@article{Koch, author = {Koch, J{\´o}zsef}, title = {Erich Fromms humanistisches Menschenbild und unsere geteilte Welt}, series = {Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik, Budapest (ELTE Germanistisches Institut) 1992, pp. 187-192.}, journal = {Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik, Budapest (ELTE Germanistisches Institut) 1992, pp. 187-192.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Nachtrag (1989-1994) zum Gesamtverzeichnus der Schriften Erich Fromms / Supplement (1989.1994) to the Bibliography of the Writings of Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 237-272.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 237-272.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {A Contribution to the Method and Purpose of an Analytical Social Psychology [originated 1937]}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 189-236.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 189-236.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {en} } @article{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Arbeitslosigkeit, Angst und Apathie - und was dagegen zu tun ist}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 159-185.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 159-185.}, abstract = {>Anxiety and Apathy - And How to React to These<: Joblessness is one of the major social problems of of the day. As of 1994, the number of unemployed in western Germany and the new Federal lands stood at approximately 4 million. In the European Union as a whole it stands at some 17 million. Fear at losing one's job and eventually ending up as a social d{\´e}class{\´e} has come to characterize a society in which, despite the economic upturn after the last recession, growing numbers of people exist who are permanently excluded from the job sector and who increasingly fail to land in the >social net< erected by the welfare state. Basing its approach on Fromm's early research in the Worker and Employee Study (Erich Fromm, 1980) and the Marienthal Study (M. Jahoda et al., 1978) [the German titles are Arbeiter-und Angestellten-Untersuchung and Marienthaler Studie respectively], this book first attempts a detailed coverage of the various psychic effects of joblessness. In a novel interpretation updating Dieter Duhm's Fear in Capitalism (1974), the author is concerned to depict fear at the likelihood of losing one's job as a typical consequence of the capitalist economic system - more concretely, of the rationalization and competitive pressures that characterize industry. The focus is less on fear as a subjectively experienced, infrapsychic phenomenon, but rather on the reciprocal links between objective social developments, on the one hand, and subjective reactions in the form of fear and apathy on the other. Finally, measures for combatting joblessness are discussed, especially those based on proposals by the unions.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Selbstverlust{\"a}ngste}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 135-157.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 135-157.}, abstract = {>Fears of Losing One's Self<: Fears of loss can be directed at specific objects, but at the human self no less so. When the latter occurs, we speak of fears of losing one's self - these are experienced as extremely threatening existentially, which explains why they mostly only emerge as defence mechanisms. Based on the social-psychological approach adopted by Frommian psychology of the self, the importance is first shown of inner images of both objects and the self, since these reveal fears of loss as ways of compensating for unstable personality cores. Then the various defence mechanisms in the service of the a priori relatedness to the self and others are analyzed in terms of Frommian social character orientations, and, in a second stage, systematized as compensation strategies against fears of losing one's self. After this attempt at a systematization in terms of character orientations and fears of losing one's self, the author proceeds to a heuristic analysis of both narcissistic defence strategies in terms of their psychological dynamism. Finally, he suggests ways and means of coping with these fears of losing one's self when such openly manifest themselves.}, language = {de} } @article{Otto, author = {Otto, Stefan}, title = {Verlust{\"a}ngste und M{\"o}glichkeiten zu ihrer {\"U}berwindung bei Menschen mit >autorit{\"a}re,< Charakter}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 125-133.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 125-133.}, abstract = {>Fears of Loss and Some Treatment Suggestions with Reference to Persons of >Authoritarian< Character<: This essay deals with irrational fears grounded in social forces. The main analytic focus is on typical fears of loss in persons of >authoritarian< character. The author is also concerned to indicate possible counter- strategies. Starting from the basic psychic need for relatedness, Stefan Otto looks at authoritarian relatedness patterns and reveals their close links with fear. He also draws on the findings of a social-psychological study of the social character of men and women teachers, conducted by one of the International Erich Fromm Society's study groups.}, language = {de} } @article{HufnagelFunk, author = {Hufnagel, Hans and Funk, Rainer}, title = {Die Bedeutung der Angst f{\"u}r die Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsentwicklung}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 117-124.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 117-124.}, abstract = {>The Significance of Fear in Personality Development<: Fear is a part of life, of the developmental curve followed by human life. When it takes a concrete form, as specific fears, it indicates a threat to human life and launches survival strategies. Rainer Funk shows that without facing down fear there can be no human development. But fear is also a primary feature of psychic ailments. By means of case studies, Hans Hufnagel elucidates the full spectrum of fear-related ailments and goes on to show how pathologies in the capacity for objective relationships by those afflicted are at the root of phobic and fear-rooted neurotic ailments.}, language = {de} } @article{FunkHufnagel, author = {Funk, Rainer and Hufnagel, Hans}, title = {Die Bedeutung der Angst f{\"u}r die Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsentwicklung}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 117-124.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 117-124.}, abstract = {>The Significance of Fear in Personality Development<: Fear is a part of life, of the developmental curve followed by human life. When it takes a concrete form, as specific fears, it indicates a threat to human life and launches survival strategies. Rainer Funk shows that without facing down fear there can be no human development. But fear is also a primary feature of psychic ailments. By means of case studies, Hans Hufnagel elucidates the full spectrum of fear-related ailments and goes on to show how pathologies in the capacity for objective relationships by those afflicted are at the root of phobic and fear-rooted neurotic ailments.}, language = {de} } @article{Flatters, author = {Flatters, Jutta}, title = {Von Weiblichkeitsmythen und dem Zwiespalt menschlicher Existenz. Zu Simone de Beauvoirs Kritik an der religi{\"o}sen Rechtfertigung von >Weiblichkeit<}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 95-115.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 95-115.}, abstract = {>Myths of Femininity and the Splitting of Human Existence: Simone de Beavoir's Critique of the Religious Justification of >Femininity<: In her celebrated work, Le Deuxi{\`e}me Sexe, Simone de Beauvoir analyses factors that are constitutive of the life situations women find themselves in. Of particular importance here are male conceptions about how women are or should be, since in a patriarchal world men even possess the power to mould the life situations available to women. For centuries they have defined the essence and nature of women and set up ideals of femininity, these being invariably informed by the assumption that >women's essence is their (absolute) otherness<. Simone de Beauvoir interprets the representational forms of femininity thus set up as in reality myths, because (and in so far as) they can be decoded as hermeneutic nodes around which have collected male images of self, world, and God, i.e. as an expression of how men have come to see the conditio humana, of how they have attempted to come to terms with their own existential situation. In end effect, myths of femininity testify to an inability to authentically shoulder the burden of human existence in all its ambiguity. The Christian representational forms of femininity are only one exemplary area, though one that is of elemental importance in our culture because of its persistent influence. These theses by Simone de Beauvoir are expounded here in five steps. After sketching her biographical and philosophical background, the author goes into Simone de Beauvoir's notion of gender as a social category, then into the celebrated thesis of woman as the other sex, as simply the other - in order to lay the groundwork for a discussion of her religious critique. The author concludes her treatment by proposing eight interlocking theses.}, language = {de} } @article{Tauscher, author = {Tauscher, Petra}, title = {Weiblichkeit und Biophilie. Die Rolle des Weiblichen in der Frommschen Sozialpsychologie}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 77-94.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 77-94.}, abstract = {>Femininity and Biophilia: The Role of the Feminine in Frommian Socialpsychology<: In view of the crisis-proneness that is such a feature of today's relations between the sexes and, also, the break-up of traditional family structures, the >gender question< is a particularly urgent one. Fromm's various contributions to this topic are gathered together in Liebe, Sexualit{\"a}t und Matriarchat [= Love, Sexuality and Matriarchy], which was published early in 1994. Fromm attributed to the productive dissolution of primary bonds - the maternal and paternal bonds - a leading role in productive characterological development. The nature and mode of male-female relations in later life is heavily dependent on this occurring. Male-female transactions, as Fromm sees them, are specified by the matriarchal and patriarchal social structures as well as the dominant social-characterological orientations. Ever since the origins of patriarchy, ostensively biology-rooted gender differences - which Fromm saw as being essentially social in nature - have been misused in the interests of shoring up male rule. The current crisis our system finds itself in at all levels is an expression of the crisis of patriarchy, which has always kept down female identity and strength - nor have the great religions been spared its influence either. For in Christianity too, especially in the Protestant variant, specifically feminine values were always denied an outlet. By taking a hard look at Bachofen and his analysis of matriarchal cultures, at Freud and his deep roots in the patriarchal order, at the Old Testament and the Babylonian myths of creation - with their images of gods and goddesses - Fromm brings out the social constraints at work in forming male and female identity. Only when contemporary society succeeds in divesting itself of its lack of female identity models, of matriarchal values, can a conciliatory integration of male and female principles take place - only then can biophilia and the productive character be helped into life.}, language = {de} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {Mexican Time. Erich Fromm in Mexico: A Point of View}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 69-75.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 69-75.}, abstract = {>Mexikanische Zeit. Erich Fromm in Mexico<: Die Art, wie in Mexiko mit der Zeit umgegangen wird, unterscheidet sich betr{\"a}chtlich von der westeurop{\"a}ischen oder nordamerikanischen: Der Mexikaner >hat< oder >nimmt sich< mehr Zeit; die in der L{\"a}ndern der protestantischen Arbeitsethik hochgesch{\"a}tzte Tugend der P{\"u}nktlichkeit ist ihm fremd. In der >mexikanischen Zeit<, zu der viele Feste geh{\"o}ren, bekundet sich eine dem matrizentrischen Komplex zugeh{\"o}rige Art von Gesellschafts- Charakter. Man lebt unbek{\"u}mmert in den Tag hinein, erwartet, dass immer genug zum Leben vorhanden ist, und sucht das verlorengegangene Paradies wiederzufinden. Wie kam Fromm mit dieser Art von Lebenseinstellung zurecht? Anfangs galt er - der aus Deutschland emigrierte Psychoanalytiker, der in den USA praktiziert und gelehrt hatte - bei vielen seiner Sch{\"u}ler als >autorit{\"a}r<. Schon die Forderung nach p{\"u}nktlichem Beginn und die Begrenzung der analytischen Sitzung auf 50 Minuten galten ihnen als unannehmbar. Mit der Zeit kam jedoch ein fruchtbarer Austausch zustande: Seine Sch{\"u}ler erlernten von Fromm nicht nur die psychoanalytische Technik, sondern sie waren auch zutiefst von der dahinterstehenden Pers{\"o}nlichkeit beeindruckt. Umgekehrt sind Fromms ganzheitliche Sicht des Menschen und seine biophile Grundhaltung nicht ohne die Erfahrungen, die er w{\"a}hrend seiner langj{\"a}hrigen T{\"a}tigkeit in Mexiko machte, zu verstehen. So trug die >mexikanische Zeit< viel zur Entwicklung der >humanistischen Psychoanalyse< bei.}, language = {en} } @article{Neumann, author = {Neumann, Johannes}, title = {Zur Frage nach der analytischen Brauchbarkeit des Begriffs >Gesellschafts-Charakter< bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 49-67.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 49-67.}, abstract = {>The Analytic Usefulness of the >Social Character< Concept in Erich Fromm's Thought<: It is a weakness of traditional social research that it is able, at best, to supply accurate descriptions of the social status quo, but is quite at a loss to undertake any serious prognostication worth the name. Erich Fromm, with his theoretical analysis of >social character<, has developed an approach which might just allow us to predict social developments in the making. First, the author shows how the theory of an >authoritarian character<, originally propounded by Erich Fromm in his worker and employee investigations at the end of the twenties, was subsequently expanded and refined by him. By the time Fromm had finished, he possessed a highly differentiated theory of social character. For a researcher to critically scrutinize his own hypotheses is a rare enough undertaking. But just that was what Erich Fromm undertook to do after his relocation to Mexico - by conducting, for this express purpose, a comprehensive case study of a Mexican village. There the great estates had been broken up barely 40 years earlier, at the time of the Revolution, and the land redistributed to the peasants. Fromm wanted to know which expressions of social character would turn out to be readily adaptable and which would prove intractable. The questioning modalities developed by Fromm involving use of an interpretive questionnaire, and especially his methods of interpretation in terms of the biophilia/ necrophilia polarity, were painstaking in the extreme. That is why final publication of the protocolled findings took until 1970 to complete, thirteen years after the start of planning. Apart from the high qualitative and qualificational demands made on interviewers and analysts, the greatest difficulty probably lay in the ease with which related categories could be confused. Notwithstanding, the concept of social character proved an uncommonly fruitful theoretical approach for carrying out studies into a group's mindsets and ethical qualities.}, language = {de} } @article{InternationaleErichFrommGesellschaft, author = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, title = {Empirische Charakterforschung. Erg{\"a}nzungen zur Publikation einer Pilotstudie der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft}, series = {Gesellschaft und Charakter (Society and Character). Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster, Vol. 6 (LIT Verlag) 1995, pp. 7-47.}, journal = {Gesellschaft und Charakter (Society and Character). Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster, Vol. 6 (LIT Verlag) 1995, pp. 7-47.}, language = {de} } @misc{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Vorwort - Preface}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 3-6.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 3-6.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12624, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, 272 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @article{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Analytische Sozialpsychologie und vision{\"a}re Gesellschaftskritik}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 245-250.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 245-250.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {2. Nachtrag (1994) zur Bibliographie der Literatur {\"u}ber Erich Fromm (2nd. Supplement (1994) to the Bibliography of the Literature about Erich Fromm)}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 199-241.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 199-241.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Selfishness and Self-Love}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 173-197.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 6 (1995): Gesellschaft und Charakter, pp. 173-197.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Gibt es einen neuen autorit{\"a}ren Charakter?}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 155-169.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 155-169.}, abstract = {>Does there exist a new Authoritarian Character?<: The current xenophobic violent acts in Germany have gained an new aura of sensitivity since reunification. Historical experience during the Weimar Republic, together with the strengthening of the National Socialism at that time would suggest the necessity to draw parallels to the current situation. The theories of the Frankfurt School regarding the authoritarian character according to Theodor W. Adorno and Erich Fromm are summarised. In addition, the current (empirical) theories of Heitmeyer, Maaz, Oesterreich and Fritzsche/Knepper to explain right-wing extremism, are analysed with regard to their sociopsychological, explanatory potential. At this point the differences in the political cultures in the reunified Germany are also discussed. The post-war waves of modernisation and individualisation would also suggest the necessity to return to the theory of narcissism. The >Macciavellian< strategies of interaction are taken to illustrate, that a new fear and escapism from freedom can lead to a modern authoritarianism of non-integrated individuals.}, language = {de} } @article{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Zur gegenw{\"a}rtigen Eskalation der Gewalt. Ursachen - Zusammenh{\"a}nge - L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 127-154.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 127-154.}, abstract = {>On the Present Escalation of Violence: Causes, Connectivities, and Containment Strategies<: The current increase in youthful crimes of violence mainly directed against foreigners is often put down to defective education. This essay will have none of such simplifying explanations, pointing instead to a connection between >direct< (youthful) violence, >structural< violence (in the public sphere and the economy), and >cultural< violence (in the media). As to the psycho-social genesis of youthful crimes of violence, Helmut Johach distinguishes a >classically asocial< socialization type, mainly restricted to the lower class, from a >narcissistic< deviance syndrome that more characterizes the middle class. An alteration in socialization conditions, affecting both types equally, has been brought about by television more and more replacing primary social experiences in the family. The fact that youthful violence by skinheads and other rightist groups is mainly directed against foreigners is seen as being due to a post-reunification >drift to the right< in German public life and society at large - a drift also manifested in e.g. the asylum-seeker debate in the bundestag. Finally, the author locks horns with the thesis that the >anti-authoritarian upbringing< propagated in the aftermath of the 1968 student revolts has led to a >value decay< in today's younger generation. The ideological function of such pronouncements is to attract attention away from the real causes of the crisis, which are in the nature of the capitalist economic system. Helmut Johach concludes that calls for a >strong state< are quite wrongheaded if the aim is to combat rightwing radicalism; what is needed instead is a more energetic commitment to maintaining a democratic and socially concerned framework.}, language = {de} } @article{Kattmann, author = {Kattmann, U.}, title = {Ist Fremdenhaß biologisch motiviert?}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 111-125.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 111-125.}, language = {de} } @article{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {Fromm's Concept of Biophilia}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 101-109.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 101-109.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{LioBuratti, author = {Lio, Enzo and Buratti, Anna}, title = {Ourselves and the Other: The Role of Fear}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 91-100.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 91-100.}, abstract = {>Die Rolle der Angst in der Beziehung zu uns selbst und zu anderen<: Dieser Beitrag sucht zu zeigen, dass es nicht gen{\"u}gt, angesichts der Krise der moralischen und zivilisatorischen Werte, in der sich die Menschheit gegenw{\"a}rtig befindet, in einer passiven Zuschauerrolle zu verharren. Die Krise hat zu destruktiven Prozessen gef{\"u}hrt, in denen der moderne Mensch sowohl Subjekt, als auch Objekt ist. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Wahrnehmung eines anderen menschlichen Wesens als fremd phylogenetisch erkl{\"a}rt werden kann. Das soll heißen, dass der Ursprung in der tierischen Vorgeschichte unserer Spezies zu suchen ist, in einer Zeit, als die menschlichen Lebewesen sich von anderen Lebewesen noch nicht sehr unterschieden und wie sie f{\"u}rchten mussten, im Kampf ums {\"U}berleben von Fremden angegriffen und {\"u}bermannt zu werden. Im Verlauf der Evolution erwarb der Mensch jedoch Vernunft, wodurch wir bef{\"a}higt wurden, unsere >erste Natur< zu {\"u}berwinden. Wir konnten unser instinktives und archaisches Verhalten korrigieren, zumindest in den Aspekten, die f{\"u}r das menschliche Leben dysfunktional sind und die individuelle soziale Entwicklung behindern - dies gilt z. B. f{\"u}r die Furcht vor dem Fremden. Menschliche Wesen k{\"o}nnen nicht auf einen tierischen Status regredieren, deshalb k{\"o}nnen sie nicht anders, als sich ihrer menschlichen Eigenarten bewusst zu werden und in Harmonie mit ihren Artgenossen, die den Erdball bev{\"o}lkern, zu leben. Menschliche Wesen m{\"u}ssen nicht nach Herrschaft steben; vielmehr sollen sich Humanit{\"a}t und Demut unter ihnen durchsetzen. Sie k{\"o}nnen nicht l{\"a}nger das Recht f{\"u}r sich in Anspruch nehmen, {\"u}ber Leben und Tod anderer Lebewesen zu entscheiden oder auch dar{\"u}ber, wer auf diesem Planeten als Fremder zu gelten hat.}, language = {en} } @article{BurattiLio, author = {Buratti, Anna and Lio, Enzo}, title = {Ourselves and the Other: The Role of Fear}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 91-100.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 91-100.}, abstract = {>Die Rolle der Angst in der Beziehung zu uns selbst und zu anderen<: Dieser Beitrag sucht zu zeigen, dass es nicht gen{\"u}gt, angesichts der Krise der moralischen und zivilisatorischen Werte, in der sich die Menschheit gegenw{\"a}rtig befindet, in einer passiven Zuschauerrolle zu verharren. Die Krise hat zu destruktiven Prozessen gef{\"u}hrt, in denen der moderne Mensch sowohl Subjekt, als auch Objekt ist. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Wahrnehmung eines anderen menschlichen Wesens als fremd phylogenetisch erkl{\"a}rt werden kann. Das soll heißen, dass der Ursprung in der tierischen Vorgeschichte unserer Spezies zu suchen ist, in einer Zeit, als die menschlichen Lebewesen sich von anderen Lebewesen noch nicht sehr unterschieden und wie sie f{\"u}rchten mussten, im Kampf ums {\"U}berleben von Fremden angegriffen und {\"u}bermannt zu werden. Im Verlauf der Evolution erwarb der Mensch jedoch Vernunft, wodurch wir bef{\"a}higt wurden, unsere >erste Natur< zu {\"u}berwinden. Wir konnten unser instinktives und archaisches Verhalten korrigieren, zumindest in den Aspekten, die f{\"u}r das menschliche Leben dysfunktional sind und die individuelle soziale Entwicklung behindern - dies gilt z. B. f{\"u}r die Furcht vor dem Fremden. Menschliche Wesen k{\"o}nnen nicht auf einen tierischen Status regredieren, deshalb k{\"o}nnen sie nicht anders, als sich ihrer menschlichen Eigenarten bewusst zu werden und in Harmonie mit ihren Artgenossen, die den Erdball bev{\"o}lkern, zu leben. Menschliche Wesen m{\"u}ssen nicht nach Herrschaft steben; vielmehr sollen sich Humanit{\"a}t und Demut unter ihnen durchsetzen. Sie k{\"o}nnen nicht l{\"a}nger das Recht f{\"u}r sich in Anspruch nehmen, {\"u}ber Leben und Tod anderer Lebewesen zu entscheiden oder auch dar{\"u}ber, wer auf diesem Planeten als Fremder zu gelten hat.}, language = {en} } @article{Biancoli, author = {Biancoli, Romano}, title = {Abwehrformen im Umgang mit dem Fremden}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 71-89.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 71-89.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, abstract = {>Psychoanalytic Considerations on the Defences from Confrontation with the Stranger<: The conscious and unconscious are qualities of the contents of the psyche attributed, for the most part, to social processes, that are themselves unconscious. In this way the conscious area is largely an illusion. The total man, from the most distant past to the potential future, remains unconscious. One is a member of society, but also member of the human race and, as such, citizen of the world. Humanism is the antithesis of all xenophobic nationalism, all racism and all prejudiced thought. The repression of emotions, sentiments and thoughts which strike the family harmony are part of a strategy of survival adopted by the individual from the start of infancy. The operation of estrangement begins from oneself in order to conform with the family and social environment. Ostracism is avoided by directing it towards repressed and split parts of oneself and towards all aspects on the outside to which those parts allude, according to the defence mechanisms of identifiaation with the aggressor and the projection. Not only is >primordial man< estranged, but also and above all man in his potentiality of development, the >new man< who has overcome narcissism and the symbioticincestuous attachment. The revolutionary character is the strangest of all in today's Western society. The Author supports these positions by the analysis of two dreams and by a brief history of witch hunt.}, language = {de} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Vergleichende empirische Daten zur Entstehung des deutschen Gesellschafts-Charakter}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 61-69. [= Bacciagaluppi, M., 1993b]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 61-69. [= Bacciagaluppi, M., 1993b]}, abstract = {Attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby, and empirical research derived from it, beginning with Ainsworth's >Strange Situation< and the correlated home observations, are described. The studies of the transgenerational transmission of patterns and of the internal working models of the relationship, as well as longitudinal studies, are reported. The main focus of the paper is on cross-cultural studies, carried out in Germany, Israel and Japan. In North Germany, as compared to the U. S., there was a higher frequency of avoidant behavior in babies. This finding has been linked with the cultural demand for premature self-reliance. It is suggested that in the avoidant North German children we see the early ontogeny of the authoritarian character.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Narzißmus und Gewaltt{\"a}tigkeit gegen Fremdes}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 45-60.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 45-60.}, abstract = {>Narcissism and Violence against the Alien<: Not the increasing frequency of clinically relevant narcissistic disturbances alone, but also the wide dissemination of the narcissistic character as a new social type, explains why many people do not characteristically suffer passively from xenophobia, but react instead with hostility and aggression towards what is alien to them. As far as the narcissist is concerned, the more he is driven to indulge himself and stabilize his fragile sense of self with the help of grandiose phantasies, the more he projects the alien-inhimself onto others - with the result that he feels himself existentially threatened by others. The other person is made into the epitome of evil and weakness, of the wicked and the menacing. The narcissistic compensation is invariably associated with hostility towards whatever lies outside one's idealized self. This essay first demarcates narcissistic violence towards the alien from other social-characterological forms of violence towards the alien. Enlisting the reception of the Frommian conception of the self, as it was developed towards the end of the thirties, Rainer Funk distinguishes two different psychodynamics of narcissism; he then uses these to interpret violence towards the alien as an expression of wounded narcissism. Finally, the social causes behind the growth of narcissism in industrial cultures are reviewed.}, language = {de} } @article{SilvaGarcia, author = {Silva Garc{\´i}a, Jorge}, title = {Erich Fromm's Humanism and the Stranger}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 31-44.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 31-44.}, abstract = {>Erich Fromms Humanismus und der Fremde<: Erich Fromms radikaler Humanismus mit seinem Glauben an die Gleichheit aller Menschen, in Frieden und Freiheit-zu, steht im Gegensatz zur Furcht vor dem Fremden (aufgrund von Rasse, Religion, ethnischer Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit, Nationalit{\"a}t etc.) und zu aller Fremdheit, die durch den Narzißmus des Penis, die unglaubliche Gier nach Geld und Macht und die doppelte Furcht vor Freiheit und Alleinsein erzeugt wird; wenn die Menschheit, anstatt sich von dieser doppelten Furcht jagen zu lassen, zur Individuation gelangen w{\"u}rde, so w{\"u}rde der Fremde - so Fromms Ansicht - zu einem Bekannten werden und das Fremde w{\"u}rde unsere Neugier, unser Interesse und unsere F{\"a}higkeit zum Staunen hervorrufen und uns vertraut werden. Furcht und/oder Impotenz (manchmal ein Deckgef{\"u}hl f{\"u}r erstere) sind die h{\"a}ufigsten und wichtigsten Ursachen f{\"u}r Wut, {\"A}rger, Groll oder m{\"o}rderischen Hass; eines dieser Gef{\"u}hle spielt immer bei der Furcht vor dem Fremden eine Rolle. Viele Menschen f{\"u}rchten und hassen auf diese Weise die Natur - so wenden sie sich k{\"u}nstlichen, kontrollierbaren Nachahmungen zu, so pl{\"u}ndern sie die Natur und w{\"u}nschen nur noch, sie um jeden Preis zu zerst{\"o}ren. Wir m{\"u}ssen hinzuf{\"u}gen, dass unsere Furcht unsere F{\"a}higkeit zu wachsen behindert und so auch unsere Tendenz zur Destruktivit{\"a}t verst{\"a}rkt. Unser Glaube und das Objekt unserer bewussten oder unbewussten Hingabe wird offenbar in allem, was wir in non-verbaler Kommunikation tun - auch dies ein >K{\"o}nigsweg< zum Unbewussten oder Nicht-Wahrgenommenen. Die Menschen handeln je nach Wahl, in zug{\"a}nglichen Alternativen; deshalb ist es unbedingt erforderlich, die Einschr{\"a}nkungen unserer Wahrnehmung r{\"u}ckg{\"a}ngig zu machen und unseren Entscheidungshorizont zu erweitern, so dass wir in Bewusstheit und Freiheit w{\"a}hlen k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r Fromm impliziert unsere F{\"a}higkeit, kreativ zu sein, das Leben und alles Lebendige zu lieben, worin die Erde nat{\"u}rlich eingeschlossen ist, auch, daß wir uns weiterentwickeln und auf dem Weg zur Individuation voranschreiten.}, language = {en} } @article{Tauscher, author = {Tauscher, Petra}, title = {Fremdenhaß aus der Sicht der Sozialpsychologie Erich Fromms}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 15-29.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 15-29.}, language = {de} } @article{InternationaleErichFrommGesellschaft, author = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, title = {Erkl{\"a}rung der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft zum Fremdenhaß (Declaration of The International Erich-Fromm Society on Xenophobia}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 9-12.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 9-12.}, language = {de} } @article{OPUS4-12623, title = {Erkl{\"a}rung der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft zum Fremdenhaß (Declaration of The International Erich-Fromm Society on Xenophobia}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 9-12.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 9-12.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @misc{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Vorwort (Preface)}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 3-8.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, pp. 3-8.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12622, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 5 (1994): Vom Umgang mit dem Fremden, 250 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @misc{Cortina, author = {Cortina, Mauricio}, title = {Review Burston, D. R.: The Legacy of Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 253-260.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 253-260.}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Freedom in the Work Situation}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 238-250.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 238-250.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Individual and Social Origins of Neurosis}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 231-237.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 231-237.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Humanisierung der Alltagspraxis. {\"U}berlegungen zu einer Ethik der sozialen Berufe}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 203-227.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 203-227.}, abstract = {>The Humanization of Everyday Life. An Analysis of the Ethics of the Social Professions<: If ethical analysis is to be of any service in elaborating a theory of the social professions, it must not simply be based on the patron-client relationship. Of greater importance are rudimentary social-political and universal ethical maxims, both of which imply a demand for social justice construed as working towards a social state - together with Albert Schweizer's >reverence for life< and Erich Fromm's >biophilia< (in the sense of dealing considerately with nature). Since most social occupations in present-day society are located in the service sector, the influence of commodification (>commodities always come with a price tab attached<) must be as much reflected in the worker's relation to the client as the possibility of abuse and remaining in tutelage. Finally speaking, institutional ties to colleagues and co-workers (>teamwork<) - as well as >looking after oneself< (in the sense of preserving one's psychic balance), work on the >patron syndrome< (W. Schmidtbauer), and the prevention of >burn-out< - are also in need of consideration. In all of these, the goal of a practical ethic for the social occupations not only consists in promoting the most >mature< possible standards of professional behavior; it also involves freeing the way for a showdown with compulsions and deformations that are deeply rooted in the socially conditioned motivational and demand structure, i.e. Erich Fromm's >social character<. Emancipating oneself from these compulsions is, to be sure, not easy and never completely successful - but achieving insight is the first step to liberation.}, language = {de} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Reflexionen zur Humanisierung der Schule}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 174-202.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 174-202.}, abstract = {>The Humanist Critique of School Education<: In a dialectical intellectual process, this critique of school education succeeds in elucidating those typical influence patterns that go into forming social character - which precede the school stage even. Not only diminished authority but a loss of psychic roots testify to the contradictory nature of children's liberation. The school's emphasis on individualization means that pupils are educated with the needs of the marketplace in mind. In the school itself, the production of >marketing< character structures is promoted by institutional mechanisms which, in essence, compel pupils to adapt to an authoritarian and hierarchical educational theory. As a counterweight to this >colonization< of schoolchildren, discussion here focuses on key proposals of how the school may have its humanity restored. Paramount here would be a new role for teachers, one involving restructured cognition processes, revised educational programs, and altered self-perspectives in pedagogical psychology. Also needed is a reform of instructional forms so as to make them more living, adventurous, and socially responsive. Growing educationaldifficulties also render essential an extension of counseling and supervision in matters related to pedagogical psychology. Finally, a number of leading categories are developed within which the humanization of the school can best proceed.}, language = {de} } @article{Lukoschik, author = {Lukoschik, B.}, title = {Die gesellschaftlichen Wurzeln der modernen Naturwissenschaft. Ein Versuch zur Strukturlogik von moderner Gesellschaft, Ich-Identit{\"a}t und Naturwissenschaft}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 113-173.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 113-173.}, abstract = {>The Social Roots of Modern Science<: This discussion is predicated on the following theses: - Modern science, and especially physics as it has developed since Galileo and Newton, is not value-neutral. It is therefore not merely science's practical outlets and technological spinoffs that embody the interests, values and weltanschauung of its practitioners. Rather its specific mode of grappling with nature is, both in its methodology and basic concepts, interest- and value-laden from the outset; moreover, science is rooted in a particular view of the world. The view of the world in which science is grounded, and hence also its fundamental concepts, are socially mediated historical developments. It is from basic social structures, especially those in the socio-economic sphere, that such scientific concepts as space and time, the knowing subject, and objectivized nature, have been won, i.e. they have derived from them central aspects and structural features of their interpretive edifice. The present attempt at a materialistic explanation of modern science seeks to answer the question of how scientific theory formation and experimentation,science's characteristic mode of grappling with nature, can be construed as an historically conditioned way of conceiving nature. Here Alfred Sohn-Rethals' theory, according to which economic modalities are >reflected< in human consciousness, proves too narrow an answer. This article mainly draws on Fromm's pivotal concept of >social character<. Applying the latter to the problem of deriving the basic concepts of natural science, the author offers the following answer: To each specific historically conditioned mode of production there pertains a specific social character - the ego must accept what is incumbent on it, as a social actor, to secure the preservation of society. It is in need of an orientational framework, an object of reverence, an appropriate identity. As far as the ego's relation to nature within a given production modality is concerned, the image of nature and the basic concepts of natural science communicate an orientational framework to the ego, together with the necessary means, to stabilize the identity required by the production modality.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Seelische Auswirkungen der entfremdeten Arbeit auf den Menschen}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 94-112.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 94-112.}, abstract = {>On the Present Escalation of Violence: Causes, Connectivities, and Containment Strategies<: The current increase in youthful crimes of violence mainly directed against foreigners is often put down to defective education. This essay will have none of such simplifying explanations, pointing instead to a connection between >direct< (youthful) violence, >structural< violence (in the public sphere and the economy), and >cultural< violence (in the media). As to the psycho-social genesis of youthful crimes of violence, Helmut Johach distinguishes a >classically asocial< socialization type, mainly restricted to the lower class, from a >narcissistic< deviance syndrome that more characterizes the middle class. An alteration in socialization conditions, affecting both types equally, has been brought about by television more and more replacing primary social experiences in the family. The fact that youthful violence by skinheads and other rightist groups is mainly directed against foreigners is seen as being due to a post-reunification >drift to the right< in German public life and society at large - a drift also manifested in e.g. the asylum-seeker debate in the bundestag. Finally, the author locks horns with the thesis that the >anti-authoritarian upbringing< propagated in the aftermath of the 1968 student revolts has led to a >value decay< in today's younger generation. The ideological function of such pronouncements is to attract attention away from the real causes of the crisis, which are in the nature of the capitalist economic system. Helmut Johach concludes that calls for a >strong state< are quite wrongheaded if the aim is to combat rightwing radicalism; what is needed instead is a more energetic commitment to maintaining a democratic and socially concerned framework.}, language = {de} } @article{Hahne, author = {Hahne, A.}, title = {Zur Bedeutung der Arbeit in der Marktwirtschaft}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 83-93.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 83-93.}, abstract = {>The Meaning of Work in a Market Economy<: Work has both an economic and a human value. The latter value is downplayed though in capitalist market economies, since these are based on the expropriation of labor, rather than on the self-fulfillment of the workforce. However, entrepreneurial manipulation of labor as a production factor is today tempered, to an extent at least, by an increased need for social integration within the firm or on the factory floor. From the worker's perspective too, work is not a matter a choice but of hard economic necessity. Most contracted activities performed by workers for remuneration are alienated (on several different levels). The author advances the thesis that proprietors are increasingly discovering an interest in having >self-determined< individuals on their staff. This development is, however, problematic if it means, in concrete terms, that individuals are now expected to internalize formerly external mechanisms of exploitation (a dominance-oriented culture, surveillance, ecological indifference, a technology-heavy approach). Yet this development has another aspect: it could also provide real gains in the struggle for greater onthe- job freedom. Both on the individual and collective level, it could end up giving workers greater room for maneuver.}, language = {de} } @article{Grey, author = {Grey, Alan L.}, title = {Society as Destiny. Fromm's Concept of Social Character}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 63-82.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 63-82.}, language = {en} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Zum Zusammenhang von Arbeit, Charakter und Erziehung}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 29-62.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 29-62.}, abstract = {>Links between Work, Character, and Education<: The transformational processes presently occurring in the techno-economic bases of industrial life are, inevitably enough, accompanied by changes in social character. Though the significance of work for character formation has declined as other influences have moved to centerstage, >work< still remains an important dimension by which human beings define and anchor themselves in the world. Indeed, this >anchoring through work< allows the characterological status quo in the present to be read off. This essay takes the Frommian concept of social character as its departure point, asking what work experiences lead to what character structures and also what work ethic results from these characterological features. An analysis is given of the social-characterological conditions necessarily imported by workers into their job situations, simply in order to break even in an evolving industrial labor process marked by structural unemployment. More stringent vocational requirements, plus an increased release from the coercion of having to work for one's daily bread, pose a real danger for one's psychic balance and make flexibility an imperative. If the identity crisis brought on by the deprivation of work is to be mastered, new vocational outlets must be developed that are removed from financial remuneration and accountability - as an alternative to work in the traditional sense. At the same time, jobs and wages need to be uncoupled and a society-wide minimum income guaranteed. These transformational processes are giving rise to a >post-industrial character structure< principally characterized, in its productive variants, by flexibility andsocial competence; moreover, its behavior patterns are loosened up by quality-orientated, diversified job (or other vocational) requirements capable of appealing to the whole person.}, language = {de} } @article{Hoernig, author = {Hoernig, E.}, title = {Zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der Arbeit bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 9-28.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 9-28.}, language = {de} } @misc{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Vorwort - Preface}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 1-6.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12621, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, 260 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @article{Classen, author = {Classen, Johannes}, title = {Erich Fromm und die Kritische P{\"a}dagogik}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 265-266.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 265-266.}, language = {de} } @article{Hardeck, author = {Hardeck, Juergen}, title = {Religion im Werk von Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 263-264.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 263-264.}, language = {de} } @article{Frederking, author = {Frederking, Volker}, title = {Theonome Ontologie und humanistische Psychoanalyse. Die Rezeption Meister Eckharts im Werk Erich Fromms}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 259-262.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 259-262.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Nachtrag zur Bibliographie der Literatur {\"u}ber Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 187-255.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 187-255.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Nachtrag zum Gesamtverzeichnis der Schriften Erich Fromms}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 171-186.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 171-186.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Der Einfluss gesellschaftlicher Faktoren auf die Entwicklung des Kindes}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 167-170.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 167-170.}, abstract = {Der kurze Beitrag >Der Einfluss gesellschaftlicher Faktoren auf die Entwicklung des Kindes< - aus einem in spanischer Sprache gehaltenen Vortrag entstanden - macht am Beispiel der Erziehung anschaulich, wie sich Fromm den Pr{\"a}gungszusammenhang von Gesellschaft und Charakter vorstellt und zu welchen Konflikten es zwischen den Erwartungen der Gesellschaft und den psychischen Bed{\"u}rfnissen des Menschen kommen kann.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {The Influence of Social Factors in Child Development}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 163-165.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 163-165.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {en} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Dianetik - Die Heilslehre der Scientology-Church}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 159-162.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Band 3 (1992), pp. 159-162.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {de} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {For Seekers of Prefabricated Happiness. Review of L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics, New York (Hermitage House) 1950}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Vol. 3 (1992), pp. 155-157.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag), Vol. 3 (1992), pp. 155-157.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Der Humanismus in Leben und Werk von Erich Fromm. Laudatio zum 90. Geburtstag}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 133-152.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 133-152.}, abstract = {>Humanism in the Life and Work of Erich Fromm. A Laudatio on his 90th Birthday<: Apart from the socio-psychological concern informing Erich Fromm's whole opus, it is his humanist thought that runs as a leitmotif through his life and work. This essay attempts to indicate the wellsprings of Fromm's humanist thought and to systematically delineate the essential traits of Fromm's humanism. The primary early impulse behind Fromm's humanism was the embodiment of Jewish humanism he encountered in the person of Salman Baruch Rabinkow, the Habad Hassid and Erich Fromm's Talmudic teacher in Heidelberg between 1919 and 1925. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis with its teaching and guiding precept of opening oneself up to persons in their wholeness was to become the second source of Fromm's humanism. For all that Fromm stressed his roots in the humanism of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, there is no doubting the uniqueness and authenticity of his own version, nor that his reading of the essence of humanism transcended these traditional forerunners in essential points. This essay is rounded off by a characterization of the humanist Fromm using only statements quoted from Fromm himself and others on the personality of his teacher Rabinkow.}, language = {de} } @article{EckardtHorney, author = {Eckardt Horney, Marianne}, title = {The Theme of Hope in Erich Fromm's Writing}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 121-132. [= Eckardt, M. Horney, 1982]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 121-132. [= Eckardt, M. Horney, 1982]}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, abstract = {Die Qualit{\"a}t der Hoffnung war f{\"u}r Fromm von zentraler Bedeutung. Hoffnung ist ein unerl{\"a}ssliches Element der Struktur des Lebens, der Dynamik des menschlichen Geistes. Aber so wie die Hoffnung immer zum Leben geh{\"o}rt, so geh{\"o}ren auch Entt{\"a}uschung und Verzweiflung, die Kehrseite der Hoffnung, dazu. Fromm beschreibt sehr treffend den Kampf zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung, wie er in den biblischen Psalmen zum Ausdruck kommt. Das Ergebnis eines solchen Kampfes kann entweder eine vertiefte Bejahung des Lebens sein oder eine >Verh{\"a}rtung des Herzens<, die zu Destruktivit{\"a}t und Gewalt f{\"u}hrt.}, language = {en} } @article{Pambuccian, author = {Pambuccian, Viktor}, title = {Mathematik, Intuition und die Existenzweise des Seins}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 87-120. [= Revision of Pambuccian, V., 1990.]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 87-120. [= Revision of Pambuccian, V., 1990.]}, abstract = {>Mathematics, Intuition and the Being Mode of Existence<: At the beginning of the 20th century several paradoxes in set theory plunged mathematics into a crisis of its foundations. There were three solutions to the foundational crisis: logicism, formalism and intuitionism. Since logicism can be considered as incorporated into formalism, formalism and intuitionism represent the two major solutions. Although both were proposed by famous mathematicians, the former, put forward by David Hilbert totally dominates both mathematical practice and the philosophy of mathematics whereas the latter, put forward by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer is pursued only by a small number of logicians, most of which reject Brouwer's underlying philosophy. In this paper we show that Brouwer's philosophy and foundation of mathematics are not the outcome of a sick, solipsistic mind, as commonly portrayed, but that his way of thinking is perceived as such through the spectacles of alienation (the >having mode of existence< (Fromm) or >greed, hatred, delusion< (Buddha). We show that Brouwer's way of thinking is embedded in the >being mde of existence< (Fromm). The formalist foundation of mathematics is seen historically as the mathematical counterpart of what analytical philosophy is to philosophy or what behaviorism is to psychology, the way of thinking which embraces it being rooted in the >having mode of existence<, whose prevalence in society accounts for the historical success of the formalist point of view.}, language = {de} } @article{Marlinova, author = {Marlinova, Olga}, title = {Group Psychology in the Totalitarian System: A Psychoanalytic View}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 69-86. [= MARLIN, O, 1990.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 69-86. [= MARLIN, O, 1990.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, abstract = {>Gruppenpsychologie im totalit{\"a}ren System aus psychoanalytischer Sicht<: Die Autorin diskutiert die Ideen, die drei bedeutende psychoanalytische Denker - Sigmund Freud, Wilfred Bion und Erich Fromm - zu Gruppenprozessen in sozialen Großgruppen entwickelt haben. Ihre Ideen werden im einzelnen dargelegt und auf die Analyse von Gruppenprozessen in totalit{\"a}ren Systemen, wie sie der Autorin von der Tschechoslowakei und der ehemaligen Sowjetunion her bekannt sind, angewandt. Im Anschluss daran werden {\"U}berlegungen zur therapeutischen Behandlung von Patienten, die unter diesen Verh{\"a}ltnissen aufgewachsen sind, angestellt und durch klinische Falldarstellungen erl{\"a}utert.}, language = {en} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Salvador}, title = {The Third World and the Social Character}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 57-68. [= Mill{\´a}n, S., 1991a]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 57-68. [= Mill{\´a}n, S., 1991a]}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>Die Dritte Welt und der Gesellschafts-Charakter<: Die von Erich Fromm aufgestellte Theorie des Gesellschafts-Charakters gibt uns die M{\"o}glichkeit, uns die emotionalen Prozesse zu erkl{\"a}ren, die sich in den Individuen im Verlauf des sozialen Anpassungsprozesses entwickeln und ver{\"a}ndern. Nach Fromms Schema, das von den sozialen Strukturen ausgeht, ist der Gesellschafts-Charakter zwischen der {\"o}konomischen Basis und den Ideen angesiedelt. Wenn man in Rechnung stellt, dass die sozio-{\"o}konomischen Faktoren den Charakter beeinflussen und determinieren, kann man nicht von einem gleichartigen Charakter in der Ersten und der Dritten Welt sprechen - Differenzen, die in empirischen Studien aufgewiesen wurden, haben das gezeigt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Dynamik des Geschlechterkampfes geschildert, der nicht nur f{\"u}r die Dritte Welt zu gelten scheint. Die Studien zum Gesellschafts- Charakter haben unterschiedliche Charaktertypen beschrieben; in diesem Text werden Charaktertypen dargestellt, die bei f{\"u}hrenden Pers{\"o}nlichkeiten in einer mexikanischen Provinzgemeinde angetroffen wurden. Ebenso werden einige theoretische Aspekte untersucht, wie z.B. der Einfluss der sozio-{\"o}konomischen Bedingungen, das kapitalistische Modell und der Zusammenbruch der totalit{\"a}ren Regime in den L{\"a}ndern des Ostens. Schließlich erfolgt eine kurze Zusammenfassung des praktischen sozialpsychoanalytischen Prozesses, im Anschluss an eine methodologische Studie, die der Anwendung des interpretativen Fragebogens in der erw{\"a}hnten Provinzgemeinde voraufging.}, language = {en} } @article{GojmandeMillan, author = {Gojman de Mill{\´a}n, Sonia}, title = {A Sociopsychoanalytic Intervention Process in a Mexican Mining Village}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 47-56.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 47-56.}, abstract = {>Ein sozio-psychoanalytischer Interventionsprozeß in einem mexikanischen Bergarbeiterdorf<: Dieser Beitrag gibt Rechenschaft von den Wirkungen, die eine knapp 6j{\"a}hrige soziopsychoanalytische Arbeit in einem mexikanischen Bergarbeiterdorf, speziell bei der kindlichen Bev{\"o}lkerung an einer Grundschule, gehabt hat. Zun{\"a}chst wird in allgemeinen Begriffen die Struktur des >sozio-psychoanalytischen Prozesses< beschrieben, wie er im Anschluss an Erich Fromm konzipiert ist: Aus der erweiterten Perspektive einer Integration des Unbewussten wird nicht nur der Bezug zu unterdr{\"u}ckten Sexualimpulsen wiedergewonnen, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, inwieweit das Sozialsystem als solches diese verdr{\"a}ngt und so Charakterz{\"u}ge auspr{\"a}gt, die dazu beitragen, das System und seine sozio-{\"o}konomische Struktur durch Rationalisierung und Ideologiebildung zu stabilisieren. Dir Bericht basiert auf der Auswertung von insgesamt 141 Frageb{\"o}gen, die bei einer Zufallsstichprobe von Kindern 3 Jahre vor und 3 Jahre nach dem Anlaufen des Projekts erhoben wurden (hiervon umfasste die erste Stichprobe 73, die zweite 68 Frageb{\"o}gen). In einer vom Mexikanischen Nationalen Rat f{\"u}r Wissenschaft und Technologie (CONACYT) gef{\"o}rderten Auswertung wurde zwischen beiden Stichproben ein systematischer Vergleich gezogen. Bei der Inhaltsanalyse der Antworten wurde besonders auf die Bildung von Charakterz{\"u}gen und auf das moralische Urteil geachtet; die h{\"a}ufigsten Charakterz{\"u}ge und die Differenzen zwischen den beiden Auswertungen werden beschrieben. Dabei stellt sich, was das Selbstbild der Kinder angeht, eine gewisse Besserung heraus, verbunden mit einer Verschiebung hin zu produktiven und biophilen Charakteren. Bei einer gr{\"u}ndlicheren Auswertung des Materials tritt als ein spezieller Befund eine merkliche Verringerung im Ausmaß der physischen Misshandlung, die die Kinder zwischen der ersten und der zweiten Erhebung zu erleiden hatten, hervor. Dies weist darauf hin, dass der Prozess der sozio-psychoanalytischen Intervention eine hervorragende M{\"o}glichkeit von Gemeinwesenarbeit darstellt. Es scheint gelungen zu sein, selbstt{\"a}tige Entwicklungsprozesse in Gang zu setzen, die vor allem bei den beteiligten M{\"u}ttern der betroffenen Familien eine prophylaktische Wirkung zugunsten der geistigen Gesundheit der Kinder hatten, abgesehen davon, dass ihnen auch eigene M{\"o}glichkeiten der Partizipation zug{\"a}nglich wurden.}, language = {en} } @article{Maccoby, author = {Maccoby, Michael}, title = {Die Methoden der Gesellschafts-Charakter-Forschung bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 35-46. [= MACCOBY, M., 1990}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 35-46. [= MACCOBY, M., 1990}, abstract = {>Methods of Social Character Research in Erich Fromm<: In the 60s team of cultural anthropologists from Mexico and the United States headed by Erich Fromm conducted a socio-psychological survey, the findings of which were published in 1970 under the title >Social Character in a Mexican Village. A Sociopsychoanalytic Study<. The author of the present essay, who closely collaborated with Fromm on this field project, reports both on the data collection methods and evaluational practices used and on the findings reached by the survey. This co-production with Fromm can certainly lay claim to exemplary status for a large part of the Mexican rural population, pointing to a narrow link between the various manifestations of the social character of the villagers, the role of tradition in the culture and family respectively, and the nexus of economic relationships. This research project resulted in the practical conclusion that the situational realities of the most strongly disadvantaged group in the rural population - young people - needed to be improved by educational programs and agricultural projects, so as to stem the growing polarization between rich and poor among the villagers.}, language = {de} } @article{Millan, author = {Mill{\´a}n, Alfonso}, title = {Die Entwicklung der Mexikanischen Psychoanalytischen Gesellschaft und des Mexikanischen Instituts f{\"u}r Psychoanalyse}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 27-34. [= MILL{\´A}N, A., 1965}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 27-34. [= MILL{\´A}N, A., 1965}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>The Development of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society and the Mexican Institute for Psychoanalysis<: In this essay a description is given of the organizational development of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society, which was heavily influenced by Erich Fromm. After a first stage where a group of psychiatry graduates was trained as psychoanalysts by Fromm at the National Autonomia University of Mexico (the present author was himself among the trainees), the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society was founded in 1956, followed by the Mexican Institute for Psychoanalysis in 1963. An overview is given of the course of studies and methods used at the institute fortraining psychoanalysts; the procedures for screening applicants are also described as well as the various clinical specialties (e.g. focal therapy geared to special groups of clients). The article thus treats the reader to an instructive backward glance at the development of psychoanalysis in Mexico during the 50s and 60s.}, language = {de} } @article{SilvaGarcia, author = {Silva Garc{\´i}a, Jorge}, title = {Erich Fromm in Mexico: 1950-1973}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 11-26. [= Silva Garc{\´i}a, J., 1988b.]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 11-26. [= Silva Garc{\´i}a, J., 1988b.]}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, abstract = {>Erich Fromm in Mexico: 1950-1973<: Drawing on his intimate knowledge of Erich Fromm's personality and on the experience of many years as one of Fromm's colleagues, the author - who belongs to the first generation of psychoanalysts trained in Mexico - describes Fromm's activities during the years 1950 to 1973. Although he had originally come to Mexico to seek remedial treatment for his seriously ill wife, Henny, at medicinal baths, Fromm became more and more drawn to the task of training up-and-coming psychoanalysts at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and acquainting them with his vision of >humanist< psychoanalysis. The strict >teacher< Fromm - who was at first sometimes experienced as arrogant - underwent a transformation over the years into the humane and humorous >master<, for all his constant readiness to pounce on errors whenever his watchful eye detected them. Indeed, with his astonishing creative gifts Fromm remained an elusive and hardly approachable ideal. Lastly, Fromm's writings in the abovementioned period are commented against the background of his involvement as teaching professor, instructing analyst, and organizer of congresses and guest lectures by distinguished contemporaries - e. g. by D. T. Suzuki (1960) on the subject of Zen Buddhism.}, language = {de} } @misc{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Vorwort / Preface}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 1-7.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (Lit-Verlag) 1992, pp. 1-7.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12620, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, Vol. 3, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag) 1992, 267 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Der Beitrag der Kritischen Theorie zur Bew{\"a}ltigung der Krise der Gesellschaft}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 324-350.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 324-350.}, abstract = {>The Critical Theory's contribution to cope with the crisis of contemporary society<: The crisis of industrial society is analysed and clarified by the interdiciplinary categories of the critical theory of the Frankfurt school. This article will attempt to make evident, that in the case of economic, ecological, legitimatorical and psychological problems analysis would fall short of its aim, if it omitted the definition of >humanism< and a utopic model of subjectivity. The utopic messianic expression of hope for the individual is elaborated, even under alienated social structures, in the oeuvre of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse and Fromm. The problem of negativ thinking in opposition to an aspired positive utopia is discussed in order to create an theory of society-related, emancipated acting, which is based on educational aims and political alternatives. Fromms significance is demonstrated in connection with the oeuvre of the Frankfurt school without neglecting the differences. It is the author's aim to define Fromm's Analytic Social Psychology as one amongst several equally traditional lines of the Frankfurt school, by using theoretic examples. Differences, parallels and points of contact will be emphasized for a productive dialogue within these different traditional lines of thought of critical theory. A promising possibility for discussion, especially in the comparison between Marcuse and Fromm is indicated here.}, language = {de} } @article{Eroes, author = {Eroes, Ferenc}, title = {Fromm's Theory of the Problems of >Real Existing< Socialism}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 315-323.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 315-323.}, abstract = {Nach Auffassung des Autors ist eine Kombination von drei Grundelementen oder wesentlichen Dimensionen f{\"u}r Fromms Denken von den fr{\"u}hesten Anf{\"a}ngen bis zu seinen sp{\"a}testen Schriften maßgebend. Es handelt sich um die folgenden: ein Messianismus j{\"u}dischen Ursprungs; eine radikale Kritik des Kapitalismus, soweit er sowohl ein sozio-{\"o}konomisches, als auch ein moralisches, psychologisches oder charakterologisches System darstellt; schließlich ein Anti-Autoritarismus, der sich in der politischen Einstellung sowohl auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene, als auch in der psychoanalytischen Theorie und Bewegung manifestiert. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Beziehung jeder der drei Dimensionen zum >existierenden Sozialismus< bzw. zu >Gesellschaften sowjetischen Typs< untersucht. Es wird die Folgerung gezogen, dass Fromm zeitlebens ein Kritiker des >real existierenden< Sozialismus war, obwohl er dem Sozialismus gegen{\"u}ber die ambivalenten Gef{\"u}hle seiner >linken< Zeitgenossen innerhalb und außerhalb der Frankfurter Schule teilte. Abschließend werden aktuelle und {\"u}berholte Implikationen der Frommschen Auffassung f{\"u}r das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Vorg{\"a}nge in Ost- und Zentraleuropa diskutiert.}, language = {en} } @article{Budke, author = {Budke, U. -D.}, title = {Bemerkungen zu kommunikationstheoretischen Elementen in der analytischen Sozialpsychologie Erich Fromms}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 265-314.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 265-314.}, abstract = {Auf der Basis von Persoenlichkeits- und Kommunikationstheorien (unter anderem von Karl und Charlotte Buehler, Erich FROMM, Joseph Luft, Elias Porter und Paul Watzlawick) werden Organisationsstrukturen in Institutionen und Unternehmen auf allen Ebenen einer Analyse unterzogen. Der Autor stellt den Uebergang von der Industrie- zur Bildungsgesellschaft fest und plaediert fuer eine >Lerngesellschaft< und kreatives Management. - Inhalt: (A) Das Ich entwickeln: Persoenlichkeits-wachstum. (1) Selbsterkenntnis des Managers und Ich-Staerke. (2) Soziales Lernen und Selbsterkenntnis. (3) Voraussetzungen fuer das Persoenlichkeitswachstum. - (B) Zum Du gelangen. (4) Kommunikation. (5) Architektur und Herrschaft. (6) Rede, Gespraech und Verhandlung: Formen und Techniken. - (C) Zum Wir gelangen. (7) Fuehrung und Motivation von Mitarbeitern. (8) Gruppe, Team, Entscheidung in Gruppen. (9) Organisation. (10) Interkulturelles Management und Globalisierung.}, language = {de} } @article{Lio, author = {Lio, Enzo}, title = {Marx and Marxism in the Work of Erich Fromm and The Crisis of Socialism}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 250-264.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 250-264.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>Der Marxismus im Werk Erich Fromms und die Krise des Sozialismus<: In Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft (1955) spricht Fromm von >gef{\"a}hrlichen Irrt{\"u}mern<, im Denken von Marx. Ein großer Irrtum war z.B., dass er glaubte, dass eine Ver{\"a}nderung der Produktionsverh{\"a}ltnisse automatisch eine Verbesserung der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und eine gr{\"o}ßere Solidarit{\"a}t zwischen den Menschen nach sich ziehen w{\"u}rde. Dabei wurde die Tatsache {\"u}bersehen, dass eine neue und bessere Gesellschaft nicht von Menschen errichtet werden kann, die noch durch den fr{\"u}heren Gesellschafts-Charakter gepr{\"a}gt sind; ohne neue moralische Orientierung bleiben politisch-{\"o}konomische Ver{\"a}nderungen wirkungslos. Dass der reale Sozialismus zum Scheitern verurteilt sei, behauptete Fromm schon vor Jahrzehnten. Die Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r diese Behauptung sind die gleichen, die jetzt sein Ende herbeigef{\"u}hrt haben. Die Regime sind zusammengebrochen, weil der sozialistische Humanismus, der auch individuellen Bed{\"u}rfnissen Rechnung tr{\"a}gt, nicht verwirklicht wurde. Je weniger die Utopie des humanistischen Sozialismus in die Wirklichkeit umgesetzt wurde, desto mehr etablierte sich die staatlich-b{\"u}rokratische Macht, die sich, um zu {\"u}berleben, verschiedener Formen von Repression bediente. Die fundamentalen menschlichen Bed{\"u}rfnisse der V{\"o}lker Osteuropas haben nach der Perestroika Gorbatschows die historische Chance, wieder einen Weg zu finden, der zu ihrer Befriedigung f{\"u}hrt, ohne dass diese L{\"a}nder zwangsl{\"a}ufig dem Sog des Kapitalismus erliegen m{\"u}ssen.}, language = {en} } @article{KleinLandskron, author = {Klein Landskron, Erich}, title = {Auf der Suche nach der zeitgem{\"a}ßgen Theoriegestalt des Marxismus. Theoriegeschichtliche Skizze zu einem treibenden Motiv der fr{\"u}hen Kritischen Theorie}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 214-249.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 214-249.}, abstract = {>The Search for an Up-to-Date Theoretical Recasting of Marxism. Sketches towards the Intellectual History of a Dominant Theme in the Early Critical Theory<: The Critical Theory in its early version conceived of itself as a form of Marxist theory, and endeavored to cast itself in an up-to-date theoretical form appropriate to its historical context - one which by the end of the first half of the 20th century had taken a dramatic turn for the worst. Thus the principal propounders of the Critical Theory found themselves departing more and more from orthodox Marxism and devizing provisional positions that were revisionistic in nature. This essay focuses on reconstructing the principal waystations this revisionistic logic passed through, placing the lapse from orthodoxy in its intellectual history context. The central object of attention is the change in status undergone by economic theory and its dialectical structure. Grossmann's law of disintegration exemplifies admirably the attempt to preserve the body of theory in its orthodox form, notwithstanding the deep-reaching changes in the social configurations of the times. Pollock, on the other hand, wishes to embark on a provocative new theoretical construction. Of central concern are his theses on state capitalism, against which Neumann once again mounts a very powerfully argued defense of the theoretical tradition (i.e. one going considerably beyond the Pollock- Neumann controversy of such great importance to fascism theory). In the light of this scrutiny, Fromm's own revisionistic effort, analytic social psychology, is revealed as essentially an addendum focusing on the decay and reconstruction of the revolutionary subject - and indeed emerges as being strikingly compatible with Horkheimer's own position. Horkheimer it was too who took Pollock's thesis of the primacy of politics and reworked it to yield the bizarre racket theory - which just went to show just how far the Frankfurt School had distanced itself from traditional Marxism (or at least this was the case prior to the Institute's return to Germany from its American exile).}, language = {de} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, M.}, title = {Die gesellschaftliche Relevanz des Fromm-Marcuse-Konflikts}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 169-213.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 169-213.}, abstract = {>The Social Relevance of the Fromm-Marcuse Conflict<: At the heart of this study are the two authors' divergent approaches to human nature and to the individual/society interface that their different theories were woven from. Both, as it happens, operate with diametrically opposed preconceptions. For Fromm man is a social being; for Marcuse, however, man is non-social by nature - i.e. that man looks on his fellow man agonistically is a fact anchored in his very biology. Fromm, for his part, is aware of the consequences of his underlying menschenbild, and elsewhere he assesses its implications for the theories he tries to develop on its basis. Other differences crop up in the respective conceptions of the relation between >theory and practice<, as well as in the account given of >individual< and >society<. Fromm places at the heart of his concern the concrete individual and the concrete social situation in the here-and-now; while Marcuse is content to deal with an idealistic abstraction of such. Theory is a closed book for the Frankfurt School in the sense that social practice can no longer have any effect on theory - only with the advent of a nonagonistic society would the book be reopened. Here Fromm clearly has the more open conception of the essence of the social scientific task. He sees theory and practice as constantly enriching each other, and so contributing to ever more exact insights into man and his place in the world. The disparate nature of the two approaches is nowhere more fraught with consequences than in the opposing conceptions of therapy and of psychic health. Here we find Adorno and Marcuse adopting an anti-Enlightenment stance: man must achieve an even greater consciousness of his impoverishment. Fromm, on the other hand, is concerned with the optimal unfolding of the manifold possibilities found within each individual - i.e. in concrete individuals living here and now, and not in their abstracted and idealized form. This study praises Fromm for recognizing that the conflict between him and Marcuse was more than just a personal one. Numerous passages are cited where he makes the point that Marcuse has delivered just the ideology sought by a disorientated, spoilt, narcissistic youth to justify its sense of malaise. Fromm, on the other hand, is commended for the way in which he repeatedly highlights the implications and consequences of an untenable menschenbild.}, language = {de} } @article{Rickert, author = {Rickert, John}, title = {Die Fromm-Marcuse-Debatte im R{\"u}ckblick}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 55-81 [= RICKERT, J., 1986.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 55-81 [= RICKERT, J., 1986.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>The Fromm-Marcuse Debate Revisited<: After his polemic with Herbert Marcuse in the fifties, Erich Fromm came to be regarded by the intellectuals of the >New Left< as an essentially conformist thinker, although it was indeed Fromm who was initially responsible for drawing attention in the US to the early writings of Marx and who, together with C.W. Mills, was long the best known critic of capitalist society in that country. The fact that Fromm's work was falsely assessed for a long time was in no small sense due to the massive attacks Marcuse launched against his former colleague from the Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung, whom he charged with undermining the critical potential of psychoanalysis in favor of an ideologically glossed over menschenbild in the service of conformist values. Marcuse's critique, however, is untenable since he wildly overestimates the importance of the libido theory; moreover, Marcuse fails to see that Fromm's social psychology consistently (i.e. even after his turning away from orthodox psychoanalysis) aims at a critique of the prevailing social character and that his ethical commitment to a >productive< life is no easy bedfellow of capitalist productivity increases. In no less measure, the charge of >sociologism< leveled by Adorno and R. Jacoby - by which is meant a harmonization between personality structure and society - is far wide of the mark, since it overlooks Fromm's postulate of the need for disobedience and creative non-adaptedness in the face of the omnivorous tendencies of society. From today's critical perspective on the debate waged at that time, it clearly emerges that Erich Fromm has been unjustly consigned to oblivion as protagonist of the >left<.}, language = {de} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Erich Fromm und das Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 55-81.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 55-81.}, abstract = {In this contribution we are offered an analysis of Erich Fromm's relation to the Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung. In his capacity as director of the Department of Social Psychology, Fromm played a leading role in the empirical investigatory work carried out at the Institute, apart from being Horkheimer's principal interlocutor in questions connected with the psychoanalytic extension of Historical Materialism. Working within the framework of Horkheimer's envisaged goal of an historical-philosophical theory of the development of the contemporary era that was to draw on the various disciplines, Fromm made his own specific contribution that came to be known by the name of analytic social psychology. Fromm's departure from the Institute marked the terminal point of a whole developmental pathway, and was prompted by differences on substantial points as well as by personal differences. In particular, it was Fromm's revision of psychoanalysis that aroused Horkheimer and Adorno's critical ire. To the extent that Adorno's influence grew within the Institute, Fromm's own suffered as a result. After Adorno's appointment to full membership of the Institute in 1938, Fromm found himself increasingly reduced to a marginal position; and after a short while he accepted the consequences and left. Fromm's departure from the Institute led to a lifelong rift between him and the other members of the Institute, the consequence being that Fromm's contribution to the early versions of the Critical Theory - which he had made as head of the Department of Social Psychology and as director of research - was later deliberately pass{\´e} sous silence.}, language = {de} } @article{Johach, author = {Johach, Helmut}, title = {Erich Fromm und die kritische Theorie des Subjekts}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 33-54.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 33-54.}, abstract = {>Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Subject<: Fromm's contribution to the Critical Theory was long underestimated. Whereas the conception of an analytical social psychology and the studies on the authoritarian character type - both of which were developed during the 30s - invariably come in for mention in the more recent reception accorded the Frankfurt School, little attention has so far been paid to those writings by Fromm siding with the Critical Theory which appeared in the wake of >Escape from Freedom< (1941). A decisive factor here was the negative judgement passed by former colleagues upon Fromm's >revisionistic< position following the so- called >culturism debate<. The present essay highlights the extent to which Fromm was consistently concerned to develop a critical theory of subject. This not only implies a critical stance to the characterological structures prevalent in capitalist society but also a humanistic interpretation of the >true< way of life. The thesis is advanced that a critical theory of subject must not confine itself to a >negative< anthropology but rather develop ethical perspectives for both the individual and society.}, language = {de} } @article{Brumlik, author = {Brumlik, Micha}, title = {Messianic Thinking in the Jewish Intelligentia of the Twenties}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 20-32.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 20-32.}, abstract = {>Das messianische Denken in der j{\"u}dischen Intelligenz der 20er Jahre<: Eine der wichtigsten Wurzeln der - erst sp{\"a}ter so genannten - Kritischen Theorie liegt im j{\"u}dischen Messianismus. In den 20er Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts, als M. Horkheimer, Th. W. Adorno, W. Benjamin, L. L{\"o}wenthal, E. Fromm, H. Marcuse und andere Vertreter der j{\"u}dischen Intelligenz ihre geistige Pr{\"a}gung erfuhren, entwickelten sie auf der pers{\"o}nlichen Ebene eine Protesthaltung gegen die kommerzielle Gesinnung ihrer V{\"a}tergeneration, der auf sozialem und politischem Gebiet eine gegen den Kapitalismus gerichtete Gesellschaftsauffassung entsprach. Das messianische Denken fand in Franz Rosenzweigs Stern der Erl{\"o}sung (1921) seinen literarischen Ausdruck und in der Gr{\"u}ndung des J{\"u}dischen Lehrhauses in Frankfurt (1920) eine organisatorische Plattform. Sein Einfluß spielt bei der Entwicklung der Kritischen Theorie insofern die Rolle eines Katalysators, als in ihm der gegenw{\"a}rtige Weltzustand als erl{\"o}sungsbed{\"u}rftig dargestellt wird und die Zukunft - im Gegensatz zur idealistischen Geschichtsphilosophie - durch einen radikalen Bruch von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart getrennt erscheint. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht vor allem den verborgenen messianischtheologischen Motiven bei Benjamin und Adorno nach; er befaßt sich aber auch mit entsprechenden Denkans{\"a}tzen bei L{\"o}wenthal und Fromm, die von einer - vor allem durch Nehemia Nobel vermittelten - st{\"a}rkeren Hinwendung zur j{\"u}dischen Tradition gepr{\"a}gt sind.}, language = {en} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Fromms Leben und Werk}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 6-19.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 6-19.}, abstract = {Aus psychologiegeschichtlicher Perspektive werden kommunikationstheoretische Elemente in der analytischen Sozialpsychologie Erich FROMMs (1900 bis 1980) analysiert. Dabei stehen drei Aspekte von FROMMs Werk im Mittelpunkt: (1) Konzeption der analytischen Sozialpsychologie w{\"a}hrend der Zeit der Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit zum Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung in Frankfurt, (2) theoretische Entwicklungen im Werk >Die Furcht vor der Freiheit< aus dem Jahr 1941, (3) FROMMs konzeptionelle Erweiterung der therapeutischen Praxis. Ein zentrales Merkmal der analytischen Sozialpsychologie wird in ihrer funktionalistischen Argumentation zur Bestimmung des Verh{\"a}ltnisses von Historischem Materialismus und Psychoanalyse gesehen, die von FROMM im Rahmen einer anthropologisch-ethisch fundierten Charakterologie ausdifferenziert wird. Ausserdem wird gezeigt, daß FROMMs Ausf{\"u}hrungen zum Bed{\"u}rfnis der >Bezogenheit auf andere< die M{\"o}glichkeit bieten, kommunikativ strukturierte Interaktionen in Familie und Gesellschaft zu dechiffrieren und die enge Verzahnung von prim{\"a}ren und sekund{\"a}ren Sozialisationsbedingungen sichtbar zu machen.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12619, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag) 1991, 351 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @article{KleinLandskron, author = {Klein Landskron, Erich}, title = {Gesellschaftskritik und Lebenshilfe}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 158-181.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 158-181.}, abstract = {>Social Criticism and Helping People to Cope with the Problems of Life<: To mark the occasion of the publication of the first volume of Fromm's >Posthumous Writings< bearing the title >From Having to Being< (German edition: Vom Haben zum Sein published by Beltz, 1989), this report first sketches the background behind the non-academic reception of Fromm in connection with the esoteric wave. Fromm's decision to delay publication of the manuscript is then tied to misgivings towards positive formulations coming from the side of the Critical Theory. These misgivings are reconstructed in the form of four charges of a quite serious nature that are directed by the critical social sciences against any explicit formulation of actional perspectives; this is followed up by a critical consideration of the case for and against these misgivings. The author concludes that positive formulations are indeed an indispensable part of all political action; furthermore, that criticisms of such positive formulations can be met by insisting that they be tied to humane forms of communication. In this connection, the idea of biophilia is interpreted as an attempt to describe the psychological prerequisites for the emergence of such forms of communication. Thus a critical stance is adopted against tendencies on the part of supporters of the Critical Theory to elevate the injunction against image-making into an absolute. On the other hand, reference is once again made to the esoteric wave pursuing interpretive patterns geared to other than day-today realities - patterns that therefore necessarily fail to acknowledge any critical authority. To this it is objected that individual attempts to free oneself from purely affective quarters by one's own efforts are just as doomed to failure. This conclusion is drawn from the need for interpretation to which all modes of meditative experience are subject. In the author's opinion, interpretive patterns such as these do not correspond to Fromm's intention either, this having been to build bridges between rationality and emotional life instead of playing the one off against the other.}, language = {de} } @article{SilvaGarcia, author = {Silva Garc{\´i}a, Jorge}, title = {Tr{\"a}ume und {\"U}bertragung}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 143-157. [ = Silva Garc{\´i}a, J., 1985]}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 143-157. [ = Silva Garc{\´i}a, J., 1985]}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {>Dreams and Transference<: Freud (1915-16, p. 181f.) states: >It is natural that we should lose some of our interest in the manifest dream... In general we must avoid seeking to explain one part of the manifest dream by another. as though the dream had been coherently conceived and was a logically arranged narrative.< For Fromm (1951a, p. 28) man has two poles of experiencing: on the one hand those pertaining to his waking state and his dreams are the other pole; our waking experinece will help us understand the latent, unconscious content of our dreams, and our dreams will help us comprehend the unconscious motivations of our waking lives. For him (cf. 1951a and 1979a), it is true that the ideographs of the manifest dream may often seem absurd, confused, incoherent, but it does lead us to their coherent intrinsic logic. The manifest dream allows us to formulate some tentative affirmations, but above all, it imposes questions whose answers will emerge in our continued dialogue with the dreamer, for he alone has the answer that will allow us to grasp the intimate over-all symbol of his dreams. The totality of the dream must be appraised as a global symbol that represents at the same time an >instantaneous snapshot< of the moment of his being. From a teleological perspective, it is as if the sites presented, the actors and the rest of the cast, other living beings (be they animals, plants, nature) and diverse objects have all been chosen for what they reveal of the dreamer, thus objectifying and demystifying him. Each dream symbol represents a condensation, thus it is a mistake to jump to the conclusion that such a figure is of necessity mother or father or that another is a penis or a vagina; maybe it will all turn out to be so, but we can wait until all is unequivocally clear. As Freud (1900a, p. 608) stated, the understanding of dreams leads us along >the royal road< to what has been unconscious to the dreamer. Only a few dreams fulfill wishes (cf. E. Fromm, 1979a, p. 72 and p. 95f.); the vast majority tend to objectify our present situation and, not too infrequently, they allow us insight into the personality of others. This paper presents some aspects of the humanist psychoanalytic concept of conscious - unconscious and its import for the understanding of transference phenomena and the process of transcending it. Since our dreams clarify our Here and Now it stands to reason that dreams will clearly reveal the state of the >dream-day< transference. By-and-large, the manifest dream reveals the unconscious relationship to significant individuals of the dreamer's environment, which always includes the therapist whether or not he (she) is present in the dream. Quite often one can see the waking relationship to the analyst and quite another what is evinced in the analysand's dreams... We must never loose sight of what these latter reveal, for in our dreams we are free and candid. - This paper also presents clinical material.}, language = {de} } @article{Burston, author = {Burston, Daniel}, title = {Fromm's Reception Among Psychologists and Psychiatrists}, abstract = {Der Beitrag >Die Rezeption von Fromm bei Psychologen und Psychiatern< entspricht einem Kapitel der Dissertation, die der Autor unter dem Titel Fromm's Legacy: A Critical Appreciation 1989 an der York University in Toronto abschloss. Mehr als irgend ein anderes Kapitel der umfangreichen Studie ist das hier erstmals ver{\"o}ffentlichte der >kritischen Geschichtsschreibung der Psychologie< von Kurt Dan-zinger verpflichtet, der die Dissertation betreute. Am Beispiel von Erich Fromm werden die Probleme und T{\"u}cken einer lehrbuchm{\"a}ßigen Geschichtsschreibung aufgezeigt. An ausgew{\"a}hlten, repr{\"a}sentativen Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie Fromms Originalit{\"a}t in Unkenntnis seiner fr{\"u}hesten (deutschsprachigen) Schriften in der englisch-sprachigen Sekund{\"a}rliteratur unterbewertet wird und wie sehr die Wirkungen der deutschen Kultur des sp{\"a}ten 19. Jahrhunderts auf Fromms Denken und auf seine Ansichten verkannt werden. Meistens beschr{\"a}nken sich deshalb die amerikanischen Referenten und Kritiker darauf, Fromm zu etikettieren: Er sei ein >Environmentalist<, ein >Umfeldtheoretiker<, ein >sozialer Lerntheoretiker<, oder auch ein >intuitiver< oder >utopischer< Theoretiker. Tragischerweise wird dabei die besondere Freudsche Dimension im Frommschen Werk {\"u}bersehen. Werden jedoch nur Kategorien herangezogen, die im amerikanischen Kontext entstanden sind und die wenig oder {\"u}berhaupt keine Bedeutung f{\"u}r je-nen Kontext haben, der f{\"u}r europ{\"a}isches Denken typisch ist, dann beg{\"u}nstigt man nur eine Trivialisie-rung der grundlegenden Ideen Fromms und ihr grunds{\"a}tzliches Missverstehen. So muss man den meisten amerikanischen Kritikern auf Grund ihres >gesellschaftlichen Filters< bzw. wegen ihrer Vorurteile, die in ihrer eingeschr{\"a}nkten Auffassung von dem, was Psychologie ist, liegt, eine kollektive Unf{\"a}higkeit at-testieren, sich wirklich mit dem Frommschen Werk auseinander zu setzen. Die amerikanischen Etikettie-rungen erfuhren andererseits ihre Pr{\"a}gung durch die besonders in Amerika strenge Freudsche Orthodoxie bzw. durch die mehr und mehr positivistischen und behavioristischen Str{\"o}mungen in der akademi-schen Psychologie gerade in jenen Jahren, in denen Fromm sich in der breiten {\"O}ffentlichkeit einer all-gemeinen Beliebtheit erfreute. In anderen Abschnitten geht es um Fromms Verh{\"a}ltnis zur Humanisti-schen Psychologie in Amerika sowie um die weitverbreitete Verwirrung und Unkenntnis bez{\"u}glich seiner Vorstellungen zur Ethik und zur Psychotherapie, wobei Fromm zu dieser Verwirrung und Unkenntnis selbst unbeabsichtigt beigetragen hat.}, language = {en} } @article{Bierhoff, author = {Bierhoff, Burkhard}, title = {Triebstruktur oder soziale Beziehungen. Anmerkungen zur Kulturismusdebatte}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 128-168.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen/Science of Man, Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich Fromm-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2: Erich Fromm und die Kritische Theorie, M{\"u}nster (Lit Verlag) 1991, pp. 128-168.}, abstract = {>Drive Structure or Social Relationships<: After his departure from the Institute, Erich Fromm pursued with renewed intensity his sociological revision of psychoanalysis that was to touch off the debate with Herbert Marcuse, his earlier colleague at the Institute, and which came to be known as the culturalism-revisionism controversy. The charge leveled at Fromm was that he had moved away from recognizing the drive structure as the key bearer of the resistance potential in the Critical Theory and had instead thrown the central focus onto social relationships, where it is the Ego as the mediating factor - rather than the Id - that is geared to alienated reality. But while it is true enough that Fromm did shift the emphasis away from the drive structure to social relationships, it should be added that he grouped these social relationships very much under the rubric of >the pathology of normality< and criticized them as bearing the stamp of the underlying economic order. This contribution examines the background to the controversy between Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm, and sets out the principal arguments advanced by the contending parties. What emerges, interestingly enough, is that both protagonists never diverged as much in their respective positions as the noisy exchange of blows perhaps suggested. There is little to distinguish both camps in their common humanistic concern for the advancement of human happiness. Undoubtedly Marcuse and Fromm are at one in advancing a radical social critique: but whereas the one critique is premised on the need to inculcate a drive structure capable of withstanding the forces of repressive socialization, the other seeks its inspiration in a critical anthropology that keeps alive the idea of a more humane society - even in the face of the negation of this idea.}, language = {de} } @article{Bacciagaluppi, author = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco}, title = {Erich Fromms Ansichten zur psychoanalytischen >Technik<}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 85-107. [= BACCIAGALUPPI, M., 1988a].}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 85-107. [= BACCIAGALUPPI, M., 1988a].}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, abstract = {Fromm wrote very little on psychoanalytic technique, and his views have to be reconstructed mainly from unpublished and indirect sources. In this paper, a systematic comparison between Freud and Fromm on twelve points of technique is carried out. Fromm agrees with Freud that the aim of psychoanalysis is that of making the unconscious conscious, but he extends this aim to the full recovery of the unconscious. Fromm differs most sharply from Freud on the role of the analyst. In his view, the detached attitude is the most serious defect in Freud's technique. According to Fromm, the analyst should be his full self with the patient and aim at a >core-to-core< relatedness. He should offer himself as an object of transference, but also as a real person. Resistances should be approached very actively. In this modification of Freud's technique, Fromm views Ferenczi and Sullivan as his precursors. Fromm's position is also compared with more recent psychoanalytic developments. It is suggested that, by being intensely involved at an empathic level but by not seeing himself as inevitably enmeshed in the repetition of the past and by not making the therapeutic interaction explicit, Fromm belongs to the analysts characterized by >participation with< and not to those characterized by >participation in<.}, language = {de} } @article{Biancoli, author = {Biancoli, Romano}, title = {Erich Fromm und seine Kritik an Sigmund Freud}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 67-84. [= BIANCOLI, R., 1988a].}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 67-84. [= BIANCOLI, R., 1988a].}, language = {de} } @article{Pongratz, author = {Pongratz, Ludwig A.}, title = {Moderne Technik und Nekrophilie - Notizen zum Nekrophiliekonzept bei Erich Fromm}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 56-66. [= PONGRATZ, L. A., 1987a.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 56-66. [= PONGRATZ, L. A., 1987a.}, abstract = {>Modern Technology and Necrophilia - Remarks on Erich Fromm's Concept of Necrophilia<: This article focusses mainly on elucidating Fromm's conception of the link between the main thrust of technological development in modern society, on the one hand, and the formation of a necrophiliac disposition in the contemporary social character structure, on the other. This was a topic Fromm devoted much attention to, particularly in his late research works. The author's concern is not simply to situate Fromm's analysis in the wider framework of comtemporary psychoanalytic research work dealing with the same topic; he also takes up the matter of the structural changes occurring in the forms of subconscious and day-to-day awareness that characterize members of modern society. From this perspective, the author shows how the changes in internal psychic dispositions noted by Fromm are intimately bound up with a subtle ongoing trend to increasing instrumentation and fragmentation in day-to-day life. This process becomes concretely graspable in the way the capacity for subjective experience has had walls erected around it and is even actively being destroyed. The consequences of this process are nothing short of alarming, for they point to a ever-present Fascist potential that constantly menaces high-technology society from within.}, language = {de} } @article{Bader, author = {Bader, Armin}, title = {Die Bedeutung der X-Erfahrung in der humanistischen Psychoanalyse. F{\"u}r ein ganzheitliches erweitertes Selbstverst{\"a}ndnis von Wissenschaft}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 40-55.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 40-55.}, abstract = {The present article is an attempt to elucidate the epistemological- ethical significance of the x experience in humanistic psychology and ethics. The aim is to show the epistemological-ethical relevance of the x experience phenomenon for developing a new integral self-understanding of the scientific task as a integral anthropology. The aim is to pick up where Fromm left off in his previously unpublished, cautiously formulated programmatic essay entitled >Institute for the Science of Man.< The article begins with a section looking at Fromm's conception of >the conscious mind< and >the unconscious<. Particularly stressed here is the radical reform of the Freudian concept of >the unconscious< undertaken by Fromm in his analytical social psychology and humanist psychoanalysis. The second section outlines what the x experience phenomenon is and explains its importance for humanistic psychoanalysis. Fromm's concept of >derepression< is presented and its important anthropological and epistemological implications discussed. The fact that there had been as good as no scientific study of the logic of the x experience, nor of its epistemological, ethical and anthropological implications, led Fromm to call for what he called an >empirically based psychological anthropology<, which would serve as the basis for all individual disciplines within the human sciences. The third section, given the heading >The Importance of the X- Experience in Humanistic Psychoanalysis for Achieving an Integrally Expanded Self-Understanding in the Sciences and in Mankind,< takes Armin Bader's epistemological ideal of a integrally expanded self-understanding (the so-called comprehensive method of research) as a key starting point from which a theoretical scientific basis can then be developed for purposes of realizing the Frommian ideal of science as integral anthropology. The article closes by discussing the significance of the x experience for the development of an evolutionary theory of man.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Erich Fromms humanistische Philosophie einer Wissenschaft vom Menschen}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 28-39.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 28-39.}, abstract = {>Erich Fromm's Humanist Philosophy of the Need to Establish a Science of Man<: Erich Fromm's concept of the scientific enterprise is characterized by the propounding of a special methodology. His concept of >science< is not in the least bit orientated to the natural or the social sciences. Rather it is based on reflections on the >situatedness< of human beings in the world (the conditio humana itself), reflections that rightly seen as constituting a philosophical anthropology. Moreover, Fromm does not proceed by generalizing and abstracting in either a deductively naturalistic fashion or in one that seeks its point of departure in the findings of the various sciences. Rather Fromm blends together insights derived from the various humanities and social sciences to arrive at his approach to the situatedness of human beings in the world. This he does by harmonizing the biological, social and psychical determinants so that their combined relevance for humanity becomes apprehensible, i.e. whether they are functional or dysfunctional. The rationality of the perceiving subject is always seen by Fromm as persisting in an interrelation with the activity-directed character of the subject. The upshot is that, by drawing on the character conception and its orientation, Fromm is not only able to reflect in his methodology the >interest< of the subject striving for objective knowledge, but he also manages to arrive at a conception of the scientific task that pegs it squarely to value judgements. This means that the science of man, understood as a genuinely human anthropology, is necessarily orientated to the humanistic ideal of love, productive rationality and productive activity. At the same time, Fromm attempts to draw on the science of man in order to demonstrate that humanism can be both humane and scientific at one and the same time.}, language = {de} } @article{Koch, author = {Koch, J.}, title = {Die Natur des Menschen in Erich Fromms >Wissenschaft vom Menschen<}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 18-27.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 18-27.}, abstract = {>The Nature of Man in Erich Fromm's >Science of Man<<: The polemical question as to whether man is more a questioning being or a being capable of coming up with answers led Fromm to develop his concept of the existential dichotomy of human existence. This dichotomy rests on the contradiction that, for all that man is indisputably a part of nature, his powers of reason and imagination have allowed him to transcend nature. For self-awareness and the awareness of our own deaths have between them destroyed the harmony that once existed between man and nature, between the self and the other. Based on his psychoanalytical experience, Fromm was convinced that without harmony human beings cannot retain their health for long. Thus, the most elemental question of human existence is how to react in the face of this lost unity, in particular how to attain a new unity worthy of our humanity by actualizing our manysided potential. Our existential dichotomy demands a separate response from each and every one of us. To this extent, it constitutes the ever-constant and unchanging wellspring of human nature. The fill of different answers to the selfsame existential question are nothing but manifestations of human nature that vary according to specific historical and individual circumstances in which it is situated. Though it is true that in his early works Fromm did defend the position that human nature is without constant attributes of being, it is also true that he later came to reverse this standpoint, at least in the case of several attributes: >We could say that man is able to love and reason because he is but also, and conversely, that he is, because he is capable reasoning and loving.< (E. Fromm, 1968g, p. 9f.) In his attempts to elucidate human nature Fromm is not solely concerned to lay the theoretical foundations for his >science of man<; he also saw it as being at the heart of his task to establish a general evaluational framework for the social sciences (man as the measure of all things) so that human relationality and social process could be assessed and evaluated.}, language = {de} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {The Humanistic Science of Man [originated 1957]}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 12-17.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen / Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 12-17.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Humanistische Wissenschaft vom Menschen [originated 1957]}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 5-11.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), pp. 5-11.}, abstract = {Der Aufschwung der Wissenschaften, die sich mit dem Menschen besch{\"a}ftigen, ist in den letzten Jahrhunderten vor allem dem Umstand zu verdanken, dass sich die Wissenschaft von der Bevormundung durch Religion, Kirche, Politik und Tradition befreit hat. Die Problemstellung heute ist eine andere: Die Anwendung naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnismethoden auf die Humanwissenschaften hat im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert dazu gef{\"u}hrt, dass das erkennende, verstehende, die Folgen absch{\"a}tzende Subjekt weitgehend außen vor bleibt. Dieser Entfremdung des Wissenschaftsbetriebs versuchte Fromm bereits 1957 mit dieser programmatischen Schrift gegenzusteuern.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-12618, title = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 1 (1990), 181 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} }