@article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Hanxin}, title = {Fromm's Psychological Mechanism of Escape from Freedom and Its Practical Significance [弗洛姆逃避自由的心理机制及其现实意义]}, series = {Journal of Shangqiu Polytechnic, No. 6 (2022), pp. 5-8, 13.}, journal = {Journal of Shangqiu Polytechnic, No. 6 (2022), pp. 5-8, 13.}, abstract = {Fromm is a representative of >Freudian Marxism<. He combined some of Marx's guidance theories and Freud's seminars on the spirit level, and analyzed their mental orientation, their current plight, and revealed the profound psychological mechanism of modern man and the nature of the alienation of personality. He proposed a new theory of >escape from freedom< which was totally different from the former one. The only way to truly free yourself is to use love and creative work. His theory of escaping freedom not only provides insight and reflection to the people in the pursuit of real freedom, but also provide some reference for the construction of socialism in China's new era. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zakai, author = {Zakai, Avihu}, title = {Epilogue}, series = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_6]}, journal = {Jewish Exiles' Psychological Interpretations of Nazism, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2020, pp 147-154. [Online ISBN978-3-030-54070-8] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54070-8_6]}, abstract = {Recent decades have witnessed a surge of important studies dealing with intellectuals' confrontation with fascism and Nazism, and the societal roles that they can play, especially during such "dark times." This is an area that is close to my study, and it is therefore important to mark the difference between some of these studies and mine in terms of content and form and with regard to the meaning and significance intellectuals assigned to their works.}, language = {en} } @article{Zaks, author = {Zaks, V. A.}, title = {Э. Фромм. Пути из больного общества [E. Fromm. Ways Out of the Ailing Society]}, series = {Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 113-116. [ISSN: 2454-0706]}, journal = {Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 113-116. [ISSN: 2454-0706]}, language = {ru} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Qian}, title = {Research on Fromm's >Humanization of Technology< Thought [弗洛姆>技术人道化<思想研究], Master thesis, Philosophy, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2021.}, abstract = {埃里希?弗洛姆,著名的人本主义哲学家、精神分析学家,其技术人道化思想是人文关怀主义研究的哲学理论之一,他的一生都在为了建立以人的全面发展为中心、技术服务于人类的理想社会环境而奋斗。弗洛姆认为,随着技术的不断发展,现代技术社会中人的发展受到了制约,社会偏离了人道化的发展,是一个异化的、病态的社会,他结合了心理学和社会学两个维度,提出了实现技术社会人道化的具体措施,希望将技术重新置于人的控制之中,营造一个健康的社会环境,最终实现人的全面发展。本文首先从弗洛姆>技术人道化<思想产生的时代背景、形成过程、思想追溯以及理论基础等四个方面入手,力图深入剖析其>技术人道化<思想。其次,对该思想的主要内容进行分析,从人的存在方式的异化现象,得出导致异化现象形成的>病原<,再>对症下药<提出如何摒除>病原<实现技术人道化发展的改革方向。最后,弗洛姆>技术人道化<思想从人性论出发,希望将人们的关注点回归到人自身的发展上,把总体社会变革与道德变革相结合,以期改变社会异化现象。虽然弗洛姆提出的实现技术社会人道化的具体方案不具有可实施性,只是构建了乌托邦式的健全社会,存在唯心主义及对资本主义批判的不彻底性,但也体现了人类对美好生活的憧憬。我国目前处于社会主义初级阶段,对我国目前技术发展的情况而言,弗洛姆技术人道化思想具有重要的借鉴意义,值得深入研究。弗洛姆技术人道化思想可以指引我们面对现代化技术社会快节奏的生活时如何树立合理的消费观念、坚定文化自信等。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Sihui}, title = {Study on Alienation of Short Video Technology, Master thesis, Computer Software and Application of Computer; Journalism and Media, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2023. [doi.org/10.27328/d.cnki.gshsc.2023.000873]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] With the rapid development of the Internet and the widespread use of mobile devices, short video applications have become widely available on people's smartphones, playing an important role in their daily lives. Currently, short video technology is constantly changing and gradually improving its functions, which has greatly enriched people's daily life, and browsing short videos has become an important way of leisure for people, and the number of short videos has grown geometrically with users, however, short video technology has also produced alienation in this process. This article, based on Marxist humanist thought, Marcuse's theory of technological alienation, and Fromm's humanization of technology, delves deeply into the related issues of short video technology alienation and its governance, providing important theoretical guidance and practical reference for the development of short videos.- The specific performance of short video technology alienation is mainly in the following four aspects: First, the thinking alienation caused by short video algorithm recommendation technology, which is mainly reflected in the gradual reduction of people's logical thinking ability, the weakening of rational judgment ability and the increasing instrumental rationality; second, the aesthetic alienation caused by short video beauty technology, mainly manifested by the objectification of self-aesthetics, the convergence of individual aesthetics and the increasing vulgarization of the mass aesthetic; thirdly, the alienation of values caused by short video rewarding technology is mainly reflected in the formation of wrong career and consumption views by diversified values, the enhancement of utilitarian values and the prevalence of egoistic values; finally, the alienation of self-presentation caused by following technology is mainly reflected in the entertainment and homogenization of self-presentation and the confusion of real self and ideal self. The causes of the problem of short video technology alienation can be attributed to three main aspects. Firstly, on the technological level, the flawed design of short video technology, including structural elements, and the uncertainty of the consequences of its application, have led to the occurrence of short video technology alienation. Secondly, on the subject level, the blind pursuit of profit by the design subject, the value of flow prioritization by the production subject, and the lack of rationality by the application subject have all contributed to the problem. Thirdly, on the social level, the undesirable effect of short video pan-entertainment, the imperfect moral education of short video technology and the unsound social supervision all lead to the alienation of short video technology to a certain extent.- This article analyzes and summarizes the problem of short video technology alienation through the method of literature analysis and the combination of theory and practice. The following measures are proposed: first, technical governance of short video technology alienation by establishing the concept of human-centered design, improving the algorithm recommendation technology system and forming an information filtering ecological environment; second, for individual governance, it is necessary to strengthen the unity of designer's rights and obligations, promote the unity of author's subjectivity and initiative, and encourage application users to rationally evaluate technology; third, in terms of social governance, the leading role of values should be improved, the moral education of short video technology should be strengthened, and the social regulation system should be improved. These measures are expected to promote the progress of short video technology and create a healthy short video environment. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Ting}, title = {Alienation in Edward Albee's >At Home at the Zoo<, Master thesis, World Literature, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Edward Albee(1928 - 2016), one of the most outstanding avant-garde American playwrights, has acquired spectacular achievements in his life. Generally recognized as an eminent spokesman of the American theatre, Albee's plays provide a key to understanding the capitalistic society. >At Home at the Zoo< combines Albee's classic work, >The Zoo Story<, with its prequel, home-life, to form a complete story of Peter, Ann, and Jerry. Based on the theory of alienation, this thesis analyzes the alienation in individuals, families and society reflected in the play.- The thesis consists of three parts. The introduction reviews the achievements of Edward Albee and the style of his plays, with a particular focus on his work >At Home at the Zoo<. This part also demonstrates the development of the theory of alienation, with the focus on Erich Fromm's theory of alienation, laying the solid foundation for the textual analysis. Erich Fromm defines alienation as a mode of experience in which the person experiences himself/herself as an alien. Due to the lack of communication resulting from over production and consumption, rampant inequality and alienation emerges in one's relationship with another. The main body of this thesis is composed of three chapters. Chapter One analyzes the defective individuals who are alienated inside themselves. In the alienated society, everyone has an increasing sense of alienation. The three main characters in the play are without exception. While both Peter and Jerry feel powerless in their life, Ann feels anxious all the time. Chapter Two examines the dysfunctional families in which the relationships between husbands and wives as well as parents and children are alienated. As a couple, Peter and Ann are isolated from each other. Jerry's father and mother are completely estranged. In the meantime, the relationships between parents and children are greatly worsened as in Peter's family and Jerry's family. Chapter Three delves into the problematic society. The confrontation between Peter and Jerry and the domination of Jerry over >the dog< reflect the alienation of the whole society.- The last part is the conclusion which points out that alienation is pervasive in the modern capitalist society after analyzing alienation reflected in the play. In the capitalistic society, people are no longer active and creative beings. They become cogs in the machine. Family is no longer a shelter for people, which is characterized by indifference and estrangement. This kind of problem can be solved by taking into account of the factors leading to alienation. Therefore, the social significance can be seen in the play based on Erich Fromm's theory of alienation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jie}, title = {A Brief Discussion on Fromm's Thought of Escaping Freedom and Its Relevance [浅论弗洛姆逃避自由思想及其现实意义]}, series = {Xinchu Culture [新楚文化], No. 7 (2023), pp. 69-72.}, journal = {Xinchu Culture [新楚文化], No. 7 (2023), pp. 69-72.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在马克思主义人学思想的基础上,结合弗洛伊德非理性潜意识理论,基于对法西斯主义产生的人性根源的分析,提出了个体在追求自由的过程中不可避免地面临自由和恐惧如影随形的生存困境。面对困境,人们用威权依附、破坏欲和机械趋同的逃避机制来掩盖困境,却在实践中给人类带来了巨大的灾难。为此,弗洛姆倡导人们通过创造性劳动和爱的实践来建立独立完整的精神结构,发展丰沛的自我,在追求自由的同时摆脱孤独的恐惧,走出困境实现自由。弗洛姆的逃避自由思想不仅为个体实现积极自由指明了方向,还为构建和谐社会提供了启示。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jing}, title = {An Interpretation of the Theme of Alienation in >Jude the Obscure< from the Perspective of Fromm's Humanistic Psychoanalysis, Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2022 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {The eminent British novelist and poet Thomas Hardy wrote fifteen novels, four collections of short stories, over 900 poems and two verse dramas throughout his life, leaving a valuable literary heritage for the people of the UK and the world. Jude the Obscure is set in England of 1860 s. It recounts the tragedy of the protagonist countryman Jude Fawley's struggle for college minister and a stable marriage. It is considered as the first modern novel in the history of British literature. The theme of alienation is a basic theme of modernist literature. It is displayed in Hardy's novels, especially in >Jude the Obscure<. This thesis adopts the humanistic psychoanalysis of the German-American Jewish social psychologist Erich Fromm to discuss and analyze the representations and reasons for Jude's alienation in the novel. Jude lived in a stage when capitalism was rapidly developing. The social economy was thriving. The achievements of political democracy were increasingly consolidated, and the cultural cause was flourishing. Influenced by the capitalist civilization, Jude strove to stand firm in metropolises. However, the development of capitalism has two sides. With the continuous progress in economy and the technology, economic features of capitalism such as the quantification and the abstraction were constantly highlighted. The connections between individuals and the connections between people and concrete objects were increasingly vague. Political democracy not only brought people freedom, but also increased people's sense of loneliness and powerlessness. On the one hand, cultural education encouraged individuals to develop the character of ambition and competition. On the other hand, it compelled individuals to act in accordance with social norms. In such a society, people were in atomic states. They did not get acquainted with each other. The psychological needs of individuals, also the needs of human nature that were based on their existence conditions could not be satisfied. People were only obliged to conform to social norms, which caused the alienation of individuals. Jude's alienation is the root of his tragedy. Based on the previous research findings, this thesis attempts to interpret the theme of alienation in >Jude the Obscure< via the theory of Erich Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis. It hopes to have a better understanding of Hardy's modernist literary spirit. [www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jie}, title = {On Fromm's Theory of >Love< [弗洛姆>爱<的话语理论]}, series = {Journal of Puyang Vocational and Technical College [濮阳职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2022), 71-76.}, journal = {Journal of Puyang Vocational and Technical College [濮阳职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2022), 71-76.}, abstract = {作为弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义者,弗洛姆深化弗洛伊德无意识领域学说,将此与马克思人道主义结合,积极探索社会改造方案。弗洛姆发现,爱是拯救病态社会的答案,爱的关系为当前病态的社会指明了方向,畸形的爱和爱的匮乏导致了人们逃避自由的心理机制,弗洛姆将爱作为一门艺术,在爱的可能上提出了诸多可行性建议。弗洛姆从个体>社会心理<出发,致力于重塑人的>社会性格<,憧憬健全社会愿景,打造充满爱的人道主义世界。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Qi}, title = {Research on Fromm's Disobedience Thought [弗洛姆不服从思想研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2022.}, abstract = {Fromm inherited Marx's humanistic thought and developed the psychoanalysis, not only do not obey the thought of theoretical connotation and forms, an important connotation in disobedience thought, also proposed shall establish a disobedient socialism and on the basis of the civil liberties cooperation of human society, form the unique ideological system. At the same time, he analyzed the phenomenon of human alienation and the adverse factors hindering the free development of human beings. The epistemological basis of his humanistic thought is the critical theory, criticizing the basic contradictions existing in capitalist society, and holding that people need to have the courage to disobey the orders of power if they want to establish humanistic socialism. On this basis, Fromm emphasizes the core concepts such as the condition of disobedience and the theoretical basis of social character, which provides a theoretical foundation for people to realize real free and comprehensive development. In addition, Fromm criticized the bureaucratic system of capitalism, the problem of old age and the psychological mechanism of escaping freedom. Based on Fromm's disobedience thought theory origin and realistic background starting, explore the surrounding Fromm's ideas of disobedience and evaluation, this paper expounds the main contents of Fromm's disobedience thought, taking Marxist theory as the foundation, the theory of Fromm's ideas of noncompliance with the value and limitations were analyzed, and thus introduces Fromm's ideas of disobedience. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2023]}, language = {zh} }