@article{Tang, author = {Tang, Li}, title = {>Lonely Hunter<: The Loneliness of the characters in White's >A Glass of Tea< [>孤独的猎手<:怀特《一杯茶》中人物的孤独] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 14 (2019), pp. 8-9.}, journal = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 14 (2019), pp. 8-9.}, abstract = {怀特的著名短篇小说集《烧伤的人》记叙了一系列异化的现代人,其中《一杯茶》借用一位中年希腊男子马里亚卡斯的视角,通过倾听耄耋老人菲里庇底斯爱情故事,揭露以三位主人公为代表的现代人的孤独症候。本文借助弗洛姆的孤独理论,消解三位主人公的孤独成因,并升华小说的现实意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Szell, author = {Sz{\´e}ll, Gy{\"o}rgy}, title = {Homo sapiens demens}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 117-138.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 117-138.}, language = {de} } @article{Tropico, author = {Tropico, James Robert}, title = {Erich Fromm, https://independent.academia.edu/JamesRobertTropico}, language = {en} } @article{Tao, author = {Tao, Shuang}, title = {The True Meaning of Love from >The Art of Loving< [从《爱的艺术》领悟爱的真谛]}, series = {New West [新西部], No. 3 (2019), pp. 104-105.}, journal = {New West [新西部], No. 3 (2019), pp. 104-105.}, abstract = {本文解读了美籍徳裔社会心理学家弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》。文章从弗洛姆的>爱情<理论、爱的对象及步骤和爱的实践要求等方面,指出爱情不再是只局限于指向男女之间的性别之爱,而是应该领悟爱的真正含义,进而引起大家的深刻思考。}, language = {zh} } @article{Vaslamatzis, author = {Vaslamatzis, Grigoris}, title = {Memories, or attempts to dream undreamt traumas? >Souvenirs dormants< (Sleeping memories) by Patrick Modiano, under the gaze of Thomas Ogden}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 022-026.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 022-026.}, abstract = {In >Sleeping memories< (2017), French writer Patrick Modiano confronts the past and his memories in a different way compared with his previous novels, as he keeps trying to revisit and reprocess them. In this book he adds a new method, the dreaming revision of memories, especially traumatic ones, turning to the work of Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys, >Les r{\^e}ves et les moyens de les diriger: Observations pratiques.< I would suggest that in this way he dreams undreamt traumas, thereby transforming them. In doing so, Modiano meets Thomas Ogden's art of psychoanalysis.}, language = {en} } @misc{Umrath, author = {Umrath, Barbara}, title = {Geschlecht, Familie, Sexualit{\"a}t. Die Entwicklung der Kritischen Theorie aus der Perspektive sozialwissenschaftlicher Geschlechterforschung, Frankfurt und New York (Campus), 2019, 410 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{VajdaSmitmansVajda, author = {Vajda, Mih{\´a}ly and Smitmans-Vajda, Barbara}, title = {Erinnerungen an {\´A}gnes Heller}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 141-168.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 141-168.}, language = {de} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Qian}, title = {Women's Escape in Life - Interpretation of >Dear Life< from the Perspective of Fromm's View of Freedom [女性在生活中的逃离 - 弗洛姆自由观视域下的《亲爱的生活》解读], Master thesis, English Languange and Literature, Henan Normal University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {爱丽丝•门罗是加拿大女性作家,2013年诺贝尔文学奖得主。她终身致力于短篇小说创作,享有>我们的契科夫<的盛誉,是当代短篇小说大师。门罗最新的一部短篇小说集《亲爱的生活》于2012年出版,由十四篇故事组成,揭示了门罗关于成长,婚姻,爱情,疾病和死亡的永恒主题;这部小说一经发表就引起了广大评论界的关注;同时,它也是门罗力荐给读者的最后也是最好的一部作品。国内外许多学者以及文学评论家从多个不同角度评析爱丽丝•门罗的小说《亲爱的生活》。然而,大多数研究关注主题、文化、叙事艺术,女性主义、存在主义,比较文学及心理学等方面。门罗对女性生活日常的心理刻画细致入微,她笔下的女性人物在追寻着自由的同时又在逃避着自由;生活于她们而言是一场自由进行曲,这使得她们挣扎于个体自我、家庭和社会期望之间的矛盾需求。而弗洛姆的自由说中所蕴含的一些独特阐释又恰恰为这一研究提供了理论支持。本文借埃里希•弗洛姆的自由论试析《亲爱的生活》中五个故事里的女性。全文分为三个部分,引言、正文和结论;其中,正文本分由四个章节组成。引言介绍了爱丽丝•门罗和小说《亲爱的生活》,埃里希•弗洛姆的自由论,以及国内外对门罗的《亲爱的生活》的研究和评论,进而点明本文的研究意义:以弗洛姆的自由观中所涉及的>纽带<、>逃避<、>自发<为理论出发点,分析门罗的小说,揭示女性生活的实质。第一章是本文的理论基础。详细阐述了弗洛姆自由论的三个重要概念,>纽带<>逃避<与>自发<。在现代社会,个体为获得自由摆脱了曾赋予其生命以意义和安全的所有>纽带<,却又陷入了无能为力及孤立的状态。为了摆脱这种不安全的状态,个体开始竭力>逃避<自由,却被束缚在新纽带关系之中。但以牺牲个体自我为代价的新纽带并不能恢复他失掉的安全感。因此,这种>逃避<又给人套上了新的枷锁。而>自发<以不压抑自我、不割裂理性与本性为前提,能够帮助个体获得真实自我并依照其自由意志进行活动,使其重新找回安全感,实现真正意义上的自由。第二章从>纽带<的双重含义来具体分析女性在生活中所面临的困境。女性在不同的人生阶段扮演着多重角色,相应的也承受着多重的困境;而>纽带<,作为女性与家庭和社会联系的节点,在给予女性安全感的同时,也限制了她们对自由和自我实现的追寻;因此,女性徘徊于自我需求,家庭责任和社会期待的矛盾边缘,而她们的追寻也被现实生活中的日常琐碎日渐湮没,并逐渐在家庭与社会生活中变得无力与孤独。因此,>纽带<又成为了她们追求自由与自我实现的一种束缚与枷锁。第三章以>逃避<的深层次概念来关注女性在生活中的心理历程。自由所带来的孤独与无力感迫使女性个体在逃离束缚后开始寻求新的>纽带<关系。以感性占据统治地位的女性以爱之名屈从于外在男性权威,致使她们在生活中为了寻求丢失的安全感而牺牲掉一部分的自我。而内在权威又假借责任和良心之名无形地制约着女性,迫使她们在生活中放弃自我需求,回归理性。无论是感性占据抑或是理性占据,都是一种割裂自我,压抑自我的>逃避<,因此,新的>纽带<是暂时的,脆弱的。第四章从>自发<的概念进一步阐释了女性在生活中屡屡失败的根本原因及出路。女性>逃避<到新的>纽带<关系中注定是失败的,生活中的意外与悲剧便是最好的见证;女性对权威的依附其实是对安全感和权利的依附,而这种以牺牲部分或全部自我为代价的>逃避<是不牢固的,一旦时机成熟便会再次唤醒女性对内在自我的追寻;因此,自发性的缺失是导致失败的根本原因;唯有在实现自我的完整性的基础上,女性才能在寻求自由与幸福的同时与他人建立起平等独立的关系。基于以上的讨论和分析,结论部分指出门罗所塑造的女性人物在不同的人生阶段面临着不同的生存困境,表面上看似幸福的生活背后隐藏的是无尽的孤独与无力感。面对社会与家庭的双重压力,女性游走于社会或家庭需求与自我需求的矛盾边缘,不论是被动的屈服或主动地尝试,在现实生活中,她们仍然会与意外与悲剧不期而遇。尽管,这种生存困境对于女性而言是一种普遍存在的现象,但她们对自由和幸福的追寻是永无止境的。而且,她们终将通过自发性的活动找到生活的意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Jingyan}, title = {A Study of Alienation in >Olive Kitteridge< [《奥莉芙•基特里奇》的异化研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {伊丽莎白•斯特劳特是当代美国文坛著名的一位女作家,她的一生创作了多部小说。2008年,斯特劳特发表了《奥莉芙•基特里奇》,该小说入围了2008年美国国家书评人协会奖,后来成为《纽约时报》的畅销书,也使得她一举拿下2009年的普利策奖和意大利Premio Bancarella奖。之后,这本小说被HBO改编成了电视剧,获得了第67届艾美奖13项提名。《奥莉芙•基特里奇》无疑是一本十分成功的小说。但国内外对该小说的研究并不多,且大多数研究都侧重于女性主义,荒诞主义,心理分析等视角。斯特劳特精于描写平凡小镇的平凡人物,但在平凡人物关系中,却或多或少的存在着冷漠、疏离与孤独。因此,本论文运用弗洛姆的异化思想,从四个方面解读《奥莉芙•基特里奇》中的异化现象。本论文分为三个部分,分别是:引言、主体、结语三个部分。引言部分概述了伊丽莎白•斯特劳特的生平和她的所有作品,综述了《奥莉芙•基特里奇》在国内外的研究。其次,本论文研究了《奥莉芙•基特里奇》中异化现象的原因,同时介绍了弗洛姆的生平以及异化思想。主体分为四章。第一章解读了小说中情感的异化,这种异化主要表现在两个方面。异化的情感首先表现为偶像崇拜式的爱,在恋爱关系中,一方把另一方当作>偶像<一样崇拜,以至于在爱的人身上丢失了自己;其次表现为夫妻各自的婚外情,这种婚外情主要是由于婚后沟通能力的丧失,夫妻间对婚内生活的不满以及受到性欲望的诱惑造成的。第二章侧重分析了父母与孩子关系的异化,这在小说中表现在三个方面。首先体现在上一代父母亲的自杀给孩子的内心造成了严重创伤,导致孩子长大后精神失常或者性格有缺陷而想要自杀。其次,这种异化还表现在父母对孩子的异化权威。父母过度控制地孩子的生活,导致孩子人格的不完整以及心理疾病的出现。最后,父母与孩子关系的异化还导致了孩子的父母亲情结。孩子在的成长过程中,难以摆脱父母形象,既想要赶紧脱离父母的力量,又想找一个和父母形象、性格等相似的人相伴终身。此外,父亲情结还会导致孩子的过度自我压抑和顺从;具有母亲情结的人则会过分依附于他者,无法获得健全生活。第三章介绍了小镇人的异化,这种异化主要是由机械式生活,与他者疏远以及自我身份的不确定导致的。单调的生活使得小镇人变得麻木,冷漠,如同机器一般。小镇人对他者漠不关心,有的甚至疏远他人,过起了与世隔绝的生活,俨然变成了隐士。第四章主要指出了通往健全生活的方式。健全的生活需要创造性的爱,爱是个体存在的最基本需求,也是通往健全生活的必要条件。另外,人需要定位坐标来界定自我身份。满足个体定位坐标需要客观地看待世界;同时也需要感性地与世界相连。此外,人需要与他者关联,摆脱内心的孤独与压抑。结语部分概括了《奥莉芙•基特里奇》中的异化表现,指出了小说文本与异化理论结合的意义。通过对小说中异化的研究,读者能从全新的视角理解本小说。此外,小说中的异化也是现实世界异化的缩影,折射出人与人之间普遍存在的异化现象,而对通往健全之路的分析则有利于改善人与人之间的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Min}, title = {The Dual Dimensions of Freedom - Thoughts on the View of Freedom in >Escape from Freedom< [自由的双重维度——对《逃避自由》中自由观的思考]}, series = {Legal System and Society [法制与社会], No. 21 (2019), pp. 228-229.}, journal = {Legal System and Society [法制与社会], No. 21 (2019), pp. 228-229.}, abstract = {自由作为人类向往的精神境界,一直是社会研究的重要主题。弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中,从心理学角度出发,对自由做出了自己的阐述。积极自由和消极自由作为自由两种不同的表现形式,表达了在追寻个人自由时的不同侧重点。与此同时,弗洛姆所倡导的积极自由与马克思眼中的全面自由发展又存在区分唯心主义与唯物主义标准的区别。本文就是在阅读《逃避自由》之后,就自由这一主题进行探讨。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wu, author = {Wu, Qiuyao}, title = {A Study of the Theme of Alienation in McEwan's >Solar< [麦克尤恩《追日》的异化主题研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {伊恩•麦克尤恩是英国当代最著名的作家之一。他的作品以揭露社会现实和人类的伦理困境 而 著 称 并 受 到 高 度 重 视。其于2010年发表的《追日》以全球变暖为背景, 吸引了来自世界各地读者的关注。麦克尤恩在这部作品中将全球关注的气候变化问题与人们的道德困境相结合, 反映了当代社会存在的生态和人文危机。以往对《追日》的研究主要集中在生态主义和伦理学方面。相比之下, 人们对这部小说异化主题的研究 则显得不够充分。本文以弗洛姆和马尔库塞的相关异化理论为基础来阐述小说中的异化主题。文章主要 从三个方 面 来 分析小说中 的异化主题:人的自我异化, 人与人关系的异化和人与自然关系的异化。本论文由三部分组成。第一章主要概括并介绍了作者伊恩麦克尤恩及其作品、《追日》的文献综述、异化理论及中心论点、研究方法和研究意义。正文分为四章包括第二章、第三章、第四章和第五章。第二章分析了人的自我异化主要表现为情感麻木和信仰的缺失。第三章阐释小说中人 与 人关系的异化主要 体现在两个方面:不和谐的家庭关系和扭曲的工作关系。第四章通过人对科技的过度依赖和对自然环境的破坏 两 方 面阐述了人与自然关系的异化。第五章总结了当代人的过度贪婪, 父权制社会的根深蒂固和人类中心主义的盛行是导致《追日》中异化问题的主要原因。第六章为结论。本论文最后得出结论, 异化这一主题贯穿于整部小说。当今社会, 人们不断增加的贪欲使其成为一个失去情感和信仰的物质化存在。异化了的人际关系和人与自然的关系也反映了父权主义和人类中心主义的根深蒂固。本文同时也表达了对人们生活现状的关注并呼吁人类对自己的行为进行深刻的反思。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wu, author = {Wu, Chengcheng}, title = {The Puppet Under the Control of the Desire Machine - The Alienation of Humanity in >The Trojan Winner< [欲望机器操纵下的木偶——《木马赢家》中人性的异化] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 9 (2019), pp. 111, 110.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 9 (2019), pp. 111, 110.}, abstract = {《木马赢家》作为戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯晚年的短篇小说之一,探讨了劳伦斯所关注的人与人之间的关系,从侧面反映出西方工业文明社会下,金钱对人性的蚕食与扭曲。本文结合埃利希•弗洛姆的异化理论,从>异化<这个角度分析《木马赢家》中人性异化的体现,探讨其根源。揭示金钱诱惑下血亲的畸形和扭曲金钱观的变态以及此短篇小说对现代人的启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Segbers, author = {Segbers, Franz}, title = {Strukturelle Respektlosigkeit - Die Sch{\"a}ndung der Arbeit im neoliberalen Kapitalismus}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 23 / 2019, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 231-247.}, volume = {d23/2019p}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 23 / 2019, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 231-247.}, language = {de} } @article{Wulf, author = {Wulf, R{\"u}diger}, title = {Die Realit{\"a}t des Strafvollzugs: Chancen, Grenzen und Gefahren}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 23 / 2019, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 035-052.}, volume = {d23/2019c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 23 / 2019, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 035-052.}, language = {de} } @article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Religion, Man and Society in Fromm's Critical Humanism Philosophy - Arabic). Paper presented at the philosophical conference in Iraq, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, 2019.}, language = {ar} } @article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Man is Moral Being: Social-Psychological Reflections - Arabic).}, series = {Journal of Contemporary Islamic Issues, Vol. V (2019), pp. 71-72 and 192-220.}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Islamic Issues, Vol. V (2019), pp. 71-72 and 192-220.}, language = {ar} } @article{Ghabr, author = {Ghabr, Luai Khazal}, title = {(Religion between Rational and Irrational Faith: Social Psychoanalysis vision - Arabic). Lecture presented in the Iraqi Association for Political Psychology, 2019.}, language = {ar} } @misc{Qi, author = {Qi, Ziyue}, title = {On Fromm's Thought of Freedom [弗洛姆自由思想研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing, China 2019.}, abstract = {埃利希·弗洛姆是20世纪著名的心理学家、哲学家和社会学家。弗洛姆以>渴望自由是人与生俱来的机制吗<为研究起点, 探讨人性与自由的关系, 揭示了人之自由困境的成因。他通过对各个历史阶段人们自由程度的分析, 提出了在资本主义社会阶段人们>逃避自由<这个命题。为什么追求自由的人们最后走向逃避自由?这是我们研究弗洛姆自由思想最重要的抓手。此外, 弗洛姆将精神分析纳入社会领域, 从心理学视角解释人的异化尤其是资本主义社会的异化;他以人格的全面发展为目标, 倡导建立健全的社会。这些都使得弗洛姆的自由思想具有不可替代的意义。笔者通过对弗洛姆的思想进行整合和梳理, 在前人研究的基础上, 进一步丰富和完善对弗洛姆自由思想的解读, 通过其对自由的独到和深刻见解, 为我们对自由问题的研究提供了新的视野。与此同时, 对弗洛姆自由理论的研究还能够对于我们认识和解决社会经济快速发展带来的一系列问题具有重要的借鉴意义。本论文具体研究架构如下。第一部分, 主要介绍弗洛姆自由思想产生的思想渊源。通过结合弗洛姆的个人经历与历史背景, 以犹太教的救世思想、弗洛伊德的精神分析学说以及马克思主义有关劳动异化的相关理论为切入点探讨弗洛姆自由观的思想渊源。第二部分, 主要介绍了弗洛姆有关自由之困境的思想。分别从人的个体化进程、人的需要和人的性格结构三个方面进行整体分析, 借助精神分析的相关理论, 探索个体现实困境与自由的关系, 揭示人性和自由的内在联系, 从而进一步探求逃避自由的深层原因。第三部分, 主要针对弗洛姆的自由思想进行详细阐述。结合国内国外的相关研究, 按照从自由的界定、逃避自由和实现积极自由的路径探讨的顺序逐步深入, 进一步突出弗洛姆自由观的合理性和深刻性。第四部分, 对全文内容进行总结, 并阐述本人对弗洛姆的自由观理论的的认识, 给予其自由思想以客观评价, 突出其时代地位和独创性特征。}, language = {zh} } @article{RatnerSong, author = {Ratner, Carl and Song, Qun}, title = {The Universalization of Contemporary Social Pathology: Comparison between a Biomedical, a Cultural-Political and a Liberal-Humanistic-Postmodernist Perspective [当代社会病态的普遍化——基于生物医学、文化政治、自由主义——人文主义——后现代主义三种模式的比较分析]}, series = {Research on Marxist Culture [马克思主义文化研究], No.2 (2019), pp. 135-155.}, journal = {Research on Marxist Culture [马克思主义文化研究], No.2 (2019), pp. 135-155.}, abstract = {这篇文章力图把>当代病态<这一议题做一个需要解决的问题,并尝试清楚地阐释它。我阐述了一个文化政治模式,即(a)为什么病态以多种形式,并广泛存在于社会各个领域,(b)如何干预泛滥的病态,并最终根除它。此模式借鉴了埃里克·弗洛姆的工作成果,他阐明:在许多或大多数社会里,病态是如何成为正常社会的,心理的活动的特征的。这篇文章还讨论了两种流行病态模式,它们误解病态,非正确,因而不能纠正、根除或预防病态。第一种错误解释病态的是标准生物医学模式。第二种错误解释病态的是自由主义—人文主义和后现代主义的模式,它否认所有病态,并坚持认为所有行为包括病态是个体选择和主动性的积极表现,必须得到确认和接受,而不是纠正。}, language = {zh} } @article{SchlechtBitzer, author = {Schlecht, Karl and Bitzer, Melanie}, title = {Interview von Melanie Bitzer mit mit Karl Schlecht}, series = {M. Hosang (Ed.), Die Kunst des Liebens im Tun. Warum und wie UnternehmerIinnen die Welt ver{\"a}ndern, Vorabdruck einer durch die Karl Sschlecht Stiftung gef{\"o}rderten Untersuchen, Berlin (Pikik-Verlag) 2019, pp. 231-241.,}, journal = {M. Hosang (Ed.), Die Kunst des Liebens im Tun. Warum und wie UnternehmerIinnen die Welt ver{\"a}ndern, Vorabdruck einer durch die Karl Sschlecht Stiftung gef{\"o}rderten Untersuchen, Berlin (Pikik-Verlag) 2019, pp. 231-241.,}, language = {de} } @article{Huang, author = {Huang, Xiaohan}, title = {Fromm's >Western Marxist< Dialogue - Between Freud and Marx [弗洛姆式的>西马<对话——在弗洛伊德与马克思之间]}, series = {Foreign Philosophy [外国哲学], No. 2 (2019), pp. 89-119.}, journal = {Foreign Philosophy [外国哲学], No. 2 (2019), pp. 89-119.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的>西马<对话完成于对弗洛伊德和马克思的比较和综合。他认真分析了弗洛伊德和马克思的共同思想原则与研究方法,在不同性质和品质的学术理论之间奠定两者的对话基础。他深入聚焦了弗洛伊德和马克思的共同问题意识,在两者的理论开展和交融中洞见优秀的思想成果、批判精神与理论不足。他严肃汲取了弗洛伊德和马克思的思想资源,创造性地提出自己的>弗洛伊德式的马克思主义<。在西方,他以综合弗洛伊德和马克思的学说著称,是一个西方马克思主义者。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yang}, title = {Escapism in Jonathan Franzen's Freedom [乔纳森·弗兰岑《自由》中的逃避主义], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {评论家及学者对乔纳森·弗兰岑及其作品的关注与日俱增,一度引发>弗兰岑热<。作为弗兰岑的代表作之一,《自由》(2010)探讨了诸如自由、环境保护、战争、人口过剩等关乎人类生存发展的重要问题。国内外有关《自由》的研究已取得一定成果,但关于该小说逃避主题的研究有待进一步深入。基于埃里希·弗罗姆及段义孚关于>逃避<的研究思想,本文拟从逃避自由、逃避现实与逃避动物性三个方面对该小说中的逃避主义进行深入的分析与研究。分析人类所面临的自由困境及积极自由的实现,阐释逃避现实的双重内涵,并探讨道德与人性在规避动物性方面的重要意义,最后指出《自由》中的逃避不仅仅只是消极逃避,也是一种积极的回归与自我实现的方式。论文分为六个章节。第一章,引言,主要对与作家作品相关的背景进行简单介绍,梳理国内外已有的研究成果,并指出论文的研究目的与研究意义。第二章,理论框架。主要对埃里希·弗罗姆的《逃避自由》及段义孚的《逃避主义》进行介绍,并梳理出有关逃避的主要准则,为论文第三章至第五章是论文的主体分析部分。在第三章,从权威主义与破坏分析探讨了逃避自由。在第四章,从迁移与想象分析探讨逃避现实。在第五章,从规避动物性与呼吁人性分析探讨了逃避动物性。第六章,结语。归纳总结逃避主义在该小说中的体现,点明逃避在该小说中的复杂性及积极意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shaowei}, title = {We need more beauty [我们需要更多的美]}, series = {World View [看世界], No. 3 (2019), p. 7.}, journal = {World View [看世界], No. 3 (2019), p. 7.}, abstract = {>一个人可以仰视星辰乃至太阳,何至于竟喜欢小块珠宝的闪闪微光。< 这是托马斯·莫尔在《乌托邦》一书中的经典话语。这句话是借乌托邦人之口说出来的,也就是说,他描述的是一种理想的人。作为社会主义还处于空想时代的思想先驱,莫尔爵士已经意识到眼前的社会生活是有问题的。这种问题,后来经过黑格尔、马克思、弗洛伊德、弗洛姆等大思想家的不断深入思索,定义为人的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Jinying}, title = {Modern Man's Existence Predicament in the Entropic Society - >The Crying of Lot 49< as an Example [熵化社会中现代人的生存困境研究 - 以《拍卖第49批》为例], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {托马斯·品钦是当代美国文坛最著名的后现代作家之一。他的作品以奇谲诡异的构思、百科全书式的叙述、神秘怪诞的情节和富含哲理的隐喻而著称,颇具影响力。《拍卖第49批》是品钦的第二部小说,虽是他所有长篇小说中篇幅最短的,却有着>体小而才华横溢<的美称。小说围绕一位受过高等教育的年轻太太(奥狄芭·马斯)追寻神秘组织特里斯特罗的故事而展开。该小说自问世以来就引起了批评界的广泛关注,并在1967年获得由全国文学艺术学会颁发的>理查德与希尔达·罗森塞尔基金奖<。这部小说写于20世纪60年代,是美国历史上政治和社会最动荡的10年。在此期间,毒品文化兴起,越南战争,摇滚革命同时爆发。这也是约翰·F·肯尼迪和马丁·路德·金被暗杀、各种民权运动以及女权运动突起的时期。这部小说充分展现了这场文化运动,描绘了一个碎片化的社会。《拍卖第49批》弥漫着一种无处不在的文化混乱感,生动地描绘了当时美国文化和社会的方方面面。本论文将结合熵定律,并借用弗洛姆的相关理论,探讨《拍卖第49批》的现实意义和独特价值,揭示品钦小说所反映的后现代熵化社会中人类的生存困境。本文首先是分析文中后现代熵化社会的特征,如支离破碎的亚文化,扭曲的信息传递和无效的交流系统,病态混乱的美国社会。其次是分析文中人物所遇到的生存困境,主要是人的异化和物化,情感的孤独,真爱的缺失,自我身份认同的焦虑。然后分析品钦给出的解决方案以及他提出的社会改良政策,包括追寻的意义,交流的重要性。最终得出结论,品钦带着强烈的人文关怀,揭示了社会的熵化现状和现代人的生存困境,从侧面反映出他对极权的蔑视、对现实的关注和对人类终极命运的思考.}, language = {zh} } @article{Šumiga, author = {Šumiga, Dražen}, title = {Fromm's psychoanalytic theory and his understanding of the psychotherapeutic practice: existential, relational and social dimension of the psychotherapeutic work. Typescript 2019, 34 pp.}, abstract = {In this article we will explore three important themes: (1) Fromm's anti-objectivistic perspective which stands for the idea that the other Being should not become an object in analysis; (2) the central idea of the relatedness and the relational dimension in the psychotherapeutic practice; (3) in the last part we will analyze the existential-ontological level which is manifested in analysis. We will focus our attention on the different ways in which Fromm as a psychoanalytic thinker, social critic and humanist can help the therapists to include the existential and social dimension in the psychotherapeutic work.}, language = {en} } @misc{Yao, author = {Yao, Xuemei}, title = {Research on the Improvement of Rural Teachers' Survival Circumstance in Absolute Poverty-stricken Areas [深度贫困地区乡村教师生存境遇改善研究], Principles of Education, Southwest University, Beibei District, Chongqing, China 2019.}, abstract = {2018年教育部联合国务院扶贫办印发了《深度贫困地区教育脱贫攻坚实施方案(2018-2020年)》(以下简称>方案<),方案进一步聚焦深度贫困地区的教育扶贫,力图用三年时间确保深度贫困地区如期完成>发展教育脱贫一批<任务。其中明确提出要加强乡村教师队伍建设,特别强调了>三区三州<乡村教师生活补助政策的落实,达到稳定和吸引优秀人才长期在乡村学校任教目的。尽管国家大力保障贫困地区乡村教师生存,但深度贫困地区的乡村教师在物质需要、精神需要及职业需要等生存境遇方面仍存在亟需解决的问题。本研究基于深度贫困地区乡村教师生存境遇的问题,选取了云南省怒江傈僳族自治州(以下简称>怒江州<)的贫困且是多民族聚居的F县为调研点。乡村教师对乡村教育的发展起着重要作用,云南省怒江州乡村教师生存境遇直接关系该州乡村教育的稳步发展。本文对怒江州F县乡村教师进行观察与深度访谈,借鉴弗洛姆对人的生存境遇的理论探讨,根据弗洛姆对人的生存需要分类,从调研实际出发,归纳概括为物质需要、精神需要、职业需要三方面以分析乡村教师生存需要。具体内容包括工资福利、住房交通、婚姻与工作、身体健康、工作压力、职业成就感、社会地位等七维度。在访谈与观察中发现,乡村教师在生存需要上依然存在问题亟待解决,且生存矛盾逐渐凸显。首先,深度贫困地区乡村教师的物质条件还比较差;其次,深度贫困地区乡村教师精神需要尚未满足;第三,深度贫困地区乡村教师职业选择自由缺失。此外,生存需要不满足导致了深度贫困地区乡村教师的生存矛盾问题凸显:工资待遇与当地公务员存在较大差距、福利津贴仍待进一步改善、身心健康尚未得到足够关注;在工作、社会地位、自我提升方面,当地的教师编制仍沿用旧时编制造成乡村教师工作负担重,且职称评聘尚未充分提升教师积极性,乡村教师社会地位较低等现象。以及工作时间长、工作负担重,教学压力大等问题依旧存在。另外,部分乡村教师存在职业成就感较低、自我意识比较弱、自我认同感不足等问题。弗洛姆认为要满足人的生存需要及解决人的生存困境,需要从人在生物学上的弱点、人>历史的二歧<和人>生存的二歧<三方面分析,回归到社会、经济、文化三者对人生存境遇的影响进行阐释。因此,本研究通过对怒江州地理环境的观察,傈僳族作为主体民族的民族历史文化追溯,怒江州乡村教师自我意识的探究,分析影响深度贫困地区乡村教师生存境遇的因素:第一,作为深度贫困地区的怒江州,其恶劣的自然地理环境、缓慢发展的经济环境影响乡村教师物质需要包括生存条件、工资福利等的满足;第二,多民族聚居地的民族文化环境影响乡村教师精神需要的获得;第三,长期处于封闭环境导致怒江州乡村教师自我意识弱,自我更新、自我提升等认识不够。以上诸多原因共同影响了乡村教师的生存境遇。基于以上对怒江州乡村教师生存境遇存在问题与影响因素的分析,本文提出改善深度贫困地区乡村教师生存境遇的措施:首先,加强政策倾斜。从政策、制度层面提供保障,保障乡村教师应有权益。其次,促进深度贫困地区文化建设。建设乡村文化、吸纳民族优秀传统文化,丰富乡村教师的工作与生活。第三,给予经济支持。努力缩小乡村教师与当地公务员的工资差距,并适当增加乡村教师福利。此外,给予深度贫困地区乡村教师爱的关注,积极促进乡村教师建立与他人、与外部环境联系,以提升乡村教师自我意识。最后,深度贫困地区的乡村学校在管理中应加强对教师的人文关怀。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Wen}, title = {On the Evolution of Fromm's Religious View [弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变初探]}, series = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, journal = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, abstract = {对宗教的研究是弗洛姆整体思想中的重要组成部分,在漫长的学术生涯中,他的思想经历过两次转折,使其宗教观在不同阶段的著作中呈现出较大的差异。本文试图在综合考虑弗洛姆生活背景和学术思想的基础上,勾勒出弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变的脉络,并对其发展特点进行较为细致的探究。}, language = {zh} } @article{Harris, author = {Harris, N.}, title = {Reconstructing Erich Fromm's 'pathology of normalcy': Transcending the recognition-cognitive paradigm in the diagnosis of social pathologies}, series = {Social Science Information, Vol. 58, pp. 714-733.}, journal = {Social Science Information, Vol. 58, pp. 714-733.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm's analysis of >pathological normalcy< offers promising social-theoretical resources to help transcend the contemporary, >domesticated<, diagnosis of social pathologies. This article commences by briefly tracing the numerous limitations of the current orthodoxy, epitomised by the recognition-cognitive >pathologies of recognition< approach. A sympathetic reconstruction of Erich Fromm's diagnosis of pathological normalcy is then presented as a promising palliative. The strengths of Fromm's social-theoretical framework are then outlined: Fromm's scholarship presents a structure through which objectively inadequate and contradictory social conditions can be diagnosed, while emphasizing their important connections to the social-psychological pathologies which sustain them. The efficacy of Fromm's approach is then defended against post-modern and social-constructivist critiques. This article thus supports the rehabilitation of Fromm's work within the sociological mainstream as an important antidote to the 'domesticated' framing of social pathology which continues to dominate contemporary scholarship.}, language = {en} } @article{Lerner, author = {Lerner, Paul}, title = {GermanJews betweenFreud,Marx, andHalakha: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Erich Fromm, and the Psychoanalysis of Jewish Ritual in 1920s Heidelberg}, series = {Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, Vol. 64, pp. 219-238.}, journal = {Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, Vol. 64, pp. 219-238.}, abstract = {This essay explores the psychoanalytic sanitarium (Therapeutikum) directed by Frieda Fromm-Reichmann and Erich Fromm in Heidelberg from 1924 to 1928. The Therapeutikum aimed to combine adherence to Jewish ritual with psychoanalytic practice and radical politics for a group of GermanJews who were rethinking their Orthodox backgrounds in light of new intellectual and political currents and modern sensibilities. Visitors to the sanitarium included many leading German-Jewish thinkers, and Heidelberg's proximity to Frankfurt placed the Therapeutikum in the orbit of the Institute for Social Research and near a major hub in the renaissance of Jewish learning then occurring. At the centre of the article is a discussion of essays by Fromm-Reichmann and Fromm that subjected Jewish ritual (kashrut and shabbat) to psychoanalytic investigation. Appearing in Imago in 1927, the articles marked the two writers' public break with Orthodox Judaism. This essay argues that the Imago articles marked a crucial moment in the political, intellectual, and religious history of German Jewry. Even if the Fromms' synthesis of Freudianism, radical politics, andJudaism was conceptually shaky, their sanitarium illustrates the centrality of psychoanalysis{\c{c}}as a sensibility, a hermeneutic and above all away of creating social and communal bonds{\c{c}}to a generation of GermanJews navigating the challenges of German and Jewish modernity.}, language = {en} } @misc{Mo, author = {Mo, Chuanyu}, title = {Literature Psychology of Vladimir Nabokov Research [弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫文学心理学思想研究], Doctoral dissertation, Basic Psycholog, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {纳博科夫文学心理学是近几年文学研究的新领域。纳博科夫认为弗洛伊德的精神分析荼毒了人类的精神世界、抹杀了人们的想象力,他所评析的艺术必定存在性象征,所讨论的话题永远离不开作家的儿时情结,是个庸俗、非理性、不懂美学的>维也纳巫医<。纳博科夫常在他的小说中以弗洛伊德理论为诙谐模仿对象,导致他笔下的人物多呈现性格执拗、极端处事、非常态化的心理特点,他的小说也因此被文学评论界评为>心理学小说<。本次研究试图结合作家的文体风格、故事情节、人物性格以及作家在访谈中有关批判弗洛伊德的精神分析部分,从镜像>主-客体<理论、两性图腾、力比多能量等视角,以思辩性理论为主,实证性质性工具为辅,分析作者诙谐模仿精神分析的用意。通过对纳博科夫长篇小说运用澳洲公司所开发的质性研究软件Nvivo8.0编码归类,总结作者所著的小说里持有的心理学观点主要集中在>存在、时间、记忆、梦、性、爱情<这六项心理学主题。另外,作者所运用的文体技法也巧妙的将这六项主题融汇其中,使作品传递的思想更加多元。本次研究基于理论思辩的基础可知,作家的意识并非等同故事中>我<的意识。拉康学派的>镜象<理论充分在纳博科夫所塑造的双重>我<中得到证明;纳博科夫所持有的>双重世界<概念,也在每部小说的心理学主题上得到呈现。进一步采用质性研究工具比较心理学理论与小说情结核心观,发现二者观点并非完全一致,深入分析可知纳博科夫文学所蕴藏的心理学思想分别有:存在主题:拉康的主-客体>镜象<理论成为纳博科夫>双重世界<观的基础,它所表现的游戏思维模式隐藏这样一条法则,即>主-客体<意识的所占比例与自我认知、行为、性格息息相关。时间主题:分别以实验心理学、现象心理学理论为依据,阐明时间存有两种特性。动态性时间与个体的有意注意、直接经验有关;静态性时间与个体意识所处的客体空间属性有关。记忆主题:以弗洛伊德精神分析引论为基础,对于主体而言,个体意识流的运作与记忆属性有关;对于客体而言,记忆瞬间的储存模式与欲望下的功利主义有关。梦主题:以精神分析拉康>镜象<理论为基础,弗洛姆的人本主义为目标,阐述梦的产生机制,即主体意识与客体环境通过无目的的组织、重构,最后帮助个体更好的认识自我,实现人类的社会属性,区别于自然界的动物属性。性主题:将精神分析、进化心理学作为依据,阐述主-客体意识在两性关系中所起到的作用。对于主体意识而言,自然造就个体适应群体的>性<繁衍法则;对于客体意识来说,性适配器在一定程度上可改变两性关系的所属地位。爱情主题:继性章节理论为前提,分析主体意识在两性关系所起的作用,实乃>自私<的物质之爱;客体意识在两性关系所起的功能,是伴有>利他<主义、情感、能量协调的精神之爱。而主体意识与客体意识共同结合而形成的意志之爱,则是纳博科夫最为称赞的崇高之爱。总结,纳博科夫所主张的文学宗旨是具有>镜像<般的现象学,及精神分析学派所主张的内省意识观意义,它们分别在>主体<与>客体<的意识中发挥作用。纳博科夫小说所隐藏的六个心理学主题思想,其理论分别涵盖了精神分析学、现象心理学派和人本主义心理学,为作者所坚持的>双重世界<观,即>主-客体<的意识奠定基础,同时也预示作者所想表达的>棱镜<艺术意义。此次研究所采取的一系列方法,也为今后的文学诠释学提供借鉴,对今后研究纳博科夫文学、作家心理学思想提供宝贵的理论依据。}, language = {zh} } @article{Beeretal, author = {Beer, Roland and et al.,}, title = {Ann{\"a}herung an die Architektin Karola Bloch — Ein Werkstattbericht}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 245-256.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 245-256.}, language = {de} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Die {\"o}kologische Krise zwischen mangelnder Betroffenheit und Ignoranz}, series = {Klaus-J{\"u}rgen Bruder, Christoph Bialluch, J{\"u}rgen G{\"u}nther (Eds.), Krieg nach innen, Krieg nach außen ­ und die Intellektuellen als >St{\"u}tzen der GesellschaftSt{\"u}tzen der Gesellschaftvacuum of kidnapping.< The author wonders, >Has right to live in peace been kidnapped?<}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {La mia collaborazione con Romano Biancoli su Erich Fromm. Paper presented at Padova, 09. June 2019, 3 pp.}, language = {it} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {{\"U}ber die Grenzen der Befreiung}, series = {Klaus-J{\"u}rgen Bruder, Christoph Bialluch, Bemd Leuterer, J{\"u}rgen G{\"u}nther (Eds.), Paralyse der Kritik - Gesellschaft ohne Opposition? Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2019, pp. 113-128.}, journal = {Klaus-J{\"u}rgen Bruder, Christoph Bialluch, Bemd Leuterer, J{\"u}rgen G{\"u}nther (Eds.), Paralyse der Kritik - Gesellschaft ohne Opposition? Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2019, pp. 113-128.}, language = {de} } @article{Braune, author = {Braune, Joan}, title = {Void and Idol: A Critical Theory Analysis of the Neo-fascist >Alt-Right<}, series = {Journal of Hate Studies, Vol. 15 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 11-37.}, journal = {Journal of Hate Studies, Vol. 15 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 11-37.}, language = {en} } @article{Brady, author = {Brady, Fergal}, title = {An extract of the analysis of the Monkey Puzzle Boy}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 212-221.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 212-221.}, abstract = {A client who wants his story to be made into a case history presents for psychoanalysis. An artist all his adult life, he expresses his sexual trauma through his art. His more recent artistic output is in the form of avant-garde video montages. The analysis stalls, becalmed by a failure to understand a circumcision event, a punishment for sexual expression. If Ferenczi and the Budapest school model learning from therapeutic errors, freedom of thought, sincerity, and experimentation, then this case history illustrates those. Real sexual trauma and a real circumcision event are entangled with fantasy and art in attempts to come to terms with them. The circumcision event was better understood with multiple readings of Carlo Bonomi's work, which became part of the analysis. The wider Ferenczi community also became part of the story of the analysis, and in a kind of mutuality the analysis wants to make a contribution to that body of knowledge.}, language = {en} } @book{Buechler, author = {Buechler, Sandra}, title = {Psychoanalytic Approaches to Problems in Living. Addressing Life's Challenges in Clinical Practice, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, 218 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Celenza, author = {Celenza, Andrea}, title = {From relation to the field: Modes of unconscious fantasy elaborations}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 203-211.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 203-211.}, abstract = {Relational and field theories have much in common, despite divergent foundations. In this paper, several areas of divergence are selected, including the structure of the field as a relational matrix or as an unconscious joint fantasy of the couple; the fate and form of insight; and the nature of the unconscious as relational or ubiquitous. Differences in cognitive and attentional sets are identified and linked to different modes of insight. Using a clinical vignette, these divergences will be illustrated with an attempt to compare and contrast the two approaches through a discussion of how each lens highlights, expands, or forecloses different features of the analytic process. A mode of conceiving the unconscious as unstructured and multiple in potential is offered to reconcile divergent assumptions in therapeutic action. A consideration of Sandor Ferenczi's clinical emphasis on relaxed technique, elasticity, and especially mutuality suggests that he would have been a field theorist were he among us today.}, language = {en} } @article{Cao, author = {Cao, Ying}, title = {The Enlightenment of Fromm's Theory on Emotional Education of College Art Students [弗洛姆理论对高校艺术类学生情感教育的启示]}, series = {New West [新西部], No. 9 (2019), pp. 142-143.}, journal = {New West [新西部], No. 9 (2019), pp. 142-143.}, abstract = {文章阐述了弗洛姆爱的艺术理论的核心,分析了高校艺术类学生在爱的实践中呈现出的特征。论述了弗洛姆爱的艺术理论对艺术类学生情感教育的启示:帮助学生正确认识爱的本质,引导学生建立和谐情感关系,培养学生爱的实践能力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Ciminoetal, author = {Cimino, Silvia and et al.,}, title = {Musical rhythms in an infant observation: Harmonies, pauses, dissonances, and interruptions}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 155-164.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 155-164.}, abstract = {The infant observation presented in this paper was conducted weekly for two years. Through an extensive use of clinical vignettes and personal and theoretical considerations, this article aims to highlight that both harmonies and pauses, as well as interruptions and dissonances, can be present in early interactive exchanges, forming the fabric of a relational piece of music that is not always as harmonious as might be desirable. The role of the father in moderating problematic interactions between the mother and her child is also examined.}, language = {en} } @misc{Conci, author = {Conci, Marco}, title = {Childhood, attachment, separation, and trauma}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 125-126.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 125-126.}, language = {en} } @misc{Conci, author = {Conci, Marco}, title = {Report on the XXth IFPS Forum >New faces of fear. Ongoing transformations in our society and in psychoanalytic practice,< October 17-20, 2018, Florence}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 067-068.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 067-068.}, language = {en} } @article{Gandesha, author = {Gandesha, Samir}, title = {Adorno, Ferenczi, and a new >categorical imperative after Auschwitz<}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 222.230.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 222.230.}, abstract = {Theodor W. Adorno's mature thought can be characterized by the attempt to articulate what he calls a >new categorical imperative after Auschwitz.< By this, Adorno means that theory and praxis must be organized in such a way that the Holocaust does not repeat itself. This article argues that S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi's metapsychology is key to understanding Adorno's attempt to rethink the nature of precisely such a new categorical imperative. One of the key themes of Adorno's entire corpus is the problem of the "identification with the aggressor" - an idea that originates with Ferenzci rather than, as is commonly thought, Anna Freud. The Ferenczian dimension of Adorno's thinking becomes particularly clear in Adorno's thoughts on the question of freedom. In this context, Adorno engages in a psychoanalytically informed critique of the philosophy of freedom and a speculative philosophical critique of psychoanalysis. The fashioning of a >new categorical imperative< after Auschwitz entails a form of education directed towards a new form of M{\"u}ndigkeit, one oriented towards contradiction, resistance, and a steadfast refusal to >identify with the aggressor.<}, language = {en} } @article{GonzalezTorresFernandezRivas, author = {Gonzalez-Torres, Miguel Angel and Fernandez-Rivas, Aranzazu}, title = {Return to Sepharad: Is it possible to heal an ancient wound? A reflection on the construction of large-group identity}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 095-103.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 095-103.}, abstract = {Spanish parliament recently issued a new law offering Spanish nationality to Sephardic Jews who so desired and could demonstrate a basic knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. This law attempted to redress a five-centuries-old injustice and was expected to unleash both criticism and praise. Surprisingly, reactions in the public or the press were minimal or absent. Reasons for this are explored through a qualitative study with focus groups, which showed ideas that can be grouped into four main categories: ignorance, justice, distrust, and fear. It is hypothesized that the predominantly silent response to the new law might be due to the fact that it touches on an extremely sensible issue: the historically fragmented Spanish identity. A position of negation is constructed, to avoid deep anxieties related to the fragile core of a collective identity built from many >others< forced to the refuge of an introspection that protects them from the conviction of not fulfiling the ideal identity status, known by all but reached by none. All those >others< have mixed their bloods with the Old Christians along the centuries, possibly transmitting a profound insecurity about their personal and collective identity that might contribute to understanding current social reactions.}, language = {en} } @article{GonzalezTorresFernandezRivas, author = {Gonzalez-Torres, Miguel Angel and Fernandez-Rivas, Aranzazu}, title = {The disturbing presence of the father: Paternal function and its initial developments}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 140-146.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 140-146.}, abstract = {The birth of a child strongly influences the way in which we adults perceive life and, therefore, our inner world. This birth, or rather the expectation of it, initiates in the father a complex process, the paternal function. Despite being a common experience, there are many open questions regarding its development and its impact on the new father. We reflect here on paternal function and explore conscious and unconscious fantasies of the man facing new-found fatherhood. We propose that a kind of pre-Oedipal process has already begun during pregnancy. The new being's mere existence inside the womb generates an exclusionary force that sets the father's ambivalent feelings in motion. The overwhelming certainty of motherhood and the generation of the mother-fetus bubble develops in parallel with the uncertainty of the father, immersed in inner conflicts regarding what his relationship with the mother-child couple is and will be. He rapidly experiences how the child's presence makes him an excluded third party, always longing to fully occupy the place he once enjoyed beside the mother. The baby enters a world where father's strong ambivalence is already in place, facilitating and setting in motion a full development of the Oedipal process. Finally, some considerations are outlined on the potential influence of this complex ambivalence in large group reactions and the need to be remembered that humans have displayed since ancient historical times.}, language = {en} } @article{GojmandeMillanMillan, author = {Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia and Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Mental collapse as "disorganized attachment": A dynamic understanding for clinicians}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 173-179.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 173-179.}, abstract = {Unresolved loss and unresolved trauma in adult mothers, and the commonly disorganized attachment pattern developed by their infants, have been repeatedly reported in longitudinal research literature as a crucial correlate or precedent of severe pathology. We describe and illustrate how unresolved loss and unresolved trauma are manifested in verbatim-transcribed language and how they are to be detected, so that psychoanalysts and clinicians in general are able to distinguish them and understand how such >states of mind< evidence the process of fragmentation they involve. We follow each example with a resolved transcript so it can be contrasted with a nonresolved case. We then describe excerpts of a taped >disorganized infant< - an example of infants who are usually babies of unresolved mothers, as shown during the Adult Attachment Interview. The analyst's ability to identify and understand these >states of mind< and the subsequent sensitive reflection on the transcendental role of primary traumatic relations, which are involved in fear and the destructive dynamics of mental fragmentation - as seen in empirical research on attachment - can facilitate a resourceful integrative analytic scrutiny of the processes gone through by patients, and encourage the discovery of alternatives for working through the disturbing experience.}, language = {en} } @article{Joannidis, author = {Joannidis, Christo}, title = {Triangularity in separation}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 147-154.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 3, 2019), pp. 147-154.}, abstract = {Traditional psychoanalytic literature tends to present issues of separation as a two-person dilemma. Current understanding, however, seems to challenge that view. The recent realization that there is no such thing as a baby, but only a mother-and-baby unit, has opened the way to the further understanding that there is no such thing as a mother-and-baby unit >extra-context<. In other words, there is always a father in the background - be he real or phantasized. Separation, therefore, cannot but be conceptualized as involving a triangle. It should never be forgotten that Oedipus's own life history starts with a separation initiated by a father and acquiesced with by a mother. The aim of this paper is to present some thoughts on the Oedipal (i.e., triangular) dimension of separation.}, language = {en} } @misc{Jie, author = {Jie, Chenyang}, title = {Research on Ecological Marxism Consumption View and Its Contemporary Value [生态马克思主义消费观及其当代价值研究], Master thesis, Fundamental Principles of Marxism, Hebei Normal University, Bandung, Hebei, China 2019.}, abstract = {自从世界进入21世纪以来,各国的生态问题越发严重,保护生态环境已经成为了我国以及世界各国的一个非常现实并且急需要解决的问题。就我国来说,自从上世纪70年代改革开放以后,我国的经济发展迅速,各项建设如火如荼,这虽然很大程度的提高了我国人民的物质生活水平,但在以追求经济增长和GDP的发展观念的支配下,人们对自然界进行了毫无约束的开采和利用,生态环境和生态秩序遭到了严重的破坏,人和自然的关系发生异化,社会的发展也陷入了发展—污染—再发展—再污染的恶性循环中,产生了一系列的生态问题和环境问题。虽然现在世界各个国家,都意识到了环境污染以及生态破坏所造成的可怕的后果,但真正把可持续发展观、生态发展观落实到行动、变成现实还有对传统发展理念和发展模式进行彻底反思和变革性创新的还很少。摒弃传统的、落后的、盲目的改造方式,创新发展理念和发展方式,降低消耗的同时不损害社会福利的获得,推动人与自然的共生共荣、共同发展,实现人类、社会、自然三大系统的和谐统一发展是目前我们需要做的一个很现实的工作,也是很迫切的一项工作。生态马克思主义消费观作为生态马克思主义重要的部分,在这样的大背景下不断向前发展,生态马克思主义者最大的贡献就是在资本主义制度下将生态危机与消费观紧密地联结在一起,对资本主义社会异化消费、资本主义制度进行猛烈批驳,对理想的消费模式进行构想,丰富和发展了生态马克思主义,使得生态马克思主义消费观更具理论价值与现实意义。本文除了引言分为以下三个部分。第一部分主要对生态马克思主义消费观的形成做出了分析,分别从生态马克思主义消费观的现实背景、生态马克思主义消费观的理论来源、生态马克思主义消费观的形成过程三个方面进行了分析。生态马克思主义消费观的提出有着严峻的现实背景,现在西方消费模式日益暴露、人类与自然的矛盾日益尖锐、生态文明与适度消费越来越被人们所接受,生态马克思主义消费观应运而生。生态马克思主义消费观产生也有其深厚的理论基础:马克思的异化理论和生态观是其最初的理论基石;卢卡奇物化理论为生态马克思主义的消费观提供了消费批判的思想启迪;法兰克福学派理论是最直接的影响因素,其中主要介绍了马尔库塞、弗洛姆的观点。生态马克思主义的消费观形成过程经历了:萌芽期、形成期、成熟期。第二部分主要从三个方面对生态马克思主义消费观进行阐述,包括基本内容、特点和评价。生态马克思主义消费观内容为消费批判理论、适度消费理念、循环消费理念、均衡消费理念、公平消费理念,其中消费批判理论是四个消费观念的基础。实现生态马克思主义消费观需要一定的途径,需要做到转化消费观念、变革社会制度实行按需分配、合理使用技术、国际性的绿色运动等。生态马克思消费观的特点主要是立足于人的本质、实现了批判异化消费与资本主义的消费相结合。生态马克思消费观具有积极的现实意义,但是也要辩证看待,有积极意义也有局限性。生态马克思消费观丰富发展马克思主义理论、指出了解决生态危机的具体措施,提出全新的消费理念。也存在着浪漫主义的色彩,缺乏实际的解决途径。第三部分主要对生态马克思主义消费观对我国的启示进行了阐述,包括健全生态消费模式,消费模式要符合我国国情的、可以促进我国社会的全面发展。树立生态消费价值观,例如适度消费观念、可持续发展观念、以人为本消费观念。还有生态消费与我国社会整体建设的良性互动,例如与经济、政治、文化、社会建设的良性互动等等。在现阶段,我国的生态文明建设在党和政府的正确指引下,取得了一定的成效,我国经济进入新常态,我国的环境保护和生态保护的工作也在逐渐稳步的推进当中,现在我国正处在经济建设和资源环境保护的关键时期,也是最为艰难的时期。因此,文章最终希望通过对生态马克思主义理论内容的研究,能够对当代中国的发展和建设产生一些作用,并能够将生态建设的理论始终贯穿在我国的经济、政治、文化和社会建设的各个层面中,更好的实现人与自然、经济发展和生态保护之间的和谐发展。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yan}, title = {A Further Exploration of Erich Fromm's Humanism Thought and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [弗洛姆人本主义思想及其当代启示再探], Master thesis, Foreign Marxist Research, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2019.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为人本主义思想家的代表人物,他的一生都围绕着人的问题展开思考和分析。通过对弗洛伊德、马克思以及法兰克福学派理论的研读和反思,继承并发展了他们关于人的问题相关理论和观点,弗洛姆逐渐形成自己的人本主义思想体系。本文主要是对弗洛姆人本主义思想进行再探分析,共分为四个部分。第一部分考察弗洛姆人本主义思想的形成和发展过程。主要从理论渊源和现实背景两个方面进行梳理和分析,其中理论渊源主要谈到对弗洛伊德精神分析学的批判吸收、对马克思人本思想的继承与阐发以及对法兰克福学派批判理论的运用与发展,现实背景与发展轨迹则是从弗洛姆个人一生的特殊经历和生活的时代背景进行阐述。第二部分考察弗洛姆人本主义思想的主要内容。按照基本理论是对人性的探究来阐释他的人性理论;核心思想是对>人的困境<问题分析,即人陷入异化状态如何走出生存困境;理论归旨围绕健全社会的的探索来展开论述。第三部分是把弗洛姆的人本主义思想分别与法兰克福学派、精神分析学派代表人物及马克思的人本理论进行比较分析,通过对研究基点、研究的方法论以及解决路径等方面来总结弗洛姆人本主义思想的特质。第四部分是坚持客观辩证角度分析弗洛姆人本主义思想的价值和局限性以及对当代社会的启示。一方面肯定了弗洛姆的人本主义思想深化了对人性问题的认识,为资本主义社会的研究提供了新视角;另一方面也指出他的思想自身存在的局限性诸如在人性问题探讨上存在矛盾性、消除异化的道路缺乏有效性等。但是不可否认的是,对于构建和谐社会,打造人与人、人与自然、人与社会和谐相处的社会,弗洛姆的理论仍然具有深刻的理论价值和现实意义,值得借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Yue}, title = {The Birth of Freedom and Its Possibility — Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [自由的诞生及其可能——基于弗洛姆《逃避自由》的思考]}, series = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation [文化创新比较研究], No. 33 (2019), 29-30.}, journal = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation [文化创新比较研究], No. 33 (2019), 29-30.}, abstract = {自由在西方社会中常常被认为是最重要的政治价值,是人人向往的理想状态。它与人类是理性与自我意识的动物的观念相呼应,也为人们展现了满足利益或实现潜力的希望。>什么是自由?如何才能实现自由?<也一直是古往今来思想家们苦苦思索的问题。然而,在《逃避自由》一书中,弗洛姆从个人心理层面指出了自由的负担,揭示了在资本主义和大机器时代中下阶层的群众心理,即逃避自由。自我价值的消解、资本的垄断、新教的压迫和同类的竞争使得人的始发纽带断裂,与日俱增的孤独感和不安感使得人甚至渴望外界权威的统治,主动除掉个人自我和自由的负担,典型的威权政治法西斯主义因时而生。面临着现代种种危机,自由何以可能?事实上,自由必须通过社会途径得以表达和实现,也必须通过社会共同体的维系才能保障,因此,>善<的社会秩序是失落的自由最后的避难所。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Minjing}, title = {An Analysis of Emotion Crisis in the Commodity Economy based on Fromm's Theory of Emotion Alienation [市场经济视域下情感危机问题的深层透视——以弗洛姆情感异化理论为视角]}, series = {Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition [燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2019), pp. 78-82.}, journal = {Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition [燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2019), pp. 78-82.}, abstract = {由于市场经济的影响,情感满足方式出现了同质化、市场化、利益化的特点,甚至物欲的满足遮蔽了人们对情感的需要,情感异化了。西方马克思主义者弗洛姆认为>非生产性取向<是产生情感异化的心理机制,而>生产性取向<是解决情感异化的积极方式。可以说,弗洛姆从文化心理角度对情感异化问题进行了分析并给出了解决方案,不但丰富了马克思的异化理论,而且为市场经济视域下情感危机问题的解决提供了新的借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shu}, title = {Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Chinese Saying >See the Old at the Age of 3< [中国俗语>3岁看到老<之精神分析解读]}, series = {The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会 ], Beijing, November 16, 2019, in Expert Reports of the 6th International Confe¬rence on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会专家报告集].}, journal = {The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会 ], Beijing, November 16, 2019, in Expert Reports of the 6th International Confe¬rence on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会专家报告集].}, abstract = {精神分析理论:性与爱是同样重要的驱力在精神分析体系庞大:1.古典精神分析(弗洛伊德理论三个阶段)2.精神分析(社会文化):荣格、霍妮、阿德勒、弗洛姆、沙利文:人际精神分析3.自我心理学:安娜依恋学说:鲍比客体关系理论:克莱因、温尼科特、马勒、比昂、4.自体心理学:科胡特}, language = {zh} } @article{Lindenman, author = {Lindenman, Catherine V.}, title = {The psychological science of Gustave Flaubert}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 003-013.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 003-013.}, abstract = {Flaubert claimed mastery in matters of style in the French language as well as in the psychological sciences. Mastery in both areas is on clear display in the writing of Madame Bovary. Our heroine presents as a new kind of personality, namely as someone who depends greatly on sensory experience in order to maintain her emotional equilibrium. So, when under stress, she can only find some kind of soothing comfort in her perfumes, silks, and cashmeres. This dynamic pattern leaves her at a disadvantage when tasked with higher level life requirements - such as the payment of bills, the very thing that, in the end, causes her ruin. Dynamically, failures of memory and the resulting fragmentation of experience leave her with a precarious sense of self. For our heroine, there is little ability to link present experience to the past and therefore no possibility of metaphoric or symbolic thinking; in other words, she is condemned to repeat. Flaubert felt that Madame Bovary would only have original value as the sum of his psychological understandings. Further, he hoped his psychological work, often hidden under the form, would be deeply felt by the reader, as it was by him.}, language = {en} } @article{Lijtmaer, author = {Lijtmaer, Ruth}, title = {Who are the torturers and suicide bombers?}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 012-018.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 012-018.}, abstract = {The world is regularly confronted by occurrences of mass violence wherein specific groups of a population are brutally killed, raped, and tortured by another group that considers its own behavior morally justifiable. There are social, economic, and political crises that lead to the scapegoating of one group designated as the enemy. It represents a mental instrument that validates dehumanizing the chosen enemy and gives >meaning< to the extermination of dangerous >elements< as part of a battle between good and evil. In the case of suicide bombers and terrorists, sacrifice and devotion to the ideology that promises martyrdom and support for sacred ideals are requirements. Some researchers talk about the personality of the torturer, particularly about how some childrearing practices annihilate children's sense of self by teaching them to be obedient to authority. Others talk about the role of moral disengagement and the role of specialized military training. Psychoanalytic thinkers emphasize that the key mechanisms at work in these atrocities are splitting, paranoid projections, projective identification, sadomasochistic forces, strong mechanisms of negation and dissociation, and an extremely weak social identity. Those who commit evil acts seldom perceive their actions as evil. This paper focuses on the social influences that lead to dehumanizing and blaming the >other,< and childrearing practices that influence the creation of the genocidal mentality.}, language = {en} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Jingjing}, title = {To Have or to Be: Twisted Existence in >Seize the Day< [占有还是存在—论《只争朝夕》中的扭曲生存方式], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {贝娄作品中的人物大部分都是犹太人,因此学者们常常从犹太性或犹太和美国的双重语境研究《只争朝夕》。一些学者从存在主义的角度研究犹太人的存在困境。虽然研究视角不同,但学者们一致认为,小说的主人公威尔姆遭受着生存困境,小说结尾表达了贝娄对人性的肯定。然而,对于小说中反映的社会现实的研究,学者们往往把研究视角集中于威尔姆,较少探究小说中呈现的当时整个美国社会的存在方式。本论文的创新之处在于两个方面:第一,它研究了当时美国社会普遍的扭曲生存方式:重占有和异化;其次,主要从人本主义心理学的角度探讨造成扭曲生存方式的原因和可能的出路。本文以弗洛姆的人文主义精神分析理论和马斯洛的自我实现理论为基础,从现代美国城市居民扭曲生存方式这一现象入手,接着详细分析了这一现象产生的原因。全文共分五章。第一章简要介绍了作者索尔•贝娄,《只争朝夕》的情节和文献综述以及本篇论文的原创性、结构和内容。第二章分别介绍了本篇论文的两个理论基础:弗洛姆的人文主义精神分析理论,包括重存在和重占有两种生存方式,异化和生产性取向;马斯洛的自我实现理论,包括自我实现的定义和自我实现者的特征。第三章分析了两种主要的扭曲生存方式。首先,分析了自我异化的内涵并指出自我异化者具有的不同类型的重占有方式。自我异化的人不能体验到>真实自我<是活动的主体。他们受到欲望或>虚假自我<的驱使,违背自己的本性进行异化活动从而占有一些东西。因此他们总是担心失去所有物,有着强烈的不安全感。为了维持安全感,小说中的这些人物形成了对金钱和地位等自身之外的力量的顺从崇拜。这种崇拜包括两类重占有的方式:年长一辈,自力更生的成功人士如艾德勒医生和拉巴包特先生身上体现的囤积取向;较年轻的中产阶级如威尔姆身上体现的消费倾向。其次,本文从两个方面分析了当时美国社会中异化的人际关系。在社交中,人们表面上友好,内心深处则是冷漠,是一种相互利用的关系。在家庭中,缺失了和谐和关心,家庭成员之间的疏离更加明显。第四章着重从人本主义心理学的角度探讨出现扭曲存在方式的原因,主要从四个方面进行了探讨:没有>生产性的爱<的能力,没有>做出正确选择<的能力,没有>抛弃虚假自我<的能力,没有>活在当下<的能力。这些能力的缺乏导致他们不认同自己的真实自我,盲目追求外在的力量以谋取自身利益。因此,为了尽可能改善这种情况,这四种能力的发展至关重要。最后一章重申本篇论文的论点。贝娄意图通过《只争朝夕》一书揭示20世纪50年代美国人的扭曲存在方式,通过描绘一群心理不健康的人物,表达他对于一个促进人的自我健康发展的健全社会的期望。本篇论文的意义在于试图通过探究造成这种扭曲存在方式的四个主要原因,找到贝娄暗指的出路:不断减少重占有的生存方式和在>存在<中成长}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lian, author = {Lian, Xu}, title = {Fromm's Critical Theory of Capitalism [弗洛姆的资本主义批判理论研究], Master thesis, Marxist Theory, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China 2019.}, abstract = {艾里希•弗洛姆是20世纪著名的心理学家、哲学家和社会学家,也是西方马克思主义者、法兰克福学派的主要代表人物之一以及新弗洛伊德学派创始人。他的一生创造了很多值得我们进行借鉴并引发我们思考的理论,这篇文章是围绕他的资本主义批判思想进行深入探讨的,在弗洛姆的批判思想中主要针对的是现代西方资本主义社会存在的诸多漏洞,从新的角度去看,我们的社会还有很多问题亟待解决,这也是本论文选择去研究弗洛姆批判思想的初衷。本论文从弗洛姆资本主义批判理论的提出、资本主义批判理论主要内涵及影响、以及弗洛姆资本主义批判理论的意义三个方面尽全力来展示弗洛姆资本主义批判理论。本文将弗洛姆对西方资本主义的批判以及其设想构建健全社会的遐想和实现方式作为着重探讨对象。在弗洛姆的观点中,现代资本主义看起来是昌盛繁荣的,但透过现象看其背后,是作为一个病态社会般的存在,人的异化及社会的异化已经发展到了极为严重的情况下,弗洛姆对生产过程的异化、消费异化以及社会关系异化进行了批判。同时弗洛姆根据病态社会带来的问题,提出了>健全社会<的构想。弗洛姆将资本主义社会从心理、经济、政治、文化四个方面进行了变革,构建一个健全的社会。然而弗洛姆的理想世界过于美好,恰似一个乌托邦,理论也存在的一些不足之处,但马克思的观点和弗洛伊德的观点在弗洛姆这里得到了升华。弗洛姆社会批判理论经历了西方资本主义发展,深入研究并分析了西方社会,回答了当今社会人们面临的基本问题。我们通过对弗洛姆资本主义批判思想理论的研究发现,他的批判理论在当今的中国也是值得借鉴的,如今的中国无论是在经济、政治还是精神方面也都欠缺很多,在这些方面的建设期间最不能忽略的就是精神世界的丰富,这也为我国的发展提供了一个规避风险的途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lian, author = {Lian, Xu}, title = {Analysis of Fromm's Thought of Freedom [弗洛姆的自由思想探析]}, series = {Time Report 时代报告, No. 4 (2019), pp. 86-87.}, journal = {Time Report 时代报告, No. 4 (2019), pp. 86-87.}, abstract = {为了让人的自由和解放问题能够得到哲学家们的广泛关注和深入思考,弗洛姆从所处的时代出发,从物质基础和社会政治结构上进行考察,这对整个马克思主义的发展来说是一种新的发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lothane, author = {Lothane, Henry Zvi}, title = {Wilhelm Reich Revisited: The role of ideology in character analysis of the individual versus character analysis of the masses and the Holocaust}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 104-114.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 104-114.}, abstract = {One of the most controversial members of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society and Freud's intimate for many years, Reich is known not only for his seminal contributions to therapeutic and social psychoanalysis in his 1933 classic Character analysis, but also for his notoriety as a discoverer of an energy he named orgone. This paper is devoted to Reich the psychoanalytic sociologist and reformer, with special prominence given to his other, now somewhat forgotten, 1933 book >The mass psychology of Fascism<.}, language = {en} } @article{LorenzenVoepel, author = {Lorenzen, S{\"u}nje and V{\"o}pel, Henning}, title = {Schumpeter 4.0. Unternehmungsgeist und wirtschaftlicher Fortschritt im digitalen Zeitalter.}, language = {de} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Hua}, title = {Research on Fromm's Theory of Freedom from the Perspective of Marxism [马克思主义视角下的弗洛姆自由理论研究]}, series = {Western Academic Journal [西部学刊], No. 7 (2019), pp. 35-38.}, journal = {Western Academic Journal [西部学刊], No. 7 (2019), pp. 35-38.}, abstract = {弗洛姆分析了近代欧美的历史发展,发现随着人的个体化进程不断加深,自由开始显现出双重性的特征,指出资本主义社会中的异化使人们产生了逃避自由的倾向,但逃避却加深了异化关系。人想要走出自由的困境必须重新审视自己,要在自发的爱和劳动中实现与世界的相连,从而摆脱异化实现积极自由。但是,弗洛姆的自由理论流于抽象空洞且缺乏力度,我们要坚持用马克思主义实践自由观,克服弗洛姆自由理论的缺陷,探讨在当代社会之下实现自由的有效途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Feng}, title = {Standing on the Standpoint of Life [站在生命的立场上]}, series = {Education [教育], No.25 (2019), p. 1.}, journal = {Education [教育], No.25 (2019), p. 1.}, abstract = {教育是为了生命,通过生命,成全生命。如何理解生命?这是教育在出发之前首先必须理解清晰的问题。本质上,生命是一种无方向的冲动、有能量的活力。正如哲学家柏格森所言:宇宙的本质不是物质,而是一种>生命之流<,即一种盲目的、非理性的、涌动不息的而又不知疲倦的生命。任何生命,首要的特征就是>活的<>动的<,以>成长<为特征。弗洛姆认为,>有机体的第一'义务'便是活着。<生命本身就意味着成长、意味着创造、意味着自我更新、自我突破。从这个意义上说,>生命<}, language = {zh} } @misc{Erbacher, author = {Erbacher, Felix}, title = {Review Leisinger, K., >Die Kunst der verantwortungsvollen F{\"u}hrung<. Warum CEOs lieben m{\"u}ssen}, series = {Basler Zeitung, 11. Februar 2019.}, journal = {Basler Zeitung, 11. Februar 2019.}, language = {de} } @article{Epsteinetal, author = {Epstein, Barbara and et al.,}, title = {The Rise, Decline and Possible Revival of Socialism Humanism [社会主义人道主义的崛起、式微与勃兴可能]}, series = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics [马克思主义美学研究], No. 1 (2019), pp. 226-274, 558.}, journal = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics [马克思主义美学研究], No. 1 (2019), pp. 226-274, 558.}, abstract = {社会主义人道主义是20世纪中后期兴起的一种国际马克思主义运动思潮及其知识分子国际群体。本文从社会主义人道主义的崛起、式微、勃兴三个历史阶段,归纳总结弗洛姆、汤姆森、杜娜叶夫斯卡娅、卢卡奇、梅洛-庞蒂、柯拉柯夫斯基、戈德曼等重要理论家对社会主义人道主义的理论贡献,从历史层面详细梳理社会主义人道主义在东欧、西欧以及英美社会的不同理论发展及其历史成因,从理论层面深入探讨社会主义人道主义的不同思想主题及其社会动因。}, language = {zh} } @article{FalzederErhart, author = {Falzeder, Ernst and Erhart, Eva}, title = {Freud-Ferenczi correspondence, revisited}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 189-192.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 189-192.}, abstract = {The article gives an overview of what Freud and Ferenczi had to say in their correspondence about their own relationship, and how they dealt with problems that arose between them. It includes a list of short selected quotes from the correspondence.}, language = {en} } @article{Feng, author = {Feng, Xue}, title = {An Analysis of the Humanity Thought in Fromm's >Behind the Chains of Illusion< [浅析弗洛姆《在幻想锁链的彼岸》中的人性思想]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青], No.12 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青], No.12 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, abstract = {马克思主义自从诞生开始就对世界政治、经济、社会等个个方面都产生了巨大的影响,对于马克思主义的研究和发展一直都没有停息。弗洛姆出人意料的将马克思主义与同样在西方拥有巨大影响力的弗洛伊德学说结合起来,试图在对两者的比较分析中发掘两位思想家的共同点,试图去调和精神分析学和马克思主义中的人本思想,从而发展出新的学说。这种对比在他的《在幻想锁链的彼岸》一书中表现的尤为明显,在这里他分别阐述了马克思和弗洛伊德的基本思想,特别是关于人和社会的观点,并对这些观点进行了比较分析。}, language = {zh} } @article{Feng, author = {Feng, Junxia}, title = {An Analysis of >Babbitt< from the Perspective of Consumption Ethics [消费伦理视角下《巴比特》的解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 5 (2019), pp. 116-118.}, journal = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 5 (2019), pp. 116-118.}, abstract = {《巴比特》是美国著名作家辛克莱•刘易斯的代表作,小说通过对房地产商人巴比特的刻画,形象生动地向大众展示了20年代美国的消费主义文化特征。从消费伦理视角看,小说中人与社会之间是占有式的消费方式,人与人之间是利益扭曲的,自我个性也面临着消失的状态。这对探究美国商业的发展、美国人的文化精神,甚至我国当代社会的消费伦理构建都具有重要价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Fahrenbach, author = {Fahrenbach, Helmut}, title = {Philosophische Anthropologie. Die anthropologische Frage in der Philosophie Ernst Blochs}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 29-38.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 29-38.}, language = {de} } @article{Guo, author = {Guo, Xiaofei}, title = {A Review of Fromm's Thoughts of Goodness [弗洛姆的善的思想述评]}, series = {Journal of Shaoxing University(Humanities and Social Sciences) [ 绍兴文理学院学报(人文社会科学),] No. 5 (2019), pp. 81-87.}, journal = {Journal of Shaoxing University(Humanities and Social Sciences) [ 绍兴文理学院学报(人文社会科学),] No. 5 (2019), pp. 81-87.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是心理学领域少有的关注和重视善的研究的心理学家。弗洛姆的许多著作涉及伦理学论题,且将善作为分析和研究的核心主题。弗洛姆认为,人性的善恶应该从人的社会关系视角加以分析,从性格的形成和发展的规律角度解析人的善恶机制,他相信人类可以构架一种基于友善或爱的和谐的社会关系。梳理和解析弗洛姆的善的本质观、善的人性观、善的发生机制和善的社会关系的思想,对建设和谐社会具有理论指导意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Ying}, title = {Holden as the Misfit Hero - Focus on the Alienation Theme of >The Catcher in the Rye< [霍尔顿:一个不合时宜的主人公 - 聚焦《麦田里的守望者》的异化主题], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {《麦田里的守望者》是美国作家杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格于1951年出版的小说,至今影响深远。小说以第一人称的视角讲述了一个十六岁青少年霍尔顿•考菲尔德三天多噩梦般的历程。霍尔顿亲眼目睹了腐朽而堕落的城市生活以及人们的虚伪与假模假式。故事的叙述开始于由于考试不及格而要退学的他在潘西中学的最后一天,结束于他在一家疗养院接受治疗。在三天的游荡里,霍尔顿面对社会的异化力量感到无比沮丧与困惑,他的情绪几近失控。然而,他没有选择屈服于这个异化的社会,而是勇敢地与其进行斗争。二十世纪中期,美国社会累积着许多问题。第二次世界大战后的美国积累了大量财富,经济技术的迅猛发展给人们的生活方式和思维方式带来了巨大的变化。物质主义和享乐主义盛行,市场和公众舆论成为人们无意识顺从的匿名权威。异化已经不仅仅是个别现象,而是成为了一种社会现象。事实上,异化并不是现代才出现的现象,而是一个由来已久的概念。结合异化理论在社会学领域的研究,我们可以得出异化的一般定义:异化表示人类自身活动的结果发展成为一种陌生的力量,监督并反对着他,而不为他所控制。异化的人感受到自己是一个物体,一个商品,一个工具,他不能体会到自己是一个主动的执行者从而丧失了自我感。作为一个即将迈入成年人世界的青少年,《麦田里的守望者》的主人公霍尔顿•考菲尔德对于自己在这个世界的身份感到困惑。他拒绝按照这个世界设定好的规则生活,坚守他内心认为重要的东西。在这个市场导向的社会,当其他人都努力达到社会成功的标准,霍尔顿的梦想却是成为一个麦田里的守望者,保护纯真的孩子们免于被虚伪和假模假式的成人世界所污染。社会的异化力量使得他的内心充满困惑和冲突,他与周围的世界始终存在着一种疏离感。当其他人都努力适应现代社会的模式,他对自我的追寻和对异化的反抗使他成为了一个不合时宜的主人公。本文梳理了异化理论的起源与发展,以美国社会学家艾瑞克•弗洛姆的理论为主要理论基础,结合特定的时代背景聚焦《麦田里的守望者》中的异化主题。论文分析了小说所展现的三个异化层面:标准化的教育,规范化的社会和异化的人与人之间的关系,探讨了无处不在的异化力量下霍尔顿充满着矛盾和冲突的心理状态,最后聚焦于霍尔顿通过他毅然决然的逃离,对爱的坚守以及对自然的依恋对异化力量勇敢的反叛。本文通过分析一个十六岁青少年面对社会异化力量的心理历程和实际行动,总结了抵抗异化的更具实践意义的方式,以期对当代青少年有借鉴和启发意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Chenxin}, title = {From Individual Unconscious to Social Representation: A Study of Oedipus Complex from Multiple Perspectives [从个体无意识到社会表征:多重视野下的俄狄浦斯情结研究], Master thesis, Arts, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {俄狄浦斯情结是弗洛伊德提出的一个精神分析学概念,自1918年在《爱情心理学》中公开使用以来产生了广泛的影响。它不仅作为精神分析理论的核心概念对弗洛伊德的学说至关重要,而且还在其他领域产生了重要的影响,例如,文学艺术领域和社会文化领域。经过弗洛伊德的后继者对俄狄浦斯情结长时间的使用,它的内涵也不断被丰富和拓展,其影响也日益深远。本文即是以俄狄浦斯情结为研究对象,通过两条线索、三种视野对俄狄浦斯情结的发展展开的研究,旨在达到对俄狄浦斯情结发展过程较为全面的认识。文章在此基础上分析了其在不同领域具有的价值,进而从总体上对俄狄浦斯情结进行总结评价并说明它的本质特性。通过从不同视野对俄狄浦斯情结分析、对比,获得对其本质特性的认识:它是社会文化内化于个体无意识中的实存精神现象,是不同文化语境中权力话语下基本的家庭结构关系。在不同的文化语境下它以不同的样式呈现出来,俄狄浦斯情结、代情结和美拉尼西亚社会中的弑母舅娶姊妹的欲望即是以不同的样式呈现于社会之中的典型代表。其中,对俄狄浦斯情结文学价值的阐述放在了俄狄浦斯情结的价值与评价一章中,根据其发展过程阐述了它在不同发展阶段具有的文学理论和文学批评的价值。对俄狄浦斯情结的研究即是在这两条线索和三种视野的统辖下展开的,研究的主要内容如下:第一,在个体无意识的原初视野下,分析了弗洛伊德建构俄狄浦斯情结的动因、它的基本内涵和"真实、幻想、概念和神话"的多重身份。通过分析其与神经症、性本能和人格结构的关系说明它核心概念的地位。克莱因通过早期焦虑探讨了婴儿心理的俄狄浦斯冲突。第二,在语言维度视野中,拉康将俄狄浦斯情结拓展为一个象征性的三元结构,并阐述了这个三元结构与拉康无意识、欲望和三界理论的关系。第三,社会文化视野下,主要阐述了俄狄浦斯情结具有的社会文化表征性。具体来说,在弗洛姆与马林诺夫斯基理论观念中体现了俄狄浦斯情结的父权制文化表征性;在反俄狄浦斯中,它表征了父权制下的资本主义社会文化;与代情结的对比中,体现了它的文化差异表征性。第四,说明俄狄浦斯情结的深远影响,分析俄狄浦斯情结在各领域中的价值和对其进行整体性评价。}, language = {zh} } @article{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Lan}, title = {Value and Degradation of Socialist Labor Values - An Analysis Using Fromm's Thoughts about Freedom [社会主义劳动价值观对弗洛姆自由思想的解构及价值]}, series = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)] No. 12 (2019), pp. 46-48.}, journal = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)] No. 12 (2019), pp. 46-48.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为西方颇具影响的思想家之一,在其《逃避自由》一书中提出自由思想,认为个体在自由发展过程中,虽然摆脱了生产力、社会制度的约束,但却受到>自由<后孤独的牵绊,无法获得精神上的满足感。现代社会中社会经济快速发展,人们在解放双手后获得身体的自由,但是精神上却出现了破坏欲、权威主义和机械趋同的孤独现象,无法获得身心的完全自由。以弗洛姆的自由思想为切入点,结合社会主义劳动价值观,分析自由与劳动的关系可以为解决社会心理孤独问题提供启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Kirchhoff, author = {Kirchhoff, Christine}, title = {Das Unbehagen deuten. Denken in Gesellschaft mit der Psychoanalyse}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 17-33.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 17-33.}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-35985, title = {Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, 160 pp.}, editor = {Kirchhoff, Christine and et al.,}, language = {de} } @article{Kuehn, author = {K{\"u}hn, Thomas}, title = {Kritisch, k{\"u}hn, kreativ. Der humanistische Ansatz einer analytischen Sozialpsychologie im Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 35-68.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 35-68.}, language = {de} } @article{KuehnNiedermeierBabic, author = {K{\"u}hn, Thomas and Niedermeier, Anna and Babic, Edvin}, title = {New Work und die Bedeutung von Organisationskultur, Team- und Beziehungsarbeit - eine Mitarbeiterbefragung}, series = {Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien) 2019, 14 pp.}, journal = {Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien) 2019, 14 pp.}, abstract = {Ankn{\"u}pfend an eine Mitarbeiterbefragung bei BNP Paribas Personal Investors Deutschland wird aufgezeigt, dass Diskurse um New Work auch in einem großen Konzernverbund ein wichtiger Antreiber f{\"u}r die Gestaltung von Wandlungsprozessen sind und motivierend in Verbindung mit Aufbruchsstimmung wirken k{\"o}nnen. Gleichzeitig gilt es, auf bew{\"a}hrten Grunds{\"a}tzen von Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung und Teamarbeit aufzubauen und die M{\"o}glichkeiten von New Work nicht zu idealisieren. Partizipation und Mitbestimmung sind wichtig, aber nur auf der Grundlage transparenter Entscheidungswege, einer durch Wertsch{\"a}tzung gepr{\"a}gten Organisationskultur und durch qualitativ hochwertige Arbeitsbeziehungen effizient.}, language = {de} } @misc{Koritar, author = {Koritar, Entre}, title = {Review Raluca Soreanu: Working-through collective wounds: Trauma, denial, recognition in the Brazilian uprising}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 247-248.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 4, 2019), pp. 247-248.}, language = {en} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Hongmiao}, title = {From the Perspective of >The Sane Society< to the Social Phenomenon of Entertainment in the Contemporary Society [从《健全的社会》看当代社会娱乐至上的社会现象]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 21 (2019), pp. 108-109.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 21 (2019), pp. 108-109.}, abstract = {娱乐至上作为当代社会的一种潮流,无时无刻不影响着人们的生活。随着科学技术的发展和智能手机的普及,各种娱乐新闻、娱乐综艺更是见缝插针,充斥着社会中的每个角落。社会潮流导向,使得人们对娱乐明星的关注空前狂热,而这种狂热则给娱乐明星们带来了巨大的经济收益,天价出场费和天价片酬屡见不鲜。人们的娱乐方式已经被外界控制,不再遵从自己的内心诉求。这种现象与弗洛姆《健全的社会》中所提到的人与其欢乐相异化的情形极为相似。为解决这一社会问题,我们可以从《健全的社会》中寻找灵感,并将其中的观点与当代社会的现实情况相结合,最终得出解决问题的方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiCeng, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Ceng, Yonghui}, title = {Fromm's Contribution and Limitation to the Interpretation of Historical Materialism [弗洛姆对历史唯物主义解读的贡献与局限]}, series = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 6 (2019), pp. 86-91.}, journal = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 6 (2019), pp. 86-91.}, abstract = {弗洛姆以马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》为基础,并结合其他著作,批判了西方社会对历史唯物主义的误读,并在此基础上对马克思的历史唯物主义进行了系统解读。他认为,人本主义与自然主义的综合、人类学的历史观、精神存在主义是历史唯物主义的三个特征。弗洛姆看到了历史唯物主义中的人本主义因素,这点是值得肯定的。然而他却过度拔高了人本主义因素在历史唯物主义中的地位,同时也没有意识到马克思的思想在1845年之后已经发生了重要转变。}, language = {zh} } @article{Loiacono, author = {Loiacono, Anna Maria}, title = {Terrorism and the practice of angst}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 003-007.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 003-007.}, abstract = {Following in Hannah Arendt's steps, this paper addresses the author's definition of terrorism mostly from a psychoanalytical point of view and focuses further on the clinical implications related to the different thoughts on terrorism of a number of psychoanalysts. Some clinical vignettes, from individual as well as group psychotherapy, show how deep the reverberation of our way of thinking about terrorism can be in our work as psychoanalysts, particularly in regard to the integration of the destructive aspects of the personality and of the Self, and above all in cases with a history of traumatic attachment. Indeed, the psychoanalyst can actually remain embedded inside the patient's dissociative dynamics, and the treatment can fall into a painful impasse, allowing mutilated, torn, dead, and dissociated aspects to be left outside the conscious and the Self. The result of this kind of situation is a stiffening of the personality and a mortification of the whole Self.}, language = {en} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Wei}, title = {Fromm's Theory of >Productive Personality< and Its Contemporary Moral Education Value [弗洛姆>生产性人格<理论及其当代德育价值研究], Master thesis, Ideological and Political Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2019.}, abstract = {以>立德树人<为旨归的道德教育必然需要关注学生完善人格的最终形成, 然而, 什么是完善人格, 如何培育完善人格, 完善人格养成的内在机制是什么, 对于这些问题的解答一直是道德教育理论研究的难题, 而对这些问题进行深入研究对于解决当前我国青少年道德发展过程中所出现的知行不一的状况也具重要的实践意义。当代西方马克思主义理论重要的代表学者, 人本主义学家埃里希·弗洛姆(1900—1980)在其庞大精深的人道主义伦理学体系中, 对人格表现出极大关注, 主张在对人性、人的本质和人的境遇充分认识的基础上通过塑造一种生产性人格, 进而实现人的道德完善, 这为解决当前我国德育困境提供了可借鉴的思想资源。本文以弗洛姆生产性人格培育为视角, 着重探究其生产性人格理论中所蕴含的丰富伦理观和德育方法论, 以期为当前我国道德教育的理论与实践提供启示。首先, 在对弗洛姆生产性人格理论产生的时代背景、思想来源和理论前提进行论述的基础上, 本文论证了人格在弗洛姆人道主义伦理学中的中心地位, 进而对生产性人格的内涵及其理论意义进行了解读, 也直接论证了生产性人格培育的必要性。其次, 本文进一步探究了弗洛姆生产性人格的培育路径。提出生产性人格的培育依赖于人的自发性行动和健全社会的建构。生产性人格的形成需要理性认知、生产性的爱、理性信仰和人道主义良心这些内在力量相互作用以推动道德行动, 最终使人达到真正的幸福状态。生产性人格的培育倡导道德教育回归道德主体, 回归生活艺术, 回归道德实践和存在式教育方式。最后, 本文认为, 弗洛姆生产性人格理论有助于促进学生的道德发展和完善人格的塑造, 它也启示当前的道德教育应回归道德主体, 促进人的自由全面发展;应进一步夯实道德心理学的基础, 促进道德知情意行的统一;应回归现实生活, 关注生活艺术的培育;还要反对占有式教育, 倡导启发式教学。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Xiu}, title = {On the Alienation and Regression of Human Nature in >The Club< [论《俱乐部》中人性的异化与回归], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {戴维•威廉森是当代澳大利亚最著名的剧作家, 拥有最多的观众。他创作的《俱乐部》是一部影响深远的讽刺性戏剧, 该剧讲述了发生在20世纪70年代墨尔本一个足球俱乐部中的故事。剧中每个人为了自身的利益不择手段, 管理者与球员之间勾心斗角、相互构陷。该剧反映了人自私自利、金钱至上的观念, 以及人与人之间冷漠、相互利用的关系, 揭露了当代澳大利亚社会中的人性异化现象。本文运用弗洛姆的人性异化理论论述了《俱乐部》中的人性异化现象。该剧中人物的异化表现在人自身的异化和人与人之间关系的异化这两个方面, 人自身的异化主要表现在权欲的奴隶、情欲的魔鬼和物欲的过分依赖三个方面;人与人之间的异化则表现在男女关系的异化和男性同事之间关系的异化。此外, 笔者从外在和内在分析人性异化产生的内外因。外因指社会原因, 包括金钱至上的观念和男权至上的观念;而内在原因指的是弗洛姆提出的存在矛盾。最后, 人性的回归在部分人物上也有所体现, 让读者看到了光明与希望。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Lidan}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Consumption Alienation [弗洛姆的消费异化理论]}, series = {Journal of Harbin Vocational \& Technical College [哈尔滨职业技术学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 120-122.}, journal = {Journal of Harbin Vocational \& Technical College [哈尔滨职业技术学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 120-122.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的消费异化理论是弗洛姆异化思想的重要组成部分,是基于马克思早期的>劳动异化<理论。他认为异化现象不仅限于生产领域,而且在消费领域也有明显的表现。在历史背景下,弗洛姆在其著作中关注消费异化并详尽描述了这种现象,指出现代资本主义社会实际上是一个异化的消费社会。目前,随着中国经济的不断发展,中国也出现了消费异化现象,有关学者也对消费异化理论进行了研究。全面且深刻的研究有利于为国民形成良好的消费观念和习惯提供参考,以便为我国全面建成小康社会助力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Wanyu}, title = {Escaping Freedom—The Alienation of Modern Society [逃避自由——现代社会的异化状态]}, series = {Youth Literator 青年文学家, No. 33 (2019), p. 191}, journal = {Youth Literator 青年文学家, No. 33 (2019), p. 191}, abstract = {现代文明的发展却导致了自由的困境,个体成为大型社会机制的一部分,人逐渐变得被动、异化、迷失,产生逃避自由和成为物的意图。弗洛姆融合了精神分析与马克思主义的存在主义倾向,认识到人类追求自由与逃避自由的两种心理机制,最终探讨积极自由的建立,即人要通过爱与劳动中与世界相连接,去表达自我的思想与情感。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Keke}, title = {A Study of Psychological Alienation in >Endgame< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 11 (2019), p. 7.}, journal = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 11 (2019), p. 7.}, abstract = {>Endgame<, the masterpiece of Samuel Beckett, a most difficult and elusive play, is such a creative work, representing the postwar social spirit. Psychological alienation is obvious in the play, since anti-hero figures, broken language, bare stage and simple actions are largely employed to prove the psychological alienation of the characters in the play. This thesis is based on Erich Fromm's psychological alienation theory from three aspects: >Authoritarianism, destructiveness, acceptance and exploitation< (Fromm: Escape from Freedom, 24) to explore the main characters Hamm and Clov's psychological alienation in the hopeless society. And people's inner world is alienated, lonely and empty after World War II. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Maniadakis, author = {Maniadakis, Grigoris}, title = {Descendants of terror}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 008-011.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 1, 2019), pp. 008-011.}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to approach transgenerational transmission aspects of the traumatic experience of terror in the large social group. The author makes use of the notion of chosen trauma, coined by Vamik Volkan, which shows how specific mental representations of a traumatizing historical event, shared by the large group, can be transmitted to descendants and eventually used by them as a linking factor of their large group. The above issues, along with the importance of reversal of helplessness and of inability to mourn, are discussed; relevant clinical material focusing on the interplay between large-group and individual transmission is presented.}, language = {en} } @misc{Maniadakis, author = {Maniadakis, Grigoris}, title = {Aesthetic models of the psyche}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 001-002.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 001-002.}, language = {en} } @article{Maniadakis, author = {Maniadakis, Grigoris}, title = {The large group: dynamics and passions}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 069-070.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 28 (No. 2, 2019), pp. 069-070.}, language = {en} } @article{Mathes, author = {Mathes, Bettina}, title = {All my toys are dead: Chantal Akerman's >No Home Movie< (2015)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 014-021.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29 (No. 1, 2020), pp. 014-021.}, abstract = {Making films can be a lifeline, an aid to going on living when (we feel) the world around us has disappeared. Looking, showing that there's a >there there,< recording the present moment and thereby preserving it, can, for a time, make us not feel the nothingness within us. But the rescue that comes from making a film is always provisional. Why? Because every film has an end. Because if there are no more films to make, if there is nothing that deserves to be looked at (the worst case scenario), going on living will have exhausted itself, and taking one's own life (if indeed there was a life to take) may seem the only option. Chantal Akerman's >No Home Movie< - a film recording the slow death of her mother in her Brussels apartment - is this worst case scenario. A moving record of the psychic devastation that comes about when we, slowly but surely, lose the one object worth looking at. Panic, depression, hopelessness, and a fierce determination to go where the disappeared object went. To this last home where nothing no longer moves.}, language = {en} } @article{Mayer, author = {Mayer, Matthias}, title = {>Dialektische Umwege< - Neue Quellen und Forschungen zu Ernst Blochs „Leipziger Vorlesungen}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 169-198.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 169-198.}, language = {de} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Thoughts on Liberation: On the Way to A Humane Society}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 118-137.}, volume = {e23/2019j}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 118-137.}, abstract = {Fromm was one of the first psychoanalysts to deal with the crisis of civilization. His ideas about human nature, the social character and the social unconscious, the pathology of normalcy and the ideal of productivity are important. Fromm criticizes industrialism for its unrealizable promises of freedom and happiness, which correspond to an ideology of growth and progress. The satisfaction of >false< needs and desires does not lead to human well-being.}, language = {en} } @article{Buechler, author = {Buechler, Sandra}, title = {Clinical Implications of Fromm's Concepts}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 244-249.}, volume = {e23/2019u}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 244-249.}, abstract = {In this paper I examine the clinical implications of three of Fromm's key concepts: social character, love, and the sane society. I compare his thinking with the beliefs of H. S. Sullivan, another important contributor to the Interpersonal analytic tradition.}, language = {en} } @article{EhnisVoigt, author = {Ehnis, Patrick and Voigt, Katrin}, title = {Fromm's Contribution to the Analysis and Critique of the Ongoing Rise of Right-Wing Movements}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 138-152.}, volume = {e23/2019k}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 138-152.}, abstract = {One of the most important political changes in Europe, the USA and beyond is the growth of nationalistic parties and authoritarian structures within states. This contribution aims to demonstrate how a Frommian perspective on basic psychological needs, asynchronicity and alienation could contribute to a social-psychological understanding of nationalistic trends. At the end of the paper, we present some conclusions drawn from this social-psychological point of view concerning the development of a sane society.}, language = {en} } @article{Chancer, author = {Chancer, Lynn}, title = {The Compatibility of Frommian and Feminist Theory: An Argument for Relevance and Revision}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-044.}, volume = {e23/2019c}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 033-044.}, abstract = {The work of Erich Fromm is often overlooked in contemporary feminist thought. Yet important areas of relevance—his critiques of symbiotic love and sadomasochism, advocacy of mutual recognition, and objections to patriarchal presumptions in Freud's work—render Fromm's thought useful for feminists. Disadvantages adhere in Fromm's ideas too, including sexist language and biologically-tinged maternalism. However, this paper reinterprets these problems to advocate for rediscovering both Fromm's feminist and humanist aspirations.}, language = {en} } @article{Friedson, author = {Friedson, Meredith Lynn}, title = {Necrophilic Tendencies in Schizophrenia Treatment: Destroying Our Humanity One Behavioral Plan at a Time}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 250-260.}, volume = {e23/2019v}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 250-260.}, abstract = {Fromm's necrophilous character is evident in state and governmentally run psychiatric hospitals in the United States. Rigid over-reliance on behavioral interventions can be seen as defensive posturing against the terror of uncertainty when confronted with psychosis. Clinical vignettes with institutionalized schizophrenic adults are presented. A plea is made for clinicians to work from a position of respect and love to fight the dehumanization that can result when a psychoanalytic mindset is abandoned.}, language = {en} } @article{EspinosaRugarcia, author = {Espinosa Rugarc{\´i}a, Amparo}, title = {The Many Prisons of Women Predestined to Commit a Crime. Sadomasochism as a Female Survival Strategy}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 211-222.}, volume = {e23/2019r}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 211-222.}, abstract = {This is an approach to Mexican female delinquency from a Frommian sadomasochism and a non-punitive criminal justice perspective, based on autobiographical life stories written by women confined in Mexican prisons. Those women have always lived in a society which assaults them in a thousand ways and treats them with inequity; whatever their crime, they are not judged with a gender perspective. Almost all are poor, many of them are mothers forced to abandon their children to serve their sentence behind bars in despicable conditions, accused of crimes that many times they commit induced by their partners' behavior against them.}, language = {en} } @article{Frie, author = {Frie, Roger}, title = {Psychoanalysis, Persecution and the Holocaust: Erich Fromm's Life and Work During the 1930s}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 070-079.}, volume = {e23/2019f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 23 / 2019 (Special Edition), Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 070-079.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm's life during the 1930s, his confrontation with Nazism and his family's experience of the Holocaust is explored. The impact of this period on his writing, especially Escape from Freedom is considered. The current political situation, in which anti-Semitism has increased and minorities are persecuted makes the examination of Fromm's experience of persecution and exile especially relevant. The author uses his own German family history and his discovery of his grandfather's Nazi past to examine the importance of Fromm's analysis of authoritarian tendencies in Germany in the early 1930s.}, language = {en} }