade {\´e} desenvolvido na teoria do fil{\´o}sofo e psicanalista contempor{\^a}neo Erich Fromm, baseado sobretudo em sua obra intitulada O medo {\`a} liberdade, assim como na revis{\~a}o bibliogr{\´a}fica desse autor e de seus comentadores, esta comunica{\c{c}}{\~a}o apresenta a teoria antropol{\´o}gica do fil{\´o}sofo, de modo a aprofundar-se na concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o frommiana de liberdade, marcada pela ambiguidade que gera um processo dial{\´e}tico de sua expans{\~a}o e fuga. Os aspectos negativos da liberdade s{\~a}o caracterizados por um sentimento de impot{\^e}ncia e solid{\~a}o e pela fragilidade do ego do indiv{\´i}duo, o que faz com que o inconsciente humano crie mecanismos de fuga {\`a} liberdade: o autoritarismo, a destrutividade e o conformismo de aut{\^o}matos. Por outro lado, a liberdade {\´e} ontol{\´o}gica ao homem, e sua expans{\~a}o {\´e} um processo de individualiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o e realiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o humana. Diante dessas contradi{\c{c}}{\~o}es existenciais, Erich Fromm prop{\~o}e que a express{\~a}o das potencialidades intelectuais, emocionais e sensoriais do indiv{\´i}duo, juntamente com transforma{\c{c}}{\~o}es econ{\^o}micas, pol{\´i}ticas e culturais na sociedade s{\~a}o a alternativa para a constitui{\c{c}}{\~a}o do humanismo.}, language = {pt} } @article{Medeiros, author = {Medeiros, Alexandra}, title = {Sanity and madness within the therapeutic setting: A case study}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 083-093.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 083-093.}, abstract = {This article analyses a particular case of sanity and madness within the therapeutic setting as an expression of psychosis. It describes the story of a boy named Pedro who, between the ages of 12 and 16 years, struggled with mental balance - oscillating between lucidity, within a broken mind, and the madness required to stay healthy. The psychotherapeutic path was marked by a set of characters - real and fictional - that revealed his split functioning. In the plots Pedro created, he used the evil characters of any given movie saga in order to express himself. Like a dream, these narratives functioned as metaphors and metonyms, where the condensed forces of evil took over the symptom - which brings us to psychosis - while the good side, represented by an isolated and unprotected figure with which Pedro identified, revealed the displaced material of his unconscious desire. Although the psychotic parts of Pedro's personality had been rehabilitated and integrated, his mental functioning remained marked by dissociation with reality, linked to the psychotic dysfunctionality. Therefore, even if his psychotic parts were contained and masked by clever humor, they were an indelible trace of his mental life.}, language = {en} } @article{MelacarneSlavutzky, author = {Melacarne, Claudio and Slavutzky, Marina}, title = {Freire e Fromm. Biografie e connessioni teoriche [Freire and Fromm. Biographies and theoretical connections]}, series = {Educational Reflective Practices, No. 1 (2022), pp. 38-55. [Online ISSN 2279-9605] [journals.francoangeli.it/index.php/erpoa/article/view/13729/1432]}, journal = {Educational Reflective Practices, No. 1 (2022), pp. 38-55. [Online ISSN 2279-9605] [journals.francoangeli.it/index.php/erpoa/article/view/13729/1432]}, abstract = {L'articolo presenta un'analisi comparativa tra Paulo Freire e Erich Fromm. L'introduzione {\`e} incentrata sulla notevole importanza di studiare e interpretare il lavoro di Freire attualmente e sul suo contributo alla Pedagogia e ad altri ambiti. L'articolo riporta una sintesi delle biografie di Freire e Fromm e alcuni aspetti di similitudine che emergono, come la loro esperienza con la religione, lo studio del marxismo e la loro vita in esilio. Di seguito, alcuni concetti chiave utilizzati dagli autori vengono analizzati. I loro approcci all'educazione, alla libert{\`a}, all'oppressione, alla consapevolezza e all'emancipazione convergono sotto svariati aspetti e possono essere complementari e utili in diversi modi per gli studi contemporanei.}, language = {it} } @article{MesquitaFrancodaSilva, author = {Mesquita, Isabel and Franco da Silva, Carolina}, title = {The psychoanalytic process and self-transcendence}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 094-099.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 2, 2022), pp. 094-099.}, abstract = {This article intends to reflect on some aspects of psychoanalytic theory and practice, to help psychoanalysis evolve. It is therefore important to update psychoanalytic language and practice so that new potentialities and self-transcendence, in the sense of self-expansion are taken into consideration. It is of the utmost importance to take aspects of development and the relational realm into consideration, as well as the way through which the subject repeats their history, maintaining themselves stagnant and in contact with representations that go back to their early relationships.}, language = {en} } @misc{Mueller, author = {Mueller, Helmut A.}, title = {Review E. Fromm: Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Ein Lesebuch}, series = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 8. November 2022}, journal = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 8. November 2022}, language = {de} } @article{Rothe, author = {Rothe, Katharina}, title = {Reproduction and resistance: psychoanalysis in the midst of the political economy}, series = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 138-161.}, journal = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 138-161.}, language = {en} } @article{Runge, author = {Runge, Richard Friedrich}, title = {Die innere Dynamik von selbst- und umweltbezogenen Tugenden im tugendhaften Akteur. Systematische {\"U}berlegungen im Ausgang von Erich Fromm}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Ethik und Moralphilosophie, No. 5 (2022), pp. 37-59. [Online ISSN 2522-0071] [link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Ethik und Moralphilosophie, No. 5 (2022), pp. 37-59. [Online ISSN 2522-0071] [link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, abstract = {Die eudaimonistische Tugendethik sieht sich, was ihre innere Struktur anbelangt, standardm{\"a}ßig mit den Vorw{\"u}rfen des Egoismus und Anthropozentrismus konfrontiert, was auch das Projekt einer {\"o}kologischen Tugendethik zu gef{\"a}hrden scheint. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, ausgehend von der Tugendethik Erich Fromms, eine neue Perspektive auf diese Standardvorw{\"u}rfe zu entwickeln, indem er den theoretischen Implikationen nachgeht, die die Anerkennung der Biophilie - der Liebe zum Leben - als eine der Tugenden des Menschen f{\"u}r den Frommschen Ansatz hat. Die zun{\"a}chst noch exegetisch ausgerichtete Diskussion der werkinternen Relation von humanistischer und biophiler Ethik bei Erich Fromm leitet schließlich zu einer st{\"a}rker systematisch ausgerichteten Diskussion der inneren Dynamik von selbst- und umweltbezogenen Tugenden im tugendhaften Akteur {\"u}ber. In diesem Zuge wird deutlich gemacht, dass das selbstbezogene Streben nach eigener Eudaimonie und das umweltbezogene Streben nach der F{\"o}rderung des Objekts der eigenen Liebe zwar durchaus miteinander in einen Konflikt geraten k{\"o}nnen, dass dieser Konflikt aber nicht zur Selbstausl{\"o}schung der Tugendethik f{\"u}hrt, sondern stattdessen im tugendhaften Akteur eine produktive Dynamik entfaltet. Die klassische Gegen{\"u}ber- stellung von Anthropozentrismus und Biozentrismus innerhalb der Ethik l{\"a}sst sich auf diese Weise unterlaufen.}, language = {de} } @misc{SalernoMigone, author = {Salerno, Giuseppe and Migone, Paolo}, title = {Online psychoanalysis: Interview with Paolo Migone}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 4, 2022), pp. 249-251.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 31 (No. 4, 2022), pp. 249-251.}, language = {en} }