@misc{OPUS4-4420, title = {Humanismo y pediatria. Las bases psicosociales para la pr{\´a}ctica pedi{\´a}trica, M{\´e}xico (Fondo Editorial Nestl{\´e} de la Academia Mexicana de Peditr{\´i}a) 1968.}, editor = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, language = {es} } @misc{OPUS4-29714, title = {Zur Aktualit{\"a}t der Kritischen Theorie f{\"u}r die P{\"a}dagogik, Wiesbaden (Springer Fachmedien), 2015, 297 pp..}, editor = {Dammer, Karl-Heinz and Vogel, Thomas and Wehr, Helmut}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-26132, title = {Teoria e t{\´e}cnica da psican{\´a}lise humanista (Theory and technique of humanist psychoanalysis), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2012, 244 pp.}, editor = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido and Froner, Carla Cristine}, language = {pt} } @misc{OPUS4-26133, title = {A interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos sonhos (Dream Interpretation), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2013, 491 pp.}, editor = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido and Froner, Carla Cristine}, language = {pt} } @misc{OPUS4-35962, title = {Erich Fromm-Preis 2020 an Paul Mason. Die Beitr{\"a}ge der Preisverleihung, Neuhofen/Ybbs (Zeuys Books), 2020, 90 pp.}, editor = {Internationale Erich Fromm Gesellschaft,}, language = {de} } @misc{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series Vol. 51), London and New York (Routledge) 2019, 238 pp.}, abstract = {In Formulated Experiences, Peter L. Rudnytsky continues his quest for a >re-vision< of psychoanalysis by coupling his revival of the unjustly neglected figure of Erich Fromm with his latest groundbreaking research on Ferenczi and Groddeck. Committed at once to a humanistic and to a literary psychoanalysis, Rudnytsky explores the subjective roots of creativity and critiques the authoritarianism that has been a tragic aspect of Freud's legacy.Through his clinically informed interpretations he brings out both >hidden realities< and >emergent meanings< of the texts and authors he examines, including Shakespeare's Othello and Macbeth, as well as Milton's Paradise Lost. A preeminent scholar of the history and theory of psychoanalysis, Rudnytsky displays an interdisciplinary expertise that makes Formulated Experiences truly sui generis and unlike any existing book. Bridging the artificial divide between the academic and clinical worlds, his eloquent championing of the interpersonal and relational traditions will captivate contemporary psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, while his insightful close readings provide a model for psychoanalytic literary critics.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-36669, title = {Der Friede im nuklearen Zeitalter. Eine Kontroverse zwischen Realisten und Utopisten, M{\"u}nchen (Manz-Verlag) 1970.}, editor = {Schatz, Oskar}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-31071, title = {Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, ed by Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Sch{\"o}bel, Heidelberg (Verlag Stefan Sch{\"o}bel) 2014, 430 pp.}, editor = {Bitterolf, Markus and Schlaudt, Oliver and Sch{\"o}bel, Stefan}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-30894, title = {Morte e amore per la vita in psicoanalisi. In memoria di Romano Biancoli. Atti convegno Ravenna, 5-6 giugno, 2010. Nuovi orizzonti di inconscio e societ{\`a}. Studi scientifici 1, ed. by L. La Stella, Roma (NeP edizioni Srls) 2017, 452 pp-}, editor = {Bacciagaluppi, Marco and Signorini, Giancarlo}, language = {it} } @misc{OPUS4-32280, title = {Progressive Psychoanalysis as a Social Justice Movement, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017, 217 pp.}, editor = {Graybow, Scott}, language = {en} }