@misc{Kiyoshi, author = {Kiyoshi, Mahito}, title = {(Erich Fromm and Mysticism, Japanese), Tokyo (Fujiwara Publishing), 2018, 460 pp.}, language = {ja} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yao}, title = {>Alienation< Behind >Menace<: a Humanistic Psychoanalysis of Pinter's Plays >威胁<背后的>异化<:哈罗德•品特戏剧的人本主义精神分析解读, Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei, China 2016 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {哈罗德•品特是英国荒诞派戏剧的代表人物,是受到世界公认的优秀剧作家,其创作的>威胁喜剧<具有发人深思的思想力量和引起共鸣的巨大艺术魅力。>品特风格<,品特戏剧的结构模式、本质特征及其后现代戏剧艺术,包括其荒诞和异化的主题一直受到国内外批评家的关注。本文拟从埃利希•弗洛姆人本主义精神分析的视角,对品特>威胁喜剧<反映现代社会异化主题进行深入剖析,用其关于>人的处境<与>需要<、>社会人格<与>社会潜意识<等理论来观察品特对现代社会人与社会关系的洞悉与刻画。论文选择品特的三部戏剧《生日宴会》、《看门人》和《出路》进行针对性的文本分析,认为>品特式的冲突<、>品特式的威胁<正是弗洛姆描述的西方现代异化社会的主题化和戏剧化;那些在不断产生>威胁<的社会中的>荒诞<与>无能<的人物及其存在主义的生存状态表明,弗洛姆追求的个人的自由和自我实现的人本主义理想只不过是个乌托邦,因为品特戏剧表现的日常生活情境的>惯例<仪式规定着权力与屈服的内在控制关系,构成了威胁背后的异化的现实。论文由五部分组成。第一章描述了品特戏剧的基本特色和国内外研究现状,指出利用弗洛姆的人本主义精神分析理论深入研究品特戏剧异化主题的必要性。第二章以>人的处境<与>需要<、>社会人格<与>社会潜意识<为主,解析弗洛姆的人本主义精神分析理论。弗洛姆认为现代人的自由处境使人陷入孤独无依的焦虑和无能的状态,而人的矛盾存在又使人产生只有健全的社会才能满足的基本需要。为满足个人与世界联系的需要,逃避孤独与不安而形成的心理机能即>社会潜意识<以及与之相关的>社会人格<决定着人的潜能的压抑或发挥。第三章阐释面对扭曲的>社会人格<的生存威胁品特三部戏剧中怪诞人物的生存恐慌:《生日宴会》中的孤僻的隐居者面对莫名其妙的胁迫和询问惊恐不安地听任折磨与摧残、《看门人》中三个被剥夺一切的小人物生活在相互的生存威胁之中而痛失友谊、《出路》中自奉为上帝信徒却极为阴险凶残的监狱官通过刑讯逼供和精神折磨使他人处于被威胁的丧失基本人权的痛苦境地。在品特戏剧情节和语言的荒唐和交流的可怕的背后,在威胁的背后,是人际关系和人性的异化。因此,第四章进一步分析在病态的社会无意识的威胁之下乱伦、不理智和破坏性等变态需求或欲望的产生,正是弗洛姆关于人性异化的写照。在《生日宴会》中,主角通过发展和女主人的不伦恋情而渴望得到归属感。他只想寻求自己的根。在《看门人》中,剧中的主要角色将房子看作身份的象征。为了捍卫他们自己的身份感和归属感,他们愿意做一切事情。而《出路》中,残暴的政府官员折磨政治囚犯,通过残忍的虐待和心理的折磨,只为控制他人,满足他的征服欲。在第五章的结论中,论文强调哈罗德•品特用现实主义手法营造的无时不在的生存威胁及其带来的恐慌使他的剧本充满强大的戏剧张力,而透过弗洛姆的人本主义精神分析更加显示出品特戏剧对于认识现代社会和人性异化的重要价值。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wan, author = {Wan, Xiang}, title = {>Escape from Freedom< Enlightenment to China's Freedom Construction [《逃避自由》对当今中国自由建构的启示], Master thesis, Marxist Theory and Ideological and Political Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2008.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm was a famous western psychologist, ethicist and philosopher in the 20th century. He was a famous representative figure of Frankfurt school, who upheld the characteristics of Frankfurt school and contributed his whole life to learn on the doctrine of Freud and Marx, The primary intention of this paper is researching the thoughts of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, analyzing its characteristic and making appraisals. Freedom is an old as well as popular research subject. In the research of the Problem about freedom in modern western society, Fromm is a scholar well-known in the west and with profound freedom ideology.- First of all, the thesis introduces social background and ideological origins which Erich Fromm's freedom ideology produced, and his special experience that affected his freedom ideology.- Secondly, this article carries on comprehensive combing and explanation of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom<, Fromm elaborated the psychic mechanism which the Fascism social phenomenon arose from, promulgated the awkward difficult position of modern people in Western capitalist society who pursue freedom and evade freedom, elaborated a series of important social problems, and attempted to explain modern society's significant morbid state of mind phenomenon. It discusses freedom, justice and love, teaching people to be free but not feel lonely, be reasonable but not looking for rational excuse, be self-respect but not selfish. Fromm believes that freedom has a close relation with the society and economy, therefore he concisely analyzed social the financial circumstance from the middle ages to the contemporary, making the readers to understand the complex reason why freedom became escaping object. This has a significant theory value and practical significance, we may have a new understanding through the explanation of Fromm's view about freedom.- Finally, this article makes an appropriate appraisal of Fromm's free thought in forms of the principle that is >quite the dregs, and take the essence<, as well as unifies our country's national realistic conditions. Under the guide of Marxism theory, analyzes the social phenomenon and reforms which are arose from our country's present transformation, then carries on social reforms, and discovers feasible measures to help people form healthy psychology and personality, as well as society's harmony.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Sang, author = {Sang, Dan}, title = {>Out of Human Bondage< in Erich Fromm's View of Freedom [《人性的枷锁》之弗洛姆自由观解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2015.[application of Fromm's theories to art]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Tan, author = {Tan, Mengjie}, title = {>Productive Love< under Aberration: An Interpretation of Three Novels of Jeanette Winterson according to Fromm [畸变下的>创发性之爱<:对珍妮特·温特森三部小说的弗洛姆式解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {珍妮特·温特森(1959-)是当代英国著名作家,她的作品主题多样,既反应社会现实,又体现其理想追求。>爱<是温特森热衷于在作品中展现的主题,在《橘子不是唯一的水果》(1985),《写在身体上》(1992),以及《守望灯塔》(2004)这三部代表作品中,温特森用其细腻的笔触,哲学性的语言描绘了主人公之间的爱与关怀。但在>爱<的核心叙写之外,温特森也刻画了冷漠,疏离,虚伪的人物个性,同时展现了现代社会发展中的弊病。因此,本文旨在剖析上述三部作品对扭曲的人物,病态的社会的揭露,以及>爱<的艺术呈现,并探求温特森对现代社会中个体精神与生存畸变的洞悉,以及她通过>爱<这一永恒主题对走向救赎的人文主义思考.本论文以上述三部小说为研究对象,以埃里希·弗洛姆的人学思想为理论框架分为五章展开论述。第一章简要介绍温特森其人其文,在梳理文献的基础上提出本文的研究方向并阐释本文的理论框架。第二章重点剖析三部小说中人物的性格特征,指出其>非创发性<定向及其成因,进而揭示出社会中个体的精神畸变。第三章,论述现代社会的弊病使小说人物陷入生存的畸变,并分析其对同时代社会现实的影射意义,进而挖掘温特森对个体生存境况的质问与思考。第四章从>爱<的形式,表现及意义对三部作品中爱的>创发性<特征进行阐释,并探求此种>创发性<的爱与关怀如何能够在困境中走向救赎的彼岸。最后一章对该论文进行简要总结,指出温特以内在精神及外在生存为视角审视了个体在现代社会中的畸变与困境,并从>爱<的角度,以>创发性<的爱为解决之道,给出了自己的哲学思考,进而展现了温特森对生活在现代社会的个体的人文关怀。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Tengwen}, title = {>The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844< in the Vision of Frankfurt School [法兰克福学派视域下的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》], Master thesis, Foreign Marxist Research, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2017.}, abstract = {法兰克福学派的社会批判理论具有很强的现实针对性,反映了19世纪30年代的时代特征。关于法兰克福学派的政治观点,主要反映在霍克海默、阿多诺、马尔库塞等人对大众文化理论的批判中。法兰克福学派被称为新马克思主义的代表派系,他们打破实证主义,以反实证主义的视角重新审视社会现状。法兰克福学派不仅继承了青年黑格尔学派的相关理论,而且受到叔本华和尼采非理性思想影响,还吸收了新康德主义和韦伯的文化批判理论。其中,马克思早期著作《1844年经济学哲学手稿》(以下简称《手稿》)中的异化概念对法兰克福学派影响最为深刻,他们以此为根基,创立了一套特色的社会批判理论体系,并由此进入到对资本主义意识形态批判中,在法兰克福学派理论家的眼中,批判是理论特色的标志,批判理论高于哲学,且与哲学思想形成对立。法兰克福学派的批判理论,批判否定一切现存的事物,同时,对一切事物真理追求复归到事物自身之中。20世纪的30年代,法兰克福学派批判视角开始转变,那时西方工人的运动处于低潮时期,法西斯的集权主义者在欧洲迅速崛起,在此种背景下,法兰克福学派的理论家们的研究重心不在是无产阶级所具有的强大的革命信念,而转向了对工人阶级意识形态研究,由此进入对《手稿》工人阶级的同情和关注的视域中。他们试图唤起人们理性觉醒,来打破实证主义的思维模式。在《启蒙辩证法》中,霍克海默和阿多诺指出从启蒙运动至今,人类的理性虽然获得了一些成就,但是与此同时,人类的理性坠入了实证主义思维模式中,在现代化的工业社会中,人类理性的思考和反思,沦为了奴隶,成为了工具,这种理性不在是服务于民,而是成为人类谋取利益的手段,理性的背后是一种钱权交易、是一场话剧表演、是一种景观社会。理性失去了为人类自由而奋斗的意义,不在是忠诚服务者,却成为人类的统治者。对此,法兰克福学派理论家在研究工业社会的高级文化、通俗文化等问题时,他们都围绕着对理性问题的研究。他们通过对资本主义的工业文化的批判,进而对整个意识形态的批判。在法兰克福学派对资本主义意识形态的批判中,我们可以来理解《手稿》对国民经济学家批判,马克思批判了国民经济学家所遵循的经济理性原则,是否科学,是否现实,是否符合工人的利益。法兰克福学派的理论家们对这种所谓的经济理性原则,进行了深刻的思考,揭示了资本主义经济理性的背后,所掩饰的个人经济利益、个人的权利以及人与人等级划分等问题。法兰克福学派以敏锐的视角发掘到资本主义经济理性原则背后,人类对理性意义错误的理解。由此,对理性问题的研究成为法克福学派理论家们新的研究路径。为了对理性问题的研究,马尔库塞和弗洛姆对《手稿》的异化理论进行分析,探究人类理性到底是什么?人类如何才能保持理性?他们对人的本质问题进行了深入的思考,并吸收了《手稿》的异化理论,且不局限于《手稿》涉及到的劳动产品异化等问题的研究范围,而是把异化问题的视域拓展到工业文化以及其它人类现实生活领域中,揭示出现实生活的方方面面也存在许多异化问题。马尔库塞对《手稿》异化劳动问题的研究,把劳动问题复归到现实,指出了人的劳动属性不属于自身的原因,失去的到底是什么?他们认为,劳动与人本质分离,根源是个性自由的丧失。此外,他们把马克思对人与劳动的关系研究,看成是理性自反性的折射,理性具有的自反性,可以对现实活动产生新的认识。马尔库塞、弗洛姆认为马克思和他们一样,也站在这样理性的视角,他们的理性基础都是重视人类的价值,强调个性自由和思维的能动性以及关心人的生命以和生存状况,由此他们共同走进了人道主义视域。马尔库塞和弗洛姆试图在人道主义视角中,唤起人们对人本质问题新认识,通过人道主义唤醒人们的良知,构建伦理道德价值观,来约束人们的活动。他们关注现实生活,对现实生活中存在的问题,进行人道主义批判。在现实生活中,他们对人个性自由的发展,进行考察、分析。通过现实生活中个性自由程度的考察,来判断当下人的理性是否真合理,是否真自由,是否真得到解放。施密特继承了马尔库塞和弗洛姆提出的新课题,施密特在《马克思的自然概念》一书中,把人对现实生活问题的理解,归于人与自然关系的研究。施密特继承了《手稿》人与自然关系的理解,并在此基础上提出,实践活动是连接人与自然关系的中介桥梁。但是,施密特并没有过于关注人的实践活动,认为对现实的关注不能只是实践活动,最重的是《手稿》中的感性思想,施密特把《手稿》中的感性思想与现实活动结合起来,认为感性的现实活动才是探求人类寻求真理的标准,施密特把情感问题与现实生活结合起来,关注人的情感、感受。由此看出施密特也陷入的马尔库塞的人道主义视角中,他们表达的情感是一致的。因此,施密特感性现实活动,最终也走进了人道主义视域。在法兰克福学派对感性问题的研究中,维尔默把感性、情感的研究纳入到对美学思想的研究。通过人对事物美的认识,来分析个人情感等问题。他追求情感产生的根源,挖掘美学思想中蕴含的感性思想。维尔默的美学思想与《手稿》美学思想不同,《手稿》指出>劳动创造了美<马克思认为人的美学思想来源于人的劳动过程,人在劳动中通过五官感受,产生了对美的认识,马克思强调个人与个人之间对美学思想认识的差异性,每个人对美的认识都是不同的。维尔默强调美学思想的大众化认同,认为人对美学思想统一认识是人与人之间思想发生碰撞后,产生对审美的统一。由此建构起统一的审美标准。可见维尔默美学思想是一个否定之否、不断批判再批判的过程。维尔默追求理性的方式其实是一种批判再批判的方式,他试图把美学思想蕴含的感性思想与理性统一起来,希望在感性中寻求人类的自由。虽然他把美学思想规范成标注化、实证化、统一化认识,企图打破了理性研究中存在的实证主义的缺陷,但是,却陷入感性抽象的视域。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhu, author = {Zhu, Dai}, title = {>The Way of the World< and >The Human Heart< - Diagnosis, Treatment and Healing Accor¬ding to Fromm [世道<与>人心< - 弗洛姆的诊断、治疗和拯救], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2012.}, abstract = {在弗洛姆看来,异化既是>世道<的病态,也是>人心<的病态。马克思是针对>世道<病态的人道抗议者,劳动异化本质上是人性异化和非人化,而马克思的目标是人的自由和解放。弗洛伊德是针对>人心<病态的人道关怀者,异化亦是心理的异化,表现为原欲的压抑和疏离的体验,因此人的解放亦是人心的解放。弗洛姆对异化的社会病理诊断,是从人性世界的精神诊断入手的。人性是善恶同体的。从个体性格看,爱生、爱人和独立性是积极的品质,爱死、自恋和乱伦固结是消极的品质。从社会性格看,创生倾向、成长综合症等是积极的品质,非创生倾向、衰败综合症等是消极的品质。弗洛姆对异化的社会治疗方案,包括了从>世道<到>人心<的各个维度和层面:消除人性的异化,满足人的需求,包括爱、自由及自我实现的需求等,是治疗的人道目标,这个目标通过培养健全的人格和建构健全的社会来共同完成。弗洛姆的拯救,是把爱作为一种伦理原则和一种信仰:人的世界应该是爱的世界,爱既是对人的信任,也是一种积极的自由。爱是一种艺术,需要克服个人的自恋,发展谦卑,需要客观性和理性以及培养他生性。弗洛姆启示我们:人性是一个既包括自然属性又包括社会属性,既包括理性又包括感性,既包括意识又包括无意识的多维度、多层面的范畴,>以人为本<应以这个人性范畴为本,而>和谐社会<的建设,也应该包括从>世道<到>人心<的多个维度和多个层面,是系统性的和整合性的。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Mei}, title = {>True-self< in Return under the >None-self< Circumstances - A Study on the Subject of Misery in Coleen McCullough's Novels [>非我<境遇下的>真我<返归 - 考琳•麦卡洛小说中的苦难主题研究], Doctoral dissertation, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei, China 2013 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {考琳•麦卡洛(Colleen McCullough,1937.6-2015.1)曾被誉为>澳大利亚活着的国宝<,是澳大利亚当代最具影响力的作家之一。从其对个人创伤性成长经历的感悟及其作品表达的共同主题来看,考琳•麦卡洛是一位悲苦意识浓重的作家。灰暗的童年、窘迫的经济状况、作为女性被边缘化的处境、澳大利亚的民族苦难、二次世界大战和冷战的阴影等,都让考琳•麦卡洛在小说创作过程中无法忽视对苦难的关注。她作品中的人物普遍面临各种困境,备受>非我<之痛。由于考琳•麦卡洛对苦难的书写整合了个体家庭创伤、社会文化创伤和民族创伤,因此,其作品中的苦难具有一定的代表性,对考琳•麦卡洛小说中的苦难主题进行研究,具有较高的思想价值和较强的现实意义。论文采用文本细读和理论阐释相结合的方法,使用创伤理论、艾里希•弗洛姆关于爱和自我寻求的理论、拉康的镜像论、福柯关于凝视的论述、悲剧净化说等,对考琳•麦卡洛小说中的苦难主题进行多角度、全方位的研究,发掘考琳•麦卡洛的小说对苦难书写所具有的社会学价值和艺术审美价值。论文分为绪论、正文、结语三个模块。绪论部分主要对考琳•麦卡洛其人、其作和对其作品的研究现状进行了概述,阐明了论文的选题依据、研究方法、研究内容和主要创新点等。正文部分由第2至第7章组成,按照>经历苦难<、>呈现苦难<、>追问苦难<、>直面苦难<、>超越苦难<、>审视苦难<的顺序,采用层层递进的方式,分析了考琳•麦卡洛的创伤性体验与苦难书写的关系及其苦难意识的特点,剖析了考琳•麦卡洛小说中的>非我<境遇及>非我<之痛,探讨了考琳•麦卡洛对苦难根源进行的追问及其价值,探析了考琳•麦卡洛对苦难中的拯救问题的思考及现实意义,审视了考琳•麦卡洛作品中呈现出的>真我返归<理想及其中蕴含的人文情怀,挖掘了考琳•麦卡洛小说关于苦难书写的审美价值。结语部分对论文整体写作情况进行总结,阐明了论文写作的创新点和意义所在,指出了论文写作存在的不足和有待提升的空间。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Su, author = {Su, Yan}, title = {[Looking Back on the Lost Spiritual Homeland: Myth - A Study of Literary Translation [回望失落的精神家园:神话—原型视阈中的文学翻译研究], Doctoral dissertation, English Language and Literature, Nankai University, Tianjin, China 2009 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, series = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to transl}, journal = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to transl}, abstract = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to translation studies proper, which reflects their increasing worries about the skepticism resulting from the >deconstructive paradigm< and about the tendency to replace translation studies with political concerns in the >cultural turn<. It contends that there should be a return to both literariness as well as language in literary translation. Since anything in existence often exhibits its nature in its origin, such a return entails going all the way back to the ultimate origin of language and literature-myth. By introducing myth-archetype theory into literary translation studies, the author attempts to find a way out of the impasse of deconstructive paradigm by returning to the origin, universality and wholeness of literature. The dissertation stresses universality behind differences and order behind fragmentation, hoping to help translators and translation researchers restore their holy worship for the origination of both language and literature. Quite different from traditional translation studies which overstress rationality, it highlights the unconscious elements involved in literary translation by attending to the poetic effects of translations and the translators' somatic experience. It is especially applicable to translation criticism of metaphorical literary works modeled on mythical archetypes. The whole dissertation consists of five parts. The first part makes a brief review of relevant studies on myths and archetypes. The second part provides justifications for the introduction of myth-archetype theory into literary translation studies. The third part includes three chapters altogether and conducts a tentative investigation into three basic theoretical problems of literary translation studies in the perspective myth-archetype theory. The fourth part intends to construct a translation criticism method on the basis of Northrop Frye's >stand-back< method of myth-archetype criticism. The fifth part applies this method in translation criticism practice. The first chapter makes a brief review of relevant studies on myths and archetypes in different ages and disciplines to clear the ground for subsequent theoretical construction. It shows that >myth< and cultural turn< in translation studies. On the whole, this chapter borrows a lot from Northrop Frye's ideas. From Chapter Three to Chapter Five, in the perspective of myth-archetype theory, the author re-examines three basic theoretical issues of literary translation, namely, the translatability of literary works, the nature of literary translation and the translator's psychic structure. Translatability accounts for how literary translation comes into existence, the nature of literary translation defines the way how literary translation exists in one sense, and the translator's psychic structure explains why literary translation exists. On the basis of the stability of archetypes and Frye's descriptions of their various forms, this dissertation studies translatability of literary works by dividing the abstract archetype into four concrete literary elements, i.e. the theme, narrative structure, image and language of literary works. It maintains that primary concern myths explain the commensurability of themes in literature, and the structuralistic studies on the morphology of folk tales and narrative grammar provide evidence for the translatability of deep narrative structure of literary works. In addition, the archetypal image system underlying the metaphorical literary works enables literary works from different cultures to return to the same origin and those within the same cultural system but in different ages to be organized into a unity with its own specific tradition.- Since translating involves first of all linguistic transference, Chapter Three highlights linguistic translatability and proposes three types of linguistic archetypes, namely, Walter Benjamin's >pure language<, Erich Fromm's >symbolic language< and David Leaning's >mythical language<. They demonstrate linguistic translatability from fields of religion, psychology and anthropology respectively.- Incorporating the general nature of translating as linguistic transference and the nature of literature as poetic metaphor, Chapter Four tentatively defines literary translation as an art of creating poetic metaphors, i.e. a metaphor-understanding and metaphor-making activity. Chapter Five makes a comparison between literary translation and poetic metaphor from six aspects: etymological studies, innovative creation, co-existence of similarities and differences, partial transference, somatic presence and existential experience. This comparison exhibits the creative, polysemous, experiential and existential nature of literary translation, which is of metaphorical nature and keeps traces of primitive mythical thinking. The irrational elements in myths always give expression to mankind's unconscious emotions and desires, and archetypes represent collective unconsciousness in human mind. Therefore, the introduction of myth-archetype theory requires an inevitable concern on the subjects' unconsciousness involved in literary translation. The dissertation analyzes the translator's psychic structure from three aspects, i.e. collective unconsciousness, social unconsciousness and individual unconsciousness. It holds that as literary works modeled on myth-archetypes reveal mankind's collective unconsciousness, their translations may function as a psychic therapy. Since myths have always been interwoven with cultural and political motivations, literary translation consequently turns out to be a kind of symbolic activity to repress the nation's ideology, determine their social memory and invent a myth of the state. On the basis of Erich Fromm's ideas on social unconsciousness and the theory of identification in psychology, this dissertation re-explains the translation strategies of domestication and foreignization. It argues that domestication results from a nation's collective narcissism and false identification after its escape from freedom, while foreignization releases the repressed unconscious elements in the receiving culture. To be more specific, foreignization heals the metamorphasized language with the foreignized one. It also indicates the translator's metaphorical state of experience with his total empathy for the source text and the author. In the light of the theory of individual unconsciousness, this dissertation extends the meaning of translation and identifies the similarities between literary translation and psychotherapy. In other words, a translator of literary works is both an analyst and an analysand. Translation criticism, in one sense, is a mediator between translation theory and practice; therefore, after theoretical exploration, Chapter Six establishes a translation criticism method according to Frye's >stand-back< method in literary criticism with stresses on the awareness of levels, genres and intertextuality. Level-awareness means criticism upon a translation on four different levels, that is, linguistic signs, multi-level meanings, text structure and archetypal models. Genre-awareness plays a fundamental role in literary translation studies. It provides translators with writing norms and offers translation critics >horizon of expectation<, thus becoming the starting point of translation reception and criticism. Furthermore, the differences, hybridization and defining elements of genres make a considerable difference to translation criticism. The existent translation criticism generally focuses on comparison and contrast between a source text and its translations. With the entrance of archetypes, however, an intertextual perspective is added. Translation chains, literary traditions and cultural context function as leading intertextual elements in translation criticism. To prove the feasibility of the >stand-back< method of translation criticism stated in Chapter Six, Chapter Seven evaluates translations of two literary works, one is TS Eliot's poem The Wasteland and the other is a classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. These translations are criticized with awareness of levels, genres and intertextuality. As a tentative exploration into literary translation studies in the perspective of myth-archetype theory, this dissertation, in its statement and argumentation, preserves both the structuralists 'stress on universality and the deconstructivists' critical and intertextual awareness while avoiding the weak points of their theories. Therefore, it can converge with the present trend of >cultural turn< in translation studies, and avoid the deviation from translation proper caused by the cultural paradigm. Meanwhile, it finds an approach to returning to literariness itself, discovers the unconscious mind hidden behind translating, highlights the level-awareness in literary translation criticism and shows the continuity of ancient traditions to their contemporary development. Hopefully, it will shed new light on the understanding of literary translation as a whole.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yuzhuo}, title = {[On the Theme of Human Nature in >Pincher Martin< [《品彻·马丁》的人性主题研究], Master thesis, World Literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2021 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] William Golding is regarded as an outstanding British poet religious novelist, modern fabulist and humanist of the 20thcentury. His masterpiece, >Lord of the Flies<, enjoys great popularity in the history of the English literature, which was once the bestseller of the campuses in American universities. In 1983, Golding won the throne of the Nobel Prize in literature because of his brilliant writing style as well as his penetrating thinking of humans' living conditions in his works. >Pincher Martin< is the third novel written by Golding, which was published in 1956. Although the influence of this novel is inferior to that of his renowned masterpiece >Lord of the Flies<, Golding tried to find a new way to compose. He created a man's spirit after death as the hero of the story, portraying the brutal instinct hidden in the human nature with a unique perspective. As a result, the publication of this work won a huge success. The novel tells a story of a military officer named Christopher Hadley Martin who had encountered a marine peril and drifted to an isolated island on which he struggled against death to survive. Most readers tend to be touched by Martin's iron man's spirit when they read this novel for the first time. However, when Golding was portraying Martin's struggle against death to the utmost extent, he also revealed that Martin was actually a selfish egoist, a real villain in his real life by inserting Martin's memory in the text at the same time. Martin had even planned to murder his best friend just out of his jealousy. The motivation that made him struggle bitterly on the rock actually came from his human nature which was both fierce and greedy. In the end, the consciousness of Martin turned into a pair of pincers of a lobster. And at the same time, the writer told his readers in the final chapter that the body of Martin had already been killed soon after he was thrown into the sea, and his experience on the rock was nothing but the process of an evil spirit struggling in his own purgatory. This thesis is based on the basic theory of human nature posed by Erich Fromm, the well-known American humanistic philosopher and psychoanalytic psychologist. The purpose of it is to analyze Martin's nature and behaviors, exploring the novel's theme of human nature. Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis is composed of four chapters. The introduction mainly tells some basic information of Golding's life experiences and his novel >Pincher Martin<. On the basis, it summaries the literature review of Pincher Martin both at home and abroad. It also shows the innovations of the thesis, and presents the main argument and the structure of the thesis.- Chapter one is the theoretical foundation of the thesis, which sets forth part of Fromm's theory of human nature. It mainly explains the intension and the extension of human nature, the escape from the evil human nature and the redemption of human nature.- Chapter two analyzes the evil human nature of Martin. This part not only points out that Martin has a complex dual personality, but also points out the specific embodiment of Martin's evil desire in the novel.- Chapter three expounds Martin's escape from his evil human nature. This chapter points out that the way Martin escapes from his evil human nature is through death, and then makes a detailed analysis of his living in illusion.- Chapter four is about Martin's redemption of his evil human nature, which points out that human nature can be redeemed by kindness and love.- The conclusion of the thesis points out that Golding relentlessly criticizes the evil essence hidden in human nature through the portrayal of Martin. Through Martin's experience, Golding illustrates the following lessons: First of all, evil is inherent for people, which can give people infinite potential. Hence, the evil human nature can also make a man brave, fearless, and indomitable. Secondly, through the story of >Pincher Martin<, the writer aimed to tell the truth that human nature is evil and to persuade people to believe in kindness and love. Otherwise, people will be controlled by the evil desire hidden in their hearts. Only kindness and love can redeem people's evil human nature. In all, through the revelation of Martin's evil nature and the exploration of ways of redemption, Golding shows his concern for the problem of human nature in modern society. His prose is to arouse readers' thinking about this social problem. The argument about human nature in >Pincher Martin< provides a new perspective in analyzing Golding's works. [English translation www.cnki.net, 8/2021]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Lingwei}, title = {[The Alienation, Introspection and Reconstruction of Travelers in Yoshimoto Banana's Travel Literature - >Maria's Sofa<, >Rainbow< and >SLY< as Examples [吉本芭娜娜旅行文学中旅人的异化、反省、重构 -以《玛丽亚的沙发》《虹》《SLY》为例], Master thesis, Japanese Language and Literature, Dalian University of Foreign Studies, Dalian, Liaoning, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {吉本芭娜娜是日本当代著名作家。1988年处女作《厨房》让她一举成名。此后,《玛丽亚的沙发》《虹》等也深受读者的喜爱。她的作品往往从日常小事出发,以细腻的笔触生动再现当代年轻人颓废和不安的内心世界,与此同时还营造出舒适的治愈氛围。这使得吉本芭娜娜的作品深受读者的追捧。吉本芭娜娜一直致力于治愈现代人的身心,持续关注当代人的内心世界,是一个极具社会责任感和使命感的作家。中日两国对于吉本芭娜娜作品的研究均取得了丰硕的成果,但是对于她的旅行文学的研究却凤毛麟角。笔者还发现,吉本芭娜娜的作品深处与埃里希?弗洛姆的异化理论相有着相通之处。本文以《玛丽亚的沙发》《虹》《SLY》为研究对象,运用弗洛姆的异化理论,结合文本分析法,分析了吉本芭娜娜作品中旅人从>被异化<到>反省<再到最后完成自我的>重构<的过程,试图阐明吉本芭娜娜通过旅行所展现的现代文明的批判精神。本文一共由五章构成。序章介绍了研究动机、先行研究、研究立场、研究意义、研究目的以及研究方法。第一章,分析了被异化的旅人形象。从吉本芭娜娜的三部作品出发分析并明确了旅人与自己、与他人以及与自然逐渐疏离。笔者基于弗洛姆的>现代人异化于自己、异化于自然、异化于他人<的观点,进一步分析了被异化的旅人,并得出旅人已经不再是他本身,更甚至是已经不再是一个人,而成为一个>非人<的存在,异化无处不在,被异化的人也失去了应有的人性的结论。第二章,考察了旅行中旅人的反省,试分析旅人异化的原因。通过对>旅人与自然的关系<>旅人与社会的关系<>旅人自身<的反思,意识到被异化的原因是陷入了一种矛盾,即一方面为了追求利益等,抛弃自己的个性,主动与外界保持一致,另一方面又想要追求独立和自由。这是在旅行体验中,旅人回顾过去,自我反思的结果。弗洛姆认为,异化正是来自于人的存在所固有的矛盾。基于此,笔者进一步分析得出旅人异化的原因,即旅人基于生存环境所产生的欲求与现实满足不了这种欲求的矛盾。第三章,通过旅人的反省分析了旅人自身的重构。吉本芭娜娜作品中的旅人,反思异化的原因后,完成了家庭和个人的重构。即充满爱的、和谐的新式家庭,以及从事非功利性的、创造性的工作。弗洛姆认为>爱和创造性的劳动<是克服异化的唯一的积极主动的方式。吉本芭娜娜在这里给出了她对于克服异化,回归自我的解决办法,给我们的未来敲响了警钟,同时,也展现了一个具有社会责任感和使命感的作家形象。总而言之,吉本芭娜娜用细腻的笔触生动再现了被异化的旅人形象,但并未止步于此,而是进一步反思旅人异化的原因,并最终通过旅人的自我重构,向我们展示了作为一个人本身应有的生命力。吉本芭娜娜作品中的异化、反思、重构中蕴涵着其现代文明的批判精神}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiao, author = {Jiao, Zhang}, title = {A Comment on Fromm's >Marx's Concept of Man< 弗洛姆《马克思关于人的概念》评析, Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 2016.}, abstract = {二十世纪六十年代,弗洛姆以其《马克思关于人的概念》,第一次明确提出了马克思主义哲学的实质是人本主义的观点。在弗洛姆看来,人性是马克思主义哲学的出发点,马克思主义哲学的根本目标就是人性的解放。这是马克思从青年到老年的一致性的观点。本文根据弗洛姆《马克思关于人的概念》中的观点进行了具体评析,主要由以下三个部分组成:第一部分,主要从弗洛姆马克思主义哲学观形成的时代背景,弗洛姆马克思主义哲学观形成的基本过程以及弗洛姆马克思主义哲学观的历史影响三个角度,介绍了弗洛姆马克思主义哲学观的形成和影响。第二部分,由《马克思关于人的概念》这本书中,提炼总结了弗洛姆马克思主义哲学观的基本内容,其中包括人性是马克思主义哲学的出发点、马克思主义哲学是一种人道主义、马克思主义哲学的目标是人性的解放等弗洛姆的观点。第三部分,深入剖析弗洛姆的观点,我们认为,弗洛姆在某些方面正确地理解了马克思主义哲学,比如:人的本性与人的劳动是密切相关的;马克思的学说是建立在他关于人的学说之上的;意识的对象不是静态的>客体<等等,表明了他对马克思主义哲学的接近。但同时,弗洛姆的理解也存在着根本错误的方面,比如:把人性当作是马克思主义哲学的出发点;把马克思主义哲学归结为人道主义;把《1844年经济学哲学手稿》当作是马克思主义哲学形成的标志等等,这表明了他对马克思主义哲学的远离。弗洛姆的马克思主义哲学观,是在十九世纪末、二十世纪初到二十世纪五、六十年代,特定的社会历史背景和马克思主义哲学理论发展的特殊状态下的产物。它的出现,在世界马克思主义理论研究领域产生了重大的影响。在我国,时至今日,它依然是我国马克思主义理论工作研究者们讨论的热门话题。全面、客观、准确地评析弗洛姆关于马克思主义哲学实质问题上的观点,对于理解马克思主义哲学变革的真正实质,反对各种错误的观念,具有重大的理论和现实意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Yun}, title = {A Comparative Study of >Dwelling Narrowness< and >The House of Mirth< from the Perspective of Consumption Ethics 消费伦理视角下《蜗居》和《欢乐之家》的对比解读, Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Zhengzhou University, Henan, China 2016 [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {《蜗居》是中国当代作家六六的畅销作品,讲述了中国上海的一对姐妹在房价飙升时期因买房而发生的一连串故事,真实地反映了中国当下都市青年的生存现状。《欢乐之家》是20世纪初被誉为>女性主义先知<的美国作家伊迪斯•华顿的经典著作,讲述了纽约大龄>剩女<莉莉欲嫁豪门而不得,最后被上流社会的>欢乐之家<驱逐的故事。小说揭露了纽约繁华背后的丑恶。两部作品都关乎社会转型期的消费问题,以及人们消费伦理观念的发展变化。因此,对二者进行比较研究对当下正处于经济转型期的个体的发展具有一定的启示作用。本文在文本细读的基础上,运用比较文学中平行研究的方法,从人学的角度并结合埃里希•弗洛姆的消费伦理思想,对《蜗居》和《欢乐之家》两部作品进行对比研究,力求在分析两部作品的消费伦理现象及思想的同时,凸显文学作品对人性的解释和表征,拓宽文本的解读视域,进一步加深对文本的理解。论文共分为六个部分。第一部分是引言,依次介绍了本文选题的依据及缘由、作家作品的研究现状、对两部作品进行比较研究的意义等。第一章介绍论文的研究视角及所用理论。第二章结合作品介绍了伦理环境在《蜗居》和《欢乐之家》中的具体表现。第三章从生存空间和>符号化<的餐饮休闲娱乐两方面来阐释小说人物在社会中面临的消费伦理困境;第四章从被消费扭曲的爱情和亲情的角度来分析个人与他人的伦理关系问题;第五章分别以海藻和莉莉、宋思明和塞尔登这两组相似的人物形象为研究对象,探讨两部文学作品中揭示的人与自身异化的消费伦理问题。最后一部分是结论:在过度宣扬消费的时代,消费成为了生活不可或缺的重要内容及目的。消费主义的意识思想随之泛滥并大行其道,病态的异化消费腐蚀、甚至毁灭人性,阻碍着人的全面健康的发展。通过对两部作品的消费伦理现象的分析,论文旨在得出有益于社会和个人发展的启示:人道主义消费伦理的建构对消除贪婪的物质欲望、构建合理的消费观念具有积极的作用。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Yin, author = {Yin, Minli}, title = {A Comparative Study of >Wuthering Heights< and >Rice< from the Perspective of Fromm's Alienation Theory 弗洛姆异化理论视角下《呼啸山庄》和《米》之对比研究, Master thesis, World Literature and Comparative Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2017 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {英国作家艾米莉•勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》讲述了希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧。小说中的主人公们因各种原因违背内心真实需求,使自我长期处于异化和分裂中。小说真实地反映了英国十八世纪末期的社会风俗,展示了彼时人们的生存和心理状况。《米》是中国当代作家苏童的第一部长篇小说,主线是主人公五龙到城里求生存的曲折经历,以及他与米店姐妹间的感情纠葛。小说揭露了城市繁荣背后人性的复杂和丑恶。《呼啸山庄》和《米》的社会语境和文化背景不同,却都展现了人的异化这个主题。最重要的是,当面临异化、面临困境时,他们身上的人性之光又都最终为他们赢得了自我救赎机会。本文在细读文本的基础上,运用比较文学中平行研究的方法,结合埃里希•弗洛姆的人道主义异化理论,对两部作品进行对比研究,旨在探究《呼啸山庄》和《米》中人们在异化的社会环境中的应对行为和心态,以期对现代人如何避免异化并保持以>爱<为核心的健康人性有所启发。除绪论和结论外,论文共分六个部分。绪论包括作家作品简介、文献综述、研究意义和目的。第一章梳理了弗洛姆异化理论的渊源和他以人道主义为核心的思想。第二章介绍了《呼啸山庄》和《米》两部小说中主人公面对的异化社会环境。第三章解读了小说中主人公畸形欲望,主要体现为物欲的异化和权欲的异化。第四章解析个体与他人关系的异化,具体分析了两部小说中男女间情爱的异化和亲情伦理关系的异化。第五章聚焦小说中自我人格的异化。两个文本中男主人公都在现实与幻境之间来回游移,他们的身份一直处于异化分裂中。第六章探讨了消解异化的力量。超越和摒弃异化需要爱的救赎及完善的人格和重生存而非占有的健全社会。希斯克利夫和五龙都经过由人变魔、由魔归人的历程,他们最后回归人性,是因为他们有发自肺腑的爱和未泯灭的善良。论文结尾部分指出,异化是人类社会的普遍现象,作为社会中的人会受到自我和外在环境的双重压力,只有爱的力量、健全的社会能让人们避免异化,保持健康的心理。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Man}, title = {A Comparative Study of Consumer Alienation Theory Marcuse and Fromm [马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论比较研究], Philosophy, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2014.[application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {消费是任何时代都存在的人类的一种基本活动,如今,消费已经成为人类赖以生存和发展的前提。我国正处于社会转型期,经济的快速增长和国民消费水平的不断提高,从消费观念到消费方式都发生了很大的变化,消费在满足人们所必须的物质需求的基础上还需要满足人们的精神需求,随之同时就出现了奢侈性消费和盲目性消费等消费异化现象。这些现象的存在不仅会带来一些社会问题,而且阻碍着人们消费质量的提高,还会严重制约经济的增长和整个社会的全面进步。因此,研究并解决消费异化现象问题就迫切地摆在人们面前。国内外许多学者从不同的角度对消费异化现象及其社会影响进行了深入研究,并提出了许多具有价值的观点,其中具有影响力的当推马尔库塞和弗洛姆的消费异化理论,考察唯物史观的创立发展过程,研究异化问题的产生和解决也是马克思考察社会发展问题的一种基本方法。本文立足于唯物史观的基本立场,比较分析了马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论的相同点和不同点,以及他们各自消费异化理论在社会发展中的影响作用,对我们寻找到解决消费异化问题的方法和途径、引导人们形成正确的消费观具有借鉴作用。通过对马尔库塞和弗洛姆消费异化理论的比较研究,可以看出马尔库塞的消费异化理论是建立在马克思的劳动异化理论的基础上,是对马克思人本主义理论的深刻延伸,是弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义;弗洛姆从社会制度入手,对消费异化的根源进行研究,他重视消费道德教育,提出根据各类人的消费心态和消费行为进行针对性的道德教育,对我们正确认识消费异化的根源,构建正确的消费观念具有重要的参考作用。本文认为在现代哲学的语境下,马尔库塞和弗洛姆的消费异化理论互相交融的可能性是很大的,通过对二者理论内涵和缺陷的分析研究,找出各自理论价值的合理性,从内容上相互补充和借鉴,试图创立符合现阶段我国国情的科学消费价值观,这对倡导人们树立正确的消费观、构建与社会经济发展相适应的消费模式、形成合理的消费行为、优化我国的消费结构具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Sheng, author = {Sheng, Lei}, title = {A Comparative Study of Fromm and Marx's View of Human Nature [弗洛姆与马克思人性观之比较研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China 2018.}, abstract = {人性是包含人区别于动物的各种特性或属性的动态系统,在人性系统内部的各种特性或属性相互作用、相互联系,是社会属性和自然属性的统一,是本质属性和非本质属性的统一。人性观即是对人性的总的观点和基本看法。人性观在弗洛姆和马克思的理论中均占有十分重要的位置。弗洛姆的人性观是其整个理论体系的基石,而马克思的人性观也是贯穿其历史唯物主义的逻辑线索。本文拟对弗洛姆与马克思的人性观进行比较分析,弗洛姆对马克思理论的继承性使两者的人性观具有某些共同的基础,而弗洛姆对马克思理论的综合又使两者在人性问题上存在根本分歧。从>人性<这一核心问题入手,在对弗洛姆与马克思人性理论的整体把握的基础上,本文较为全面地阐明了两者人性理论的相通性与差异性,同时也较为深刻地认识了弗洛姆人性观的理论价值与局限,以及马克思人性观的科学性。本文的研究主要分为四个部分:第一部分探讨了弗洛姆人性观的理论基础,包括弗洛姆人性观产生的现实土壤和思想来源,在此基础上,进一步分析了弗洛姆对马克思人性观的综合,明确本文进行比较的基础;第二部分阐述了弗洛姆对马克思人性观的继承,包括以现实的人为出发点,在社会历史进程中考察人性,批判资本主义社会中人性的异化。第三部分是本文的重点部分,对弗洛姆与马克思人性观的分歧进行了具体分析,主要从人的本质规定、人的发展路径、人的异化根源以及人性解放路径四个方面展开论述。研究发现:弗洛姆将人看作某种有待实现的固定潜能,人性发展史也就是人通过劳动实现自身潜能的历史,人的异化自人诞生起就存在,是由人的潜能要求得到实现,但人的现实处境却阻碍人的潜能实现的矛盾造成,也即人的本质与存在的矛盾造成。而人的潜能的实现就在于通过心理革命和社会改革创造一个符合人性的环境。与之不同,马克思从现实的人的物质生产实践活动出发,指出人类的历史也即人在生产劳动基础上不断摆脱纯粹动物的需要,生成人的需要的过程。人的活动成为异己的存在从分工产生的私有制开始,在资本主义社会,这种异己状态达到顶峰。因而人的解放就在于扬弃资本主义私有制,进行共产主义运动。第四部分在前文的基础上,对弗洛姆与马克思的人性观进行了评析。本文认为,弗洛姆的人性观在一定程度上丰富了对人内心的探讨,具有重要的启示价值,但仍具有一定的抽象色彩。而马克思的人性观是科学的人性观,这种科学性体现在对劳动在人性生成中的作用的科学把握、对现实人性存在于社会关系中的科学把握以及对人的发展和社会发展是在劳动实践基础上的统一的科学把握。只有正确地理解人性,才能找到正确的方法来解决人的生存危机,在建设社会主义和谐社会中贯穿真正人的尺度。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Ziyu}, title = {A Comparative Study of Fromm's and Marx's Theory on Human Liberation [弗洛姆与马克思关于人的解放学说比较研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2009, 193 pp.}, abstract = {A history of human civilization is that the human pursues the thorough liberation. Fromm and Marx studied the human's living conditions in capitalist society, regarded this as the starting point, they criticized the people's alienation sharply, their common goal is to realize human liberation from alienation. Fromm regarded people's situation in modern western capitalist society as the starting point, discussed the basic needs of people and social personality, exposed that the modern capitalist society is a comprehensive alienation society, the modern people's characteristic is mainly shown as personality of the morbid state and life style of the morbid state. As to the disease of modern capitalist society and the state of modern people's alienation, he criticized the modern capitalist society deeply, and he proposed a suggestion of people's own transformation and the whole society transformation on politics, economy and culture, in order to realize his goal of the sound society and sound person finally. Marx inspected the person and the human society from the macroscopic angle, elaborated his thought of labor alienation, criticized that the capitalist class implemented cruel exploitation and oppression to proletariat under the capitalist system. As the proletariat's revolutionary teacher, he pointed out the proletariat is the gravedigger of the capitalist class. He maintained that proletariat should overthrow the capitalist system through proletariat's revolution, set up the state power of the proletarian dictatorship, eliminate the class exploitation and oppression finally, realize the goal of communist society that everyone can achieve free, abundant and all-round development, the proletariat and the masses of working people will obtain the thorough liberation. The main content of this thesis is divided into three parts: - Part one probes into Fromm and Marx's common foundation about theory of human liberation, it includes three following respects such as regarding realistic person as the starting point, seeking the road of human liberation in the criticism to the capitalism, announcing people's historical process of liberation based on social historical development.- Part two explains Fromm and Marx's different imaginations about human liberation, it includes three following respects such as stipulating different content of human liberation, choosing different road of human liberation, designing different goal of human liberation.- Part three mainly analyzes Fromm's contribution and limitation from Marx's visual angle.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Duan, author = {Duan, Jingjing}, title = {A Comparative Study of Fromm's and Baudrillard's Alienation Theory [弗洛姆与鲍德里亚异化理论的比较研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China 2017.}, abstract = {异化问题是现代社会发展进程中不可忽视的。西方资本主义国家经济的快速发展,社会财富的增加,人们的物质生存条件得到提高,但在精神方面陷入了异化的困境。现代社会错综复杂,异化现象被隐藏的很深使人们难以辨别。社会的新变化带来的是更深层的异化。我国作为发展中国家,同样存在着异化问题,并且在今后的发展中也同样会遭到西方国家的这种情况,所以,为了我国能够在进行中国特色社会主义建设时,少走发达国家的弯路,对异化进行全面、深层的探讨还是很有必要的。近现代异化领域中影响力较大的有弗洛姆和鲍德里亚的异化理论,对两者异化理论的比较可以为研究异化提供新的视角,丰富并发展马克思的异化思想,拓宽人们分析问题的思维。文章主要由四部分组成:第一部分先叙述了异化在西方历史上的演变,让人们能够清楚地了解异化的发展,为文章主题部分奠定基础。此外,还分别对形成弗洛姆和鲍德里亚的异化理论的背景作了概述,以便能够更好地理解两人的异化思想。第二部分主要是论述了两者异化理论的共同点,马克思的异化理论是两者异化理论的共同来源,导致异化的物质前提是相同的,异化给人带来的伤害也是一样的。第三部分先分析了两者异化理论的差异,并对其差异作了原因分析,两者异化理论的差异分别从剖析异化的视角、人的主观能动性及在各领域的表现方式这三方面进行分析的,并且也剖析了产生差异的原因。第四部分主要是评析了弗洛姆与鲍德里亚异化理论的比较研究所带来的理论意义和现实价值。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Gao, author = {Gao, Caihong}, title = {A Comparative Study of Marx's Alienation and Fromm's Alienation [马克思与弗洛姆异化思想的比较研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China 2014.}, abstract = {马克思和弗洛姆分别是19世纪和20世纪对异化问题有深入研究的哲学家。马克思置身于手工制造业为主要社会生产方式的时代背景,看到的是高强度劳作对工人体能的摧残,因此他关注是人的劳动异化,并以此作为其异化理论的切入点;而弗洛姆所处的时代是机器大工业生产时代,那时机器相对解放了人的双手,但人的精神却日益空洞和贫乏,因此弗洛姆关注的是人的心理异化,并以此作为其异化理论的切入点构建其异化体系。马克思和弗洛姆分别从不同视角对异化问题进行了研究,马克思倾向从历史实践的角度,对异化问题进行外在性考察;弗洛姆倾向从心理体验层面,对异化问题进行内在性反思。一个向外考察,一个向内反思,基本涵盖了人类生存所面临的两个主要层面,这可谓相辅相承,互为补充。因此,重新对两人思想进行比较研究是十分具有理论意义和现实价值的。本文通过比较马克思和弗洛姆异化思想的前提、切入点及内涵的异同,尝试从两人扬弃异化的途径中挖掘出对我国当代建设具有启示性价值的思想。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Xiaolu}, title = {A Comparative Study of Self-conception in Psychanalysis and the Buddhism [精神分析与佛学自我观的比较研究], Master thesis, Religious Studies, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2014.}, abstract = {佛学发源于古老的印度社会,而精神分析则在现代性的背景下产生,两者共通之处首先在于认识自己的心灵并将这种认识付诸实践。现代性造成的传统价值崩溃,使个人不断地感到某种缺失,也引发了现代社会各种各样的精神问题。以1957年在墨西哥的座谈会为标志,国际心理学界开始愈发重视对禅宗和佛学的研究讨论,弗洛姆、霍尼等新精神分析学派试图在佛学中寻找对解决现代人心灵问题具有启发意义的观念和实践方法,两种传统在此处开始交汇。本文选取了佛学传统中三个较有代表性学派与精神分析学中对深层心识有独到见解的三个学派,比较其自我观的框架与核心概念,进行初步的交流和沟通。以弗洛伊德为代表的精神分析学派首先提出潜意识的概念,认为能意识到的那部分自我是不完整的。经典精神分析的自我观可以从人格地形结构中得到说明,本我要求本能冲动的满足,超我代表着社会的道德律令,而自我就努力在其中起调解作用。与社会习俗观念不相符的潜意识内容往往被压抑,精神分析的目标就在于解除抑制作用,释放潜意识的能量。禅学的真实自我是>自性<,自性是宇宙本体,万物之源,修行的目标就在于明心见性。顿悟和抑制解除的类似之处在于,抑制的解除释放潜意识中固着的能量,将潜意识纳入意识的范围,而顿悟打破原先的自我界限,两者都是无明转明的过程。荣格开创的分析心理学的自我框架将人格分为意识、个人潜意识、集体潜意识三个部分。他首先提出集体潜意识的概念。集体潜意识不是由被压抑和遗忘的个人经验构成,而是具有遗传性的,超越个体的心理基础。集体潜意识的内容主要是对应于人生各种典型情境的原型。分析心理学的目标是>个体化<,让人格围绕>自性<这个新的中心重新建立。唯识学认为万法唯识,一切心理物理现象的根源都在阿赖耶识之中,是八识自体变现的结果。阿赖耶识与集体潜意识的概念有很多相近之处,种子和原型同在说明有一种超越个性的心理基础,普遍存在于所有人身上,引发相似的行为方式。以拉康为中心的后结构主义精神分析,提出>镜像理论<,认为自我是建立在一种虚假的统一性之上。拉康用三界理论来说明主体的结构,想象界,象征界和实在界。精神分析的目标不仅是消除症状更在于发掘并承担主体的真相。而中观学则指出,原始佛教所说的无我是真我非有假我非无的辩证统一,缘起故无我,缘起故性空而假有,因此真我、假我都是假名而已。拉康的镜像理论可以与中观学的假我相比较。色受想行识五蕴和合而成的我,并没有真实恒定的体性。而主体在镜像中试图抓住的那个破碎、无力的自我,在象征界中经过父法的认同而永远被划上斜线的自我,也是在他者的欲望中建构的,虚幻不实的主体。精神分析与佛学通过不断地相互学习交流,在当代实践中已经产生了一定程度的互补作用。佛学给精神分析提供了对于心灵的深刻洞察和更为宽广的视域,也给精神分析提供了一种价值观念。现代社会那种不断消费、占有和扩张的自我是空虚无力的,只有寻求本真的自我才能带来精神的解脱与自由。而精神分析则在有我的层面对佛学进行补充。在进行深层的禅修之前,首先需要处理好早期的心理创伤和建立一种健全合理的生活、和谐的人际关系,否则禅修反而会成为一种自我防御的方式。精神分析的科学态度和不断质疑的思考也将佛学的思想从古代社会建制所形成的权力结构中解放出来,更好地为今人服务。现代性语境下形成的自我是漂浮无根,自我膨胀而又虚弱无力的,它的典型症状包括伦理道德责任的缺失、精神的疏离感和焦虑感等等,而现代西方社会的消费文化又助长了这种趋向。对比精神分析与佛学自我观的过程中,我们看到将生命之树重新扎根的一种可能性,寻求本真的自我,而不是外在符号中虚假的自我,才能获得对生命的真实理解和更深层次的幸}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Xinyuan}, title = {A Comparative Study of the Essential Thoughts between Marx and Fromm [马克思与弗洛姆人的本质思想比较研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, Guizhou, China 2017.}, abstract = {人的本质问题一直是哲学家所关注的焦点问题之一。马克思和弗洛姆在不同的历史条件下,对人的本质问题进行了各具特色的探讨,得出了具有一定的联系但又存在明显差异的结论。理解这些联系和差异,有助于我们更为具体的理解马克思的人学思想,更好的贯彻与落实以人为本的科学发展观。马克思对人的本质的理解主要体现在人的类本质是>自由的有意识的活动<、人的本质在其现实性上是>一切社会关系的总和<以及>人的本质是人的真正共同体<等几个命题中。其中,以人的物质生产活动为主要内容的实践活动即>自由的有意识的活动<是人的本质得以形成的基础,在实践的基础之上形成的人与人之间的社会联系以及在这些联系的基础之上而形成的共同体则是人的本质的现实存在形式。但在马克思看来,由于受到生产力水平的限制,在资本主义私有制中,人们不仅不会把人与人之间的社会联系和他们置身于其中的社会看作他们的生命须臾不可离开的本质,而是把自己理解孤立的个人,把各种各样的社会联系看作时刻需要逃离的外在束缚。面对人的本质的这种普遍异化,只有通过生产力的发展和生产关系的根本转变,才能最终扬弃。而这一切都只有通过无产阶级革命和共产主义制度的建立,才有可能得到实现。作为一名弗洛伊德的马克思主义者,弗洛姆的人学思想受到了弗洛伊德、马克思以及犹太教和佛教等各种思想的影响。在他看来,对人的本质的理解必须从他们生来就具有的同样的潜能这一角度着手,而劳动则是实现这些潜能的具体途径。但在资本主义私有制条件下,人们在实现其潜能的过程中,无法体会到现实生活中存在的各种丰富的道德与爱,从而会在心理上产生出深刻的孤独感。人与人之间的这些联系的疏离就人的本质的异化。要扬弃人的本质的异化,就必须在超越以私有财产的占有为目的的公有制社会中,重建人与人之间爱的关系。马克思的人学思想尤其是其劳动观点,对弗洛姆的人学思想有着明显的影响。但两者也存在明显的区别。马克思把劳动看作人的本质得以产生的基础,弗洛姆则把劳动看作人的本质得以实现途径;马克思认为异化就是劳动异化,弗洛姆则把异化理解人的一种心理体验;马克思认为异化的扬弃只有通过生产力的发展和无产阶级革命才能实现,弗洛姆则把异化的扬弃寄希望于心理治疗的途径。}, language = {zh} } @misc{James, author = {James, Walter}, title = {A Comparative study of the Social Psychologies of Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm, Master's essay, Sociology, Columbia University, New York 1947.}, language = {en} } @misc{Woodruff, author = {Woodruff, William David}, title = {A Comparison and Critique of the Concept of Love and Self-love in the Thought of Erich Fromm and Paul Tillich, M.A. thesis, Department of Religion, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem,1976, 97 pp.}, language = {en} } @misc{Woodyard, author = {Woodyard, David O.}, title = {A Critical Inquiry Into the Ethics of Erich Fromm, Paul Tillich, and Karl Barth, Thesis, Oberlin College, Oberlin 1965, 173 pp.}, language = {en} } @misc{Cheng, author = {Cheng, Hui}, title = {A Critical Study of Fromm's Political Modernity [弗洛姆政治现代性批判研究], Master thesis, Political Science, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China 2018.}, abstract = {政治现代性是现代政治的特质,也是现代政治发展的内在理据与推动力量。自启蒙运动以来,在理性主义的指引下,促进人的主体性与自主性、保障人的权利与自由、实现社会公平与正义成为政治的主要目标,政治也由此日益丰富了其现代性内涵。然而,现代政治的弊病也隐含其中,特别是民主的异化、官僚主义与极权主义等现象,引发了学者们的深入反思并逐渐形成了现代性批判的浪潮,法兰克福学派即为典型代表,尽管政治现代性批判往往隐没于社会批判与文化批判理论中。通过文献梳理可以发现,弗洛姆对政治现代性的反思与批判既与其成长经历有关,又端赖于当时独特的社会历史背景,也得益于他的求学与研究经历。与其他学者相较,>匿名权威<是弗洛姆批判理论中独特的学术概念,也是弗洛姆政治现代性批判的理论依据与主脉络。正是>匿名权威<的存在,才导致了现代政治中民主制度的异化、选举制度的异化、官僚主义与极权主义,弗洛姆对之进行了全面而深入的剖析与批判,并分析了走出>匿名权威<的路径,这些构成了弗洛姆政治现代性批判的基本内容。西方马克思主义具有资本主义批判的学术传统,作为其中的重要代表,弗洛姆对政治现代性的批判独具特色、内涵丰富,对此加以研究,不但可以推动学术界对弗洛姆的研究、拓展现代性研究视域,也对当前我国的社会主义政治现代化建设具有切实的警示、启发意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Cotta, author = {Cotta, Denis}, title = {A experiencia religiosa catolica do encontro de casais com Cristo (ECC). Uma an{\´a}lise sob a perspectiva da osican{\´a}lise humanista de Erich Fromm, Curitiba (Editora CRV), 2020, 214 pp.}, language = {pt} } @misc{Tian, author = {Tian, Dandan}, title = {A Fallen World: On the Alienation in >Tender is the Night< 堕落的世界—论《夜色温柔》中的异化, Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan Foreign Studies University, Chongqing, China 2016 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {菲茨杰拉德历时十年完成了他的最后一部长篇小说《夜色温柔》。这部小说自发表之初便遭到了不少极为严厉的批评。对于读者而言,松散的结构、凌乱的情节使小说失去了较强的可读性。对于评论家而言,小说所表现的思想和价值观不具有足够的广度和深度。然而,在他去世20多年之后,经过时间的检验,《夜色温柔》获得了肯定。不少评论家将这部小说看成是他写得最为精彩的一部小说,乃至是20世纪最伟大的小说之一。作为20世纪美国最著名的小说家之一,菲茨杰拉德将他的小说和他所处的时代相结合,用他的文学天赋和写作技巧描写了一代人的快乐与悲哀,为我们展示了一个比现实生活还要真实的世界。许多评论都集中于对小说中人物的分析,有的从心理分析的角度,有的从女性主义的角度。本文在弗洛姆的异化理论视角下,试图揭示出作品中的人物所被赋予的深刻含义。本文主要由绪论、正文和结论三个部分组成。绪论部分主要介绍了菲茨杰拉德及其作品在美国文学史上的地位、国内外对于《夜色温柔》的研究情况以及本文的观点、组成结构和意义。正文部分分三章来讨论《夜色温柔》中的异化:男主人公迪克的自我异化,主要表现为其强烈的女性气质和某种程度上的疯癫;人与人之间关系的异化,主要表现为病态的爱情、无爱的婚姻、冷漠的亲情以及变质的友情;消费领域中人与物关系的异化,主要表现为消费不再是达到快乐的手段,反而成了目的本身,以及人们不能自由、积极地享受闲暇时光,被上流社会的品位所控制。结论部分总结了本文的主要观点,即通过描述人际关系领域以及消费领域中的异化现象,证明异化已经弥漫了战后的整个西方世界,不论是《夜色温柔》中的主人公,还是其他人物都无一例外地感染了异化这一时代的通病。与此同时,这也为身处现代社会的人们敲响了一个警钟,即异化无时不在、无处不在。虽然弗洛姆分析了异化产生的原因并提出了解决方法,但人们仍需在文学作品中思索抵制并消除异化的出路。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yan}, title = {A Further Exploration of Erich Fromm's Humanism Thought and Its Contemporary Enlightenment [弗洛姆人本主义思想及其当代启示再探], Master thesis, Foreign Marxist Research, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2019.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为人本主义思想家的代表人物,他的一生都围绕着人的问题展开思考和分析。通过对弗洛伊德、马克思以及法兰克福学派理论的研读和反思,继承并发展了他们关于人的问题相关理论和观点,弗洛姆逐渐形成自己的人本主义思想体系。本文主要是对弗洛姆人本主义思想进行再探分析,共分为四个部分。第一部分考察弗洛姆人本主义思想的形成和发展过程。主要从理论渊源和现实背景两个方面进行梳理和分析,其中理论渊源主要谈到对弗洛伊德精神分析学的批判吸收、对马克思人本思想的继承与阐发以及对法兰克福学派批判理论的运用与发展,现实背景与发展轨迹则是从弗洛姆个人一生的特殊经历和生活的时代背景进行阐述。第二部分考察弗洛姆人本主义思想的主要内容。按照基本理论是对人性的探究来阐释他的人性理论;核心思想是对>人的困境<问题分析,即人陷入异化状态如何走出生存困境;理论归旨围绕健全社会的的探索来展开论述。第三部分是把弗洛姆的人本主义思想分别与法兰克福学派、精神分析学派代表人物及马克思的人本理论进行比较分析,通过对研究基点、研究的方法论以及解决路径等方面来总结弗洛姆人本主义思想的特质。第四部分是坚持客观辩证角度分析弗洛姆人本主义思想的价值和局限性以及对当代社会的启示。一方面肯定了弗洛姆的人本主义思想深化了对人性问题的认识,为资本主义社会的研究提供了新视角;另一方面也指出他的思想自身存在的局限性诸如在人性问题探讨上存在矛盾性、消除异化的道路缺乏有效性等。但是不可否认的是,对于构建和谐社会,打造人与人、人与自然、人与社会和谐相处的社会,弗洛姆的理论仍然具有深刻的理论价值和现实意义,值得借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zou, author = {Zou, Juan}, title = {A Humanistic Exploration of Urban Violence in Margaret Drabble's the Radiant Way and A Natural Curiosity 玛格丽特•德拉布尔《金光大道》和《天生好奇》中都市暴力的人文主义推求], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {玛格丽特•德拉布尔(1939-)是二战后英国文坛颇负盛誉的女作家之一。她的三部曲《金光大道》、《天生好奇》和《象牙门》自1989年发表以来,备受评论界关注。以暴力为代表的都市哥特元素成为这三部作品的一个核心特点。尽管近年来国内外研究德拉布尔的学者日渐增多,却鲜少有评论家对《金光大道》和《天生好奇》这两部作品中的都市暴力问题展开系统性研究。本论文选取埃里希•弗洛姆在《逃避自由》和《爱的艺术》中所阐释的人文主义哲学为支撑,试析德拉布尔两部作品中以都市暴力为核心的哥特元素,旨在为探弋作品中所蕴藉的人性深度,并为其道德维度提供新的研究视角。埃里希•弗洛姆的人文主义哲学囊括了对于异化、自由和爱的探讨,它掘入人的情感内里,将极权主义、破坏性和机械趋同等消极自由所导致的牵绊展露得纤悉无遗。相反,积极自由意味着通过爱和生产性劳作而与世界自发产生联系,保持人格的整一性。虐待与受虐消解主体;成熟的爱却带来自我的救赎与合一。论文引言追述了德拉布尔两部小说发表以来批评家的观点,提出来进一步探索的空间和可能性,并阐述了弗洛姆哲学思想的要点和论文的框架结构。结语部分总结了论文的基本观点。论文主体分为两章。第一章是>《金光大道》中都市暴力的引发与扩散<,探讨了家庭环境中的性格偏差如何刺激暴力倾向以及社会大环境对异常行为的传播而导致的都市暴力,目的是为了逃避异化,寻得自由。从微观上看,小说中连环杀手保尔的犯罪行为可以追溯至其母亲的虐待癖。从宏观上说,社会也是始作俑者,因为在20世纪80年代的英国,撒切尔政府推行个人主义和商业自由化,加剧了社会异化。同时,以电视为主导的大众媒体所起的刺激和传播作用都使得社会弊病以都市暴力的形式交相呈现。第二章是>《天生好奇》中都市暴力的对抗与救赎<,挖掘了三位女性主人公通过成熟的爱和生产性工作寻找自我和拯救暴力的努力。尽管莉茨和艾利克斯直面了美杜莎的哥特形象,她们却没有被石化,反而重新认识自我,颠覆了传统的神话原型。通过其对连环杀手保尔无私的爱和慷慨帮助,艾利克斯成功平抚了暴力所留下的创伤。另外,三位女主人公之间的深厚友谊为她们重塑自我和追寻积极自由铺就了道路。论文借助弗洛姆的人本主义思想探究了德拉布尔两部作品中的暴力主题和哥特元素。小说中所彰显的城市暴力从微观层面可以归结为人性中的虐待癖和受虐性,从宏观层面来看,则肇始于由外部社会政治因素所滋养和传播的普遍异化现象。诚然,玛格丽特•德拉布尔将笔锋转向人文主义,字里行间涵射出成熟的爱是拯救都市暴力与实现积极自由的有效方式。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Min}, title = {A Humanistic Psychoanalysis of the Heart is a Lonely Hunter [《心是孤独的猎手》的人本主义心理解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 2013. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {卡森•麦卡勒斯的《心是孤独的猎手》,一部描写美国南方一座小镇上一群饱受孤独之痛的精神隔离的人的小说,小说自1940年出版后即被高度关注。孤独几乎是麦卡勒斯所有小说的永恒主题,也是人类永远的情感感受。人为什么如此孤独?艾瑞克•弗洛姆的人本主义心理分析理论能帮助我们去探索这个问题。本文作者运用艾瑞克•弗洛姆的理论,通过分析人类生存的固有矛盾和人类的精神需要,探究了人类孤独的根源,以便帮助那些经历孤独的人得到心灵纾解。首先,本篇论文从两个方面讨论了孤独的根源,即人类生存的固有冲突和其所生存的环境。固有冲突包括生与死的矛盾,精神需要和物质需要的矛盾,潜能实现和人类生活所限的矛盾,个性化与社会化的矛盾。生存环境包括极度贫困,社会偏见和信仰危机。然后,进一步研究人类的需要,包括关联的需要,超越的需要,以及身份感的需要如何与孤独相联系。最后,本文通过聚焦人与人之间的倾诉和真爱被认为是突围孤独的有效方法。基于以上观点,本文作者得出结论:《心是孤独的猎手》通过对美国南方一座小镇上普通人的痛苦的描绘启迪读者思考孤独。根据弗洛姆的人本主义心理分析,本文得出结论:孤独不可避免,因为它根源于人类的实际需要和社会生存现实之间的固有矛盾。能够逃离或缓解孤独之痛的唯一方式是对倾诉和爱的艺术的理解。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xia, author = {Xia, Huiyun}, title = {A Lonely Soul and His Doomed Tragedy [孤独的灵魂,注定的悲剧], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2010 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {John Fowles is a writer with international fame in the contemporary British literary arena. His achievement has covered a wide range of genres, such as novel, poetry, literary criticism and so on. Many of his works have been translated into a variety of languages and attracted the intensive attention of critics and scholars all over the world, especially his masterpiece The French Lieutenant's Woman (1969). As an internationally acclaimed novelist, Fowles occupies an irreplaceable position in the history of English literature. >The Collector< is Fowles's maiden work which has brought him great success since its publication in 1963. Critics have made studies on the novel from various perspectives. In the novel, it is undeniable that Miranda's life is a tragedy. However, as a kidnapper, Clegg also lives a miserable and tragic life.- Here, in light of Erich Fromm's humanism, the thesis tries to make an analysis of Clegg's tragedy in the hope of providing a different angle to interpret this novel. What's more, the significance of the thesis lies in that it can also impart to us some profound and practical social meaning. Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, great changes have taken place to the world that we live in. The application of high-tech in daily life leads to fiercer and fiercer competition between people. People, especially the workers, are likely to be mechanized into a piece of machine. Meanwhile, the invention of various communication facilities quickens up the life tempo. Thus the sincere communication between people is becoming less and less. And the relationship between people has tended to be alienated. Therefore, at the crucial moment when alienation has penetrated into almost every field of people's life, it is of great importance to draw a lesson from Clegg's tragedy. Especially the love theory of Erich Fromm can shed light on how to build a more harmonious society. The thesis is composed of five chapters: - Chapter one includes a brief introduction of John Fowles's life, the general plot summary of The Collector as well as the critical responses to the novel home and abroad. Last but not least, it points out the significance of a humanistic interpretation of Clegg's tragedy.- Chapter two makes a general introduction to the theoretical system of Fromm's humanism. His humanistic theory mainly talks about three issues, namely, the theory of human nature, the theory of alienation and the love theory. His human nature theory is the base and starting point of his humanism. His theory of alienation is the core of his humanism as well as the deepness and outspread of the human nature theory. And the love theory is the crest and end-result of his humanism. The thesis mainly focuses on the theory of alienation and his love theory which are applied in the thesis.- Chapter three applies Fromm's alienation theory to the description of Clegg's forlorn spiritual world. Alienation has pervaded every corner of his life which is displayed in the following three aspects: he lacks national responsibility and obligation and is alienated from the nation; the relationship between Clegg and the people around him is also alienated; he is even alienated from himself.- Chapter four analyzes the causes of Clegg's tragedy. One cause is the social reality which generates class distinction. Coming from the bottom of society, Clegg is subject to the feeling of inferiority, thus he lacks confidence and becomes too sensitive. On the other hand, Miranda's contempt of him also exerts a negative influence on him. Another cause is his morbid character structure which is an integration of hoarding character, sadistic tendency and necrophilous orientation. Besides, Clegg's failure in understanding the essence of love is another cause of Clegg's tragedy. Here, by the application of Fromm's love theory, the thesis gives an analysis to Clegg's loneliness. And the analysis centers on his relationship with Miranda. It starts from giving, the nature of love, and then goes deep into the four basic elements of love, that is, care, responsibility, respect and knowledge. And these four elements are mutually dependent and complementary. Under the combined result of these three factors, Clegg's tragedy is inevitable.- And the final chapter is the part of conclusion. It summarizes the factors of Clegg's tragedy and maintains the importance and significance of a humanistic interpretation of his tragedy.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Pan, author = {Pan, Jiayun}, title = {A Necrophilous Character vs. a Biophilous Character [恋死性格与恋生性格 - 《收藏家》中的两个对立人物的存在主义心理分析], PhD thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2005, 121 pp. [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {This dissertation is to psycho-analyze two antithetical characters in John Fowles' The Collector in the light of Erich Fromm and Karen Honey's existential-psychoanalytical characterology. Necrophilous and biophilous orientations are very new in Chinese literary criticism. Humanistic psychoanalysis postulates that human individuals are unique and there is an innate growth mechanism within individuals that will mobilize their libido toward the realization of their potentialities, or self-actualization if environmental social conditions are right. Still, they hold there exists a universal set of values rooted in people's biology that allow people to make moral decisions by looking inside themselves for meanings rather than relying on the prevailing judgments of dominant society. The life-forwarding orientations are people's primary potentiality and destructiveness is a secondary potentiality. Nature distills a love of life. If individuals' growth is checked by unfavorable circumstances, they will develop aggression and destructiveness to answer their existential needs. Human destructiveness embedded in character structure will exhibits itself in the form of malignant narcissism, sadomasochism, malignant anal-hoarding orientation and necrophilous orientation while biophilia expresses itself as independence, freedom, spontaneity and ability to love others. These antithetical needs are built into their character structure as a ready-made substitute of human instincts. Clegg's character structure mainly goes in destructive orientation and regresses progressively into necrophilia while Miranda's life orientation is mainly life-loving and existential opening to life here and now. When we approach Clegg from pan-sexism of Sigmund Freud's libido theories, we meet with a meager success, which indicates the impotence of Freud sexuality theories in the interpretation of some social psychopath. But when we retry to interpret the enigma of Clegg's character formation from Erich Fromm's psychological characterology, we immediately see a clear picture of Clegg's aberration. Clegg is a pathological character. He is a sufferer of malignant narcis