@misc{Anshen, author = {Anshen, Ruth Nanda}, title = {Preface}, series = {R. N. Anshen, The Family: Its Function and Destiny. Revised Edition, New York (Harper and Brothers) 1959, pp. XV-XIX.}, journal = {R. N. Anshen, The Family: Its Function and Destiny. Revised Edition, New York (Harper and Brothers) 1959, pp. XV-XIX.}, language = {en} } @misc{Smith, author = {Smith, H.}, title = {Preface}, series = {H. Smith et al. (Eds.), The Search for America, Englewood Cliffs (Prentice Hall) 1959, pp. VII-IX.}, journal = {H. Smith et al. (Eds.), The Search for America, Englewood Cliffs (Prentice Hall) 1959, pp. VII-IX.}, language = {en} } @misc{Leibrecht, author = {Leibrecht, W.}, title = {Editor's Preface}, series = {W. Leibrecht, Religion and Culture. Essays in Honor of Paul Tillich, New York (Harper and Brothers) 1959, p. IX.}, journal = {W. Leibrecht, Religion and Culture. Essays in Honor of Paul Tillich, New York (Harper and Brothers) 1959, p. IX.}, language = {en} } @misc{Freud, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, title = {Editors Introduction: Project for a Scientific Psychology (zu 1950a)}, series = {The Complete Psychological Work of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 1, London (The Hogarth Press) 1966.}, journal = {The Complete Psychological Work of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 1, London (The Hogarth Press) 1966.}, language = {en} } @misc{Reymert, author = {Reymert, M. L.}, title = {Preface}, series = {M. L. Reymert (Ed.), Feelings and Emotions. The Mooseheart Symposium, New York (McGraw-Hill) 1950, pp. IX-XI.}, journal = {M. L. Reymert (Ed.), Feelings and Emotions. The Mooseheart Symposium, New York (McGraw-Hill) 1950, pp. IX-XI.}, language = {en} } @misc{Sargent, author = {Sargent, S. S.}, title = {Foreword}, series = {S. S. Sargent and M. W. Smith (Eds.), Culture and Personality, New York (The Viking Fund) 1949, pp. V-VI.}, journal = {S. S. Sargent and M. W. Smith (Eds.), Culture and Personality, New York (The Viking Fund) 1949, pp. V-VI.}, language = {en} }