@article{Conci, author = {Conci, Marco}, title = {Harry Stack Sullivan and Stephen Mitchell in Italy - A historical and a personal account (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2252215)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 180-191.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 180-191.}, abstract = {Having introduced readers to the history of the reception of psychoanalysis in Italy, the author reconstructs the history of the Italian reception of the work of Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949) and Stephen A. Mitchell (1946-2000). Sullivan's work played a fundamental role in adding to the >new Italian psychiatry,< founded by Franco Basaglia (1824-1980), the psychodynamic dimension it lacked, creating a new convergence between the social and psychological dimensions of psychiatry. Mitchell's work played a fundamental role in the development of the Italian tradition of psychoanalytic psychotherapy originally articulated by Gaetano Benedetti (1920-2013) and Pier Francesco Galli, following their reception of Sullivan's work. This phenomenon coincided, from an institutional point of view, with the emergence of a network of Italian institutes and societies affiliated to the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies, which had been originally cofounded by the William Alanson White Institute - the institute founded by Sullivan in 1943, where Mitchell himself trained as a psychoanalyst at the end of the 1970s. Interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis also ended up finding a place in the work of several colleagues of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, as well as allowing the foundation of several institutes and societies affiliated to the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. The author reconstructs this chapter of Italian psychoanalysis from both a historiographical and a personal point of view.}, language = {en} } @article{Corsa, author = {Corsa, Rita}, title = {The divining rod: Pioneering explorations of the psychoanalytic field (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2214346)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 135-144.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 135-144.}, abstract = {At the turn of the twentieth century, curiosity about paranormal events, in particular clairvoyance and telepathy through the state of hypnotic trance, spread widely throughout the Old World and the United States. The investigative interest in this field infected many psychoanalysts, including Freud. This paper intends to examine the pioneering articles which the creators of the psychoanalytical movement in Italy dedicated to this topic. A special place though rightly belongs to Emilio Servadio and to the founding father of Italian psychoanalysis, Edoardo Weiss. Weiss' experiences within the paranormal world are documented in a series of letters, some completely unpublished, which he exchanged with Paul Federn. The A. evaluates this correspondence, with the aim of transposing the discourse onto a theoretical level. Weiss' interpretations of his mediumistic experiences and Servadio's writings on telepathy and on paranormal dreams contains incredibly suggestive observations, which seemed to herald an expansion into the analytic field of the area of ⁣⁣exchange between analyst and patient. They sensed some axioms which would only much later be theorised within the inter-subjective psychoanalysis and the field model.}, language = {en} } @misc{ConciCassullo, author = {Conci, Marco and Cassullo, Gabriele}, title = {Editorial: War, death, safety, and love in life and psychoanalysis (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2238526)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 067-069.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 067-069.}, language = {en} } @misc{ConciCassullo, author = {Conci, Marco and Cassullo, Gabriele}, title = {Editorial: From psychoanalytic ego psychology to relational psychoanalysis, a historical and clinical perspective}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 001-003.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 001-003.}, language = {en} } @misc{Copray, author = {Copray, Norbert}, title = {Review Funk, R., Die Bedeutung von Fromm f{\"u}r die Gegenwart. Produktive Liebe f{\"u}rs Leben}, series = {Publik-Forum, Frankfurt No. 9 (12. 5. 2023), p. 56.}, journal = {Publik-Forum, Frankfurt No. 9 (12. 5. 2023), p. 56.}, language = {de} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Stowo wstepne redaktora}, series = {E. Fromm, Zycie miedzy Miec i Byc. Erich Fromma mysli zasadnicze, Krakow (vis-{\`a}-vis Etiuda) 2023, pp. 5-11.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Zycie miedzy Miec i Byc. Erich Fromma mysli zasadnicze, Krakow (vis-{\`a}-vis Etiuda) 2023, pp. 5-11.}, language = {pl} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Nachhaltigkeit und selbstbestimmter Lebensstil - Sozialcharakterologische Erkenntnisse nach Erich Fromm}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 176-192.}, volume = {d27/2023m}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 176-192.}, language = {de} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Wprowadzenie edytorskie}, series = {E. Fromm, Czy nadal kochamy życie?, ed. by Rainer Funk, Polish by Stefan Baranowski and Marian Leon Kalinowski, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2022, pp. 5-19.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Czy nadal kochamy życie?, ed. by Rainer Funk, Polish by Stefan Baranowski and Marian Leon Kalinowski, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2022, pp. 5-19.}, language = {pl} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Was geschah im Heidelberger Therapeutikum? Erkenntnisse aus dem Briefwechsel von Lea Langer und Hans Grundig}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 226-244.}, volume = {d27/2023p}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 226-244.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Productivity in face of a >pathology of normalcy<. Erich Fromm's contribution to Critical Psychology [cf. Funk_R_2022i]}, series = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 31-38.}, journal = {Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, Vol. 16 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 31-38.}, abstract = {This article, based on the author's keynote speech at the first International Conference on Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Innsbruck, draws on radical humanist theorizing on human productivity and the >pathology of normalcy< in demon-strating the importance of the contribution of Erich Fromm as a basis for Critical Psychology . The sociologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm (1900-1980) developed a social psychological method, the special significance of which is that it explicitly captures unconscious motivations and impulses. This makes it possible to identify strivings and behaviors, as well as common values and thought patterns, which, from a humanistic perspective, represent socially patterned mental >defects<. Based on Fromm's concept of social character, what is perceived as >normal< and >reasonable< in a given society can be exposed as a potential >pathology of normalcy<. After briefly outlining major con-cerns of the project of Critical Psychology, Erich Fromm's social-psychoanalytical approach is in-troduced. The following sections are dedicated to the significance of character formation for ex-plaining social behavior, social repression and socially patterned defects. Next, some indications will be given regarding the meaning of human productivity according to Erich Fromm. Subsequently, the pathogenic impacts of social character orientations will be illustrated based on the exemplary types of the authoritarian and the contemporary marketing social character. The article concludes with a short summary of Erich Fromm's contribution to Critical Psychology.}, language = {en} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Erich Fromm: Eine Soziale Objektbeziehungstheorie}, series = {Th. Abel (Hg.), Handbuch der Objektbeziehungspsychologie, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), pp.}, journal = {Th. Abel (Hg.), Handbuch der Objektbeziehungspsychologie, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), pp.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Human Relationships and Mental Health. Insights and Findings from Erich Fromm's time in Mexico}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 141-150.}, volume = {e27/2023g}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 141-150.}, language = {en} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Erich Fromm y la tradici{\´o}n intersubjetiva [cf. Funk_R_2011q]}, series = {Sanchez, l., and Giraldo, D., Ensayos sobre la teoria critica de la sociedad. A 100 aiios del lnstituto del lnstituto de lnvestigacion Social de Frankfurt, Medillin (Universidad Libre) 2023, pp. 225-234.}, journal = {Sanchez, l., and Giraldo, D., Ensayos sobre la teoria critica de la sociedad. A 100 aiios del lnstituto del lnstituto de lnvestigacion Social de Frankfurt, Medillin (Universidad Libre) 2023, pp. 225-234.}, language = {es} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {The Human and His Potential for Development in the Economy. Lecture presented at the >Agora Leadership Talk< at Ascona on September 23, 2023.}, language = {en} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Der Mensch und sein Entwicklungspotenzial in der Wirtschaft}, series = {Penso, Luzern (VPS Verlag Personalvorsorge und Sozialversicherung) 2023 (No. 8, November 2023), pp. 40-42.}, journal = {Penso, Luzern (VPS Verlag Personalvorsorge und Sozialversicherung) 2023 (No. 8, November 2023), pp. 40-42.}, language = {de} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Życie samo w sobie jest sztuką. Wprowadzenie w życiei dzieło Ericha Fromma, Polish by Edyta Kiresztura-Wojciechowska, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2023, 232 pp.}, language = {pl} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {L'essere umano e il suo potenziale di sviluppo nell'economia. Lecture presented at the >Agora Leadership Talk< at Ascona on September 23, 2023.}, language = {it} } @misc{FunkJankovsky, author = {Funk, Rainer and Jankovsky, Peter}, title = {Wie bleiben wir authentisch?}, series = {Tessiner Zeitung, Locarno 15. September 2023, p. 2.}, journal = {Tessiner Zeitung, Locarno 15. September 2023, p. 2.}, language = {de} } @misc{FunkSporrer, author = {Funk, Rainer and Sporrer, Lisa Maria}, title = {Was ist los mit der Gesellschaft? Lisa Maria Sporrer interview Rainer Funk}, series = {Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt, T{\"u}bingen 9. 5. 2023.}, journal = {Schw{\"a}bisches Tagblatt, T{\"u}bingen 9. 5. 2023.}, language = {de} } @misc{FunkSpignesi, author = {Funk, Rainer and Spignesi, Mauro}, title = {>Io in Ticino con il mio maestro Erich Fromm<}, series = {Corriere del Ticino, Bellinzona, Domenica 24 Septembre 2023, p. 32.}, journal = {Corriere del Ticino, Bellinzona, Domenica 24 Septembre 2023, p. 32.}, language = {it} } @misc{FunkLechhab, author = {Funk, Rainer and Lechhab, Hamid}, title = {The Significance of Erich Fromm for the Present. Rainer Funk in Conversation with Hamid Lechhab, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Verlag) 2023, 108 pp.}, language = {en} } @misc{FunkLechhab, author = {Funk, Rainer and Lechhab, Hamid}, title = {Die Bedeutung von Erich Fromm f{\"u}r die Gegenwart. Rainer Funk im Gespr{\"a}ch mit Hamid Lechhab, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Verlag) 2023, 108 pp.}, language = {de} } @misc{FunkLechhab, author = {Funk, Rainer and Lechhab, Hamid}, title = {El significado de Erich Fromm para el presente. Rainer Funk conversaci{\´o}n von Hamid Lechhab, Mexico City (DEMAC Publisher) 2023, 137 pp.}, language = {es} } @article{Gao, author = {Gao, Yue}, title = {Alienation and Reconstruction of Freedom - On Fromm's Theory of Freedom [自由的异化与重塑——弗洛姆的自由理论探析]}, series = {Jingchu Academic Journal, No. 1 (2023), pp. 11-15, 41.}, journal = {Jingchu Academic Journal, No. 1 (2023), pp. 11-15, 41.}, abstract = {埃里希·弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)思想的鲜明特点是对马克思主义与弗洛伊德主义的糅合与发展。自由理论是弗洛姆研究社会因素与心理因素相互作用的成果。弗洛姆敏锐地看到了资本主义社会中人的处境的悖论性,人们在获得自由的同时也日益孤独,由此导致了"逃避自由"与法西斯主义的产生。为了改变自由被异化的现实,弗洛姆倡导"积极自由",呼唤全方位的社会变革。他的自由观的最大启示就是要充分发挥主体性中的生成性、自发性和生产性。}, language = {zh} } @book{Gierschner, author = {Gierschner, Uli}, title = {Ein Jenseits der Verblendung? Eine Geschichte des Wahnsinns der Normalit{\"a}t; unpublished ms 2023, 1089 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Byrd, author = {Byrd, Dustin J.}, title = {The Dark Charisma of Donald Trump. Political Psychology and the MAGA Movement, Kalamazoo, Michigan (Ekpyrosis Press), 2023, 490 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Brueck, author = {Br{\"u}ck, Michael von}, title = {Wagnis und Verzicht - vom Haben zum Sein. Zur Praxis einer ethischen Mystik}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 008-024.}, volume = {d27/2023a}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 008-024.}, language = {de} } @article{Artantietal, author = {Artanti, Yeni and et al.,}, title = {Berharap pada gen-z melalui film komedi >Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s< karya Nicolas Cuche: Naratif pedagogi Hope for Gen-z through the Comedy Film >Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s< by Nicolas Cuche: Pedagogical Narrative [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Litera (Yogyakarta), Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-12. . [Online ISSN 2460-8319] [doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v22i1.58521]}, journal = {Litera (Yogyakarta), Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-12. . [Online ISSN 2460-8319] [doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v22i1.58521]}, abstract = {Film adalah karya seni yang memiliki peran mendidik, selain juga memberikan hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai film komedi keluarga yang ditayangkan melalui Netflix, Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (2021) karya Nicolas Cuche melalui paradigma berpikir pedagogi kritis Henry Giroux dan psikologi sosial Erich Fromm. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah interpretatif reflektif. Data visual dan lisan dalam bentuk gambar, percakapan, dan tulisan dalam film Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (Cuche, 2021) yang produksi oleh Borsalino Productions\&partners secara tematik diidentifikasi dan diklasifikasikan untuk mendapatkan pesan dan kebermaknannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harapan terhadap generasi-z ditampilkan melalui konflik dalam keluarga Francis Bartek, seorang ayah tunggal yang kaya raya, salah satu pengusaha terbaik di bidang konstruksi di Monako yang mencoba mendidik anak-anaknya, yaitu Philippe Bartek, Stella Bartek, dan Alexandre Bartek untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap hidup mereka sendiri dengan bekerja. Harapan Francis Bartek agar anak-anaknya memahami konsep perencanaan, seperti menabung, penganggaran, investasi, dan mengelola keuangan, termasuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat dalam hidup mereka. Konsep dan keterampilan literasi keuangan disajikan melalui adegan dan dialog yang lucu dan akrab saat Stella, Philippe, dan Alexandre Bartek berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dengan bekerja atau berbisnis mulai dari nol. Harapan yang disertai tindakan aktif Francis Bartek terhadap anak-anaknya memunculkan keyakinan, ketabahan, dan kebangkitan dalam memaknai kehidupan mereka sendiri. Dengan berharap seseorang menjadi gigih, mampu kerja keras, bertanggung jawab dengan penuh kesadaran. Jadi, naratif pedagogi Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (Cuche, 2021) menunjukkan bahwa harapan merupakan aspek psikis manusia untuk terus tumbuh dan mengada.}, language = {mul} } @article{BlumBlum, author = {Blum, Harold P. and Blum, Elsa J.}, title = {Evolution of Freudian psychoanalytic thought in the twentieth-century USA: The influence of the European {\´e}migr{\´e}s (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2021.1984576)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 087-092.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 087-092.}, abstract = {This paper briefly reviews major theoretical and clinical changes in American psychoanalysis since its beginning in the early twentieth century. The immigration of European analysts in the 1930s and 40s was of major significance. Infant development research promoted a shift towards the importance of object relations, reducing the importance of the Oedipus complex. The increasing focus on narcissism and borderline personalities is discussed, as well as the applications to dynamic psychotherapy. Dogma dissipated with increasing latitude in theory and clinical work within >classical< psychoanalysis.}, language = {en} } @article{Bluehdorn, author = {Bl{\"u}hdorn, Ingolfur}, title = {Handeln f{\"u}r den Wandel? Beruhigungsnarrative gegen die Zeitenwende}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 162-175.}, volume = {d27/2023l}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 162-175.}, language = {de} } @article{Bobeth, author = {Bobeth, Sebastian}, title = {Sustainability and Erich Fromm's contribution to the social-ecological transfor-mation. An environmental psychologist's perspective on the Annual Conference 2022 of the International Erich Fromm Society}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 083-114.}, volume = {e27/2023d}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 083-114.}, language = {en} } @article{Borgogno, author = {Borgogno, Franco}, title = {Interpretation in a >personal< field perspective (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2210270)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 192-200.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 192-200.}, abstract = {This is a revision and expansion of a classic paper that was first delivered as a speech, in October 1994, for the 10th National Conference of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society, and then published as a chapter of the seminal book >Emozione e Interpretazione. Psicoanalisi del campo emotivo< [Emotion and interpretation. Psychoanalysis of the emotional field], edited in 1997 by Eugenio Gaburri.}, language = {en} } @article{BarraycoaMartinez, author = {Barraycoa Mart{\´i}nez, Javier}, title = {The transformation of individualism and loneliness in times of pandemics}, series = {Scientia et Fides, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2023), pp. 137-195. [Online ISSN 2353-5636] [doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2023.011]}, journal = {Scientia et Fides, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2023), pp. 137-195. [Online ISSN 2353-5636] [doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2023.011]}, abstract = {The characterisation of mass society in a society without God, as a mere mimetic, hypnotic and unstable phenomenon is clearly insufficient. For its rise, so cial, psychological and relational changes had to take place, both among people and between people and their environment. Many scholars in recent times who have tried to explain the phenomenon of mass society have undoubtedly linked it to individualism, especially to one of its characteristics that could be considered specifically modern: loneliness. The study entitled >The Spiral of Silence< is well known, in which Noelle-Neumann, taking up Tocqueville's classic thesis, highlights the tremendous negative force - as a psychosocial agent - of individual behaviour in the face of social forces. As Erich Fromm forcefully points out: >Feeling completely isolated and lonely leads to mental disintegration, just as starvation leads to death<. The phenomenon of a worldwide pandemic has forced a rethinking of the concept of isolation and loneliness, theoretically displaced by virtual and telematic forms of communication. However, mimetic effects and mass behaviours have not disappeared with isolation, but have been transmuted into new psychological, behavioural and cognitive attitudes.}, language = {en} } @misc{CassulloPower, author = {Cassullo, Gabriele and Power, David}, title = {At the roots of Italian Field Theory. Special Issue (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2270867)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 131-134.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 131-134.}, language = {en} } @article{Karbelnig, author = {Karbelnig, Alan Michael}, title = {Laying the death drive to rest (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2021.1905179)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 076-086.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 2, 2023), pp. 076-086.}, abstract = {While respecting the ontological assumption of the unconscious, the author systematically critiques the concept of the death drive. It clashes with the dictates of contemporary biology, disrupting communication between disciplines. In clinical application, the death drive as metaphor demonstrates little utility. It also invites reductionism, risking oversimplification of extremely complex phenomena like aggression. Perhaps most importantly, the construct places the entire psychoanalytic project, already in an existential crisis, in peril. The author briefly introduces a complex alternative view of aggression, driven solely by eros but involving many complicated intrapsychic, interpersonal, and sociocultural factors. He suggests the death drive, however thoughtfully utilized, hinders the forward movement of psychoanalysis for reasons of consilience, incommensurability, clinical utility, cross-disciplinary communication, and political survival.}, language = {en} } @article{Keser, author = {Keser, Azercan}, title = {Erich Fromm'da ortakya{\c{s}}am: Sade(izm) ve masoch(izm) [Symbiote in Erich Fromm; Sade(ism) and Masoh(ism)]}, series = {Felsefe ve sosyal Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Vol. 35 (2023), pp. 215-236. [ISSN 2618-5784] [doi.org/10.53844/flsf.1230001]}, journal = {Felsefe ve sosyal Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Vol. 35 (2023), pp. 215-236. [ISSN 2618-5784] [doi.org/10.53844/flsf.1230001]}, abstract = {İnsanlar{\i}n bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}n{\i}n nedenleri, nas{\i}l m{\"u}mk{\"u}n olduğu ve nas{\i}l olmas{\i} gerektiği sosyal bilimlerin temel konular{\i} olarak kar{\c{s}}{\i}m{\i}za {\c{c}}{\i}kar. Baz{\i} d{\"u}{\c{s}}{\"u}n{\"u}rler i{\c{c}}in bu bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i} en iyi haliyle sağlaman{\i}n yolu yasalar ve s{\"o}zle{\c{s}}melerledir. Baz{\i}lar{\i} i{\c{c}}in bu bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}n kaynağ{\i} ayn{\i} t{\"u}re ait olman{\i}n getirdiği duyguda{\c{s}}l{\i}k, empati ve ortak değerler olarak tan{\i}mlan{\i}r. Teist yakla{\c{s}}{\i}mlarda ise (bu neden) t{\"u}m insanl{\i}ğ{\i}n Tanr{\i}n{\i}n yarat{\i}m{\i} olduğu g{\"o}r{\"u}{\c{s}}{\"u}yle temellendirilir. Erich Fromm'un ortakya{\c{s}}am (symbiosis) olarak adland{\i}rd{\i}ğ{\i} bu bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}n kaynağ{\i} insan{\i}n varolu{\c{s}}sal {\c{c}}eli{\c{s}}kisinin neden olduğu yaln{\i}zl{\i}k duygulan{\i}m{\i}d{\i}r. Fromm i{\c{c}}in ya{\c{s}}ama at{\i}lan insan{\i}n yaln{\i}zl{\i}k duygulan{\i}m{\i} sonucu geli{\c{s}}tirdiği boyun eğmenin t{\"u}rleri sadizm ve mazo{\c{s}}izm olarak kar{\c{s}}{\i}m{\i}za {\c{c}}{\i}kar. Bu boyun eğme t{\"u}rlerinin birbirine ihtiya{\c{c}} duymas{\i} ve bu ihtiyaca paralel birbirini geli{\c{s}}tirerek s{\"u}regelen etkile{\c{s}}imi ortakya{\c{s}}am{\i} m{\"u}mk{\"u}n k{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. İnsan{\i}n d{\"u}nyaya at{\i}lmas{\i}yla kar{\c{s}}{\i}la{\c{s}}t{\i}ğ{\i} g{\"u}{\c{c}}ler kar{\c{s}}{\i}s{\i}nda geli{\c{s}}tirdiği bahsi ge{\c{c}}en etkile{\c{s}}imin taraflar{\i} bilin{\c{c}}d{\i}{\c{s}}{\i}nda birbirine bağ{\i}ml{\i}l{\i}k geli{\c{s}}tirmektedir. Bu bağ{\i}ml{\i}l{\i}k ise Fromm'a g{\"o}re kendi ideal bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}n{\i} t{\"u}rettiği, kendi bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}ndan {\"o}nce s{\"u}regelen olumsuz ortak ya{\c{s}}am{\i}n kaynağ{\i}n{\i} olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. Bu {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada Fromm'un -{\"o}zelinde ikili ili{\c{s}}kilerde- ortak ya{\c{s}}am{\i}n kaynağ{\i} olarak konumland{\i}rd{\i}ğ{\i} sadizm ve mazo{\c{s}}izm olgular{\i}n{\i} inceleyip bir aradal{\i}ğ{\i}n bug{\"u}ne kadar nas{\i}l ger{\c{c}}ekle{\c{s}}tiğini irdeledikten sonra nas{\i}l olmas{\i} gerektiğini tart{\i}{\c{s}}maya a{\c{c}}may{\i} hedeflemekteyiz. Bu hedefe paralel olarak {\"o}ncelikle Sade ve Masoch eserleri {\"u}zerinden inceleyeceğimiz ard{\i}ndan tan{\i}mlayacağ{\i}m{\i}z ve nihayetinde Fromm'un bu iki olguyu olumsuzlamas{\i}ndan dolay{\i} bu iki olgunun yerine sunduğu ideal bir aradal{\i}k aktar{\i}larak g{\"u}n{\"u}m{\"u}z ile ili{\c{s}}kilendirilecektir.}, language = {mul} } @article{Keir, author = {Keir, Jonathan}, title = {>The House That Fromm Built< - The Sabbath Cornerstone}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 115-127.}, volume = {e27/2023e}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 115-127.}, language = {en} } @article{Kristof, author = {Kristof, Kora}, title = {Perspektiven einer transformativen Umweltpolitik und die Erfolgsfaktoren f{\"u}r deren Umsetzung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 212-224.}, volume = {d27/2023o}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 212-224.}, language = {de} } @article{Jagusiak, author = {Jagusiak, Boguslaw}, title = {Paradigms of the Sick, Healthy, and Normal Security in Social Sciences}, series = {Polish Political science Yearbook, Vol. 52, No. 1 (2023), pp. 165-185. [ISSN 0208-7375 (Poland)] [doi.org/10.15804/ppsy202301]}, journal = {Polish Political science Yearbook, Vol. 52, No. 1 (2023), pp. 165-185. [ISSN 0208-7375 (Poland)] [doi.org/10.15804/ppsy202301]}, abstract = {One of the many divisions of security exposed in the literature dealing with it is the ambivalent division into positive and negative security, which sometimes, somehow combined and mutually limiting, manifest themselves in normal and real security. Starting from this distinction, I develop their descriptions based on Erich Fromm's explanations of a healthy, sick, and normal society. Simultaneously, I argue that sick societies pursue negative security by preferring war and destruction, while healthy societies pursue positive security by preferring love, peace, and creative activity. It is a preference based on striving, in the case of a healthy society and positive security, >to be<, as Fromm states, and in the case of a sick society and negative security, >to have<, and finally, in the case of normal security, to mutually limiting >to have< and >to be<. I deepen this description by referring to the thought of Bertrand Russell, in which positive and good security is defined >as one that should be by itself<, and negative and bad >as one that should not be by itself<. On the other hand, by bolding and broadening this description, I associate positive security (based on >to be<) with the concept of >civilisation of love<, >civilization of life<, and >civilization of brotherhood<, while negative security (embedded in >to have<) with >civilisation of killing<, >civilisation of overkilling<, and >civilisation of death<, and finally, normal security (embedded on mutually limiting >to be< and >to have<) with the liberal civilisation of security and control.}, language = {en} } @article{Gondar, author = {Gondar, J{\^o}}, title = {Passion and tenderness as political forces (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2231187)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 233-239.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 233-239.}, abstract = {To understand contemporary forms of social organization it is not enough to know the geopolitics that currently pertain; it is also necessary to enter the field of micropolitics and, particularly, the affections and sensibility modes that sustain the construction of social ties. In this field, psychoanalysis provides fundamental contributions to understand both the possibilities of adherence to forms of government and sociability, and as well as the construction of emancipation projects that aim to transform them. Different affections and sensibility modes will differently build social and political life. In distinguishing the language of passion from the language of tenderness, Ferenczi did not intend to have a political discussion, but we can use these notions to think about the current possibilities of political coexistence. Tenderness is the child's form of sensitivity, but also that of relationships of solidarity through dispossession. In this sense, the language of tenderness refers to the notion of vulnerability theorized by Judith Butler. It is not about defending a puerility or naivety, but a force of non-violence that, when affirmed, creates the possibility of a less unequal, fairer political coexistence, especially in countries immersed in a culture of hate such as Brazil.}, language = {en} } @misc{GonzalezTorres, author = {Gonzalez-Torres, Miguel Angel}, title = {Editorial: Psychoanalytic theories and techniques: Dialogue, difficulties and future, Part One (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2286855)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 201-202.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 201-202.}, language = {en} } @article{GiliMangone, author = {Gili, Guido and Mangone, Emiliana}, title = {Is a Sociology of Hope Possible? An Attempt to Recompose a Theoretical Framework and a Research Programme}, series = {The American Sociologist, Vol. 54, No. 7 (2023), pp. 7-35. [Online ISSN 1936-4784] [doi.org/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, journal = {The American Sociologist, Vol. 54, No. 7 (2023), pp. 7-35. [Online ISSN 1936-4784] [doi.org/10.1007/s42048-021-00114-7]}, abstract = {The societal changes of the last century, especially in the aftermath of World War II, have led thinkers to imagine philosophical anthropology centered on the concept of hope. From very different perspectives, authors such as Ernst Bloch, Erich Fromm, and Hannah Arendt understood that hope is deeply connected with the condition and destiny of humanity. Various sociologists have developed concepts closely linked with hope: action, social change, utopia, revolution, emancipation, innovation, and trust. However, a coherent and systematic analysis is yet to emerge. Taking up the threads of this rich but fragmented reflection, this paper intends to outline the traits of a >sociology of hope< as a tool for critically interpreting today's society and the processes of change crisscrossing it, starting from some crucial questions: Who are the actors and historical bearers of hope? What are the main socio-historical forms of hope? What social, political, and cultural conditions favors the emergence and strengthening of this disposition? What are the effects and consequences on personal and social life?}, language = {en} } @article{GonzalezTorres, author = {Gonzalez-Torres, Miguel Angel}, title = {Politics, psychoanalysis, and large group identity (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2234682)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 227-232.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 227-232.}, abstract = {Since Freud's contributions, psychoanalysis has devoted attention to group phenomena in the field of politics. Volkan and Kernberg stand out today for providing conceptual tools for analyzing political reality. Politicians' work has historically included a share of group manipulation, but today a strong trend towards populism is emerging from the right and the left. This offers a unique opportunity to examine in detail how leaders often promote primitive group dynamics, close to borderline personality organizations. The war in Ukraine offers an opportunity for a psychoanalytic exploration of unconscious conflicts. Some leaders' biographies and actions may offer clues, as well as group phenomena that express the need to protect a valuable identity. The current situation has generated an identity crisis in Europe and beyond. Autocratic tendencies have become stronger and we have lost leaders who sustained a more adult, less primitive European identity. The possible solutions lie in the abandonment of infantile maximalist positions and the adoption of a painful, frustrating, slow - and healthy - integrative attitude, perceiving nuances and shades of gray, both in our own group and in that which we consider Other. Psychoanalysis has the responsibility to put its knowledge at the service of society, also in politics.}, language = {en} } @article{Mao, author = {Mao, Liyun}, title = {Achievment of Love Education [成就爱的教育]}, series = {Hunan Education (C Edition), [湖南教育(C版)], No. 8 (2023), pp. 28-29.}, journal = {Hunan Education (C Edition), [湖南教育(C版)], No. 8 (2023), pp. 28-29.}, abstract = {如果要从目前的阅读经历中选择一本书作为我的人生之书,最先撞进我脑海的一定是艾里希·弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》。自2018年至今,我不知多少遍翻开又合上这本书,内心跟随文字时而平静,时而激越。弗洛姆的写作既带着对复杂人性的冷峻刻画与清醒认知,又蕴藏着启迪智慧的强烈感情与深厚力量。每个人都渴望爱与被爱,都尝试通过各种途径与他人建立联结, …}, language = {zh} } @article{Muramoto, author = {Muramoto, Shoji}, title = {Kiyoshi Miki as a Precursor of Humanistic Psychology: Utopia and Eupsychia}, series = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 63, No. 4 (2023), pp. 477-494. [Online ISSN1552-650X] [doi.org/10.1177/00221678221075398]}, journal = {Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 63, No. 4 (2023), pp. 477-494. [Online ISSN1552-650X] [doi.org/10.1177/00221678221075398]}, abstract = {This article explores the relevance of the life and works of Kiyoshi Miki (1897 - 1945), a Japanese philosopher, to Maslovian humanistic psychology. Although Miki and Maslow differ in many respects, they shared a few common points that are important to examine. In his early articles, Miki equated philosophy with confessions of the soul and argued that individuality was impossible within the traditional framework of logic. His first main work on Pascal's anthropology was an attempt to assimilate and synthesize the German existential/hermeneutic and the French moralist traditions he had learned in Europe in the early 1920s. Despite pioneering works by Wilhelm Reich and Erich Fromm, humanistic psychology has not exhausted the potentialities of Marxism. Maslow and other intellectuals sympathetic to this materialist philosophy were mutually disappointed. However, Maslow's enlightened or eupsychian management may be an important step toward social revolution, compensating for a missing psychological viewpoint in traditional Marxism. Miki's hermeneutic approach to this ideology offers two important points relevant to humanistic psychology: his concept of basic experience - later called Pathos - as the basis of any ideology, and the distinction between dialectic and organicism. His last years, during the War and fascism, raise important questions regarding what talented, self-actualizing intellectuals can do without freedom of speech and expression under a totalitarian and authoritarian regime. Finally, this article addresses how well Miki's concept of utopia - on which he wrote an essay in the context of a dark age—corresponds to Maslow's idea of eupsychia.}, language = {en} } @article{NovakLuedemannAndreas, author = {Novak, Alexandra Nicole and Luedemann, Jonas and Andreas, Sylke}, title = {When patients probe the analyst: Manifestations of patient testing and its complexity - An in-depth exploration of case examples of extant research}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 023-039.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 1, 2023), pp. 023-039.}, abstract = {Patients probe the analyst with the goal of challenging pathogenic adaptations to early experiences. As the core concept of control mastery theory (CMT), testing is contextualized within psychoanalytic theory. The current work examines 29 articles illustrating therapies performed or analyzed using the CMT approach for the occurrence of testing, which takes place through interaction, self-presentation, narratives, or the use of the setting. The various manifestations of testing and their potential meanings are described. An in-depth analysis of selected testing examples is performed to compare tests within patients and across studies. The results show that patients differ in their testing strategies, shift testing strategy during the process of treatment, combine tests, and test multiple conflictual themes within a single test. Therefore, the importance of applying a case-specific approach, based on a thorough understanding of a patient, becomes evident. Recommendations concerning psychoanalytic technique, including the role of interpretation, as illustrated in case vignettes, are introduced.}, language = {en} } @article{Nugroho, author = {Nugroho, Bayu Aji}, title = {Rekonstruksi Dominasi Budaya Patriarki dalam Novel >Geni Jora<: Kajian Psikoanalisis Erich Fromm [Reconstruction of Patriarchal Cultural Domination in the Novel >Geni Jora<: Erich Fromm's Psychoanalytic Study] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Diglosia, Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023), pp. 127-140. [Online ISSN 2615-8655] [diglosiaunmul.com/index.php/diglosia/article/view/574/253]}, journal = {Diglosia, Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023), pp. 127-140. [Online ISSN 2615-8655] [diglosiaunmul.com/index.php/diglosia/article/view/574/253]}, abstract = {Abidah El Khalieqy, in her work entitled >Geni Jora<, displays a form of reconstruction of patriarchal cultural domination that has changed the paradigm of stereotypes that have imprisoned women in the prison of patriarchal cultural domination. This article aims to examine the form of patriarchal culture and the form of reconstruction of patriarchal cultural domination through efforts to fulfil needs using Erich Fromm's psychoanalytic study. The data in the study were analysed using the descriptive method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the forms of the patriarchal culture that appear in the novel >Geni Jora< include: (1) stereotyping/negative labelling, (2) violence against women, and (3) subordination. Kejora's actions to reconstruct the dominance of patriarchal culture are carried out by fulfilling the needs consisting of two fulfilments according to Erich Fromm, namely: (1) the need for freedom and attachment (connectedness, unity, and creation), and (2) to understand and do (framework orientation and effectiveness).}, language = {mul} } @article{Niu, author = {Niu, Qing}, title = {Growing up in Solitude - An Interpretation of >La solitudine dei numeri primi< from the Perspective of Fromm's Alienation Theory [在孤独中成长——从弗洛姆的异化理论视角解读《质数的孤独》牛晴] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Mangzhong Literature [芒种], No. 3 (2023), pp. 110-112.}, journal = {Mangzhong Literature [芒种], No. 3 (2023), pp. 110-112.}, abstract = {小说《质数的孤独》是意大利80后作家、粒子物理学博士保罗·乔尔达诺的处女作。小说描述了两位主人公马蒂亚和爱丽丝在孤独中成长、逐渐发现自我的故事。本文运用弗洛姆的异化理论,从人的自我关系的异化和人际关系的异化两个方面来解读小说《质数的孤独》中的人物异化,并通过分析小说主人公身上的异化现象,进一步探讨消除异化的方式。}, language = {zh} } @article{Pinkas, author = {Pinkas, Ronen}, title = {Erich Fromm und Das Freie J{\"u}dische Lehrhaus in Frankfurt}, series = {Judaica: Neue Digitale Folge 4, (2023), 28 pp. [open access via https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2023.1.1]}, journal = {Judaica: Neue Digitale Folge 4, (2023), 28 pp. [open access via https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2023.1.1]}, abstract = {This article examines Erich Fromm (1900-1980) within the context of the so-called >renaissance of Jewish religious thought< in Germany during the early 20th century. It is well known that Fromm was a member of the Institute for Social Research, later called the Frankfurt School. The focus of this study, however, is on what has received little attention in research, namely Fromm's involvement in founding the Freies j{\"u}disches Lehrhaus (the Jewish House of Free Study) in Frankfurt. Fromm participated in the founding of the Lehrhaus as a student and later as a lecturer. During this time, Fromm also wrote his dissertation on Judaism at Heidelberg University. Methodologically, this paper intertwines the historical biographical axis, which deals with Fromm's connections to several thinkers: Rabbi Nehemia Nobel, Rabbi Georg Salzberger, Baruch Salman Rabinkow, Franz Rosenzweig, Ernest Simon and others, and the philosophical axis, which focuses on his dissertation, The Jewish Law. The Freies j{\"u}disches Lehrhaus in Frankfurt is primarily associated with Franz Rosenzweig and other thinkers who worked there, such as Gershom Scholem, Ernest Simon, Leo L{\"o}wenthal and Martin Buber, who wrote >Ich und Du< during the years he taught there. With the exception of Buber, the Lehrhaus was their first official teaching venue. The Lehrhaus was characterized by its dialogical atmosphere, and symmetrical relationships between teachers and students, which softened some of the rigidity that was the norm at German educational frameworks at the time. This atmosphere continued to influence Fromm in his adult life, in terms of his attitude towards religion, questioning of authority and his understanding of human nature. Finally, it later played a role in his departure from Freudian libido theory. This study presents some key ideas from his dissertation, including his position on religious dogma, particularly concerning the Karaite sect, a subject that he later taught as a lecturer at the Lehrhaus. Fromm's dissertation expresses his preoccupation with his Jewish identity and his examination of the complex theo-political reality in which the Jews of Germany found themselves at the beginning of the 20th century, including the debates between Orthodox Jews and reformers, and between Zionists and anti-Zionists. This article supports the claim that Fromm's position that religious factors play a central role in the historical process, which he held throughout his life, was formed in these early years. The article strengthens the scholarly position that Fromm's Jewish background is relevant to understanding his thought in general.}, language = {de} } @article{PrevidiBuzziCozza, author = {Previdi, Serena and Buzzi, Anna and Cozza, Mariagiovanna}, title = {The digital age and psychoanalysis: New frontiers of the setting and therapeutic challenges (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2248429)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 256-267.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 256-267.}, abstract = {We reflect on the concept of the setting in psychoanalysis, and how it has been radically reconsidered given the impact of the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic on human interactions and moving from face-to-face to online sessions. The rapidity of going from seeking interaction to a fear of possible contagion led some professionals to adopt a sudden change of setting. Although the concept of setting seems to come from the classical Freudian method, Freud never spoke about it explicitly, although it was subsequently developed from his writings. Only in the 1960s and 70s was the setting perceived as the very object of psychoanalytic exploration. Since the psyche in psychoanalysis is conceived as a spatially extended entity, this paper discusses the concepts of space and time (external setting) and the mental state of both the patient and analyst (internal setting). We investigate how these aspects have changed as a result of the use of technology. What changes have taken place at the perceptual level in the patient and analyst? What differences are there with respect to the presence/absence of the other's body? We use our own reflections of our personal experiences of undergoing face-to-face and online sessions to reveal the differences between them.}, language = {en} }