@article{Carl, author = {Carl, Felix}, title = {Vom Profit und Defizit des Konsums f{\"u}r das Sein - am Beispiel einer am Haben orientierten Konsumgesellschaft, Hausarbeit, 60 pp.}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird im Wesentlichen Bezug auf kritische Ansichten von dem deutschamerikanischen Philosophen und Sozialpsychologen Erich Fromm, dem polnisch-britischen Philosophen und Soziologen Zygmunt Bauman und dem franz{\"o}si-schen Sozialphilosophen Andr{\´e} Gorz genommen, im Hinblick darauf, wie eine Konsumorientierung im Wandel der Zeit uns den Blick f{\"u}r den Sinn des Lebens, das Sein also, versperrt.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Martin}, title = {Eindr{\"u}cke aus dem Alltag der Unternehmensberatung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 6-8.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 6-8.}, language = {de} } @article{FrechMetzger, author = {Frech, Siegfried and Metzger, Renate}, title = {NEIN zu Stammtischparolen! - Ein Argumentationstraining}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 158-159.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 158-159.}, language = {de} } @article{Fisch, author = {Fisch, Axel}, title = {Folge deinem Gewissen!}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 24-30.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 24-30.}, language = {de} } @article{Fritzsche, author = {Fritzsche, K. Peter}, title = {Menschenrechte und Mut - ein enges Verh{\"a}ltnis. 10 Thesen}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 138-141.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 138-141.}, language = {de} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Ning}, title = {Fromm's Idea of Escape from Freedom and Its Reflection [弗洛姆逃避自由的思想及其反思]}, series = {Social Sciences (New Theory Edition) [社科纵横(新理论版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 162-164.}, journal = {Social Sciences (New Theory Edition) [社科纵横(新理论版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 162-164.}, abstract = {及逃避自由的途径,并认为自发性的活动—爱和工作是实现积极自由的途径。 弗洛姆认为现代社会中的人不是在追求自由,而是在逃避自由,在《逃避自由》一书中弗洛姆深刻的解读了现代社会中的人逃避自由的根源以}, language = {zh} } @article{Gao, author = {Gao, Tingting}, title = {Fromm's >The Art of Loving< - Inspiration for the Love Education of College Students [弗洛姆《爱的艺术》对高校大学生爱情观教育的启示]}, series = {Science \& Technology Information [科技信息], No. 23 (2011), pp. 550, 571.}, journal = {Science \& Technology Information [科技信息], No. 23 (2011), pp. 550, 571.}, abstract = {当代大学校园的爱情教育已经成为高校思想政治教育工作的一个新重点,弗洛姆《爱的艺术》一书对高校思想政治工作者如何引导帮助大学生认识爱情,端正对待爱情的态度,从而建立起一个健康向上的爱情观具有一定的启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{GburStoner, author = {Gbur, Nina and Stoner, Robert}, title = {>Jugend f{\"u}r Jugend<. Die Projekttage im >Netzwerk f{\"u}r Demokratie und Courage Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg<}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 149-157.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 149-157.}, language = {de} } @article{GodelGassner, author = {Godel-Gaßner, Rosemarie}, title = {Lehrerinnen im Nationalsozialismus}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 49-60.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 49-60.}, language = {de} } @article{Giovannini, author = {Giovannini, Norbert}, title = {Herr und Frau Courage. {\"U}ber die p{\"a}dagogische Bedeutung >kleiner Gesten< und solidarischen Handelns und ein R{\"u}ckblick auf Zivilcourage im Umgang mit verfolgten Heidelberger Juden}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 31-45.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 31-45.}, language = {de} } @article{Dong, author = {Dong, Gaowei}, title = {Fromm's Sociological Thought [弗洛姆哲学视域下的社会学思想]}, series = {Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology [长春理工大学学报], No. 7 (2011), pp. 42-43.}, journal = {Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology [长春理工大学学报], No. 7 (2011), pp. 42-43.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是当代著名的精神分析学家、社会学家和哲学家,他以哲学的视域对西方资本主义社会的现状进行考察,从人性异化的基础得出当代西方资本主义社会病态的结论,并提出一些有建设性的意见。在此就弗洛姆对人性、社会以及健全社会与人三方面的思考进行简述,以期对中国当下的社会建设有所启发。}, language = {zh} } @article{Dong, author = {Dong, Qiqi}, title = {Three Kinds of Man - Erich Fromm's Perspective and Reflection on Existential Circumstances of Man [三种人——弗洛姆对人的生存境遇的观照与反思]}, series = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 4 (2011), pp. 22-26.}, journal = {Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) [山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 4 (2011), pp. 22-26.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is one of the members of the first generation of Frankfurt School, and has systematically researched the psychological mechanism and character structure of the modern man, in order to find the correct route and way to solve the problem of mental alienation. With the theme of the manner of human existence, Fromm reviewed the human civilization history, and simultaneously carried out the practice of modernity criticism centering on vagueness of the freedom and the paradox choice invited by it. In Fromm's opinion, though the strongly fortified social structure in the Middle Ages interfered with freedom of man, it offered individuals the safe ground; Since the Renaissance germinated, the subjective consci-ousness awakened, and the homeless lonely mood increased with it, with the result that psychological mechanism of escaping freedom finally formed; but it does not follow that one's life is hopeless. On the contrary, the sane man which Fromm has shaped brings the light for the human development in the future. Around the key words >The man of the Middle Ages<, >The modern man<, >the sane man<, the paper aims at deeply exploring the humanism spirit of Fromm's thought.}, language = {zh} } @article{Du, author = {Du, Liyan}, title = {Fromm's Understanding of Humanity [弗洛姆拷问人性:人健全吗?]}, series = {Journal of Yunnan University (Social Sciences Edition) [云南大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 5 (2011), pp. 27-32, 95.}, journal = {Journal of Yunnan University (Social Sciences Edition) [云南大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 5 (2011), pp. 27-32, 95.}, abstract = {Like Marxism and Freudism, Fromm pays attention to complete humanity and tries to integrate Marxism with Freudism. He inquiries into the nature of humanity, and its good and bad elements, which shows his reflections on Christianity and reveals the key features of his philosophy.}, language = {zh} } @article{Deng, author = {Deng, Zhiwei}, title = {On Erich Fromm's Humanistic Ethical Thoughts of Religion [浅析E.弗洛姆人道主义宗教思想]}, series = {Journal of Central South University of Forestry \& Technology (Social Sciences) [ 中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 4, 2011), pp. 12-15.}, journal = {Journal of Central South University of Forestry \& Technology (Social Sciences) [ 中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 4, 2011), pp. 12-15.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is one of the most famous contemporary humanistic ethicists. His neo-humanistic ethics established through synthesizing Karl Marx's macroscopic social theory and Sigmund Freud's microscopic psychoanalysis takes a unique position in the development of western ethics. An important part of Erich Fromm's humanistic ethics is his humanistic ethical thoughts of religion. Fromm explores root and definition of the religion based on the spirit needs of the people, and clarifies two kinds of connotations in the concept of religion, discloses the harm on the people by alienation of modern religion, and explores actively the way to build the humanistic religion. There are distinctive value of theory and reality and obvious limitations in his ethical thoughts of religion.}, language = {zh} } @article{BaiBu, author = {Bai, Xuehui and Bu, Shu}, title = {Fromm's Alienation Theory and Probing the Way of the Discard Alienation for Human Being [弗洛姆的异化理论及其对人的异化扬弃途径的探索]}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Sciences) [内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Sciences) [内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, abstract = {After human being coming into the 20th century, alienation problem that always talking about by Marx doesn't be weaken, it assumes intense trend on the other hand, that is the total alienation between human and society. How to treat the phenomenon of total Alienation between human and society in modern society? Does alienation can be eliminated or discarded? Fromm's answer is a representative during many scholars' thinking undoubtedly. Although he has been dead for many years, his thought still has learning value and theoretical and practical significance as we see today. Thus, this article will induce the clues of Fromm's alienation theory, propose the alienation problem again.}, language = {zh} } @article{Bao, author = {Bao, Junxiao}, title = {Idolatry and the Alienation of the People [偶像崇拜与人的异化]}, series = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 9 (2011), pp. 84-86.}, journal = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 9 (2011), pp. 84-86.}, abstract = {偶像崇拜现象一直贯穿着人类的历史,只是在不同的社会历史阶段表现为不同的形式和内容。不同时期对于偶像崇拜的表现也和人类的历史发展是紧紧相联系在一起的,正如弗洛姆在《马克思关于人的概念》中提到的那样:>整个异化概念在旧约的偶像崇拜概念中得到了它在西方思想中的头一个表现。<〔1〕对于现代人来说,偶像崇拜没有完结,而是恰恰相反,以更为特殊的方式反映着人的异化程度的加深。}, language = {zh} } @article{Cai, author = {Cai, Xuemei}, title = {The Solitary in the Loveless World - On Lucinda's Tragedy in >Lucinda Brayford< [无爱世界里的孤独者——《露辛达·布雷福特》中人物悲剧性解读] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Jiaxing University [嘉兴学院学报], No. 2 (2011), pp. 73-76.}, journal = {Journal of Jiaxing University [嘉兴学院学报], No. 2 (2011), pp. 73-76.}, abstract = {Lucinda Brayford, the heroine in the novel, is generally considered as a typical image of cultural foundling in the literature history of Australia, and a represents those who cannot fit themselves into the surroundings. Based on Fromm's theory related to love, the author interprets that Lucinda, without the ability to love the people around, lives in a loveless world, which leads her to the solitary and tragic life.}, language = {zh} } @article{Dammer, author = {Dammer, Karl-Heinz}, title = {Was heißt B{\"u}rgermut heute?}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 121-129.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 121-129.}, language = {de} } @article{Dai, author = {Dai, Guanqing}, title = {The Influence of Western Marxist Literary Theory on the Construction of Chinese Contemporary Literary Theory [西方马克思主义文论对中国当代文论建设的影响]}, series = {International Marxist Literary Theory and the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory International Symposium, Annual Conference of Chinese and Foreign Literature Theory Society, June 20, 2011, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, in [Proceedings] Research on Sino-Foreign Literary \& Arts Theories [中国中外文艺理论研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 112-122.}, journal = {International Marxist Literary Theory and the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory International Symposium, Annual Conference of Chinese and Foreign Literature Theory Society, June 20, 2011, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, in [Proceedings] Research on Sino-Foreign Literary \& Arts Theories [中国中外文艺理论研究], No. 00 (2011), pp. 112-122.}, abstract = {崛起于20世纪20年代的西方马克思主义文论是一种富有时代特征的当代西方文艺和美学理论,以卢卡奇、葛兰西、马舍雷、戈德曼、伊格尔顿,以及西方马克思主义文论中最活跃的法兰克福学派中的本雅明、阿多诺、马尔库塞、弗洛姆和哈贝马斯等为代表的一批欧美理论家力图在新的历史条件下重新阐释、复兴、发展马克思主义,全面批判现代资本主义而形成的一种有别于经典马克思主义文艺学说的理论体系。尽管西方马克思主义文论的各个流派都承认社会历史、经济基础决定文学创作这个命题,但不同的是,他们关注的焦点更多的是文化和文艺学领域,>一个接一个的思想家在这个领域里以历史唯物主义前所未有的丰富想象力和严谨研究而名声显赫<。虽然西方}, language = {zh} } @article{Brumlik, author = {Brumlik, Micha}, title = {P{\"a}dagogische Reaktionen auf Antisemitismus. Dass Ausschwitz sich nie wiederhole}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 100-109.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 100-109.}, language = {de} }