@article{Acquaviva, author = {Acquaviva, Sabino}, title = {Erich Fromm: l'arte d{\´a}mare insegnata come filosofia}, series = {Corriere della Sera, Milano 17. 3. 1990, 1 p.}, journal = {Corriere della Sera, Milano 17. 3. 1990, 1 p.}, language = {it} } @article{Adams, author = {Adams, James Luther}, title = {>The Protestant Ethic< with Fewer Tears}, series = {B. Landis and E. S. Tauber (Eds.): In the Name of Life: Essays in Honor of Erich Fromm, New York (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) 1971, pp. 174-190.}, journal = {B. Landis and E. S. Tauber (Eds.): In the Name of Life: Essays in Honor of Erich Fromm, New York (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) 1971, pp. 174-190.}, language = {en} } @article{Abril, author = {Abril, Gaspar Garcia}, title = {Erich Fromm y Gabriel Marcel. La esperanza frustrada y la esperanza absoluta}, series = {Estudio Agustiniano, Valladolid, Vol. 9 (1974), pp. 215-246.}, journal = {Estudio Agustiniano, Valladolid, Vol. 9 (1974), pp. 215-246.}, language = {es} } @article{Adorno, author = {Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund}, title = {Die revidierte Psychoanalyse}, series = {M. Horkheimer und Th. W. Adorno: Sociologica II. Reden und Vortr{\"a}ge, Frankfurt (Suhrkamp Verlag) 1962, pp. 1962.}, journal = {M. Horkheimer und Th. W. Adorno: Sociologica II. Reden und Vortr{\"a}ge, Frankfurt (Suhrkamp Verlag) 1962, pp. 1962.}, language = {de} } @article{Abendroth, author = {Abendroth, Wolfgang}, title = {Planning and the Classless Society}, series = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Socialist Humanism. An International Symposium, Garden City, New York (Doubleday and Co. Inc.), 1965, pp. 328-323.}, journal = {E. Fromm (Ed.), Socialist Humanism. An International Symposium, Garden City, New York (Doubleday and Co. Inc.), 1965, pp. 328-323.}, language = {en} } @article{Abra, author = {Abra, J.}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {J. Abra Assaulting parnassus: Theoretical views of creativity, Lanham (University Press of America) 1988, pp. 481-493.}, journal = {J. Abra Assaulting parnassus: Theoretical views of creativity, Lanham (University Press of America) 1988, pp. 481-493.}, abstract = {This descriptive summary of sociological theories is a text, designed primarily for use in undergraduate sociology courses, and presented in 11 Chpts, with an author's Preface. Emphases are on the interplay between theory and methodology and the range of theories of social structure. Chpt (1) What Is Sociological Theory? - defines six different meanings of theory, explains their diverse characteristics, and differentiates between speculative vs grounded and macro vs micro types of theory; also examined are theoretical models and theoretical functions. (2) Theory and Sociological Inquiry - describes the lasting conflict between theory and empiricism, the reciprocal interplay between theory and research, and emphasizes the value of middle-range theories in encouraging research. (3) System Theory - discusses mechanistic, organismic, and structural models of systems theory and their use in research, explaining the contributions of Vilifredo Pareto, Claude Levi-Strauss, Pitirim A. Sorokin, and others; it presents Talcott Parsons's typology of systems, ie, social, cultural, personality, and behavioral. (4) Functionalism - offers historical and critical perspectives on functionalism, and summarizes Robert K. Merton's postulates in functional analysis, eg, of the functional unity of society and of the indispensibility of established patterns. (5) Conflict Theory - identifies the competitive-economic and political power traditions, the theories of Karl Marx, Ralf Dahrendorf, and C. Wright Mills, the contributions of the Frankfurt school to critical theory, and radical positions. (6) Exchange Theory - relates the origins of exchange theory in anthropology, economics, and psychology, and points to the essential roles of James Frazer, Bronislaw Malinowski, Marcel Mauss, and Claude Levi-Strauss; the behavioral approach of George Homans and Peter Blau's structural analysis of social exchange are compared, and norms of justice and reciprocity are illustrated. (7) Theories of Anomie and Alienation - uses classic texts, eg, Emile Durkheim's Suicide and Merton's Social Structure and Anomie to explore the relation between anomie and class structure, and examines theories of alienation of Karl Marx, Erich FROMM, Richard Schact, and others. (8) Symbolic Interactionism - defines interaction in relation to the individual and society, and summarizes the part played by Charles Horton Cooley in focusing theoretical attention on the individual and the primary group; basic notions in George Herbert Mead's social psychology are defined, and interactionist perspectives of Herbert Blumer, Manfred Kuhn, and Erving Goffman are summarized. (9) John H. Morgan - Phenomenological Sociology - characterizes the interpretive function of phenomenology and ethnomethodology, which are focused on the individual social actor's perspective. The original views of Edmund Husserl and Karl Mannheim, later synthesized by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann and others in a sociology of knowledge, are explained. (10) Continuing Debate on Behaviorism, Structuralism and Quantitativism - describes four general categories of theories of the individual's relationship with society, ie, nominalism, interactionism, neo-nominalism, and realism. Also included are attempts to integrate psychological and structural views, eg, by Alex Inkeles; neopositivism, and the reaction against its exclusive use in social analysis, are characterized. (11) Two Macro Theoretical Approaches - traces the origins and development of ecological and evolutionary views of society. The pioneering work of the Chicago school in articulating ecological/environmental views is noted. Within a typology of evolutionary theories, the ideas of Herbert Spencer, Lewis Henry Morgan, Emile Durkheim, Oswald Spengler, Pitirim Sorokin, and others are elaborated. 3 Tables, 6 Figures, Notes. (Copyright 1984, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)}, language = {en} } @article{AbrahamMorgan, author = {Abraham, M. F. and Morgan, J. H.}, title = {Modern Sociological Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi, India (Oxford University Press) 1983. x and 310 p.}, abstract = {This dissertation investigates the relationship between the utopian idea of a normative totality and the genesis of modern totalitarianism in the exile novels Pardon wird nicht gegeben. Amazonas-trilogy, and November 1918 by Alfred Doblin (written between 1934 and 1937). - Chapter 1 analyses first the resurgence of narrative authority in the novel Pardon wird nicht gegeben as a function of Doblin's Marxist insight into economic determinism and as his literary contribution to the popular front of German emigres in the Paris of the 1930's. The novel describes the social rise and downfall of a proletarian whose sadomasochistic predisposition resembles the authoritarian character analysed by Erich FROMM in his psychoanalytic interpretation of Nationalsocialism. The protagonist's desire for social integration results in the destruction of his individuality through politically totalitarian groups. - Chapter 2 analyses the development of the concept of normative totality in Doblin's theory of the novel. - Chapter 3 shows how in Doblin's Amazonas-trilogy several historical attempts to realize a peaceful co-existence between European conquerors and their >Other< results in the brutal repression of the Native Indians. The desire of modern, rational, and technological man for a transcendental >home< is unmasked as the source also for the false totalitarian promises of salvation in our century. Doblin interprets Nationalsocialism as the repetition of earlier ecstasies of self-destruction, which in their turn were desperate responses to the loss of a holistic medieval order. - Chapter 4 follows the traces of Doblin's conversion to Catholicism in the narrative structure and content of November 1918. It elucidated the dialectics of totality totalitarianism by showing how Doblin's demand for a mystically motivated retreat from history results in the involuntary affirmation of those power structures whose inhuman face Doblins portrays in more than thousand pages. - The dissertation is framed by an introduction and a conclusion both of which deal with the problem of the relevance of his exile novels for our own time.}, language = {en} } @article{AlcanterCamarena, author = {Alcanter Camarena, A.}, title = {Erich Fromm o el psicoan{\´a}lisis humanista}, series = {ENEP - Zaragoza (Ed.), Erich Fromm al Siglo XXI. Cuadernos de la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Professionales Zaragoza, M{\´e}xico (ENEP - Zaragoza) 1990, pp. 32-57.}, journal = {ENEP - Zaragoza (Ed.), Erich Fromm al Siglo XXI. Cuadernos de la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Professionales Zaragoza, M{\´e}xico (ENEP - Zaragoza) 1990, pp. 32-57.}, language = {es} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {>Was haben Sie {\"u}ber sich selbst von Ihrem Patienten gelernt?<}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, language = {de} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {> What Have You Learned about Yourself from Your Patient?<}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 101-104.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 101-104.}, language = {en} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {?'Qu{\´e} has aprendido de tu paciente acerca de ti mismo?}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Recordando a Erich Fromm. Testimonios de sus alumnos sobre el hombre y el terapeuta. Edici{\´o}n a cargo de Rainer Funk, Barcelona - Buenos Aires - M{\´e}xico (Paid{\´o}s, Paid{\´o}s Contextos 204), 2011, pp. 139-143. [Spanish by Fernando Borrajo]}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Recordando a Erich Fromm. Testimonios de sus alumnos sobre el hombre y el terapeuta. Edici{\´o}n a cargo de Rainer Funk, Barcelona - Buenos Aires - M{\´e}xico (Paid{\´o}s, Paid{\´o}s Contextos 204), 2011, pp. 139-143. [Spanish by Fernando Borrajo]}, language = {es} } @article{Akin, author = {Akin, Gib}, title = {Interpersonal Correlates of Fromm's Character Types,}, series = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 10 (No. 1, 1982) pp. 77-81.}, journal = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 10 (No. 1, 1982) pp. 77-81.}, abstract = {Based on Erich FROMM's analysis of the social character syndromes of modern industrial society, the contribution of the schools to the development and reproduction of these character orientations is discussed. Following a critical review of basic psychoanalytical and anthropological concepts in FROMM's work, character orientations (receptive, narcissistic, >market<, conformist, and necrophilic-destructive) and their relations to society are elaborated. The hidden processes of socialization by which schools perpetuate the psychological orientations conditioned by society are examined. It is found that learning has become a passive consumption process, resulting in increased alienation of students, as evidenced by lack of interest, truancy, and vandalism. Investigation of students' problems with the schools is needed, the solution of which would necessitate a change in the material substructure of character formation.}, language = {en} } @article{Akrap, author = {Akrap, Domagoj}, title = {Von der Freiheit von zur Freiheit zu. Gedanken zu Erich Fromm und Pessach,}, series = {David. J{\"u}dische Kulturzeitschrift, Wien Vol. 19 (Nr. 72, April 2007), pp. 4-5.}, journal = {David. J{\"u}dische Kulturzeitschrift, Wien Vol. 19 (Nr. 72, April 2007), pp. 4-5.}, language = {de} } @article{Akrap, author = {Akrap, Domagoj}, title = {>…eine immer lebendige Quelle< - Erich Fromm als j{\"u}discher Denker}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 17 / 2013, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 614-18.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 17 / 2013, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 614-18.}, language = {de} } @article{Ahren, author = {Ahren, Yizchak}, title = {Ein humanistischer Denker. Symposium zum 75. Geburtstag Erich Fromms}, series = {Berliner Allgemeine J{\"u}dische Wochenzeitung, D{\"u}sseldorf No. XXX/21 (23. 5. 1975), pp. 6.}, journal = {Berliner Allgemeine J{\"u}dische Wochenzeitung, D{\"u}sseldorf No. XXX/21 (23. 5. 1975), pp. 6.}, language = {de} } @article{AlavipourNematpour, author = {Alavipour, S. M. and Nematpour, Ali}, title = {The psycho-political: Erich Fromm and the crisis in modern society}, series = {Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Summer 2009, Vol. 1(No. 3), pp. 141-167.}, journal = {Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Summer 2009, Vol. 1(No. 3), pp. 141-167.}, abstract = {Far more long before the >interdisciplinarity< as a concept, become a prominent issue in scientific and philosophical developments, many thinkers and philosophers have investigated interdisciplinary. Erich Fromm is one of the distinguished contemporary intellectuals who have applied interdisciplinarity as the way of investigation. Here, we attempt to follow interdisciplinarity and border-crossing in his works. Studying social and political crisis of the modem society, Fromm realized that it is rooted in human's psycho-existential characteristics on the one hand, and the socio-political status of, the modern society on the other; which only >love< and >creative work< can treat. In Fromm's view, neither political nor psychological analysis can offer a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in the society; rather a combination of the two. Thus, he believes in the necessity of border-crossing. >Love< as the >psycho-political< is the core of Fromm's interdisciplinary study of the modem society.}, language = {ar} } @article{Alberghi, author = {Alberghi, S.}, title = {Commenti a Erich Fromm}, series = {Cuaterno Filos{\´o}fico (Universita degli Studi di Sene), No. 5 (1981), pp. 175-196.}, journal = {Cuaterno Filos{\´o}fico (Universita degli Studi di Sene), No. 5 (1981), pp. 175-196.}, language = {it} } @article{AlbottPeakeNoord, author = {Albott, William and Peake, Tom H. and Noord, Robert W. van}, title = {Psychotherapy as an Altered State of Awareness: A Common Element}, series = {Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 10 (No. 2, 1979), pp. 98-104.}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 10 (No. 2, 1979), pp. 98-104.}, language = {en} } @article{Albrecht, author = {Albrecht, Christian}, title = {Satori gleich vom Es zum Ich? Der Zen-Buddhismus und Erich Fromms humanistische Psychoanalyse. Seminararbeit, 24 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{Aken, author = {Aken, P. van}, title = {Robopaten in het werk van Ward Ruyslinck}, series = {Ons Erfdeel: Algemeen Nederlands Tweemaandelijks Cultureel Tijdschrift, Rekkem, Belgium Vol. 32 (No. 3, May-June 1989), pp. 389-395.}, journal = {Ons Erfdeel: Algemeen Nederlands Tweemaandelijks Cultureel Tijdschrift, Rekkem, Belgium Vol. 32 (No. 3, May-June 1989), pp. 389-395.}, abstract = {Relation to FROMM: Ruyslinck, Ward; treatment of counterculture; application of theories of Lewis Yablonsky and Erich FROMM.}, language = {nl} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {Reminiscences of Supervision with Erich Fromm}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York Vol. 11 (October 1975), pp. 461-463.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York Vol. 11 (October 1975), pp. 461-463.}, language = {en} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {Tales from a Traveling Couch. A Psychotherapist Revisits His Most Memorable Patients, New York and London (W. W. Norton) 1995, 235 p.; about Fromm esp. pp. 112-124 and 225-235.}, language = {en} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {Reminiscences of Supervision with Erich Fromm}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor. Reader in Preparation of an International Conference in Ascona, April 1997, T{\"u}bingen 1996, pp. 31-33. [= AKARET, R. U., 1975]}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor. Reader in Preparation of an International Conference in Ascona, April 1997, T{\"u}bingen 1996, pp. 31-33. [= AKARET, R. U., 1975]}, number = {reprint / Nachdruck}, language = {en} } @article{Akeret, author = {Akeret, Robert U.}, title = {Tales from a Traveling Couch. A Psychotherapist Revisits His Most Memorable Patients}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor. Reader in Preparation of an International Conference in Ascona, April 1997, T{\"u}bingen 1996, pp. 35-46. [= Akaret, R. U., 1995, pp. 112-124 and 225-235]}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm - Psychoanalyst and Supervisor. Reader in Preparation of an International Conference in Ascona, April 1997, T{\"u}bingen 1996, pp. 35-46. [= Akaret, R. U., 1995, pp. 112-124 and 225-235]}, language = {en} } @article{Afary, author = {Afary, Janet}, title = {Portraits of Two Islamist Women: Escape from Freedom or from Tradition?,}, series = {Critique No. 19 (Fall 2001), pp. 47-77.}, journal = {Critique No. 19 (Fall 2001), pp. 47-77.}, language = {en} } @article{AgafonovKhasbulatov, author = {Agafonov, V. and Khasbulatov, R.}, title = {Ideologicheskie interpretatsii nauchno-tekhnicheskoy revolutsii [Ideological Interpretations of the Scientific-Technological Revolution],}, series = {Kommunist, Vol. 54 (No. 13 (1149), Sept. 1978), pp. 102-111.}, journal = {Kommunist, Vol. 54 (No. 13 (1149), Sept. 1978), pp. 102-111.}, abstract = {The successes of socialism are more notable when compared to the profound crisis of international capitalism and its spiritual degradation. The West is currently struggling with problems of implementing high technology, often capable of effecting substantial economic and social transformations. Special attention is given to the concept of technocracy. Many bourgeois social scientists, eg, Leslie White, have pointed toward the absolute role of science and technology in determining the social system. Both optimistic and pessimistic appraisals are offered by contemporary bourgeois scholars, including Ellul, Douglas, FROMM, Mamford, Toffler, Drucker, Wiener, and Bell.}, language = {ru} } @article{Ahren, author = {Ahren, Yizchak}, title = {Konstruktive Kulturkritik. Review Das j{\"u}dische Gesetz. Zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums. Schriften aus dem Nachlaß, Band 2,}, series = {Illustrierte Neue Welt, Wien (April 1990), p. 8.}, journal = {Illustrierte Neue Welt, Wien (April 1990), p. 8.}, language = {de} } @article{Ahren, author = {Ahren, Yizchak}, title = {Konstruktive Kulturkritik. Review Das j{\"u}dische Gesetz. Zur Soziologie des Diaspora-Judentums. Schriften aus dem Nachlaß, Band 2,}, series = {Allgemeine - J{\"u}dische Wochenzeitschrift, D{\"u}sseldorf (12. Juli 1990), pp. 11. [= Ahren, Y, 1990]}, journal = {Allgemeine - J{\"u}dische Wochenzeitschrift, D{\"u}sseldorf (12. Juli 1990), pp. 11. [= Ahren, Y, 1990]}, language = {de} } @article{Ahren, author = {Ahren, Yizchak}, title = {Letter to the Editor of >Tradition<}, series = {Tradition, Vol. 30 (No. 2, Winter 1996), pp. 96-97.}, journal = {Tradition, Vol. 30 (No. 2, Winter 1996), pp. 96-97.}, language = {en} } @article{Ahren, author = {Ahren, Yizchak}, title = {K{\"a}mpfer gegen neue G{\"o}tzen}, series = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Kultur, Frankfurt 16. 03. 2000.}, journal = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Kultur, Frankfurt 16. 03. 2000.}, language = {de} } @article{AlvarezMorales, author = {Alvarez Morales, Guadalupe Roc{\´i}o}, title = {La orientaci{\´o}n productiva: el amor y el pensamiento productivos}, series = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 3 (2010), pp. 50-53.}, journal = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 3 (2010), pp. 50-53.}, abstract = {Este trabajo trata de c{\´o}mo explica Fromm el concepto de amor y pensamiento productivos, a partir de c{\´o}mo se fue desarrollando, se{\~n}alando el tipo de car{\´a}cter que ha desarrollado una persona, tomando como base la orientaci{\´o}n que predomine en ella, ya sea improductiva o productiva. Finalmente se plantea como uno de los tantos objetivos de la cura, es que la persona sea capaz de tener {\´e}ste tipo de amor y de pensamiento.}, language = {es} } @article{AllenBachelder, author = {Allen, David F. and Bachelder, Robert}, title = {Psychiatry and Religion: Judeo-Christian Theism and Fromm's Humanism}, series = {Journal of Religion and Health, New York Vol. 24 (Spring 1985), pp. 49-59.}, journal = {Journal of Religion and Health, New York Vol. 24 (Spring 1985), pp. 49-59.}, abstract = {This paper explores the r{\^o}le that Fromm-Reichmann's parents' adult-onset severe familial deafness may have played in the development of Fromm-Reichmann's career choice and of her charismatic style. She, too, became deaf. Her final paper, >Loneliness< is perhaps her most emotionally evocative work. Perhaps her own increasingly severe experience of loneliness motivated her writing on this theme. Just as she expected self-honesty from her Chestnut Lodge colleagues, this paper demonstrates that she held herself to this same standard. The author urges the deaf community to seek out the newly deaf and to encourage their learning to sign, thus ameliorating the newly deaf individual's loneliness.}, language = {en} } @article{Allen, author = {Allen, Harold J.}, title = {Fromm's Humanism and Rorty's Historicism}, series = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 467-482.}, journal = {Contemporary Psychoanalysis, New York (William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society), Vol. 28 (1992), pp. 467-482.}, language = {en} } @article{Amadei, author = {Amadei, G.}, title = {Da Fromm a Fornari: conflittualit{\`a} storica e metastorica nell< >Antigone< di Sofocle}, series = {P. L. Eletti (Ed.), Incontro con Erich Fromm. Atti del Simposio Internazionale su Erich Fromm: >Dalla necrofilia alla biofilia: linee per una psicoanalisi umanistica< Firenze 1986, Firenze (Edizioni Medicea) 1988, pp. 341-347.}, journal = {P. L. Eletti (Ed.), Incontro con Erich Fromm. Atti del Simposio Internazionale su Erich Fromm: >Dalla necrofilia alla biofilia: linee per una psicoanalisi umanistica< Firenze 1986, Firenze (Edizioni Medicea) 1988, pp. 341-347.}, language = {it} } @article{AlmarzaMenica, author = {Almarza-Menica, J. M.}, title = {El revisionismo marxista de Adam Schaff (I) [The Marxist Revisionism of Adam Schaff (I),}, series = {Estudios Filosoficos, Vol. 27 (No. 75, May-Aug. 1978), pp. 199-247.}, journal = {Estudios Filosoficos, Vol. 27 (No. 75, May-Aug. 1978), pp. 199-247.}, abstract = {A. Schaff's Marxism is placed in the context of the dogmatic institutionalization of Marxism in Stalinist Poland, where he was a professor of philosophy. In efforts to work toward a humanization of socialism under orthodox Marxism, the early works of Marx became relevant for the East Bloc countries and were examined by Schaff. Schaff held that there is no absolute truth, that truth is a process, and that only partial truth can be obtained. Schaff's interpretation of Marx is an anthropological one. He saw the world as >a product of human activity< and the perception of reality as based on social experience. He recognized that Marxism neglected the problematic of the individual and proposed a >speculative humanism,< similar to that of E. FROMM. Schaff's anthropological and existential approach, however, reduces the human being to a mere product of social relationships. An anthropology of the individual based solely on Marx is impossible. The philosophical debate over the individual versus society, socialism versus anarchism, or Marxism versus existentialism can only make progress by returning to the anthropological-ontological roots of G. Lukacs and M. Heidegger. S. Whittle.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {El dilema de la consciencia en la teor{\´i}a de Fromm}, series = {Thesis. Nueva Revista de la filosoofia, M{\´e}xico 3 (No. 8, Enero 1981), pp. 4-8.}, journal = {Thesis. Nueva Revista de la filosoofia, M{\´e}xico 3 (No. 8, Enero 1981), pp. 4-8.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Fromm, lo inconsciente y el problema de la Existencia}, series = {S. Mill{\´a}n and S. Gojman de Mill{\´a}n (Eds.): Erich Fromm y el psicoan{\´a}lisis humanista, M{\´e}xico 1981 (Siglo XXI Editores), pp. 154-169.}, journal = {S. Mill{\´a}n and S. Gojman de Mill{\´a}n (Eds.): Erich Fromm y el psicoan{\´a}lisis humanista, M{\´e}xico 1981 (Siglo XXI Editores), pp. 154-169.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Introduccion al problema del poder}, series = {Memorias, Vol. II, M{\´e}xico 1982, pp. 10-43.}, journal = {Memorias, Vol. II, M{\´e}xico 1982, pp. 10-43.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {>Anna O.<, Breuer y Freud}, series = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis A. C. (Ed.): Anuario 1985, M{\´e}xico 1985, pp. 1-40.}, journal = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis A. C. (Ed.): Anuario 1985, M{\´e}xico 1985, pp. 1-40.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {La Desilusi{\´o}n de un Psicoanalista}, series = {S. Mill{\´a}n (Ed.), Anuario 1987-1988. Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis A. C., Mexico 1988, pp. 1-10.}, journal = {S. Mill{\´a}n (Ed.), Anuario 1987-1988. Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis A. C., Mexico 1988, pp. 1-10.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Sobre los imprevisibles resultados del psicoanalisis. Presentaci{\´o}n del libro: El Hombre Imposible. Siglo XXI Ed. 1987, Mexico.}, series = {S. Mill{\´a}n (Ed.),Anuario 1989. Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis A. C., Mexico 1989, pp. 288-298.}, journal = {S. Mill{\´a}n (Ed.),Anuario 1989. Instituto Mexicano de Psicoanalisis A. C., Mexico 1989, pp. 288-298.}, language = {es} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {The East European Upheavals, German Unification and the Future of Marxism: The Continuing Relevance of the Concepts of State Capitalism and Marxist Humanism}, series = {Humanity and Society, Vol. 16 (No. 2, May 1992), pp. 138-158.}, journal = {Humanity and Society, Vol. 16 (No. 2, May 1992), pp. 138-158.}, abstract = {Marxist humanism and state capitalism continue to be relevant leftist movements despite political shifts in central and Eastern Europe. Popular disillusionment with democratic reforms and an implied movement away from capitalism are exemplified in the formerly communist countries of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, Russia, and the former East Germany. A critical assessment of statist communism reveals structural contradictions in its agenda to break with Stalinist and social democratic orthodoxy, which are both rooted in human emancipation through modernization and objective changes in the productive forces. A truly liberated society is the objective of a radically emancipatory strand of Marxist state capitalist theory and Marxist humanist philosophy, focusing on subjectivity in historical development, Hegelian dialects, and Marxist praxis. Such a theory draws from the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya, Frederick Pollock, Tony Cliff, Erich FROMM, and Karel Kosik. 76 References. J. Sadler.}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {On Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory: A Critical Appreciation of Herbert Marcuse's Reason and Revolution, Fifty Years Later}, series = {Sociological Theory, Vol. 11 (No. 3, November 1993), pp. 243-267.}, journal = {Sociological Theory, Vol. 11 (No. 3, November 1993), pp. 243-267.}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {The Young Erich Fromm's Critique of the Criminal Justice System Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Miami Novemebr 1994 (Typoscript), 5 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {Erich Fromm and the Frankfurt School Critique of Criminal Justice Northern Illinois University, DeKalb 1996, Typoscript 47 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {Erich Fromm and the Franfurt School Critique of Criminal Justice}, series = {K. Anderson and R. Quinnes, Eds.), Erich Fromm and Critical Criminology. Beyond the Punitive Society, with two Essays by Erich Fromm, Urbana and Chicago (University of Illinois Press) 2000, pp. 83-119.}, journal = {K. Anderson and R. Quinnes, Eds.), Erich Fromm and Critical Criminology. Beyond the Punitive Society, with two Essays by Erich Fromm, Urbana and Chicago (University of Illinois Press) 2000, pp. 83-119.}, language = {en} } @article{Anderson, author = {Anderson, Kevin}, title = {A Recently Discovered Article by Erich Fromm on Trotsky and the Russuan Revolution}, series = {Science and Society Vol. 66 (No. 2, Summer 2002), pp. 266-271.}, journal = {Science and Society Vol. 66 (No. 2, Summer 2002), pp. 266-271.}, language = {en} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {El tema de la dependencia y del amor en Freud y Fromm}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatria y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico No. 16 (1970), pp. 70-82.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatria y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico No. 16 (1970), pp. 70-82.}, language = {es} } @article{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {La Vida Despu{\´e}s del Psicoanalisis}, series = {Thesis, M{\´e}xico, Vol. I (No. 2, 1979), pp. 37-40.}, journal = {Thesis, M{\´e}xico, Vol. I (No. 2, 1979), pp. 37-40.}, language = {es} } @article{Ancona, author = {Ancona, Leonardo}, title = {Grandezza e limiti del pensiero di Freud. Tavola rotonda - Interventi di}, series = {P. L. Eletti (Ed.), Incontro con Erich Fromm. Atti del Simposio Internazionale su Erich Fromm: >Dalla necrofilia alla biofilia: linee per una psicoanalisi umanistica< Firenze 1986, Firenze (Edizioni Medicea) 1988, pp. 85-88.}, journal = {P. L. Eletti (Ed.), Incontro con Erich Fromm. Atti del Simposio Internazionale su Erich Fromm: >Dalla necrofilia alla biofilia: linee per una psicoanalisi umanistica< Firenze 1986, Firenze (Edizioni Medicea) 1988, pp. 85-88.}, language = {it} } @article{AnconaPareyson, author = {Ancona, Leonardo and Pareyson, R.}, title = {Contribution to the Study of Aggression: Dynamics of Destructive Obedience (Italian)}, series = {Contributi dell'instituto di Psicologia, 30 (1970), pp. 70-99.}, journal = {Contributi dell'instituto di Psicologia, 30 (1970), pp. 70-99.}, language = {en} } @article{Amery, author = {Amery, Carl}, title = {Letter to Der Spiegel}, series = {Der Spiegel, Hamburg No. 32 (1964), pp. 6.}, journal = {Der Spiegel, Hamburg No. 32 (1964), pp. 6.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1972a, author = {Anonymus-1972a,}, title = {Erich Fromm and Free Access}, series = {The Socialist Standard, London, June 1972, pp. 86f.}, journal = {The Socialist Standard, London, June 1972, pp. 86f.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1981, author = {Anonymus-1981, J. O.}, title = {Goethe-Plakette posthum f{\"u}r Erich Fromm}, series = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt No. 70 (24. 3. 1981), pp. 33.}, journal = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt No. 70 (24. 3. 1981), pp. 33.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980, author = {Anonymus-1980, Msz}, title = {Der fromme Erich oder: Sein muß der Mensch haben}, series = {Marxistische Studenten-Zeitung (MSZ), Nr. 3 (Juni 1980), pp. 65-67.}, journal = {Marxistische Studenten-Zeitung (MSZ), Nr. 3 (Juni 1980), pp. 65-67.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980, author = {Anonymus-1980, Swf.}, title = {Erich Fromms letztes Fernsehinterview}, series = {Schw{\"a}bische Zeitung, Leutkirch (20. 3. 1980).}, journal = {Schw{\"a}bische Zeitung, Leutkirch (20. 3. 1980).}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980, author = {Anonymus-1980, Swf.a}, title = {Wider die falschen Ideologien. Erich Fromms letztes Interview f{\"u}r das Deutsche Fernsehen}, series = {Acher- und B{\"u}hler Bote, B{\"u}hl (20. 3. 1980).}, journal = {Acher- und B{\"u}hler Bote, B{\"u}hl (20. 3. 1980).}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980zu, author = {Anonymus-1980zu,}, title = {Homenaje a Erich Fromm en el Colegio de M{\´e}dicos}, series = {ABC, Madrid 6. 11. 1980.}, journal = {ABC, Madrid 6. 11. 1980.}, language = {es} } @article{Anonymus1980zw, author = {Anonymus-1980zw,}, title = {Ein Leben f{\"u}r die Humanitas. Feier zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Erich Fromm}, series = {S{\"u}dschweiz, Locarno 19. Februar 1980, p. 3.}, journal = {S{\"u}dschweiz, Locarno 19. Februar 1980, p. 3.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980zx, author = {Anonymus-1980zx,}, title = {Sentimenti di stima e riconoscenza al grande psicanalista Erich Fromm}, series = {Giornale del Popolo, Bellinzona Feburary 18, 1980, p. 6.}, journal = {Giornale del Popolo, Bellinzona Feburary 18, 1980, p. 6.}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1980zy, author = {Anonymus-1980zy,}, title = {Duftnoten im Theater oder Kleine Nasologie}, series = {Badener Tagblatt, Baden 19. 04. 1980.}, journal = {Badener Tagblatt, Baden 19. 04. 1980.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980h, author = {Anonymus-1980h,}, title = {Dall'Avere all'Essere}, series = {Ciao 2001, Roma (11. 5. 1980).}, journal = {Ciao 2001, Roma (11. 5. 1980).}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1980, author = {Anonymus-1980, M. C.}, title = {Locarno e l'intero Cantone hanno reso omaggio a Fromm}, series = {Gazzetta Ticinese, Lugano February 18, 1980.}, journal = {Gazzetta Ticinese, Lugano February 18, 1980.}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1980zc, author = {Anonymus-1980zc,}, title = {Macht Liebe - statt Sex! - Der Philosoph Erich Fromm starb}, series = {Hamburger Morgenpost, Hamburg (20. 3. 1980).}, journal = {Hamburger Morgenpost, Hamburg (20. 3. 1980).}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1980zf, author = {Anonymus-1980zf,}, title = {Fromm se Hab{\´i}a Declarado Contra la Ideolog{\´i}a Comunista y la Religi{\´o}n}, series = {Excelsior, M{\´e}xico City (20. 3. 1980).}, journal = {Excelsior, M{\´e}xico City (20. 3. 1980).}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Sobre Neurosis Typoscript 14 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Tiempo, vida y neurosis. Paper read at the Jornadas en homenaje a Erich Fromm at December 1st, 2000, in Madrid. Typoscript 15 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Tiempo, vida y neurosis. M{\´e}xico (DEMAC) 2000, 32 p.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Evoluci{\´o}n, Memoria e Inconsciente. M{\´e}xico (DEMAC) 2002, 36 p.}, language = {es} } @article{Anonymus1986a, author = {Anonymus-1986a,}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago etc. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), 1986, Vol. 5.}, journal = {The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago etc. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), 1986, Vol. 5.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1986b, author = {Anonymus-1986b,}, title = {Un fenomeno inquietante; la deresponsabilizzazione dell'uomo. Konrad Lorenz e Erich Fromm}, series = {Azione, Lugano 01.05. 1986, p. 3.}, journal = {Azione, Lugano 01.05. 1986, p. 3.}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1984, author = {Anonymus-1984,}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {Academic American Encyclopedia, Danbury (Grolier Inc.) 1984.}, journal = {Academic American Encyclopedia, Danbury (Grolier Inc.) 1984.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1984, author = {Anonymus-1984, Hen.}, title = {Fromms prophetische Botschaft. Rainer Funk {\"u}ber die Alternative zu einem neuen Lebensstil}, series = {Kornwestheimer Zeitung, Kornwestheim 12. 5. 1984.}, journal = {Kornwestheimer Zeitung, Kornwestheim 12. 5. 1984.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1981, author = {Anonymus-1981, R. W.}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {The Annual Obituary 1980, ed. by R. Turner, 1st Edition, New York (St. Martin's) 1981, pp. 175-178.}, journal = {The Annual Obituary 1980, ed. by R. Turner, 1st Edition, New York (St. Martin's) 1981, pp. 175-178.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1981, author = {Anonymus-1981, S. M. F.}, title = {Erich Fromm: a un anno dalla morte ricordate la figura e l'opera}, series = {Il Dovere (28. 2. 1981).}, journal = {Il Dovere (28. 2. 1981).}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1989c, author = {Anonymus-1989c,}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Vol. 5, Chicago 1989, pp. 20-21.}, journal = {The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Vol. 5, Chicago 1989, pp. 20-21.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1980w, author = {Anonymus-1980w,}, title = {Democraticamente}, series = {Stampa Sera, Torino (7. 5. 1980).}, journal = {Stampa Sera, Torino (7. 5. 1980).}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1980x, author = {Anonymus-1980x,}, title = {Ieri con pochi intimi l'addio a Fromm}, series = {Eco di Locarno, Locarno (22. 3. 1980).}, journal = {Eco di Locarno, Locarno (22. 3. 1980).}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1992f, author = {Anonymus-1992f,}, title = {Chi {\´e} Erich Fromm}, series = {essere, Napoli, No. 0 (Febbraio 1992), pp. 6.}, journal = {essere, Napoli, No. 0 (Febbraio 1992), pp. 6.}, language = {it} } @article{Anonymus1994, author = {Anonymus-1994, Md.}, title = {Traumata z detst{\´i}. Review of R. Funk, Erich Fromm (Czech),}, series = {P{\´a}tek, Prague Vol. 4 (No. 226: 18. 10. 1994).}, journal = {P{\´a}tek, Prague Vol. 4 (No. 226: 18. 10. 1994).}, language = {mul} } @article{Anonymus1990e, author = {Anonymus-1990e,}, title = {Zum Gedenken an Erich Fromm}, series = {essiner Zeitung, Locarno 18. 03. 1990.}, journal = {essiner Zeitung, Locarno 18. 03. 1990.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1991, author = {Anonymus-1991,}, title = {Erich Fromm und Fridas Beziehungskisten. Kinderfilm-Festival zum Thema >Alltag und Abendteuer<}, series = {Frankfurter Rundschau (11. 9. 1991).}, journal = {Frankfurter Rundschau (11. 9. 1991).}, language = {de} } @article{Anzenberger, author = {Anzenberger, Hans}, title = {Das sozialpsychologische Menschenbild nach Erich Fromm}, series = {H. Anzenberger, Der Mensch im Horizont von Sein und Sinn. Die Anthropologier Paul Tillichs im Dialog mit Humanwissenschaften (Rupert Riedl, Erich Fromm und Viktor E. Frankl), St. Ottilien (Eos Verlag) 1998, pp. 229-267.}, journal = {H. Anzenberger, Der Mensch im Horizont von Sein und Sinn. Die Anthropologier Paul Tillichs im Dialog mit Humanwissenschaften (Rupert Riedl, Erich Fromm und Viktor E. Frankl), St. Ottilien (Eos Verlag) 1998, pp. 229-267.}, language = {de} } @article{Anzenberger, author = {Anzenberger, Hans}, title = {Korrelation theologischer Anthropologie im Ausgang von Paul Tillich mit den humanwissenschaftlichen Menschenbildern}, series = {H. Anzenberger, Der Mensch im Horizont von Sein und Sinn. Die Anthropologier Paul Tillichs im Dialog mit Humanwissenschaften (Rupert Riedl, Erich Fromm und Viktor E. Frankl), St. Ottilien (Eos Verlag) 1998, pp. 299-326.}, journal = {H. Anzenberger, Der Mensch im Horizont von Sein und Sinn. Die Anthropologier Paul Tillichs im Dialog mit Humanwissenschaften (Rupert Riedl, Erich Fromm und Viktor E. Frankl), St. Ottilien (Eos Verlag) 1998, pp. 299-326.}, language = {de} } @article{Appel, author = {Appel, Werner}, title = {Erich Fromms Dialog mit dem Buddhismus}, series = {L. von Werder (Ed.), Der unbekannte Fromm. Biographische Studien (Forschungen zu Erich Fromm, Band 2), Frankfurt (Haag + Herchen) 1987, pp. 71-91.}, journal = {L. von Werder (Ed.), Der unbekannte Fromm. Biographische Studien (Forschungen zu Erich Fromm, Band 2), Frankfurt (Haag + Herchen) 1987, pp. 71-91.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2000, author = {Anonymus-2000, fisnet.}, title = {Visionario - Erich Fromm, a 100 a{\~n}os de su nacimiento}, series = {El Financiero, Oaxaca (Mexico), taken from Internet www.fisnet.com.mx/cargar/vis/ef.htm, 1 p.}, journal = {El Financiero, Oaxaca (Mexico), taken from Internet www.fisnet.com.mx/cargar/vis/ef.htm, 1 p.}, language = {es} } @article{Anonymus2000, author = {Anonymus-2000, msc.}, title = {Tr{\"o}ster, Seher und Bußprediger}, series = {Christ in der Gegenwart, Vol. 52 (No. 15, 2000), p. 119.}, journal = {Christ in der Gegenwart, Vol. 52 (No. 15, 2000), p. 119.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2000a, author = {Anonymus-2000a,}, title = {Kritik am Weg in die innere Leere}, series = {Waiblinger Zeitung 23. 03. 2000.}, journal = {Waiblinger Zeitung 23. 03. 2000.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2000b, author = {Anonymus-2000b,}, title = {100. Geburtstag von Erich Fromm am 23. M{\"a}rz}, series = {Buchh{\"a}ndler heute, M{\"a}rz 2000.}, journal = {Buchh{\"a}ndler heute, M{\"a}rz 2000.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2000c, author = {Anonymus-2000c,}, title = {Der Liebesk{\"u}nstler. Ausstellung zu Erich Fromm}, series = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 3.3.2000.}, journal = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 3.3.2000.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2003, author = {Anonymus-2003, jew.}, title = {Auf die eigene Kraft bauen}, series = {Neue Westf{\"a}hlische, G{\"u}tersloh, Nr. 268, 18. 11. 2003,}, journal = {Neue Westf{\"a}hlische, G{\"u}tersloh, Nr. 268, 18. 11. 2003,}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus1995, author = {Anonymus-1995, JR.}, title = {Das h{\"a}ßliche Lachen der Lakaien. Zum hundertsten Geburtstag von Max Horkheimer: Ein unver{\"o}ffentlichter Briefwechsel mit Erich Fromm}, series = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main 14. 2. 1995 (No. 38), pp. 35.}, journal = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main 14. 2. 1995 (No. 38), pp. 35.}, language = {de} } @article{Anonymus2000, author = {Anonymus-2000,}, title = {Encyclopaedia Britannica, London. Typoscript taken from the Internet, 2 p.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus2000, author = {Anonymus-2000, bv.}, title = {Eine Entwertung des Seins und des Selbst}, series = {Rhein-Zeitung, Koblenz (20. M{\"a}rz 2000).}, journal = {Rhein-Zeitung, Koblenz (20. M{\"a}rz 2000).}, language = {de} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {El Concilio Ecum{\´e}nico y psicoan{\´a}lisis}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 2, 1966), pp. 3-4.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 2, 1966), pp. 3-4.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Humanismo, psicoan{\´a}lisis y medicina humanistas}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Humanismo y pediatria. Las bases psicosociales para la pr{\´a}ctica pedi{\´a}trica, M{\´e}xico (Fondo Editorial Nestl{\´e} de la Academia Mexicana de Peditr{\´i}a) 1968, pp. 15-29.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Humanismo y pediatria. Las bases psicosociales para la pr{\´a}ctica pedi{\´a}trica, M{\´e}xico (Fondo Editorial Nestl{\´e} de la Academia Mexicana de Peditr{\´i}a) 1968, pp. 15-29.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Pr{\´o}logo}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 5-13.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 5-13.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {La Guerra m{\´a}s Larga de la Historia (I)}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 15-32.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 15-32.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {La Guerra m{\´a}s Larga de la Historia (II)}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 33-46.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 33-46.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Una Soluci{\´o}n a la Mexicana (El Machismo)}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 91-112.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), La Guerra de los sexos, M{\´e}xico (Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisis) 1969, pp. 91-112.}, language = {es} }