@book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Was den Menschen antreibt. Psychoanalyse als Theorie und Praxis von Beziehung, hg. und eingeleitet von Rainer Funk, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2011.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {de} } @book{Akrap, author = {Akrap, Domagoj}, title = {Erich Fromm - ein j{\"u}discher Denker. J{\"u}disches Erbe - Tradition - Religion, M{\"u}nster (LIT-Verlag) 2011, 265 pp.}, abstract = {>...w{\"a}hle also das Leben< - dieses Buch ist eine Darstellung von Werk und Schaffen Erich Fromms. Dabei werden s{\"a}mtliche Aspekte seines Wirkens ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Er wird somit nicht gesondert als Soziologe, Psychoanalytiker oder Gesellschaftstheoretiker behandelt, denn das Einende f{\"u}r all diese Aspekte seines Schaffens bildet ein dem Judentum entsprungenes Denken. Dieses stellt den Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der einzelnen Theorien Fromms zur Psychologie, Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik dar. Im Fokus der Darstellung befindet sich das Judentum in all seinen Auspr{\"a}gungen, die es im 20. Jahrhundert erfahren hat.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {A. Isaacson et al. (Eds.): Meet Your Monster, Las Vegas (Zeitgeist Press) 2011, pp. 50f. [= E. Fromm, 1961c passim]}, journal = {A. Isaacson et al. (Eds.): Meet Your Monster, Las Vegas (Zeitgeist Press) 2011, pp. 50f. [= E. Fromm, 1961c passim]}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus2011, author = {Anonymus-2011,}, title = {Fromm [弗洛姆]}, series = {Chinese Nation [中国民族报], Beijing, June 14 (2011).}, journal = {Chinese Nation [中国民族报], Beijing, June 14 (2011).}, abstract = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980)通常被归类为>新弗洛伊德<学派的成员。其思想体系建立在>人本主义的精神分析 <基础上,>人本主义的精神分析<的重点是指出:人类基本需求并非植根于他的本能,而是在人类生存的特殊情境,在于寻找人和自然新的关联性的需求——当人丧失}, language = {zh} } @misc{Huang, author = {Huang, Wendan}, title = {On the Theme of Loneliness in >The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter> [论《心是孤独的猎手》中的孤独主题], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2011 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {20世纪40年代美国女作家卡森•麦卡勒斯的长篇小说《心是孤独的猎手》是一部极具代表意义的作品。该作品中的人物都呈现一个共同特征:孤独。国内对该小说的研究甚少。本论文从埃里希•弗洛姆新精神分析理论的角度对小说的孤独主题进行分析。首先,论文运用>金字塔<的图式分析小说中人物孤独的表现。由哑巴辛格所做的金字塔之梦引出小说孤独金字塔结构,阐明主要人物在孤独金字塔中的地位;探讨金字塔的核心人物辛格的性格特征,并说明他是如何成为其他四人心目中的>上帝<;以小女孩米克和黑人医生考普兰德为代表分析金字塔低层被俘虏人群的孤独,指出他们每个人都有自己的梦,但每个人都是孤独的。其次,论文探讨小说人物孤独的原因。一方面,卡森•麦卡勒斯自身的孤独体验影响了小说的创作。其严厉的家庭教育,反复发作的疾病和痛苦的恋情导致麦卡勒斯长期处于孤独的情结之中,也成为《心是孤独的猎手》孤独主题的主要缘由之一。另一方面,当时的社会环境和个人行为影响人物心理。信仰的缺失,人物交流的受阻,自我身份的不确定和感情的无能为力使人物陷入深深的孤独之中。最后,论文挖掘小说人物逃离孤独的方式。主要包括酗酒,施虐与受虐以及音乐。然而,酗酒只能暂时麻醉人的孤独之感,施虐与受虐使人迷失自我因而感到更加孤独,音乐只能从表面缓解孤独。这表明,20世纪美国社会普遍存在的孤独心理无法避免,任何消解方式都是徒劳。}, language = {zh} } @book{Illescas, author = {Illescas, Francisco Javier Riuz}, title = {Reflexiones {\´e}ticas a partir de Erich Fromm. Una propuesta para el humanismo del siglo XXI, Granada /Editorial Acad{\´e}mica Espa{\~n}ola) 2011, 240 pp.}, abstract = {Este trabajo tiene una pretensi{\´o}n principal, revisar el valor y vigencia de la obra de Erich Fromm para reflexionar sobre un humanismo de nuestro tiempo. Para ello se revisan las nociones de naturaleza humana, felicidad, libertad y car{\´a}cter social, tal y como son desarrolladas en la obra de Fromm, la lectura que el autor hace de sus fundamentos y una revisi{\´o}n cr{\´i}tica a la luz de la visi{\´o}n del mundo contempor{\´a}neo. Nociones como las de naturaleza humana y car{\´a}cter constituyen ejes concept{\´u}ales que sirven de fundamento para el desarrollo de una propuesta, la base de una ciencia aplicada al arte del bien vivir, una {\´e}tica humanista. El punto del que se parte no es otro que el an{\´a}lisis de la vida econ{\´o}mica y social del hombre contempor{\´a}neo y de la influencia de ese modo de vida sobre sus pensamientos y sentimientos. Esta perspectiva ayuda a ver el mundo actual as{\´i} como en describir ciertos fen{\´o}menos productores del mismo. Se pretende discutir y esclarecer hasta donde resultan rescatables las ideas de Fromm y partir de ah{\´i} para se{\~n}alar horizontes y llamar la atenci{\´o}n sobre la necesidad de pensar, de reflexionar y, en particular, sobre su vigencia {\´e}tica en los tiempos contempor{\´a}neos.}, language = {es} } @article{Meyer, author = {Meyer, Gerd}, title = {Zivilcourage - eine unbequeme B{\"u}rgertugend}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 109-120.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 109-120.}, language = {de} } @misc{Yanhua, author = {Yanhua, Lu}, title = {A Study of >Love Medicine< in Light of Erich Fromm's Love Theory [埃瑞克•弗洛姆爱的理论观照下的《爱药》研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Louise Erdrich is one of the most well-known and productive writers of contemporary American literature, a leading figure of the second American Indian literature wave. Her first novel and masterpiece >Love Medicine< was first published in 1984 and won a number of awards including the National Book Critics Circle Award for best work of fiction. >Love Medicine< is centered in the relationships between lovers and families. Its significance is also profound since it reflects the conflicts and synergies between Indian traditions and contemporary American society and culture. Love, being the theme of several of Erdrich's works, is regarded as the most effective medicine of the painful soul. Love people, love your family members because only love can form them as one. Only love makes these possible - personal survival and cultural continuity. >Love Medicine< demonstrates how love integrate the separated and alienated into a coherent whole. Most of the characters living on the reservation throughout their life constitute a movement toward selfless love and forgiveness. Love, which is a intrinsic capability of human soul, enables those who are hurted to give up the notion of oneself as victim to transcend the individual limits and reach the highest spiritual realm of humanism. As its title suggests, love is the true >medicine<, bring a sense of wholeness and belongs, despite circumstances of loss or broken connection to those who reach for it. This thesis intends to make a progressing research on this theme in light of Eric Fromm's love theory which is put forward in his the Art of loving. Introduction mainly introduces the theoretical frame of thesis, which is Eric Fromm's love theory.- Chapter One discusses the three types of love mainly reflected in the novel-love between family members; between male and female and among equals in the Indian world.- Chapter Two analyzes the essence of love in light of the love theory of Eric Fromm from three aspects.- Chapter Three attempts to illustrate that how love can resolve the problem of human existence by close-reading of the text and analysis of the specific scenes and characters. Through creating family ties the Indian people find a way to search for their self-identity and human survival. It tries to read and explain the complicated situation of both Indian and white culture continuity by means of love.- The thesis finally concludes that love, as a power of human heart, can be the most effective redemption to the hearted soul and at the same time, a revelation to an oblivious civilization.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lu, author = {Lu, Ye}, title = {On the >Dream< in the Works of Bulgakov [论布尔加科夫作品中的>梦<], Master thesis, Russian Language and Literature, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Mikhail Abramovich Bulgakov (1891-1940) was a famous Russian writer. His work in the form of eclectic, unique, both biting satire and magical color, full content of a humanitarian sense of justice and a sense of mission. In many works of Bulgakov uses dreams to reveal the characters' psychology, extended work space, the performance of their themes. Narrative theory, text analysis, combined with Freud, Jung and Fromm's dream theory to analyze the works of Bulgakov's dream. This article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter from the general description of the relationship between dream and literary works, some of the features of the dream narrative suitable carrier and summed >Dreamland< four works, second. The third Chapter analyzes particularly the dreamland in >Bai Weijun< and >Master and Margarita<, dreamland expounding the role and significance of the works of Bulgakov and summarizes Bulgakov's overall creation of the analysis of the dreamland. [automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Di}, title = {Origins of Poe's Gothic Stories, Master thesis [坡恐怖小说的源流], English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {19th-century American genius writer Edgar Allan Poe's works originality, unique. A large number of his works, especially the horror stories involving death, murdered, buried alive. His creative approach and literary theory is not accepted by the society at the time, has been excluded and combat. Until the 20th century was only writers and readers to accept. Has a different interpretation of why writing these write sophisticated horror fiction while pregnant with meaning. Edgar Allan Poe is an American talented writer in the nineteenth century, whose gothic novels are deliberately composed with specially terrifying contents Many of his gothic stories related to death, murder and burial alive the His works are not accepted by the society of that time because his writing skills and literary theories are so different from the mainstream literature; even he himself is severely criticized and attacked. Not until the twentieth century is he accepted by critics and readers. The examinations of his texts have always been taking a predominant position in researches on Poe these years. Though there are some explanations of the reasons for his creation of gothic novels, they only mention that his abnormal character is the main reason because of his personal experience. As to how his abnormal character is formed, little is probed. This paper will explore the psychological origin of his writing gothic stories analyzing his psychological structure; at the same time, other origins will be explored from the aspects of culture and market, with an attempt to understand Poe systematically.- In Chapter One the style and theme of Poe's short stories are briefly introduced. The gothic elements in his novels give the reader terrifying feelings and the novels like The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher etc are taken as examples to show the horrible effects brought by his gothic novels. Then the theme of this paper is introduced. Part 2 in Chapter One is mainly concerned about literature review. Literature review chiefly states the basic information of study on Poe at home and abroad as a whole. The study on Poe focuses on his short stories, poem and poetry. Later, a new study is carried out from the perspective of historicism.- In Chapter Two the psychological origin of literary creation is discussed. The psychoanalytic theories are applied to the exploration. The psychological theories, Horney's neurotic anxiety and Fromm's psychoanalysis from social aspect are used to explain the psychological motives of gothic story creation. The misfortunes in Poe's childhood and the bad relationship between him and his father lead to his worsening neurotic anxiety. The main symptoms are the lack of safety sense, the inability to deal with conflicts and his terror of death. Because of the experiences of these emotions he could understand the inner plight of people's psychology and the pains brought by the changing society. By creating terror in his gothic novels, he could express his concerns over human's fate, and transmit the terror to the reader, with an aim to stimulate readers to think deeply about life.- Chapter Three analyzes the cultural origin of his gothic novels. The emergence and development of the gothic novel obviously has an impact on Poe's gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels clearly have the gothic elements like deserted castle, violence, death, murder etc. The sharing features explain why Poe's terrifying novels are also called gothic novels. Poe steps forward by changing the gothic novels into a tool to express the psychological traumas of people, the reflection on the destructive effects brought by capitalist development on traditional civilization and values, and the desperate and painful efforts human has made to adapt to a ever changing society.- Market origin is discussed in Chapter Four. Gothic novels can bring a special emotional experience to readers, so they were popular in the society of that time to some extent, which means one could make a living by writing gothic novels or stories. Combining the above origins, Poe starts writing gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels might be better understood if his writing motives are better understood, that is, the terror in his gothic novels which is the writer's own terror exists in people's heart, and human's psychological problems should be paid attention to.}, language = {zh} } @article{Rech, author = {Rech, Heribert}, title = {>H{\"a}tte ich doch hingeschaut...<}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 206f.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 206f.}, language = {de} } @article{Hoffend, author = {Hoffend, Andrea}, title = {Mehr als nur Opfer- und T{\"a}tergeschichte. Ein Zwischenruf zum Stellenwert von Widerstand und Exil der Arbeiterbewegung in der demokratischen Bildungsarbeit}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 61-67.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 61-67.}, language = {de} } @misc{Hao, author = {Hao, Hongcui}, title = {Response to the Behavior of Parents of Young Children's Favorite Cartoon Hero Type [基于幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片的家长回应行为研究], Master thesis, Pre-primary Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2011.}, abstract = {Any questionnaire survey and It does not the present paper took the hero-type cartoon >Ultraman< as an example to study the actual state of the children's love about hero-type cartoons and the parents' response behaviors to it The author also in-depth analyzed the possible effects on children and reasons of parents' response behaviors. The survey found that most children like the hero-type cartoons. They like watching the cartoons, talking about them, imitating the hero and asking their parents to buy related productions for them. The reasons are that the great heroes, simple and repeated stories and the strong stimulation from screen not only attract children, but also cater to the children's psychological needs. In addition, the environments of family and community are influencing factors too. Based on the four types of children's reaction to the cartoons, parents' response behaviors are divided into four corresponding aspects. As for the first type that children like watching cartoons, parents' response behaviors are letting children watch TV themselves or watching cartoons with other children. In terms of children's talking about cartoons, parents usually refuse them, but only repeat what they say, or teach them what they should learn from the cartoons or rearrange and continue the stories. For children's imitating the hero, some parents prohibit their conducts while some other parents allow them to do so. For children's requirement of buying related productions, parents may refuse them, or meet their requirement immediately but with conditions.- According to Erich Fromm's viewpoint, the author analyzed the possible effects which parents' behaviors may bring to children. The result is that parents' supportive actions ie watching cartoons with children, talking with children about cartoons and allowing them play games of super hero, are in favor of children's growth. On the contrary, the averse and restrictive behaviors are bad for children. The study analyzed the reasons of parents' behaviors using Charles H. Zastrow's Social ecosystem theory. The author found that parents' own factors are the main reason, while other persons' effects are the direct reasons for parents' response. Children's pressure of communication with companions makes parents have less control, and the social environment also imperceptibly influences parents' behaviors.- On the basis of the above results, the researcher gives some suggestions to parents and the society in order to help parents make better response to children. Parents should have correct ideas toward children. They may study by themselves and the society should set up schools for parents. In practice, parents must give children the correct guidance. They should watch cartoons with children together, talk with children about cartoons, allow children to play and meet children's requirements latterly. This study proposes the positive impact on children and takes away the negative impact. Consequently, children can get more benefits from the hero-type cartoons.}, language = {zh} } @article{Harbarth, author = {Harbarth, Stephan}, title = {Zivilcourage im freiheitlich-demokratischen Rechtsstaat}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 142-148.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 142-148.}, language = {de} } @article{HuangWang, author = {Huang, Qiuxiao and Wang, Hongwei}, title = {Gregor's Alienation from Fromm's Human Alienation Theory View [从弗洛姆的人性异化论来看格里高尔的异化] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Literatures (Theory Edition) [文学界(理论版)], No. 2 (2011), pp. 28, 35.}, journal = {Literatures (Theory Edition) [文学界(理论版)], No. 2 (2011), pp. 28, 35.}, abstract = {文章运用弗洛姆的人性异化论,对卡夫卡《变形记》中的主人公格里高尔人性的异化进行了全面的分析,揭示出人性的异化是资本主义社会不可消除的真实存在的危机。}, language = {zh} } @article{HuangHan, author = {Huang, Donghua and Han, Hao}, title = {The >1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts< Role in the Formation of Marxist Philosophy - On Marcuse's and Fromm's Misinterpretation [论《1844年经济学哲学手稿》在马克思主义哲学形成中的作用——兼论马尔库塞与弗洛姆对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的曲解]}, series = {Bridge of Century [世纪桥], No. 5 (2011), pp. 45-46.}, journal = {Bridge of Century [世纪桥], No. 5 (2011), pp. 45-46.}, abstract = {1844年经济学哲学手稿》(以下简称《手稿》)以>实践<为核心概念,克服了近代哲学无法克服的心物、主客二元对立,也对克服现代西方哲学科学主义与人本主义的二元对立有相当的启示意义,在这个意义上,《手稿》奠定了成熟马克思主义的思维方式,预示着成熟的马克思主义的理论雏形。通过分析马尔库塞和弗洛姆对《手稿》的曲解,可以一步说明《手稿》在马克思主义哲学形成中所起的作用。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lenhart, author = {Lenhart, Volker}, title = {Courage zum Frieden: Friedenserziehung in geteilten Gesellschaften}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 130-137.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 130-137.}, language = {de} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Anheng}, title = {A Neo-psychoanalysis of Emily's Necrophilia Characteristics [新精神分析艾米丽的恋尸癖特征] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education [江西教育学院学报], No. 2 (2011), pp. 147-149.}, journal = {Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education [江西教育学院学报], No. 2 (2011), pp. 147-149.}, abstract = {William Faulkner explores the variation process of Emily's psychology through flashback narration with onlooking and collateral evidence. He discloses the mental factor behind a murder by the lover. Analyzed from the point of view of Fromm's neo-psychoanalysis, Emily suffers necrophilia with its typical characteristics, which should be the mental cause of the murder.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Hailan}, title = {The Love of Fromm's Family Ethics [弗洛姆家庭伦理之爱研究], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2011.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm (1900-1980) is a German-American Jews who is famous as a psychologist, a sociologist, an ethicist and a philosopher. At the same time, he is the important person who is the representative of Freudian Marxism and Frankfurt School. He is concerned about the human being's living situation and tries his best to solve the problem. His Love Theory offers us a valuable consult, making us think society problems. By his book >The Art of Loving<, we try to explore the way of solving problems of our concern. It consists of three parts. Part One: the theory of Love, including the essence and basis of love. Part Two: the theory of family ethics. This part studies the relationship among families, giving some advice how to deal with the problems. Part Three: an apocalypse to our society. This part gives us the support of how to set up the Love points, family ethics points and values points in order to solve the problems we are facing.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Jia}, title = {On Human Nature Realization - Marx's and Fromm's Thought Comparison [论人的本质的实现 - 马克思与弗洛姆人学思想比较], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2011.}, abstract = {Even we can say that philosophy is just the theory of humanity The study on man is Marx and Fromm also have his interest in the subject of man The scientific connotation of human nature and human form is an important part in philosophy his eternal topic. In this paper, according to learning the textbooks of the theory of humanity of Marx and Fromm, I will point out the features of the theory of humanity, and clarify different relative concepts and point out how different experts use them in different texts. This paper is based on three fundamental concepts: The >Essence of Man<, >Alienation< and >The Form of Human Essence<.- In the first chapter, I will inquire the concept of Human Essence of Marx and Fromm.- In the second chapter, I will inquire the form of human essence and theory of Communism about Marx and Fromm, criticizing different solutions on social problem.- In the third chapter, I will carried out on the comparative analysis of both of the theory of humanity not only they see similarities but also see differences.}, language = {zh} } @article{LiMeng, author = {Li, Jia and Meng, Xue}, title = {Loneliness Everywhere - The Loneliness Theme in Chen Ran's >The Other Ear Percussion< [无处不在的孤独——陈染《另一只耳朵的敲击声》中的孤独主题][Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half) [安徽文学(下半月)], No. 3 (2011), pp. 16-17.}, journal = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half) [安徽文学(下半月)], No. 3 (2011), pp. 16-17.}, abstract = {作为中国当代文学界一位出色的女作家,陈染以其独特的个人化创作进行着孤独主题的持续诠释。本文拟从弗洛姆的孤独理论探讨陈染的代表作《另一只耳朵的敲击声》。通过分析小说主人公黛二和她母亲生活环境的孤独以及心灵的孤独来揭露生活中无处不在的孤独。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiWang, author = {Li, Qingxia and Wang, Xi}, title = {A Study on Similarities and Differences of Alienation Theories between Fromm and Luk{\´a}cs [弗洛姆与卢卡奇异化理论的差异性探究]}, series = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 6 (2011), pp. 113-117.}, journal = {Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [东北农业大学学报(社会科学版) ], No. 6 (2011), pp. 113-117.}, abstract = {The main representative Lukacs of the early western Marxism and important representative Fromm of the Frankfurt School have inherited the alienation theory of Marx, and they also carried on the in-depth research on the emerging of alienation phenomenon in the 20th century, and they both had a profound criticism on modern capitalism by using the alienation theories. However, the emergence of the backgrounds and concerns of alienation theories are different, meanwhile, the analysis on the causes of alienation, and the discussion on elimination of alienation ways also show the great difference. Therefore, this paper aims to compare the similarity and difference between Fromm and Lukacs' alienation theories, and provides a new understanding on contemporary alienation phenomena.}, language = {zh} } @article{Peng, author = {Peng, Bingbing}, title = {Alienation and Its Overcoming - Fromm's Alienation Theory [异化与健全之路——弗洛姆的异化理论探析]}, series = {Jiangxi Social Sciences [江西社会科学], No. 9 (2011), pp. 37-41.}, journal = {Jiangxi Social Sciences [江西社会科学], No. 9 (2011), pp. 37-41.}, abstract = {马克思的异化理论与弗洛伊德的精神分析为弗洛姆考察当代资本主义提供了重要的方法论基础。弗洛姆指出,在当代资本主义,异化不仅发生在经济领域,也发生在精神领域和政治领域。他主张在经济、政治和文化三个方面同时变革,从社会与个体特别是个人的心灵方面进行整体改造,才能克服异化。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Peng, author = {Peng, Hongya}, title = {Fromm's Concept of Happiness [弗洛姆幸福观研究], Master thesis, Henan University of Science and Technology, Ideological and Political Education, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan, China 2011.}, abstract = {The 20th century famous humanism philosophers and psychologists Fromm's, use spirit analysis, the paper analyzes the happiness and joy socialist happy the rationality and limitation of socialism happiness, definitely the happiness can serve as a kind of ethical value standard point of view. Fromm pointed out that human happiness was consistent with the nature of existence, to be happy means to be fully human birth, human potential to be the perfect realization of human survival the final answer.- The concept of happiness has three main contents: first, the need was the power of happiness. Fromm, starting from the nature of human existence into the needs of the people associated with, and beyond, roots, identity, commitment and other five and that five kinds of happiness to meet the needs of the minimum conditions. Second, the production was the core of happiness. Production was the full potential of people power, that everyone had an attitude, a positive and practical way of life, with productive person who, before having sex with the production. Thirdly, love was the source of happiness.- The nature of love to give, was a mutual respect and sharing with each other, improve and increase, both in love and get happiness. Fromm though the way that to achieve happiness, there were two, one individual psychological revolution, the second was social transformation. Through the psychological revolution, to achieve spiritual salvation, the twisted psychopathic personality molded into productive healthy personality. On economic, political and cultural transformation of the field, to achieve a state of equality, so that everyone could get material security, and lead a dignified life, restoration of human society, the highest status in the end to slavery were property situation.- Fromm's concept of happiness was rooted in the alienation of capitalist society, the state of people, from a psychological dimension to explore in depth the well-being of the modern Western issues, building a harmonious society in China, the promotion of human happiness has some theoretical and practical value.}, language = {zh} } @article{PengLi, author = {Peng, Hongya and Li, Tao}, title = {On Fromm's Happiness Thinking in Productive Connotation and Its Contemporary Significance [浅谈弗洛姆幸福思想中的生产性内涵及其当代启示]}, series = {Economic Research Guide [经济研究导刊], No. 23 (2011), pp. 296-297.}, journal = {Economic Research Guide [经济研究导刊], No. 23 (2011), pp. 296-297.}, abstract = {生产性是弗洛姆思想的主要内容。生产性不仅是人运用其自身的能量,实现内在于自身的潜在的力量,更是一种人生态度,一种积极的人生实践方式。在生产性行为中,人的潜能得以充分实现,完成了人与自身、人与外界的完美结合。在这种物我一体的人生体验中,人的情感,乃至生命得以升华,人达到了一种自足的状态。生产性是弗洛姆幸福思想的核心。}, language = {zh} } @article{Muessig, author = {M{\"u}ßig, Klaus}, title = {Zivilcourage bei Adolf Reichwein. Historische Rahmenbedingungen von Reichweins Wirkungsfeld}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 68-72.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 68-72.}, language = {de} } @misc{Shi, author = {Shi, Yaowei}, title = {Analysis on Master Degree, etc. Candidates' Academic Life in the View of Fromm's Theory [硕士研究生学术生活的弗洛姆式解读], Master Thesis, Mental Health Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2011.}, abstract = {Generally speaking, master Degree, etc candidates begin to receive systemic academic training, they need to make their own efforts in academic research and exploration, which is something new in their former educational experience their school life is academic life to a certain Degree, etc. When master Degree, etc candidates face precipitate academic life, their mental disposition and behaviour choice, which may influence individual development, quality of the postgraduate education and academic sustainable development, is worthy of discussion. First, interviewing 15 interviewees is to collect abundant information, on base of which this study take advanced knowledge as a point of penetration, use Fromm's social character theory for reference to analyze the marketing orientation, the receptive orientation, the boarding orientation, the exploitative orientation and the rational orientation in master Degree, etc candidates' academic life.- In the end, to draw a conclusion that: First, different orientations don't Influence individual alone, but mix with each other among four unproductive orientations, or between four unproductive orientations and the rational orientation. Second, many factors play a role in master Degree, etc candidates' academic life, but academic interest is pivotal. This study suggests that unproductive orientations such as the marketing orientation, the receptive orientation, the boarding orientation, the exploitative orientation are dominant, the rational orientation has been weaken even exiled in master Degree, etc candidates' academic life. The rational orientation is dominant in creative academic life, in which unproductive orientations can change into reasonable needs and play positive roles in a certain extent, and then avoid mutual dissimilation between scholarism and man, to lead a harmonious academic life.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Chen, author = {Chen, Xiaohong}, title = {Ethical Predicaments in Ian McEwan's Major Novels, PhD thesis [伊恩•麦克尤恩主要小说中的伦理困境], English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2010 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, series = {Ian McEwan is one of the most significant British writers since the 1970s. His early writings were controversial for their focus on violence, death and sexual deviance, which earned him the nickname >Ian Macabre<. Nevertheless, with 11 novels behind him a}, journal = {Ian McEwan is one of the most significant British writers since the 1970s. His early writings were controversial for their focus on violence, death and sexual deviance, which earned him the nickname >Ian Macabre<. Nevertheless, with 11 novels behind him a}, abstract = {Ian McEwan is one of the most significant British writers since the 1970s. His early writings were controversial for their focus on violence, death and sexual deviance, which earned him the nickname >Ian Macabre<. Nevertheless, with 11 novels behind him and one winning the Booker Prize, McEwan is now lauded for the ethical vision in his works. Throughout his writing career, ethics have been his major concern, which require further studies. This dissertation is devoted to the exploration of ethical predicaments in his three major novels, aiming to shed light on the continuity and evolution of his investigation of ethics throughout his career. Varied ethical predicaments characterize McEwan's major novels, including the paradox of freedom, the ethical dystopia, and the ethical dilemma. Each predicament is a response to the particular ethical concerns of his time, demonstrating artistic features of a specific phase of his career as well. >Ethics< not only refer to the accepted beliefs, principles, and rules about right and wrong that guide people in their conducts, but also encompass the contextualized personal understandings of right and wrong. Derived from >ethics<, >ethical< though it can suggest >morally< correct, >always denotes< of or relating to ethics in this dissertation unless specified as otherwise. Predicaments are particular situations that the individual finds difficult and unpleasant. Ethical predicaments as discussed in this dissertation refer to unpleasant situations where it is difficult or impossible for the individual to act rightly. It is discovered that ethical predicaments occupy a vital position in most of McEwan's novels. Furthermore, the major ethical predicaments in his fiction generally follow a line of development, in response to the changing ethical concerns of his time and his developing artistic techniques and vision. In view of manageability, this dissertation focuses on ethical predicaments in McEwan's three representative novels - >The Cement Garden<, >The Child in Time<, and >Atonement< - identifying a distinctive ethical predicament in each one, so as to reveal the continuity and development in his treatment of ethical predicaments. Chapter One consists of a brief introduction of McEwan's standing in Contemporary British literature, a review of English and Chinese scholarship on Ian McEwan, with particular focus on ethical criticism, a definition of the key terms, and then a brief introduction of the scope and structure of the dissertation. Chapter Two investigates the predominant ethical predicament in The Cement Garden the paradox of freedom, with three sections respectively dealing with the ethical anarchy, the positive freedom, and the problematic freedom. Central to this chapter is the argument that the paradoxical features of freedom trap the children in an ethical predicament. Before plunging into concentrated discussions, the chapter first briefly examines the philosophical and cultural influence on McEwan, which may account for his special treatment of freedom in this debut novel.- Section One investigates how the children arrive at ethical anarchy through gradual removal of parental authorities. In the light of Erich Fromm's theory, it could be discerned that the family is based on an authoritarian ethical system which forces the children to subjugate their freedom to conformity to social norms. Through subverting the patriarchal control and challenging the mother as a teacher of moral precepts, the children eventually enter an ethically anarchic situation.- The ensuing section, centering on the positive freedom, aims to uncover the constructive role freedom plays in reforming traditional ethics. Cross-dressing and incest, the children's >deviant< behaviors, are often interpreted as signs of depravation brought about by their newly gained freedom. Admittedly, in ordinary circumstances the children's transgressive acts seem pathological; however, with McEwan's special artistic representation, their >deviance< affirming spontaneity and creativity, could be read as a critique of the oppressive, hypocritical facets of traditional ethics.- Section Three explores the other side of the paradox - the problematic freedom, disclosing the nothingness and loneliness resulting from their ethical anarchy. Without parental authorities in the house, there is no absolute criterion of moral goodness for the children who have not yet learned to create new values by themselves to confer meaning to life. Consequently, the children experience an excruciating sense of nothingness. Besides, their newfound freedom also results in agonizing loneliness, or a deep sense of unconnectedness, for the removal of the old authoritarian ethical system severs the established interpersonal relations, which, though oppressive to the children in varied ways, used to provide them with a sense of belonging. The markedly different directions the children take when freely developing their individuality also add to their loneliness. Therefore, freedom plays a constructive role in reforming the traditional ethics, but it also tends to bring about distressing nothingness and loneliness. This paradox of freedom constitutes the major ethical predicament in the novel, demonstrating the author's critical reflections on the ethos of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as his preoccupation with the private domain and the inner world in his early works. Chapter Three moves to examine the ethical predicament in >The Child in Time< - the ethical dystopia - a fearful futuristic situation where the individual is involved in moral corruption or problematic ethical relations. This chapter also falls into three sections, focusing on the moral corruption of the political arena, the vulnerability of marital relations, and the disharmony between nature and humans. A brief examination of the related circumstances in Thatcher Britain precedes the detailed discussions.- Section One probes into the moral corruption of the political arena in the futuristic society, concentrating on the unsettling social injustice indulged by the government and the politicians' abandonment of ethical principles. As for the first aspect of corruption, McEwan is mainly concerned with the distributive injustice, that is, the abandonment of fairness in the distribution of wealth and benefits among the people. For the second, the author mostly delves into the politicians' dishonesty.- Section Two focuses on the vulnerable marital relations caused by male dominance. Stephen's attempt to impose his outlook on Julie aggravates their marriage crisis, while Charles' assumption that Thelma should act like a self-sacrificing mother distorts their marital relationship.- Section Three inquires into the disharmony between nature and humans, disclosing that humans' lack of environmental ethics leads to the tattered ecosystem. To be more exact, McEwan seems to suggest that it is the government's and males' materialistic, anthropocentric view of nature that is largely responsible for the environmental crisis. On the whole, the chapter reveals three major dimensions to the ethical dystopia portrayed in the novel. It could be seen that the specific ethical concerns in the 1980s Britain and McEwan's broadened vision carry forward his exploration of ethical predicaments. Chapter Four is devoted to the investigation of ethical dilemma in Atonement, examining in turn young Briony's ethical dilemma, the ethical dilemma in war, and Briony the writer's ethical dilemma. McEwan's recent preference for character-led novels is briefly analyzed at the beginning to account for his scrutiny of ethical dilemma in most of his later novels.- Section One probes into the ethical dilemma that traps young Briony, analyzing the portrayal of the dilemma within two narrative frameworks so as to reveal its rich ethical implications. As a reader unaware of the revelation in the coda, one is invited to penetrate the surface of a personal dilemma to uncover the root causes of young Briony's quandary rather than focus on the dilemmatic situation. However, when the coda is revealed, the motive behind such representation becomes suspicious.- Section Two explores the soldiers' ethical dilemmas in the Dunkirk retreat, identifying their >prohibition dilemma< and >obligation dilemma<. McEwan's vivid portrayal of the soldiers' internal struggles in the dilemmatic situations lends a fresh perspective to the mythologized historical event.- Section Three examines the ethical dilemmas facing Briony the writer, focusing on her >externally-imposed ethical dilemma< and >self-imposed ethical dilemma<. The economic base proves to be the root cause of Briony the writer's dilemma as to whether she should persist in publishing her novel or not. In this sense, the dilemma is externally imposed on Briony. Briony imposes another ethical dilemma on herself when attempting to atone through writing. Therefore, this chapter primarily investigates three major ethical dilemmas in the novel, demonstrating McEwan's exertion to reveal the subtlety and complexity of ethical predicaments.- Chapter Five concludes the dissertation with a short summary of its main contents, which is followed by a brief account of the social and cultural backgrounds of the urgent ethical issues McEwan responds to in his major novels. It also examines the relevance of McEwan's novels to our time by placing them in the postmodern context, finally winding up the discussions about ethical predicaments by placing McEwan in an enduring tradition.}, language = {zh} } @article{Dong, author = {Dong, Xiaofei}, title = {Fromm's Social Ethics Thoughts [弗洛姆社会伦理思想探究]}, series = {Journal of Hotan Teachers College [和田师范专科学校学报], No. 1 (2011), pp. 16-17.}, journal = {Journal of Hotan Teachers College [和田师范专科学校学报], No. 1 (2011), pp. 16-17.}, abstract = {从>逃避自由<的人性学说出发,弗洛姆认为,当代资本主义社会是一个不健全的社会。究其原因,主要在于当代资本主义社会造成了人性的严重异化和个体的畸形发展。基于此,弗洛姆力图以>爱的理论<建构来克服当代资本主义社会的道德危机。尽管他的社会伦理思想存在着一些局限性,但其对当代资本主义的社会伦理批判理论,对我们当下坚持科学发展和以人为本有一定的理论价值和现实意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Gao, author = {Gao, Hongying}, title = {The Humane Development Path of the Technological Society - Analysis of Fromm's >The Sane Society< [技术社会的人道化发展道路——浅析弗洛姆>健全的社会<]}, series = {The Merchandise and Quality [商品与质量], No. S1 (2011), p. 137.}, journal = {The Merchandise and Quality [商品与质量], No. S1 (2011), p. 137.}, abstract = {弗洛姆认为目前的技术社会是一个病态的社会,病态的根源在于技术所导致的社会的非人道化发展,而要促成一个健全的社会,首先要将技术重新置于人的控制之下。弗洛姆通过对技术社会的分析以及其非人道化表现的描述,提出了实现技术社会人道化的途径。弗洛姆技术人道化思想的最终目的,是促成一个以人的福祉、人的自由、人的全面发展为最高目标的>健全的社会<。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liang, author = {Liang, Ruobing}, title = {Modern Loneliness Overcome - On Fromm's Theory of Love [现代人的孤独及其克服——浅谈弗洛姆爱的理论]}, series = {Academic Exchange [学术交流], No. 1 (2011), pp. 17-19.}, journal = {Academic Exchange [学术交流], No. 1 (2011), pp. 17-19.}, abstract = {随着资本主义以及理性化进程的深入,现代人无疑比传统人更加自由,相互之间交往更加广泛,但同时随着工具理性和科技理性的盛行,孤独感和无助感同时也成为很多现代人的生存状态。为了克服这些负面情感的影响,作为法兰克福学派代表人物之一的弗洛姆继承了马克思的实践理论,提出并详细阐述了创造性活动和成熟形式的爱。他认为,成熟的爱保持个人的个性,尊重他人的自律;真正的爱是给予而非获取,真正的爱包含着关心、责任感、尊敬和了解。弗洛姆爱的理论,为现代人真正克服孤独,成为健康的、完整的人提供了有益的借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{SuQi, author = {Su, Dan and Qi, Xin}, title = {The Psychological Implications of Pinter's Tragedies [品特式悲剧的心理学意蕴] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Masterpieces Review [名作欣赏], No. 18 (2011), pp. 142-144.}, journal = {Masterpieces Review [名作欣赏], No. 18 (2011), pp. 142-144.}, abstract = {本文借用弗洛伊德、荣格、弗洛姆等心理学家的理论对英国当代戏剧家品特的创作进行心理学解读,认为>恐惧与焦虑<>神圣的玩笑<>社会潜意识<与>合理化<是>品特式<悲剧所蕴含的心理学内涵所在。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yuan, author = {Yuan, Jing}, title = {Fromm's Conception of a Sound Society and Its Theoretical Roots [弗洛姆健全社会的构想及理论根源], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy University: Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2011.}, abstract = {Fromm's conception of a >sound society< is the ultimate point of departure for his ideas and the goal of his lifelong struggle. With this as the starting point, Fromm's idea of a sound society focuses on the survival of the individual and his psychological experience of the real world, and strives tirelessly for the realization of a good life for all mankind. Because modern Western society is faced with all kinds of contradictions and crises, which put people's lives in a serious sickness. Faced with the situation of early capitalism, Marcuse and others of the Frankfurt School had the same experience and description of the existence and alienation of human beings in Western society, which reflected the real situation of society and was the expression of the development of Western philosophy. Fromm, with his humanitarian concern, examines the soundness of Western society and feels deeply the all-round alienation of human beings and the unconscious pathology of the terminally ill. By synthesizing and analyzing the theories of Marx and Freud, and using the methods of social analysis and psychoanalysis, he diagnosed the sickness of Western society and tried to save people with humanitarian concern. Of course, whether this can be achieved or not, there are many theories in the academic circles, and it is still debatable. This paper starts from the theory of a healthy society, discusses the inevitable basis and the theoretical basis of Fromm's conception of a healthy society, discusses the feasibility of the road to a healthy society and its solution, and finally explores the theoretical roots of the conception of a healthy society. The first part of the introduction mainly deals with the current status of research on Fromm's ideas, and discusses the depth and breadth of research on Fromm's ideas in Chinese academic circles. The chapter will explain the significance of Fromm's theory of a sound society in the study of social philosophy, and its value to the construction of a harmonious society. In the second chapter, the inevitability of Fromm's concept of a sound society is discussed in detail, and the inevitability of existence is pursued from the theory itself.- The second chapter takes Fromm's divergent view of human existence as a starting point, and then analyzes and cares for the human condition on the basis of this, in order to conceive a sound society. Finally, we will find a way out through love and creativity.- The third chapter describes Fromm's specific path to conceive of a healthy society. Firstly, the first part discusses his analysis of the symptoms of the former capitalist society, and analyzes the real situation of human beings in the sick society from the psychological point of view; secondly, he summarizes the criteria for the conception of a sound society from the reality; thirdly, he concretely argues the implementation plan and the rationality of the proposed sound society.- Chapter 4 attempts to dig out the roots of the theoretical conception of a healthy society after an in-depth study of the theory of healthy society. The theoretical roots lie in the criticism and integration of the theories of Marx and Freud.- The concluding section gives a brief review of Fromm's theory of a sound society, and reveals the rationality and limitations of the theory of a sound society. It enlightens us to think rationally and treat Fromm's theory of a sound society. Through the comprehensive analysis and discussion of Fromm's theory of a sound society, we can see that Fromm is a great humanitarian scholar who tries to make us live in a society that is not only sound, but also full of love, so his concern for humanity is always worth thinking about and learning from. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Yingchun}, title = {On the Vocational Students' Psychological Confusion and >Escape from Freedom< [从弗洛姆《逃避自由》看高职生的心理困惑]}, series = {China Electric Power Education [中国电力教育], No. 14 (2011), pp. 147-148.}, journal = {China Electric Power Education [中国电力教育], No. 14 (2011), pp. 147-148.}, abstract = {弗洛姆《逃避自由》中认为自由是共生的两极,人类越是获得自由,同时也就意味着越是丧失自由,从而选择了>逃避自由<。拟从弗洛姆《逃避自由》思想分析我国社会正处于剧烈的转型期过程中,高职院校学生遇到的心理困惑及心理机制,提出解决高职生心理困惑的方法。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Xiuzhen}, title = {Discussion on Anxiety in Literary Activities [论文学活动中的焦虑], Master thesis, Literary Theory, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2011 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {This paper chooses >anxiety in literary activities< as the object of research, and starts with the anxiety in various stages of literary activities, tries to discuss several specific aspects such as subject creation, literary acceptance, writing of literary history and literary communication, and focuses on the relationship between anxiety and current literary activities. This section mainly discusses the theoretical origins of the anxiety of the creative subject and the intrinsic connection between the two important concepts of >intersubjectivity< and >parody< and the anxiety of the subject. Secondly, the section on literary reception and anxiety deals specifically with the phenomenon of frustrated readers' >expectation horizons< and the reasons for this, as well as Bloom's main theories in this area. The question of the relationship between the writing of literary history and anxiety then begins with the >re-writing of literary history<, looking at the state and causes behind the way in which the writing of literary history has been going. In this paper, we focus on the paradoxical relationship between the freedom of the subject and the anxiety of the subject in literary communication activities in the age of electronic media, in the light of Fromm's theory of >escape from freedom<. After a more comprehensive description of the complexity of anxiety in literary activities, the thesis focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon of anxiety in current literary activities and its underlying causes, firstly discussing the origins of anxiety in current literary activities, starting from the rise of the technological reproducibility era, aesthetic fatigue and the >objectification< of human beings. The essay discusses thoughts on anxiety in current literary activities, analyses the characteristics of current literary activities with reference to the creation and reception of current literary activities, takes literary texts with aesthetic meaning as an example, and provides a comparative and in-depth understanding of certain important characteristics of current literary activities. At the end of the paper it is emphasized that the anxieties in literary activity are viewed through the lens of historical development. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Cailing}, title = {The Dilemma of Freedom [自由的困境]}, series = {Heihe Journal [黑河学刊], No. 5 (2011), pp. 23-24.}, journal = {Heihe Journal [黑河学刊], No. 5 (2011), pp. 23-24.}, abstract = {现代人不断争取、获得自由后,却又不断发生异化、逃离自由。这逃避的心理机制到底如何,其后果又是如何呢?又如何使孤独不再成为自由之累呢?弗洛姆在《逃避自由》一书中给出了解答。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZangJan, author = {Zang, Hongbao and Jan, Ruijuan}, title = {An Alienated Female - On Laura in >Flowering Judas< [异化的女性——《开花的紫荆树》中的劳拉] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Liaoning Educational Administration Institute [辽宁教育行政学院学报], No. 6 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, journal = {Journal of Liaoning Educational Administration Institute [辽宁教育行政学院学报], No. 6 (2011), pp. 80-83.}, abstract = {>异化<是二十世纪西方现代文学的主题之一。许多作家在他们的作品里描述了现代人的这种异化感,揭示造成人的异化的种种因素,唤醒人们对它的认识。波特在《开花的紫荆树》里通过刻画异化的劳拉揭示了一个异化女性的生存困境,并运用弗洛姆的异化理论分析了劳拉与他人的关系的异化以及劳拉自我的异化。没有信仰没有爱失去自我,劳拉生活在与他人隔绝、充满绝望和死亡的精神荒原里,成了异化的>物<。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Umpierre, author = {Umpierre, Mari}, title = {Review Carol K.K. Chan and Nirmala Rao (Eds.): Revisiting the Chinese Learner: Changing Contexts, Changing Education}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 764-766.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 764-766.}, language = {en} } @article{Ullrich, author = {Ullrich, Helen E.}, title = {The Impact of Cultural Evolution on the Ego Ideal, Depression, Psychosis, and Suicide: A South India Community Study of the Widow}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 453-470.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 453-470.}, language = {en} } @misc{Turco, author = {Turco, Ronald N.}, title = {Review Alesandra Lemma: Under the Skin - A Psychoanalytic Study of Body Modification}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 393-395.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 393-395.}, language = {en} } @article{Young, author = {Young, Barbara}, title = {The Turn of the Screw: The James Family's Encounters with the Terrors Lurking in the Unconscious Mind}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 313-334.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 313-334.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jingyu}, title = {Living Death - A Study of Insane Personality in >Wonderland< in Light of Fromm's Theory [虽生犹死 - 以弗洛姆的理论观照《奇境》中人物的不健全人格], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2011, 58 pp. [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {美籍德裔学者艾里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm 1900-1980)终身致力于将马克思主义的社会分析与弗洛伊德的心理分析相结合,创造了>人本主义心理分析学<。其主要论点是:人的基本感情植根于人与社会的相互关系。乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨(Joyce Carol Oates,1938- ),是一位关注个人生存与社会环境的冲突,善于刻画当代美国社会的不良现象给人类生存造成的混乱局面和心理问题的美国当代女作家。在代表作《奇境》中,欧茨深入人物内心最隐秘的地方,揭示他们的恐惧、压抑、绝望,探寻了人类的生存困境、人性的异化以及个体的孤独。本文运用艾里希•弗洛姆的社会性格理论剖析《奇境》人物的不健全人格,指出被动性格导致人类失去活力、陷入困境、虽生犹死,而其成因是现代化工业大生产所导致的人类劳动的异化。论文由五部分组成,包括引言,三章正文和结论部分。引言主要介绍了乔伊斯•卡罗•欧茨的创作背景,概述了小说《奇境》的主要内容,综述了国内外对《奇境》的研究情况。最后指出本论文的研究目的在于:运用弗洛姆关于社会性格的理论,剖析小说中三个典型人物的不健全人格,从而揭示小说中人物悲剧的根源。第一章详细阐述了弗洛姆的社会性格理论。弗洛姆的社会性格理论是以弗洛伊德的根本发现为基础进一步发展而来的。他批判了弗洛伊德的>力比多决定性格<的观点,提出人的性格是在社会的文化、经济、政治的影响下逐渐形成的;同时,社会性格作为联系经济基础与上层建筑的中介,具有改变社会的力量。本章首先通过比较弗洛姆与弗洛伊德的性格理论的异同,梳理了弗洛姆社会性格理论的来源与本质特点,同时指出弗洛姆的心理分析法是透过人的行为的表象,分析其背后的动机。接着,本文通过介绍性格的功能及分类,彰显了性格分析的重要性。第二章主要以弗洛姆关于>逃避机制<的理论为依据,集中讨论了主人公杰西的施虐人格与受虐人格的形成原因以及表现特征。弗洛姆认为,人出生后仍与世界保持着一种>原始联系<,它束缚了人的自由却给了人安全感。随着个体的成长,自我意识觉醒与发展导致>原始联系<破裂。人需要通过劳动和爱重建与世界的积极联系,但这是一个非常困难的过程。>原始联系<的突然断裂会使人因缺乏安全感而产生恐慌和焦虑,为了逃避不安全感,人们通常会选择依附权威或控制他者,这便是施虐与受虐性格形成的原因。杰西童年遭受的家庭与社会的变故摧毁了他与世界的联系,在他的成长过程中,他与养父、导师、妻子、女儿、病人的关系表现了他希望通过顺从和控制重获安全感的努力,但这番努力却将他变成了一个施虐受虐狂。第三章以杰西的妻子海伦和他的次女谢莉为代表,分析了《奇境》中女性的被动人格。不同于欧茨以往作品中的女性形象,《奇境》中的女性,面对男权社会,都具有相对清醒的自我意识与反抗精神,并进行了寻求自我、追求自由的实践。但是,由于这些女性并没有跳出传统角色的桎梏,正视自我的需求,积极地建立与世界的联系,所以她们的命运都以悲剧收场。论文最后推出结论:通过借用弗洛姆的社会性格理论分析《奇境》中的人物性格,我们可以有效解释小说中人物悲剧命运的原因。}, language = {zh} } @article{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {On Emergence: A Neo-Psychoanalytic Essay on Change and Science}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 471-498.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 471-498.}, language = {en} } @misc{Blumenfield, author = {Blumenfield, Michael}, title = {Review Daniel J. Carlat: Unhinged: the Trouble with Psychiatry - A Doctor's Revelations about a Profession in Crisis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 387-389.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 387-389.}, language = {en} } @article{Berry, author = {Berry, Gail W.}, title = {Introduction}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 179-180.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 179-180.}, language = {en} } @misc{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {Review Alessandra Lemma and Matthew Patrick (Eds.): Off the Couch: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Applications}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 753-755.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 753-755.}, language = {en} } @misc{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {Review Mark Leffert: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Foundations: Postmodernism, Complexity, and Neuroscience}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 390-392.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 390-392.}, language = {en} } @article{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {The Use of the Telephone to Extend Our Therapeutic Availability}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 151-154.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 151-154.}, language = {en} } @misc{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {Review Mary-Joan Gerson: The Embedded and Systemic Perspective on Couples and Family Therapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 573-575.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 573-575.}, language = {en} } @article{Fradenburg, author = {Fradenburg, Aranye}, title = {The Liberal Arts of Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 589-610.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 589-610.}, language = {en} } @article{FineFine, author = {Fine, Paul and Fine, Sally W.}, title = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Community Psychiatry}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 093-110.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 093-110.}, language = {en} } @article{Fishkinetal, author = {Fishkin, Ralph and et al.,}, title = {Psychodynamic Treatment, Training, and Supervision Using Internet-Based Technologies}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 155-168.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 155-168.}, language = {en} } @article{Forrest, author = {Forrest, David V.}, title = {Teaching Affect Recognition to Medical Students: Evaluation and Reflections}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 229-242.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 229-242.}, language = {en} } @article{Forrestetal, author = {Forrest, David V. and et al.,}, title = {How, if Ever, Should Psychiatric Patients Be Solicited for Charitable Donations?}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 611-632.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 611-632.}, language = {en} } @article{Javanbakht, author = {Javanbakht, Arash}, title = {A Neural Network Model for Schemas Based On Pattern Completion}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 243-262.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 243-262.}, language = {en} } @article{Ingram, author = {Ingram, Douglas H.}, title = {When Long-Term Treatment is Not Long Enough}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 181-188.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 181-188.}, language = {en} } @article{Olarte, author = {Olarte, Silvia W.}, title = {The Interminable Patient: A Case History}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 199-208.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 199-208.}, language = {en} } @article{OlarteAlfonso, author = {Olarte, Silvia W. and Alfonso, Cesar A.}, title = {On the Evolution of Psychodynamic Practice}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 001-006.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 001-006.}, language = {en} } @article{OlarteAlfonso, author = {Olarte, Silvia W. and Alfonso, Cesar A.}, title = {Contemporary Practice Patterns of Dynamic Psychiatrists - Survey Results}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 007-026.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 007-026.}, language = {en} } @article{PriceAlfonso, author = {Price, Ann and Alfonso, C{\´e}sar A.}, title = {Commentary on >Dynamic Psychotherapy with Long-Term Patients<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 217-220.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 217-220.}, language = {en} } @misc{Read, author = {Read, John}, title = {Review Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson (Ed.): The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud: The Illustrated Edition}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 758-760.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 758-760.}, language = {en} } @article{SilverWhite, author = {Silver, Ann-Louise S. and White, Janice}, title = {Dynamic Psychiatry and the Treatment of Anorexia Psychosis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 063-076.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 063-076.}, language = {en} } @misc{Silvio, author = {Silvio, Joseph R.}, title = {Review Norman N. Holland: Literature and the Brain}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 375-376.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 375-376.}, language = {en} } @article{SilvioCondemarin, author = {Silvio, Joseph R. and Condemarin, Raul}, title = {Psychodynamic Psychiatrists and Psychopharmacology}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 027-040.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 027-040.}, language = {en} } @article{Lothane, author = {Lothane, Zvi}, title = {The Partnership of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry in the Treatment of Psychosis and Borderline States: Its Evolution in North America}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 499-524.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 499-524.}, language = {en} } @article{Maltsbergeretal, author = {Maltsberger, John T. and et al.,}, title = {Traumatic Subjective Experiences Invite Suicide}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 671-694.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 671-694.}, language = {en} } @article{Samuelsetal, author = {Samuels, Erin and et al.,}, title = {Early Childhood Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Non-Adherence in Persons with AIDS: A Psychodynamic Perspective}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 633-650.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 633-650.}, language = {en} } @article{Chessick, author = {Chessick, Richard D.}, title = {Responds to Commentaries by Mark Leffert and Scott C. Schwartz}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 361-374.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 361-374.}, language = {en} } @misc{Alfonso, author = {Alfonso, Cesar A.}, title = {Review Siddharta Mukherjee: The Emperor of All Maladies - A Biography of Cancer}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 767-772.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 767-772.}, language = {en} } @article{Corradi, author = {Corradi, Richard B.}, title = {The Role of Identification in Dynamic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 541-564.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 541-564.}, language = {en} } @article{Corradi, author = {Corradi, Richard B.}, title = {Schizophrenia as a Human Process}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 717-736.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 717-736.}, language = {en} } @misc{Cohen, author = {Cohen, Mariam}, title = {Review R. J. Vehagen, H. M. van Praag, J. J. Lpex-Ibor, Jr., J. L. Cox, and D. Moussaoui (Eds.): Religion and Psychiatry: Beyond Boundaries}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 377-381.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 377-381.}, language = {en} } @article{Guasto, author = {Guasto, Gianni}, title = {Welcome, Trauma, and Introjection: A Tribute to Sandor Ferenczi}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 337-346.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 337-346.}, language = {en} } @misc{Lefer, author = {Lefer, C.}, title = {Review Marilia Aisenstein and Elsa Rappoport de Aisenberg (Eds.): Psychosomatics Today, A Psychoanalytic Perspective}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 581-583.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 581-583.}, language = {en} } @misc{Lefer, author = {Lefer, Jay}, title = {Review Dana Birkted-Breen, Sara Flanders, and Alain Gibeault (Eds.): Reading French Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 396-399.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 396-399.}, language = {en} } @misc{Brookes, author = {Brookes, Crittenden E.}, title = {Review Ira Steinman: Treating the Unbeatable: Healing in the Realms of Madness}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 400-405.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 400-405.}, language = {en} } @article{HyunAlfonso, author = {Hyun, Aerin and Alfonso, Cesar A.}, title = {Conversations Between a Psychoanalyst and a Psychiatry Resident}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 221-226.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 221-226.}, language = {en} } @article{Imbasciati, author = {Imbasciati, Antonio}, title = {The Meaning of a Metapsychology as an Instrument for >Explaining<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 651-670.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 651-670.}, language = {en} } @article{Holowchak, author = {Holowchak, M. Andrew}, title = {Freud on Play, Games, and Sports Fanaticism}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 695-715.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 695-715.}, language = {en} } @misc{Holquist, author = {Holquist, Michael}, title = {Review Anca Parvulescu: Laughter: Notes on a Passion}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 761-763.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 761-763.}, language = {en} } @article{RichardsonWhitehead, author = {Richardson, Robert D. and Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Commentary on Barbara Young: >The Turn of the Screw: The James Family's Encounters with the Terrors Lurking in the Unconscious Mind<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 335-336.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 335-336.}, language = {en} } @misc{Slipp, author = {Slipp, Samuel}, title = {Review Leticia Glocer Fiorini and Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose (Eds.): On Freud's >Femininity<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 756-757.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 756-757.}, language = {en} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {The Study of Psychic Trauma}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 525-540.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 525-540.}, language = {en} } @article{Downey, author = {Downey, Jennifer I.}, title = {Driven Sexual Behavior in Bipolar Spectrum Patients: Psychodynamic Issues}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 077-092.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 077-092.}, language = {en} } @article{Schwartz, author = {Schwartz, Scoff C.}, title = {Interminable Treatment: An Autobiographical Study}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 209-216.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 209-216.}, language = {en} } @article{Schwartz, author = {Schwartz, Scott C.}, title = {Commentary on Richard D. Chessick: >The Rise and Fall of the Autochthonous Self<. Did Art Really Start in Italy?}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 358-360.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 358-360.}, language = {en} } @article{Minchev, author = {Minchev, Plamen}, title = {Harakterologiyata na Erih From (Erich Fromm's characterology)}, series = {Deseta mezhdunarodna konferentsiya Prolozhna psihologiya I sotsialna praktika, Vol. 2. Varna Free University, pp. 199-208.}, journal = {Deseta mezhdunarodna konferentsiya Prolozhna psihologiya I sotsialna praktika, Vol. 2. Varna Free University, pp. 199-208.}, language = {mul} } @book{Groddeck, author = {Groddeck, Georg}, title = {Vom Menschenbauch und dessen Seele. Schriften zur psychoanalytischen Psychosomatik 1917-1934, ed. Michael Giefer (= Groddeck Werke, im Auftrag der Georg Groddeck-Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main (Stroemfeld / Roter Stern) 2011.}, language = {de} } @article{ChenLiuZhang, author = {Chen, Jianan and Liu, Ying and Zhang, Nan}, title = {Fascinating Shackles - Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< Analysis and Reflection [迷恋镣铐——对弗洛姆《逃避自由》的分析与思考]}, series = {Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science) [赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)], No. 7 (2011), pp. 43-47.}, journal = {Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science) [赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)], No. 7 (2011), pp. 43-47.}, abstract = {自由,一直以来都是人们向往的精神归宿,但是逃出了一切的藩篱之后,人却会面临由安全感和归属感的缺失所带来的恐慌,于是,自由也便成了新的枷锁。《逃避自由》是弗洛姆的代表作之一,文中通过对>个体化<所带来的双重影响和自由对于人们的双重含义的分析,进而得出现代人的>逃避自由<的心理机制。本文从社会哲学和心理学的角度对弗洛姆的>逃避自由<机制的起因、形成、后果及解决方法进行分析,得出人即使在不自由的境地之中,也可以拥有期望的幸福,这就是对自由的超越。}, language = {zh} } @misc{CapaldiGray, author = {Capaldi, Vincent F. and Gray, Sheila Hafter}, title = {Review Richard F. Summers and Jacques R Barber: Psychodynamic Therapy: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 576-579.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 576-579.}, language = {en} } @article{Glucksman, author = {Glucksman, Myron L.}, title = {Patients Who Stay}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 189-198.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 189-198.}, language = {en} } @article{GlucksmanKramer, author = {Glucksman, Myron L. and Kramer, Milton}, title = {The Clinical and Predictive Value of the Initial Dream of Treatment}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 263-284.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 263-284.}, language = {en} } @article{Gastelumetal, author = {Gastelum, Emily D. and et al.,}, title = {Is That an Unconscious Fantasy or an Automatic Thought? Challenges of Learning Multiple Psychotherapies Simultaneously}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 111-132.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 111-132.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kalman, author = {Kalman, Thomas P.}, title = {Review Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan: iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modem Mind}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 580.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 580.}, language = {en} } @article{KentBlumenfield, author = {Kent, Laura K. and Blumenfield, Michael}, title = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry in the General Medical Setting}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 041-062.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 041-062.}, language = {en} } @article{Kestenbaum, author = {Kestenbaum, Clarice J.}, title = {Secure Attachment and Traumatic Life Events}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 409-420.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 409-420.}, language = {en} } @misc{KatzBearnot, author = {Katz-Bearnot, Sherry}, title = {Review Deborah L. Cabaniss, Sabrina Cherry, Carolyn J. Douglas, and Anna R. Schwartz: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Clinical Manual}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 584-586.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 584-586.}, language = {en} } @article{Katzetal, author = {Katz, Debra A. and et al.,}, title = {Psychiatry Residents and Dynamic Psychiatry: Two Narratives, A Survey, and Some Ideas to Enhance Recruitment}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 133-150.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 133-150.}, language = {en} } @article{KatzBearnot, author = {Katz-Bearnot, Sherry}, title = {The Family Doctor: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Tightly Knit Communities}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 169-178.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 169-178.}, language = {en} } @article{Brockman, author = {Brockman, Richard}, title = {Aspects of Psychodynamic Neuropsychiatry II: Psychical Locality and Biology - Toward the Neurobiology of Psychotherapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 285-312.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39 (2011), pp. 285-312.}, language = {en} }