@article{Menzel, author = {Menzel, Niels}, title = {Entfremdung im Kapitalismus. Zu den modernen Gefahren f{\"u}r das psychische Wohl des Individuums bei Erich Fromm, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Grin Verlag 2014,14 pp.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm, ein untersch{\"a}tzter Klassiker, steht in der Reihe jener kritischer Geister, die in den vermeintlichen Errungenschaften des Kapitalismus ein Problempotential erkannten, das sich negativ auf die Gesellschaft und auf das Individuum auswirkt. Es w{\"a}re m{\"u}ßig, in einer von marktwirtschaftlichen Grundannahmen zutiefst {\"u}berzeugten Gesellschaft den Versuch einer Bekehrung wagen zu wollen, indem man die Grundannahmen eines linken Denkers zu verteidigen sucht; diese Arbeit soll sich daher der Veranschaulichung und Hinterfragung der fr{\"u}hen, unter dem Eindruck freudomarxistischer Gedanken gefassten Thesen Erich Fromms widmen. Jene Thesen sind von Fromm in vielen popul{\"a}ren Bestsellern besprochen worden, so dass es nur allzu leicht fiel, ihn zu einem zwar popul{\"a}ren, aber wenig gehaltvollen Philosophen zu erkl{\"a}ren. Der Erfolg eines Philosophen macht seine Thesen nicht falscher, auch wenn er durch jenen Erfolg Teil einer Gesellschaft wird, an deren Bekehrung seiner Philosophie eigentlich gelegen ist. Im Falle Fromms lag sein Erfolg nahe: Es ging ihm in der Tradition des j{\"u}dischen Humanismus um das psychische Wohl der Menschen, das er in einer wirtschaftlich und politisch unlauteren Mitteln unterworfenen Welt gef{\"a}hrdet sah. Daher ist es auch der Mensch, der im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht: Welche Gefahren wirken laut Fromm auf das Individuum der Moderne ein und welche Wechselwirkungen von Gesellschaft und Individuum macht er aus? Und warum ist der Kapitalismus eine Gefahr, die sich kaum {\"u}berwinden l{\"a}sst? Sp{\"a}testens mit der Trennung vom Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung widmete sich Erich Fromm der Ausarbeitung und Vertiefung seiner Untersuchungen der fr{\"u}hen Jahre. Die sich daraus ergebende Vielfalt und Bandbreite kann in dieser Arbeit nicht besprochen werden; wesentliche Aspekte des Frommschen Werks m{\"u}ssen daher hintanstehen, wenn die vermittels Analytischer Sozialpsychologie herausgearbeitete Kapitalismuskritik dargestellt werden soll. [Hugendubel.de]}, language = {de} } @article{Meisenhelder, author = {Meisenhelder, Thomas}, title = {From character to habitus in sociology}, series = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006), pp. 55-66. [Online ISSN 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2005.12.005]}, journal = {The Social Science Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006), pp. 55-66. [Online ISSN 1873-5355] [doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2005.12.005]}, abstract = {The idea of social character has a long and important history within sociological thought. The concept addresses the fundamental question of the relationship between society and the individual, structure and agency. Tracing the development of the idea of social character from the classical sociology of Marx and Weber to more contemporary writings within American sociology by figures such as Fromm, Riesman, and Mills reveals ideas and perspectives central to the development of social theory. Although many argue that the idea of social character is no longer important in sociology, it has in fact resurfaced in Pierre Bourdieu's notion of habitus. Habitus specifies the original idea of social character without the biological or essentialist traits found in most of the earlier work. Habitus marks a substantial advance beyond earlier ideas of social character, providing a more purely sociological answer to the structure/agency (society/individual) problematic.}, language = {en} } @article{MinChang, author = {Min, Yoon Young and Chang, Haram}, title = {출생 이전 인간생명의 증강 목적 유전자 편집에 대한 법정신분석학적 고찰 [Legal Psychoanalytical Considerations on the Genetic Enhancement of Human Life before Birth]}, series = {법학논총 [Dankook Law Review], Vol. 42, No.4 (2018), pp. 95-132.}, journal = {법학논총 [Dankook Law Review], Vol. 42, No.4 (2018), pp. 95-132.}, abstract = {이 글은 출생 이전 인간생명의 증강목적 유전자 편집에 관한 현재의 담론이 도덕적 현기증에 빠져있다는 샌델의 지적에 공감하며, 이 문제에 관한 정신분석학적 고찰을 시도하여 도덕적 현기증을 극복한 법규범의 확립을 위한 토대를 놓는 것에 기여를 하고자 한다. 출생이전 인간생명의 증강 목적 유전자 편집 문제와 관련하여 크게 두 가지 입장이 있는데, 하나는 증강목적 유전자 편집을 찬성하는 트랜스휴머니즘이고 다른 하나는 반대하는 생명보수주의이다. 이 글은 정신분석학의 관점에서 트랜스휴머니스트들의 주장의 중요한 오류들을 비판하고, 생명보수주의자들의 논증은 보완하고 강화한다. 각 장의 중심 주제를 간략히 밝히자면, 제II장에서는 부모의 자녀를 위한 >합리적 선택<이 무의식을 고려한다면 허무한 신화일 수 있기에, 불가역적 변화인 출생 이전 인간생명의 증강목적 유전자 편집을 부모의 선택에 맡기는 것이 크게 위험할 수 있음을 밝히는데 주안점을 둘 것이고, 제III장은 >완벽<을 향한 트랜스휴머니스트들의 욕망의 파괴적 위험성을, 제IV장은 출생 이전 인간생명에 대한 유전자 편집의 욕망이 생명을 존중하는 바이오필리아적인 것이 아니라 통제를 갈구하는 네크로필리아적인 것임을 다룰 것이다. 제II장은 프로이트와 현대의 역동심리치료 이론들이, 제III장은 융의 분석심리학이, 제IV장은 프롬의 정신분석학이 중심적인 이론적 틀이 되며, 생명보수주의자로는 샌델과 하버마스가, 트랜스휴머니스트로는 보스트롬과 사블레스쿠가 주로 고찰될 것이다. 이 과정을 통해 인간 존재에 대한 균형 있는 관점을 가진 바이오필리아적 법의 확립을 위한 기초적 토대 마련에 기여할 수 있기를 바란다.}, language = {ko} } @article{Min, author = {Min, Yoon Young}, title = {한국의 부부간 심리적 폭력의 실태와 형사정책적 함의 - 강압적 통제론과 네크로필리아(necrophilia) 개념을 활용하여] [Psychological Violence between Spouses and its Implications for Criminal Justice Policy in Korea - Using Coercive Control Theory and the Concept of Necrophilia]}, series = {형사정책 [Korean Journal of Criminology], Vol. 29, No. 3 (2017), pp. 93-125.}, journal = {형사정책 [Korean Journal of Criminology], Vol. 29, No. 3 (2017), pp. 93-125.}, abstract = {가정폭력처벌법과 가정폭력방지법이 제정된 이후 20년이 흘렀음에도 가정폭력은 여전히 심각한 사회적 문제이다. 이 문제의 해결을 위해 가정폭력 가해자의 체포우선주의나 상담조건부 기소유예제도의 폐지 등 법적 개선의 논의가 활발하다. 이러한 상황에서 영국이 2015년 Serious Crime Act를 개정하여 신체적 폭력이 없는 패턴화된 강압적이고 통제적인 행위를 독립적인 범죄로 처벌할 수 있게 한 것은 인상 깊은 사건이다. 형법상 범죄를 구성하지 않는 심리적 폭력들도 가족구성원 사이에서 지속적이고 반복적으로 행해지고 피해자에게 심각한 영향을 미쳤다면 범죄로 처벌될 수 있게 된 것이다. 가정폭력에 대처하는 영국법의 이러한 새로운 입장은 미국의 Evan Stark 교수의 강압적 통제론(coercive control)을 바탕으로 가정폭력의 개념을 새롭게 정의함으로써 가능해졌다. 스타크 교수의 강압적 통제론은 가정폭력의 핵심은 '통제'이고, 가정폭력은 피해자의 자유에 대한 침해라고 재정의하였다. 즉, 그 자체로는 폭력성이 낮은 행위라도 강압적이고 통제적인 방식으로 지속적으로 행해질 때에는 통제의 패턴을 이룸으로써 피해자의 자유를 구속하는 폭력이 될 수 있다는 이론이다. 가정은 매우 친밀한 공동체이기 때문에 폭력성의 수위 자체는 낮은 통제적 행위라 하더라도, 지속적이고 반복적으로 행해질 때 그 해악이 크다. 따라서 형법적 범죄를 구성하는 수준에 이르지 않는 통제적 행위들이 꾸준히 가해져서 통제적 패턴이 형성되는 상황을 법적으로 규제할 필요성이 충분하다. 이 글에서는 영국이 가정폭력의 개념과 규제 방식을 바꾼 취지를 수용하여, 영국의 SCA Part 5 Section 76을 소개하고(II), 2016년에 실시한 한국의 부부간 심리적 폭력의 실태조사와 부부간 심리적 폭력의 범죄화에 대한 여론조사의 결과를 소개함으로써 한국의 상황에서도 영국의 문제의식이 유효한 것임을 고찰해보았다(III). 나아가 강압적 통제 행위의 해악을 프롬(Fromm)이 제시한 네크로필리아(necrophilia)의 개념을 활용해 재해석함으로써 이러한 유형의 가정폭력이 심각한 해악을 미치는 것임을 새롭게 이해해보고자 하였다(IV). 마지막으로는 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 한국의 가정폭력 관련 형사정책이 부부간 심리적 폭력에 관심을 더욱 둠으로써 더욱 실효적으로 되기를 제안하면서 글을 마무리 한다(V).}, language = {ko} } @misc{Miyamoto, author = {Miyamoto, Kaori}, title = {Erich Fromm's Theory on Alienation, Master of Arts, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts), Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA 1987, 71+4 pp. [doi.org/10.7275/9975323]}, language = {en} } @article{Mizdrak, author = {Mizdrak, Inga}, title = {Za chciwością czy przeciw niej? [For or against Greed?]}, series = {Zeszyty Naukowe (UEK), No. 2 (980) (2019), pp. 45-59. [Online ISSN 2545-3238] [zeszyty-naukowe.uek.krakow.pl/index.php/zeszyty-naukowe/article/view/1642/1316]}, journal = {Zeszyty Naukowe (UEK), No. 2 (980) (2019), pp. 45-59. [Online ISSN 2545-3238] [zeszyty-naukowe.uek.krakow.pl/index.php/zeszyty-naukowe/article/view/1642/1316]}, abstract = {Fenomen chciwości może być ujmowany z r{\´o}żnych stron. W zależności od kontekstu może przejawiać się niemal we wszystkich dziedzinach życia społeczno-ekonomiczno-kulturowego. W dobie zachodzących zmian cywilizacyjnych problematyczne staje się nie tylko zdefiniowanie samej chciwości, ale także wyartykułowanie najważniejszych jej znamion. Dzieje się tak z powodu podejmowanych pr{\´o}b redefinicji chciwości w obrębie nauk ekonomicznych (gdzie rozumiana jest jako istotny czynnik napędzający gospodarkę) i społecznych (gdzie traktowana jest jako naturalny przejaw konsumpcjonizmu). Celem artykułu jest ukazanie chciwości w kontekście podmiotowości człowieka i wywoływanych w nim przer{\´o}żnych pęknięć przy jej udziale. Okazuje się, że zar{\´o}wno warstwa duchowa, wolicjonalna, emocjonalna, jak i intelektualna ulegają destabilizacji pod wpły wem zainicjowanej przez podmiot chciwości, rugując tym samym istotną rolę kształtowania siebie od wewnątrz (zwłaszcza w znaczeniu moralnym). Poprzez analizy Ericha Fromma, Tom{\´a}ša Sedl{\´a}čka, Michaela Sandela oraz Benjamina Barbera ukazano wymiar chciwo ści w jej ekonomiczno-etyczno-antropologicznym aspekcie jako prowadzącej do szeroko rozumianego zniewolenia jednostki. Przy tym odsłoniła się r{\´o}wnież antypersonalistyczna perspektywa międzyludzkich relacji, eliminująca możliwość działania z innymi na zasadach sprawiedliwości, uczciwej wymiany oraz solidarności.}, language = {pl} } @article{Misawa, author = {Misawa, Ken-Ichi}, title = {エーリッヒ・フロムの疎外概念 [A Critical Appraisal of Erich Fromm's Concept of Alienation]}, series = {社会学評論 [Japanese Sociological Review], Vol. 15, No. 4 (1965), pp. 67-78, 203. [doi.org/10.4057/jsr.15.4_67]}, journal = {社会学評論 [Japanese Sociological Review], Vol. 15, No. 4 (1965), pp. 67-78, 203. [doi.org/10.4057/jsr.15.4_67]}, abstract = {[First page] The aim of this paper is to clarify the difference between Fromm's concept of alienation from Marx's, and thus to evaluate the significance Fromm's idea of alienation. 1. The standard of the un-alienated Marx sees man as a process of self-creation through labor (= activity in general). To Marx, the un-alienated man is, first, the individual two each day realizes the potentialities of his being through work which gives his inner capacities the form of concrete embodiments, and second, at the same time the subject of history whose potentialities and inner capacities are got the form of historical embodiments through the mode of production in each period. Fromm as a moralist changes Marx's objective concept of man into a subjective one. Fromm conceives man as the bearer of the unchangeable basic needs which are inherent in human nature and the human condition. For Fromm, the un-alienated man is the man who has satisfied and fulfilled these basic needs in a productive way, who has realized a normative basis of his nature which remains the same always and everywhere. From Marx's point of view, love, happiness and other universal values which constitute Fromm's substantialized criterion of the un-alienated are nothing but passing phenomena which are at every moment to be enriched, to be changed and to be conquered in the self-creating process of man through labor. Fromm does not bring Marx's thought up to date but pulls it back to the stage of Feuerbach's thought. 2. Alienation and its social background. Fromm conceives alienation as a psychological phenomenon. Alienation is thought to be a pattern of social character which has been former without the fulfillment of the basic needs. Fromm's concept of alienation is, after all, an unhistorical concept. Alienation in Marx's sense is not a mere psychological state, but an objective and total situation of man which involves three spheres: the realm …}, language = {ja} } @article{Miranda, author = {Miranda, Lucas}, title = {The Self is Dead - Alienation and Nihilism in >Rick and Morty< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2017), Article 9, 10 pp. [Online ISSN: 2330-6297] [digitalcommons.fiu.edu/classracecorporatepower/vol5/iss3/9]}, journal = {Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2017), Article 9, 10 pp. [Online ISSN: 2330-6297] [digitalcommons.fiu.edu/classracecorporatepower/vol5/iss3/9]}, abstract = {Drawing upon Erich Fromm's psychoanalytical-diagnosis of man in capitalism, this essay reflects upon some of the most political and philosophical themes of Cartoon Network's adult animated sitcom >Rick and Morty<. It focuses mainly in juxtaposing the nihilism and the alienation of the characters Rick and Jerry, respectively. Discussing the loss of agency due to the illusions and repressions of contemporary society, the essay concludes that capitalism benefits from both Jerry and Rick's self-destructive worldviews.}, language = {en} } @article{Mizuta, author = {Mizuta, Makoto}, title = {エーリッヒ・フロムにおける「健康」と「幸福」 : クォリティ・オブ・ライフ」に関する基礎付けの試み [>Health< and >Happiness< in Erich Fromm: Having an Elementary Concept of the >Quality of Life<]}, series = {医学哲学 医学倫理 [Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine], Vol. 21 (2003), pp. 98-111. [doi.org/10.24504/itetsu.21.0_98]}, journal = {医学哲学 医学倫理 [Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine], Vol. 21 (2003), pp. 98-111. [doi.org/10.24504/itetsu.21.0_98]}, abstract = {When we talk about the >quality of life< (QOL) we should inquire just into the >quality< of human life. Generally speaking, a qualitative thing includes something original that has no substitute. Each person's existence is an irreplaceable life, and it has a unique value. QOL is a subject about the qualitative values of human life. The pursuit of QOL is the pursuit of a >healthy< human life or >happiness.< E. Fromm said that a person represents the whole human being, and that an individual is a physico-spiritual totality. He also said that the goal of a person in life is to be himself. According to Fromm, the fundamental human desire aims to conquer >existential dichotomies,< such as >life and death,< >solidarity and aloneness.< Everyone shows one's answer depending on his/her character or personality. Only a >productive character< can get happiness through its answer. That is the basic attitude by which >human nature< and >individuality< are brought into full play at the same time. Such a person gropes for a >sane society<. And such a society ought to bring up sound persons. QOL as elements of a living environment are useful as conditions for happiness. However, the most important thing is the >quality< of each one's life itself. This kind of QOL is shown by the basic attitude as >personality.< A person who lives a well-filled life has a high quality of life. The scale of quality of life as the standard common to human beings is >human nature,< which is also the foundation of human equality. This is the >basis< of human rights. And each person will be the judge of the matter connected with >happiness<, making use of the activation of individuality. So, medical persons should not confuse QOL and >social usefulness!< Medical preference order is not a problem of QOL but purely a problem of medical technique.}, language = {ja} } @article{Molesworthetal, author = {Molesworth, Mike and et al.,}, title = {Having, being and higher education: the marketisation of the university and the transformation of the student into consumer}, series = {Teaching in Higher Education, Vol.14, No. 3 (2009), pp. 277-287. [Online ISSN: 1470-1294] [doi.org/10.1080/13562510902898841]}, journal = {Teaching in Higher Education, Vol.14, No. 3 (2009), pp. 277-287. [Online ISSN: 1470-1294] [doi.org/10.1080/13562510902898841]}, abstract = {In this paper we express concerns that the marketisation of British higher education that has accompanied its expansion has resulted in some sections becoming pedagogically limited. We draw from Fromm's humanist philosophy based on >having< to argue that the current higher education (HE) market discourse promotes a mode of existence, where students seek to >have a degree< rather than >be learners<. This connects pedagogic theory to a critique of consumer culture. We argue that a 'market-led' university responds to consumer calls by focusing on the content students want at a market rate. It may decrease intellectual complexity if this is not in demand, and increase connections with the workplace if this is desired. Once, under the guidance of the academic, the undergraduate had the potential to be transformed into a scholar, someone who thinks critically, but in our consumer society such 'transformation' is denied and 'confirmation' of the student as consumer is favoured. We further argue that there is a danger that the new HE's link to business through the expansion of vocational courses in business, marketing and related offerings, inevitably embeds expanded HE in a culture of having. This erodes other possible roles for education because a consumer society is unlikely to support a widened HE sector that may work to undermine its core ideology.}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerWille, author = {M{\"u}ller-Wille, Petra}, title = {Die Geschichte der Frauenrechte in Ausz{\"u}gen, zusammengestellt von Petra M{\"u}ller-Wille}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 180-199.}, volume = {d28/2024h}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 180-199.}, language = {de} } @article{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg}, title = {M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen der Selbstanalyse}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 042-060.}, volume = {d27/2023d}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 042-060.}, language = {de} } @article{Mozaheb, author = {Mozaheb, Mohammad Amin}, title = {Analyzing Lexical Items and the Thematic Structures of Two Translations of >To Have or to Be< by Eric Fromm}, series = {Journal: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 4, No. 11 (2021), pp. 157-167. [ISSN: 2617-0299 (Online); ISSN: 2708-0099 (Print)]}, journal = {Journal: International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol. 4, No. 11 (2021), pp. 157-167. [ISSN: 2617-0299 (Online); ISSN: 2708-0099 (Print)]}, abstract = {There are different ways of assessing the quality of a good translation. This study tried to approach this task using House's (2015) translation quality assessment (TQA) model and Baker's (2018) marked thematic structure model, each introducing new ideas and novel ways to assess the quality of a translated work. Having reviewed the alternative TQA models, this study aims at a detailed investigation of House's Model and its potential power to predict the errors in the Persian translation of chosen psychological work for this study. As a kind of complementary assessment for the source text (ST) and its two target texts (TTs), Baker's model was used to compare ST marked thematic structures with their TTs equivalents. Persian translations of Eric Fromm's >To Have or To Be< on the basis of two chosen models were carried out. First, the errors (overt and covert errors), as well as thematic structures (marked vs. unmarked), were identified and classified, and then the frequency of their occurrences was computed to see whether there is any statistically significant difference. The results indicated that out of 100 selected items of the source text, TT1 and TT2 had 22 and 77 overtly erroneous items, respectively. The most frequent errors especially in TT2 by Mr. Tabrizi were mistranslation, breach of TL system, omission, and addition. The only covert error was a tenor mismatch between the writer of the source text and the translator of the target text. Since in two particular pieces of translation especially TT2, there were a lot of overt errors and according to House's Model, a good translation has to be translated overtly and any deviation of it will be considered as an error, this translation can be considered as a covert rather than an overt translation. Considering the marked thematic structures, with the percentage of 94.5 and 79 in TT1 and TT2 by Mr. Sabouri and Mr. Tabarizi, it can be claimed that there was a high degree of correspondence between ST and its two TTs for marked structures. The product of this study could be beneficial for translators of psychological works to get familiar with problems in translation of these books as well as strategies used to cope with such problems.}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerWille, author = {M{\"u}ller-Wille, Petra}, title = {Begr{\"u}ßung und Einf{\"u}hrung in das Tagungsthema}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 094-106.}, volume = {d28/2024h}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 28 / 2024, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 094-106.}, language = {de} } @misc{Mueller, author = {Mueller, Helmut A.}, title = {Review E. Fromm: Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Ein Lesebuch}, series = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 8. November 2022}, journal = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 8. November 2022}, language = {de} } @misc{Mueller, author = {Mueller, Helmut A.}, title = {Review R. Funk und H. Lechhab, Die Bedeutung Erich Fromms f{\"u}r die Gegenwart. Ein Interview}, series = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 10.2.2023.}, journal = {Online-Rezension https://helmut-a-mueller.de/erich-fromm-wissenschaft-vom-menschen-ein-lesebuch/ Nordheim, 10.2.2023.}, language = {de} } @misc{Mrowczyński, author = {Mr{\´o}wczyński, Pjotr}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Man for Himself. An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (Polish).}, series = {Sztuka i Filozofia / Art and Philosophy, Vol. 11 (1996), pp. 234-235.}, journal = {Sztuka i Filozofia / Art and Philosophy, Vol. 11 (1996), pp. 234-235.}, language = {pl} } @article{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, Andreas}, title = {Fromms Gedanken. Ein Buchtipp}, series = {Darmst{\"a}dter Echo 22. 03. 2000; [= Einsamer Rufer in der Konsum-W{\"u}ste], in: S{\"u}dwestpresse Ulm 23. 03. 2000.}, journal = {Darmst{\"a}dter Echo 22. 03. 2000; [= Einsamer Rufer in der Konsum-W{\"u}ste], in: S{\"u}dwestpresse Ulm 23. 03. 2000.}, language = {de} } @article{NikiforovGofman, author = {Nikiforov, German Sergeevich and Gofman, Olga Olegovna}, title = {Профессиональные задачи психолога здоровья [Professional tasks of a health psychologist]}, series = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, journal = {Организационная психология [Organizational Psychology], Vol. 10, No. 3 (2020), pp. 246-260. [Online ISSN 2312-5942] [orgpsyjournal.hse.ru/data/2020/09/28/1368912391/OrgPsy_2020_3(13)_Nikiforov-Gofman(246-260).pdf]}, abstract = {Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Аннотация. Во второй половине двадцатого века психология здоровья вышла на одно из лидирующих мест в общем перечне наиболее актуальных направлений развития психологической науки. Изначальная проблема, поставленная в статье, заключается в имеющем место в настоящее время рассогласовании между востребованностью психологии здоровья и дефицитом кадрового ресурса (психологов здоровья), ориентированного на разработку этого научного направления. Цель данной работы заключается в том, чтобы в соответствии с концепцией жизненного пути человека, раскрыть в первом приближении перечень тех практических задач, решение которых может входить в профессиональную компетенцию психологов здоровья в России. Представления авторов базируются на концепции здоровой личности, основные положения которой были впервые сформулированы в отечественной науке известными психиатрами и психологами С. С. Корсаковым, И. А. Сикорским, В. М. Бехтеревым, а также западными представителями гуманистической психологии Г. Олпортом, К. Роджерсом, А. Маслоу, Э. Фроммом. В рассмотрение вводятся этапы перинатального периода, дошкольный и школьный возраст, обучение в средних профессиональных и высших учебных заведениях, профессиональная деятельность и выход на пенсию. Каждый этап развития человека рассматривается авторами как самостоятельный и предполагает вариативность стратегий образа жизни в общей структуре здоровья, а значит и практик формирования здорового поведения. В статье впервые последовательно рассмотрены основные особенности и риски каждого этапа жизненного пути, определен круг профессиональных задач психолога здоровья. В конце работы ставится вопрос о вариантах профессиональной подготовки данных специалистов в высших учебных заведениях.}, language = {ru} } @article{Niswah, author = {Niswah, Shofiyatun}, title = {Relasi Cinta dalam Novel >Gelisah Camar Terbang< - Karya Gol A Gong [Love Relations in the Novel >Anxious Flying Gulls<. Gol A Gong's Work] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Bapala (University of Surabaya), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2017), 17 pp.}, journal = {Bapala (University of Surabaya), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2017), 17 pp.}, abstract = {Cinta adalah salah satu unsur yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan. Perasaan cinta biasanya dikaitkan dengan sebuah hubungan. Hubungan tidak hanya tentang hubungan antarmanusia saja, tetapi juga tentang keadaan. Pada novel Gelisah Camar Terbang karya Gol A Gong terdapat hubungan yang dilakukan antartokoh, maupun antarkeadaan. Hubungan ini dapat digambarkan melalui sebuah konsep milik A.J Greimas yang disebut konsep aktan. Menurut Greimas, aktan adalah sesuatu yang abstrak, seperti cinta, kebebasan, atau sekelompok tokoh. Novel tersebut bercerita tentang kehidupan cinta Chairul dan para TKI yang berada di Taiwan. Berkaitan dengan peristiwa yang menggambarkan cinta pada novel tersebut, Erich Fromm membagi objek cinta menjadi lima objek yakni cinta sesama, cinta ibu, cinta erotis, cinta diri, dan cinta kepada Allah. Berbagai hubungan dan objek cinta tersebut dapat ditemukan di novel Gelisah Camar Terbang karya Gol A Gong. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, rumusan masalah penelitian ini ada dua yakni; (1) Bagaimana hubungan relasional keenam fungsi aktan A.J Greimas dalam Novel Gelisah Camar Terbang karya Gol A Gong?, (2) Bagaimana objek cinta sesama, cinta ibu, cinta erotis, cinta diri, dan cinta kepada Allah dalam novel >Gelisah Camar Terbang< karya Gol A Gong? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologis dalam menganalisis karakteristik tokoh dalam karya satra yang ditinjau dari objek cinta. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah novel Gelisah Camar Terbang karya Gol A Gong. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dari jenis penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini menghasilkan data berupa kata, kalimat, dan wacana yang menunjukkan hubungan relational keenam aktan A.J Greimas dan bentuk cinta berdasarkan objek cinta menurut Erich Fromm. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik baca, catat, dan pustaka dalam pengumpulan data dan menggunakan teknik deskriptif analisis serta metode hermeneutik dalam menganalisis data yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep aktan A.J Greimas dan objek cinta menurut Erich Fromm sebagai alat bedah analisis, yang di dalamnya mengandung konsep keenam fungsi aktan dan konsep cinta sesama, cinta ibu, cinta erotis, cinta diri, dan cinta kepada Allah. Hubungan relational keenam fungsi aktan berupa hubungan antara pengirim, objek, subjek, penolong, penerima, dan penentang pada beberapa peristiwa di dalam novel. Objek cinta sesama dalam novel ini berupa kepedulian antara sesama manusia. Cinta sesama tersebut dapat ditunjukkan dari cinta antara Chairul kepada para TKI dan cinta yang ditunjukkan oleh sesama TKI. Objek cinta ibu pada novel ini berupa kasih sayang ibu kepada anaknya. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari kasih sayang ibu Chairul kepada Chairul. Objek cinta erotis berupa kasih sayang sepasang kekasih. Cinta erotis tersebut dapat diketahui dari cinta antara Chairul dan Halimah, dan cinta antara Halimah dan Joko. Objek cinta diri pada novel ini berupa kesadaran seseorang terhadap diri sendiri dalam menghargai kehidupan. Hal tersebut dapat diketahui dari perubahan Chairul yang lebih menghargai kehidupannya dan kehidupan orang lain di sekitarnya. Objek cinta kepada Allah pada novel ini berupa berupa rasa percaya bahwa Allah itu ada, adil, dan mengasihi umat-Nya. Hal tersebut dapat ditunjukkan dari sikap Halimah yang percaya kepada kehendak dari Allah.}, language = {mul} } @article{NeyshaburiGhasemi, author = {Neyshaburi, Ehsan Emami and Ghasemi, Parvin}, title = {A Review of Individual and Social Madness in the Beats' Literature and Life [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2016), pp. 25-42. [Online ISSN 2247-2371] [jhss.ro/downloads/14/articles/2 Neyshaburi.pdf]}, journal = {Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2016), pp. 25-42. [Online ISSN 2247-2371] [jhss.ro/downloads/14/articles/2 Neyshaburi.pdf]}, abstract = {Madness is a crucial theme in the Beasts' literature and life. This article distinguishes between individual and social madness and shows their influence on the Beats, using the ideas of Erich Fromm, Michel Foucault and many others and also using the Beats' own works and ideas. The focus is of course more on Burroughs, Ginsberg, and Kerouac. The Beats did not adjust themselves to society because they believed that American society was so irrational and mad that it brutally suppressed their individuality, repressed their natural desires, and forced them to consider themselves mad just because of lack of adjustment. As opposed to those who regard lack of adjustment as the cause of individual madness, there are others who enunciate that the individual is not to blame but society which is inattentive to individuals' potentialities and does not adjust itself to their needs and aspirations.}, language = {en} } @article{NiEigeartaigh, author = {Ni {\´E}igeartaigh, Aoileann}, title = {>How Can One Take Delight in the World Unless One Flees to It for Refuge?<: The Fear of Freedom in Erich Fromm and Franz Kafka}, series = {The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2019), pp. 15-31. [Online ISSN 2544-8242] [doi.org/10.19205/53.19.1]}, journal = {The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2019), pp. 15-31. [Online ISSN 2544-8242] [doi.org/10.19205/53.19.1]}, abstract = {Erich Fromm points to a tendency whereby the numerous freedoms gained by the citizens of modern democracies have been accompanied by widespread feelings of loneliness and disconnection. The loosening of traditional social structures leads some individuals to seek out restrictions, for example in order to counteract the feelings of being alone. This essay uses Fromm's thesis as a lens through which to examine two of Franz Kafka's novels in which the protagonists exemplify the >fear of freedom< proposed by Fromm. Society in these novels is perceived as a prison cell in which one must comply with social regulations, but also a fortress to which one can retreat from the chaos of the outside world, albeit at the cost of one's psychological health.}, language = {en} } @article{Niel, author = {Niel, Mathilde}, title = {El fen{\´o}meno de la tecnolog{\´i}a: ?'liberaci{\´o}n o alienaci{\´o}n del hombre?}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 362-375.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 362-375.}, language = {es} } @article{Niel, author = {Niel, Mathilde}, title = {Il fenomeno della tecnologia: liberazione o alienazione dell'uomo?}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 373-385.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 373-385.}, language = {it} } @article{Niel, author = {Niel, Mathilde}, title = {O Fen{\^o}meno da Tecnologia: Liberta{\c{c}}{\~a}o ou Aliena{\c{c}}{\~a}o do Homem?}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 347-361.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 347-361.}, language = {pt} } @article{Niel, author = {Niel, Mathilde}, title = {The Phenomenon of Technology: Liberation or Alienation of Man? (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 106-119.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 2, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 106-119.}, language = {ja} } @article{Kyosuke, author = {Kyosuke, Nukaga}, title = {超自我支配による疎外現象 - フロム自我理論における疎外論 [Alienation Phenomenon Generated by Super-ego - Alienation Theory on Fromm's Ego Theory]}, series = {現代社会学理論研究 [The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory], Vol. 10 (2016), pp. 115-127. [doi.org/10.34327/sstj.10.0_115]}, journal = {現代社会学理論研究 [The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory], Vol. 10 (2016), pp. 115-127. [doi.org/10.34327/sstj.10.0_115]}, abstract = {エーリッヒ・フロムは、フランクフルト社会研究所在籍時に、権威主義に対する批判的考察を行っている。この考察は、フロム独自の自我理論と疎外- 物象化論として把握可能である。この権威主義研究の際、フロムはフロイト自我理論への批判を、フロイトの概念である超自我、自我、エスという自我三層構造論を踏襲しながら行っている。自我が弱い時、彼は、「内部世界と外部世界」を生活充足の対象とする人格的課題を、超自我が担うことを認めている。しかしこの時、超自我が精神を支配し、この過程内で抑圧という心的機制が生じる。この抑圧によって自己は消耗し、自我の能動的行為編成機能と現実検証機能が低下するのである。そして、この超自我は権威との相互的な再帰的構造化過程を形成する。超自我は、自己の精神的エネルギーを権威対象へ投影する。さらに投影、備給された精神的エネルギーが、権威の命令を内化することによって、超自我に回帰していく。この諸過程によって、権威への合理的批判は抑制され、自我機能の低下が起こる。さらに、これは社会的相互作用として成立しているため、社会文化領域での物象化が生じるのである。最終的に、この超自我による物象化- 疎外現象は、次の四つの具体的事象へと帰結する。それは①精神的なエネルギーの譲渡=疎外、②自己関係の疎外、③自己による自己産出過程の物象化された超自我と権威への譲渡=疎外、④自己関係内部にある、権威対象以外の他者からの疎外である。}, language = {ja} } @article{Obiedzińska, author = {Obiedzińska, Ewa}, title = {Koncepcja Ericha Fromma jako wz{\´o}r prawnej ochrony wolności [The Ideas of Erich Fromm as a Formula of Legal Protection of Liberty]}, series = {Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Vol. XV, No. 2 (2016), pp. 357-390. [ISSN 1644-0242]}, journal = {Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Vol. XV, No. 2 (2016), pp. 357-390. [ISSN 1644-0242]}, abstract = {Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problematyki wolności pojawiającej się w myśli Ericha Fromma poprzez odniesienie jej do wsp{\´o}łczesnego kształtowania prawa i pozycji jednostki w systemie demokratycznym. Za podstawę rozważań przyjęto tezę badacza wskazującą, że lęk człowieka przed wolnością i indywidualizmem stał się gł{\´o}wną przyczyną rozwoju dwudziestowiecznych totalitaryzm{\´o}w. Zdaniem autorki, diagnoza Fromma oraz wydobyte przez niego zagrożenia autonomii, mogą stanowić wz{\´o}r ochrony wolności r{\´o}wnież we wsp{\´o}łczesnym systemie prawnym. Artykuł zawiera analizę mechanizm{\´o}w i rozwiązań prawnych, dzięki kt{\´o}rym możliwe jest wzmacnianie indywidualnej sprawczości i pozycji jednostki w demokracji. Akcentuje r{\´o}wnież niebezpieczeństwa, jakie dla wolności niesie wsp{\´o}łczesne myślenie o prawie, takie jak nadmierna jurydyzacja życia. Istotną częścią artykułu jest zbadanie poruszanych problem{\´o}w z perspektywy regulacji zastosowanych w polskim systemie prawnym, a także zwr{\´o}cenie uwagi na nowe ponadpaństwowe zjawiska i ruchy takie jak Liquid Democracy i Partie Pirat{\´o}w.}, language = {pl} } @article{ObiolsSuari, author = {Obiols-Suari, N{\´u}ria}, title = {Erich Fromm y la relaci{\´o}n educative [Erich Fromm and the educational relationship]}, series = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, journal = {Teoria De La Educacion. Revista Interuniversitaria, Vol. 33 (2020), pp. 51-69. [Online ISSN 2386-5660] [doi.org/10.14201/teri.23415]}, abstract = {En este art{\´i}culo consideraremos el v{\´i}nculo entre la obra de Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) y la relaci{\´o}n educativa. Fromm aport{\´o} una perspectiva humanista fundamental al pensamiento contempor{\´a}neo y su obra se caracteriz{\´o} por hilvanar variadas influencias culturales, tales como el Antiguo Testamento, el Budismo, el Marxismo, la Sociolog{\´i}a y, desde luego, el Psicoan{\´a}lisis. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es el de comprender mejor esta relaci{\´o}n, considerando sus caracter{\´i}sticas principales. La obra de este emblem{\´a}tico autor invita a reflexionar sobre aspectos diversos relacionados con la educaci{\´o}n que van desde su concepto, sus finalidades, as{\´i} como diferentes caracter{\´i}sticas de una buena relaci{\´o}n educativa, tem{\´a}tica que abordaremos en este art{\´i}culo. Fromm aporta una perspectiva singular y sumamente interesante que abre espacios de reflexi{\´o}n a partir de variados aspectos sobre la existencia humana en sus textos. En este estudio hemos analizado doce de sus obras que van desde >El miedo a la libertad< (1941), >El arte de amar< (1956) o >El arte de escuchar< (1995). Este an{\´a}lisis ha permitido seleccionar aquellos contenidos vinculados a la relaci{\´o}n educativa. As{\´i} consideraremos lo que Fromm entiende por educaci{\´o}n, para posteriormente concretar cu{\´a}les ser{\´i}an las cuestiones m{\´a}s esenciales en una {\´o}ptima relaci{\´o}n educativa y qu{\´e} la debe caracterizar.}, language = {es} } @article{NurtjahjoParnaningroem, author = {Nurtjahjo, Stephany Sekar Maharani and Parnaningroem, Dyah Woroharsi}, title = {Perilaku Sadisme Tokoh Utama dalam Kumpulan Dongeng >Der Struwwelpeter< karya Heinrich Hoffmann (2021) [The Sadistic Behavior of the Main Character in the Collection of Fairy Tales >Der Struwwelpeter< by Heinrich Hoffmann]}, series = {Identitaet, Vol. 10, No 2 (2021): pp. 329-340. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/identitaet/article/view/42239]}, journal = {Identitaet, Vol. 10, No 2 (2021): pp. 329-340. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/identitaet/article/view/42239]}, abstract = {Penelitian ini meneliti perilaku sadisme tokoh utama dalam kumpulan dongeng >Der Struwwelpeter< karya Heinrich Hoffmann. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan perilaku sadisme tokoh utama dan (2) mendeskripsikan penyebab terjadinya perilaku sadisme yang dilakukan tokoh utama pada dongeng karya Heinrich Hoffman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah dongeng >Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug<, >Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher< dan >Die Geschichte vom b{\"o}sen Friederich< dalam kumpulan dongeng >Der Struwwelpeter< karya Heinrich Hoffmann. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sadisme Erich Fromm (2000) untuk menemukan perilaku sadisme tokoh utama serta menggunakan teori agresi Sears (1994) dan Myers (2012) untuk menganalisis alasan tokoh utama melakukan perilaku sadisme dalam dongeng. Hasil penelitian menemukan enam data yang menunjukkan jenis perilaku sadisme dan tujuh data penyebab perilaku sadisme. Ditemukan masing-masing dua data yang membuktikan perilaku sadisme tokoh utama dari setiap dongeng. Lalu terdapat empat data penyebab perilaku sadisme dari dongeng >Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug<, pada dongeng >Die Geschichte vom DaumenlutscheDie Geschichte vom b{\"o}sen Friederich<. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) perilaku sadisme dalam ketiga dongeng Heinrich Hoffmann tersebut adalah perilaku sadisme non-seksual (fisik). Dalam ketiga dongeng tersebut tidak ditemukan jenis sadisme seksual maupun sadisme mental. (2) Lebih lanjut, penyebab tokoh utama dalam dongeng >Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug< melakukan perilaku sadisme adalah dari mengamati dan meniru kegiatan orang lain sedangkan dalam dongeng >Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher< dan >Die Geschichte vom b{\"o}sen Friederich< adalah karena faktor biologis tokoh tersebut. Adapun dua kesamaan dalam ketiga dongeng tersebut, yakni semua perilaku yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama adalah sadisme non-seksual (fisik) serta jenis agresi yang dilakukan adalah insturmental aggression.}, language = {mul} } @article{O'Connor, author = {O'Connor, John Henry}, title = {Erich Fromm: The Aloneness of Man}, series = {Dominicana - A Quarterly to popular theology (Washington D.C.), No. 1 (1965), pp. 59-65. [dominicanajournal.org/wp-content/files/old-journal-archive/vol50/no1/dominicanav50n1erichfrommalonenessman.pdf]}, journal = {Dominicana - A Quarterly to popular theology (Washington D.C.), No. 1 (1965), pp. 59-65. [dominicanajournal.org/wp-content/files/old-journal-archive/vol50/no1/dominicanav50n1erichfrommalonenessman.pdf]}, abstract = {Undoubtedly Erich Fromm offers a valuable insight into the nature of man. Unquestionably, man can give meaning to his existence by perfecting himself, by developing his potentialities to the utmost. However, for the Christian, the psychologist's solution is incomplete. Such an approach to the nature of man fails to take into account the Christian truths of original sin and grace. Of course man's life is to be productive. Yet, it is not man who gives the ultimate meaning to his life. Man does not achieve the realization of his potentialities unaided. Man is not reduced to the help- less position of aloneness in Christian thought. God, through Christ, is pointing out the true meaning of human existence to eve1y man who seeks it from Him. Again, through Christ the Father offers the strength necessary to overcome the problems and dangers encountered in the human situation. There is a transcending power who cares about man and leads him to his ultimate destiny. Man is for this personal God. He is not for himself. Yes, man is to be productive; he is to strive for perfection, the full development of all his potentialities; not for himself, but for God. >Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or do anything else, do all for the glory of God.< ( I Cor. 10:31)}, language = {en} } @article{Nuurrochman, author = {Nuurrochman, Ahmad Ghaniy}, title = {God's Love in Emily Dickinson's >God Gave a Loaf to Every Bird<, Thesis (unspecified), English Language and Literature, English Department, Faculty of Humanity, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Java, Indonesia 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {This study examines Emily Dickinson's >God Gave a Loaf to Every Bird<, which talks about love, life, and happiness. The purpose of this study is to find out God's love in the poem. The method used in this paper is the intrinsic and extrinsic approach. The intrinsic elements, such as diction and imagery, are used to get the deeper meaning of the poem. The second one is describe the mutual love between the speaker and God through the extrinsic elements, focuses on the speaker's perspective, maturity and life experience based on the theory of love by Erich Fromm concerning on Love of God aspects. The result shows that the speaker of the poem expresses her feelings while giving the other creature a pleasure, besides the speaker of the poem is categorized as a religious person who always grateful for what she owned.}, language = {en} } @article{Rotkiewicz, author = {Rotkiewicz, Halina}, title = {O zniewoleniu technologicznym człowieka i nadziei wiązanej z wychowaniem: poglądy Herberta Marcusego i Ericha Fromma [On the Technological Enslavement of Man and the Hope Associated with Upbringing: the Views of Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm]}, series = {Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe, Vol. 11 (1995), pp. 147-160.}, journal = {Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe, Vol. 11 (1995), pp. 147-160.}, abstract = {The article attempts to show relations between technology, economy, social life and education. In the first part author shows H. Marcuse's conception of dependencies between technology, consumption, human needs and social consciousness. In the second part shows E. Fromm's point of view on two ontological categories >to be< and >to have<. Special attention is paid to the possibility of using Marcuse's and Fromm's theories to analyze situation of man, his social consciousness and in this context - the role of the education in contemporary world.}, language = {pl} } @article{Rubanik, author = {Rubanik, S. A.}, title = {Erich Fromm on the development of Law and state in the modern globalizing world}, series = {Политика и Общество [Politics and Society], Vol. 89, No. 6 (2013), pp. 734-738. [ISSN: 2454-0684]}, journal = {Политика и Общество [Politics and Society], Vol. 89, No. 6 (2013), pp. 734-738. [ISSN: 2454-0684]}, abstract = {В статье рассматриваются истоки, предпосылки и содержание политико-правовых представлений Эриха Фромма. Раскрывается понимание Э.Фроммом эволюции правосоциального характера личности, высшей ступенью в которой мыслитель считает революционный, отмечая, что революционер - это не бунтарь, вечно недовольный властью, а личность, которая стремится на основании радикально-гуманистических правовых идей переустроить общество.}, language = {ru} } @article{Rubel, author = {Rubel, Maximilien}, title = {Reflexiones sobre utop{\´i}a y revoluci{\´o}n}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 232-240.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 232-240.}, language = {es} } @article{Rubel, author = {Rubel, Maximilien}, title = {Reflex{\~o}es sobre a Utopia e a Revolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 216-225.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo Socialista, traducao de Artur Morao, Lusa (biblioteca 70) 1976, pp. 216-225.}, language = {pt} } @article{Rubel, author = {Rubel, Bertrand}, title = {Tanker om Utopia og Revolusjonen}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 75-82.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.),Demokratisk Socialisme. Et internasjonalt symposium, Oslo (Dreyers Forlag) 1975, pp. 75-82.}, language = {mul} } @article{Rubel, author = {Rubel, Maximilien}, title = {Riflessioni sull'utopia e sulla rivoluzione}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 237-245.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 237-245.}, language = {it} } @article{Rubel, author = {Rubel, Maximilien}, title = {Reflections on Utopia and Revolution (Japanese)}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 248-257.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Shakaishugi humanizumu, vol. 1, Tokyo (Kinokuniyashoten) 1967, pp. 248-257.}, language = {ja} } @article{Rothe, author = {Rothe, Katharina}, title = {Reproduction and resistance: psychoanalysis in the midst of the political economy}, series = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 138-161.}, journal = {R. Frie and P. Sauvayre (Eds., Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. Breaking Boundaries, London and New York (Routledge) 2022, pp. 138-161.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ross, author = {Ross, Anthony}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil (1964a, English)}, series = {New Blackfriars, Vol. 46, No. 541 (Jul 1965), pp. 602-603.}, journal = {New Blackfriars, Vol. 46, No. 541 (Jul 1965), pp. 602-603.}, language = {en} } @article{RuizDuran, author = {Ruiz Dur{\´a}n, Francisco Ruiz}, title = {La manipulaci{\´o}n pol{\´i}tica de la Internacional Comunista [The Political Manipulation of the International Communist Movement]}, series = {Pol{\´i}tica y Estrategia, Vol. 0, No. 118 (2017), pp. 41-65. [Online ISSN 0719-8027] [semanticscholar.org/reader/ef151f7ef99b602d2d246b6917478ec01abd46fa]}, journal = {Pol{\´i}tica y Estrategia, Vol. 0, No. 118 (2017), pp. 41-65. [Online ISSN 0719-8027] [semanticscholar.org/reader/ef151f7ef99b602d2d246b6917478ec01abd46fa]}, abstract = {En este art{\´i}culo, desarrollado a partir de la tesis doctoral titulada El humanismo socialista de Erich Fromm. >Cuius regio eius religio<, que defender{\´e} pr{\´o}ximamente en la Universidad de Extremadura, mostraremos c{\´o}mo Willi M{\"u}nzenberg, principal organizador de la propaganda de la Komintern, orient{\´o} sutilmente a los intelectuales - hasta un nivel desconocido hasta entonces - hacia la esfera comunista. El deseo de una utop{\´i}a que superase los viejos valores fue el arma que le dar{\´i}a su control. La solidaridad, los deseos de paz y la oposici{\´o}n franca a la guerra y al fascismo fueron utilizados para que seguidores y colaboradores trabajasen en aras de los intereses de la Uni{\´o}n Sovi{\´e}tica.}, language = {en} } @article{Russell, author = {Russell, Bertrand}, title = {Elogio della pigrizia}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 275-291.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), L'Umanesimo socialista, a cura di Erich Fromm, Bari (Daedalo Libri) 1971, pp. 275-291.}, language = {it} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {The Social Determinants of Psychoanalytic Therapy: Fromm's Anti-Authoritarian >Calling Card<}, series = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Routledge, Vol. 44 (No. 1, 2024), pp. 009-014.}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Routledge, Vol. 44 (No. 1, 2024), pp. 009-014.}, abstract = {This article examines Fromm's 1935 paper, >The Social Determinants of Psychoanalytic Therapy,< situating it in the context of Fromm's life and setting forth its contrast between Freud's >authoritarian, patricentric attitude< and the >humane, philanthropic attitude< of Ferenczi, who was deeply influenced by Groddeck. Despite critiquing Fromm's tendency to give insufficient attention to the >the individual fate of the person,< such as would be necessary to explain the differences between Freud and Ferenczi, in expounding his concept of the >social character,< the present paper argues that Fromm's >calling card,< published while Freud was still alive, is >one of the greatest papers in the psychoanalytic literature.<}, language = {en} } @article{Russell, author = {Russell, Bertrand}, title = {Elogio de la ociosidad}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 269-283.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Humanismo socialista, Buenos Aires (Editorial Paid{\´o}s) 1968, pp. 269-283.}, language = {es} } @article{Rusdi, author = {Rusdi, Putra}, title = {Analysis of Motherly Love in Edgar Allan Poe's >To My Mother< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Lantern - Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature (Diponegoro University), Vol. 6, No. 3 (2017).}, journal = {Lantern - Journal on English Language, Culture and Literature (Diponegoro University), Vol. 6, No. 3 (2017).}, abstract = {Project analisis >Motherly Love in Edgar Allan Poe's 'To My Mother'< mengkaji unsur intrinsik dan konsep motherly love dalam puisi >To My Mother< karya Edgar Allan Poe. Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka sebagai metode pengumpulan data dan informasi tentang objek penelitian melalui buku dan internet. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra dengan teori cinta karya Erich Fromm untuk mengetahui cinta yang diberikan ibu kepada anak. Dari hasil analisis, penulis menemukan konsep cinta yang diberikan seorang ibu kepada anaknya,dalam puisi tersebut tidak semua anak mendapat kasih sayang seorang ibu dari ibu kandungnya, namun ada orang lain yang mampu menggantikan peran ibu dan memberikan kasih sayang kepada seorang anak meskipun anak itu bukan merupakan anak kandungnya. Konsep cinta yang penulis temukan tersebut sesuai dengan konsep motherly love, teori cinta Erich Fromm.}, language = {en} } @article{Runge, author = {Runge, Richard Friedrich}, title = {Die innere Dynamik von selbst- und umweltbezogenen Tugenden im tugendhaften Akteur. Systematische {\"U}berlegungen im Ausgang von Erich Fromm}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Ethik und Moralphilosophie, No. 5 (2022), pp. 37-59. [Online ISSN 2522-0071] [link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Ethik und Moralphilosophie, No. 5 (2022), pp. 37-59. [Online ISSN 2522-0071] [link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, abstract = {Die eudaimonistische Tugendethik sieht sich, was ihre innere Struktur anbelangt, standardm{\"a}ßig mit den Vorw{\"u}rfen des Egoismus und Anthropozentrismus konfrontiert, was auch das Projekt einer {\"o}kologischen Tugendethik zu gef{\"a}hrden scheint. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, ausgehend von der Tugendethik Erich Fromms, eine neue Perspektive auf diese Standardvorw{\"u}rfe zu entwickeln, indem er den theoretischen Implikationen nachgeht, die die Anerkennung der Biophilie - der Liebe zum Leben - als eine der Tugenden des Menschen f{\"u}r den Frommschen Ansatz hat. Die zun{\"a}chst noch exegetisch ausgerichtete Diskussion der werkinternen Relation von humanistischer und biophiler Ethik bei Erich Fromm leitet schließlich zu einer st{\"a}rker systematisch ausgerichteten Diskussion der inneren Dynamik von selbst- und umweltbezogenen Tugenden im tugendhaften Akteur {\"u}ber. In diesem Zuge wird deutlich gemacht, dass das selbstbezogene Streben nach eigener Eudaimonie und das umweltbezogene Streben nach der F{\"o}rderung des Objekts der eigenen Liebe zwar durchaus miteinander in einen Konflikt geraten k{\"o}nnen, dass dieser Konflikt aber nicht zur Selbstausl{\"o}schung der Tugendethik f{\"u}hrt, sondern stattdessen im tugendhaften Akteur eine produktive Dynamik entfaltet. Die klassische Gegen{\"u}ber- stellung von Anthropozentrismus und Biozentrismus innerhalb der Ethik l{\"a}sst sich auf diese Weise unterlaufen.}, language = {de} } @article{Rubin, author = {Rubin, Jeffrey B.}, title = {Each Individual is a Surprise: A Conversation with Marianne Horney Eckardt}, series = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2014), pp. 115-122. [Online ISSN 1573-6741] [doi.org/10.1057/ajp.2014.3]}, journal = {American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2014), pp. 115-122. [Online ISSN 1573-6741] [doi.org/10.1057/ajp.2014.3]}, abstract = {>Each Individual is a Surprise< is a brief account of a dialogue between Marianne Horney Eckardt and myself about the state of psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic process, the danger of idolatry, the damaging impact of psychoanalytic schools when they create a standardized and pathologizing approach to people, the value of curiosity and humility and retaining one's clinical creativity. The role of Rank, Horney, Sullivan, and Fromm in Dr. Eckardt's long life and rich work is touched upon.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ruiz, author = {Ruiz, Ram{\´o}n Eduardo}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Psicoanalisis de la sociedad contemporanea, hacia una sociedad sana}, series = {B.B.A.A. Bolet{\´i}n Bibliogr{\´a}fico de Antropolog{\´i}a Americana, Vol. 19/20, No. 2 (1956-1957), pp. 20-21.}, journal = {B.B.A.A. Bolet{\´i}n Bibliogr{\´a}fico de Antropolog{\´i}a Americana, Vol. 19/20, No. 2 (1956-1957), pp. 20-21.}, language = {es} } @article{Saalfrank, author = {Saalfrank, Wolf-Thorsten}, title = {Bildung als Wohnkunst: Bildung als Orientierungspunkt in einer sich entgrenzenden Gesellschaft}, series = {Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst soFid, Bildungsforschung, No. 2 (2009), pp. 9-25.}, journal = {Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst soFid, Bildungsforschung, No. 2 (2009), pp. 9-25.}, language = {de} }