@article{Brockman, author = {Brockman, Richard}, title = {Aspects of Psychodynamic Neuropsychiatry III: Magic Spells, the Placebo Effect, and Neurobiology}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 565-572.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 565-572.}, language = {en} } @article{Brockman, author = {Brockman, Richard}, title = {Aspects of Psychodynamic Neuropsychiatry IV: Love, Ripe Fruit, and Other Addictions}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 737-748.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 737-748.}, language = {en} } @article{Leffert, author = {Leffert, Mark}, title = {Commentary on Richard D. Chessick: >The Rise and Fall of the Autochthonous Self<. The Self is Alive and Well and Living at MoMA}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 348-357.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 348-357.}, language = {en} } @article{Leffert, author = {Leffert, Mark}, title = {The Psychoanalysis and Death of George Gershwin: An American Tragedy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 421-452.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 421-452.}, language = {en} } @article{Leffertetal, author = {Leffert, Mark and et al.,}, title = {Introduction: Commentaries and Author's Response to Richard D. Chessick: >The Rise and Fall of the Autochthonous Self: From Italian Renaissance Art and Shakespeare to Heidegger, Lacan, and Intersubjectivism<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 347.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 347.}, language = {en} } @article{Carl, author = {Carl, Felix}, title = {Vom Profit und Defizit des Konsums f{\"u}r das Sein - am Beispiel einer am Haben orientierten Konsumgesellschaft, Hausarbeit, 60 pp.}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird im Wesentlichen Bezug auf kritische Ansichten von dem deutschamerikanischen Philosophen und Sozialpsychologen Erich Fromm, dem polnisch-britischen Philosophen und Soziologen Zygmunt Bauman und dem franz{\"o}si-schen Sozialphilosophen Andr{\´e} Gorz genommen, im Hinblick darauf, wie eine Konsumorientierung im Wandel der Zeit uns den Blick f{\"u}r den Sinn des Lebens, das Sein also, versperrt.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Martin}, title = {Eindr{\"u}cke aus dem Alltag der Unternehmensberatung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 6-8.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 15 / 2011, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 6-8.}, language = {de} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {La creatividad seg{\´u}n Erich Fromm. Con textos significativos de Erich Fromm acerca de la orientaci{\´o}n productiva de car{\´a}cter, Mexico City (Demag) 2011, 103 pp.}, language = {es} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Der entgrenzte Mensch. Warum ein Leben ohne Grenzen nicht frei sondern abh{\"a}ngig macht, G{\"u}tersloh (G{\"u}terloher Verlagshaus) 2011.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-10211, title = {Was den Menschen antreibt. Psychoanalyse als Theorie und Praxis von Beziehung, hg. und eingeleitet von Rainer Funk, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2011.}, editor = {Funk, Rainer}, language = {de} } @misc{Fine, author = {Fine, Paul}, title = {Review Funk, R.: The Clinical Erich Fromm}, series = {Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. pp. 382-387.}, journal = {Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. pp. 382-387.}, abstract = {Erich FROMM always considered that the psychoanalytic basis of his ideas had its roots in Freud's ideas, but he also pointed out by means of a number of reasons, which were the product of his experience as a clinic and researcher of the man-society relation, that Freud's concept's and theories were too narrow for understanding some essential human aspects. For the purpose of widening and going deep into what he considered the essence of Freud's ideas and of the psychoanalysis in general, Erich FROMM made what he called a >dialectic revision of the psychoanalysis<, for which he used his own psychoanalytic experience and the ideas of prominent men in the different areas of science and knowledge. Among the most important reasons for undertaking his theoretical and technic revision of psychoanalysis are Marx' ideas and two of the great religions traditions of the world. In this work, the moments and the way in which the great religions traditions: judaism and budism, influenced the proposal of Erich FROMM for developing a radical humanistic psychoanalysis are shown.}, language = {en} } @book{Rau, author = {Rau, Hartmut R.}, title = {Check It's. F{\"u}r das reibungslose Miteinander in der t{\"a}glichen Routine des Arbeitsalltags, Darmstadt (Justus von Liebig Verlag), 81 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Kerscher, author = {Kerscher, Karl-Heinz Ignatz}, title = {Sensibel und Responsibel? Fragen Postmoderner P{\"a}dagogik nach der Atom-Reaktor-Katastrophe in Fukushima, Grin-Verlag 2011, 122 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Kerscher, author = {Kerscher, Karl-Heinz Ignatz}, title = {Fasziniert und Aktiviert. Intentionen Postmoderner P{\"a}dagogik, Grin-Verlag 2011, 195 pp.}, abstract = {P{\"a}dagogik steht gegenw{\"a}rtig vor ungeahnten Herausforderungen. Soziale Eingliederungsprobleme wie Drogenaffinit{\"a}t, Esst{\"o}rungen mannigfacher Art, Depressionen bis hin zu Suizidgef{\"a}hrdung, Gewalt unter Sch{\"u}lern usw. stellen die Wirksamkeit von Erziehung, P{\"a}dagogik und Bildung auf die Probe. Aber auch kulturelle, gesellschaftliche und globale Herausforderungen erstreben Beachtung. Wie konnte es im M{\"a}rz 2011 zur Nuklearen Reaktor-Katastrophe von Fukushima in Japan kommen? Wie k{\"o}nnte das ethisch-moralische Niveau der Intelligenzeliten der Welt angehoben werden? Wie k{\"o}nnten Erziehung, P{\"a}dagogik und Bildung zum gesunden {\"U}berleben der Menschheit beitragen? Sinnvoll w{\"a}re eine weltweite Renaissance der Reformen im Bildungswesen. In Analogie zur Wirkung des Sputnik-Schocks auf die P{\"a}dagogik des Westens g{\"a}lte es, weltweite Kampagnen zur Anhebung des Bildungsniveaus der Menschheit ins Leben zu rufen. Im vorliegenden Buch finden sich in sechs Kapiteln mit insgesamt achtzehn Unterkapiteln Er{\"o}rterungen {\"u}ber das Profil einer Humanistischen Postmodernen P{\"a}dagogik. Zun{\"a}chst geht es um eine P{\"a}dagogik der Personalit{\"a}t. Nach einer ern{\"u}chternden Bilanz charakterdeformierender Erziehung und der Analyse des weit verbreiteten Autorit{\"a}ren Charakters erfolgt eine Synopse {\"u}ber die Vielfalt von Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsmerkmalen in der postmodernen Epoche. Sodann werden die Eckdaten einer viel versprechenden P{\"a}dagogik der Produktivit{\"a}t an den Beispielen der Produktiven Postmodernen Orientierung, der Biophilen P{\"a}dagogik und der Friedensp{\"a}dagogik markiert. Weiter geht es im Text mit wichtigen Ausf{\"u}hrungen {\"u}ber eine dringend notwendige P{\"a}dagogik der Responsibilit{\"a}tsf{\"o}rderung mit Unterkapiteln {\"u}ber die Erziehung zur Menschenfreundlichkeit, zum Umwelt- und Tierschutz und zur P{\"a}dagogik der Globalisierung. Im Fokus des interessanten vierten Kapitels steht eine P{\"a}dagogik der Vitalit{\"a}t. Sexualp{\"a}dagogik, Positive P{\"a}dagogik und Gesundheitserziehung werden hier aspektreich er{\"o}rtert. Der Inhalt des f{\"u}nften Kapitels zeigt detailliert Konzepte einer P{\"a}dagogik der Faszination auf, insbesondere Erlebnisp{\"a}dagogik, Kreativit{\"a}ts-Erziehung und Erziehung zum Gestaltungsoptimismus. Das abschließende Kapitel {\"u}ber eine P{\"a}dagogik der Initiative enth{\"a}lt spannende Ausf{\"u}hrungen zu einer P{\"a}dagogik der F{\"o}rderung von Konstruktivit{\"a}t, Medienkompetenz und Qualit{\"a}t.}, language = {de} } @book{Kerscher, author = {Kerscher, Karl-Heinz Ignatz}, title = {Kreativ und Innovativ. Bausteine Postmoderner P{\"a}dagogik, Grin-Verlag 2011, 157 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{FrechMetzger, author = {Frech, Siegfried and Metzger, Renate}, title = {NEIN zu Stammtischparolen! - Ein Argumentationstraining}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 158-159.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 158-159.}, language = {de} } @article{Fisch, author = {Fisch, Axel}, title = {Folge deinem Gewissen!}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 24-30.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 24-30.}, language = {de} } @article{Fritzsche, author = {Fritzsche, K. Peter}, title = {Menschenrechte und Mut - ein enges Verh{\"a}ltnis. 10 Thesen}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 138-141.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 138-141.}, language = {de} } @misc{Fu, author = {Fu, Xiaojing}, title = {The Research of Erich Fromm's Love Thought [弗洛姆"爱"的思想探析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Public Administration School, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 51 pp.}, abstract = {In Fromm's system of humanitarian ethics, the theory of love is its core, and the Art of Love intensely expresses Fromm's theory of love system. Fromm's love thought is deeply affected by the factors of times and society, and it has profound theoretic background.- In the system of Fromm's love thought, firstly, Fromm believes that love is the answer of the problem of human being's existence. From the perspective of human's survival circumstances including' survival antinomy' and 'history antinomy', Fromm holds that men have the needs of contact, surpassing, seeking roots, identification and orientation, and that love is the best way of overcoming loneliness and isolation.- Secondly, Fromm believes that the essence of love is giving not gaining, and true love has the trait of productive character, meaning the creation of life's value and vitality. True love embodies in four elements such as concern, responsibility, respect and understanding, and they permeate in brother's love, maternal love, sexy love and the love of God.- Finally, love thought must be connected with practice, and then we'll achieve the art of love. Fromm tried to build a sane society' by means of exploring love, namely, so-called psychological revolution, to make individuals full of love and be persons of productiveness. Seeing the limitation of Fromm's love theory, this article focuses on the digging of certain rationality and realistic significance of Fromm's love thought. The research of Fromm's love thought provides important theoretical resources for the love ethical research in our country.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Chuanqi}, title = {An Exploration of Fromm's Humanology Thought [弗洛姆人学思想探本], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2011.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is one of the most prominent humanism thinkers in the twentieth century. Generally speaking, his doctrine is one kind of humanism religion. Fromm kept on writing all his lifetime and published plenty of books. His research is mainly on issues around people and he developed a wealth of humanology theory based on his human nature theory which is the core theory and foundation of his whole thought. This paper attempts to explore Fromm's humanology theory focusing on his human nature thought. This article is divided into three parts.- In the first part, we investigate Fromm's personal experience, social background, and the theoretical origin of his humanology theory. To accurately understand a person's thinking, a biographical book is required. So, to explore Fromm's humanology thought, we must investigate Fromm's personal experience, social background, and the theoretical origin first of all. This paper argues that Fromm's personal experience, especially his family tradition has a decisive influence on the formation of Fromm's humanology thought. This is reflected in the following areas: the setting of human values by Fromm directly comes from prophets' Jewish that he accepted in his early years; The religiousness is also directly from Jewish-Christian religion, which is the fundamental character of his humanology thought. The decisive role of personal experience is linked to the origin of his humanology theory. Fromm's theorical origins include the prophets' Judaism, Marx's theory on human emancipation, Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Bachofen's matriarchal theory, Zen and so on. Among these theoretical origins, prophets' Judaism decides the fundamental characteristics and the content of his humanology thought with his personal experience.- In the second part, we investigate the content of Fromm's humanology thought from the viewpoint of human nature. First of all, we note Fromm's research methods: the overall approach and empirical methods. This part mainly focus on his human nature, human needs, the sinking of people, how to save the people sunk. Besides, We also research his theory of social characters and social unconscious in this part. Fromm definited human nature as his relation to existential dichotomies which caused the division. Contradictions of human existence lead to five spiritual needs: the need for unity, the need for surpassing, the needs of roots, the need of identity sense, the need for orientation and devotion. Human being continually generates as he solve the existential dichotomies that cannot be removed. To meet the needs caused by the existential dichotomies, people keep on probing, in which process people stray into the wrong track. People fall into the sunk state. This is reflected on two sides: to escape from freedom, full of destructiveness, tending to possess all of which are in the internal dimension; alienation in the external dimension. Faced to this sunk state of human beings, Fromm presented the general program for the humanitarian rescue. Fromm argued that we should develop the way of life preferring to being through playing the role of brilliance of human nature such as love, rationality and creativeness, which is his spirit reform, as well as social reform in political, economic, cultural and other fields at the same time. In addition, this article makes efforts to study Fromm's theory on the destructiveness issue. Through multidisciplinary study, Fromm argued that people inherently have aggressive defense, but destructiveness which is a sort of vicious violations is just the result of the development of human civilization. Consequently, we should adjust our civilization to quell the destructive tendencies.- In the third part, we make some comments on Fromm's humanology thought based on Marxism. First, the paper argues that Fromm's humanology theory has three notable features: human value pre-set, purely religious and realistic Utopianism. Secondly, in the Marxist view, Fromm's humanology theory goes with significant limitations in the following aspects: mistakes in the definition of human nature, the fallacy of the human nature drive force theory on historical kinetic issue, the fantasy of rescuing human beings plan.}, language = {zh} }