@misc{Han, author = {Han, Yanqiu}, title = {Being Questioned - On the Southern School of Zen Thinking and the Early Development of Its Modern Psychological Sense, Master thesis [论南宗禅思想的初期发展及其现代心理学意义], Special History, Northwestern University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2006.}, abstract = {The southern Zen which originated with Interpretation on had distributed in the middle of AD eight century. Among these factions there are two important. Factions that influenced people deeply the Hongzhou of Nan Yue Huai Rang - Ma Zu Dao Yi, and the Shitou of Qing Yuan Xing Si - Shi Tou Xi Qian. They respectively represented two different thought in development of the southern Zen. I try to study these two kinds of thought with comparative method in the first part of this paper.- The former emphasized the solution to the conflict between human and the real society, but the latter paid more attention to the relation between human and the world. During their development, they had absorbed something useful from each other, and made great progress. Just because of these, they laid the foundation of the distribution of the Zen afterward. Furthermore, I attempt to discuss the development of the unique style of the Zen's language. In the second part of this paper, to study the modern meaning of the Zen, I compared the theory of new depth psychology which has deeply effect on the history of western psychology with the Zen. With the method of depth psychology, I carefully thought about the revelation of the Zen.- The second part consists of three sections: the feasibility demonstration for the comparative study of the new depth psychology and the Zen, the theoretical basis of the comparative study for the two thought; the influence on the main representative of the new depth psychology from the thought of the Zen; the ethical direction of the two thought. It aims to display all the possible positive meanings for the modern west and the whole society from the Chinese ancient Zen.}, language = {zh} }