@article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xia}, title = {Pathological Society Struggling - >The Catcher in the Rye< Interpretation after Fromm [病态社会里的挣扎——《麦田里的守望者》的弗洛姆式解读] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Young Writers (Foreign Literary Version) [ 青年作家(中外文艺版)], No. 3 (2011), p. 33.}, journal = {Young Writers (Foreign Literary Version) [ 青年作家(中外文艺版)], No. 3 (2011), p. 33.}, abstract = {《麦田里的守望者》通过讲述主人公霍尔顿离开潘西中学后在纽约的游荡经历,深刻地揭示了现代社会中人的孤独感和失落感。本文以弗洛姆的健全理论为基础,旨在探讨霍尔顿对不健全社会的反抗和自我追寻的历程,反思人的存在本质和人生的价值意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Xia}, title = {Struggling in the Insane Society - >The Catcher in the Rye< Fromm Interpretation [病态社会里的挣扎 - 《麦田里的守望者》的弗洛姆式解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China, 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {J.D. Salinger's >The Catcher in the Rye<, one of the most controversial novels in the contemporary American literature, is recognized as a >modern classic<. The novel profoundly exposes the sense of loneliness and loss through Holden's wandering in New York after his expulsion from Pencey Prep. Based on Fromm's theory of the sane society, this thesis aims at exploring the protagonist's rebellion against the insane society, and his pursuit of self. This thesis is composed of an introduction, three body chapters and a conclusion.- The first part, introduction, summarizes J. D. Salinger's background and literary status, and briefly introduces the main content of the novel, the critical reception home and abroad, and Fromm's theory of the sane society on which the thesis is based on.- The first chapter analyzes the phenomenon of alienation among people in >The Catcher in the Rye<, concluding that Holden feels lonely and depressed among alienated people.- Chapter two discusses Holden's rebellion against the anonymous authority-conformity, and the principle of non frustration prevalent in his time, concluding that Holden struggles to remain innocent.- Chapter three reveals that Holden realizes that love can change the insane society during the process of his pursuit of self.- The last part probes the pursuit of self of the human race in the modern insane society, and examines the essence of being and the meaning of existence. It also reveals Salinger's humanistic concern about the fate of the mankind and sums up the thesis by reaffirming Salinger's profound exposition of the contemporary world.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xiong, author = {Xiong, Chen}, title = {Research on Humanitarian Socialist Ideology of Fromm [弗洛姆人道主义的社会主义思想研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2011.}, abstract = {Since the birth of the human being, he has never give up the pursuit and fantastic images of a better society in the future. >Utopia< is the synonymous with such ideas. In the mid-19th century, to some extent, the birth of Marxism ended all the past >Utopia< Ideology, but in the twentieth century, because of the changes and development of socialist movement, kinds of new >Utopia< are revival in the socialism research, Fromm's humanitarian socialist Ideology is the part. Fromm anastomosed the ideology of Freud and Marx, trying to find a new channel in the current thoughts of socialism, making people's liberation come true. He looked closely at contemporary society of his time as a psychologist philosopher and sociologists, including the capitalist society and the living conditions, and then he put forward his reform initiatives to achieve real humanitarian socialism.- The purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive survey of Fromm's humanitarian socialist Ideology. Firstly, this article reviews the time of Fromm and the social background of the socialist ideological, and then analyses the basic point of his idea, including his analysis on the capitalist, the existence of the situation of surveys and a new interpretation of Marxism. Then it expounds Fromm's humanitarian socialist thinking: which includes expectation of all-healthy man and society, various reform measures for the implementation of this. At last of this article makes a brief comment on Fromm's Ideology.- I think Fromm's study not only provided many new perspective and view for us to study the capitalist society, but also a new research to improve and develop Marxism. His analysis on the social disorder in capitalist and various aspects of the reforms provide great reference and practical value for our current ongoing reform.}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Huifen}, title = {Fromm's Criticism and Reconstruction of Consumption Alienation [弗洛姆对消费异化的批判与重建]}, series = {Journal of Shijiazhuang University [石家庄学院学报], No. 1 (2011), pp. 86-90.}, journal = {Journal of Shijiazhuang University [石家庄学院学报], No. 1 (2011), pp. 86-90.}, abstract = {The consumption itself is to satisfy needs of people; however, it has turned to be the purpose in today's Western society. The creative consumption is fantastic, aggravating the dilemma of human existence. The free consumption is, in essence, negative freedom and a mode of existence which attaches importance to >possession<. Fromm advocated a model of social development that focuses on human development and a mode of existence that focuses on being, stimulating people's positive freedom and reestablishing the subject role in consumption. His theory is of realistic significance to the idea of consumption and our social development.}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Jun}, title = {Humanity or Religion: Deconstruction of Religion between Freud and Fromm [人道还是宗教——现代犹太裔心理学家弗洛伊德、弗洛姆对宗教的解构]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 9 (2011), pp. 48-49, 84.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 9 (2011), pp. 48-49, 84.}, abstract = {传统宗教是以神为中心,以神的权威来压抑人性,但这种观念有违人道,是与现实生活格格不入的。以犹太人的命运为例,从他们的宗教与苦难现实之间的矛盾入手,以犹太裔心理学家弗洛伊德和弗洛姆的理论为方法论,分析了宗教产生的心理根源,以及人本宗教和权威宗教的区别,以此来消解宗教的神秘性,并对其进行现代性的解构。}, language = {zh} } @book{Abromeit, author = {Abromeit, John}, title = {Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School, Cambridge et al. (Cambridge University Press) 2011, 457 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Abromeit, author = {Abromeit, John}, title = {The Beginnings of Fromm's Analytic Social Psychology and His Theoretical Elective Afi nity with Horkheimer}, series = {Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School, Cambridge et al. (Cambridge University Press) 2011, pp. 201-211.}, journal = {Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School, Cambridge et al. (Cambridge University Press) 2011, pp. 201-211.}, language = {en} } @article{Abromeit, author = {Abromeit, John}, title = {Excursus I - The Theoretical Foundations of Horkheimer's Split with Erich Fromm in the Late 1930s}, series = {Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School, Cambridge et al. (Cambridge University Press) 2011, pp. 336-348.}, journal = {Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School, Cambridge et al. (Cambridge University Press) 2011, pp. 336-348.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Yanyan}, title = {The Bitterness of Being Free. An Attempt to >Sharpen< the Interpretation by Fromm's Theory of Human Nature [自由之痛 - 试以弗洛姆的人性理论解读《磨砺》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Margaret Drabble (b. 1939), who has won wide acclaim in the contemporary literary world, is considered among the most accomplished British writers of the postwar period. Since her debut in 1963, she has published a total of seventeen novels to date. Margaret Drabble is always concerned with the process of contemporary women's spiritual growth, their psychological experience and their state of subsistence in order to help them seek new self value and social status. While achieving international renown as a novelist, Margaret Drabble has also established an impressive reputation as a biographer, critic and editor. The main themes of Margaret Drabble's novels are principally about the predicaments of well-educated women, these including their domestic life, child rearing, balance between career and family, and marital problems. In her novels, Drabble never ceases from exploring the inner life of contemporary women who attempt to seek self-actualization and social recognition. However, Drabble's most recent fiction is heavily salted with social consciousness as she has continued to expand her focus from the concerns of middle-class female intellectuals to a variety of political and moral dilemmas within the broader background of contemporary Britain. >The Millstone<, the third novel written by Margaret Drabble, published in 1965, is the story of a young academic who encounters various difficulties as an unmarried mother in 1960s Britain. The book brought Drabble the John Llewelyn Rhys Prize and in 1969 was adapted for cinema in America as A Touch of Love. Rosamund, the protagonist of the novel, is a refreshingly honest portrait of a female doctoral candidate in her twenties who lives in London. She is an independent and successful intellectual, and simultaneously an unmarried mother. However, Rosamund's freedom and independence are achieved at the cost of abstinence and self-isolation. A brief survey of criticism of >The Millstone< shows that some research on the work has been conducted from the perspective of feminism and some has focused upon the writing techniques employed within. The research which concerns the philosophy of life or values of the protagonist mainly places stress on the positive attributes of the protagonist's way of living with only a few touches on its limitations. In other words, there is still room for systematic and profound investigation on such issues as the protagonist's obstinate pursuit of freedom at the cost of true love or on viable routes towards her true self-actualization not only as a woman but also as a human being. The interpretation of The Millstone with reference to the humanistic psychoanalytic theory remains almost undeveloped. Taking Drabble's masterpiece The Millstone as a case study, this thesis aims to make a more systematic exploration of the author's efforts to present women's dilemmas in modern life and to explore practicable approaches to their self-actualization. Specifically, based on a detailed study of the protagonist's spiritual evolution, and with reference to Erich Fromm's psychoanalytic theory of human nature, the author of this paper attempts to analyze the protagonist's obstinate way of pursuing freedom by comparing her spiritual states before and after she becomes a mother; to probe into the nature of her intransigent way of thinking; and finally to discuss the feasibility of the protagonist, as well as of people of the modern era as a whole, in achieving true self-actualization through a life lived in freedom but not in isolation from others. To expound the argument raised by the author of this thesis, three chapters are devoted to the interpretation and discussion of the story, in addition to the introduction and conclusion.- The first chapter elaborates on the ambiguous nature of freedom that is manifested in the protagonist's life. It is divided into two sections. The first mainly discusses the seeming ease the protagonist enjoys by completely releasing herself from the bondage and burden possibly incurred by responsibilities or commitments from practical life especially before her pregnancy. And in contrast, the second section is mainly an exposure of the bitterness she suffers through her radical stance on freedom, this involving isolation and loneliness as well as helplessness.- The second chapter is a detailed study on the nature of the protagonist's radical outlook on freedom. Two sections are included in this part. The first part is an objective analysis of the problematical attempts of the protagonist to achieve freedom. It includes consideration of her obsession with work, her habit of concealing her natural feelings in front of others, and her self-confinement within an ivory tower detached from an outside world viewed as potentially intrusive and threatening to her realm of freedom. The second part explains the possible reasons for the protagonist's pursuit of a radical freedom, namely, the influence of her parents and society as well as her character orientations. It will naturally be seen that the protagonist's freedom is by nature a negative one, which to a large extent can account for the bitterness incurred in her practical life.- The last chapter concentrates on the discussion of a tentative solution to the predicaments incurred by this radical outlook on freedom. This solution mainly refers to a route towards what Fromm describes as >positive freedom<. This chapter again includes two sections. The first elaborates on the issue of the return of human connections to the protagonist's day-to-day life. The second section is a detailed analysis of the awakening of distinct manifestations of love within the protagonist - a dramatic spiritual transformation which occurs during her pregnancy and in the primary phase of motherhood. In the end, the awakening of love in the protagonist and her return to human community and connection together portend a more self-fulfilling life for her in the future.- The above analysis building on Fromm's theory leads naturally to the conclusion that the radical stance on freedom which the protagonist has advocated and practiced is what Fromm describes as >negative freedom<, a freedom which has brought more bitterness than ease to her life. Therefore, any pursuit of a radical freedom is a negative attempt, which is to an extent achieved by freeing oneself from burdens and isolating oneself from connections with others. Only by returning to the real world and establishing harmonious human connections as well as being responsible to oneself and others can people of the modern era achieve true freedom, and thus be enabled to come closer to true self-actualization.}, language = {zh} } @book{Deng, author = {Deng, Zhiwei}, title = {Fu Luo mu xinren dao zhuyi lunli sixiang yanjiu 弗洛姆新人道主义伦理思想研究 [Fromm's New Humanistic Ethics], Beijing: Renmin chuban she 人民出版社 [People's Pub¬lishing House], 347 pages.}, abstract = {E.弗洛姆是现代西方著名的人道主义伦理学家,他通过综合马克思的宏观社会理论和弗洛伊德的微观心理分析理论而建立的人道主义伦理学体系在西方伦理学发展史上具有独特的理论贡献。在其伦理学体系中,宗教思想是其中重要的内容。弗洛姆从人的精神需要的角度探讨了宗教的根源和定义,划分了宗教的两种类型,揭露了现代社会宗教异化对人造成的危害,并积极探索建立人道主义宗教的具体对策。他的思想既有独特的理论和现实意义,同时也有明显的局限性}, language = {zh} }