@book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psychoanalyse und Ethik, Z{\"u}rich (Diana Verlag) 1954.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {de} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {De zelfstanWorde mens, Utrecht (Erven J. Bijleveld) 1955.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {nl} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Sj{\"a}lsharmoni och moral, Stockholm (Natur och Kultur) 1949.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Ihmisen osa, Helsinki (Kirjayhtym{\"a}) 1965.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {An{\´a}lise do homem. Rio de Janeiro (Zahar Editores) 1966.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {pt} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Covjek za sebe. Istrazivanje o psihologiji etike, Zagreb (Naprijed) 1965.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {L'homme pour Lui-m{\^e}me, Paris (Les {\´E}ditions sociales fran{\c{c}}aises) 1967.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fr} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Clovek a psychoanalyza, Praha (Svoboda) 1966.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Dalla parte dell'uomo - Indagine sulla psicologia della morale, Roma (Astrolabio-Ubaldini) 1971.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {it} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {El lenguaje olvidado. Introducci{\´o}n a la comprensi{\´o}n de los sue{\~n}os, mitos y cuentos de hadas, Barcelona (Paid{\´o}s) 2012.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {es} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {The Sane Society, New York (Rinehart and Winston, Inc.) 1955}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {en} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {The Sane Society, London (Routledge and Kegan Paul), 1956}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Il linguaggio dimenticato. La natura dei miti e dei sogni, Milano (Saggi Tascabili 43, Bompiani - R.C.S. Libri and Grandi Opere S. S. A.) 1994.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {it} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Al hikayat wal 'asatir wal 'ahlam madkhal 'ila fahm luga mansiyya, Latakia (Dar al Hiwar) 1990, 203 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ar} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Det glemte spraket: en innfoering i kunsten a forsta droemmer, eventyr og myter, Oslo (Aventura) 1994, 284 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Mytos, sen a ritu{\´a}l, Prag (Aurora) 1999}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {mul} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Le langage oubli{\´e}. Introduction {\`a} la compr{\´e}hension des r{\^e}ves, des contes et des mythes, Paris etite Biblioth{\`e}que Payot P 17) 1996.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fr} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Al Loughah Al Manssiya. Madkhai Ila Fahmi Al Ahlam wa Al Hikayat wa Al assatir, Casablanca and Beirout (Al Markaz Atakafi Al Arabi) 1995.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ar} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Unohdettu Kieli. Johdatus unien, satujen ja myyttien ymm{\"a}rt{\"a}miseen, Tampere (Vastapaino) 2007.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {M{\"a}rchen, Mythen, Tr{\"a}ume. Eine Einf{\"u}hrung zum Verst{\"a}ndnis von Tr{\"a}umen, M{\"a}rchen und Mythen, Reinbek bei Hamburg (Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, Sachbuch 17448) 10. Auflage, 2007.}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {de} }