@misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Jinglin}, title = {A Study on Nineteen Eighty-Four in Light of the Theory of Alienation of Affection [情感异化理论观照下的《一九八四》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {With pungent satire and profound thought George Orwell has developed his political allegory novels with a unique style In view of his great contributions to literature and politics, he is known as the cold conscience of a generation. >Nineteen Eighty-Four< is one of the most outstanding works. Once published in1950, it became the focus of a heated discussion among all the sectors of society. Together with Brave New World (1932) by British writer Huxley and by Russian writer Zamyatin (1920), they are known as >Trilogy of Anti-utopian<. Nineteen Eighty-Four is at the peak of Orwell's career and makes him world-renowned. Being a masterpiece of political fiction literature, Nineteen Eighty-Four has been studied by many scholars as well as literary critics at home and abroad from different perspectives, such as political science, linguistics, existentialism, feminism, and so on. In this political allegory, the author consciously displays a vivid future totalitarian world. It is undoubtedly that in the environment, lacking both humanity and freedom, any attempts to resist or pursue humanity is doomed to fail. However, the previous studies only describe the various abnormal behavior of the people in the totalitarian environment without sorting out these abnormal states, underlying the causes of these anomalies, nor applying any possibility or way of humans' self-salvation. As the most important theorist of >New Freudianism< of the school of psychoanalytic psychology and an important member of the Frankfurt School, German psychiatrist Erich Fromm precisely provides a theoretical support for the unachieved study with the theory of >alienation of affection< of humanistic psychoanalysis. This paper tries to study the alienation of humanity in Nineteen Eighty-Four with the theory of alienation of affection. By probing the reasons of alienation of affection, the thesis also tries to find a possible and proper way out for the alienation of affection. The article consists of five parts, Introduction, three main body chapters, and Conclusion. Introduction mainly introduces Orwell's literary achievements and Nineteen Eighty-Four as well as the studies and comments at home and abroad concerned, and then points out: the significance of the paper is to analyze various morbid behavior displayed by the members in the authoritarian society of Oceania, reveal the root causes of the alienated phenomenon, and focus on exploring ways to escape from such a tragedy from the perspective of the theory of alienation of affection.- Chapter One is the theoretical basis, in which a detailed elaboration of Fromm's theory of alienation of affection is presented. Fromm devotes his whole life to the combination of Marxist social analysis and Freudian psychological analysis, and creates his own theory of >Humanistic Psychoanalysis<. It is on this foundation that his theory of alienation of affection is developed. This theory indicates that humanity is inseparable from the state of society. An unhealthy society causes people to be incapable of carrying out >love and creative work<, losing the ability to establish a positive contact with the world, resulting in a personal psychological mechanism of >escaping from freedom<, and in the end, giving rise to the alienation of affection. Alienation of affection is also the source of every kind of evil, such as violence and war.- Chapter Two analyzes the embodiment of alienation of affection in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Fromm argues that alienation of affection takes on three forms. >Love of Death< is an emotion for death and destruction, >Malignant Narcissism< means an excessive self-enhancement of ignoring the objective, while >Incestuous Symbiosis< represents an extreme form of Oedipus complex with a desire for losing self completely. Section One enumerates on how the >Love of Death< is displayed in the actions of the members of every stratum of the society; Section Two portrays the frantic state of >Malignant Narcissism< of the Party in Oceania; Section Three reveals a relationship of >Incestuous Symbiosis< existing between the Party and the rebels. The combination of the three will produce >Syndrome of Decay<, which is the root of all the evils in Oceania.- Chapter Three investigates the causes of alienation of affection in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Fromm believes that if emotion lies in the extrusion of >Dichotomy of Survival< on one hand, and limited by >social filter< on the other hand, man can hardly become his own, and alienation is the inevitable outcome. In Oceania, with an extreme repression, the Party uses three means of filtering, >Newspeak<, >Doublethink<, and >Thought crime<, according to their totalitarian will. These act as a social filter to restrict the social consciousness. Therefore, people are not able to possess a normal sense and will surely lose the capacity of escaping from alienation of affection.- Based on the above analysis and discussion, the thesis draws a conclusion. Human's survival and development are not isolated, but rather closely related to their social environment. The cultural, economic, political and other developments of the whole society have a decisive impact on shaping individuals' affection. A healthy society can provide a prerequisite for people to pursue >love and creative work<, creating possibilities for individuals to escape from loneliness and alienation of affection; this is the crucial factor in inhibiting the criminal activities in reality and avoiding the tragedy of humanity. Last but not the least, in fact, the analysis of the people's behavior and mental state in a morbid society of Nineteen Eighty-Four and the exploration of its inherent development and pursuit also have some practical significance to the present society.}, language = {zh} }