@misc{York, author = {York, Emma Dane}, title = {Disorder: Contemporary Fascism and the Crisis in Mental Health, Master of Arts, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Political Studies, Department of Political Studies, University of, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 2018, 56 + 3 pp. [hdl.handle.net/10388/11199]}, language = {en} } @article{Yildirim, author = {Yildirim, Sait}, title = {T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerine: sebep, sonu{\c{c}} ve {\"o}neriler [Femicides in Turkey in Last Ten Years: Cause, Consequences and Suggestions]}, series = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, journal = {Mecmua - Uluslararas{\i} sosyal bilimler dergisi, Vol. 3, No. 6 (2018), pp. 1-21. [Online ISSN 2587-1811] [doi.org/10.32579/mecmua.448868]}, abstract = {Kad{\i}n cinayetleri T{\"u}rkiye'de {\"o}nemli bir toplumsal sorun olarak varl{\i}ğ{\i}n{\i} korumaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerin temelinde {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin etkisi g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. Bu sebeple {\c{s}}iddetin psikolojik boyutu cinayet eylemlerinde belirleyici olmaktad{\i}r. Sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimi birikerek bir {\c{s}}ekilde geli{\c{s}}erek cinayet eylemlerine d{\"o}n{\"u}{\c{s}}mektedir. Kad{\i}n cinayetleri incelenirken {\"o}ncelikle bireyde mevcut bulunan sald{\i}rgan davran{\i}{\c{s}}lar{\i}n ele al{\i}nmas{\i} gerekmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada {\c{s}}iddet ve sald{\i}rganl{\i}k eğilimlerinin bireysel anlamda psikolojik temelleri {\"u}zerine teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malara değinilmektedir. Erich Fromm ve Sigmund Freud'un sald{\i}rganl{\i}k tipolojileri kuramsal a{\c{c}}{\i}dan dikkate değer g{\"o}r{\"u}lmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada y{\"o}ntem olarak vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} tercih edilmektedir. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}ma kapsam{\i}nda T{\"u}rkiye'de son on y{\i}lda i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri ele al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Toplamda 2380 kad{\i}n cinayetinden 1260 vaka incelenmektedir. İncelenen vakalarda sağl{\i}kl{\i} sonu{\c{c}}lar elde edilmesi bak{\i}m{\i}ndan nicelik, nitelik, i{\c{s}}leni{\c{s}} bi{\c{c}}imi ve sebepleri bak{\i}m{\i}ndan ayd{\i}nlat{\i}lm{\i}{\c{s}} olmas{\i} temel referans noktas{\i}n{\i} olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. Cinayet eylemlerinde failin {\"o}zellikleri, {\"o}ld{\"u}rme bi{\c{c}}imi, sebebi, katil ve maktul ili{\c{s}}kisi dikkate al{\i}nmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}nlar{\i}n, en s{\i}k vakit ge{\c{c}}irdiği ki{\c{s}}iler taraf{\i}ndan {\"o}ld{\"u}r{\"u}ld{\"u} g{\"o}zlenmektedir. Cinayet i{\c{s}}leme bi{\c{c}}iminde ate{\c{s}}li silahlar yoğun olarak kullan{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. Cinayetlerde erkeğin {\"o}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k alan{\i}n{\i}n daralmas{\i} ve erkeğin kad{\i}n {\"u}zerindeki h{\^a}kimiyetinin ortadan kalkmas{\i} {\"o}nemli sebepleri olu{\c{s}}turmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mada cinayet sebepleri {\"u}zerinden ortak odak noktalar{\i} tespit edilerek {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunulmaktad{\i}r. Kad{\i}na y{\"o}nelik cinayet eylemlerinde bireysel silahlanma ve uzun vadede cinayeti {\"o}nleyici politikalar {\"u}zerine yoğunla{\c{s}}{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. {\c{C}}al{\i}{\c{s}}man{\i}n amac{\i} i{\c{s}}lenen kad{\i}n cinayetleri {\"u}zerinden vaka {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}mas{\i} yaparak teorik {\c{c}}al{\i}{\c{s}}malar {\i}{\c{s}}{\i}ğ{\i}nda bir tak{\i}m {\c{c}}{\"o}z{\"u}m {\"o}nerileri sunmakt{\i}r.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yogiswari, author = {Yogiswari, Krisna Suksma}, title = {Konsep Ketuhanan dalam Filsafat Erich Fromm (1900-1980) [The Concept of God in Philosophy Erich Fromm (1900 - 1980)]}, series = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, journal = {Sanjiwani - Jurnal Filsafat, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2021), pp. 13-27. [doi.org/10.25078/sjf.v12i1.2104]}, abstract = {Gejolak konsep Ketuhanan sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan manusia senatiasa terjadi. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) yang merupakan seorang psikoanalis Mazhab Frankfurt, dalam karya-karyanya secara tersirat telah mencirikan suatu konsep yang dinamakannya sendiri sebagai 'Mistisisme Non-Teistik' sebagai suatu bentuk spiritualitas yang humanis dan mengatasi keterpisahan manusia yang dalam istilah Fromm disebut >well being< sebagai konsekuensi eksitensinya, yang akhirnya dapat mengatasi dilema kemanusiaan dan keberagaman. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah upaya untuk menguraikan pemahaman Ketuhann dalam perspektif Erich Fromm, serta relasi Tuhan dan manusia.}, language = {mul} } @article{Yildirin, author = {Yildirin, Dilanur}, title = {Erich Fromm - >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}kten Ka{\c{c}}{\i}{\c{s}}< {\c{C}}er{\c{c}}evesinde >{\"O}zg{\"u}rl{\"u}k< Kavram{\i} [Erich Fromm - The Concept of >Freedom< in the Framework of >Escape from Freedom<]}, series = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, journal = {Toplumsal Degisim, No. 3 (2021), pp. 134-136.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Yu, author = {Yu, Hanhan}, title = {Research on Human-Computer Interaction Design of Shared Bicycle Based on Fromm's Psychology Theory, Master thesis, Highway and Waterway Transportation, Tianjin University, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 2019.}, abstract = {In today's society, sharing bicycle has rapidly penetrated into people's social life and become a new way of travel because it solves the problem of >the last kilometer< for people to travel. With the share bicycle industry entering the second half of the competition, the industrial focus has returned from capital invest¬ment to product design. How to form a more user-friendly sharing bicycle interaction system and enhance user experience has become an important issue affecting the development of the share bicycle industry. At present, the research on shared bicycle human-computer interaction system is still in its infancy, mainly through regular user interviews and questionnaires. However, in traditional research, users can only describe their problems in the process of interaction sensitively, and may not be able to realize and express their deep needs. Therefore, it is very important to tap the deep needs of users in the interaction process and improve the user experience purposefully.- There are three main innovations in this paper: 1. Using innovative theoretical research methods, intro¬du¬cing psychological theory into design analysis, and based on Fromm psychology, we can get the charac¬teristic emotions of shared psychology. 2. Introducing emotional reporting method into experience evalu¬ation, and carrying out emotional quantification experiments based on the characteristic emotions of Fromm psychology. The experimental data analysis can accurately extract users' deep interaction needs under the shared psychology. 3. Based on the deep interaction needs, the optimization design practice is finally com¬pleted. In the research process, based on the current research status of shared bicycle in academia, this study uses user interviews and other research methods to conduct in depth analysis and summary of the current shared bicycle interaction system; extracts characteristic emotions based on Fromm's psychological theory, builds a reasonable emotional quantification experimental scheme and carries out experiments, processes and analyses the experimental data, and concludes that users are in common. In order to meet the deep demand of sharing bicycle interactive experience, the optimization design practice of new sharing bicycle interactive system is completed. The main achievements of this research include: under the gui¬dance of Fromm's psychology theory, a method of extracting the require¬ments of shared bicycle human-computer interaction system design based on emotional quantification is proposed, and a new human-computer interaction experience model is established; a new process of deep demand mining for human-computer interaction system under shared psychology is formed; and the existing shared bicycle human-computer interaction interface is optimized. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Yong, author = {Yong, An}, title = {What Authority Should You Obey? [你该服从怎样的权威?]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, abstract = {权威的存在和对权威的服从是人类生活的普遍事实。但人们该服从什么样的权威?20世纪最著名的思想家之一、犹太哲人弗洛姆在其著作《超越幻象之锁链》中回忆了影响他的三个事件:第一个事件是,他的一个朋友在她父亲死后自杀了,并且要求和她父亲一起安葬。他非常不解,为什么会这样?人类的行为背后有什么样的心理奥秘?为什么这些奇怪的行为得以发生?}, language = {zh} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Print ISSN 2522-5790] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @article{Yoshino, author = {Yoshino, Koji}, title = {Inseparability of Self-Love and Altruistic Love: P. A. Sorokin and E. Fromm}, series = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, journal = {Human Arenas, Vol. 3 (2020), pp. 38-51. [Online ISSN 2522-5804] [doi.org/10.1007/s42087-019-00093-7]}, abstract = {This paper sets out to examine in a comparative framework Pitirim A. Sorokin and Erich Fromm's conceptions of love. The core argument is s in the complementarity between self-love and altruistic love. In conclude, altruistic love and self-love are not contradictory to each other. Those who don't love themselves cannot love others, nevertheless, those who ignore others cannot love themselves. What I try to show in this thesis is to clarify this fact.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zabranska, author = {Z{\´a}bransk{\´a}, Marie}, title = {Frommovo pojet{\´i} člověka a psychoanal{\´y}za [Fromm´s Conception of Human and Psychoanalysis, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 57 pp.}, abstract = {The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. In his works, this famous psychologist was able to explain the position of a human being in the society, their needs and problems linked to their own existence. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm's life and mentions several important personalities who influenced his thinking. The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm's concept of a human being, especially their place in the environment, their relationship with the surrounding world, life philosophy and the issue of personal freedom. It deals in detail with the issues of love, aggression, freedom and the >To Be and to Have< life philosophy. Another issue this thesis deals with is Fromm's approach to psychoanalysis and religion. The concluding chapter contains the fact about the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and a comparison of the individual concepts of a human being as formulated by Freud and Fromm respectively.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zaborowski, author = {Zaborowski, Holger}, title = {Haben oder Sein? Erich Fromms Humanismus als Vorbild und Anregung f{\"u}r die Gegenwart}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, volume = {d27/2023f}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 069-079.}, language = {de} }