@article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {Analysis on Fromm's >Total Alienation<[弗洛姆的总体异化论探析]}, series = {Exploration and Free Views [探索与争鸣], No. 3 (1991), pp. 11-14.}, journal = {Exploration and Free Views [探索与争鸣], No. 3 (1991), pp. 11-14.}, abstract = {面对现代西方资本主义社会的深刻危机和非人道化过程的加剧,弗洛姆以异化作为揭露批判它的罪恶和病态的核心范畴。因为异化>触及了现代人最本质的东西<。同时,他接受了另一位法兰克福学派理论家马库塞的现代社会中>人的总体异化<观点,提出了他的总体异化论。本文拟对他的这一理论作一探讨。一在弗洛姆看来,无论是>青年<马克思,还是<老年<马克思,异化范畴在其思想中一直占据>中心地位<。他对马克}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {A Review of Fromm's Overall View of Human Nature [弗洛姆总体人性观述评]}, series = {Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories [毛泽东邓小平理论研究], No. 4 (1990), pp. 79-82.}, journal = {Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories [毛泽东邓小平理论研究], No. 4 (1990), pp. 79-82.}, abstract = {弗洛姆认为,>凡是人都具有人的本性<,而>人的本性<是>人的科学的研究对象<,也是>人的科学<建立起来的前提。为此,他提出了多层次的总体人性理论,试图既从生物学、生理学和心理学诸方面,又从社会方面对人性作出规定,进行所谓的马克思与弗洛伊德的>综合<。}, language = {zh} } @book{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {Fu luo mu sixiang yanjiu 弗洛姆思想研究 [Fromm's Thought], Chongqing: Chongqing chuban she 重庆出版社 [Chongqing Publishing House].}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhangLiuLuo, author = {Zhang, Lei and Liu, Chuanguang and Luo, Wei}, title = {The Ecological Implications of Fromm's Humanistic Ethical Thinking [弗洛姆人道主义伦理思想的生态意蕴]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2010), pp. 39-41.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2010), pp. 39-41.}, abstract = {21世纪以来,环境恶化、能源危机、生态破坏加剧,人类面临着前所未有的生存和发展难题。为此,学界形成了>人类中心主义<和>非人类中心主义<之争,并倾向于对>人类中心主义<作了深刻批判。追根溯源,人类中心主义其实与人道主义有着很深渊源,甚至被指生态危机产生的人性根基就是人道主义,是以人的目的要求的秩序取代了本然的自然秩序。无论>人道主义<还是>自然主义<,它们本身并没有根本的对立,从某种角度说,人道主义自身就蕴藏着很强的生态意蕴。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {Fromm's Humanistic Ethics [弗洛姆的人本主义伦理观探析]}, series = {Modern Philosophy [现代哲学], No. 3 (1989), pp. 61-63.}, journal = {Modern Philosophy [现代哲学], No. 3 (1989), pp. 61-63.}, abstract = {In Contemporary Western philosophers, Fromm is one of the important representatives of the Ethics. He claimed his ethics as >normative humanism<. He wants to create to norms and values of the criteria in order to self-realization of their potential human ethics, human-centered human behavior. Ethics is based on a >scientific<, >Art of Life< applied science.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {>Save the World to Save People< Utopia - Assessment of Fromm's Humanitarian Socialism [>拯世救人<的乌托邦──评弗洛姆的人道主义社会主义]}, series = {Journal of Social Sciences [社会科学] [Former title: Social Sciences Shanghai China (上海社会科学)], No. 6 (1994), pp. 73-76.}, journal = {Journal of Social Sciences [社会科学] [Former title: Social Sciences Shanghai China (上海社会科学)], No. 6 (1994), pp. 73-76.}, abstract = {>Save the world to save people<, Utopia-assessment Fromm humanitarian socialist humanitarian Marxist theorist Erich Fromm examine contemporary society, found in the West and the former Soviet Union, including the entire industrial than the world has been plunged into a serious crisis, this is not an economic crisis, political crisis, but a crisis. This is shown in the last couple of hundred years, Western industrial society has created tremendous material wealth [...].}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Wei}, title = {The Frommian Humanity Alienation Thought Significance [弗洛姆人性异化思想之意义分析]}, series = {Journal of Capital Medical University [首都医科大学学报(社科版), No. 00 (2008), pp. 19-20, 23.}, journal = {Journal of Capital Medical University [首都医科大学学报(社科版), No. 00 (2008), pp. 19-20, 23.}, abstract = {他对现代资本主义社会进行了深刻的研究,批判并揭露了资本主义社会中人性异化等问题弗洛姆是西方马克思主义法兰克福学派一位重要的思想家,他的理论被称为<弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义,讨弗试图从弗洛伊德精神分析和马克思的社会革命理论中寻找拯救人类社会的途径。本文主要探洛姆人性异化思想的理论意义和现实意义,并揭示他这一思想中所存在的矛盾和局限性。}, language = {zh} }