@book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Was den Menschen antreibt. Psychoanalyse als Theorie und Praxis von Beziehung, hg. und eingeleitet von Rainer Funk, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2011.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {de} } @book{Akrap, author = {Akrap, Domagoj}, title = {Erich Fromm - ein j{\"u}discher Denker. J{\"u}disches Erbe - Tradition - Religion, M{\"u}nster (LIT-Verlag) 2011, 265 pp.}, abstract = {>...w{\"a}hle also das Leben< - dieses Buch ist eine Darstellung von Werk und Schaffen Erich Fromms. Dabei werden s{\"a}mtliche Aspekte seines Wirkens ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Er wird somit nicht gesondert als Soziologe, Psychoanalytiker oder Gesellschaftstheoretiker behandelt, denn das Einende f{\"u}r all diese Aspekte seines Schaffens bildet ein dem Judentum entsprungenes Denken. Dieses stellt den Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der einzelnen Theorien Fromms zur Psychologie, Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik dar. Im Fokus der Darstellung befindet sich das Judentum in all seinen Auspr{\"a}gungen, die es im 20. Jahrhundert erfahren hat.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {A. Isaacson et al. (Eds.): Meet Your Monster, Las Vegas (Zeitgeist Press) 2011, pp. 50f. [= E. Fromm, 1961c passim]}, journal = {A. Isaacson et al. (Eds.): Meet Your Monster, Las Vegas (Zeitgeist Press) 2011, pp. 50f. [= E. Fromm, 1961c passim]}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus2011, author = {Anonymus-2011,}, title = {Fromm [弗洛姆]}, series = {Chinese Nation [中国民族报], Beijing, June 14 (2011).}, journal = {Chinese Nation [中国民族报], Beijing, June 14 (2011).}, abstract = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980)通常被归类为>新弗洛伊德<学派的成员。其思想体系建立在>人本主义的精神分析 <基础上,>人本主义的精神分析<的重点是指出:人类基本需求并非植根于他的本能,而是在人类生存的特殊情境,在于寻找人和自然新的关联性的需求——当人丧失}, language = {zh} } @misc{Huang, author = {Huang, Wendan}, title = {On the Theme of Loneliness in >The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter> [论《心是孤独的猎手》中的孤独主题], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2011 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {20世纪40年代美国女作家卡森•麦卡勒斯的长篇小说《心是孤独的猎手》是一部极具代表意义的作品。该作品中的人物都呈现一个共同特征:孤独。国内对该小说的研究甚少。本论文从埃里希•弗洛姆新精神分析理论的角度对小说的孤独主题进行分析。首先,论文运用>金字塔<的图式分析小说中人物孤独的表现。由哑巴辛格所做的金字塔之梦引出小说孤独金字塔结构,阐明主要人物在孤独金字塔中的地位;探讨金字塔的核心人物辛格的性格特征,并说明他是如何成为其他四人心目中的>上帝<;以小女孩米克和黑人医生考普兰德为代表分析金字塔低层被俘虏人群的孤独,指出他们每个人都有自己的梦,但每个人都是孤独的。其次,论文探讨小说人物孤独的原因。一方面,卡森•麦卡勒斯自身的孤独体验影响了小说的创作。其严厉的家庭教育,反复发作的疾病和痛苦的恋情导致麦卡勒斯长期处于孤独的情结之中,也成为《心是孤独的猎手》孤独主题的主要缘由之一。另一方面,当时的社会环境和个人行为影响人物心理。信仰的缺失,人物交流的受阻,自我身份的不确定和感情的无能为力使人物陷入深深的孤独之中。最后,论文挖掘小说人物逃离孤独的方式。主要包括酗酒,施虐与受虐以及音乐。然而,酗酒只能暂时麻醉人的孤独之感,施虐与受虐使人迷失自我因而感到更加孤独,音乐只能从表面缓解孤独。这表明,20世纪美国社会普遍存在的孤独心理无法避免,任何消解方式都是徒劳。}, language = {zh} } @book{Illescas, author = {Illescas, Francisco Javier Riuz}, title = {Reflexiones {\´e}ticas a partir de Erich Fromm. Una propuesta para el humanismo del siglo XXI, Granada /Editorial Acad{\´e}mica Espa{\~n}ola) 2011, 240 pp.}, abstract = {Este trabajo tiene una pretensi{\´o}n principal, revisar el valor y vigencia de la obra de Erich Fromm para reflexionar sobre un humanismo de nuestro tiempo. Para ello se revisan las nociones de naturaleza humana, felicidad, libertad y car{\´a}cter social, tal y como son desarrolladas en la obra de Fromm, la lectura que el autor hace de sus fundamentos y una revisi{\´o}n cr{\´i}tica a la luz de la visi{\´o}n del mundo contempor{\´a}neo. Nociones como las de naturaleza humana y car{\´a}cter constituyen ejes concept{\´u}ales que sirven de fundamento para el desarrollo de una propuesta, la base de una ciencia aplicada al arte del bien vivir, una {\´e}tica humanista. El punto del que se parte no es otro que el an{\´a}lisis de la vida econ{\´o}mica y social del hombre contempor{\´a}neo y de la influencia de ese modo de vida sobre sus pensamientos y sentimientos. Esta perspectiva ayuda a ver el mundo actual as{\´i} como en describir ciertos fen{\´o}menos productores del mismo. Se pretende discutir y esclarecer hasta donde resultan rescatables las ideas de Fromm y partir de ah{\´i} para se{\~n}alar horizontes y llamar la atenci{\´o}n sobre la necesidad de pensar, de reflexionar y, en particular, sobre su vigencia {\´e}tica en los tiempos contempor{\´a}neos.}, language = {es} } @article{Meyer, author = {Meyer, Gerd}, title = {Zivilcourage - eine unbequeme B{\"u}rgertugend}, series = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 109-120.}, journal = {Carlsburg, G.-B. von, Dammer, K.-H., and Wehr, H. (Eds), >H{\"a}tte ich doch nicht weggeschaut!<. Zivilcourage fr{\"u}her und heute, Augsburg (Brigg P{\"a}dagogik Verlag) 2011, pp. 109-120.}, language = {de} } @misc{Yanhua, author = {Yanhua, Lu}, title = {A Study of >Love Medicine< in Light of Erich Fromm's Love Theory [埃瑞克•弗洛姆爱的理论观照下的《爱药》研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Louise Erdrich is one of the most well-known and productive writers of contemporary American literature, a leading figure of the second American Indian literature wave. Her first novel and masterpiece >Love Medicine< was first published in 1984 and won a number of awards including the National Book Critics Circle Award for best work of fiction. >Love Medicine< is centered in the relationships between lovers and families. Its significance is also profound since it reflects the conflicts and synergies between Indian traditions and contemporary American society and culture. Love, being the theme of several of Erdrich's works, is regarded as the most effective medicine of the painful soul. Love people, love your family members because only love can form them as one. Only love makes these possible - personal survival and cultural continuity. >Love Medicine< demonstrates how love integrate the separated and alienated into a coherent whole. Most of the characters living on the reservation throughout their life constitute a movement toward selfless love and forgiveness. Love, which is a intrinsic capability of human soul, enables those who are hurted to give up the notion of oneself as victim to transcend the individual limits and reach the highest spiritual realm of humanism. As its title suggests, love is the true >medicine<, bring a sense of wholeness and belongs, despite circumstances of loss or broken connection to those who reach for it. This thesis intends to make a progressing research on this theme in light of Eric Fromm's love theory which is put forward in his the Art of loving. Introduction mainly introduces the theoretical frame of thesis, which is Eric Fromm's love theory.- Chapter One discusses the three types of love mainly reflected in the novel-love between family members; between male and female and among equals in the Indian world.- Chapter Two analyzes the essence of love in light of the love theory of Eric Fromm from three aspects.- Chapter Three attempts to illustrate that how love can resolve the problem of human existence by close-reading of the text and analysis of the specific scenes and characters. Through creating family ties the Indian people find a way to search for their self-identity and human survival. It tries to read and explain the complicated situation of both Indian and white culture continuity by means of love.- The thesis finally concludes that love, as a power of human heart, can be the most effective redemption to the hearted soul and at the same time, a revelation to an oblivious civilization.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lu, author = {Lu, Ye}, title = {On the >Dream< in the Works of Bulgakov [论布尔加科夫作品中的>梦<], Master thesis, Russian Language and Literature, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Mikhail Abramovich Bulgakov (1891-1940) was a famous Russian writer. His work in the form of eclectic, unique, both biting satire and magical color, full content of a humanitarian sense of justice and a sense of mission. In many works of Bulgakov uses dreams to reveal the characters' psychology, extended work space, the performance of their themes. Narrative theory, text analysis, combined with Freud, Jung and Fromm's dream theory to analyze the works of Bulgakov's dream. This article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter from the general description of the relationship between dream and literary works, some of the features of the dream narrative suitable carrier and summed >Dreamland< four works, second. The third Chapter analyzes particularly the dreamland in >Bai Weijun< and >Master and Margarita<, dreamland expounding the role and significance of the works of Bulgakov and summarizes Bulgakov's overall creation of the analysis of the dreamland. [automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Di}, title = {Origins of Poe's Gothic Stories, Master thesis [坡恐怖小说的源流], English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2011 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {19th-century American genius writer Edgar Allan Poe's works originality, unique. A large number of his works, especially the horror stories involving death, murdered, buried alive. His creative approach and literary theory is not accepted by the society at the time, has been excluded and combat. Until the 20th century was only writers and readers to accept. Has a different interpretation of why writing these write sophisticated horror fiction while pregnant with meaning. Edgar Allan Poe is an American talented writer in the nineteenth century, whose gothic novels are deliberately composed with specially terrifying contents Many of his gothic stories related to death, murder and burial alive the His works are not accepted by the society of that time because his writing skills and literary theories are so different from the mainstream literature; even he himself is severely criticized and attacked. Not until the twentieth century is he accepted by critics and readers. The examinations of his texts have always been taking a predominant position in researches on Poe these years. Though there are some explanations of the reasons for his creation of gothic novels, they only mention that his abnormal character is the main reason because of his personal experience. As to how his abnormal character is formed, little is probed. This paper will explore the psychological origin of his writing gothic stories analyzing his psychological structure; at the same time, other origins will be explored from the aspects of culture and market, with an attempt to understand Poe systematically.- In Chapter One the style and theme of Poe's short stories are briefly introduced. The gothic elements in his novels give the reader terrifying feelings and the novels like The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher etc are taken as examples to show the horrible effects brought by his gothic novels. Then the theme of this paper is introduced. Part 2 in Chapter One is mainly concerned about literature review. Literature review chiefly states the basic information of study on Poe at home and abroad as a whole. The study on Poe focuses on his short stories, poem and poetry. Later, a new study is carried out from the perspective of historicism.- In Chapter Two the psychological origin of literary creation is discussed. The psychoanalytic theories are applied to the exploration. The psychological theories, Horney's neurotic anxiety and Fromm's psychoanalysis from social aspect are used to explain the psychological motives of gothic story creation. The misfortunes in Poe's childhood and the bad relationship between him and his father lead to his worsening neurotic anxiety. The main symptoms are the lack of safety sense, the inability to deal with conflicts and his terror of death. Because of the experiences of these emotions he could understand the inner plight of people's psychology and the pains brought by the changing society. By creating terror in his gothic novels, he could express his concerns over human's fate, and transmit the terror to the reader, with an aim to stimulate readers to think deeply about life.- Chapter Three analyzes the cultural origin of his gothic novels. The emergence and development of the gothic novel obviously has an impact on Poe's gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels clearly have the gothic elements like deserted castle, violence, death, murder etc. The sharing features explain why Poe's terrifying novels are also called gothic novels. Poe steps forward by changing the gothic novels into a tool to express the psychological traumas of people, the reflection on the destructive effects brought by capitalist development on traditional civilization and values, and the desperate and painful efforts human has made to adapt to a ever changing society.- Market origin is discussed in Chapter Four. Gothic novels can bring a special emotional experience to readers, so they were popular in the society of that time to some extent, which means one could make a living by writing gothic novels or stories. Combining the above origins, Poe starts writing gothic novels. Poe's gothic novels might be better understood if his writing motives are better understood, that is, the terror in his gothic novels which is the writer's own terror exists in people's heart, and human's psychological problems should be paid attention to.}, language = {zh} }